v i 10 iiiilli More Rnln Gets In Its Work in Great Style KNEE DEEP ON MAIN STREET TTntM Itimtie Down From 1IIIU North went of Clty SlilewMkn lorn llp lftwti Itulneit Ollnrn Tiimilml TrnltM le Ujrtl on nil Linen From WMnUy Unllr Tho west end Is nlloat Tho worst flood Hint has visited that portion ot tho city for ninny years eallod at an early hour thlfl morning It was n dlngor As a result that nootion is guttod side walks nro wnshod out lawns nro ruined and collars aro brim full of thick muddy wntor Somo of tho rosldonts aro swear ing and thoso who novor swear think so too At about I oolook tho rnln which wb out of tho olty yesterday registered in ntul wont on duty For four hours it porformod utoadlly lllod tho govern tuont gango to noarly tho two inch mark nnd doparted Tho ground was already so thor oughly saturated that todays moisture wouldnt sonic But it found n way out Tho hills which cxtond far to tho north wost foil into their old habits and tipped Tho llttlo valloy as usual drained well aud dumped its dirty dampnoss illled with rubbish aud mud into a largo slough called Norfolk nvo nno or Main streot This wntorway did good torvtco from Hillside Terrace to tho railroad tracks converting itself in to a kneo doop rlvor flowing swiftly Tho moHt artlstio results woro obtaluod however down In tho hollow up on tho hill botweou Thirteenth aud Fourteenth streets This part of tho ditch in whioh Rome housos have boon built bo camo a broad chanuol down which rushod barrels upon barrels of wator carrying cornstalks fence posts and refuso in its strong curront An hour or two after tho sun didnt riso tho wnter crept up to tho odgo of the side walks then broke in upon the protty green lawns Slowly tho houses were surrounded Brick by brick tho foun dations snuk Tho second steps on poielnawont out of sight Thou tho force of tho wator became effective Sidewalks teetered unsteadily oreakod and swung iuto tho stream They 1 llonted ulong until they woro slapped up against tho trees fencos aud toluphono polos in their path Oollnr wiudows woro up against tho roal thing Mauy of them failed to withstand tho pressuro aud caved in Jots shot into tho cavities aud bofore long tho wnter had swallowed furnaces nnd coal bins nud was sploshing gently ngniust tho kitchen doors Tho bridge over tho Thirteenth street culvert wns torn out aud the street mado impnssnble For nn hour the wnter raged in this m tuner Then it fell ns suddenly as it had como The lawns covered with thick coats of Rticky mud rose to view Lattico work in porches wns clogged with brush and straw Gardens woro buried ulivo and flowers which only yestorday held their protty heads erect in tho sunlight sank down with droop ing hearts Tho wator was drained from Seventh street aud is now pouring iuto the North Fork north of tho M O tracks Work has already begun to repair the damage aud will probably require sov oral days Trains aro delayed on all Hues On tho F E M V road No 5 was live hours behind and No 1 due at noou did uotarrivo uutil 210 The M 0 track near Hope siding was washed out for a few feet and delayed trains several hour9 Very high wator is re ported nt Hadar aud a raiu at Pierce this morning WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Everett Pettitt of Wnruervillo wns a city visitor today Alfred Miller of Uraud island was a Norfolk guest today Dr and Mrs Teal leavo this oveuing for a f ow days outing at Loug Piuo Crops have apparently passed tho dangers of frost and drouths but the flood situation is threatening A handsome daughter was welcomod to the homo of Mr aud Mrs A G Wit xner on South Seventh street Monday The trimmiug of trees aud cuttiug of weeds is becoming quite popular but there are still many places in aud about town that could be benefited by such work The people of Laurel enjoyed a streot fair Saturday the 8th with races as tho main features A large crowd attended and a good time is reported O E Smith of Columbus has returned from Central America where he has served for 21 months as assistant gov ernment engineer iu surveying a route for the Nlcaraguan caual The ladies of the Womans Relief corps tendered a farewell receptiou to Mrs John Quick yesterday at the home of Mrs Miller Choice refreshments were served and a uice time was had by those attending A special patrolman will be stationed on the dike at the river tonight Should there seem a probability that the flood will break through a long blast will be blown by tho water works whistle art a warning The Groat Northoru employs a wood burner to destroy tho woods along its right of way iu this state It burns from 10 to 12 barrels of oil a day iu tho operation and destroys weods along about 10 miles of Its track during tho name time A total of 11100 quarts of straw borrles woro shipped from North Bond from Monday until Thursday noon of last week Quo grower shlppod 1738 quarts iu two days and has more than sixty pickers employed North Bend is undoubtedly tho lending strawberry growing point iu tho stato aud will in u fow years claim much of the market that has hithurto been supplied with southern berries Lynch Journal Sauford Parker was down from Upeuoor Monday looking after a laud dual for the Durlauds of Norfolk in whioh thoy purchased for eastern parties tho farms of Fred PfatV Win PfatV aud Ohrls Oster for 5500 Wo did not learn lust how the purchase price was divided between tho throe parties Mr Parker hastened home tho samo ovouiug as on tho next day ho had a number of Uual proofs totnke M L Halplu jr of Battle Creek and Miss Myrtle Kellogg of Stautou woro united In marrlago this noon nt tho Catholic parsouago and this nftornoon will leavo for tho oast over tho O St P fc O ou a wedding trip Members of tho wedding pnrty woro Miss Maggie Ualpiu Miss Katie Halplu Miss Lota Liutecnm aud Arthur Liutecum all of Battle Creek Tho rainfall during this mornings storm as showu by tho government gauge was 110 inches nud nice tho record was taken at 8 oclock this morn ing 20 additional precipitation has fallen makiug a total for tho mouth thus far of 7115 inches Juno is un doubtedly iuteut oubreakiug the record iu regard to precipitation Certaluly it has boon several years since this amount of rain has fallen durlug auyouo month When tho Fremont powor oanal is completed tho wator will be stored iu a reservoir three aud one half miles loug and ouo and a quarter mllo wldo giving a fall of 150 foetwhloh will bs converted iuto power for the use of tho industries of Fromon Omaha South Omaha Coun cil Bluffs nud Lincoln Besides the power an excellent lake for boating fish ing aud bathing will bo furnished that will undoubtedly be appreciated by tho residents of that part of tho stato Tho caual will be 30 miles long K G Emmons tho Liucolu blood houud man was iu tho city today hnv iug beeu engaged iu tracing a number of follows who disturbed a religious gathering iu Stnutou county east of Madison Sunday night by throwing two dozen rotten eggs The matter was referred to Chief of Pollco Couley nud he recommouded Mr Euimous ns being the man to catch tho offouders Tho Liucolu man set his dogs to work yes terday aud iu spite of tho fact that it hnd rained since the deed was com mitted succeeded in locating four of the fellows coucerued at distances of from four to seven miles from tho placo of meeting The four pleaded guilty to the charge aud were lined 2450 each Figured at 4i a dozen the eggs attained Klondike prices aud were more or less ancient at that It was an expensive experiment to thoso concerned Mr Emmons has Chief Couleys dog in trnlnjug nud Bays that he promises well as a trailer of men Superintendent aud Mrs F F Teal of tho hospital entertained a dinner party last ovouiug Tho table which was spread iu the hall on the second floor of the institution was handsomely decorated with a profusion of cut flowers Sixteen persons sat down to the dinner which vas served iu eight courses nud was uu elaborate affair Between courses the gentlemen pro gressed to the next place on tho right briugiug each one to the side of eight eutertaiuiug ladies during the evening At the close of the feast upon a signal from tho hostess the ladles retired to tho parlor while the gentlemen devoted a half hour to their cigars Then inter esting games of high Ave were indulged iu until 1130 the wiuuers being awarded daiuty aud valuable prizes Mrs O H Reynolds won first prize for ladies aud Messrs Pasewalk and Huso tied ou award for gentlemen the latter winning in the cut The fuuotiou was perfect in every detail aud demon strated that both Dr and Mrs Teal are royal entertainers The fast trains of the Union Pacific reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead or an competitors it you are in no hurry take a slow train by one of the de tour routes but if you want to get there without suffering any of tho inconven iences of winter travel take the only direct route the Union Pacific De tailed information furnished ou applica tion F W Jukkman Agent CloilUK Out Sale at the Variety Store We are closing out our entire line of queens ware tinware hardware lamps notions etc regardless of cost If you are needing anything in this line dont let this opportunity pass We have a nice white semi porcelain Eng lish ware noue better on the market 80 piece set for 42d worth 000 60 piece set same wore for 550 worth 3 112 piece set for 950 worth 1200 A fine line of ladies belts combs eto Remember everything goes at away down prices so dont wait too loug THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY lUNK 21 1001 THURSDAY TIDINGS It It Sholdou of Gibbon was in tho city yesterday O F Petorson of Madison wns a city visitor yestorday Mr II C Truman has returned from hor visit to St Louis Missouri Mrs Denny nnd daughter of Wayno were Norfolk visitors last ovouiug Members of tho Knffoo Klatsch woro ontortalnod yosterday af tornoou by Mrs II T Iloldou Mrs S Gold nud threo children of Stromsbarg nro gnosis nt tho homo of Mr aud Mrs JBaum Tho front of tho Deguer block has been repainted and preparations are being mado to lay a concrete walk Dr A T Peters of tho Stato Agricult ural Experiment station at Lincoln was in tho city yesterday to seo Dr McKiui Mr and Mrs II O McGlunoy aud family loft this morning for Kausas where thoy ex poet to make thoir homo in future Tho Durlaud Trust company building is in tho hands of tho paiuters aud decorators and its appearance is being improved Mrs O It Ellor is oxpootodlfrom Lin coln Saturday ovouiug for a llvo woeks vhdt with hor parents Mr aud Mrs H 0 Matrau 0 F W Marquardt is changing tho interior of his jewelry store with the ob ject of having his optical department more couveuiont to his patrons The Womans Club of Columbus in interested iu a movement to provide a rest room for out-of-town patrons of that citys mercantile establishments Tho permanent walk movement has struck Norfolk hard aud within a year or two all tho business housos will prob ably have this sort of walk along thoir front A business man who knows something of tho requirements of the thirsty pub lic insists that the city should maintain a oup or two at oach of tho public drink ing fouutaius Mr aud Mrs M Miller aud son have gone to Kirksville Mo to atteud the graduating oxercises of the school of osteopathy at that placo They expect to be absent about two weeks Editor A L Brando of tho Pierce Call has been re appointed postmaster of that city for another four years and is entitled to tho congratulations of friends and the profouud respect of those who may have aspired to the posi tion It is said that weedhave almost taken possession of the beet fields ou low lying ground iu tho vicinity of Norfolk and it will require several days of dry weather before auy work whatever can be done iu them The crop on higher grouud is iu very good condition One of tho supposed causes of the recent overflow of Corporation gulch is that a portion of tho ditcli had been con verted into gardens south of Norfolk avenue aud that the gardeners opera tions impeded the flow to some extent The gardeus were successfully re moved by the flood There has beeu no rain since about 0 oclock yesterday morning and there is some question as to whether or not Pluvials moisture produciug apparatus has become clogged or perhaps it is worn out and business is suspended for repairs Au entire day without rain wouldjcertaiuly indicate that something is amiss The initial meet of tho Omaha Jockey club will be held June 23 to 29 Excel lent purses are offered and it is antici pated that the meet will be one of ex ceptional interest to horse owners and other patrous of the race course J H Tuthill is the secretary of the club and additional information may be obtained by writing him Tho water in Northfork river has sub sided nearly two feet since the high mark was reached yesterday and unless there are some more heavy rains the dauger of a flood is passed The weather is still threatening however aud the ground is so thoroughly soaked that it would require but an inch or two of precipitation to raise the stream out of its banks The Salem church five miles south of Newman Grove was struck by lightning during the storm of yesterday morning and burned to the ground The church cost 3000 originally and this spring 500 additional iu improvements was put on the building Part of the furni ture and fixtures including a 250 oil painting of Christs ascension were removed There was 2000 insurance ou the building The stock company having in hand the building of an auditorium for Col umbus proposes to increase the amount of capital stock to 17000 The struct ure will be 00 by 114 feet two storiei high in the main with a three story annex for the stage On the first floor will be a store room and lodge hall The front will be of pressed brick with stone trimmings and the seating capac ity of the theatre will be between 800 and 1000 The trains are running about regular again since the stoim much of the damage having been repaired A Stan ton dispatch states that about 1000 feet of the F E M V rood was washed out just west of that place and 300 feet botwoon there aud Pilgor All the avail able help was put to work and passou gor No 5 duo hero at noon got in about 1 oclock last ovouiug having boon de layed flvo hours nt Pilger No 4 was held hero until the damago was repaired Fred Gwynuo of Omaha oable In spector of tho Nebraska Tolophouo com pany Is here repairing tho damage done to tho telephone cable nt tho corner of Fifth streot and Norfolk avenuo by lightning during tho storm of Monday night The hole in tho cable was about tho size of nn ordinary gooso shot bnt when it was opened a neat sample of olectrlo welding was disclosed About 10 or 15 pair of wires wore aiTootod and tho paper insulation was buruod from several that had not beeu subjected to tho woldlug process A city official recently roceived a lotter from a relative whioh coutalned tho excuse for not writing sooner that tho report was current that tho city was under strict quarantine nud no mail was received or sent out ou account of tho smallpox Tho official deemed it advisable to reply at once and disabnso his relatives mind of nuyjsuch impres sion Norfolk is not only uot quaran tined but the smallpox situation is im proving ovory day and it is believed that the timo is uot far distant when there will not be a case of tho disease in town Peter Dukes was up before police court this moruiug ou the charge of disorderly conduct He wasglven the onstomary flue aud turned over to tho ohlef of police while he made the effort to raise the amount required to liquidate the dobt Peter complainedjthatjjwbile iu the disorderly condition he was Jheld up some place aud relieved of 25lu cash bat the transaction was not quite clear euough iu his mlud to warrant any movement being mado for tho recovery of the sum The conclusion naturally arrived ut it is that the prisouer was simply exortlugjhiui3olftolmaintain tho well known reputation of dukes couuts aud other lordly people MADISON Aruold Hoilmau is visiting his parents in Lincoln Sheriif Losey was a passenger forJLin colu Monday The couuty commissioners mot in regular sessiou Monday Mrs T F Memmiuger wns a passen ger for Norfolk Sunday evening Childrens day exercises were held at tho M E churoh Sunday morning W N Huso E A Bullock aud Burt Mapes were down fromJINorfolk Mon day Mr and Mrs D Whitla were over from Battle Creek Saturday returning Sunday Mrs Elsie Desmoud of Norfolk was visiting at tho home of Senator Allen Monday County Treasurer Miles wasjjslightly indisposed n part of last weekjbut is on duty again Jas Nichols is home from Manhattan Kansas where he has beeu representing theBeu Hur lodgo Ghas Madder of North Dakota a brother of Mrs Peter Rubeudall is vis iting relatives aud friends Tho tenuis players of Madison New nmu Grove and Humphrey played sev eral games at Humphrey Sunday after noon Geo Richardson drove to Pierce county Saturday afternoon returning by way of Battle Creek and Meadow Grove Gogner Ss Vickers have a crew of men at work at Crestou painting the new buildings which have lately been erected there A report was received here Tuesday morning that the grist mill of Palmeteer Bros at Creston had burned during Monday night Pede a once familiar character of Norfolk was brought down from the poor farm Monday and adjudged a fit subject for the asylum at Norfolk John Schelers new building is near ing completion John will sell meat from one room and Jake Wahl will oo cupy the other with his stock of har ness The son of Mrs Aug Preuss of Green Garden strayed a short distance from tho house Saturday even ing and was oat all night People of the entire neighborhood searched until near morning and finally concluded the child had been kidnaped He was found during the early morning about two miles from home having wandered through two oat fields and across a pasture The lltte fellow was stiff and cold from exposure but it is thought he will soon be as well as ever WARNERVILLE Charles J Lodge sr is building an addition to his farm house southeast of town Mark Purviance went to Omaha Mon day with a carload of fat cattle for Dan Murphy J F Webster went to Hnmphrey and Platte Center Saturday returning Sun day evening The wind storm Saturday noon did considerable damage in a small way Corn cribs chicken houses and other ont buildings were overturned chimneys were blown down and a large number of trees broken off but no serious damage was dono YOU MUST NOT FORGET That wo are constantly growing in tho art of makiug Fine Photos and our products will al ways bo found to em brace the and Newest Styles in Cards and Finish We also carry a iino line of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing I- MCAOY prAHUer SvlYaivOzon x ntAQC M4ft WILL CURE- BASAL THROAT AND BRONCHIAL CATARRH AGOTEAND DDflMPUl chronic Dn UN bill TS CATARRHAL AND nNtM TUBERCULAR UUN3UIIUlUil warns to DR A H KELLER CHEMICAL COMPANY and MIDICAL INSTITUTE Sioux Faixs 8 D roa ruu intohjjatioh Dr Keller Specialist la Not Thrust Lunir ad Kidney Diseases will correspond with you la recant to your condition What They Denerved Not very long since an exceedingly well dressed man about 35 was charg ed in a north London court with being drunk He promptly paid his 10 shil lings flno and went awny A fortnight later a stylishly dressed woman was charged with a similar offense As she gave the same name and address I concluded they were husband and wife So I called on them and my visit wns repeated several times They had a very nice borne kept two servants nnd had four children I noticed a bonny lad of 8 ns I saw him several times Some months later I got a letter as fol lows Dear Mr ollolmes You know my Jack the 8-year-old I am sorry to say that he has got Into bad waya steals money from us stops out late and Is very disobedient Can you get him Into any training home or Institution of any kind where his evil propensities will be cured I Kindly oblige us in this I could not resist the temptation to reply as follows Dear Sir I know of but one cure for Jacks evil propensities and that is a thorough applica tion of the horsewhip to both parents Contemporary Review To Have Good Teeth All persons old and young should have t elr teeth examined once every six months by a competent dentist Decay will bo present and tartar form lug which nothing but a thorough ex amination will revenl Professional service rendered In timo means hlgb class work less pain and great econo my A tooth filled when decny Is slight will net be sensitive the operation not loug arid the filling lasting because the operator has more nnd better structure to work on He Is enabled to make the walls of the cavity thicker and stronger and with slight danger of ex posing the nerve the dread and fear of all when haviug teeth filled Have your teeth attended to In time Do not procrastinate Give tho dentist good tooth structure to work upon and ho will render you excellent service One person In a hundred has good teeth 00 persons In 100 could have good teeth with the proper nttention II G Vor hies D D S In Womans Home Com panion They Were Safe A punctilious southern lady was mar ried to a happy go lucky Carolinian with a notorious disregard for all mat ters of dress He was going off on a trip and his wife packed In his satchel six shirts exacting a promise that he would wear a fresh one every day lie returned home in due course nnd the good housewife proceeded to unpack tho bag Lo not one of the shirts was there I Whats the matter John she ask ed in great perturbation Where are all the shirts I gave you John protested that he had followed prdcrs and put on a clean one every day but what happened to them he did not know He retired dowu stairs to think out the problem Ten minutes later an excited face was thrust Into the room and a happy voice rang out Ive found em my dear Ive found em The whole six shirts are safol Ive got em all on Kansas City In dependent A Good Thine German Syrup is the specialprescrip tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German physician and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discover ies in medicine It quickly cures coughs colds and all lung troubles of the severest nature removing as it does the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition It is not an experimental medicine but has stood the test of years giving satis faction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold annually Boa chees German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 1808 nndgis now sold in every town and village in the civilized world Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough Price 75 cents Get Greens prize almanac Asa K Leonard Medical Opinion In regard to Dr A M Kellers Sylvan Ozone Au editor of a medical journal writes a follows Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozono offered by tho Dr A H Keller Chemical Company as a cure for Consumption Asthma Brouchitisy Hay Fever Catarrh Coughs Colds nnd all diseases of the air passages This wo know to bo a geuniue specifio for these com plaints and as such entitled to our confidence aud that of our readers Close examination into tho practical results which have been had from the use of this remedy has caused us to endorse it as be ing au undoubted cure for tho above ailments effectual iu re moving the exciting cause in a number of attacks which had been of the severest aud most tediouB character Dr A H Kellers Syl van Ozone permanently restored health and iu cases which wero of a milder description its use im mediately afforded relief An Extract front Her Letter If you could only bo here this winter morning and see for yourself you would no longer doubt me Roaes are bloom ing in our front yard aud all nature is as far advanced iu this lovely American summerland as it will be in your cold eastern home by June Wo made the journey from Missouri river to the Golden Gate ou the Union Pacific to avoid the circuitous routes an important item in the winter A trip to California is made delightful by the perfect service and luxurious ac commodation of The Overland Limited which is perhaps the most finely equipped train in the world Detailed information furnished on ap plication F W Junehan Agent Pu Amerlcau Imposition Kates Bzcurglon Excursion tickets will be sold by tho F E M V Northwestern line on May 0 1320 21 and 28 with a return limit of 7 days at 3055 via standard and 2901 via differential lines Every day until September 110 with return limit of 15 days at 3830 via standard and 3630 via differential lines Every day from May 15 to September 30 good for return until October 81 at 4775 via standard and 4535 via differ ential lines Full particulars will be cheerfully fur nished all inquirers H C Matrau Agent Career ami Character of Abraham Lincoln An nddress by Joseph Choate Am bassador to Great Britain on the career and character of Abraham Lincoln his early life his early struggles with the world his character as developed in the later years of his life and his ad ministration which placed his name so high on the worlds roll of honor and fame has been published by the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Railway aud may be had by sending six 6 cents in post age to F A Miller General Passenger Agent Chicago 111 RockaBye Baby These are sweet words but how much pain and suffering they used to mean Its different now Since Mothers Friend has become known expectant mothers have been spared much of the anguish of child birth Mothers friend is a liniment to be applied externally It is rubbed thoroughly into the muscles of the abdomen It gives elasticity and strength and when the final great strain comes they respond quickly and easily without pain Mothers Friend is never taken internally Internal remedies at this time do more harm than good If a woman Is supplied with this splendid lini ment she need never fear rising or swelling breasts morning sickness or any of tho discomforts which usually accompany preg nancy The proprietor of a large hotel In Tampa Fla writes My wife had an awful time with her first child During her second pregnancy Mothers Friend was used and the baby was born easily before the doctor arrived Its certainly great Oet Mother FrUnd at th drugstore 91 pr bottle THE BRADFIELD BEGULAT0R CO Atlanta Ga u ikritior our tn WwtMted book Hit or Raby y 1