The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 14, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Cubans Finally Agree to Condi
tions Fbccd by United States
Vote is sixteen to eleven
Hesolutlon to Mnke It Port of tho Con
J stltutlon le Passed Without Discus-
Ion Senor Ferrer Chariots Front
Only Four Delegates Are Absent
Havana Juno 11 Tho Cuban consti
tutional convention ycBtcrday accepted
tho Piatt amendment by a voto of 16
to 11 Tho resolution to accept was
carried without discussion Immedi
ately nftcr tho opening of tbo BOBslon
Honors Tainlo ValluendaB and Que
nada constituting a majority of tho
commlttoo on relations Bubmlttcd an
a Biibstltuto for tbo committees
former report tho Tlatt amendment
an passed by cotiKrcBB recommending
that It bo nccoptcd nnd mude nn ap
pendix to tho constitution
ScnorB Rivera Correoso Gcncr and
Ilobau were absent
Tho latter two voted against accept
unco In tho previous division Senor
1Yrrcr voted with tho couBorvatlves
explaining IiIb chungo of nttltudo by
asserting thot ho bollovod acceptance
would bo tho bcBt solution of tho prob
Tho convention will now nppolnt n
rommlBBlon to draw up the electoral
Evacuation of American Troopa Will
Follow Soon
I I Washington Juno 13 The news of
tho adoption of tho Piatt amendment
by tho Cuban constitutional conven
tion was received With genuine gratifi
cation hero Tho administration offl
clalfl all along have felt confident that
ItB ratification would bo accomplished
When tho Cubans realized that thlB
government wub firm In Its attitude
regarding tbo amendment nnd that its
acceptance would bo necessary before
tho United States would conBcnt to
Withdraw Hb supervision from tho Isl
and Now that tho Cubans havo dem
onstrated their good faith In tho Unit
ed States It Is expected that a fairly
npcody evacuation of tho island will
follow contingent only upon tho es
tablishment of a stable government in
tho Island Just to what extent tho
United Stntes will requlro practical
evldenco of this fact 1b not definitely
known but tho officials hero think tbnt
nuch steps should be taken by the Cu
bans ns will demonstrate their ability
to maintain order and peace so that
tho Interests of nil tho people native
and foreign shall bo adequately pro
tected An effective police forco and
other mensurcB necessary to the pres
ervation of good order nnd sanitation
arodeemed ns essential prerequisites In
tho formation of tho now government
Ono cabinet offlcor speaking of the
matter expressed tho opinion thnt If
tho other requirements are mot our
withdrawal might be accomplished dur
ing tho summer nnd thnt Cuban Inde
pendence might bo n renllty by next
1 New Pan American Trains
St Louis Juno 13 Tho Wnbash
rond announces two new trains to the
Buffalo exposition ono from Chlcngo
to Buffalo and ono from St Louis to
the same terminus This sorvico will
commence June 15 nnd continue until
tho end of the exposition The trains
will bo known ns tho Pnn Amorlcnn
Limited Ono will leave Chicago dnlly
at 910 a m rcnchlng Buffalo at 1145
tho next morning The other will leave
6t Louis nt 105 p m reaching Its
destination nt 820 in tho morning
ThlB service Is In addition to tho regu
lar trains none of which will bo dis
continued Twcnty fivo coaches ten
chair enrs eight combination cars
two dining cars nnd three cafe cars all
new have been Bupplled for tho new
equipment necessary
i Two Passengers Killed
Connellsvllle Pa Juno 13 Two
persons wero Instantly killed by a run
away on a lumber track at Stewart
station last night The engineer lost
control of tho newly Installed engine
which plunged down tho steep grade
at a terrific rate At a curve In the
road the engine Jumped tho track
Mrs Edward Baldwin and John Mc
Peck passengers wero killed
Kanter Loveless and Weber Guilty
Chicago Juno 13 Samuel C Kan
iter David Weber and H Loveless were
found guilty yesterday of conspiracy
to violate the city civil service law by
nelplng unworthy pollco sergeantB to
pass the examination for lieutenants
Their punishments in each case will be
indeterminate confinement in tho peni
tentiary for from one to five years and
a 1000 fine
Funeral of W J Samford
Tuscaloosa Ala Juno 13 Simple
funeral services were conducted over
the remains of Governor William J
Bamford yesterday The body was
taken to Montgomery on a special train
and will lie in state at the capltol to
day The Interment will bo at the gov
ernors home Opellka on Friday
i Mrs McKlnley Improving
I Washington June 13 Dr Rlxey on
leaving the white house after his usual
call said Mrs McKlnley is getting
along very nicely Her Improvement
continues steadily The heat is not
affecting her materially
Maya Rebels In Hiding
Merlda Yucatan Juno 13 The
Maya rebels now biding in the forests
and swamps having abandoned their
towns number 1500 and lack ammu
nition Their best general Prudenclo
Caae Is dead
r tv pi1W j
Husband In Jail and Wife In Hospital
nrU Not Expected to Live
Ics Moines Juno 13 Crazed by
Jealousy ICHJoh Heatheoto n contract
or entered tho npni Clients of his wife
In tho Dnrrow block shortly after mid
night last night and grabbing her
held her at arms length while h flred
tho contentu of hln revolver Into her
body Four bullets look effoct Heath
cote accused his wife with being In
love with nnothcr contractor Tho
couple had quarreled frequently of lato
and only two weeks ago the husband
was arrested at the Instigation of tho
wife for hnvlng threatened to kill her
Heatheoto Ib now In Jail whllo hln vic
tim Ib at tho hoBpital at tho point of
Men Who Served In South Africa
Given Recognition by the King
London Juno 13 Loudon seldom
had n liner spectacle thnn wan wit
nessed on tho Horse Guards parade
yestordny when King Edward pre
sented medals to 3000 soldier partici
pants In tho South African campaigns
Tho recipients of the medals In a
long lino marched past tho king re
ceived tho decoration from his majesty
saluted and passed on Lord Roberts
came first followed by Lord Milner
whllo behind them came crowdB of gen
cralB and lesser officers whose names
havo become familiar owing to tho war
Duller Hamilton nnd a host of
Wholesalers Refuse to Deliver Moat
to Union Shops
Ban FrnnclBco June 13 The butch
ers In moBt of tho shops which refuso
to display tho union label walked out
ycBterday A number of shops nota
bly thoBO In tho California market are
running as UBiial Tho employers claim
to havo granted all tho demands of
tho men except that In regard to show
ing tho union label and tho wholesalers
havo notified tho shops that no meat
will bo furnished to thoso who do so
Tho butchers union in this city has
1800 members
Notifies Sumner He Will Not Surren
der Unless Terms Are Agreed To
Manila Juno 13 General Sumner
baB received a notification from Call-
Icb tho notorious Insurgent leader in
Laguana province thnt unlesB tho gen
eral ngroes to tho FIllplnoB terms
which Include the granting of amnesty
to tho Insurgents Callles will not sur
render nnd tho negotiations on tho
subject nro to be considered at an end
Great Britains Way of Getting Back
the Cost of the War
London Juno 12 Tho World corre
spondent hears from a sure source
that tho BrltlBh government hns de
cided to levy 250000000 on tho
Transvaal gold mines toward paying
tho cost of tho war
Groom Had Smallpox
Chlcngo Juno 13 Leonard Kranzc
and a young woman from Michigan
wero married here last Sunday while
tho bridegroom was suffering from a
highly developed caso of smallpox
Neither of tho pair know It however
until today when tho health author
HIob separated them nnd the groom
was sent to tho Isolation hospital
Strikers Grow Riotous
Rochester N Y Juno 13 About
1000 men who recently struck work on
street Improvement contracts paraded
tho streotB yesterday nnd attacked a
gang of men who had taken work at
tho old rate xt wages Policemen
drove off tho rioters who resumed
their mnrch and caused the suspen
sion of work on other contracts
Earle Again In Custody
Dubuque Juno 13 William Earle
accused of killing two companions
near Savannah Mo in 1899 and who
escaped from the Missouri authorities
after his arrest in this city was recap
tured at jotcsl last night Earle nnd
the young men who were murdered
lived at Plattsville
Fatal Fire at Oskaloosa
Oskaloosa la June 13 Frank
Gunn son of a prominent merchant
perished yesterday In a fire that de
stroyed John Kennels grain elevntor
Tho property loss was about 10000
The general synod of the Reformed
Presbyterian church began in Cin
cinnati Wednesday
John G Foster was killed on the
Foster plantation five miles east of
Shreveport Wednesday
Six of the crew of the United States
gunboat Scorpion deserted whllo that
vessel was at Memphis
Julius C Denton a well-to-do stock
men of Denver Wednesday night shot
his wife and then killed himself
M Kreely and son prominent farm
ers residing near Arcadia Wis wero
struck by lightning Wednesday while
driving into n barn and both instantly
Secretary Long will appoint a board
of naval officers shortly to proceed to
Porto Rico to examine into the advis
ability of establishing a United States
naval station on that Island
Sheriff W T Morris In attempting
to arrest two Mexicans near Kennedy
Tex Wednesday was shot and mor
tally wounded by one of them Morris
killed tho man that shot him and
wounded his other assailant
At Wednesdays meeting of the Cen
tral Passenger association refusal
was given to the request for longer
limits on Pan American exposition
tickets and western lines were told
to keep their hands off eastern terri
to he v
Battleship Illinois Breaks AH
Records on Speed Trial
Big Fighter Describes a Circle at Full
Rush In Twice Its Length Naval
Officers Pleased With Trial Speed
iest of Her CI86B Afloat
Boston Juno 13 With the proud
distinction of being tho fastest battle
ship In America and the speediest of
her class In tho world tho now sea
fighter Illinois lies at anchor In Presi
dents roudB after a most successful
trial Over the government course
of her size afloat but she proved her
ability to turn upon an enemy with
extraordinary quickness by describ
ing a complete circle within 300 yards
or little more than twice her length
In throe minutes and ten seconds
while plowing through the Bea at full
ship throughout
The work of her engines was smooth
and even and the records of tho day
showed but one tenth of n knot differ
ence In speed between the northern
run and the return The machinery
answered every requirement nnd not
nn accident of any kind marred the
success of the day Rear Admiral
Evans who acted ob president of tho
trial board as well as the other naval
officers who participated in the trial
were thoroughly pleased with the new
For a part of tho run tho Illinois
reached a speed of 1784 knots an hour
nnd at no time did sho drop below
Crane Collapses While German Battle
ship Is Being Prepared for Plunge
Kiel June 13 Emperor William
accompanied by tbo headquarterB stafT
Prince Henry of Prussia and the chiefs
of his majesty arrived here yester
day to witness the launching of the
battleship Saehertngen nt the Ger
manla yardB Tho emperor boarded
tho imperial yacht Hohanzollern amid
salutes from tho war vessels present
Owing to tho unfavorable weather tho
launching was postponed until tho aft
ernoon While the work of removing
tho braces preprnatory to the launch
was In progress a crano collapsed kill
ing two men and seriously Injuring
three others
Norwegian Lutheran Conference
Minneapolis June 13 Eight hun
dred clergymen and laymen are here
this week to attend the 12th annual
conference of tho United Norwegian
Lutheran church which was formally
opened yesterday morning by Presi
dent Hoymo It is the 12th conference
which he has opened It was here that
this church organization the largest
among the Norwegians in America
was formed Rev N E Roe of Silver
Lake la preached the annual sermon
Catholic Order of Foresters
New Hampton la June 13 Tho
fifth biennial convention of the Catho
lic Order of Foresters for the Jurisdic
tion of Iowa comprising the states of
Iowa Nebraska and Kansas closed
here yesterday About 150 delegates
were In attendance The new officers
are ns follows J J Ott Dubuque
Speakers at Boston Convention Review
Half a Century
Boston Juno 13 Tho great Influx
of delegates during tho paBt 24 hours
Hssd Consul Northcott Is Chosen for
Another Term
Bt Paul June 13 Election of offi
cers nnd a protracted contest over ad-
mlcelrtn nt nltloa nt HVAP 900 ftftfl in
the report from the law committee
An amendment was proposed to this
report to dispense with the present
limit which keeps cities of over 200
000 from Joining tho order Chicago
St Louis Milwaukee Buffalo Detroit
Cleveland San Francisco Cincinnati
Philadelphia and Pittsburg being
named In several motions and being
then taken up one at a time and voted
on On Chicago the vote was 2G0 to
328 and the others were more quickly
dUposed of all being voted down
The election of officers resulted as
follows Head consul W A North
cott of Illinois head clerk C W
Hawes of Illinois and head advisor
Dan B Herd of Iowa head banker R
R Smith of Brookfield Mo
Shaffer Elected Imperial Potentate
Next Pilgrimage to San Francisco
Kansas City June 13 Yesterday
was a busy day for the Shriners of
largely augmented the audiences that Large Quantity of Stolen Army
Ailed Mechanics hail nt tho various stores Found in Warehouse
sessions oi iuo r m kj a inicnm
IIouhI convention which wero chiefly
devoted to tho presentation by able
speakers of subjects and problotoB
bearing on tho progress of tho Y M C
A work during tho past DO years
Although tho addresses of the morn
ing and afternoon sessions were Inter
esting to thoso personally engaged In
association work it wob the evening
meeting which most strongly appealed
to the popular taste on account of the
curiosity to see and hear tho military
and naval heroes who wore announced
as speakers
Among the speakers wero
Local Detectives Make Estimates of
Stolen Supplies at Hundreds of
Thousands Commanding General
8ays It Is Small
Ban Francisco Juno 13 General
Shatter and Colonel MauB inspector
general of the Department of Califor
nia and the federal grand Jury arc In-
I vestlgatlng the many reports of fraud
Major committed In tho commissary branch
General Joscnh Wheeler Rear Admiral of thn nrmv service In thin eltv That
from Capo Ann to Cape Porpolso and F J Hlgginson Captain A V Wad- the reports seem to be based on some
return a distance of GO nautical miles hams Captain R P Hobson and thing more substantial tlain ldlo ru
she raced yesterday undqr tho watch 1 onel CurtlB Guild Jr who presided mora is evidenced by tho disclosures
ful cycB of United States naval repre The result waB an Immense audlenco following the arreBt of Louis Abram
seutntlveB and established a low rcc 1 that ailed every nook and earner at and son dealerB In Becond hand cloth
ord by maintaining an average speed the big hall and ono that was wildly ing The extent of the alleged fraudB
of 1731 knotB for four consecutive enthusiastic In Its reception of tho has not been determined and there 1b
hours Not only diu sue demonstrate speakerB especially General Wheeler diversity ol opinion on the subject
that she was faster than any warship and Captain Hobson
Captain Seymour of tho local detec
tive louc who Is assisting tho federal
grand Jury said
The government had unquestion
ably betn lobbed for a long time past
and 1 believe the amount of the losses
sustained by Uncle Sam through the
treachery and dishonesty of some of
Steadiness and reserve power I jurlBlctIon flUed the buBlnebB day for his army officers and others will reach
the performance of the
Mmlnrn Wnnrlmnn nf Amnrirn ntO tile Hundreds OI ClOUBanUB OI OOl
day Tho proposition to take the city believe that inrestB will be
members into the order came up on maue probably by the federal officers I
North America who are here attending cers had dlscovered arge quantities of
me sun annual nieeuug ui iuo uruer nnd Rtn1pn frnm th irnvprnmoTit
The days program was interspersed
with business and pleasure and from
the early morning hours until the con
clusion of the grand annual ball at
Convention hull last night the Shriners
were on the move
San Francisco will entertain the or
der next year during the first week In
June The imperial council met at the
Baltimore hotel and transacted the
Important business of the meeting
The Golden Gate city won on the first
ballot New officers for the next year
were also elected Lou B Wlnsor
Imperial potentate retired and then
by the usual rotation Philip C Shaf
Commencement Exercises at Dakota
University Twenty Seven Graduate
Mitchell S D June 13 The 17th
annual commencement exercises of
Dakota university came to a close yes
chief ranger J M Lynch Sioux City I Falls delivered the address
vice chief ranger E J McLaughlin close of the exercises President
Waterloo treasurer
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League Pittsburg 5 New
York 2 Chicago 8 Brooklyn 1 St
Louis G Philadelphia 0 American
League Baltimore 8 Chicago 1
Philadelphia 5 Milwaukee G Bos
ton 4 Detroit 2 Washington 0
Cleveland C Western League Colo
rado Springs 2 Kansas City 3 St
Joseph 8 Denver 4 Minneapolis 11
Omaha 1 St Paul 4 Des Moines G
Heat Prostrations at Chicago
Chicago June 13 A feeble breeze
yesterday that blew at times off Lake
Michigan made heat conditions a trifle
more bearable than Tuesday The
mercury reached 88 degrees ana the
humidity was 90 People prostrated
were Thomas Curia railroad brake
man Charles Delaney stonemason
Bert Kune fireman
A O U W Finances
Buffalo June 13 At yesterdays ses
sion of the supreme lodge of Ancient
Order of United Workmen the report
of the finance committee was adopted
It showed receipts for the year ending
May 31 1901 of 94481 and disburse
ments of 77471 The total surplus
of assets over liabilities was shown to
be 197297
Captain W H Wllhelm Dies
Manila June 13 Captain William
H Wilhelm of the Twenty first Infan
try who was recently wounded in the
shoulder in an engagement with insur
gents in Lipa Batangas province died
Charged With Embezzlement
Manila June 13 Lieutenant Henry
T Mitchell of the Forty first regiment
has been arrested and will be tried
by court martial on the charge of em
bezzlement at Bacolor of 277 of pub
lic funds
that will startle the community
Major General Shaffer Bald that the
matter had not been fully Investigated
but admitted that theft of clothing
have been going on He claimed there
waB no shortage in any department
For months past various stores about
the city have been exhibiting signs
Government goodB for sale here and
advertisements have even been
crowded into the dally newspapers I
As late as this morning the following
advertisement appeared
Wanted 1000 men to wear gov
ernment shoes 1 a pair
Inspector General Maus and a num
ber of local detectives began some
days ago the Investigation which re
sulted in the arrest of Abrams and his
son George for buying and selling I
government supplies Their examina
tion has been set for Tuesday after
noon Their ball was fixed at 5000
Late In the afternoon Captain Sey
mour stated that the governments offl
The goods were stored In a warehouse
south of Market street The prop
erty consisted of all kinds of military
supplies jsm
Michigan Town Reported to Have Been
Destroyed by Cyclone
Milwaukee June 13 A rumor to
the effect that the city of Ironwood
Mich was destroyed by a cyclone Is
In circulation in this city but all at
tempts to verify the rumor have proved
fruitless At the offices of the Wis
consin Central railroad it was said at
midnight that a violent storm early in
for of Philadelphia who was Imperial
deputy potentate succeeded to tho tne even tag had blown down their tele
flrCt rnCHnn in th nriir Hpnrv r graph wires and that no
Akin of Omaha imperial chief rabban tlon had been had with any point north
of Stevens Point for several hours
succeeded to the position vacated oy
Mr Shaffer
The telephone wires were also down
Many Buildings Struck by Lightning
Chicago June 13 During a storm
last night the residence of Fire Mar
shal M R Dilscoll in South Chicago
was shattered by lightning Just as the
marshal himself was preparing to an
swer a call with the department to an
terday when the graduating exercises other residence which had been set on
were held Instead of the class giving fjre by the lightning The fire marshal
orations Dr W H Jordan of Sioux was stunned and left unconscious by
ax me the stroke His wife quickly revived
him by sminklfnc water A number
Dubuque state secretary T A Tobias ham presented the diplomas to the 0f other buildings were struck by light-
various classes there being 11 in the niDg through the city and suburbs and
normal class nine in tne commercial much damage was done by wind and
department three in the music and water
four in the classical course j
Tho college alumni tendered a re- Hall as Large as Hens Eggs
ceptlon to tho graduates last evening j Traverse Mich June 13 A heavy
storm passed over Grand Traverse
BEND MILITIA TO AGENCY j county yesterday One inch and a quar
Arapahoe Indians at Shoshone Agency
Defy the Authorities
Helena Mon June 13 A special
from Red Lodge Mon says that seri
ous trouble is threatened with the
Arapahoe Indians in Shoshone reser
vation in Wyoming The Indians have
openly defied the authorities and are
preparing for the barbaroussundance
The state militia has been ordered to
the scene
Elwood Meade the well known Irrl
gatlon expert fell while attempting to
board a moving street car at Washing
ton Wednesday The wheels passed
over his right arm necessitating Its
amputation above the elbow
ter of rain fell In one hour Hailstones
as large as hens eggs fell in some
localities Fruit was stripped from
trees and strawberries were cut off and
ruined Lightning Btruck a barn In
which three sons of William Elkey bad
taken refuge Instantly killing the
elder a boy of 14 years The others
aro still unconscious
Pranks of a Baby Cyclone
Loup City Neb June 13 A heavy
windstorm passed across Sherman
county yesterday In lower Loup City
The submarine torpedo boat Fulton township a farmhouse was unroofed
was successfully launched at Eliza
beth N J Wednesdav
A tornado visited Winona Minn
Wednesday Several plate glasB fronts
were blown in TreeB wero torn up
by the roots
trees wero torn down outbuildings
shattered and windmills hayracks and
farm machinery scattered about
Some damage was done to windmills
and fruit and forest trees in Clary
township The storm came from the
The special two days session of the southwest and traveled very fast to
Washington legislature adjourned1 nortueast
Wednesday after passing a new capital
punishment law
Messrs Judge and Stone on the new
Coliseum track at Troy N Y Wed
Identifies Headless Body
Lowell MasB June 13 The woman
whose headless body was found in
nesday clipped 4 1 2 seconds off the Chelmsford woods last Sunday waB
worlds one mile motor record making Identified as Mrs Margaret Blondln of
the distance In 122 3 4 Boston The identification was made
- The property in Stillwater Minn I b Mr8 Margaret Casey of Lawrence
known as the Minnesota Thresher and Bl8ter of MrSl Blondln The dead worn
Manufacturing company was sold paired Blondln a
to a Stillwater syndicate dan mU1 operative last February It
represented by R H Brunson for s not known where the man Is at pres
ior nnn
Storm at Rock Rapids
Rock Rapids la June 13 A severe
wind and rain storm struck this placo
yesterday Trees two feet through
were twisted and broken of and barns
were blown dowa
Laundry Proprietor Must Pay Fine fon
Working Employes Overtime
Omaha Juno 13 William Wenham
proprietor of tho Nonpareil laundry
has been found guilty of violating tha
Beverly law which provides that fc
male help In manufacturing rocrcan
tile nnd mechanical establishments ho
tels nnd restaurants shnll not bo re
quired to work inoro than GO hours peg
week i
Wenhams case was tried before
Judge Baker Women who were form
erly employed In the Nonpareil laundry
were the chief witnesses in the case
Judge Bnker made a previous ruling
in the Wenham case which recognized
tho constitutionality of the Beverly
law and tho verdict against Wenham
completes the first action brought un
der the law
Six cases similar to tho Wenham
case are pending In tho courts andi
the deputy labor commissioner and la
bor organizations throughout the stato
are much interested in the matter
The law provides that violations off
the law shall be subject to a fine rang
ing from 20 to 50
Destructive Fire Breaks Out In Iowa
Town Loss Reaches 30000
Perry la June 13 Woodward ten
miles east of Perry Buffered a 30000
fire yesterday It caught In Craft
Sons general merchandise store and
before It could be controlled burned
a whole block north including the ho
tel H R Jones a traveling salesman
for Lanpher Finch Skinner of St
Paul lost five sample trunks contain
ing 4000 worth of furs The mala
losses are Craft Sons 8000 abovo
Insurance Woods Son 1200 Geo
C Thomas 800 Dr Brookings 1
200 I H Barlow hotel 2000
Judge Wofford Rules Out Testimony
Offered In Her Behalf
Kansas City June 13 Judge Wof
ford yesterday ruled out the testimony
of Edward Lewis one of the strongest
witnesses produced so far by the de
fense in the case of Lulu Prince-Kennedy
on trial for the murder of hen
husband The defense had evidently
counted much upon being able to pres
ent this testimony and the courts or
der to strike it out was considered a
blow to their side Mrs Kennedy was
visibly depressed by the courts ac-
Oregon Arrives Ahead of Time 1
San Francisco June 13 The battle
ship Oregon arrived late yesterday
afternoon from the Orient Prepara
tions had been made to make the home
coming of the famous vessel a memora
ble one but they were anticipated by
the arrival of the vessel 24 hours
earlier than she was expected t
BnrjIitB a Siiiinink King
Strange and almost weird Is the cere
monial which accompanies the burial
of Spanish kings The pantheon or
royal tomb is at the palace of tbo
Escurlal situated 3000 feet above the
level of tho sea and some distance
from the capital Only kings queens
and motheis of kings are buried there
the coflins of the kings lying on ono
side those of the queens on the other
After lying in state for several day
in the throiKiooui in Madrid an enor
mous procession is formed accompany
ing the body to the Escurlal A bait
Is made on the way and the corpse
rests there for one night
In the morning the lord high cham
berlain stands at the side of the coffin
and says In loud tones Is your majes
ty pleased to proceed on your Jour
ney After a short silence the pro
cession moves on and winds up to the
grand portal of the palace These
doors are never opened except to ad
mit a royal personage dead or alive
When the casket containing the re
mains Is at last placed In the vault
the chamberlain unlocks It and kneel
ing down calls with a loud voice
Senor Senor Senor
After a solemn pause he cries again
Ills mnjesty does not reply Then It
Is true the king Is dead
He then locks the coffin gives the
key to the prior and taking his staff
of office breakB It In pieces nnd flings
them at the casket The booming of
the guns and the tolling of bells an
nounce to the nation that the king has
gone to his final resting place
Paper Carpetn In Korea
Carpets In Korea are not of as little
moment as are carpets here They aro
handed down In families as heirlooms
from generation to generation to be
come darkened and subdued with age
They are rugs always and are made of
paper by a peculiar process In ap
pearance they are much like the lac
quered boxes which come from Japan
and which are so much used as hand
kerchief boxes said the old time
American consul In Korea The na
tives always take off their sandals
when they enter the house and that
fact accounts largely for tbo long life
of the rugs When I was there how
ever I shocked the feelings of every
one by wearing ray shoes carpets or
no carpets and during my stay I com
pletely wore out some of those beauti
ful dark colored carpets They aro
nbout a quarter of an Inch In thickness
and very effective
AvernKe Time of a Wlnlr
In a twinkling of an eye 1 a
phrase for brevity but M Garten In
The Archives de Pfluger has found
the average time of a wing to bo about
40 of a second The eyelid descends la
about 80 of a eecond Btays down
about 13 of a second to 17 of a second
and rises again In about 17 of a sec
ond Winking varies much In different
persons nnd rarely occurs when the at
tention Is concentrated but this omis
sion Is followed by a series of winks to
make up either by resting the eye o
cleanlng It