The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 07, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    1 1
rui til tumuLMimrmettltklllllitAlbml
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By Wcathorby Ohosnoy and Alick Mtinro
-- -
cornuoirr 1P00 mr wnATiinnnr citrnwirr Ann auck nnno
iijjjwriUTioa nr iu a oouitab
-51 ar
- - SB v v xi V -v IT V V V
Twrlvo men on their Iojjh wild llin
iionlHwnln waving hln lioolc towiird
ilio huts an tint coiiiiIh In lliu old
inn n an Tinker Tom which In liolli
Twelve nion wild I arc more
than every uno would Imvo nut olT Ihu
ItOHlioro on which ton of them wuro
Ij lncV
Crvdlt whero rrallt In din Minder
Topi replied the lioulRwaln All
praise to your HiirKeuiilug for
yon an tlio old man an nevvy loli
which IIiohkIi iltl better than nnliiml
in Kcneral Iiiih uiiHtowed a few jralnti
o BeiiHu for thlH lime o need 1 dont
iy but we should have lout u hand oc
two more Hut as It In we got 11 an
what I say la 11 men haint nhlo to
tnke the Scourge to ISiikIimhI
It could ho done IntcrpoHcri Alec
in n half miming tone It we could
keep off the Hcurvy
Hut yon cant replied the boiit
iswaln unillly Might an well try to
wcapc llcim In a London tavern ns
scurvy ou n long ocean voyage an new
Iv healed mcu In particular liable to It
Mark mo Captain Ireland If tlio
Hconrgo nails from here with none but
us 12 aboard her Bhell nuvor work up
HrlHtol river
IJnt with the men Saul Dlckory lellH
of Bald I we could do It
Could wo got them Inquired Also
turning to ihe man
Why yes captain nn ensy Los
Ilotpiea Is the name o the IhIiiiuIh
theyro on an youll llnd that down In
your charts The chap an told me wnH
n half breed that got blown off there In
n fishing citIko
JJow did they get there
Well you see theyre n scratch lot
IJngllsh Krenclicrs an Danes that
Iwnded together at the mines to escape
They gets out reaches the coast seizes
n boat an puts to sea They meant to
rrach one o the Islands an live there
till they could steal a ship that would
carry them home but the boat was
knocked to splinters In the surf on
landing nn having no tools to build an
other they found themselves safely
See Alec said I unrolling a chart
nnd spreading It on the ground Glvo
nie u crew of six nnd Ill tako tbo
eourge round leaving you others here
Jly keeping plenty of northing we shall
be out of the usual track and can be
back here In ten days without sighting
a will
But no Alec would not hear It It
wo went at all It should be with all
hands aboard and himself In com
mand And dually after much discus
nion this was what we decided to do
Kurther It was resolved to leave the
treasure on Cave Island for the present
The repairs to the Scourge were soon
finished and the earliest possible day
was fixed for the embarking
But at the last moment an unexpect
ed dUllculty arose The old man re
fused absolutely to quit tb Inland He
bad boon ailing of late and It seemed
that ho had never quite recovered from
the wound he got In the battle with tin
galleon Ills wits were queerer than
usual and he continually complained
of the cold though the hot summer sun
drew streams of sweat from the rest of
Wo nil felt great concern for the old
man nnd though we knew he would
never play us false but would defend
our treasure even with magic arts If
need be still we did not like to lenvo
lilm behind ailing as he wns But
nope of us dared to gainsay his wish
except our captain Fully an hour did
Alec spend In useless argument trying
to turn him from his purpose nnd seem
ed all the time to bo strangely moved
though from what cause wo could not
tell But he fulled And when tit last
the Scourge set sail nnd the old man
wns left on the beach my sworn ship
mate covered him with his eyes till
wo had rounded the spit and run out
of sight Then with n heavy sigh ho
turned and went down to the cabin
It wns a strange affair and perhaps
tve should have takeu It as an omen of
ill luck Though I am myself singu
larly freo from superstitions of all
kinds I must believe that the old man
bad some foreknowledge of misfortune
to come nnd yet I cannot think that
lie knew that the fire would break out
Jn tlio Scourges spirit room or Burely
he would have warned us But per
Imps as Willie Trelmllou says the seer
can see but cannot change the decreea
of fate It niny bo so
That however Is neither hero nor
there But the fact remains that a lire
did break out nnd that too ou the
second day out from Cnvo Island dur
ing tho llrst wntch of the glass while
Alec held tho deck
I wns In my bunk but came up when
tbo alarm wns given and was soon
passing buckets with tho rest But the
ilalnty Scourge wns doomed and our
puny efforts were without avail Tho
water seemed only to Irritate tho blazo
to further fury and whero at llrst was
polo lambent flame bluo and trans
parent Eoon there began to roll forth
an avalanche of Inky smoke riven by
greedy shooting tongues of yellow fire
Like furies wo worked In tho sting
ing reek nnd like a mocking flend our
enemy grew In power oud height Inch
hy Inch we wero driven toward tho
stern flghng desperately every step
of the war Spaniard was never so
relentless a Toe as this one which
swallowed our watery missiles as fast
as we hurled them ami turned them
to hissing stenm that hit back at tlio
Panting and scorched wo gathered
a smoke grimed group on the counter
and realized that we wero beaten A
shout arose that the powder room wns
on lire and a half charred boat was
dropped Into the wnter Springing In
wo pushed off
Scarcely had we pulled a cables
length nway when tho Scourge blew
up Masts spars and deck shot up to
ward heaven and then fell In a blazing
shower around the column of smoke
which marked the place whero tho
shattered hull had sunk
The rest of the night dragged llsolf
wearily through and the sun rose upon
an unllecked sky Tho boat was with
out stores or provisions of any kind
She had neither compnss nor sail nnd
with one pair of oarn wo could make
little headway through tho calm even
had we known where to steer for
Which of us did not envy tho old
man In his beautiful I si nnd ticrmltago
We looked around at tho unbroken
circle of tlio horizon with tho water
It cucluctiired untarnished by a single
zephyr nnd gleaming like a glancing
mirror of light then nt tho cruel sun
that was arching n course of scorching
splendor through the cloudless vault
above and ns we looked wo took but
little comfort from the cheering words
which Alec spoke to us What help
could reach us from such a barren
llery wilderness What oasis could wo
hopo to llnd In such a broiling track
less desert
But In spite of tho enervating heat
we tugged doggedly nt the oars Tho
work purposeless ns It seemed was
some relief To active men there Is no
torture like Indolence In a case like
this for Indolence Is the advance picket
of despair
But each couple though eager for
lliolr turn of toll were glad enough to
quit It nt tho appointed time Water
driven from the body In perspiration
makes Its wnnt more keenly felt with
in The burning thirst was aggravated
by exorcise Alec being sparely built
perhaps suffered least I n thirsty
soul ever given to quadlng what was
offered endured ten mens ngony In
deed ns evening drew uenr I began to
fear that before another watch had run
out mildness or death must be the end
of me
My time however wns not yet come
As the sun went down In the west Its
dying glory lit upon a sail that peeped
above the southern water line With
frenzied eftort we made for It and
feared thnt the darkness would come
down before we could reach It
As we drew nearer we ninde out that
she was a carrack The breeze which
brought her up had lagged behind and
she had run Into a belt of calm Re
laxing our efforts not one whit wo
pushed fiercely on urging the boat
with Titan strokes for we were no
gaunt famine worn specters no starve
lings of the ocean who had been eking
out a days pittance to make it last
over ten In bodily health wo wero all
hale and hearty nnd ns good men as
we were the day before save for tho
mild thirst which consumed us But
that is a madness beside which nil oth
er emotions sink to nothing passion
and prudence alike die when the thirst
rage touches thetn Urged by It wo
would have charged an nrmy or have
lied from one man and so double bank
ing our oars we tore toward the car
That she was Spanish from truck to
tiller mattered nothing Her peoplo
clustered on the decks In armed
Our old enemys turn had come again
plclon could not stop us Water
Agua we cried at them hoarsely Wo
cared for nothing else
We climbed ou board and tho Span
iards staid their hands some becauso
they feared to provoko desperate men
somo through pity and others perhaps
becauso thoy know that when our
burning throats wero cooled wo must
yield at discretion Regardless of tho
hostile crowd we rushed to the scut
tlo butt Parched fnlut panting we
deemed tho tepid wnter n nectnr fit for
tho gods nnd the green slime whoso
tendrils clung to the dipper tho sweet
est essence mans pnlato could be
tickled with Wo drank nnd wo drank
nud forgot la the satisfaction of tho
moment thnt the world held other evil
things besides thirst
But there was ono nt hand who
would remind us A tall handsome
Spaniard came forward from tho
crowd nnd stood before tia IIo snw
what wo hnd Ml To red and he wni
pleased And when thoRO handsome
lips parted In n smile n double row of
cruel yellow teotli shono out between
Our old enemys turn hnd come
ngaln Wo wero prisoners of Don
Miguel del Cassamoro
To bo roiitlniioil unit
Chicago Grain and Provlslono
ClilcnKo Jiitie il coiiilllloiM com
trolled the wlieit Munition iikhIii today
licnvy mini nil IIikmikIi the imitlnveit In
ilncliii notable uciiIuiimi In Hip pit Jul
rloirtl lifte lowrr July corn W lower
July nnl -Willie lower nml piorlnloiix flow
V In 10c lilulicr CIoiIiik prices
Wheat- July 7iic Srpt OWtiTOV
Com HIjHnJ4es Sept miVtMUic
July l7e Hcpt ItlUc
Pork July HllJij Sept 1470
Hllix Jiily JTU Sept 701
Iiinl July Hirij Sept M1T1
CiihIi iiuoIiiIIoiih No 1 cmh corn 4M
43WS No white coin Sit 2 vel
low corn No II new corn 4Wt VJci
No II new yellow corn lMHic No emu
oiWh MlUje Nn 2 while mils JUinMc No
1 cunli unlit l71Ai 7ic N 3 v 1 1 1 L ouU
Kansas City Live Stock
KniimiN Clly June 1
4r00 mill vph liOO TexmiH a chIvcm natlvn
nml TiMM beef Hlccrs HlclMly veil I culvei
21c Iwoit other entile ensy choice export
nml ilrctseil beef hIccim iftOftK fnb to
sooil r10anr0 Mocker nml feedem
17VtM wenteni foil Meern 48OiXil0i
ToxniiH nnd luillniiH tr01i 40 Texnn emu
sleiTit iHoW4riO cowh 3aVMIJ5 heifer
lki32i dinners 2MVM2 i bulb sai
shi70 cnives aroariro nom itnceipts
10000 lWr7je higher top SRt bulk of
suIph 570MfR7j henvy 8V2fi5 nilxpil
finckers S708 Iljrht SVl5Jf77ty
plKM 4tMMj r0 Shpcp UecelpU 2800
strong to 10c higher western Iambi J470
IfrnliO western wethers 400fQ4no west
ern yearlings 4r0iUK owns 373B 421
culls 2rVnri0f Texns gmss sheep J3IX
fPllBj Texns Ihiuhx J4401M70 iiirlua
Uuibs 4 Van 75
Chicago Live Stook
Chlcngo June U Cnttlc lUcetpti 12000
choice sternly nml others slow trnoil to
prime steers r0Htt lC poor to medium
J4n0Tfr4r stockcrs nni feeders X0Oit
cows 27WSri heifers 2Hf10 can
ners 200ir270 bulls 28500 chItm
4W00 Texas fed steels 4tKiStt40
Texas bulls Hogs Receipts
today 28000 tomorrow r0000 estimated
left over 4121 strong to rc higher dol
ing ensler mixed unit butchers J57rf
rtl7j good to choice henvy 80fl02V4
rough henvy flrifuTi7fi light ir7035n Vi
bulk of sales SXRIWIVl Sheep Receipts
0000 sheep steady to slow good to elinlco
wethers 40040 fair to choice mixed
lW4iri western sheep 41X74rW year
lings 4tHMr0 nntlve lambs 400523
western luiubs 4rjOSriao
South Omaha Live Stock
South Oinnhn June 0 Cattle Receipt
2r04 choice steady nnd nctlve native beef
steers 4TOJir70 cows nnd heifers 3fi0
M7 i stockcrs nnd feeders VJ0JM7T
bulls stngs etc 1O0iKi0O calves 350
fi700 Hogs Receipts 10248 stesdy to
simile higher high price same as yesterdny
380 with bulk nt 570 nnd 572V4 nnd
light Rtnrt from 570 down Sheep Re
ceipts 043 wethers 370 100 ewes 300
0350 lambs 470ii 10
St Joseph Live Stock
St Joseph June t Cuttle Receipts 1133
stronger nut Ives lHKI585 cows and heif
ers 4255K20 veals 4O0ifl50 bulls and
stngs 315iO0 stockcrs and feeders 275
M8D Hogs Rccclpts 74U2 nTc high
er light and light mixed 70Jir85 me
dium nud heavy 575505 pigs 350
475 bulk 375085 Khcep Rccalpts
100 steady
Sioux City Live Stock
Sioux City June Cattle Receipt 400
steady beeves 503JJ050 cows and bulls
mixed 275500 stackers and feeders
350iW40 calves nnd yearlings 35Vf7450
Hogs Receipts 3500 5o higher sclllun at
bulk rl7WQ070
A SprilneitAnlleOulckly Cured
At one time I suffered from a sovore
sprain of tho nuklo says Goo E Cary
editor of the Guide Washington Vn
After using several well recommended
medicines without success I tried
Ohnmborlnius Pain Balm and am
plensed to say that relief camo as soon
as I began its use nud a complete cure
speedily followed Sold by Kiesnu
Drug Co
Tho greatest skin spocinlist iu Amer
ica origiunted tho formula for Banner
Salvo For nil skin diseases all cuts or
sores nud for piles its the most healing
medicine Beware of substitutes A
H Kiesnu
Pllei of People Havo lile
Rectol has cured piles of people of the
piles to stay cured A pile pipe freo
with each package We soil Itlou a
positive guarantee No euro no pay
50 cents Samples freo Kiesau Drug
Co Sole Agouts
Krnuse Cold Cure
for colds in the head chest throat or
any portion of the body broaka up a
cold in 24 hours without interruption to
work Will prevent colds if taken
when first symptoms appear Price 25o
Sold by Geo B Christoph
Call at Kiesaus drng store and got a
free sample of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets They are au elegant
physio Thoy also improve the appe
tite strengthen tho digestion and regu
late the liver and bowels They are
easy to take aud pleasant in effeot
Vitality uerves like steel clear eyes
active brain strength health and happi
ness comes to those who take Rooky
Mountain Tea made by Madison Medi
cine Co 35o Geo B Christoph
A 1ocKet Cold Cure
Krauses Cold Cure is prepared in
capsule form and will cure oold in the
head throat chest or any portion of the
body in 24 hoars You dont have to
stop work either Price 26o Sold by
Geo B OhriBloph
YoaTakeNoOlianceWhen YouHujr Rectol
for the piles We will refund the full
purohase price if it foils to oure A
pile pipe free with eaoh package
Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Sole
The lack of energy you feel the back
aohe and a run down condition goner
ally all menu kidney disorder Foleys
Kidney Cure will restore your strength
and vigor by making the kidneys well
Take no substitute A H Kiesau
Mr W S Wliedon cashier of the
First National bank of Wiutorsot Iowa
in a recent letterglvcs somo oxperionce
with a carpenter iu his employ that
will bo of valuo to other moounuics
Ho says I had a carpenter working
for mo who wai obliged to stop work
for sovornl days on account of boiug
troubled with diarrhoea I moutioticd
to him thnt I had boon similarly troublod
and that Chamberlains Oollo Cholera
and Dinrrhooa Homedy had cured mo
Ho bought a bottlo of it from tho drug
gist hero nud informed mo that ouodoso
cured him nud ho is again nthis work
For salo by Kiosnn Drug Co
Into ench life somo ruins must fall
Wlso people dont sit down and bawl
Only fools suicido or tako to light
Smart peoplo tako Hocky Mountain
Ton nt night Geo B Christoph
Allou Hnlvorsou of West Prnirie Wis
says Pooplo cotno ten miles to buy
Foloys Kidnoy Ouro while J A
Sporo of Holmer Intl says It Is tho
medical woudor of tlio age A II
Klesr u
Ira 13 Keckard Duncombe In
writes My httlo boy scalded his leg
from tho kiieo to tho ankle I used
Binnor Salvo immediately and in throo
weeks timo it was entirely healed I
want to rocommond it to ovory family
aud adviso them to koop Bauner Salve
011 hand ns it is n sure romody for
scalds or any sores A H Kiesnu
Mil Soldiers Experience
M M Austin n civil war veteran of
Winchester Ind writes My wifo
was sick a long time in spito of good
doctors trentmout but was wholly
curod by Dr Kings Now Lifo Pills
which worked wonders for her health
Thoy always do Try thorn Only 25c
at A H Kiesaus drug store
A O Blauchard West Bangor N Y
says I havo been troubled with kid
noy disease for tho last Ave years Have
doctored with several physicians aud 1
got no relief until I used two bottles of
Foleys Kidnoy Cure A H Kiesau
You may as well oxpect to run a
steam engine without water as to find
an active enorgetic man with a torpid
liver and yon may know that his liver is
torpid when he does not relish his food
or feels dull and languid after eating
often has headacho and sometimes diz
ziness A fow doses of Chnmberlaius
Stomach and Liver Tablets will restore
his liver to its normal functions renew
his vitality improve his digestion and
make him feel like a new man Price
21 cents Samples freo nt Kiesaus drug
is caused by a derangement of the
norves Lichtys Celery Nerve Com
pound is nn extract of celery combined
with other efficacious iliedical ingredi
ents resulting in a modiciue of rare
virtue nud wonderful in its prompt and
soothing curative effects It will make
you sleep Sold by Goo B Christoph
William Woodard of Decatur la
writes I was troubled with kidney
disease for several years and four one
dollar size bottles of Foleys Kidnoy
Cure curod me A H Kiesau
Seven Years In lied
Will wonders over cense inquire
tho friends of Mrs L Pease of Law
rence Kan They knew she had been
uuablo to leave her bed in seven years
on nccount of kidney aud liver trouble
nervous prostration and general debil
ity but Three bottles of Electric Bit
ters enabled me to walk she writes
and in three months I felt liko a new
person Women suffering from head
ache backache nervousness sleepless
ness melancholy fainting and dizzy
spells will And it a priceless blessing
Try it Satisfaction is guarrauteed A
H Kiesau Only 50c
Edward Huss a well known business
man of Salisbury Mo writes I
wish to say for tho benefit of others
that I was a sufferer from lumbago and
kidney trouble and all the remedies I
took gave me no relief I was induced
to try Foleys Kidney Cure nnd after
the use of three bottles I am cured A
H Kiesnu
Quick Kelief for Aathma
Miss Maud Dickons Parsons Kans
writes I suffered eight years with
asthfca in its worst form I had sev
eral attaoks during the last year aud
was not oxpocted to live through them
I began using Foleys Honey and Tar
and it has uover failed to give immedi
ate relief A H Kiesau
It Free if it Fails to Cure
Rectol the great pile oure A pile
pipe free with each package We sell it
under a positive wrttten guarantee
No cure no pay 50 cents Samples
free Kiosaa Drug Co Sole Agents
Head Feel Like Hurstlng
Maybe you were out late lost night
If you had taken n Krauses Heodaohe
Capsule before retiring your head would
bo cool and clear this morning Take
one now and you will be all right in au
half hour Price 25o Sold by Geo B
Savei Two From Death
Our little daughter had an almost
fatal attack of whooping cough and
bronchitis writes Mrs W K Havi
land of Armonk N Y but when all
other remedies failed we saved her lifo
with Dr Kings New Discovery Our
niece who had consumption in an ad
vanced stage also used this wonderful
medicine and today she is perfectly
Rheumatism is dne to an excess of acid iu tho
blood When this esfcapes tlirough the pores of tho
kin ns it often does itproduccs some fond of skin
eruption somo itchittj disease like Eczema or
Tetter but when these little tubes or sweat glarida
are suddenly closed by crposuro to cold nna suilucn
chilling of the body then the poisons thrown off by Jj
the blood findlnt no outlet settle ht membranes -
well Desperate throat and lung dis
eases yield to Dr Kings New Discovery
as to no other medieiuo on earth In
fallible for coughs and colds fiOo and
100 bottlo3 guaranteed by A H Kie
sau Trial bottles free
Cycling has its ups and downs After
tho downs use Bauner Salve if youre
cut or bruised It heals the hurt
quiokly Take no substitutes A H
Good Advice
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering from Dys
pepsia and Liver Complaint More than
seventy five per cent of the people in
the United States are aftlicted with those
two diseases and their effects such as
Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual
Costivenoss Palpitation of tho Heart
Heart burn Waterbrash Gnawing and
Bnruiug Pains at tho Pit of tho Stomach
Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disa
greeable Taste iu the Mouth Coming
up of Food after Eating Low Spirits etc
Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 7o cents Two
doses will relieve you Try it Get
Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
If young ladies think sores pimples
and red noses look well with a bridal
veil and orange blossoms its all right
Yet Rocky Mountain Tea would drive
away 33c Geo B Ohritoph
A Good Cough Medicine
It speaks well for Chamberlains
Cough Remedy when druggists use it in
their own families iu preference to any
other I have sold Chamberlains
Cough Remedy for the past five years
with complete satisfaction to myself
and customers says Druggist J Gold
smith Vau Etten N Y I have al
ways used it iu my own family both for
ordinary coughs and colds and for the
cough following la grippe aud find it
very efficacious For sale by Kiesau
Drug Co
A Terrible KxjiIohIoii
Of a gasoline stove burned a lady
here frightfully writes N E Palmer
of Kirkman Ia The best doctors
couldnt heal tlio running sore that fol
lowed but Backleus Arnica Salve en
tirely cured her Infallible for cuts
corns sores boils bruises skin diseases
and piles 25c at A H Kiesaus
A Good Thine
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated Ger
man Physician and is aokuowledged to
be one of the most fortunate discov
eries in Medicines It quickly cures
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
tho severest nature removing as it does
the cause of tho affection and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy con
dition It is not an experimental medi
cine but has stood the test of years
giving satisfaction in every case which
its rapidly increasing Bale every season
confirms Two million bottles sold an
nually Bosohees German Syrup was
introduced in tho United States in 18G8
and is now sold in every town and vil
lage in the oivilized world Threo doses
will relieve any ordinary cough Price
75 cts Get Greens Prize Almanac
Kiesau Drug Co
Rectol Is a Remedy With a Record
Its record is 03 per cent of permanent
cures If you have the piles try it Its
free if it fails to oure you Samples
free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Agents
tre the most fatal of all dis
or money refunded Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles
PRK3 50C and SI0Q
muscles tissues and nerves These parts become greatlyinfkmed feverish and
hot dagger like maddening pains follow in quick succession the muscles become
extremely tender the nerves break down nnd ihe sufferer is soon reduced to a stato
of helplessness and misery This ncid poison penetrates tho joints and seems to
dry out the natural oils nnd the legs arms and fingers become so stiff and sorts
that every movement is attended with excruciating pains
Liniments plasters electricity nnd baths while their use may give temporary
case cannot be called cures for the disease returns with every change of the weather
ob o cures Kiicumattstn by
Throo yoars apro 1 nna n gsroro attacK or
la irrippo which loft mo almost a physical
wrook To add to my wrotohed oonditlon a
sovoro form of Bheumatiam developed X
tried all the physicians In our city but none
of thetn could do me any pormanant Rood I
usod all tho rhoumatlo euros I could bear of
but received no bonoflt After boglnnlnir S S
S I was rollovod of the pains and have galnod
in floeh and strength and my Ronoral ho alt h
ia bettor than for years I eonsidor S S S
the R randost blood modiolno in tho world
and heartily recommend It to any one seek
lnir rollof from tho tortures of Bhoumatlsm
working a complete change in
the blood the ncids are neutral
ized the circulation purified and
the rich healthy blood that la
carried to the irritated nching
muscles nnd joints soothes and
heals them S S S cures Rheu
matism even when inherited or
brought on by the excessive uso
of mercury Opium in somo
form is the basis of nearly all
so called Rheumatic Cures
which deaden the pain but do
not lottcu tuc disease ana lead
to ruinous habits Alkalies nnd the potash nnd mineral remedies bo often pre
scribed affect the tender lining of the stomach and weaken the digestion thus
adding another burden to the already weak aud impoverished blood S S S con
tains no mineral or dangerous drug of any kind but is a simple vegetable
remedy nml the most perfect blood purifier known Send for our book ou Rhcu
matism and write our physicians if you wish any information or advice Wc would
be glad to mail you a book free wc charge nothing whatever for medical advice
A Head
that throbs pains and
aches or feels heavy stuf
fy dull or dizzy is a poor
head to do business with
It irritates the temper up
sets the stomach interferes
with digestion and wears
out the brain and nerves
Make the nerves strong
the brain clear and your
head will be right
My head would begin to swim and
I would crow dizzy and so weak and
numb that I would fall to the floor
Since usinpr Dr Miles Nervine I can
work i6hours a day and feel pood I
believe it saved my life ana cannot
recommend it too highly
W G White McGreeor Texas
D Miles
quiets the irritation stimu
lates digestion and builds
up nervous health and
strength Try a bottle
Sold by druggists on guarantee
Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind
At all drug stores 25 Dost 25c
Sfdf J
AND f Mr
orti V
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accept no substl
cohkitcdim tute Ask your druggist
ftMAlC iRRECiiliniTi re
Made a
Well Man
1 v mo
produces the above results In 30 day It act
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others U1L
YooDgBienvrlllreeain their lost manbojdaDdold
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
KEVIVO It Quickly and aurely restores Nervosa
ness Lost Vitality bnpotency Nightly Emissions
boat Power Falling Memory Wanting Diseases and
all effects ot sell abuse or excess and Indiscretion
which unQts one for study business or marriage II
not only cores by starting at tho Boat ot disease but
Magreat nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
log back the pink glow to pale cbeeka and re
storing the Ore or yonth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having BE VIVOao
ether It can be carried in vest pocket By mail
100 per package or six tor SOO with a poat
Mve wrtttas naraatee to car or rafaasl
Uo money Book and advise free Address
Poraale in Norfolk Nebraska bj
Geo B Ohrlatoph druggist
Iff S
mt mmm ymmt
V - tV
fXAncn crrccrtM
rf rrrn nnTtv --
inn 1
For Sale by George B Obxistoph