w n0ium f iwwwiWwim FOR ONE WEEK Commencing Juno 8th wo will noil auy article in our Show Win dow FOR ONE DOLLAR Special Values Seo thorn G F W MARQUARDT JEWELER NORFOLK - NEBRASKA MMMNHMIMMWMMMWMIM Ilr PARISH Has received through the kindness of Mr Burr Taft from his old home in Vermont a small lot of NEW MAPLE SUGAR J This is the real thing and you t can depend upon it 20c per lb 9 f y M f iT mT T jt YOURHOME will look barren and cheerless no matter how much furniture you may have if yon dont have the walls nicely papered We have a pleasing selection of Damasks Ingrains Glimmers and Blanks at prices to suit the Blender purse Remember we handle the Monarch Mixed Paint the best paint made KIESAU DRUG CO GREAT reduction MILLINERY IF YOU WISH the Best Valnes for Your Money get I OUR PRICES before baying Miss E J Bender The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature 83 M Inimnm temperature 57 Average 70 Precipitation 40 Total precipitation for month 825 Barometer 2900 Forecast for Nebraska Showers and thnnderetormB tonight and Saturday Cooler east portion Saturday FRIDAY FACTS The Norfolk band and orchestra has made arrangements to play at Oreighton on the Fourth Brick walks are being placed at the homeB of W H Bridge F W Beck aud Ohas Biersdorf Three merry tramps were given lodg ing in the city jail over night and or dered out of town this morning Misses Edith and Nellie Morrow very pleasantly entertained a few friends at their home on South Tenth street last evening Henry Johnson who was recently y onred of smallpox desires It known thnt ho has not been at his home on South Tentli street rtneo the second quaran tiuo was put np Ho can not expose any ono Tho culvert on Norfolk avenue near Thirteenth street is being repaired This has been an eyesore to resident b of tho neighborhood for many years and thoy feel that work has now begun aloug tho proper channel Tho electric light system is being rapidly extended into tho residence por tion of the city Tho line along Norfolk avenue was completed as far as Twelfth Btreet yesterday and tho lights along that route were turned on last evening for the Ih Bt timo It B Weller received word that Mrs Wellere sister Mies Wilhemy died in Omaha last evening She had been ill for some time and the end waB not un expected Miss Wilhcmy had fre quently visited in Norfolk nud had n groat many frionds in tho city Mrp Weller haB been in Omaha for several weeks and Mr WelUr left for that place this morning Beginning next Monday a pouch mail servico to Warnervillo will bo estab lished on the Union Paciflo freight which leaves this place in tho evening This will give the peoplo of Warnervillo their mail twice a day something that has long been desired and will also en able them to dispatch mail twico each dav Tho service will be a convenience that will be appreciated by patrons of the office at that place In a letter from W H Ohestuutwood agriculturalist in the Kalamazoo Mich sugar factory he sayB I have C000 acres for my company this year and beets are looking first rate We have a nice factory here with a capacity for GOO tons a day It iB a little bigger than tho Norfolk factory but old Nebraska has the land Of course Michigan has good land bnt yon have to go bo far to find it Stand up for Nebraska About 200 participated in the Baptist Sunday school picnic yesterday About 25 prizes for athletic feats were given Among the prizeB waB a handsome bust of George Washington presented by OhaB A Johnson an umbrella by the Johnson Dry Goods company a choice picture and frame by Robt Utter and several small articles by the Novelty store The ball game resulted in a vic tory for the league team over the West siders by a score of 20 0 Tho day was a great success and plans are now laid for a larger picnic and gala day in October Last night was a festal occasion ior Norfolk lodge No 40 I O O F Grand Master P O Johnson of Holmes ville and Grand Secretary I P Gage of Fremont arrived in the city yesterday noon There was a large attendance at lodge in the evening The regular busi ness was hurried through as rapidly as possible and then the meeting was re solved into a social session and general good time Addressea were made by both of the grand officers and others present and at the close all felt much better acquaintedjthan before After wards refreshments were served Besides the grand officers out of town visitors were present from Stanton Madison and other places The entertainment given at the Second Congregational church last evening by Mr H Augustine Smith tenor assisted by Rev Franklin Baker reader was exceptionally fine Only a fairsized audience took advantage of the opportunity offered due partially perhaps to the smallpox scare and par tially to the fact that the public did not anticipate the high class of concert that was to be given Mr Smith jb a lyric tenor who captivates his audience at once with his fine clear voice and charming ease He is withal one of the best tenors ever heard in this city He is musical director in the First Congre gational church of Chicago and in structor in the Chicago Theological seminary Mr Smith at certain times of the year makes concert tours from one of which be iB just returning He has recently been at the Yankton S D May festival He is an old friend of the pastor and on this account the latter was able to offer the program compli mentary to his congregation The con cert usually given by Mr Smith is about twice as long and of a much heavier character than that of last evening Mr Smith is also master of the violin cello npon which instrument he ren dered one number and an encore He was accompanied in his singing by Mrs E O Mount whoso ability as a pianist is bo well and favorably known to music lovers in Norfolk Ab a reader Rev Mr Baker has more than ordinary talent and his selections were highly ap preciated It is barely possible that Mr Smith may return in an engagement next winter Dr Robert B Johnson office in Mast block over Norfolk National bank Karo keeps meats all kinds of seasonable Houses for sale T E Odiobni 1G0 acres in Hodgeman county Kan sas unimproved to trade for Norfolk property G R Seilek Farm and city loans Thje Dublamd Tec st Oo DrFrank Salter Diseases of children Dressed chickens at Karos THE NORFOLK NEWS EIUDAT JUNE 14 1901 1 11 M I1 Boiler on Engine ExplodcsKill ing Engineer and Fireman BRAKEMAN INJURED SEVERELY Accident Happens While Fast Frelaht Is a Few Miles Out of Clarku Neb Engine Which Was One of the Big Ones a Complete Wreck ColumbiiB Neb June 14- Ab a re sult of a boiler explosion on a Union Pacific engine ycRtorday morning two men arc dead aud a third fatally In jured Tho dead i3NoiNiin char pmiiMtcn omnu IMHEMAN DAVID J12NK1NB Oiniiha The Injured WlllUm Kloinlnu lirnrt lirntirmnn Omnlin errnly pcnldcil Irg broken amy rmvcr The englnu waB one of the largo clasB No 1831 drawing train No 17 in charge of Conductor Wnllnco and Engineer Fullmer When about four miles oast of Clarltfl the boiler ex ploded without a moments warning The englno wna completely dentroyod One car was derailed and traffic de layed about four hours Parts of the wrecked englno were found 100 yardB from the track It lfl said that this Ib the second acci dent of the kind thnt has ever occurred in the United States Numerous holler explosions have occurred but railroad tnen Bay that never but once before has tho boiler of a locomotive been blown up while a train was moving along with such apparent smoothness 8 this one wan Saw the Wreck S O Salter of Shelton arrived in tho city last night for a visit with his brother J M Salter He came paBt the scene of tho accident yestorday morning as soon as the wreckage had been cleared from the track and states that the wheels together witfi tho front end of the locomotive were all that re mained of the machine At the timo of the explosion the train waB moving JO miles per hour with 205 pounds the limit of Bteain up It was thought when Mr Salter came through that the blowup must have been duo to a stick of dynamite in the coal 1G0 acres improved near Wilsey Kansas to trade for Norfolk property G R SrciLEit We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odioune Seo Try ono of Karos beef roasts Order your engraved visiting cardB at The News office 100 cardB and plate 150 50 cardsjand plate fl The News keeps its job department up-to-date with the latest faces of type and does its work in approved btyle Fon Sale 7 room house nud 5 lots 1500 G It SdLKit Notice to IJojj Ownem Noticfe it hereby given that the annual dog tax is due and n collector will call for the same It is absolutely necesEnry that the money shall be paid on tho first call aB tho inconvenience of several calls can not be tolerated J O Cos LEV Chief of Police F K M V II It The NortJineMeni Line Cheap excursion to Chicago on June 12 lJ 14 nnd 15 Excursion tickets will be sold at one fare plus 2 for the round trip good returning until Sept 15 H C Matrau Agont Foil Sale Black Walnut showcase 1 inches high 12 feet longby O F W Marqnardt A Free Cup of Coffee for Everybody Mr6 Wilson of Omaha will be at the Fair Store during the week and invites the ladies to call and get a cup of coffee made from Paxton Gallaghers superior gas roasted coffee These coffees are put up with different blends and will suit all tastes Tho prices cover the entire range PERSONAL Charlie Verges drove to Hoskins yes terday M O Hazen went to Plainview noon today J M Salter has returned from at bis visit at Wahoo R M Nishit of Oakdalo was in the oity yesterday Rev S F Bharpless will go to Nio brara this evening Burt Mapes made a business trip to Battle Creek today F G Hale was in Norfolk from Bat tle Creek yesterday Mrs E W Bates haB gone to Con necticut for an extended visit MrB Arthur Pilger is here from Mad ison to visit relatives and friendB Miss Mead has finished her season as trimmer at Dnrland sisters and re turned to Fremont today Frank Prince and W D JohnEon were here from Madison yesterday Bernioe and Donald Mapes are visit ing at the Memminger homo in Madi son MiBB Laura Dnrland went to Madison today She will viBit until tomorrow night Mr and Mre Arthur Hazen loft today J for n twOVetltH1 vifit at Chicago and other point r east Miss Oriole AdaniB returned last even ing from Ponca where sho went to at torn tho Kpworth League convention MIrb Lizzie RrcB hnB gone to Lincoln to visit her sister She waB accom panied by her llttlo nitcc Mildred Roes MIbb Hell White lmn returned from Fremont Sho waB accompanied homo by MrB Stltt who will remain for a few days visit 15 A Ilnllork lift yesterday for Omaha Uoforo returning homo ho will go to Hnrlan In for a visit with his father aud mother Miss Marietle of Gettysburg S I is expected in tho city tomorrow evening for a Bhort visit with MrB L Sessions She will go from hero to Hot Spring to attend the convention of the State Federation of Women OharlcB Dandier a missionary among tho Apache Indians at San CarloB Arizona spent tho night with his old collego friend Leo Puewalk Mr Dnncher is on hiH way to Minnesota where ho will visit at his old home Judge and Mrs J B Barnes returned from Lincoln Inst evening They were there to attend tho graduation of their pon Guy from tho stato university Ho received tho degieo of Bachelor of Science and as captain of a cadtt com pany waB recommended for a regular army appointment There were MK in tho clasB this year Guy will return this evening Sturgeon 1b the piano man When tho pinto is furnished Tun Nkwb will Eupply engraved cards at 75 oentfl for 50 or f 100 for 100 Good farniB to trudo for town property G R Si KilUK When tho plate 1b furnished Tim News will supply engraved cardB at 75 centB for 50 or 100 for 100 The KxHmtnatloim The competetivo examination for nav al cadetship was finished at 10 -110 oclock this morning O W Cmm who conducted tho work and tho eight young men trying for the place have returned to their respective homes The grading of tho papers will probably be finished the latter part of next week In the physical test R R Cain of Newman Grovo ranked first Milo Drneinel of Fremont came second and Jerome Lauger of West Point third The other five were rejected None of candidates were physically perfect Those absolutely rejected can lay their misfortunes largely to flat feet mis shnped chests and bad teeth More serious diseases were the causeB of re jection in ono or two enses The state professional certiflcato ex aminations began this afternoon at the High school building with J B Barnes jr in charge Those appearing for this ore C W Wallace of Madison and Hugh H Stevens of Laurel Order your engraved visiting enrds at Tun News ofllce 100 cards and plate 1 50 50 cards and plate 1 Low Itnte KxriirhlmiH vlu Union Iltclllr June 12 ij 1 1 J5 to Chicago and re turn 17 20 return good to September 15 Juno 12 1 1 1 IB to St Louis nnd re turn 1705 return good to September 15 June 18 to 0 to Colorado Springs to Denver to Pueblo nnd return 1875 re turn good to October ill JunelStoIlO to Gleuwood Springs and return 2895 return good to Octo ber ill Also low rates to Buffalo nnd other points for further information call at union depot F Junkman Agent MISS MEADS season will Booobe over and anyone wanting a particular ly Stylish Hat will do well to call soon ALL our bate reduced in pi ice J E DURLANDS A SNAP Three quarter sections in Boyd Co near Lynch Nebr First class clay land with email build ing ana about w acres in crop on place growing nicely Possession en June 10 1001 Only 11250 per for one or all worth fttO00 Wo also offer Call and see us eacnt BivJ acr I y a fine quarter section 10 miles fronipt apreB under cultivation at f 1 000r 40 M 100 Threo houses to rent 800 to fl6U per month TRHGY i DUPAND b cd w Wc have a few GURNEY and LA BELLE REFRIGERATORS which we will Close Out at Cost to save moving These arc not imitations of Gtirncy Idea but the Genuine Gur ney insulated with mineral wool ant with all the latest improvements I will pay you to look at them if inter cstcd in ice boxes HOFFMAN SMITH 4 i i i - i ZjF jITIIII LI Cherries Are Ripe Pul np your homos and Small Fruit noxb wcclc Send your homes with an Iflntorpriso or Kollinan Seeder Wo sell I hem Iluy your Preserving Ket tles Stow Pans and Canning Utensils of us G B MOORE i The season is getting on We find we have to many Street Hats and Sapors In order to close theri out we make a price which ought to sell them all In epst window we show Sailorts which were good value at 49c have cut them to 19c Those worth 149 to 98c In west window all our Trimijiied Street and Walking Hate worth up to 268 hardl any less than one dollar wlp give you choice of the lot at M9c Special re I duced prices on all other goods liy examine uur goous consmer tne way i innlA j 4 limr O 41UIUDJ - tMr - J Sr 4 k SlSMfJ nil AUn OI 6 J Pcytl JII1A1UUO lU UllCLi ill ItlUlUS sir sei e oe any i anu jet your own koou ctafe If you wish cheaper goods we ill order them for you We have everything in Liiu music iinu C S HAYES graduate optician Eyes tested free Watch inspector for the F E M V R It Fine watcli work a specialty HAYES JEWELRY MUSIC HOUSE Norfolk Neb f T t 9 v I r y SV v 1 V T h t 9 9 X 9 9 i r9 I Lm i Ac U- I KfUV lUSS yvui gam i I INSEEPS MILLINERY i SziAytyiiiA Qrt t a puzzling fixation ror many or you is Of v oin snuj i yuuy ray ummonus watcnes cutglass H we ask is thNk yon C W BRAASCH DEALER IN 1COAL 2GKOA I2Sr col Exolufiive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Bock Spring Coil the best in the market Bcranton Hard Coal in all site TSIjBPHOXK 61 Vjsratf ur mm jss If - r u - iQ1ii jii it t m - - - M