I 31 fl I - ok - - - The Norfolk lgms The rami who mnken two weeds die xvhoro ono tiled before 1h n pnblio bene factor Tho Yankee peril is growing nnd Knropcnn trade in likely to bo entirely destroyed by tho pot t To cntch n woninun oyo nn should bo placed In u department advertisement woo it i BhowlU bo itoni store certain to It mny lo pnld flint t bo dronl his wifely broken agniu Tho nforoRiiid drouth oontinncd ns ninny ns W coiiRCOutivo bourn Tho World Herald thinks tho low temperature nn iudirntion thnt tho north polo linn decided to meet tho ex plorers hnlf wny An exchango thinks thnt becnuHO tho Constitution imitated tho Shamrock by potting wrecked wo cnu do anything tho lirltlah cnu Tho drouth crokor uloug with tho calamity howler 1h by present events oompollod to mnintnin n depressing nnd undoubtedly agonizing Bilence Norfolk wouldnt bo much of a town but for her mcrchnutH nnd they Bhould bo pntronized in preforonco to tho mor chants of nny other town Stnutl up for Norfolk American sportB nro not satisfied with being inoro cup defenders They niuBt ro over tho pond nnd enpturo n Derby occasionally to keep their sporting pro olivlties in Bhnpe Tho Into democratic m pirnut for tho presidency went down into Missouri re cently to show them thnt tho demo cratic party or the principal port of it vrns still in existence If is presumed that Mr Brynn will obungo tho decision of tho supreme court in tho insular cnsoH if his party conies into power else whnt 1b tho use of tanking Buch n fuss nbout it Tho Export Oil nnd Pipe lino company of which Ohas A Townc is to be maua per will hnvo n capitalization of 2000 000 ThnB he will rnuk pretty well up with other mnguntesnudcorporntionists If a democrat is really ambitions to belong to n party of pronounced princi ples he should loso no timo in entering tho repnblicnn band wngon There is room for n few moro to mako it unani mous Nellio Brown grnuddnughter of John Brown tho nbolitionibt is a member of tho Salvation Army nt Astoria Oregon Whether sho is ns successful nt nbolish ing siu as her illustrious ancestor is not stated Missouri couvicts aro nt least paying their way while receiving punishment They cost tho state hut year SSOOOO and during tho same time enrued SSI 001 ISven a convicts timo is money it would seem If tho supremo court decision had been in their favor what would the fusiouists hnvo bad- to kick about There would have been n distressing oougestiou of kicks nbout the Com moner editorial snuctum Mr Brynn said nt Kansas City Mo Tuesday night I believe we have the be6t government ever conceived by mnu which is ns complimentary to the MoElnloy administration ns anything that has been uttered by its friends During the first production of PaderewskiB new opera he was attacked with a severe attack of bows having re ceived thirty curtain calls It is said to have taken a hair dresser n day and a half to straighten the kinks out of IiIb long locks Since the Hague peace conference wars and rumors of wars seem to have alarmingly increased and now they threaten to hold another peace confer ence and it may be expected that the world will be in a turmoil for certain thereafter The State Journal hopes for a govern mental reform in the uses of the words contagious and infectious and thinks that n definite knowledge of the meaning and distinction of the words would not be harmful te some doctors and common people as well The Carrol Index under A P Childs management is a much improved publi cation and haB the appearance of receiv ing barrels of patronage The editor promises that the paper shall be in depentent in politics and devoted to the beet interests bf Carroll and vicinity Senator Depew thinks fellows like the Chicago professor who never kissed n woman are deserving of the pity of the world The senator says worlds could not buy the memory of his first kiss Perhaps the Chicago man will hold them just as valuable when he once in dulges Thk News is in receipt of the first number of the Sugar Beet a monthly publication in magazine form of which Albert L Teele of Denver Colorado is editor and publisher The initial WW bor contninR mnoli of interefit to tho sugar lcol grower nnd beet migur fnotnrer Tho Fremont Tribune quotes Mr Urynn If 1 wore thu Mily oppouont of republicanism in tho United Stntcs 1 should bo pbul to hnvo tho fnot written on my tombstone nnd coininentH riH folloWH Well they hnvo written two epitaphs on his toinbutono Whnt moro doeH ho wnn t Tho people of York county during May deoreaBed tluir fiirm town nnd chattel mortgago indebtedncBB by moro thnn f7rt00 nnd Tlio Kopubllcnn 1b convinced thnt tho glnd tidings will not bo conveyed to tho people by n single pop paper If tho bnlnnco wns tho other wny it would bo dltrerent Tho nttoudnut who was giving a denf mute nn alcohol bath at Uorklev Cnl and threw a match into nnd lighted tho lluld bnrniiiK the patient to denth Khonld realize tho utter degencrncy of tho cigarette habit It wiih aftert light ing one of these coffin uiiUk that tho fatal nccldeut took place Ilixby thinks that nothing will Kill n hero off any deader than going into politics and refers to Dewey as an ex nmplo Kissing 1b likewiBO n fntnl habit look nt Hobt on I FntiBtou eooms to bo tho only BnccesBful hero perhaps becauBo ho bellovcs in keeping everlast ingly at it The telophono iB said to bo n highly appreciated invention by tho peoplo of Cuba not that it Boves timo and facil itates business but that it panders to thoir ludolonce Tho telephone may be appreciated by the lazy man but the energetic also lluds it a wonderful time Baver and convenience King Edward has dispensed with the services of 1M chnplaiuB as n matter of economy There are Btill n force of n dozen in his employ however and his spiritual welfare will undoubtedly be quite carefully looked nfter Perhaps he wont bo nny better than common mortals who havo one ohnpluin to sev eral dozen persons Sarah Bernhardt thinks the American girls rival her countrywomen in bennty nnd dress nnd wnB surprised nt discov ering tho largo number of nourishing colleges for women in this country Sarah is uot the ilrst to discover that the Americnu girl is nil right Tho girls countrymen will henrtilr endorse her tlatteriug opinion Edgar Howard thinks that if east ern people tako the nssessors returns for it they will look upon Nebraska as a commonwealth of paupers and seriously objects to tho showing thus made The Telegrams kick is a righteous one nud the method of levying taxes in No brnskn should undergo a radical change Tho trndo mark used by tho South Omaha street fair management mny seem ghnstly to Eome but tho broad grin on tho porkers head would indi cnto thnt it is n plensure to bo killed in thnt city It is to bo hoped however that tho management will not add this to tho other pleasures of their guests on thnt occasion A Germnu exploring party in digging up ancient Babylon has discovered thnt it Is only one fifth tho size of Lon don Another explorer of the mystic paBt has learned that Croesus wenlth was but n few millions now if some one will discover thnt Solomon was n mero child in wisdom compared with Mr Bryan ancient history will lose much of its charm According to the late census the num ber of cultivated farmB in the country haB increased from 4CI4G91 in 1890 to 5700000 in 1000 and still in these days of MoKinley prosperity there seems to be no danger of overproduction becnuse the consumer is able to work overtime It also refutes quite a general impres sion that farmers are nil moving to the towns and cities Tho newspaper has a wonderful power in this land nnd all tho really great men nro willing and able to testify to its in fluence The men wielding this power should be careful to Bee that it is rightly used or they will lose it A power abused soon becomes a weakness nnd every newspaper man should see to it thnt a diguity essential to power is the ruling motive of his paper Democrats who are inclined to think MoKinley nn ultra protectionist Bhould refer back to the history of their own ancient leaders to find one of the real ultra sort The Boston Journal i6 authority for the statement that Thomas Jefferson wished that the Atlantic might be a sea of fire to keep out foreign goods No republican has become ultra enough to wish for protection to that extent The sentiment in favor of a harvest home festival this fall seems to be strong among the business men of Norfolk and it wonld probably require but little effort if some one took hold of the project to get up an enjoyable celebration orioiK nas aone nothing for several years to attract a crowd and it would be a reminder of old times if a progrnm were prepared to call in the people for miles nround Preliminary work should begin at once an interesting program of SW J -- THE XOKFOLK NEWS FltJDAY JUNK M 1001 nmnnoinouts propnred libcmlly ndvortified nnd tho event When MoKluloy was first inducted into the olllco of president tho deposit b of tho Imuks of tho country amounted to 1050000000 Tho last report shows thnt such deposits hnvo iucreoacd 70 per cent nnd now rench tho mnguiflcent totnl of 27fiO0OO0O0 Facts Beein to have Blight regard for tho wishes of tho fnsionistA who would profor thnt their calamity wail might have a little chnnco for existence William II Nowmnu who has just been elooted president of tho Now York Central linilrond compnny furnishes another example of how tho young- man may riso to place nnd power by his own efforts Mr Newman began his rail road career as n Bwitchmnn and now nt tho age of M has renched tho top in his profession It can rendily bo couceived that Mr Newman didnt put forth his efforts toward killing tlmo nnd seeing how many cigarettes ho could consume without becoming a wreck or mnniao Uncle Sams mistakes are often both expensive and valuable contradictory as it may seem In printing the Pan American exposition stamps tho ex press train on ono sheet was put on up sido down nnd now stump collectors aro offering big priceB for thoso identical stamps although it undoubtedly cost the government not a little to get the train in n position that well regulated trains should occupy Thus 1b the nnnmoly explained tho mistako wns expensive to tho government but vnlnable to the fortunate person who becomes pos sessed of tbo misprinted spainps An exchange is responsible for the following argument in favor of ndver tiBiug during n dull season For a bus iness man to say to tho advertising solicitor Oh goodness no its too dull to ndvertiBO now wait until times pick up a little is equivalent to n sick person Baying to a phyBicinu Oh I doc tor I cant take any of your medioine now Im too sick Wait until I get better nnd then Ill take it When tho patient gets well if he ever does he will not bo in need of medicine The time to advertise iB when the need of stimulants is the greatest and that is when business is dull Humphrey must be n good town to live in the celestial reporter of the Plntte County Lender having discovered the following argument in its favor A good man dreamed that he died and of course went to heaven and knocked at tho golden gnto and was promptly admitted After spending several hours taking in tho sightB of the city ho sud denly came upon a man in chains This greatly surprised him so he in quired of St Peter if they had to punish men in heaven Oh said the good saint thnt man is just from Humphrey wo always have to chnin the Humphrey peoplo to keep them from going back Mr Brynn snys that the people have not yet voted on Imperialism What then became of tho paramount issue of 1000 It certainly wns not tho fault of Mr Bryan nud his supporters that such was not tho issue of the Into enmpnign Every popocrotio curbstone orator nud two-by-four newspnper in the country was howling that n vote for McKinley was a vote for imperialism and Mr Bryan made the historical utterance thnt if McKinley wns eleoted imperinl ism would prevnil aud celebrations of the Fourth of July would pass away That geutlemaus parnmountcies have a faculty of disappearing or appearing at his veriest whim it wonld seem Fusion journals have made a great roar about the junketing party of con gressmen who are to circle the globe in a government transport at government expense Their kick was registered be fore they learned the personnel of the party which is composed of five demo cratB and three republicans They are Bacon of Georgia De Armond of Mis souri Gaines of Tennessee Burleson of Texas Green of Pennsylvania Mercer of Nebrasfen Driscoll of New York and Smith of Indiana The five first named are democrats and the Inst three repub licans The members are undonbtedly anxious to learn conditions of the United States outside interests to aid them in passing upon them intelli gently It will keep the gullible busy keeping themselves informed on new fakes and other methods of making money in easy but not quite legitimate ways The following from the Howells Journal is a new one The latest fake to strike this section of the country is a man representing some snide liquor house He goes among the farmers and offers to sell them whiskey and other liquors at very low prices and of course guaran tees his goods to be pure The proof that Ihey are not is shown by the fact that in some cases he has sold whiskey for lesB than the government tax on the pure article Of conrse the fellow is catching some suckers As long as there are people waiting for a chance to be swindled there will be fakirs abroad in the land to do the job The fusionists promise to leave the administration rest for a time and di rect their attacks against the supreme court for its decision in the insular case They may believe this to be pnroly patriotio but many who have a high regard for lnw order and govern mental institutions will bo compolled to differ with them How can thoy hope to Bervo their country by worshiping tho constitution and declaration of iu dopoudonco nnd nt tho samo timo dis paraging tho action of ono of tho most honored institutions of tho country or vice versn If tho instruments men tioned dCBorvo bolng honored thon cer tainly tho institutions created through them should be uphold Their notion is probably to be expected howover ns tho history of tho party is lull of incon sistencies President MoKlnley Is distinctly op posed to a third term nnd ho has volun tarily set nt rest the speculation of the politicians as to tho possibility of his third nomination stntiug thnt he wonld not accept such a nomination if it wore tendered to him Mr McKinley hns made a satisfactory executive officer nud the country could not expect to do better under nny other ndmluiBtrntion thnn it has under his but the objection to n third term candidate is bo thor oughly Implanted on tho hearts of American voters thnt is very improbnble if it could bo nprooted oven where ns great nnd ns good a president as McKin ley is concerned Bnt the politicians have had their Boy and Mr McKinley has had his and ho will not bo a factor in the next presidential campaign The finish of the modern magazine story may be after an approved faBhion but is not satisfactory to tho average reader Until some fellow who con ceived himself smarter than the average began to mako light of the ending nnd they lived together happy over after ward the BtorieB were more or less complete but sinco the modiBh writer ixncTrmtvtw hns secured fall swny he seemB to de light in carrying the reader to the most obscure place in his story and shoving him into space with tho unsatisfactory ending And she smiled or He kissed or some equally unsnggestive or nonsensical phrase His object seems to be to see how near the middle of his Btory he can begin and how nenr the be ginning he can quit leaving nil the in teresting Tortious to the renders imagination when in fact the reader is depending upon tho writers imagina tion for his entertainment When the writer of descriptive nrticles sketches nud news stories gets into the snme rut with tho story writer it will be time for tho avernge reader to despair Today is Flag day On Tuue 14 124 years ago congress enacted That the ling of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripeB alternating red and white that the union be thirteen stars white in a blue field representing n new constellation For a time when a new state was admitted n new stripe wnB added until in 1818 the thirteen original Btripes were restored and made permnnent by tho following enactment on April 14 That from and after the fourth of July next the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes alterunte red and white that the union be twenty stars white in n blue field nnd that on the admission of n new state into the union one star be added to the union of the flag nnd that such nddition take effect on the fourth day of July next succeeding such ad mission Observation of Flag day is urged by the American Flag association organized in 1897 from veteran military pntriotio and historical societies of the country to promote reverence for and prevent the desecration of the flag of our country It is a day that should be generally observed Americnns have no emblem that they reverence more than their flag and a like feeling should be encouraged in the children of rising generations and among the foreigners who come to America for a home Let everyone honor the birthday of the American flag She was tall and stately and her pose was one to attract attention A beauti ful purple toque adorned her head nnd underneath locks of shimmering gold peeped forth Her supple form was bs comingly clad in n fashionnble gown of black satin the jet ornamentB being artistically arranged and indicating something of the cost of the attire as well as the tedious employment of the dressmaker The contour of the soft kid gloves indicated a softer and beauti fully shaped hand In her left hand was a modish muff of expensive fur and her right rested lightly on a railing be decked with flowers which might be taken to mean that either she was in a conservatory or that she bad the muff out for a summer airing Her flashing blue eyes were large nnd lustrous and her pink cheek glowed with the bloom of youth and health Her rosebud lips wore nu irresistable pucker and her face beamed with contentment bnt Bhe had fallen very low about as low as 6he could The magnificence of her attire and contented features indicated noth ing of her true position nnd those who did not know would scarcely believe that she was bound for destruction and a consuming fire was awaiting her She was a tasnion picture out irom tne magazine by childish hands and had been neglectfully left on the floor while the little imp responsible for her con dition was employed at other amuse ment The good housewife was ap proaching with a broom and her fate can thus be readily foretold Now Ex Senator Pettigrow is invest ing in Wyoming oil fields Tho senntor is setting a horrible example to other anti expansionists The Woodmen havo gathered iu St Paul to nttond tho bend camp iu droves nud tho city should tnko rigorous methods to see that Its shado trees are protected Frost created considerable havoc in tho Jim river valley South Dakota last week nnd Nebrnskn again eBcnped with nothing worse than n chill Stand np for Nebraska Tho robbers who touched tho First National bnnk of Mineral Point Wis for f 131000 used n hidiug place for their ill gotten gains thnt must have mndo it filthy lucre indeed If yon havo a dollar to spend and dont want to Bpend it at home give it to Bomeono who believes in homo patronage In bo doing yon will nt least have tho satisfaction of knowing thnt your town has been helped Of t V 1 ti 0 oauvit ts iu the prisons of 2J claim to be collet pradu ntct It is Mite to wuger a doughunt agniust a Bpool of barb wire that the edu ation responsible for their ii was not n portiou of their regular college curriculum Fremont believes in nevtrtising and is keeping the firem s tournament to be held in that city July 10 17 and 18 strictly before the people through various means of publicity What Fremont ad vertises she will undoubtedly deliver and those anticipating a good time at this state event of fire fighters are not likely to be disappointed If Mr Bryan would but consent to take lessons from President McKinley on how to open his mouth without put ting his foot in it it might save him self nnd his party many of the ii con veniences they have encountered in the past Mr Bryan may be nn eloquent orator but he hns much to learn before he iB ns smooth a statesman as William McKinley A statistician has discovered how far and how fast an editor moves when the ordinary mortal imagines he is handling an easy job It is said thnt a fast penman will wiite thiity words n minute which menns that in an hours 9teady writing he has drawn his pen through a spnee of about Ii00 yards The authority fails to calculate the swiftnesB and distance of ideas Trcea and Landowners In England By the general laws of Englaria oak nsh and elm are Umber If not youn ger than 20 years or so old that a good post cannot be cut from them What constitutes timber varies slightly ac cording to locality but when a tree is proved to bo timber a person who has only a life interest in tlie land it grows upon cannot cut It down unless it be on an estate cultivated solely for the production of salable timber or unless be basaspeclal agreement giving him power to do so A mere life not even cut down trees wblcl are not timber but which would r the age of 20 years attain that dinlt Botanists differ as to the poisonoi nature of yew trees There suv mat Instances both of their polsoinus at their harmless effect when browsed b horses nnd cattle but the pnrtlnllj dried clippings of yew are certulnlj most dniiKerous If a yew tree over hangs a neighbors lnnd and bis horses eat the yew without trespassing the owner of the tree is liable to pay for any injury the horses may sustain On the other hand If the horses or cattle cannot browse on the tree without put ting their beads over the fence the owner of the horses must bear the loss for his animals have trespassedLon don Answers Fairly Good Time Seated nround a Topeka railroad lunch counter the other day were four old Snnta Ke engineers They were telling of fast runs Three of them had told their stories The fastest run 1 ever made said the fourth after lis tening to the lies of the others was between Topeka and Emporia not long ago It was a bright moonlight night We were behind when we pulled out of Topeka and bad orders to make up all lost time between here and Emporia After reaching the top of the Pauline hill I pulled the throttle wide open nnd let her go The old engine fairly ate up the track When we stopped at Emporia I looked back n mile or so and Baw something black approach ing us 1 could not think what It was I watched it closely Finally It came up opposite the engine and stopped It was the shadow of the train Kansas City Journal A Safe Rlak Bhe Are you superstitious ne No I think not But why do you ask She I was going to get you a pocket knife for a birthday present but eome one told me the gift of anything sharp cuts friendship He Ob Ill risk It Im sure no knlfo selected by a woman would cut any thing Chicago News Cutting Off Boer Supplies Cape Town June 11 The military authorities are enforcing stringent re strictions in the distribution of food stuffs northward from De Aar and southward from Buluwayo Only essen tials are permitted to be distributed and these only In limited quantities so as to deprive the Boere of this source of Bupply AE FOND KISS BEFORE WE PART 1 Ae fond Mm and thon we icvcr Ar lirewcd aim torcrrl lHep In heart wruntf t an Ill plrrice VtarritiK tK nl foam rjl vit thw Who Minll ry that lortiinc grieves him While lift Hint of hope tlit Icavci hlrut Mr nac checrfu twinkle HrIiI mc Dark tlccpalr around benights mc Ill neer blame my partial fancj KarthliiR could resist my Nancej Hut lo tee tier was to love ncr love hut her and lore forever Had we never loved eae kindly llxl we never loved se blindly fcvr mf1 nr nnter nartrA We had rxer been broken hearted w ta MI ltn flt at anrl fatfftfl mi f nr vrti - - - - Fare thee weil Ihou best and dcarcatli Thine be Ilka Joy and treasure Peace enjojment love and pleasure Ac fond kiwi and men wo icvcr Sal i B Beep In heart wrung tears Ill pledpe keel Warring eljhe and groana Ill wage thee I Hubert Uurna FAMOUS DUELING GROUND Plctnrenqrie Portion of the New Or leanu Park Known as The Oaka One of tho most picturesque nnd1 beautiful spots In New Orlcnns and re plete with historical Incidents Is the Oaks the Cheues dAllurd as they were called of old They nre now a pnrt of the City park and a favorito resort for the children of tho Creole- quarters dozens of Bwlngs being at tached to the massive live oaks which shade Bcvcral acres of ground The lnnd was formerly the plantation of Louis Allard n very learned French- innn of early New Orleans It wns bought by the great philanthropist John McDonough and finally passe Into the hnnds of the city and wan- dedicated as n park Its most eventful history was In advance of Its park days when It was practically waste land Lying ns It did on the shell road to Bayou St John nnd Lake Pontchar traln within easy distance of tho city yet deserted and uninhabited It afford ed the very spot for the duels so fre quent among the fiery creolcB nnd no less fiery Americans of New Orleans In antebellum days Here under tbo Bhnde of a primeval forest of gigantic oaks either with pistol or rapier moro cspeclally the lntter the difficulties be tween gentlemen were fought out under the Btrlctest rules of the code of honor At these times New Orleans al though to n large degree cosmopolitan was essentlnlly a creole city and bound by the creole habits nnd Ideas and ono of these ideas was that a Blight or af front could be wiped out only by blood Bhed in a duel The result wns to pro duce the greatest punctilio among men A blow was strictly forbidden nnd suf ficient to debar the striker from tho privileges of the duello A gentleman who would so far forget himself as to 6triko another was exposed to the Ig nominy of being refused a meeting on the field of honor Most of tlfi duels had then- origin to tho ballroom where to brush rudely against n man was often deemed suffi cient cause for exchanging cards Some were political some the result of breaches of politeness or etiquette Chevalier Touiasl fought n duel with a native creole over the proposition that there were larger rivers In Europe than the Mississippi each man being willing to risk his life for his homo river Several duels are reported from mere excess of spirit because the night was so good for an nssaut darmes In tbo winter of 1S57 8 the opera pro duced nn epidemic of duels The two prima donnas then In vogue had each her army of supporters and to hiss his favorite was supposed to justify any creole In handing his card to the of fender nnd demand a meeting at the Oaks Most of these meetings wero secret known only to the friends of the prin cipals It was only when some one was killed or seriously hurt and not always then that the facts of the duel became known The duello continued In Louisiana as more or less a custom of the country until about 20 years ago An occasional meeting Is held even today but they nre growing Bcarcer for tho police now Interfere and nrrest duelists whereas of old they kept out of the way The oaka are among the finest In the United States some of them shading nenrly an acre of ground and each oak has a dozen traditions or stories of tho duello attached to It romantic and bloody Leslies Weekly Attached to the Dak err A plausible tale of a man who bought a loaf of bread nnd took away more property than be paid for Is told by the Iawtutket correspondent of the Prov idence Telegram The man was in a hurry to catch a car Ills Impatience made the clerk nerv ous She forgot to snap the string which bound the paper about toe loaf End away sped the man with the loaf while the string reeled off behind him He caught the car all right and al though the conductor and some of tho passengers noticed as bo sat dowo close to the door that the twlno paid Itself out as tlie enr rolled along the man did not discover the tonglo until ho alighted In the meantime the con ductor was having a good time As passengers stepped on the platform ho cantloned them not to walk on that string and they did not It might have looked mysterious to the people who saw the string moving along the street for the unraveling continued until the bakery twine bob bin had been nearly emptied by th connected loaf a mile away The man with the brend felt a tug at his loaf as he stepped down from the car Then he followed up tho cord winding as he went He was one of those strictly honest men who want nothing that doeB not belong to them and the best part of the Btory Is that he followed the string back winding ns ho walked and In due time entered tho bakery and f tared tho ball of twin J r