The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 31, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    5 I
m n in pi
Cuban Convention Accepts Con
gress Terms
ftndlcnls Fight Hnnl nt the Finish and
Abuse Conservatives Those Who
Voted In Affirmative Designated as
Traitors Forced to Retract
llnvnnn Mny 29 Tho IMutt amend
ment wiih accepted by tin- Cubnn con
cdltutlonal convention yesterday by a
tvoto of in to 1 1 The ntlunl vole wan
tin accepting tlio majority roptn t of the
nmmlttco on rilntltniH which oinbod
fled tho nniiiiiltntiit with explanations
of certain clauses Tlio radicals made
ii hard fight nt tlio last inoinont and
1nrtuondn Gome nnd Tainayo bitter
Jy arraigned tlio conservatives Sonor
TTntnnyo wiih particularly vindictive
uid doilniod that ovorybody wliti votod
tin favor of tl o Piatt nmrndniont wiih a
ftraltor to IiIh country Tlio conven
tion compelled lilm to retract tlila
wtntement On Bovornl ncensloriB nor
uonnl oncountorH seemed lininlncnt
Gomez spoke for more than nn hour
nnd tils speech undoubtedly won over
Cnrtro Robnu and Mnndnloy Ho
jicaled to the patriotism of delegates
nnd rehearsed the long fight for Inde
pendence denouncing nn perJuiorH all
-who favored the llatt amendment on
Hbe ground that they hnd Bwom to
draw up a eoiiHtltutlon for mi Independ
ent ropubllc
Several consorvntlvoB arose and re
quested Gomez to retract but bo re
The convention will continue Hb bos
lonn which will bo devoted to drawing
up the election lnw
La Discussion in nn extra exclaims
Now will come Immediate Independ
IRosebud Sioux the Innocent Cause of
i a Riot Call In Chicago
Chicago May 25 A fully armed
party of 40 Sioux Indians passed
-through Chicago yesterday en route to
Glen Island N Y where they arc to
take part In an Indian village exhibit
during the summer The advent of tho
vlHltorB caused commotion nt police
headquarters since the police have
lieon expecting an Invntdtm of tho Pot
tnwattamleH who have threatened to
olze tho lako fiont under alleged gov
ernment grants made many years ago
A wagon load of olllcers started out to
quell a possible riot hut finding the
jed men peaceable they departed
The Indians are from the Hoschud
reservation nenr Niobrara and are un
der the care of Bill Liddinrd
I Death List Is Twenty
Dayton Tenn May 29 Tho total
list of dead from the explosion in the
Itlohland mino is -0 Harry Pope who
was incorrectly lepoitcd as dead was
not Injured having left the mino n few
minutes before tho explosion Andy
Medley nnd Will Hose were tnkon from
tho mine in a fiightful condition Al
though nt least llvo of tho wounded
wore considered fatally Injured none
lias died and It is possible all may re-
Talk ef Combining Against America
Vienna May 29 Tlio Nous Wiener
Tngeblatt In the course of an article
advocating tlio formation of n Kuro
yenn customs league against the Unit
ed States says America is tho coin
jnon enemy of nil an enemy so for
midable that each European country
must succumb unless leagued with the
Tost of Europe Even milted Europe
will havo a hard fight
King on the Stand
Mobile Ala May 29 Former Quar
termaster Cyril W King was on the
stand In the United States district
court yesterday In his own defense
against the charge of accepting n bribe
Irom Contractor llobson King said
ho performed numerous services for
Blobson nnd believed be fairly earned
tthe money paid him by Hobson
Stockman Is Shot by Boy
Alliance Neb May 29 P J Slur
coon a stockman 15 miles cast from
Alliance was shot yesterday by a boy
3C yearn old named Zurk Young Zurk
put two shotB Into his victim one
through the arm and one into his body
nn old pistol being his weapon No
cause Is nsslgned except a dispute
ever some range land
Both Were Drowned
riensanton Knn May 29 Harry
Norman nged IS and Todd Blakey
ged 11 were drowned in the Marals
1es Cygne river near hero yesterday
Voting Blakey whilo playing in the
water got In over his head Norman
tried to rescue him and both were
Killed by Heavy Hammer
i York Neb Mny 29 Wnlter Mor
an who was accidentally hit by ti
Jieavy hammer In the school yard last
IFrlday thrown by one of his school
mates who wns throwing tho hammer
Sn preparation for the Intercolleglato
field meet died yesterday
Three Burned to Death
I Wateelca Ills May 29 Three per
sons were burned to death yesterday
dn a lonely farmhouse northwest of
tliiB city The victims were Mrs
Mary Hershberger aged 70 Mrs Hat
tie Mnggee aged 22 Calvin Maggeo
aged 5
students Quarantined at Cedar Falls
I Cedar Falls la May 29 The Odell
club composed of 27 state normal
school students was quarantined on
account of smallpox Under an order
ct the city council a pesthouge is be
ins erected on the campus
Trench Agrlculturlits Uee Them to
Fight Hail Froct and Grasshoppers
WnHhliiglnn May 29 The Ironch
WvTlenllurlhtH Intend to fighl Trust and
grasshoppers as sell as hailstorms
with tnntion and smoke nriordlng to
nn Interesting ropoit received at tho
Mate ilopailiiient fiom Consul Covert
nt Lons It has Just been dotcrnilnud
to hold an International cannon con
gress at Lyons In Novetnbei next and
Consul Covert was authorized to ex
tend nn Invitation to Americans to
talto part The suet ens that has at
tended thn expei Inient of firing at ap
proaching hallwlorms to prevent their
ravages upon French lneyiinls has
prompted steps for n still further ox
teiiBlon of tho usngo of cannon In ngrl
eultuial bo lety circles Tho theory
In noun quarters prevails that It Is not
the froBt Itself which blasts the bud
ding fruit but the suns lays follow
ing n night of frost which find the
grnpo already sensitive to the cold an
easy victim to tho heat Cannon fired
horizontally over vlneyanlB at Astl at
Riinriso produced Interesting results
A strip of vineyard fiOO feet wide over
which the smoke from two cannon had
been spread was entirely protected
from the effects of the frost while the
vIiiob on either Bldo were badly In
An Invnslon of grnsBhoppers Ib an
nounced to occur this summer In south
ern Algeria and the cannon mouthn arc
to he turned against them also
Disturbances In Districts Where There
Arc No Foreign Troops
London May 251 The Boxers nro
again active In all districts whero
there are no foreign troops says a dls
patch to the Standard from Tien Tsln
Yesterday a missionary who was go
ing to Tu Lu on the Grand canal wiib
obliged to return to Tien Tsln on ac
count of a llerco light raging between
Boxers and Catholic converts There
was heavy llilng tin both sides
Four thousand Insurgents from the
province of Kwnl Chan have Invaded
the province of Szo Chuan says the
Shanghai correspondent of the Stand
ard wiring yesterday causing a wide
spread panic It Is said that 1000
Yunnanese are about to Join them
A dispatch from General Voyron at
Tien Tsln says that a reconnolterlng
party came upon a wnlled town 15 kilo
metres northeast of Ting Chan Tho
town authorities refused to open tho
gates whereupon the French artillery
opened lire The wnll was breached
and the town taken One French In
fantryman was wounded General
Ballloud Iq scouring the country with a
column of French troops and Is sup
porting tlio Chinese regulars
While Shocman Is Examining Shell It
Expoldes Also Killing Daughter
Pretoria May 29 The Boor gen
eral Slioeman and ills daughter have
boon killed and his wife and two others
have been badly Injured by the explo
sion of a shell
General Slioeninn his family and
Borne fi lends wore examining a 47
Inch lyddite shell which they kept In
tho house as a curiosity when tho
shell exploded killing the general on
the spot and moi tally wounding his
daughter and severely injuring his
wife and two other persons
General Slioeninn led the commando
of Coleshurg nnd surrendered on tho
occupation of Pretoria
linger May Face Murder Charge
Chicago May 29 A gold ling taken
from the body or Marie A Defeuharh
may prove tho connecting link to a
formal charge of murder growing out
of tho case of conspiracy to defraud
fraternal orders and Insurance compa
nies now on trial hero Tho ring Is In
possession of tho statts attorney It
is said to have been examined by ex
pert chemists nnd pronounced affected
by a peculiar poison which would trace
its way through tho human system
causing death The evidence Irr the
caso was decidedly against Dr Urigcr
who is charged with being tho prin
cipal conspirator
Tramps Shoot an Officer
Cnrrollton Mo May 29 Charles
MeKinncy n son of Policeman Me
Kinney was shot and killed at 2 a m
whilo assisting his fatlier arrest a
gang of tramps Three of the gang
were pursued by the sheriff and a
posse to a point three miles south of
Cnrrollton where they were sur
rounded Hero a lively fight ensued
tho tramps exchanging shots with the
posse Two more of the tramps were
finally rounded up but not before tho
sheriffs horso was shot from under
him The others escaped to the woods
Threatens to Blind Miss Shaw
Davenport la May 29 The pollc
nro looking for tho writer of several
letters to Mary Shaw granddaughter
of the late millionaire lumberman
George S Shaw of Cloquet Wis The
letter writer threatens to blind Miss
Shaws sister If 10000 cash was not
placed whero ho could get it The
man confronted the younger girl here
a day or two ago and repeated tho de
mands made In the letters She kept
an appointment made with him after
notifying tho police but the man did
not nppear
Boers Appeal for Arbitration
Berlin May 29 Special dispatches
from St Petersburg assert that Dr
Hendrik Muller and Dr Leyds repre
senting the Boer republics have ap
pealed formally to Tho Hague arbitra
tion court promising to abide by the
decision of tho tribunal regarding tho
Issues Involved in tho South African
war and pointing out that several of
the paragraphs of the constitution of
the arbitration court signed by tho
powers represented at tho peace con
ference bear directly upon the South
African case
Legislation for Luzon Will Be Neces
sary to Keep Government From Be
ing Defrauded Cabinet Talks It
was practically without incident It
was made over the Chicago and North
western arrd to avoid tho crowds at
the stations engine and train crews
were changed a few miles from tho
end of each division Few stops were
made but the train slowed up at tho
principal towns and cities and tho
president appeared on the rear plat
form This Is Secretary Wilsons home
state nnd ho shared the honors with
the president At Tama where Mr
Wilson formerly resided there wns a
big crowd to greet them both but no
stop wns made At Mnrsballtown tho
local G A It post was lined up In the
Mrs McKlnloys condition has con
tinued to show steady but not rapid
Improvement since she left San Fran
cIsco At tho place whore the Chicago
and Northwestern crosses the Des
Moines river over the new Boone
viaduct said to bo the longest nnd
highest double track structure In the
world the train wns baited for ten min
utes to permit tho photographers with
the party to taico several group pic
tures of tho president cabinet nnd
newspaper men
During their Journey ncrosB Iowa
President MeKinley and tho members
of his cabinet spent much of their
time reading and discussing the pub
lished reports of the opinions of tho
supreme court In the Insular caBes
They were much Interested in the way
the court divided In the two cases
The decision In the Dolimn case If
followed in the Philippine case as It
Is assumed it would be might result
In the calling of an extra session of
congress In the Dcllmn case the court
decided that tho duties collected on
Porto Hlcan goods before congress en
acted the Foiakor law wore Illegal and
must bo refunded It is presumed that
the couit following the same lines or
reasoning will decide that the duties
collected on goods from the Philippines
were nlso Illegal and that the goods
from tho Philippines are subject to
free entry Into the United States until
congress acts ns it has already done
in tho case of Porto Itico Such a de
cision would mean if t only a refund
ing of duties heretofore collected but
would open the ports of tho United
Slates to merchandise nnd goods of
every description from tho Philip
pines until congress moots in Decem
ber It Is palpable that importers
might take advantage of this to ship
goods into tho United States through
the Philippines and thus defraud the
government of Its revenues Whether
the danger from this source Is great
enough to warrant tlio calling of con
gress In extra session is one which
will bo decided after deliberation
Had Strong Hopes Supreme Court
Would Decide Their Way
Porto Rlcans Are Disappointed
San Juan P It May 29 The first
report of the supreme courts decision
in the Delimit caso which was inter
preted ns declaring the taxation of
imports from Porto Itico to the United
States 15 per cent of the Dingley du
ties to be unconstitutional was re
ceived here with great satisfaction
When the full report of the Dellma
case was published there was evi
denced a general feeling of disappoint
ment among Porto Rienn merchants
who hnd hoped that the courts deci
sion would give them n years free
trade Tho concensus of opinion of the
matter scorns to be that the Porto
Hlcan legislature should bo convened
In extra session to declare Porto Itico
self supporting without the collection
of customs orr imports between Porto
Rico and the United Stntes A gen
eral spirit of complnint thnt all the
supreme courts decisions were against
Porto Rico was noticeable
Cases Involving Importations From
Philippines Are Not Taken Up
Washington May 29 After a ses
sion of three minutes yesterday the
United Stntes supreme court ad
journed until the second Monday in Oc
tober Tho brief session was devoted
to tho formnl disposition of motions
Tho two remaining insular cases one
of them that of tho 14 dlamoud rings
dealing with Importations from the
Philippines and tho other known as
the second Dooley caso Involving the
question of exportntions from the Unit
ed States to Porto Rico failed to re
ceive attention and they go over until
the next term
Gold From Dundy County
Benkelman Neb May 29 Two cari
are being loaded at Max a station nine
miles east of this place with gold
bearing sand from Muddy creek in
eastern Dundy county for shipment to
a Denver smelter A number of small
samples have been shipped during the
past three months which ran from
320 to 18 per ton
Twenty Two Buildings Burn
Kindred N D Mny 29 Fire here
yesterday destroyed 22 buildings at a
loss of J100000 with Icsb than one
third insurance Neurly all the build
ings in tbree business blocks were
j burned
Eleventh Annual Confederat
Opens at Memphis
MetnpWis Term May 2D -
rinripinn cwrirocic Pnnnihititv nf 2 GWi nn rubers of the United - r
Decision Suggests I ossibiuty oi Viam4 rIMeSfnIU 133t cnin United Presbyterians Adopt Re
Congress Being Called
of the organization met In Confederate
hall for their 11th annual reunion
General ritzhugh Lee General Jo
Bopli Wheeler and General John B
Gordon weie present Before the meet
lug of the convention tho Confederate
Tragedy at a Colored Church Sociable
In Sioux City
Sioux City May 29 Because he was
called a cheap skate at a colored
church sociable last night Harry Ba
ker walked a mile procured a revolver
returned to the church and shot three
other negroes one of whom Jim As
kew will die The others Charles
Watkins and Louis Cioyd are not dan
gerously wounded Rivalry for the af
fections of a colored girl and the state
ment that he could not buy Ice cream
caused Baker to commit the crime
Dunkards Hold Business Session
Lincoln May 29 Business meetings
nf tho nntlnnnl llimUnril frnfrnnn n
pels those belonging to the church
who are now merrrbers of secret or-
which meets in New York
Winter Dangerously III
St Paul May 29 E W Winter
formerly genral manager of the Chi
cago St Paul Minneapolis and Omaha
and more recently president of the
Northern Pacific system lies in a Chi
cago hospital dangerously 111 A tele
gram telling of his condition sum
moned a daughter living in St Paul
Mr Winter has been sick some time
During the early winter his condition
wns serious although he rallied some
what and within the past few weeks
there was a change for the worse
Native Judges Incompetent
Manila May 29 The Philippines
commission has begun the discussion
Supreme Court Justifies Critical Roast of the bill to reorganize the courts
of Cherry Sisters Concerning the criticisms of the non
Des Moines May 29 The Iowa appointment of native judges Mr Ide
preme court yesterday rendered an Bad the commission was following its
Important decision affecting the rights instructions to the effect that other
of newspapers in publishing criticisms things being equal Filipinos should
of public entertainers and gave the receive the appointements but the Fill
Cherry sisters and their entertain- Pno as proved incompetent from the
ment a hard rap
The court lays down rules with re
gard to the rights of newspapers which
allow the widest discretion in such ar
ticles and it is a signal victory for the
Riotous Students Arrested
Columbus Ind May 29 Forty five
students of the Columbus high school
the majority of them being members
of the class graduated last night were
arrested on warrants charging them
with participating in a riot on the
street The arrests are the result of
acss ght wllch took nace in front
gan yesterday and one of the first
f th hlBa scho1 Immediately after
decisions of the standing committee
the css exercises of the
was to hold next years conference In
eastern Pennsylvania at a place yet to umBB uuu -
be decided but probably at Philadel
phia The conference refused after
long discussion to make any change In
the church law by allowing the sisters
the same privileges in the conference
as the brethren
State Bank Ordered Closed
Lincoln Mny 29 The state bank
Inir hnTnl vpfitenlnv nnlprnil tho pine
Tho colony requires drastic sanitary
lican national convention of 1904
Rev Richard D Harlan pastor of
tho Third Presbyterian church of
Rochester has been tendered the presi
dency of Lake Forest university Chi
The German press without exception
comments in terms of approval upon
German troops to return home
Killed Before the Camera
Wichita Kan May 29 At Nardln
O T a party of society young ladies
and gentlemen went picnicking and
when a picture was being made of the
group Miss Nora Wolfrum asked Miss
Bishop to point a rifle at her to add
to tho romance of the scene Miss
Bishop did so The rifle was
ing of the Peoples State bank at chareetl accidentally and Miss Wolf-
Gothenburg Dawson county nnd Ex- WI vt y c muiet
aminer E E Emmett was placed in PIerclnS cr heart-
charge The capital stock of the bank I Woyant Falls to Get His Child
Is 123000 and deposits 00000 L C New York May 29 Frank B
Lloyd is the president and C W Lloyd ant the wealthy owner of a cattle
cashier ranch near Lincoln Neb made an
unsuccessful effort in the supreme
T n0nen Mavaf 9 KOna court terday to obtain the custody
London May 29 The of
of n8 nfant chn G fl
the bubonic plague here le
Maauox uecided that the child shouW
Hong Kong correspondent of the renmln n the cust0 of r
Times is becoming serious The
for a year at the e of
death rate Is 30 The
over dally
father m ht w appllcat on
demlc is the worst known since 1894 -
To Unionize All Hotels
Denver May 29 Union hotels
everywhere is the battle cry of the
A Jewish university with an Income United Hotel and Restaurant Em
of 00000 a year is to be established ployes association whose national
In New York city convention Is now being held in this
Senator Fairbanks of Indiana was ctv Tne organization Is at present
formally announced Tuesday as a can- confined to this state but the intention
tlidate for president before the Js t0 organize hotel and restaurant
ployes In all parts of the country
Thief Catchers Assemble
New York May 29 The eighth an
nual convention of the National Asso
ciation of Chiefs of Police of the Unit
ed States and Canada began in this
city yesterday A H Leslie chief of
news that Emperor William has he
nB80clatloni presuei inspector
Count von Waldersee and the rPncc nt mio h iiii
of welcome
Rev Fred von Schluembacb a prom- Endorse Clerks Strike
lnent German Evangelical minister of Denver May 29 The Western Fed-
Cleveland died Tuesday at Lakeside eration of Miners union
hospital of blood poisoning aged D9 here has endorsed
Ladies Memorial association held In Action of the General Assembly For- Uic atlvnnCpncnt 0f humanity but Hint
Calvary church n memorial meeting
for Jefferson DavlB nt which a
Over During Journey Across Iowa mortal address wiib delivered by
I P Thomas F Gallor of the Episcopal
Cedar ltaplds In May 29 Ihe trip nirrh Tho exlci80B of yBterday
of the presidential train rrom umumi
eastward across the state of Iowa
port of Judiciary Committee
Characterizes Decision as Queer Issue
of Triumphant Democracy
London Mny 29 Tho Daily News
which comments upon tho decisions of
tho United States supremo court In tho
Insular eases as perhaps tho most mo
mentous which this tribunal wns ever
called upon to make regards them as
LODGES a curious issue to 120 years of tri
umphant democracy and says It is
not progress but retrogression not
bids Admission of Members of These disheartening product of our times tho
Orders Into the Church and Ex- militarism of a democracy We ven
ule Dn MrmhPr I turc to think that the framers of tho
United States constitution would havo
Des Moines May 29 By a vote of lanched at the possibility of such a
were almost entirely confined to the 00 to 03 the general assembly of the development ns incredible The
welcoming addresses United Probbyterlan church at 230 p slons have extricated President Mc-
The committee on resolutions will m adopted the report or the Judiciary Klnley from an uncommonly awkwnrd
favorably report to the convention a committee upon the change of creed position but it is n lamentable head-
resolution suggesting that steps be with regard to article xv This ac- long fall In the moral bcale and a turn-
taken to prevent men who were desert- tion 1b interpreted to mean that It for-
crs from the Confederate army from bids the admission of members of EC
cording to some of the delegates ex
lng of the hnck on all that has been
the special glory and distinction of the
procuring membership in the cret societies to the church and ac- United States In order to Join in the
Buffalo Selected as the Permanent
I Some members of the assembly
Milwaukee May 29 Buffalo has w nro UK violently opposed to se
been selected ns the permanent bead- orders objected to the section of
quarters of the United Switchmen of the report of the committee which re
North America and the Switchmens moved the ban of the church from or
Journnl now published nt Omaha will gnnlzatlons which do not Inculcate a
shortly be removed from thnt city to Chrlstlers religion
Buffalo A change in the constitution G- Campbell who moved to strike
makes it compulsory for all members mt the suction of the report which said
to take out life insurance In the order the testimony does not include such
cither In the G0O or 1200 class orders held that labor unions should
Tho following olllcers were elected Iot b approved by the church This
Grand Master F T Hawley Buffalo dcfl wns strongly opposed
secretary treasurer M R Welch Oma
ha editor of Journal Thomas Meancy
Toledo General Assembly at Philadelphia
solved by Moderator Minton
Philadolnhla Mav 29 The 113th
Those on Board Damaged Boat Never
Presbyterian general assembly was
In Danger dissolved last evening by Moderator
Burlington la May 29 The steam- Minton after having been in session
er J R W Young arrived here with neariy two weeks during which time
the passengers and part of the freight many matters of the utmost import-
of the steamer Dubuque which sunk ance to the church were considered
18 miles above Burlington The boat chief among these was the question
lies in shallow water and can easily regarding the revision of the
be rnlsed It is not much damaged Bion of faith After a discussion con-
There was no excitement the tinning nearly four days this
gers finishing supper after having tons subject was referred to a special
heard what had happened Some of committee who will make
tbem went to bed sleeping till the dations ns to the manner in which the
Young came to transfer them All creed should be revised and present
the passengers have been sent to St them to tho next creneml nssemhlv
luiua uy run
barbarlc scramble for the waste places
of the earth
Small Grain Doing Fairly Well but
Corn Needs More Warm Weather
Lincoln May 29 Winter wheat baa
generally grown well nltbough chinch
bugs have done some dnmage and In
places more rain would have improved
the crop prospects Oats have grown
fairly well but continue thin on the
ground and in rather poor condition
Grass has improved in western coun
ties and generally pastures and mead
ows are In good condition Corn plant
ing is nearly finished in northern coun
ties and some replanting has been done
In southern The low temperature has
been unfavorable for the germination
and growth of corn and It Is coming up
j slowly but in most places the stand
is good cultivation of the earliest
planted corn has commenced
Reduced Rates for Harvest Hands
Kansas City May 29 The Santa Fo
yesterday announced that It In com
mon with other Kansas lines had
made reduced rates for harvest hands
The rates will be half fare for two pei
sons on one ticket one third for three
or more on one ticket The arrange
ment for handling this business Is
different from former years Agents
located in the wheat belt will be in
structed to notify farmers that rates
have been made as above The farm
ers will inform the agents how many
men they will need and the agents in
turn will notify Kansas general repre
sentatives of the Interested lines who
will see that the required number of
men are secured and sent to the dis
tricts needing help
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League New York 0 St
LouIb 1 Brooklyn 8 Pittsburg 7
Philadelphia 1 Cincinnati 7 Amer
ican League Milwaukee 3 Philadel
phia 4 Chicago 5 Baltimore 14
Western League Omaha 4 Colorado
Springs 2 Denver 17 Des Moines
11 Minneapolis 7 3 St Joseph 3 4
St Paul 1 7 Kansas City 4 1
A DlCerencu of Opinion
The fat man is sure he lias paid his
fare to the conductor He is positive
on tills point because he had only a
nickel and It luib passed from Ills pos
Tho conductor is also positive with
no actual proof therefor that the fat
man has uot contributed his mite to
swell the colters of the corporation
Tie demands the fare
The fat man for obvious reasons re
lie announces in a bleat of rage that
hell see the conductor and the corpora
tion elsewhere before he yields
The other passengers are wild with
joy They have no particular loe for
the corporation they do not know the
fat man and if they met the conductor
again they would not look nt him
Passengers seldom do They are loynl
Behind the fat mans underlying
principle there Is knowledge of n six
mile walk an angry wife a cold sup
per and a neglected euchre party Ho
announces again thnt lie will see tho
conductor elsewhere lie does
He sees the conductor In the street
The fat man Is with him
The fat mans hat Is In the gutter
his cont is torn and myriad pnekages
are strewn over the field of battle
The car nnd the conductor fade from
sight and the fat man gathers up bis
bundles for the six- mile walk
Will lie sue the corporation for 500
000 He will not He remembers thnt
he spent the nickel for a Queen of tho
Backwoods clgnr Chicago Democrat
The White House Mnll liox
An amusing thing that we frequent
ly see at the White House said one
of the attnehes there Is the mailing
of letters In the White House letter
box by visitors to tlio city All visitors
to Washington go to the executive
mansion and many of them notice tho
letter box In the vestibule Just beforo
entering the east room Some of them
decide to mail letters there believing
that these letters Mill contain the
stamp of the White House Of courso
it would be n great thing for a distant
relative to receive a letter postmarked
at the White House
The other day an Intelligent looking
woman accompanied by bovornl grown
daughters asked mo to lend her a pen
cil 1 heard her say Wont it be love
ly to mall them a letter from here and
let them see that weve been to tho
presidents home She proceeded to
write for some time secured an envel
ope nddressed It and then proudly
dropped the epistle In our letter box
She went off with a radiant face Sho
was sure that nil her neighbors and
friends for tulles around would bear of
that letter mailed from the White
HSVpv nnd slie would be besieged with
now in session
Inquiries on ner return Shell learu
ae strike of the tur woi nn i
e was a baron and establlbbed the Y i Lead S D retail clerks who are con- dlff
I not r h
M C A in Germany tendinE for e oclock closing Z rmsTasbtonStarb08e U