The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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J nflfl Tfc
The Norfolk rleuis
Now it is reported that Shamrock It
hns bonton Shamrock 1 but Shnmrock 1
in not tho Constitution
Tho Doers have Mown up n British
nrmorcd trnin just to keep them in
formed of thu fnct that tho war is still
Tho Sionx City Tribune is of tho
opinion that manipulators of tho polit
ical innchtnoR will not join in tho inn
ohiulsts strike
It is said that servant girls unions nro
being formctl and tho honscwifo should
nt onco form n trust then tho problem
would bo opeu to solution
Tho Inst few dnys hnvo nlmost been
-warm enough to cntise mankind to hopo
for tho curly nppenrnnco of thnt shirt
waiBt nbout which so much Iiub been
Mrs McKinley continues to improvo
in health and tho nnxloty felt by tho
people regarding her condition Ih greatly
relieved by tho encouraging reports
Bout out
Tho bnnk BtntementB recently pub
lished throughout tho country furulBh
evidence thnt tho recent Hurry in Wall
street has not discomfited General
Prosperity a Uttlo bit
Tho period when corn wiis selling for
eight and ten cents 1b so remoto thnt
farmers nro beginning to regard it ns n
bad dream A six hundred per cent
jmin since that time is quite satisfac
Tho British think thnt tho Boer war
will bo ended during tho coming winter
It had been generally supposed that it
was ended and thnt the English army
was merely lighting bunds of
The Beo thinks Omnhn entitled to
lead other cltieH of tho country They
had n machinists striko thero whioh
was Bottled nnd tho men ngnin nt work
before other plnceB had tutored tho
Tho Gordon Journal 1b of tho opinion
thnt the world is full of deceit and that
people who nro friendly to your face
nnd almost Blobber over you say some
tcrriblo things about yon when your
back is turned
A York Pennsylvania womnn wns
jokingly given a cup of gasoline by a
oouple of neighbor boys who told her it
wa9 Bpring wnter nud alio drank tho
fluid Her smelliug npparutus must
have been sadly defective
Some fusion pnpers complain thnt tho
jeceut legislature did nothing to curtnil
tho power of corporations in tho state
What wns tho use Hadnt tho corporu
tiouB been fully taken enro of by tho
fusion legislature preceding tho Inst
Andrew Cnruegio should bo brought
homo Ho has recently given 2000000
to four Scotch universities and his
pocket book may be flat before ho ro
turns to America and Uncle Russell
Bago has not yet commenced founding
It is said that tho chief of tho fire de
partment at Santa Barbara Cal was bo
intent on seeing President McKinley
that he gave no heed whn told that his
house was burning He is certainly en
titled to a front rank in loynlty to the
The Richmond Kentucky Register
Fays that about a dozen ladies of that
town recently participated inn horror
party each guest being expected to briug
the thiug she most despised Strange
as it mny Beem but one brought her hus
band the others bringing mice
A state fusion paper claims that thpre
are a million men in this country out of
employment The editor must know
and he must have spent somo time in
counting to kuow so exnetly but there
are a number of employers according to
all accounts who would liko to be
Word comeB from Vienna thnt the
pareuts of a 12-year-old girl living in
Southern Styria killed and
ate their daughter Parents have often
toeeu heard to say they would like to eat
their children because they love them so
-well but this is one of the rare instances
-when it has been done
Kansas has issued notice that a little
later in the season it will need 20000 ex
tra laborers to assist in harvesting the
-wheat crop of that state When they
jare through with that job and have had
little rest they may come to Nebraska
and help gather the corn that is prom
ised by present conditions
Mr Bryan claims that he has been
-working solely for a good government in
this country His actions duriug the
couple of preceding campaigns would
seem to indicate that he was working
against the best government the country
ever knew and he has set himself right
before the people just in time
Germany views with alarm the rise of
the young weBtern giant as a rival for
commercial supremacy English and
Germans probably realize that an
proved product of their own blood is n
contestant to bo fenred nnd they will
undoubtedly find thnt their fears nro
well founded before tho light is over
Tho opening tiny ndmlssion nt tho
HnfTnlo exposition nro given nt 01ti87
from 8 n in to 11 p in not counting
thoso who entered witli tho procession
That is certainly a very good attendance
and if tho management can keep it up
during tho show their cflortB will un
questionably bo crowned with success
Tho Columbus Telegram hns heard nn
nndiblo whisper from MiuUboii comity
thnt Kx Senutor Allen would llko to bo
goTornor of Nobraskn Snoh whispors
regarding tho supremo judgeship have
nlso been heard nnd it seems reasonable
certnln thnt either Mr Allen or his
pnrtisans will soon endeavor to find
pome kind of an ntllo nl position1 to h
filled by him Ho hns been in retire
ment several montlid now nnd this
should by no menus allowed to extend
into yenrs
Another Northwestern university
man is out after somo notoriety Prof
Olnrk who occupies the English chnir
in discussing women of tho present tiny
before his class said You young men
who nro looking for wives among college-bred
women of today nro on tho
wrong truck If yon over do get ouo
God help you Nntnrnlly tho pro
fessor has brought down tho wrath of
collego women on his head nnd if ho es
capes with nothing woiso than notoriety
ho will bo fortunate
Tho World Herald hns its tow lino
out nnd is nfter nn auditorium for
Omaha Tho pnper is enterprising and
progrosBlvo to a fault when it comes to
public enterprises nnd if it would but
drop its obsolete retarding stylo of poli
tics nnd attach its tow lino to govern
mental ns well as local policies it would
be a splendid newspaper It should soon
realize how inconsistent it appears to
lend in local public enterprises nnd
charitable movements and brnce itself
against tho progression of its govern
It hns been a wonder to tho people
who hnvo witnessed tho fents how a
hypnotized snbject could euduro the
tests Tho killing of such a subject nt
Woousockot H I rocently will un
doubtedly servo to placo a limit upon
such performances A hypnotized sub
ject waB resting between two chairs
with a fiOO pouutl stouo on his body
When a blacksmith nttompted to break
tho stono with u sledgo tho chnir on
which tho subjects bond rested gavo
way nud ho fell to tho floor tho stono
crushing his hend so that ho died in a
few moments
Thero is nuothor feature of homo pat
ronago that should bo heeded and this
timo by merchants When they hnvo
ocensiou to buy goods preferoJco Bhould
bo givon to Nebraska manufacturers
and wholesalers who assist in support
iug tho state and its institutions This
olass of people outsido tho stnto do very
little for tho state compared with thoso
at home aud nro built up at tho expense
of homo institutions Thu largo cities
of Nebrnskn mny not bo entitled to re
tail trade from country towiiB but
should certninly have a share of tho
wholesale trade
Senator Marion Butler of North Caro
lina is said to bo tho latest to come out
in support of McKinley administration
policies Tho south is waking to the
fnct thnt tho democratio nud other op
position parties havo been merely
stumbling blocks in the wny of progress
nud the individuals seem determined to
bo right even though their party mny
insist on preserving its identity us n
stumbling block The recent uvowel of
some of the leaders in southern politics
is a forcible argument that tho solid
Bouth will soon bo broken so fur as
democracy is conceruod
Beforo patronizing any traveling
fakir ask yourself the following list of
questions Did he sit up with you
when you were sick When your barn
burned did his name appear on the list
of your neighbors who brought you n
new wngon WaB he ouo of the pnl
bearers when death came to your homo
Did he carry yon ou his back when you
were out of work so loug five years ago
Does he pay taxes to Bupport the schools
of the town Will he work for our own
town early and late against every other
town ou the face of the earth If he
will not respond to all these require
ments he certainly is not entitled to as
much consideration a our local business
men for they help you in these particu
lars and many more Falls City News
The truBts are very mighty if Mr
Bryans word may be relied upon nnd
about the only people opposed to them
are Mr Bryan and a few others who
follow his hopeless lead Not only is
the republican party in the clutches ot
trusts and corporations but the twice
defeated caudidntesayB the trusts have
more power in the democratic party to
day than they have had at any time
since 1690 probably not ignoring the
fact that the ice trust and several other
trusts combined their efforts toward
carrying New York for Mr Bryan It
will probable be but a short time until
Mr Bryan will be compelled to class
populists who refuse to follow him
longer as supporters of the trusts and
thon thoso orgnnlzntions will hnvo
n lend plpo cinch oil nil tho parties of
tho country
Minister Conger is of tho opiuion thnt
when Anierlcnns hnvo secured foreign
trndo they do not plan to hold it perma
nently HoBnys Ouo great trouble
with our foreign trndo is thnt our mer
chnuts and manufacturers have never
taken hold of it as n serious nnd perma
nent business Whenever they have
found themselves with a surplus of pro
ducts and only then thoy hnvo gono
abroad to sell them if possible regnrd
less of future transactions nnd then
abandoned tho field until an nccumuln
tibu of another surplus has driven them
forth again TIiIh has undoubtedly
been largely true in tho past but they
nro nwnking to tho importance of
foreign trndo nnd building permanently
ns never before This is undoubtedly
ono reason of their present prosperity
and wns possiblo through organization
At the beginning of Mny on a basis
or 77530000 inhabitants in tho United
States tho per capita circulation wns
28111 This of course is a far higher
llgure than has over been reached in
tho past There haB been a pretty con
stant incrense in tho proportionate cir
culation for sovernl years It is nearly
per cent greater now than it was
when Mr Bryan was starting his reign
of terror in the canvass of 1810 and it
is undoubtedly twice nB great ns it
would bo if BrynnJ had been elected in
that year or in 1100 The gold element
of tho circulation is the largest ingredi
ent nnd thnt would practically nil have
disappeared a few mouths after the in
auguration if ho hnd been elected Still
thero is a possibility that Mr Bryan
mny bo a candidate in 1004 He haB
many wnrm friends yet nud they are
not discournged at tho defents of 1800
nud 1000 The fight for supremacy in
Mb party between Brynn nnd hs ene
mies is still to come ofT St Louis
Globe Democrat
The question of the army ennteen is
still nn opOn ono Since the abolition of
tho sale of intoxicants nt nrmy posts un
der the control of the military authorities
much evidenco is nddnced to prove the
move to have been unwise It mny be
tuo friends of tlio present regimo can
produce figures to show how well the
boot leg plan has worked over tho can
teen system previously in vogue but we
havo not seen such figures Tho Inter
Ocean gives a mass of evidence to show
that drunkenness nud debnuchery with
desertion nnd punishment hnvo been
greatly increased at Ft Sheridan uenr
Chicago since the canteen wns abolished
It alleges conditions aro vastly worse
than formerly that tho men of the fort
now patronize the neighboring joints
on pay day aud go on long sprees
whereas they formerly drank little nt a
time and seldom got intoxicated This
is ono of the cases thnt cnunot be prop
erly judged on ex pnrte evidenco How
tho douco iB tho nvernge civilian to know
whom to believe Fremont Tribune
Ohio Successfully Launched
Amid tho cheers from 50000 thronts
tho booming of ennnon nud the scream
ing of whistles tho bnttleship Ohio wns
successfully launched from the unvy
yards at San Francisco Saturday Presi
dent McKinley being present at the
ceremonies nnd tho electric button being
pressed by Mi6B Barber niece of Mrs
McKinley whose sickness did not per
mit her to nttend It is to be hoped
that tho now vessel will enrry
well the name she bears one that has
become famous in the history of the
nation and that the propitious launch
ing presages a worthy and successful
service on the briny deep The Ohio
is one of the most perfect floating forts
ever constructed being tho lnrgest and
fastest of American battleships Its
constructors were guided in their work
by the experience of the naval conflicts
in the Spanish American war and the
Ohio is deemed about perfect Previous
to the war more attention was given to
armament and fighting qualities than
speed but the lessons of the war fur
nished argument for speed and this has
been combined with the other qualities
of the Ohio
Comparing the Ohio with other com
pleted and contemplated vessels of the
new navy the Iuter Ocean says
The Oregon hns a diplncement of 10
2SS toiiB the Massachusetts nnd the
Iudiaun have each the same The Iowa
has a displacement of 11 W0 tons the
Kentucky and the Kearsage 11525 each
and the Alabama 11505 The Illinois
and the Wisconsin are of the same size
as the Kearsage and the Kentucky The
Maine the Missouri and the Ohio are
to have a displacement of 12500 tons
Of the new group of battleships re
cently contracted for the Georgia the
New Jersey and the Pennsylvania are
to hnve a displacement of 15000 tons
each the Rhode Island and the Virginia
a displacement of 14600 tons each nnd
the new armored cruisers California
and West Virginia a displacement of
14000 tous each each of the armored
cruisers Maryland Colorado and Sonth
Dakota is to have a displacement of
13000 tons All the new battleships are
to have a speed of over eighteen knots
the Georgia the New Jersey and
the Pennsylvania nineteen knots The
Virginia is to be given the same speed aB
the new armored cruisers twenty two
knots an hour
The person who is not doing some
thing in the wny of improvements is to
rare ns to bo almost n curiosity
In organization thero is strength but
tho nnti trust fellows think tho strength
of certain orgnnizntions should be
A congress of mothers is being held
in Washington while tho children aro
taking care of themselves or boing cared
for by tho fathers
A crazy mnn who was hit on tho hend
by n fellow inmate had his mind fully
restored but this modo of treatment is
not generally in vogue
King Edward draws a salary of 2
284000 n yenr n mnrk of imperialism
which Mr McKinley hns fniletl to ndopt
up to the present writing
Tho wives of three deceased ex-presidents
aro living Mrs Hnrrisou nt In
dinnapoliB Mrs Grant nt Washington
and Mrs Garfield nt Mentor Ohio
Mr Brynn calls the scheino to reor
ganize the democratic party a plot
When it waB disorganized he called it
patriotism and simon pure Jeffersouinn
Perhaps Ex Senntor Pettigrow is just
getting ready to give the octopus nsolnr
plexus blow by getting at tho Bonrce of
corporate greed represented by the
Northern Pncific
The foot pnd who tried to sandbag
Governor Savage wnB probabiy under
the impression thnt the governor being
chief executive hnd n large portion of
tho states prosperity in his possession
The Plainview Republican hB again
made ItB appearnnce It hns a refresh
ing look sinco its recent experience
with tho fire fiend nud no doubt the
neat new dress necessitated is responsi
The latest airship man says he expects
to travel at tho rate of eighty miles nn
hour Nearly nil of his guild wind up
by mnkiug better time than that per
pendicularly St Louis Globe-Democrat
Perhnps the sultans real reason for
excluding typewriters from Turkey
wns the fenr that a Maher might arise
and create trouble in his peaceable
family of plotters dynamiters and an
We will celebrate is about as fa
miliar to the reader of tho country ex
change nt this time ns spring is here
hns been It nppenrs aB though nbout
every town in the state was planning a
Fourth of July celebration
Tho Omnha News hns it figured out
that the high price of corn is caused by
the increasing demand for meats owing
to the prevalence of prosperity Ihe
News is about right but will it please
disclose some of that prosperty to the
feeble optics of some of tho f usiouists
who continue in ignorance of its exist
Thero was a time when the largest
American ships were compelled to go to
Hnlifnx to bo docked Thnt time is
passed and tho time is coming when
Americnns will not be compelled to go
to Halifax for anything The United
States will soon be able to get along
without the aid or consent of any nntion
ou earth
The sun is one of the planets that has
not awakened to the importance of
America Here it is pulling off n total
eclipse in Sumatra nnd Borneo when it
should uuderstnnd that it cannot arise
to the highest point of popularity with
out having such events occur on United
StateB territory Prof Nicola should
inform it of its mistake at his earliest
Pettigrew is a shining examgle of the
fact that all that deters a populist from
becoming a conscienceless cormorant or
bloated bondholder is opportunity It
is now reported that this disabled states
man is to succeed Jim Hill as pres dent
of the Great Northern railway The
capitalist may be despised but how
quickly a populist will jump into ones
shoes it is impossible to estimate
A recent census of Ireland shows that
its population has decreased 53 per cent
during the last decade and is now given
at 4450546 Irelands loss may be con
sidered largely Americans gain as many
of her people have been emigrating to
the land of the free and home of the
brave They are welcome here and
have been largely instrumental in mak
ing this country what it is A great
many of Americas famous men are of
Scotch or Irish descent
Aguinaldo is probably daily scanning
huge stacks of democratic papers in the
vain hope of fiuding 6ome item or arti
cle commending him for being captured
and advising his co patriots to go and
do likewise It was a thankless under
taking viewed through democratic eyes
for him to go and turn himself over to
the enemy without even consulting the
leaders of the party and he has thereby
forfeited all claims to being a patriot
aud a second George Washington
The Albany street car strike cost the
company 17423 It cost the men
engaged in the Etrike f 17820 in wagei
but tho county stood by for the greatest
lots In transporting nud maintaining
troops and deputies its loss being figured
at f700 The loss to business men
nnd others who hnve b en discommoded
hns not been figured but n lnrge lots
wns undoubtedly sustained by them so
that it was rathtr exjwusive to every
body concerned nnd nrgues that strikes
dont pay
In connection with tho
proposition for tho government
to provide storage reservoirs for irriga
tion in the west it is interesting to note
the lnrge proportion of public land yet
remaining in somo of the western states
nnd territories In Arizona 70 per cent
of tho laud belongs to the general gov
ernment of California with all its
great private development 58 ptr cent
is public lnud of Montnna 78 per cent
remains public in Utah b per cent
belongs to tho United Stntes in Wyom
ing 80 per cent in Idaho 80 per cent
and in Nevndn 05 per cent belongs to
the federal government With title to
all this vaEt acreage yet remnining In
the general government it would seem
to be the part of wisdom for that gov
ernment to provide the means for its
improvement and settlement Guy E
Wliy lie Left II in Wife ami Joined
the Cherokee la n Mjxtery
A mysttvry in which the American
people were once deeply concerned wns
thnt which shadowed the life of ono of
the most remnrknblc diameters of the
country writes Wllllnm Perrlne In
The Ladles Home Jourunl In 1820
Samuel Houston or as he called and
signed himself Sam Houston was
governor of Tennessee It wns In the
midst of a campaign for re election to
the gubernatorial chnir that Tennessee
wns startled by a report that he had
resigned his office He hnd been mar
rled to the daughter of nu Influential
family Three months afterward Bhe
returned to her fathers house and her
husband resolved to pass the rest of
his life In the wilderness
Houston betook himself to tho tribe
of Cherokees In the Indian Territory
He adopted their costume appearing
In nil the trappings of an Indian brave
letting his hair grow down ids bnck
and visiting Washington with n buck
skin hunting shirt yellow leggings a
huge blanket nnd turkey fenthcrs
nround his hend No one could Induce
him to reveal tho secret of his meta
morphosis and his abandonment of the
ways and habits of civilization He
married again after he emerged from
his Indian life nud he lived to be nn
old man dying In the midst of the civil
war but no one was ever able to per
suade him to unlock the mystery of his
life Nor would his first wife who also
married again throw any light on the
PonchlnK Ekk
Break nn egg carefully Into a coffee
cup and sprinkle It lightly with salt
and pepper Have ready a small stew
pan containing some boiling beef tea
which has been nicely seasoned Care
fully slip the egg into the pan nnd
poach It iu the usual way When it is
done place It on a rather thick round
of buttered toast Thicken a small
quantity of beef tea quickly with a lit
tle corn flour and pour it over tho egg
Another way of serving a poached
egg is as follows Break a new laid
egg into a buttered teacup season it
with salt and pepper and place the cup
In a stewpun containing sufficient boil
ing water to reach rather more than
half way up the cup As soon as the
egg is set turn it carefully on to a piece
of hot buttered toast While the egg
is cooking boll a small quantity of
cream In a saucepan seuson it with a
little celery salt and pepper and add a
teaspoouful of chopped parsley to It
Pour the cream over the egg and serve
ut once New York Post
Woodmen Finish Their Labors
Columbus O May IS The su
preme forest Woodmens circle has
practically completed its business and
will adjourn today A strong effort
was made to have the suicide clause
stricken out of the insurance policy
but it failed Tho present policy pro
vides that death benefits shall not be
paid in case of suicide There is a
lively contest between several cities to
secure the next convention of the
sovereign camp At this time Omaha
appears to be in the lead
Chaffee Issues Farewell Order
Peking May 20 General Chaffee
at midnight issued his farewell order
ending the American relief expedition
In China The American troops will
board the transport next Wednesday
at Taku and Thursday will leave direct
for Manila M Piehon the French
minister left here for home yester
The censuB of Ireland shows the
poluatlon to be 4456546 a decrease
of 53 per cent
The new floating dock of the Havana
Dry Dock company was launched
Tuesday with elaborate ceremonies
The Nova Scotia ship Savonna has
put into Montevideo with Captain Mc
Dougall and three of the crew dead
They were killed by an Immense wave
which broke over the ship
The Great Northern and Northern
Pacific announce that until Oct 1
homeseekers excursions will be run
from the east to all parts of the north
west on the first and third Tuesday
of each month
The German government has In
structed the police that persons who
have emigrated to the United States
to avoid military service and who have
been naturalized there will be permit
ted to visit Germany only temporarily
permanent stay hoiug forbidden
President OConnells Estimate
of Number of Machinists Idle
Many Concerns Concede Demands of
the Men for Fewer Hours and More
Pay Directing Affairs From Ma
chinists Headquarters
Wnshlngton Mny 21 Approximate
ly 50000 machinists throughout tho
country struck yesterday for a 9 hour
day a scale of wages equal to the pres
ent ten hour per day Bcnle nnd other
demands This Is the rough estimate of
President OConnell of the National
Association of Machinists based on the
telegraphic ndvlces that hnve reached
him from the mnchinlBtB hendquarters
In the various cities Tho strike thus
trades save in one or two instances
trades save In one or wto instances
as nt Scranton where men in a part
of the nlllcd trndes nro out No ma
chlnlsts engnged In government work
nro affected This is due to the fact
that on Buch work nn eight hour n
day scale already prevails Railroad
mnchiniEtB as a rule are not Involved
In the strike though the men on sev
eral roads are out
Following Is a statement of the num
her of men out at Important points
Hartford Conn 1000 Ansonla and
Derby Conn 500 Hamilton O 1000
Buffalo K200 Scranton 2500 Cin
cinnati completely tied up and 3000
men out Connorsville Ind 200 Pal
estine Tex 200 York Pa 300 East
Orange N J 300 Oswego N Y 300
Norfolk Va all shops out 500 men
Word from other large cities is
tardy in reaching here
Mr OConnell said reports show
that 904 firms employing approximate
ly 30000 men have Bigned the agree
ments for the nine hour day or made
satisfactory arrangements with the lo
cal organizations
Spokane May 21 Twenty five ma
chinists are out as a result of the re
fusal of the Union Iron worlds and the
Barnard Syphers company to grant a
9 hour day at 325 All other machine
chops have conceded the demands
No demand has been made at the
Northern Pacific or Great Northern
Final Decision Is Reached In Conten
tion Lasting Fifty Years
Des Moines May 21 The Iowa su
preme court yesterday announced a
decision in a land case from Webster
county being the case of Young
against Charnquist disposing of a
number of old land cases growing out
of conflicting land grants in Iowa years
ago Charnquist claimed the land in
question 40 acres in Clay township
Webster county under the swamp
land act of Sept 28 1S50 and Young
claimed title running from the railroad
land grant of May 15 1856 Although
the land had been occupied and held
by the defendant many years it is now
declared to belong to the plaintiff
Postpone Irrigation Congress
Colorado Springs Colo May 21
After a conference and correspond
ence between the officers and execu
tive committee of the irrigation con
gress it has been decided to postpone
the annual meeting which was to be
held in Colorado Springs in July for
one year The members of the con
gress will be notified this week of the
decision of the officers and the ar
rangements committee organized In
this city will be disbanded by Secre
tary McClurg Inability to secure the
attendance of speakers desired on ac
count of other arrrangements was the
principal reason for the postponement
Strike Ended at St Petersburg
St Petersburg May 21 The strike
here is crushed A very large number
of arrests have been made 250 persona
having been taken into custody at one
factory alone Over 30 and possibly
100 persons were wounded in a street
fight when the mob stoned the police
Several deaths are reported at
Knanthenscated as a result of tho
strike riots The agitation among
students is unquestionably partly re
sponsible for tho troubles
Shot at Wild West Show
Clarksburg W Va May 21 Tho
Tradera theater here last night was
the scene of an accidental fatal shoot
ing A stock company waB putting on
a play in which there was a wild west
shooting scene during which a bullet
from a revolver of Luther Moore struck
W H McClung in the breast and pene
trated his heart causing Instant death
There is no explanation of how tho
ball cartridge came to be in MooreB
Shamrock Shows Its Speed
Ryde Isle of Wight May 21 The
two Shamrocks started yesterday for
a race over an open Bea course the
first leg of which is a beat from Cals
hoi castle to a mark outside the Nab
lightship The wind was steady from
the east and was blowing a club top
sail breeze Shamrock II won by about
a minute
Go Back as Nonunion Men
Denver May 21 A special from
Gallup N M says Senator Clark
coal mines at Clarksvllle resumed op
erations today the strikers going
back to work as nonunion men It ia
expected the newly formed union has
been completely disorganized
It was rumored In Wall street Tues
day that the Union Pacific Railroad
company proposed to issuq an addi
tional 160000000 of convertible 4 per
cent bonds to finance recent purchases
of stocks of other companies