The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 14, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Judge J B Barnes was In Poucn yes
tordny on bnsinei B
Miss Minnio Miller is clerking iu tlio
storo of Beeler Bros
Mrs P II Patterson hns returned
from n visit to Dnulnp Iowa
Mr and Mrs Geo F Boyd of Oak
dalo were city visitors yesterday
Fred Grimm who lives southeast of
the city lost a vuluablo horso Wednes
Miss Erarna Miller will go to Lyons
Monday to attend tho wedding of a
A J Darland is expected homo to
night from a ImBincsB trip to Knox
Miss MosBie Burk of Oakdalo is visit
ing at the homo of Mr and MrB O J
Wm Ferguson has returned from
Omaha where ho haB been employed
for a short time
G M Thompson is homo irom the
north and expects to remain hero for n
week or ten dayB
J B Maylard returned last night
from Omaha where ho attended tho
grand lodge of MasonB
The Methodist dhurch at Pierco was
etruck by lightning during last nights
Htorin and was burned
A F Enos editor of tho Stanton
Picket is in the city looking after busi
ness and greeting friends
Mr and MrB W J McNamee will
leave tomorrow for a visit of a few
weekB at Toronto Canada
The big Fair store awning is now in
place and furnishes a wide expanse of
Bhade when the sun shineB
J N Bundick will leave tomorrow
for a ten dayB busineBB trip through
Colorado Utah and other western
Mr and MrB P Murray of St
Charles Minn were in the city yester
day on their way to Hot Srings South
Miss Agnes Leach of Neligh visited at
the home of V Brainard enroute home
from Lincoln where 6he has been at
tending school
Stanton county experienced a hail
storm yesterday The stones weie of
large size but the storm was cf short du
rationand little damage waB done
Another cold raiu fell last night the
government guage registering 05 of an
inch A little hail fell with the rain
but not enough to do any damage
Mrs M S DavieB of Wayne is having
a serious time with one of her lingers
the injury being from a rose thosn
The member has twice been lanced to
the bone and its condition is still bad
It is feared that blood poison haB set in
Henry Moldenbauer of Lebanon
Wis surprised his brother W A
Moldenhauer by unexpectedly appear
ing for a visit Wednesday He reports
that it is exceptionally dry in the sec
tion of Wisconsin in which he has his
Pierce Leader Over 100 was sub
Bcribed the past week for a celebration
of the Fourth in Pierce but as there is
some objection through fear of attract
ing people from surrounding towns who
may bring smallpox into our midst it
is doubtful whether a celebration will
be held
MrB F G Coryell very pleasantly
entertained a company of about CO lady
friendB yesterday afternoon Miss
Remington of Neligh who is making a
study of elocution for the pleasure to be
derived from it was present and gave
several readings which were inter
spersed with 6inging by Mrs 0 E
Green and both proved enjoyable to
those present A dainty lunch was
served as the closing feature of the
afternoons entertainment
Madison Chronicle There are no
stories that multiply so rapidly as those
concerning smallpox There are a
number in every town that believe the
neighboring towns are overrun with the
pest Over at Battle Creek last week a
story was current that there were so
many coses in Madison that the town
had been quarantined and any one
hailing from the county seat was held
in horror by the scarry When it is
known that there was but one case of
smallpox here the worth of the stories
can be seen at a glance This is prob
ably true of other towns
Since Norfolk endeavored to attain
some notoriety by owning a hen that
hatched a chicken with three legs the
hens of other towns have been exerting
themselves to take away the honors
The latest rival for the prize is a Nio
brara hen the Pioneer relating her
achievement as follows As a wonder
breeder C A Nippell takes the belt
Among his chicken hatch this week
were two chicks with four legs and
double heads each They were so un
like anything else that the mother hen
murdered one of them and began on the
other but most of this was saved and
now it is on exhibition at the Palace
drug Btore
Stanton Picket Tom Orelup came
to town yesterday morning In front
of the Picket office he waB met by Bob
Appleby and A F Enos who felt his
costume did not do justice to a man who
had just sold a 14750 per acre farm
and set about paving the way for the
purchase of a new outfit for Tom by
burning his bat This process he took
good nnturedly and shortly a crowd
had gathered to witness tho cremation
of what had onco been a respectable
head covering Finally when tho old
felt had consented to burn Tom having
watched his opportunity seized Apple
bys f0 cady threw it upon tho lire
ami jumped upon it with both feet
Then tho laugh becamo a ronr which
grow even louder when Euob straw
fedora went to furnish more fuel for the
tlames When Tom fully comprehended
tho havoc he had wrought ho opened his
heart and purso for three plain straw
hats and as many ice cream todac
This iB why wo nro not going bareheaded
Hrclnl Low llnte ISxrtirloim to the lllnik
Dates of salo Juno 18th totlOtb in
Kates To Hot Springs Deadwood
and Lead S D and return one fare
pine U 00 for tho round trip
Final limit October 31
Transit limit Goiug trip fifteen
days return trip continuous pnssage
Stop over Stop over will be at any
point on tho F E M V It It west
of Stanton Neb within tho going
transit limit of fifteen days from date of
The wonderful Black Hills is becom
ing a favorite western resort The
climate 1b exceptionally good the alti
tude varying from 51400 to 0000 feet
Scenery varied Hot Springs has the
advantage of climate altitude iscenery
and waters These wntWB have effected
some remarkable cures in the following
named diseases Chronic rheumatiBm
malaria syphiliB scrofula skin diseases
female diseaBeB and weakuese dropsy
erysipelas congestions glandular dis
eases etc
The business man who may or may
not be interested in mining or tho in
dustries incident thereto will find him
self interested in the busy mining
centers of the upper hills namely Dead
wood and Lead
Ask any agent of the Northwestern
line east of Long Pine Neb for further
particulars as to attractions offered in
tne Black Hills
Tlie Favorite Line
To the EpworthLeaguo convention San
Francisco Cal July 1901 will be the
Union Pacific All competition dis
tanced The fast trainB of the Union
Pacific reach San Francisco fifteen hours
ahead of all competitors If you are in
no hurry take a slow train by oue of
the detour routes but if yon want to
get there without delay take the historic
aDd only direct route the Union Pacific
Full information cheerfully furnished
upon application
F W Jukeman Agent
All Competition Distanced
To Denver Salt Lake Portland San
Francisco The Union Pacific fastest
time only one night to Utah only two
nights to California only two nights to
Oregon Shortest line from Missouri
river to Salt Lake City 104 miles shorter
than any other line San Francisco 208
miles shorter than any other line Port
land 25S miles shorter than any other
Best trnck Sherman gravel decom
posed granite tho finest ballast in the
world is used on the main lino of the
Union Pacific making a perfect road
bed No dust no jarring smooth and
easy riding
Detailed information cheerfully fur
nished on application
Luw It lit o KxcurBioni to Colorado and
Dates sale June ISth to 30th
Rate to Denver Colorado Springs
and Pueblo Glenwood Springs Ogden
and Salt Lake City one regular first
class normal tariff not temporarily re
duced fare plus 2 for the round trip
Final limit October Jlst
Transit limits To Colorado destina
tions continuous passage to Denver
after reaching Denver stop over will be
allowed on going trip regardless of
transit limit return trip to be continu
ous passage commencing date of execu
tion except return trip shall not be
begun earlier than five days after date
of sale
Utah destinations Continuous pas
sage to Denver west thereof stop over
will be permitted in both directions
within the going and return transit
limits of thirty days each not to exceed
final limit Tickets will be good for
return prior to five days from date of
Joint agency fee A fee of twenty
five cents will be collected from passen
ger at time of execution and delivery of
return portion of ticket except that no
fee will be required for execution of
return portion of tickets to Glenwood
tow Hate Excursion via Union Pacific
June 12 13 14 16 to Chicago and re
turn 17 20 return good to September
June 12 13 14 15 to St Louis and re
turn 1705 return good to September
June 18 to 80 to Colorado Springs to
Denver to Pueblo and return 11875 re
turn good to October 31
June 18 to 10 to Glenwood Springs
and return 2805 return good to Octo
ber 31
Also low rates to Buffalo and other
points for further information call at
union depot F W Juseman
Good farms to trade for town property
G R Seilek
Order your engraved visiting cards at
The News office 100 cards and plote
f 150 50 cardsjand plate 1
The News keeps its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of type
and does its work in approved style
u - f
tj v
H Ii Spauldlng Kpent Sunday in
G A Lnikart made a trip to Tllden
Miss Nello Gerccko went to Madison
this morning
J 11 Cookus of Winsido waM in tho
city yesterday
E II Trnry inado n business trip to
Omaha Saturday
Carl T Seeley was lu tho city from
Madison Saturday
Chas Blersdorf is taking his summer
vacation this week
13 H Lnikart of Battlo Creek visited
in tho city yesterday
G T Sprecher went to Stanton totlny
on telephone business
G mh tun Humphrey is suffering from
an attack of tonsilltis
Kid Hall went to Deadwood S D
Saturday for a short trip
H J Hill of Monroe Neb is trans
acting business iu tho city
Miss Mary Wickert visited with Os
mond friends over Sunday
Miss Maud Brewer has gono to Gor
don for a two weeks vacation
Willard Mayer has gono to Albion
for a long visit with his grandparents
Tho now roofjou tho Mnpos building
is finished and the work of lnthiug has
Mrs E O Mount returned Saturday
evening from her visit with York
E M Ehrhardt of Plainview passed
through tho city yesterdoy on hiB way
to Stanton
The county commissioners will meet
in Madison tomorrow at 1 oclock ub a
board of equalization
The Norfolk Athletic club composed
of boys is arranging for a picnic at the
Elkhorn onWednesday
Miss Maude Tannehill went to Fre
mont this morning to enter a summer
course in theNormnl school
The settling of the water works line
into the Stortz building has canted a
portion of the new brick walk to sink
MissesJMattie Davenport and Fannie
Norton went to Pierco this morning to
nssist in decorntiug for tho alumni
A party of Pierce gentlemen com
posed of D D Berg N S Berg B
McDonald and A Repsack drovo down
Miss Hildreth Sisson is expected home
this week from Deleware O where
she has been attending tho Ohio Wes
lyan university
Examinations for state professional
teachers certificates will take place at
the high Bchool building in this city
next Thursdny
The official census of tho United
States according to the Inst bulletin
just issued is 7G30jlj7 and of Ne
braska 1000300
Misses Hattie Alberry and Julia
Stafford leave tomorrow for Valparaiso
Ind where they will take n course in
summer school work
E E Bullock returned Saturday
evening from a business trip to Sioux
City connected with his foundry and
manufacturing interests
Mrs J M Covert was called to
Ewing Saturday evening by tho illness
of her father Word came that ho had
become partially paralyzed
FiBh Commissioner Hulff wifo and
daughter left this morning for South
Bend where they will enjoy a few days
fishing at the state hatcheries
Dr S R Town state physician from
Lincoln passed through the city batnr
day from Oreighton where ho went to
look over the smallpox situation
Sioux City Journal Misses Alletta
and Elizabeth Stewart of Norfolk Neb
are here to visit for several weeks with
their cousin Miss Alletta Gillette
At the meeting of the Elks lodge Sat
urday night it was decided to throw
open the lodge rooms on Friday after
noons and evenings to the lady mem
bers of the families of Elks
John B Barnes jr and A Kimball
Barnes are home from Lincoln Tho
latter who has been attending the state
university will remain Jot n short visit
before returning to work in the sum
mer school
George Davis is wearing tho mask of
a horses hoof on his forehead Ho waB
cleaning the forefeet of a lnrge bay
when the animal reared up and struck
him a fierce blow just above tho left eye
Fortunately the wound is not at all
Oadetship examinations for entrance
to the U S Naval Academy at An
napolis will be held at the high school
building in this city during the week
The physical tests will begin Wednes
day June 12 and the educational
W H Brummund came down from
Battle Creek yesterday where he had
charge of the Enterprise during tho ab
sence of Editor Martin Mr Brum
mund reports that Battle Creek it en
joying a healthy growth this summer a
number of substantial business houses
and residences being erected at tbiB
The rain that visited this section Sat
urday night was general throughout the
state and considerable more water fell
JUNK 11 1001
west of hero than hero Tho govern
ment gnngo nt this plnco registered W
of an inch of water during tho storm
Thin makes a total rainfall of 2 110 inches
thus far this mouth
Battlo Creek Hcpubllcan Attorney
M 1 Tyler mid W 11 Bucholz of
tho Norfolk National bank were up
from Norfolk lost evening on business
It is stated that Mr Bueholz will bo
president and Harry Barnes cashier
of the new batik to bo started at this
place nbout July 1
One Richard Roe who has been on a
prolonged spron for tho past two weeks
became too numerous yesterday after
noon and was locked up This morning
Jndgo Hayes assessed tho usual fine
which however was suspended on con
dition that the said Richard should take
a hot foot out of town
Ycsterdav was the 2Mh wedding an
niversary of Mr and Mrs Oscar Uhle
and in celebration of tho event their
home was last evening thrown open to n
large number of friendB A pleasant
evening was speut and all joined in
heaitily wishing tho host and hostess
many happy returns of tho day
Mrs K Hundley is receiving a visit
fiom her brothers Lewis Enderly of
Harrisburg Neb and Fred Enderly of
Los Angelos Cal Mr and Mrs W O
Tolliver of Laurel and Mr and Mrs W
13 Powers of Pierco were also at tho
Hundley homo yesterday Mrs Powers
andMrs Tolliver aro sisters of Mrs
A ball gamo was scheduled for yester
day afternoon between tho railroad boys
and the first team Tho former aggre
gation however failed to appear Dur
ing the afternoon a little practice was
indulged in which resulted unfortu
nately a wild ball striking into tho crowd
Ed Bruggomnn and IiIb nose was broken
Tho dislocated member was speedily
set and is doing well today
Jacob Hnber an old settler near Mad
ison was killed last night by a vicious
bull Tho animal had leen dehorned
but iullicted wounds with itB stubby
horns that caused death Mr Hnber
was in a lot alono when attacked by tho
beast The bull chased and knocked
him down tossed him around ami then
trampled and butted him fearfully Ho
wasdying when found
Fremont Tribune June 8 H A
Wigton left for a short visit nt his home
in Omaha lie will go to Norfolk in n
few days to begin woik as an assistant
to the hospital physician at tho nsylniu
for insane Mr Wigton has niado n
great many friends during the few
uiouthB he has been in Fremont and his
work ns science instructor nt tho high
Ecbool has been very efficient
Rev Geo W Damon of Meadow
Grove has been relieved of authority to
preach as u minister in tho Methodist
Episcopal church This was dono by n
committee of the conference of the
Neligh district because two or three
years years ago tho Rev Mr Damon
went out of the M E church and joined
the Methodist Protestant church with
out surrendering his parchments to the
While tho lightning was ripping
chunks out of the atmosphere yesterday
morning nbout 7 oclock one ferocious
streak got onto the telephone wire lead
ing to the residence of Dr C S Parker
aud rode in In an instant the wood
work was ablaze and the house filled
with smoke but the doctor was equal to
the occasion Quick as a flash he
grasped the situation aud choked the
flames so that no serious damage re
The complete service of Tho
Special viaUnionPaeific
enables passengers to reach the princi
pal cities between the north and Pacific
coast and Missouri river not only in the
shortest possible space of time but also
in the most comfortable and enjoyable
manner The dining cars on this train
are stocked with tho best the market
affords All meals served a la carte
Goshen 111 Genesse Pure Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Some days
since a package of yourGrnin O prepar
ation was left at my office I took it
home and gave it a trial and I have to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
used the best Java and Mocha in our
family but I am tree to say I like the
Grain 0 as well as the best coffee I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
Exceedingly Low ICate Hxcuralons to the
ZlUck Hllla
Dates sale July 1st to 0th inclusive
Rates To Hot Springs from Sioux
City and Missouri Valley Iowo and
Omaha Nebr 15 for round trip
From Lincoln and Superior Neb 14
for the round trip Porportionoto rates
from intermediate points east of Long
Minium round trip rate 10
To Deadwood and Lead S D 450
higher than to Hot Springs
TransitJ limit Going trip fifteen
days return trip continuous passage
Final limit October 31st
Stop over Stop over will be allowed
at any point on the F E M V It R
west of Stanton Neb within the going
transit limit of fifteen days from date of
Dont miss this opportunity to visit
the wonderful Black Hills
Proportionate rateB based on the above
will be on sale at stations east of the
Missouri river
Ask your nearest agent for full infor
mation and be sure your tickets read via
the Northwestern line
9 -
The Beit Band In America Several cslebratod singers will be present These will be
the finest bnd concerts ever heard in any western city Low rates on all railroads
and special excursions to Omaha daring tbe eatlra month af Jane This festival is for
the benefit of the Auditorium fund Coma early and often
8 11 Ladd Ih a visitor from Gordon
Sheriff Geo W Losey is in Norfolk
W F Drannel is in the city from
Sam Friedman of Madison waH in tho
elly yesterday
Win OBrien was hero from Colum
bus yesterday
Miss Gerdn Nelson or Leigh Ih visit
ing iu tho city
1 M Salter has gone to Sunny lor for
a few days vihlt
Tho N A O plcnio has been post
poned until Friday
Geo 11 Spear went to Columbus this
morning on business
Commissioner II W Winter wont to
Madison this morning
Roy Gardner was in Neligh on tele
phono business yesterday
Thomas Wado of Battlo Creek was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday
Governor Savage is totK initiated into
tho Knights of
Mrs Shepherd has returned from a
two weeks visit at Laurel
Jack Koenigstein nmtlo a business
trip to Madison yesterday
W H Buchoiz went to Madison this
morning on a business trip
Mrs F M Yeasel of Madison visited
friends in tho city yesterday
Mrs Mary Davenport returned lust
evening from a Plainview visit
Hon Win V Allen of Madison spent
a few hours in Norfolk yesterday
Leo Amett of Lincoln was in tho city
this morning greeting old friends
Rev J O S Weills mado a trip to
Wayne and return this afternoon
The county commissioners met at one
oclock today us a board of equalization
Tho Elkhorn train from tho enst duo
hero at noon was about an hour lato to
Barrel Reed recently purchased apicco
of property at the Junction through L
M Gnylord
Commissioner J J Hughes of Battle
Creek was in Norfolk jesterday on his
way to Madison
Miss May Dorlaud entertained n few
friends at tho home of Mr andMrs A
J Durland in tho Heights last evening
Mr and Mrs 13d Owen of Wayne
drove over todny for a visit with Mr
and MrsH E Owtn on North Twelfth
Miss Margaret Morrow has gone to
Humphrey to run the telephone switch
board and teach the local operators how
it is done
Mrs Williams and children who have
been visiting at the home of Mr and
Mrs T J Morrow returned to their
home at Hastings yesterday
Smallpox at West Point cnused the
public schools to be closed several days
earlier than contemplated and tho grad
uating exercises to be abandoned
Mrs Lynch of Madison accompanied
her father Wm V Allen to this city
yesterday visited friendB over night
and took the noon train for Lincoln
Tho twenty fonrth annual teachers
institute of Platte county is now in ses
sion at Columbus Superintendent D
O OConnor of this city is one of the
The race track on North Fourth street
is getting into an excellent condition
It will put up some fast stepping thiB
fall should the street fair and race
meet be held
The police have been kept busy dur
ing the pa6t fow days by a swift ele
ment of coon that recently arrived
Five arrests have been made and the
gang is already becoming a scarce ar
The lightning of the past few days
has done a great deal of damage to tele
phone lines The local force is busily
engaged in making repairs aud will have
things running smoothly soon
Judge and Mrs J B Barnes went to
Omaha this morning They will go
down to Lincoln tomorrow to attend
tho commencement exercises of the
state university from which their 6on
Gay graduate
A number of telephone poles on Nor
folk avenue are being reset to make way
for the new curb that iB to bo extended
along that btreet The feature requir
ing the most time is the setting of
anchoring poles They are eight feet
long and are placed six feet deep
Col S W Hayes who attended the
Ma6onio grand lodge at Omaha lust
week brought home a unique memento
It iB a gavel made from Jerusalem olive
wood Past Grand Master Goo W
Llninger of Omaha who rocontly ro
turned from a long tour In tho oriont
brought a nntnbor of them homo nml
presented one to each of tho past grand
masteiH present
This is a great growing day Tho soil
having beon thoroughly saturated with
moisture by recent rains tho hot sun
shine of today makes on agricultural
rendition that is very pleasing to tho
farmer Prospects were never brighter
for u bumper crop In Nubrankn than
they aro today and tho beauty of it Ih
that tho western sections of tho state
which are usually short on rainfall aro
this year sharing iu tho general pros
H II Reynolds returned to Ooliuyden
In this morning after a short viBit
with his family Mr Reynolds aud A
Morrison aro constructing a largo brick
bank building at that plnco and have
just completed eight brick bloolcB In
Sibley la Tiny find it difficult to se
cure workmen and aro paying profes
sional bricklayers 55 cents an hour
Mr Reynolds states that tho crops in
that section are looking fine but that
corn between here and Sioux City is tho
best he has seen
Tho management of tho Sugar City
Cereal mills is preparing to mako ex
tensive improvements in the plant
this summer They are working night
and day for that pnrpose The foaturos
to bo remediid arotho mill wheol arC
tho mill wheel house In their present
condition a great deal of water is wasted
which will bo converted into power by
the now ariaugemeut An immense
mill wheel with all of tho latest im
provements has been ordered This
will require a new shed to correspond
It will be built of brick of which
10000 will be used Tho cost of tho
impiovemeutK will amount to between
3000 and fl 000 In order to do this
work the mill will suspMid operations
for about three weeks Tho latter part
of July is the most dosirnblo time for
making repairs but tho exact date can
not be set sincu a moderate stngo of
wator Is necessary and this will depend
largely upon tho rainfall Tho mill race
will havo to bo pumped out in order to
get at tho wheoland all work posiblo is
being done in advance so that tho in
convenience will bo as slight as possible
Tho smallpox in Norfolk sooms to bo
under thorough control no now ensos
having been reported for several
days Many of tho homes where tho
disease was havo been fumigated and re
leased from quarantine Among thoo
who are still sick there is not ovon n
serious case and inside a week it iB not
likely that there will bo a remnant of
the disease in town although tho quar
antine will be maintained until the full
limit of tho ordinance has expired Of
those who havo had the disease only
two wero very sick at any time and
there has been no death Tho epidemic
has been very mild wherever it has
broken out tho state physicians state
ment being that of more than 5000 cases
in Nebraska during the past winter and
spring ouly four deaths havo occurred
Smallpox as it wns formerly known
when to havo it meant death or disfig
urement for life and the kind that pre
vails now aro very differeut things
Those who have it now do not even
show the marks of the disease after a
few weeks and there seems to be leBB
danger of fatalities than from most any
other complaint
Fou Sale 7 room house aud 5 lots
1500 G R Seilek
whfie it shot all he year round
Scotts EmufsiotV
sells better than any where else
in the world So dont stop taking
A it in summer or you will lose
I vrwii you nave uamcu
7 Send lor a tree if ample
409415 learl Street New York
50c aua iioo an aniggms
H sj m a a
ror i uems
Wa noil Ibt folio vUf I wi Hti osmIUu
lakfBlaa B1m4 TaaaU B4 S 11
1 ii Xarttara Uaaa BW s u
I ratarila OaUa Stt4 1
1 II kamaHCraaaCacMatrboaJ 10
1 II llli biin M1 srf
lfrf IB 1 ll la barKaaUatw4 ID
1 ii Lai Barttt Ullata gaaj Ii
a H Brtiunrb4 u
Worth 100
for 14 cu
iUn 10 pxkM tart oofillkl at will
mall joa fin tUttr villi car fit
IUiliatd Swd Caulcf Kills all aUol
aUer nillloa Dollar Uraa
Alto Choice Ooloa Boed Ue a Ik
Toiatfctr lia Uaauati f aaillttt eta
laalaaaad farmtMda nu tMintafli
u4Ubattlx VaraoBiiplut
a oaa viu ctvtr 09 viwaaa