x x winiiisE 12 y w 2tr IS - a jv X JOHN TOPP PIRATE By Wcathcrby Ohosnoy and Alick Monro comunrrr WOO mr vmATititnnT ciiranmT aito aucx itomv uxuununcuca iir iu a oouutjuu 0jcmwmmm -V t K a x X X lArtCAAxxA oiiArTun xxxi Throe montliH luul clniwril hIiicc ho Scouiro nnlhl from Cnvo Island when tlio Hrlstol Morchnnt drew In between the hnrhor bends Directly tdie roundod the unit n Rlnnee told those who knew tlio spot thnt HoniotliliiR was wrong All the works rnlsed by KiikIIhIi bunds hud been ruthlessly destroyed Weeds were growing nmoiiK a few eharred stumps on the shore and on the platform nbovu there was rank tropleal Jungle In place of our snug trim built dwell ings beneath he palm grove A falconet shot roused speech from the cliffs but brought no reply from human voice The echoes died nway tho Bcreamlni sen fowl settled down gain and silence once more brooded over tho Island Wo began to feel unensy forebodings of 111 The old man could scarcely bo denf to such n summons were bo auy whero In the neighborhood True lie might have wandered to the other sldo of tho Island But we dnred not think It Ills lameness made him loath to walk unnecessarily and for food ho would not require to go far afield Tho vessel In which wo returned Supported by a niche in tixc rock sat a skeleton fwns It Is true a different In every point from the Scourge as she well could be but our spars and rigging were gay with English cnslgnH and the voices which hailed tho shore with out answer were English every one Had the old man been at hand he would not have failed to recognize them With sinking hearts we ran down sail and anchored and then putting ashore looked about us In a sad dis may Wanton destruction was every where Not n stick or a stone of any of our works had been left untouched The Philistines had come down upon the stronghold while Its guards were nway mid what Philistines could there be In these seas save Spaniards We npproaehed the cave Small hope that the rich harvest stored In that garner would be overlooked by such greedy foragers as the fellow country men of those who had originally renp cd It Indeed the splintered woodwork of the doors and partitions showed plainly enough where tho ravlshers bad been at work Collecting bundles of resinous fagots for torches we passed through the shattered portal nnd hurried across tlio great main hall lit by tho sunlight through Its crannied roof nway over tho dry flooring of silvery sand which bad once formed bed and table for our troop of slaves running eagerly along till we reached the narrow arch which gave entrance to tho gloomy windings of tho abyss beyond Stopping for a moment to light the torches wo advanced again splashing throifgh the chilly stream Which Issued from wo knew not what darksome re cess of tlio great labyrinth nnd now eddied nnd gurgled round our knees sheltering the smoky torch flumes from tho trlcklets thnt would have dropped kisses on them from tho roof scram bling through clammy mud bnths and struggling over wet shiny bowlders Onward we pressed Into the very bow els of tho Island skirting black bot tomless pools nnd shivering quick sands II ut everywhere we snw the trncks of the countless feet that had been before us Ever and ngaln they wandered off into some unknown depth of tho maze but as invariably returned to the track which we now followed tho track which led to the treasure chamber Miles and miles must the Spanish plunderers have traversed among theso unknown windings and dogged Indeed the perseverance which carried them through to the end But at last the clustered footprints reached a narrow aisle that had no turning and wo knew then that the robbers bad reached their goal At this point Alec the boatswain aud all the Scourges crew except Job Tre ballon turned back They were satis fled that further advance was useless and wished to spare themselves the tnortlllcatlon of seeing the empty vault whero once their wealth had been bank ed Perhaps It was mere Idle curiosity which led me on and perhaps it was a wlBb to show the newcomers what a store there had been waiting for us and them Anyhow I followed Job Tre hajlon Into tho darkness The path ran by the Bide of a deep water tilled gully It terminated In a smnll domed chamber tho only en trance Into which wns through a nar row arch which the stream mono than hnlf closed And hero hnd been our th nnury In this water guarded vault wo had deposited the pouches of pearls and tho chests of coin won nt the cost of bo much good English blood Now not n lenthorn bug nor a wooden case remnlued The Spaniards hnd ruth lessly tnken our nil But there wns In the phice whero our store hud lain a sight which made my muscles quake with chilling horror Supported by a niche In the rock sat u skeleton pointing Its bony lingers nt tny bronst nnd grinning nt me with hnlf toothed lleshless Jaws I hnd almost trodden on Its out stretched shanks when the fitful light of tho torches falling on the whitened bones revealed Its ghaBtly presence Mine was not the nervous Bturt of a coward Heaven knows I had seen too many dead men In the llesh nnd In the bone too for thnt mutter to quail nt the sight of a mere piece of cold hu manity ITud the skeleton been naked I might have tnken It for that of a Spaniard nnd have given It no more than a cnreless glnuco In passing But there was that about It which told mo whoso body It hud onco supported Around the bony luttlce of Its ribs hung n molderlng leather Jerkin once gaudy with slashings nnd Incc but now mildewed over with n soft grny fur It was the old mans I hnd seen him change it from u dead Spaniards back to bis own and knew thnt he bad worn It ever since And If other evi dence wns wanted It was there In the broken and distorted bones of leg and wrist It needs no wizard to read the writings of the Spaniards clemency Job Trehuiloii shared my knowledge nnd for nwhllo gazed with me In silent horror Tho others clustered curiously round wondering why a mere bug of twisted bones should so affect us At Iftugth Job found his voice iluster Topp be whispered hoarse Iydyou note the old mnns outstretch ed bund Hes built u wull o mud nn pebbles for It to lie on Yes said I It seems a curious freak but ho was always strange and eccentric in his doings The old man never did might with out an object Master Topp Ills brain might take after his legs in being a bit crooked but It were a clever bruin for nil thnt specially when there wns Spaniards to be gammoned Lots sco where the linger points Blow up your torches bids Ah see there Tolled ee so Master Topp I knowed tliered be something And Job broke out Into a grout chuc kle which well nigh ended In n sob See ho went on theres writing on the wall scrntted In with n knob o stone Kend it Master Topp I haint scholard enough to tell what It says Snake his trail Is what Is written Job It hns neither rhyme nor rea son No It hnnt rhyme thats true though none could turu u rhyme nn set It to a cheerful lilt like the old man when he put his mind to It But I war rant theres reason though mebbo tho nuts a hard tin to crack Like a date stone Job I nnswered dejectedly hard to break nnd no ker nel when youve broken It Well Master Topp It wont do no harm to tell Cnptalu Ireland what wpi the Inst words as the old man wrote An now And now I Interrupted we must carry his poor bones buck to daylight and give them u decent burial So nun back some of you nnd cut saplings for a litter No need for a Utter said Job Ive carried the old mnn living whiles hed laugh nu say I wns his moke nn I dont think us hed ask other arms than Job Trohnllous to carry him dead And without another word he rever ently and tenderly gnthered up tho shriveled corpse and bore It In his arms to the shore We performed the last obsequies and put up a great slab of stone over the grave on which Aloe carved with a sword point Senex hlc Jacet And for two whole days Job Trehalion sat by the grave or wander ed In the woods alone nnd during the whole time we remained on the Island no man heard his laugh or saw his grin It was a strange friendship which these two crazy ones had for ono another After the burying was dono thero was a great discussion about the mean lug of the words which the old man had written Some thought they were mere wanderings of a diseased mind while others maintained that they had a meaning but that it was scarcely worth while to attempt to dive very deeply after It Every one had some thing to say Alec alone remained si lent and rallied his lingers thoughtful ly through his shock of tangled red hair I did not question him but weut to sleep trusting that his wits would work out some solution When the sun had scarcely risen and the night mists were still waving lazily over the harbor a hand was laid on my shoulder mid I awoke to find my sworn shipmate standing over me lie bade mo slip on my clothes and come down to the shore with him THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY JUNE 21 1901 Jack he said when we hnd rench rd a path lending to the plateau above whats a serpents trail The mark of Its nnsty Bllme on tho ground which shows whero It has passed I nnswered promptly or innyhnp Its his Insldes If you will have It so I added not seeing In tho least what ho was steering for Good Jnckl Youll niiiko a lawyer yet And now where shall we find our Borpont In the woods If thero nro any though I belloVQ tho Islands frco of them What do you Bay to a stono ser pent Whnt ono of thono nt tho templo corners Yes Tho very ono perhnps Uint you and Willie Trehalion turned Into a bogy house to frighten Spaniards So stir your stumps Jnck and perhaps woll bring back Bomo good news as snuco for breakfast So away wo walked together to the great temple on the black heights of the farther capo of tho Island Wo reached the platform stepped through the old opening nnd mounted the Btnlr In the Horpents body Scrawl ed on one of the walls wo found a great W whoso meaning I was at a loss to guess Alec however ns soon as ho saw It went down again nnd made for tho western corner of the temple Here nfter a lengthy senrch nnd careful sounding of tho walls and floor we dis covered a ooso Blab of stono and wrenching it up descended to a cham ber in the snakos gullet Sure enough there was more writing nnd this tlmo the meaning wns quite plain Look In the bolo of tho tree wherein the benr sheltered which gored Jnn Peugony his thigh Now fortuiateiy I had witnessed tho Incldont referred to nnd wo rushed to wnrd It with beating hearts The hollow was choked with sticks aud leaves and such like rubbish but this we clawed nwny with cnger hands nnd came nt Inst upon a case bottle bound In wicker Peering down the neck Alec said ho snw a parchment nnd breaking the glass without more ado found that the letter was address ed to hlmsef It was written on the buck of an eld ships manifest nnd this Is how It run Dr IjiJ The Duy after thy Scourge fulled mall coasting lirltf lime to off the Mouth of and wd hac come In had I not hailed hr with Threata UTicrrupon she turned Tall Judg ed her Master ud tell his Mates and bring tm In Force Uothought me how to dispose ot Treasuro Schemed a Plan and executed it T6 repeat sarao tallow ravine at Foot ot Temple 1I1U and find a poised Hock across TorTent Three ply Illock and Tackle shifts It Cayo beyond then dry forming Treasure Chamber Chests and Touches lie In It Am about to die but will none thee cen in dy ing Being In such cil Case and being known by none not even by such old Shipmates as Tre halion Senr and Pengony lld not through very Shamo own Kinship before but now subscribe my self Thine alltc Father HenuCeland Post Bcrlptum Will hand thee my Share ot Treasure Take as Co legacy my Ilai el Span lard To ba concludod uoxt Friday CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Record of the Days Trading and Clos ing Quotations Chicago Jutiu JO ltuuiors of a scarcity of wheat u brutal higher cables and good crop piospetta were tho iniilu features in the wheal situation today but tho strength impaiteil by cable was mure than counter balanced by the reports ot the excellent condition of the gi owing crop and Sep tember delivery closed c lower September coin cIommI unchanged September oats Vi lVi higher while provisions were un changed to WiC better Closing prices Wheat July lilile Sept US So Cora July io Sept Oats July JbKe Sept IMttl ulsO 1oiU July JllsO Sept 1300 lllbs July Jfs10 Sept b70 Sept SS75 Casdi uuotatlons No i red wheat 705t7tc No 3 led wheat Igi70c No 3 spring wheat loff70c No - haid wheat G9j70c No 3 hard wheat ikSMio No 2 cash whltfl nnd yellow corn 43Vc No 3 uew and uew yellow corn 4WU t Tsc No a cash oats iSlSKic No 3 cash oats 2Se Chicago Live Stock Chicago June 8500 Including 410 Texuns good to choice atqura utiong others slow butchers slock steady Tcxuus Utm good to inline steers 3503 030 poor to medium lrOS540 stockera and feedeis 2lWiflK cows J75lbU helfeis caaners jJOOU 70i bulls JliOii4tlO calves Jf4COS00O Texas fed steeis lJ3ti340 Texas grussors 350 Gl4lt To vis bulls 275JfJ75 IJogs Re ceipts today iljWJ tomorrow 22000 esti mated left over 5000 easier top t17Wi mixed uud buteuots JoblKjIOljyi good to choice heavy 31133017 rough heavy J3S0ii5lK light 375tiiJ 0 tfi bulk of sales J30 liii007Vj Sheep Ueeelpts 10000 lambs up to 500 good to choice wethers 3103423 fair to choice mixed 30042400 western sheep UWti425 yearlings 420 450 native lambs 400525- western lambs 3004i32r Qouth Omaha Live Stock Booth Omaha June 20 Cattle Receipt 1200 steady to stronger native beef steers l50ii383 western steers 400Q41K Tex us steers 35011430 cows aud heifers 34Wi170 cauuers 200QV3 stockera uud feeders fVJSISO calves 3003050 bulls stags etc 300450 Hogs Re ceipts 7500 shude to 5o lower heavy 51235 07 mixed 503502 light 583300 pigs 500 3380 bulk ot sales 3S73502 Hheep Rocelpts 2000 steady fed muttons 3803410 grass wetheis 340375 oweSi jooiGO com men aud stock sheep 30033 03 lambs 1003510 spring lumbs 4233533 Mr W S Whodon cashier of tho First National bank of Winterset Iowa in a recent letter gives some experience with a carpenter in his employ that will be of value to other mechanics He says I had a carpenter working tor me wno was obliged to stop work for several days on account of being troubled with diarrhoea I meutioned to him that I had been similarly troubled aud that Chamberlains Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me He bought a bottle of it from the drug gist here and iuformed me that one dose cured him and ho is again at his work For sale by Kiesau Drug Co Cycling has its ups and downs After the downs use Banner Salve if youre cut or bruised It heals the hurt quickly Take no substitutes A II Kiesau Good Advice The most miserable beins iu the world are those suffering from Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint More than flovontyflvo per cont of tho people iu tho United States are nfllictod with theso two disotwos ami their effects suoh m Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Oostlvmois PiiVpltntlon of the Hoart Hoortburn Wntorbnwh Gnawing aud Humlug Pains at the Pit of tho Stomach Yellow Skin Ooatod Tongtto aud Disa greeable Tasto In tho Mouth Coming up of Food after Kutlug Low Spirits oto Go to your Druggist ami get a bottle of August Flowor for 75 cents Two doses will roliove you Try it Got Greens Prize Alinauao Kiesau Drug Co William Woodard of Decatur la writos I wns troubled with kidney disease for sovoral years and four ono dollar size bottles of Foleys Kidney Cure cured me A H Klosau Illfisof Proplo lluvo Ille Hoctol lias cured piles of people of tho piles to stay curod A pile pipe freo with each package Wo soil it oil a positive guarautoo No cure no pay 00 cents Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Solo Agouts A Tflrrlbln Kxptotun Of a gasoline stove burned a lady hero frightfully writes N 15 Palmer of Klrkman In Tho best doctors couldnt heal tho running sore that fol lowed bat Buokleus Arnica Salvo en tirely cured her Infallible for cuts corus sores bolls bruNos skin diseases aud piles afio at A II Kiesaus You may as well expect to run n steam eugiuo without water as to find an active energetio man with a torpid liver and you may know that his liver is torpid whou he does not relish his food or feels dull aud languid after eating often has headache aud Bouiotiines diz ziness A few doses of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets will restoro his liver to it normal functions renow his vitality improve his digestion and make him feel like a new uiau Price 25 cents Samples freo at Kiesaus drug store Headaches dizzy spells bad blood rheumatism indigestion coustipatiou absolutely cured if you tike Rocky Mountain Tea mado by Madison Medi cine Co y5o Goo B Ohristoph A Sprained Ankle Quickly Cured At ono time I suffered from a severe Hprain of the ankle says Geo E Gary editor of tho Guide Washington Va After using several well recommended medicines without success I tried Chamberlains Pain Balm and am pleased to say that relief came as soon as I began its use aud n complete cure speedilv followed Sold by Kiesau Drug Co Insomnia 5 is caused by a derangement of the nerves Lichtys Celery Nerve Com pound is an extract of celery combiued with other eflicacious medical ingredi ents resulting iu a medicine of rare virtue and wonderful in its prompt aud soothing curative effects It will make you sleep Sold by Geo B Christoph Old Soldiers Experience M M Austin a civil war veteran of Winchester Ind writes My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctors treatment but was wholly cured by Dr Kings New Life Pills which worked wonders for hor health They always do Try them Only 25c at A H Kiesaus drug store Krnuses Cold Cure for colds in the head chest throat or any portion of the body breaks up a cold in 24 hours without interruption to work will prevent colds it token when first symptoms appear Price 2oc Soldby Geo B Christoph Seveu Years in lied Will wonders ever cease iuquiro tho friends of Mrs L Pease of Law rence Kan They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney aud liver trouble nervous prostration aud general debil ity but Three bottles of Electric Bit ters enabled me to walk she writes and in three mouths I felt like a new person Women suffering from head ache backache nervousuess sleepless uess melauoholy fainting and dizzy spells will nuit it a priceless blessing Try it Satisfaction is guarrauteed A H Kiesau Only 50c Edward Huss a well known business man of Salisbury Mo writes I wish to say for the benefit of others that I was a sufferer from lumbago and kidney trouble and all the remedies I took gave me no relief I was induced to try Foleys Kidney Cure and after the use of three bottles I am cured A H Kiesau A O Blauchard West Baugor N Y says I have been troubled with kid uey disease for the lost five years Have doctored with several physicians aud I got no relief uutil I used two bottles of I Foleys Kidney Care A H Kiesau Great tonic braces body and brain drives away all impurities from your system Makes you well Keeps you well Rocky Mountain Tea 35c Geo B Ohristoph Quick Itellef for Asthma Miss Miud Dickeus Parsons Kans writes I suffered eight years with asthma iu its worst form I had sev eral attacks during the last year and was not expected to live through them I began using Foleys Honey and Tor and it has never failed to give immedi ate relief A H Kiesau Its Free If It Falls to Cure Rectol the great pile cure A pile pipe free with each package We sell it under a positive wrttten guarantee No cure no pay 50 cents Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Agents Head Feels Like llurstlug Maybe you were out lato last night If you had taken a Krauses Headache Capsule before retiring your head would bo cool and clear this morning Take one now and you will be all right in an half hour Price 25c Sold by Geo B Ohristoph Save Two From Death Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping congh and bronchitis writes Mrs W K Havi land of Armonk N Y but wheu all other remedies failed we saved her life with Dr Kings New Discovery Onr niece who had consumption in an ad vanced stage also nsed this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly Jnu mfatmimr2M The Skin eases yield to Dr Kings New Discovery as to no other mediums on earni in fallible for coughs aud colds 50o and 1 OOJb itMes guarautoed by A H Kie sau Trial bottles free A Pocket Cold Cure Krauses Cold Cure is prepared in capsule form aud will cure cold in the head throat ohest or auy portion of the body in 24 hours Yon dont have to stop work either Price 25c Sold by Geo B Christoph Ira D Reokard Duucombe la writes My little boy scalded his leg from the knee to the ankle I used Banner Salve immediately and in threo weeks time it was entirely healed 1 want to recomnieud it to every family and advise them to keep Banner Salve on hand as it is a sure remedy for scalds or auy sores A H Kiesau A Oooil Cough Medicine It speaks well for Chamberlains Cough Remedy when druggists use it in their own families iu preference to any other 1 have sold Chamberlains Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete satisfaction to myself and customers says Druggist J Gold smith Van Etteu N Y I have al ways used it iu my own family both for ordinary coughs and colds and for the cough following la grippe and find it very efficacious For sale by Kiesau Drug Co A Good Thing Germau Syrup is the special prescrip tion of Dr A Boschee a oelebrated Ger man Physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discov eries in Medicines It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest nature removing as it does the cause 6f the affection aud leaving the parts in a strong and healthy con dition It is not an experimental medi cine but has stood the test of years giving satisfaction iu every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold an nually Bosohees German Syrup was introduced iu the United States in 18G3 and is now sold iu every town and vil lage in the civilized world Three doses will relieve auy ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug Co Iteclol in ii Keniedy With n Record Its record is 08 per cent of permanent cures If you have the piles try it Its free if it fails to cure you Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Ageuts Call at Kiesaus drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They are an elegaut physio They also improve the appe tite strengthen the digestion and regu late the liver aud bowels They are easy to take and pleasant in effect The lack of energy you feel the back ache aud a run down condition gener ally all mean kidney disorder Foleys Kidney Cure will restore your strength and vigor by making the kidneys well Take no substitute A H Kiesau The greatest skiu specialist iu Amer ica originated the formula for Banner Salve For all skin diseases all cuts or sores and for piles its the most healing medicine Beware of substitutes A H Kiesau A beacon light to the sick and afflicted A life eucourager Take counsel with yourself today aud use Rocky Mouutain Tea tomorrow Peace aud comfort fol low its use Geo B Ohristoph You Take So Chance When You Huy Iteclol for the piles We will refund the full purchase price if it fails to oure A pile pipe free with each package Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Agents Allen Halversou of West Prairie Wis says People oome ton miles to buy Foleys Kiduey Cure while J A Spero of Helmer Ind says It is the medioal wonder of the age A H Kiesau KIDNEY DISEASES mmmaBaacm are the mott fatal of all dis eases FOLEYS BKi or money refunded Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles PRICE 50c iniJJOO AN INDEX TO THE BLOOD Millions of little glandq or tubes connect the blood with the skin and through these small drain pipes perspiration passes out carrying with it the impurities that are thrown off by the blood Should the pores of the skin be entirely closed for even a brief space of time and the poisonous matter forced back into the circula tion instant death would result In addition to the sweat glands the skin la provided with certain others which pour out upon it an oily substance keeping the skin pliable and soft and protecting it from heat and cold The blood and skin arc so closely related that whatever affects one seriously interferes with the func tions of the other Not only health but life itself depends upon perfect harmony between the blood nnd skin When therefore the blood becomes poisoned from nny cause it quickly fn flf Mm MitO manifests itself upon the skin in the form of sores and ulcers pimples and various EXtMMi rOI90lt9 eruptive diseases By the character of the sore we are enabled to determine the nature of the poison or humor in the blood as every disease originating in the blood has its own peculiar sore or pimple The skin is not only affected by the poisons generated in the system but poisons from without enter through the open glands or pores nnd quickly infect the blood Mercury rubbed upon the skin will produce Rheumatism and Poison Oak and Ivy and other wild plants gain easy access to the blood through the skin As so called skin diseases originate in tne blood the application PtfrO BtOOtt of powders soaps and washes can do no permanent good but often do immense damage by Soft Hatthy Skin closing up the outlet to these little tubes nnd interfering with the natural action of the skin The treatment must begin with the blood and the acid or other pois ons nntidoted or neutralized S S S docs this and purifies the circulation builds up the blood and flushes the little glands or pores with pure new blood and restores healthy action to the skin The use of cosmetics never yet brought health and beauty to n rough red pimply skin or sallow complexion What is needed is rich pure blood such as S S S makes It not only relieves you of all disfigur ing blackheads blotches nnd irritating itching eruptions but improves your general health S S S contains no mercuty potash arsenic or other mineral but is a purely vegetable remedy and the safest and best in all blood and skin troubles Write our physicians for advice or information they have made a study of blood and skin diseases and you can have the best medical advice without cost Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA fiA well Desperate throat and lung dis Sit tip In bed When it becomes necessary to sit up in bed to get your breath when the least exertion such as walking sweeping singing talking or going up and down stairs causes shortness of breath fluttering or palpitation then it is time to do something to brace up and strengthen your failing heart Take Dr Miles Heart Cure It is best of all I had palpitation of heart my left side became enlarged and I could not sleep at night Had to sit up in bed and often walk the floor to get my breath All of these troubles were cured by Dr Miles Heart Cure Mhs E V Tubbs Mt Carroll Ilia D Miles Heart Cute stimulates the digestion in creases the circulation and makes weak hearts strong Sold by druggists on guarantee Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind HEADACHE I M mmm I lf mMMM ABt UNEXCCUXO rOKTHC 4IMOVAL ucfH DC LONG STANDING y arin N m rtMALriRRFQiisamrc I 0 V j IS WXil fi IV V THE V VMSflP OXUUT vflfjp1 sxt raoia iFfiflfLg At All drug itorcsw 25 Dotes 25c RED CROSS I JJt 1 JLm SI v vHia - CMKivra w 1 VLVfcB A ItCD CROSS PILLS Ant PURUP VUlTUtt iLUw Alio OflA Mltn CFFCCT rXCYMAVC TMt I 55o UNOiMunEO I P CNDOHSCMcm or turn v DkiVQifpuM TaOWU0 lUAHWITH THE iSGm oc cinchona ca For Sale by George B Ohristoph fbotogrtpfc4 Bwun REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man 1 of Me prodaees the above result In 30 days It sett powerfully ud quickly Cure wben all others UIL young men will regUa their lot maobobdandolil men will recover tnelr youthful vigor by tuioa BETIVO It Quickly and aurely restore Nervous new Loet Vitality Impoteacy Nightly ImUBlosa Loot Power Filling Memory Waiting DUeueaand all effects ot Belt abase or ezceeaand Indiscretion which unfits ons tor study business or marriage It not only cures by starting at the seat ot disease but las great nerve tonio and blood builder bring ing back the pink g low to pale cheeks and re storing the fire of youth It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO no other It can bo carried In vest pocket Sy mall 100 per package or six tor 800 with a posl Jive written guarantee to ear or reran the money Book ana advise freo Address BOYAl MEDICINE CO gs c For sale in Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Ohristoph druggist Dont Be Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keep you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Nsver sold In bulk AcceDt no suhtl eonrsRATiaista tute Ask your druggist 1 i 1- U