The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 07, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The floplolk fleuas
WetilRi like nhrep nnd
best when killed ytmng
chlcktus nre
An cxehnngo thinks thtro Is no
danger from fence corners so long ns
tho barb wire trust continues to exist
A Bhtplond of Amerlcnn Pchool
tcachcra nre wanted In the Philippines
to touch the young Iden how to shoot in
n civilized mnnuer
Tho pnramonnt issno for democracy
nt present seems to N to keep tho rnnk
and flic nnd ninny of the lenders irom
becoming republicans
Mr Urynn Is now coaviuced thnt
McKlnley is emperor although tho bu
jtremo court clearly stntes tliut congress
1h tho law making power
Doctors hnvo decided thnt nppondl
citlfi comes from too much exercise
Now wntch the lazy men scramble for
pjmptoms of the dlFcnfe
Tho nntlon is ngniu seriously disturbed
over Mrs McKinleys coudltlou nnd It
in earnestly hoped by all that she will
Boon recover her usunl health
Democratic dlsnpjointmerit thnt tho
roocnt AVnll street flurry didnt bring
panic and disaster Ib eclipsed by the
happy smile of n people who nre grati
lied to think thnt it didnt
No President McKlnley did not for-
bid Norfolk to celebrate tho Fourth of
July tho smallpox senro wns the im
perialistlo power that ruled it out
If the democrats insist on warring
against commercialism they can un
doubtedly secure active nnd intelligent
allies in almoBt any of tho Kuropean
countries They would greatly prefer
that Americas trade should not expand
Congress may be given imperial
rights by the recent decision of the su
preme court but tho anti lmpcriallsts
-will probably not fail to remember that
congresB is chosen by the people and the
action of members is subject to their ap
Mr Brynn wns an one time convinced
that tho AmcricmiB would not dare to
Itho Filipinos H1b reputation
as a prophet was never first class and
the fact that tho peoplo of those islands
are being educated by Undo Sam in no
-wise adds to his renown along those
Governor Savngo iB auother supporter
of economy and the fellows who would
enjoy soft sunps nt stato expense will
have no more favorable opportunities
than they enjoyed under Governor
Dietrich This sort of policy will ro
ceivo tho hearty commendation of the
tax payers
It is not surprising that Edward At
binscu has coino out for free trado His
jnind has shown an indication of declino
for a number of years pnst Ho cannot
consistently help out those rebelling
against tho American government and
refuso to nsslst the competitors of
American merchants
French agriculturists nro going to
fight frost grasshoppers nnd hailstorms
with ennnon nnd thus the warlike ordi
nance will bo turned into a peaceful me
against common enemies It is likely
to be several years however until that
sort of wnrefaro will be the sole use to
which artillery is put
Harry S New national committee
man from Indiana haB announced that
Senator Fairbanks of that state will be
a candidate for the presidential nomina
tion before tho republican national con
vention of 1001 The senntors friends
have evidently read that sublimely poet
ical story about the early bird and tho
A Kansas woman who had received
13710 in pension money unlawfully
recently deeded her farm to the United
iStntoB to reimburse the government for
its loss An exchnnge fears thnt if the
-practice became general among tie
frauders of the government Uncle Sam
would have more money thnn he would
Know what to do with
r Tho officers at Owensboro Kentucky
are in an unusual predicament two per
eons having acknowledged themselves
guilty of stealing f 20 from a resident of
that town both with apparently clear
cases against them A detective is us
ually required to locate a thief but in
this case it would seem that one is nec
essary to locate the inuoceut person
The St LouiB Globe Democrat is of
the opinion that Chicago is more solici
tous for the welfare of its wild animals
than for the comfort and convenience of
the inhabitants of a rival city It says
Chicago is indignant because the ani
mals iu the Lincoln Park Zoo have been
supplied with sewage tainted drinkiug
-water No concern is felt over St
The United States has a duty to per
form in regard to its recently acquired
island possessions which cannot be dis
charged by casting them aside under
the guise of independent governments
to be subjected to internal strife and
conflicts with other nationalities It
would be an easy way to settle a
tlouR problem but
chnritnblo or wlso
would bo neither
Tho United PrcabytcrlniiB In session
nt les Moines ndopted measured prohib
iting members of secret societies from
joining thnt organization Secret sod
etles nro o firmly established thnt they
nro not likely to feel the jnr while tho
church rolls mo not certain to bo grently
incronsed by tho action Many persons
who believe themselves to be good
chriRtinns nro members of secret societies
nnd find no wrong In them They nro
not likely to accopt tho judgment of tho
United Prcsbytcrlnns ns hunl
Tho Daily Tribnno Is n new candidate
for public favor at NebrnsknCity It Ib
a i column folio publiBlicu every ovon
lug by Horace O Whltmoru who Is
also editor Milton 1 Stownrt Is man
nglngjeditor It is n neatly printed
well edited publication nnd n credit to
the cltyjfrom which it is IsBued Tho
mechanical work on the pnper is done
by tho Morton Printing company which
is Riifliclcnt guarnntco of its excellence
The pnper hns a generous advertising
patronngo which if maintained will
undoubtedly pay tho publisher for his
Kdltor C F MontrosB of tho Battle
Greek Republican fnruisheB a striking
example of how an editor enn relinquish
a public ofllce with honor and courtesy
Ho recently resigned tho postofllco in
favor of F H L WUHb and tho latter
wns duly appointed to tho position last
week In this weeks issue- of the He-
publican there is nothing but commend
atory words for the new postmaster and
words of thanks for tho generous treat
ment of the public from Mr MoutroBB
who announces that he will now bo able
to give to the newspaper business the
attention it deserves
The commander of the department of
NebraskaG A R ha ordered the
posts of the Btato to observe June 14 ns
lag day that being tho 124th anniver
sary of the birthday of the American
flag A member of tho organization
is requested to display the Hog from
his own house nnd place of business and
also to nso his utmost endeavor to have
all his neighbors nnd fellow townsmen
do likewise This is nn anniversary
that should be generally observed and it
Ib to bo hoped that old glory will
wave over home and business house in
tho stnto on that day
A corpse nt Hundred W Va that
had been picked up from tho street snt
on by tlie coroner und consigned to the
morguo for identification hnd tho te
merity to como to life and sing Prnlse
God from whom all blessings flow
For this brazen offense tho mayor who
is nlso tho corouor hauled tho fellow in
to court nnd fined him o nnd costs for
disturbing tho peace declnring that the
corouors costs should by rights bo
ndded to tho fino This should be
enough to convince corpses in West Vir
ginia that they should bo well behaved
ami decorous and stay dead when they
nro so legally declared
Divine Healer John Alexander
Dowie in a speech before 5000 people
in Chicugo Sunday night declared him
self to bo tho incarnation of Elijah
tho prophet nnd called upon those who
believed him to arise Threo thousand
peoplo responded to the appeal nnd rose
to their feet It is evident that the
man while ninny deem him a fauatio
nnd crank has a very great power with
those coining under hiB iutluence
Whether he is n modern representative
of Biblical characters each person must
determine for himself but those who be
lieve in him arc not certainly entitled
to unequivocal condemnation
Tho south Ib beginning to find that
what it has termed party fealty for so
many yenrs is merely prejudice against
tho most progressive nnd broad minded
party in the country The republicans
have respected the democrats of the
Bouth because of their sincerity but they
have until recently persistently refused
to be reciprocal They are uow finding
that the republicans of the north are
not ns bad as they have been painted
and their welcome to President McKin
ley is evidence that they aro enstiug
aside the prejudices retained since the
war and may not be averse to voting
the republican ticket sometime in the
In spite of the fact that Norfolk is
this year enjoying the nearest approach
to a building boom it has experienced in
many years a business man well in
formed on tho situation states that
many more buildings will be erected
next year than aro being built now He
knows of several contemplated brick
blocks that will be built next season
Mnny of those who have persistently
held that Norfolk property is certain to
advance in value arebegiuning to realize
on their faith Norfolks location Ib a
guaranty of a city of no mean propor
tions within the next decade and if
there are those inclined to doubt they
will in time be fully convinced of the
truth of the prophecy
Fusion editors talk frantically about
the subjugation of a race of people made
possible to congress by the recent decis
ion of the supreme court To be sub
jugated a people must necessarily be
free and independent and none of the
people inhabiting the acquired islands
hnvo ever nttnlned thnt condition
They have been n snbjngnted rnce from
time Immemorial nnd the fusionistB nro
challenged tp make a showing thnt
United Sntes control nt its worst will
not be n much nearer nppronch to freedom
nnd iudependenco thnti anything they
ever before experienced with tho nd
vnntngo of hnving n strong nnd pro
gresslve nntlon ns a sponsor
A young mnn can do no more mnnly
or beautiful thing thnn to pay courtly
nttcntlon to his mother There is some
thing peculiar in tho conduct of such n
son How ones henrt Involuntnrily
thrills with delight when a yonng mnu
proud of his mother enters n public
place with tho queen of his life leaniug
on his strong arm It Ib a scene to
make angels glad Young mnn listen I
Bo more courteous more gnllant to your
mother thnn your sweethenrt even
No girl wns ever ns proud to be Been In
company of a beau as is a mother in the
company of a worthy son Glndden her
heart that way often young man not
forgetting of conrso the thousand and
one little attentions sho justly covets
nnd so greatly appreoiuto i in the quiet
home Be n real ardent lover to mother
young man Marion Record
ine Albion rsewB in commenting on
the matter of a store providing a rest
room for country patrons with a toi
let room attached suggests that the
merchants of a town might unite and
provide and maintain such a room It
would be a great convenience and com
fort for out-of-town shoppers to have
Buch a room at their disposal and the ex
tent of tho conveniences might only be
limited liy the funds at tho disposal of
tho promoters An attendant to care
for children might be in line with other
suggestions Tho men can ordinarily
take care of themselves but women and
children are sometimes at very much of
a disadvantage when they have no inti
mnte acquaintances in town or no place
to stay except nt the stores One trouble
with the Albion News plnn would be
the matter of locating such a room
Each merchant would nndonbledly in
sist that it be as close to his place of
business as possible
Senator Ohnrles II Dietrich has a
plan for reclaiming the arid lauds of
the west to be presented nt the next
Eession of congress thnt hns mnny re
deeming fentures He proposes federal
control of Inll stato penitentiaries the
convicts to bo employed in constructing
irrigation reservoirs nnd ditches His
idea is to divide the United States into
districts in each of which a federal
prison will be maintained nnd tho short
term convicts nnd non professional
criminals tolled off for work in the arid
regions He also proposes thnt the
stripes he abolished nnd the convicts be
otherwiso treated ns ordinnry workmen
The prisoners would bo relensed from
confinement nnd good work nnd good
conduct would grently shorten
their sentences To guard the prisoners
the idle troops and cavalry squads
could bo pressed into service Thus
the soldiers now kept on garrison duty
would receive valuable outdoor service
Labor organizations and manufacturers
having so persistently objected to con
vict labor being used in competition
with their products that the senntor
may have struck a happy thought in
overcoming this objection His idea
cortaiuly has its merits nnd should re
ceive respectful consideration Now if
the worthless shirking tramp could be
included in tho working force there
would be auother inducement for every
citizen to pull off his cent nnd work in
the interest of tho senators scheme
Tho Christian Herald Rev T DeWitt
Talmnges paper for May 22 under tho
caption Where Ohrists Name is not
Heard slanders the northern portion
of Nebraska in an article inspired by a
Mr S a missionary worker of the
American Sunday school union Mr
S wrote in a letter as follows I have
juBt returned from n missiounry trip in
Nebraska in company with a brother mis
sionary Ech day wo visited some town
along the Fremont and Elkhorn railroad
nud each night a Btereopticou lecture was
given in some church Iu the northern
part of the state aro some exceedingly
large counties Holt Rock Brown and
Cherry and there are but three resident
ministers in these counties So yon can
readily understand we are doing some
pioneer work Mr S is a minister
of the gospel but is either wofnlly
ignorant of the truth or prevaricates
with a deliberation that would astonish
Eli Perkins In the east this will un
doubtedly be accepted as the truth and
add to their opinion of Nebraska as a
very wild and heathenish part of the
country Win B Ely of Ains worth
answering this charge says thnt in Rock
county alone with a population of
2809 there are four resident ministers
iu constant active service besides five
others retired who hold meetings in
different parts of the county He be
lieves that there are at least 33 resident
ministers in active service in the terri
tory referred to and a somewhat larger
number of retired ministers and lay
workers who hold regular religious ser
vices Mr S has certainly missed his
calling and should bo a reporter for
some eastern yellow journal that exists
for that kind of nonsense As a worker
in a missionary field he is certainly out
of place
Mr Brynn should consult with
Elijah Dowie Perhnps he could give
him pointers that might be of value in
hiF prophetical career
Penrls have been found in the Plntte
river nenr Casper Wyo and it is antic
Ipnted that all residents nenr tho river
will becomo penrl fishers nt once
Norfolk does not exactly pattern nfter
Carrie Nntlon but there is a simi
larity in that people are quite generally
out with their hammers They nre
building though not destroying
At tho rnto oil wells are being dis
covered tho octopus of which John
D Rockefeller is tho hend will experi
ence some difficulty in extending its
tenncles so ns to gather them all in
The Constitution was crippled In a
trial spin yesterday afternoon and now
It may be Americas turn to beg Sir
Thomas Upton for time The main
sail nnd rigging were carried overboard
An intelligent Amerlcnn citizen who
for years has been able to enjoy the
blessings of life liberty and happiness
under tho laws passed by congress
makes himself ridiculous when he ques
tions the ability of that body to legis
late for tho benefit of a Hawiian Porto
Rican or aj Filipino
Ben H Chambers of Beaver City
father of a 5-years-old girl who weighs
200 pounds attempted suicide by shoot
ing Sunday He was evidently im
pressed with tho fact that he had an
elephant on bis hands and concluded
that the best way of caring for her
was to remove the hands
The fusionists are of the evident opin
ion that a few slices of new territory
will overtax the legislative powers of
congress The members have got along
very well thus far with all new territory
problems even though the antis did cast
a brick into the cogwheelB of the ma
chine at every opportunity
Those who have been inclined to sym
pathize with China for the large amount
of indemnity it is compelled to pay have
not made comparisons The amount
S75000000 is but 1 per capita while
France after the Frauco Prussion war
paid u0 per enpita nnd the United
Stntes after tho civil wnr had a debt of
100 i er enpitn
Those who do not realize the full
meaning of the recent decision of the
supreme court on the insular cases
should read the World Herald That
paper knows nnd it says that nil the
people of the acquired territory are to be
slaves This mny to many appear a
wrong conclusion but the World Herald
asserts it positively nnd it must be so
Peoplo to tho number of 109000 left
the United Kingdom last year to make
their homes elsewhere while but 02000
immigrated Of the emigrants 01 per
cent came to this country It appears
that England will sorn have a serious
condition to face in keeping her people
at home Thnt country will in time be
depopulated if that kind of n movement
The Indians are not all good yet
report coming from Wyoming thnt a
sheep herder bad been murdered at a
place -10 miles north of Fort Washakie
The wise correspondent takes this as a
sign of a general uprising If every
murder committed by the red mans
white brother could be taken as a sign
of an uprising the government troops
would know no rest
W R Merriam director of the cen
sus estimates that the number of man
ufacturing and mechanical establish
ments in the United States is 050000
against 800000 such industries ten
years ago The trusts are evidently not
doing their duty as laid down for them
by Mr Bryan Their province is to
crush out industries and here is more
than a 100 per cent increase in a decade
The octopus nnd robber tariff seem to be
expansionists whatever may have been
said of them by the little fellows Per
haps the only way left for the people to
put a stay to these horrible results is to
begin dabbling in free trade again
Lovers of the drama feel genuinely
sorry that death has removed James A
Heme from his field of work Anyone
who has seen Shore Acres or Hearts
of Oak will realize the loss the stage
has sustained by his decease His plays
were of the sort that appealed to the
hearts of his audience not by exciting
situations but a recital of facts purely
natural and homelike Shore Acres
was the uuvarnished story of a home
that might be encountered frequently
in natural life but its recital was so
ingenious that the audience was inter
ested from start to finish and they were
given a leEson to be remembered
through life
John D Rockefeller is beginining to
employ his wealth for the benefit of
humanity and may become a worthy
competitor of Andrew Carnegie for
public approbation His line of action
however is altogether different from
that of Carnegie he having established
an institute for medical research There
is certainly a wide field for his endeavors
and they may result in untold benefit
to all the people Mr Rockefeller give
ns n stnrter 200000 which will probnbly
bo followed by moro ns ocension
demands If nil the multi millionnires
would undertake something for tho
genernl blessing nnd comfort of human
ity they would become n wonderful
blessing to the world
Democratic editors nro not tho only
ones who find themselves nt n los when
it comes to discussing democratic prin
ciples except in n general form Some
of tho pnrty lenders nre equally embar
rassed John P Altgeld recently said
How a e we to declare the democratic
pnrtyB present condition when we do
not know whnt thnt condition is
There seems to bo but one person who
is fully confident as to the condition and
position of the party nnd that person is
Mr Brynn who is never nta loss because
still confident that he is the party and
therefore dictates its principles and
issues He mny never be undeceived
but there nre many to doubt thnt the
entire pnrty centers in one man
The Dakota City Eagle thinks it uu
fair that the ordinary layman should be
expected to know the lnw when well
informed lnwyers disngree over its in
terpretation and learned judges reverse
the decisions of each other It may not
seem exactly fair when locked at in
this way but it would be infinitely
worse if by pleading profound ignor
ance every law breaker and criminal
could escape the penalty imposed for
his offense When people become bo
truthful that they will unhesitatingly
dislose what they know and lawyers
become eo honest that they will only
take up a case for what they know to
be the right this provision may be dis
pensed with Until that time it will
probably have to stand
Nebraska is certainly fast becoming
the garden spot of the universe The
flowers the trees and the birds are more
beautiful than they ever were before
while the fields of waving grnin speak
loudly of prosperity and the farmer like
the merchant wears a smile of satisfac
tion peace and contentment And well
might the Nebraskan feel glad amid
such surroundings Who would not
with the crop prospects as promising
and bright as they are Take the statis
tics of Nebraska for the last yenr and
they show a surplus production of cattle
hogs nnd their products to the amount
of 117021711 while the surplus of
poultry eggs nnd butter nmounted to
7158579 This explains that smile of
contentment ana why Nebraska is the
garden spot of the universe Hastings
Fusionists claim thnt the supreme
court decision was rendered to suit the
administration The administration ns
shown by last falls vote represents by
a long ways the majority of the Ameri
can people and while the minority mny
be entitled to object to the courts ruling
it would have been unfair to the Ameri
can people viewed from an administra
tion and anti administration standpoint
for it to have favored the minority
The nntis seem to hnve hopelessly lost
their cause at every point The issue
was presented last fall and they met
with overwhelming defeat nnd now the
supreme court nlso rules against them
The antis would like to 6hov that the
court was prejudiced iu favor of the ad
ministration but the mnjority may well
conceive that the verdict was compli
mentary to its level headedness shown
in attaining a decision at the polls last
There is much difference of opinion
regarding smallpox and its various at
tributes among the best physicians and
authorities but undoubtedly the ut
most precaution against the disease is
justifiable and while a person may
sometimes be inconvenienced it is un
questionably preferable that an individ
ual should be discommoded than that the
health of an entire community should
be placed in jeopardy A case is re
corded where the poisonous effluvium
crossed a river 1500 feet wide and af
fected 10 out of 12 carpenters on the
other side Another authority claims
that clothing will retain the contagion
for months and it is said for years if
confined This should be sufficient
reason for the greatest precaution on
the part of smallpox patients and those
coming in contact with the disease A
rigid compliance with quarantine regu
lations and thorough disinfection should
be observed
What will be left of the Bible for
people to have absolute faith in after
the learned doctors get through with
their explanations of the things re
corded is a question that might well
be asked by those who follow the doc
tors and Btndents of theology closer
than they do the Bible Dr Lyman J
Abbott in an address before the stu
dents and faculty of Cornell university
said he did not regard the book of Gen
esis as historically correct and it is
claimed thathe characterized the story
of Jonah and the whale as an ancient
joke written to provoke humor and
thus by means of satire puncture the
narrowness of the Hebrews If they
continue to thus explain the various
statements of the Bible there will in
time be considerable question as to
what are unvarnished facta and what
are joke6 and parables There certainly
has been much dispute among Bible
students as to what the story of Jonah
nnd the whale menus science having
proven thnt it would bo impossible for n
whnle ns now constructed to swallow a
man Some hnvo explnined thnt whales
were different then thnn now nnd others
have held to it that tho whnle was a
largo fish Dr Abbott is perhaps origi
nal in characterizing the story nB a
lie Calm
After all the best thing our popn
listio nnd mugwump friends can do is to-
stick by the United States nnd trnst to
the people of the United Stntes for the
outcome In nil their relntlons with out-
lying islands and poprlntions With
the exception of the complications aris
ing from the heritage of slavery thnn
cursed ub for a century and Btill causes
more embarrassment than any other of
the elements in our make up the ver
dict of the world acquits this republic of
suspicious of cruelty oppression or nn
klnduesB to the peoples with which we
come in contnet
The American branch of the Anglo
Saxon race is after all the fairest and
the most hnmnne of the human brother
hood and its faults nre usually only the
excess of its virtueB The Hawaiian
the Porto Rican and the Filipino will
certainly fare better at our hands than
they ever fared before and If the most
cantankerous aunty on earth were
given his choice to take his chances with
Emperor McKlnley for a ruler or that
of any other potentate ho is acquainted
with he wonld not hesitate to accept
American citizenship rather than live
underJAguinnldo ox Alphonso or Billy
the Kaiser or Edward the VII or the
Czar Nicholas or the mikado or the em
press dowager of China no matter
whether the constitution follows the
flag or congressional action
The less we work ourselves up into a
conniption fit over the allegatians of the
Bupreme court that Jefferson started all
right with Louisiana when if we bad
done it another way the lesB ashamed
of ourselves shall we feel when we find
that we were fretting onr gizzards about
phrases instead of facts
We shall manage to wiggle alonp
very well in the future just as we have
done in the past with the constitution
unchaneed by a new and crankv inter
pretation that we wanted not because
it was necessary or convenient but as
an excuse for our cusseduess in our zeal
in the late election in talking wildly
about Emperor McKinley
If the president is emperor now he
kas always been an emperor even if we
didnt know it and things worked out
about right most of the time It is too
late to kick after this hundred and
twelve years of comparative satisfaction
and pride in our constitution It is the
same old instrument it always was
Lincoln Journal
The above is a wall which is going
up from nil sections of the country
from palatini city residences from
farm homes from all places where a
modern civilization imposes upon wo
man a burden of domestic and social
cares which Is beyond her strength
While there are too many schoolteach
ers too many typewriters too many
clerks too many teachers of music and
art there Is all the time an awful
shortage of competent women who nre
willing to work as homemakers and
housekeepers Some say that this scar
city of domestic help is caused by the
women themselves who to not a little
extent place a social ban upon the
woman who cooks their food and
makes their beds and does the family
washing others say that It Is because
a woman cannot keep nice white hands
and do the dirty work of the home
others thnt the weekly wage of tbe
hired girl Is not high enough and one
young lady tells us that the real rea
son is that a girl fools away her
chance of making a desirable matrimo
nial alliance when she hires out to do
domestic work Some truth in all of
these perhnps with the last reason
assigned being nearer tho truth thai
any of the others But no matter
about the cause the fact remains that
tho help to do housework Is now and
will in the future be hard to get and
It forcibly suggests the plnn of people
recustlng their methods of living on a
simpler plane which from our stand
point Is really the most sensible thine
to do Over one half of womans bur
dens today nre those which society and
custom hnvo Imposed upon her The
cultlvntion of a little womanly
pendence of n dont care a cent habit
ns to whnt the woman next door thlnksr
of your way of doing things would
relieve mnny n woman of a great bur
den for It is true as gospel that there
la nothing on earth a woman Is so mor
tally nfrnld of ns some other woman
Educate the girls thnt there Is no loft
ier or more womanly sphere thnn thnt
of being an accomplished and business
like homemakcr nnd homekeeper re
move ns far ns possible the soclnl ban
plnced upou the hired girl raise her
wnges so as to dignify her work dont
expect her to work 10 hours a day and
the problem of domestic help will set
tle itself
1IU Inspiration
What furnishes your inspiration r
they nsked of the author
My wife wns the reply
How lovely tuey cried now per
fectly idealistic
Yes he went on if the muse ever
halts nnd 1 feel like loafing on my job
her demand for a new gown or soire
additional money for household ex
penses stirs me to renewed effort and
puts Pegasus in a gallop Chicago