j i 8 ra SF i The i24th Anniversary of the Birthday of the Emblem MAKEIT A FESTAL OCCASION An AilrtreM tt the Airlcitn People lnn corning lie Proper Oliervnnrn of the Day On Ihe Murulngof June 14 litt FiK Flutter From Kvory llnuetup II O Mntrnu who has boon appointed patriotic nldo of tlio O A It for Mndl hou county Is tn receipt of i oopy of tin address to tho Amorionu pooplo concern ing tho proper obsorvnueo of Flag dny whioh Ih Juuo 1 1 Tho address In given herewith in full with tho suggestion on tho part of Mr Mntrnu that tho day bu suitably obBorvoti us requested Juno li will bo tho lJIth anniversary of tho birthday of tho Uniunl Blnto 11 When it is cousidorod what it has oost to give Ivirtli to this Hag what it cont to maintain it and what it menus to this nation nud to tho world thoro 1b no honor Uo grout that shouid not bo con ferred UpOU it Our ling was born in tho throes of liberty wounded In tho battlon of free dom and sanctified in tho ratine of buniaulty It should bo honorod for all tho occur ity it guarantees all tho nioroy It pro claims nllthopowor it implies It in tho Hag that has over been ralsod in honor and never loworod in disgrace It is tho Hag that reproRoutH lllwrty of thought and rollglouH right and floats today beautifully hovoriug in tho broozo around her Ouban protogo a protootor ato against mans inhumanity against man Tho Hag that graoofully wavos In tho Orient a rospootod monitor in tho colostial ompiro guiding tho world in tho solution of a diviuo problem ro moiiBtrating against avarico and ad xnoniHhiug against treachery It is tho Hag that must not bo dis graced as nu advertisement of morohnu dlso nor dlsplayod for idle purpose It Ih pocrod 1 It is subllmo 1 Next to Holy Writ it should bo our guide stand ing for tho equality of man and of wo man to man It is now tho pnaco mnkor between hitherto domestic foes It is a guard against foreign iutorferonco It forgivoB tho past ami points to tho fu turo grandly with moro grandeur thau our pro vision can encompass It is tho Hag of our ronulou Tho Hag of tho new possessions whlnh provldouco has bestowod So lot tho American people with ono hand ou tho enskot of the golden rule and with tho other saluting tho emblem of our liberty nud strength do houor to our banner as it stands for loyalty botweon ourselves and the tion of all mauiviuu Ab tho day dawns on Juno H lot tho morning broeo kiss tho Huttoring Hag from ovory housetop and as tho school boll soundB tho assembly hour lot thoro bo glad hearts among tho children as it is made their fostival day to sing praisos to tho ting and to cheer it as it floats in tho air nbove a tokon of their noble birth Every school may fittingly houor this day with special oxorciBos as a day of re joicing adopting a program suitablo to tho occasion 3 Prnyor 2 Saluto to tho Hag 8 National hymns 1 Addroases by soldiers and patriots fi Flag drill 0 Quotations from oloquont orations on tho Hag lliugiug of bolls Every child waving a Hag and possess inn it for himself ns a treasure to bo ad mired and rovered There aro no school children too youug tolovo tho Hag none too old to bo ashamed of it Patriotism is a sontimont an emotion capable of being cultivated to a high degreo by in spiration It is not an incoutivo to military action with a tondoncy to war rather a promoter of peace and no noblor sentiment can bo created than lovo for tho Hag whioh is tho mautlo of Columbia standing in tho foreground beckoning to the oppressed of nil man kind to come under tho folds of tho robe of lovo to dwell in harmony and secur ity in this lnud of peace tho Canaan whore tho waudorer may rest tho op pressed Hud relief and all bo tho equal of his fellow man Allan O Bakkwkli Chief Aide to Commander in Chief G A R inChargo of Patriotic Education BEGA Rev Winfrod of Stanton visited with Mr IIurriB Tuesday Mablo Bowman of Knox county is vis iting with her aunt Mrs Lund Miss Nettie Lowe of Norfolk visited with tho Misses Luuquist Saturday and Sunday Rov GolT preached in Roga Sunday af tornoon and evening Mr A Luudquist rotumed Tuosdny from a visit to Fremont Pearl Burch of Virginia visited Bega Sunday Bernard Aspliu who has been attend ing school in Wayne returnod homo Saturday He will spend tho summer vacation at home Ohos E Wilson was in Norfolk on buiiness Saturday Misses Henricson went to Fremont to attend the wedding of their cousin Herman Olson Iteal Estate Tntuifera The following are the transfers of real estate in Madison county for the week ending Juno 8 1901 as re ported by D J Koenigstein ofllcial ab stacter W R- Wilson to Elmer MoOIellau wd Bli of ne aud n of se 20-23-1 3450 William Lowe to Ira R Jenkins wd nwJi 10-23-3 4500 F J Hale presideut to James E Jenkins wd lot 23 blook 4 Union cemetery 1000 Pioneer Town Site Co to Wiluelni Fetor wd lot 12 block 13 Western Town Lot Co s lBt addition to Norfolk Junction 100 Willielm Peter to W H Shippee wd narartiCTftffirm A U- lft4Ui - lot 13 blook 11 W T L Oos lBt addl ttnn to Norfolk Junction fSOO L A Hoguo to Koso F Avery wd part of lots 7 and 8 block 10 Battle Creole Matilda A Oulpln to Molviu U Hnrnor wd nwi l b2 fl3X Newman QniVii Opera House Co to Opera House Oo wd lot K in rositb division of lots 13 to 11 inclusive blook 1 and lot 1 1 block 11 R It addition to Newman Orovo and vacated alley be tween said lots 12 and 1 1 1000 Herman Wohlfoll to Luthornu St Paul church of Buffalo Greek wd part of uoi of swlf Srt 31 1 1 00 Horman Wornor to Konyon I Nlles wd part of out lot I Pioneer T S Oos second addition to Uattlo Greek Plonoor T 3 Oo to Christian Simon son wd lot 3 block 31 In sulHlivision of blocks lil to 21 inclusive 11 It addi tion to Newman Orovo James Olldoa to Jacob Heolah wd blook 31 Hillside Terraoo addition to Norfolk Oeorgo H Conner to William T Shively wd lot block 1 Pasowalks 3nd addition to Norfolk 175 William T Shlvoly to W H Hlsh wd above U S of America to John OBrien pd BWtf 8 23 4 U S of America to Timothy OBrien pd noU J10 33 4 Asa Hollonbook to B K Heed deed lots 7 and 8 HorrH subdivision to Nor folk ir0 Charles W Oarponter to Luthor J Church wd part of boH ot uo2l 34 4 A NEW ESTABLISHMENT KicliiMlvn TitllorliiK nml Men Iiir OooitK Uoiie Under iiinnt irI W Humphrey Norfolk is to havo a uow business es tablishment It will bo nu extensive coucoru in tho lino of tailoring nud mens furnishing goods exclusively It will bo opouod to tho trado about the middlo of August under tho manage ment of J W Humphrey of this city Iu spoaklug of tho uow project to a News roporter this morning Mr Humphrey said Yes wo will put iu n big plant and I think wo can uiako it pay That part of tho Richards block now occupied by tho novelty storo to gethor with the socoud floor has been soourod and will bo put iu shape soon Wo will uso tho largo room ou tho ground floor for cutting nud sales room the floor abovo for work rooms They will bo furnished well throughout aud be strictly up-to-date To start iu wo shall employ ton or 12 mou and when things got to going wo will probably need 115 or 20 I uavo se cured a flrst class cutter from Chicago who has boon with a good house for a number of yoars You boo its not so much what a suit is made of ns how it is mndo We will turn out nothing but tho best nud will enter only to fine trade I think wo will havo a house equal to anythingin Omnha or Llucolu Mr Humphroy has until now been couuectedNWith n Llucolu Hrm iu tho same liuo of busluoss nud will continue to work tho outsldo trado for tlio new house as ho did for thorn Tho territory covered will include northwosteru Ne braska the Black Hills and parts of Wyoming nud Montana Ho has over a thousand customers iu tailoring alone whose work will be brought hore instead of Lincoln The pay roll ot tlio now establishmeut will amount to quite nu item siuco tailors receive from 15 to 10 a week Mr Humphrey started tho business of W W Marplo iu 1881 and worked up nu enormous patronage Twenty two men were employed to do tho work at that time If it could be douo then Mr Humphrey sees no reason why it should not bo done ngalu He hopes to open by August 15 for the fall trade nud will go oast on July 0 to purchase goods Letter Lint List of letters remaining uncalled for attbo postoQlco Juuo 10 1001 Burton Brown Charles Bradbury 2 W H Buckley Mrs D R Cornegys Ellen Covey Fon Davedsou Joseph Dorinoy Mrs J W Drake Egyptian Remedy Co Tevoua Hull W H John ston A F Luderua Helen Millnltz Dan Murphy J N McCarthy H A Noyes Mrs Paulino Phillips Georgo A Roswell H A Tenut Martha Woloh Frauk Zarah If not called for iu 15 days will be sent to the dead letter ofllco Parties colling for nny of tho above please say advertised P F Sprbcher P M Northern WUcouiln Hallway Farm Iunds Par Sale The Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway has for Bale in North ern Wisconsin at low prices aud easy terms of payuiont about 350000 acres of choice farm lands Early buyers will secure the advan tage of locations on the many beautiful streams aud lakes whioh abound with HbIi and furnish a nover ending and most excellent water supply both for family use and for stock Land is generally well timbered the soil fertile and easy of cultivation aud this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the northwest Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minn eapolis Duluth Superior Ashland and other towns on The Northwestern Line furnish good markets for stock and farm produce For further particulars address Geo W Bell Laud Commissioner Hudson Wis or G H MacRak Asst GeulPass AgtSt Paul Minn ftOttJB 1 THE NORFOLK NKW8 FlUDAY JUNE 14 IflOl un PjllW Being Held at the High School in this City Today FOR ANNAPOLIS ACADEMY Tho KKiiiilnntlinnrn lining Held tJmler Oriler of UoiiBrenanntii Itnltlimon ly County HuiinrlnUinilHiit Ortuii Iliynloul KxaiulnntliHiA lijr Dr TimIiJami Prom Woilnoidnyd Dnljr The United States Naval oodetshlp examinations aro being hold at tho High ohool building iu this city Tho edu cational test began this nftoruoou nud tho physical will tuko place tomor row morning County Superintendent O W Oruui Is conducting todays work aud Dr A H Taslijoan will make tho physical examinations Saporintond ont D 0 OConnor another momber of tho committee is out of tho city This examination Is hold at tho order of Congressman J S Robinson Ho will recommoud tho two youug mon re ceiving tho highest grades for appoint ment as cadet and nltoruato to tho U S Naval academy at Annapolis Tho roport published in tho Llucolu Journal last week that Joromo Laugor of West Point had recolvod tho appoint ment was doulod by Mr Robinson thin morning Of tho 18 oxpectod to take tho examinations only six havo ap peared This may bo duo to tho abovo rumor or it may bo caused by tho small pox scaro Thoso eutored nro Mtlo Draemol af Fremont Ross R Cain of Nowuiau Grovo Josso Cramer of Woke Hold P A Ewlng of Oeutrol City Arthur K Leo of Noligh and Fred Rhodes of Stnutou Tho roquiroiueuts for outrauco to tho ooadomy are very reasonable but the govorumont is extremoly strict iu their fulfillment Tho applicant must bo bo tweon tho ages of 15 and 20 yoars aud physically perfoot Tho slightest blem ish such as nu ingrowing nail or a bad tooth will throw n person out Tho moutal qualifications requiro satisfac tory grades iu each of tho following studies readlug writing spelliuu geography history of tho world U S history arithmetic algebra aud geome try Whou a cadet outers tho school ho binds himself to eight years service six of whioh are spent at tho academy At tho start a deposit of 225 i9 re quired to pay certain expenses Each cadet receives 500 annually out of which he must pay for his clothes aud books All other expeuBes aro provided for by the government Two years aro spent in a training school for midshipmen aud the other four are given to courses of study which will bo necessary for tho service At the end of tho six years 15 members of the graduating class receive appoint ments as officers iu the regular service thus completing their eight yoars time The remaining members nro given a years salary of 1000 and nu houorable discharge The successful candidate in todays examination will enter next fall Iliiiniiiotut IouIhIiuiii An Ideal lleiilth iiuil Winter Ketort The passenger department of the Illi nois Central Railroad company has just issued a new edition of Hammond Louisiana as a Winter Resort a beau tiful illustrated folder showing a few of the wiutor attractions iu nud about Hammond copies of which will be mailed free ou application to the under signed For those m good or moderate circum stance no point in the south offers such inducements The climate is unsur passed The artesau water excellent Society almost entirely northern and tho hotel and boarding houso accomoda tions far superior to auy town of its size iu the north aud at moderate rates J F Meuuy Asst Gon Pass Agt 111 Cent RR Dubuque Iowa To llefutlilte Counterfeiter A traveling man at the depot held out a uew one dollar bill toward a group of friends aud pointing to script letter O on the face of the note said I will bet the cigars for the crowd that there isut a fellow among you that can tell what that letter means One and another made various wild guesses but they finally had to admit that the wise guy waa gambling on a sure thing Conversation was therefore throttled to give him a chance to air his superior wisdom and he preceded to do it Well thats a pet scheme of Uncle Sams to render counterfeiting more dif ficult You see the serial letter C means nothing unless the serial number is also considered which in this case is 5194015 There are four serial letters A B O and D Each letter has a cer tain number to correspond This is the key When A is used the lost two fig ures of tho serial number must be divis ible by four the number of serial let tersand leave one A being the first letter For B the remainder is two and you will notice iu this case it being O the remainder is three When D occurs there is no remainder If you ever get a dollar bill see if it does not figure out this way Humphrey Democrat Jell O The New Dennert pleasoB all the family Four flavors Lamou orange raspberry and straw berry At your grocers 10 cents Try it today wcwfc Itorr taeramieH Drop Men While coming from Chicago lAst week said u prominent buslucsn man to u Mall nud Express reporter I no ticed n peculiar railroad custom which Interested mo considerably I hap pened to bo In the last car of tho lim ited when the trnlii stopped In a deso late spot between sfntlou The rar brakemnn of course dropped oft and went down tho truck with a Ung to wnrn nny train that might be following tm I u n moment or two wo Htnrtcd up ngnln but minim tho brnkemun 1 wondered nt this but wn still moro eurprlseil Inter on to bob the same thing repented when wo were obliged to Htop on account of n threatened hot box Upon Inquiry I found that thla wns tho custom on fust trains Sohio tlmes If wo linvo lota of time said tho conductor we whistle for the men to como Iu but In nioso cases wo leave them to bo picked up by the- next train or to walk to tho nearest station nut Isnt that rather hard on the men I naked Oh Its nil part of the business ho replied I hnvo known of cnsiH whore men dropped off In this way were frozen to death or waylaid by tramps but tho railroads havo to mako the time and thats why It done I have Been trains running with only n conductor nbonrd them nt tlmoa because tho rest of the crew had been loft behind In Just thla way Vanltr nnd Cnrlnaltr Vanity booium to spring eternal In tho masculine brenst nnd tho less It baa to feed upon the moro It thrives ap parently Tho other day a trnmp of high degree In vagrancy stopped before tho win dow of a house at which two young women were standing lie waa tat tered and torn nnd melancholy looking to audi an extent that he nroused a feeling of deep Bymputhy In the hearts of the nialdena who looked down upon him as be stood gazing Intently at some object ho hold In hla hand I wonder what ho has said tho sentlmentul one of tho two as she peer ed down on him A lock of some wo mans hair I shouldut wonder More likely a coin hes found ho looks pleased rejoined the practical ono scofllngly ns she maneuvered for a position that would reveal the object to her But It was neither they discovered It wns Just a bit of looking glass In which the mnn was surveying his fea tures with a satisfied nlr that told of his entire contentment with his very rugged physiognomy Which shows as was said nt the be ginning of this story that vanity springs eternal iu the masculine breast Just as curiosity does In the feminine Baltimore News A Friend In Need It happened In the early days of Aus tralian history when bushninging was common A gentleman was riding nlong a lone ly track through the bush when ho heard loud cries for help proceeding from a neighboring grove Arriving at the spot whence proceeded the cries he wns surprised nnd shocked to find a mnn securely tied to a tree What Is the matter here he naked Oh sir replied the poor fellow Im so glad you have come A few hours ngo I was stuck up by bushran gers who rilled my pockets nud after stealing everything I had except n bun dle of notes In my Inside breast pocket which they fortunately overlooked bound me to this tree nnd decamped The scoundrels ejaculated the newcomer Took everything you had except n bundle of notes In your inside pocket eh Yes sir The villains And then they tied you so tightly thnt you cannot escape Yes sir Then Ill take the notes the other fellows left And he did London Answers Embarrassing When the new minister a handsome nnd unmarried mnn tnnde his first paa toral call at tho Fosdlcks he took lit tle Anna up iu hla arms nnd tried to kiss her But the child refused to be kissed She struggled loose nnd ran off Into the next room where her moth er was putting a few finishing touches to her adornment before going Into the parlor to greet the clergymun Mnintnn the little girl whispered tho man In the parlor wanted mo to kiss him Well replied mamma why didnt you let him I would If I were you Thereupon little Anna run back Into the parlor nnd the minister nsked Well little lady wont you kiss me now No I wont replied Anna prompt ly but mamma says she will Har pers Bazar The Handle Kicked A comical story la told of on English nobleman who la shortsighted In a railroad train while he was sitting next to a very stout old woman friend on tho next seat accosted him Walt a minute said his lordship Ill put this bundle of rags In the rack and you can sit here And to the astonishment and horror of tho gigantic female be caught her round the waist before bo realized his mistake Expensive Farnltare One of tho special agents of the Indian bureau is a woman and she receives a salary of 8 a day read Mr Wlntergreen Sho must sell a good many com mented Mrs Wlntergreen But I shouldnt have thought thero was such a demand for that sort of a bureau Detroit Free Press Small kindnesses small courtesies small considerations habitually prac ticed In our social intercourse give a greater charm to the character than tho display of great talents and accom plishments SAVING AN OLD PAINTING Inicenlnna Method by Which It Wni Trnnaferred to New CnnYAS Did you ever hear of transferring nn old oil painting to a now canvas said a well known art connoisseur of this city Ono would declnro nt first blush that the thing waa absolutely Im possible but I saw It done with a pic ture over eight feet square and tho operation waa a perfect success Tho painting to which I refer had been a fine exnmplo of tho onrly Itnllnn school but It had lain forgotten In a gnrret for mfcny yearn and hnd become so lucruHtcd with dirt nnd grime Unit It was Impossible to distinguish any of tho details Ordinarily It could have been cleaned without trouble but tho damp nnd mold of two centuries hnd rotted the canvas until It was ready to fall apart nt a touch and scrubbing was of course out of the question Thnt wns the condition of things when It waa taken tn hnnd by nn ex port restorer from Belgium who hap pened to be In the city The first thing he did wna to glue a huge sheet of thick maulla paper firmly to tho fnco of the picture Then he turned It over carefully nnd picked off every particle of the old decaying ennvna revealing the rear surface of the paint Itself It waa a big Job nud required no end of patience but the Inst thread wna final ly removed nud nothing wna left but the fragile shell of pigment That ho covered with the Btrongeat fish glue and a new sheet of ennvus wna spread over It nnd pressed down In a few houra It wna perfectly dry and the painting wna aa firmly nttach ed to Ita now foundation ns If It had been there from the start Nothing then remained but to tnke off the ma nlla pnper which was readily done with hot wnter After that the aurface waa thoroughly cleaned nnd tho pic ture Is- now almost na bright nnd clenr as It was when It left the painters easel The owner could hardly believe his eyca It seemed to him that a veri table mlrncle had been accomplished New Orion ns Tlirs Dniorrat The- Typewriter nnd the Eye There Is the general opinion nmong oculists that the eye Is much relieved by the general Introduction of type written mutter A recent medical work upon diseases of the eye gives a great many proofs in substnntintlon of thla opinion The characters are so lnrge on tho keys thnt there la no appreciable strain on the vision nnd when dexterity Is at tained the eyes can scarcely be said to be used at nil A vast strain la taken off the eye by writing with the type writer lnstend of the pen but the ad vantngea of reading the typewritten matter are even more Important from a medical point of view nnd the strain upon the bauds Is also slight It Is said that a person can work for eight consecutive hours with slight In terruptions without the hands being conscious of fatigue In using the typewriter the additional labor of fo cusing the eyes calls the muscles Into undue use nnd the result is that many defects of vision which would not probably be discovered under normal conditions nre brought to the front Scientific American A Coata Ilieuii Wonder The National theater at San Joso Costa Rica Is a wonder said a gentle man who has recently returned from thnt city In point of beauty It Is said to stand third nmong bouses of Its kind In the world It cost 3000000 to erect nnd the work of construction occupied many years Tho deslgn fol lows tho Grand Opera House of Paris In a general way although of course tho building Is very much smaller and tho material is white marble and Mex ican onyx The tnnln entrance hall and foyers contain some superb pieces of statuary and the decorations were done by European nrtlsts of reputa tion When a visitor sees it for the first time standing in the midst of a strag gling little Central American capital with a suburban Jumble of mud built adobe huts he feels like pinching him self to find out whether he isnt dream ing The people of San Jose nro Im mensely proud of the house ns they well mny be but they are so far away from amusement centers that the only regular performances nre by an opera company hired by the govern ment In France or Italy for a brief sea son every year It is nn interesting fact that all the Central American capitals have dis proportionately fine theaters kept up by the government The revolutionary presidents have found It good policy to amuse the people It tnkes tho place of public improvements New Orleans Tlmea Democrat The Burglar Terror A burglar well known to tho police of the larger cities who was recently taken Into custody told a reporter that a little dog was more terrifying to the profession than any burglar alarm or detective Guns be blowedl said he Im dead wlllln to take a chance wld a fly cop too and the tinklers and sltcb aint troublln mo a little bit But a bit of a dorg Yesslr I hates them little purps worsen poison The big fel lersSt Bernards and them you kin make friends with Olve them a bit of meat and theyre all right But when one of them little dorgs comes at you a barkln and yelpln you got to skin out quick or you finds the hull bouse n top of you There aint no makln friends with them They know you dont blong there and theyre Just a goln to git you out or know the reason why The Come Fldo nlco doggy racket aint a goln to help you at all Theres only one thing to do when them little fellers gets to hollerin round your heels Just git out as fast as you kin git Nina times out of ten that aint fast enuff nelUior Now York Mall and Ex- I press ftji pon this FAins I The mnnngcra of state nnd county fairs nro nt their wlta end to provldo scuantlounl entertainment for tho good people whom they wish to get out to the falra Diving horses and elks c6U llslous between locomotives balloon ascensions races of nil sorts havo had their dny nnd a perverted public tasto demands something new horriblo and tragic A bullfight would draw llko a mustard plaster as would a prizefight to bo Interspersed with a scries of Aog nnd cock fights or they might provldo for n touch of Donnybrook fair whero It would be n free for all and whero every head would become n mark for a shlllalnh They might put a spicy di vorce case on trial at the grand stand or tn states whero capital punishment Is In vogue have tho hangings and electrocutions the Inst day of tho fair Tho anlmnl brutnl and vulgar in tho race should be catered to nt nil haz ards and nt any expense becauso all such sort of entertainment so helps nlong the cause of an Improved agri culture and on ennobled civilization There arc lota of things in an agri cultural wny which are very nice and all that but which ore beyond tho reach of the common everyday farmer and so arc not practical From our standpoint the most helpful and use ful agricultural reading matter Is that which la suited to the average man working with limited means and short help For him to find out an easier nwny In which to do a hard Job or a wny whereby he may be able to raise a little better crop or sell what he does raise for a little more money or rid himself of some pest nnd hindrance In his farm work Is to help him tn a prac tical manner This Is why common- place things are treated In a com- monplace way by the writer In these notes Tho mon who own and run the steam thrashing machines are quite generally organizing for mutual protection nnd for the maintenance of living prices for work through much of the western grain growlug territory Tho steam outfits havo practically crowded out tho horsepower mnchlncs nud the ca pacity of the modern steam thrasher Is so great that unless it can command a given nirount of patronage It will bnnkrupt a mnn who tries to operate one The combination made between the owners of the machines Is nn agri cultural trust Iu a small wny and at least Is ns Justifiable ns nny of these trade regulators Yes the world owes you a living pro vided you are willing to get down nnd work for It but under no other con j dltions You may play tramp and beg hnnd outs or live off your father- In law or convert a public office Into a private snap or worse steal your liv ing by beating your way through life and the world owes you nothing but a1 hole In the ground and the slon of the elements of which your worthless carcass la composed into some more useful form of animal or vegetable life A friend who has a flock of Angora goats had them escnpe from their pas ture one day last summer and they found their way quickly to the black berry patch of a neighbor They staid right there until they hnd cleaned out every Inst blackberry bush clear to the ground Tho owner of the goats paid the bill nnd added something to his stock of knowledge as to the utilities of the Angora What shall We Have for DeHsert This question arises in the family every dny Lot us answer it today Try Jell O a delicious dessert Pre pared iu two minutes No baking 1 add hot water and set to cool Flavors Lmon orange raspberry and straw berry At your grocers 10 cents For a Republic We Mttst Have Men For a successful business there must be buyers A well equipped store a well assorted stock of goods efficient clerks all attract buyers but no mat ter wnar me store no matter what the stock no matter how agreeable or efficient the help t Duyers will not be attracted un less they know the facts Telling the facts in regard to your bad ness h advertising That method which will tell them to the largest number of prospective buyers is the best methed It is obvious that the best method nf tell in r fVtA trt o the buyers of this community I is through the advertising 1 1 umns ot trus paper Are you J employing this method to the ui ctuvamage r y y I