The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 24, 1901, Image 1

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The Norfolk Weekly News Journal
flf 1 81
Question Comes Before Presby
terian General Assembly
Two Hundred and Fifty Committed to
i Dismissal but Are Open to Convlo
tlon Eloquent Speakers Discuss
the One Great Subject
Philadelphia May 24 With do
quctico born or tho solcnm lmportnnco
of tho question commissioner to tho
Presbyterian general assembly yester
day began the debate on tho revision
of tho eonfesslou of faith Urllllaut
leaders of tho church advanced their
views In a calm dispassionate manner
ami tho entire discussion was devoid
of acrimony With a lull realization
of the great Importance of the subject
tho assembly proceeded to consider
and Investigate thoroughly every de
tail of tho proposed changes lu tho
Calvary church was noblargo enough
to accommodate the throngs who clam
ored for admission Many of tho
spectators did not leave tho church
during tho noon recess Although fre
quently requested to avoid demonstra
tions tho audlonco repeatedly ap
plauded tho speakers Among tho au
dience were many clergymen of other
denominations Tho great question
camo before tho assembly with tho
reading of the report of tho commit
tee on revision by Rov Dr Charles A
Dickey chairman
This was followed by the minority
report read by Rev Dr William Mc
Klbben of Cincinnati
A rule of tho assembly gives chair
men tho right to speak on their reports
after they have been received but be
fore Mr Dickey could secure recogni
tion Rov Samuel J NIccolls moved
tho adoption of tho first recommenda
tion In both reports Rev Dr James
D Moffatt made a substitute motion to
adopt tho majority report and an
amendment was offered substituting
the minority Rev Dr Georgo D
Baker presented as another amend
ment a resolution to the effect that as
the vote of the presbyteries Indicated
a lock of unanimity tho entire subject
be dismissed Dr Dickey secured tho
floor on this amendment and made a
etirring address supporting the old
confession Rev Dr Herrlck John
eon and Rev Dr Samuel J NIccolls
aroused tho unbounded enthusiasm of
the audlenco by their brilliant presen
tation of the revision factions reasons
for desiring a change
Rev Dr Georgo T Purves spoke
against revision as did Rev Dr
Georgo D Baker
Dr McKibben favored a modified
change There are 250 commissioners
committed to dismissal but they have
expressed themselves as open to con
Different Boards Make Report to the
United Presbyterian Assembly
Des Moiens May 24 When the gen
eral assembly of the United Presby
terian church of North America con
vened yesterday it at once proceeded
to ballot for moderator On the third
ballot Rev J H Thompson president
of the Tarkio college of Tarklo Mo
was chosen Reports were then sub
mitted from the various auxiliary so
cieties of tho church
Tho board of Education In submit
ting its report asked the assembly
for an appropriation of 33000 lor tho
coming year During the last year
tho receipts of the board were 22
33357 and tho expenses tho Earns
In the annual report of tho board
of foreign missionaries acknowledg
ment Is given of the receipt during tho
year of the sum of 1G2727 of which
150730 was expended Tho commit
tee asks for an appropriation this year
of 1G2G24 of which C5000 Is to go
to India 70000 to Egypt 5000 to
Soudan the balance to be devoted to
home missionaries and salaries Nine
new missionaries were appointed
during tho year
Tho board of Freedmans missions
reports that tho total receipts were
5551413 and that there Is a balanco
of 1666 on hand
Tho womans general missionary so
ciety reported that contributions dur
ing tho year were 3747S and disburse
ments 3170721 Tho society sup
ports 39 women In tho missionary field
and maintains a boarding school for
girls in upper Egypt
Killed for Interfering
Chicago May 24 For interferes
with a father who was chastising his
child Benjamin Atkins a brlckmason
was killed last night Daniel D Mc
Carthy a saloonkeeper is under ar
rest charged with causing tho death of
Atkins Atkins died after a running
flght with McCarthy Ho was passing
tho saloon and stopped to remonstrate
with McCarthy who was whipping his
B-year-old child A number of peoplo
who witnessed tho fight attempted to
lynch McCarthy but tho police took
him Into custody
Deaf Boy Struck by Train
Nebraska City Neb May 24 A 7-year-old
son of Milton Krlefels who
lives at Paul seven miles south of
here was struck by a Missouri Pa
cific train yesterday and will probably
die The boy Is deaf and dumb and
did not hear tho warning whistle
Addresses Forty Fifth and Forty Sixth
Volunteer Regiments
San Francisco May 21 President
McKlnley spent a fairly busy day
After breakfasting at tho rosldenqo of
Irving M Scott ho returned to his tem
porary homo and received a delegation
of federal officials Tho most Import
ant event of tho day camo next It
was tho presidents visit to tho Pre
sidio whero ho reviewed tho Forty
fifth and Forty sixth volunteer regi
ments just returned from tho Philip
pines to bo mustered out of service
When tho president mounted the re
viewing stand tho soldiers cheered
him Ho nddrcsscd them with much
feeling Tho president next visited
tho general hospital going through
every sick ward bowing and speaking
words of cheer to every sick soldier
In tho afternoon tho president was
tho guest of honor nt tho receptions
of tho Union Ioaguo club tho Ohio
Society of California tho Mexican
wnr veterans pioneers and nntlvo
Tho latter thrco societies presented
him with a paper weight containing
350 worth of gold On his way to
dinner President McKlnley stopped at
Union Squaro and turned over tho first
shovelful of sod where tho monument
to tho American navy In commemora
tion of Admiral Deweys victory at Ma
nila bay Is to bo erected
First Session Given to Discussion of
General Property and Farms
Buffalo May 24 Tho conference
on taxation called by tho National
Civic Federation held in tho rooms of
tho Historical society was called to
order by Professor Edwin It A Sellg
man who Introduced Mayor Delhi
The mayor welcomed tho delegates
and extended the freedom of the city
to tho visitors Frederick N Judson
of St Louis was then called to tho
chair and presided at the opening ses
Professor Seligman delivered an ad
dross outlining tho object of the con
Tho session was given up to tho
discussion of general property tax and
the taxation of the farmers with pa
pers by State Senator James R Gar
field of Ohio and Max West of tho
United States Industrial commission
Many Firms Accede to Demands of
Striking Machinists
Washington May 24 President
OConnell of tho machinists associa
tion in summarizing the strike situa
tion said The situation now shows
that we are largely the gainer lu the
number of settlements made The ad
justments reported during the day
show a gain In New England of 1500
in the number of men returned to work
with the demands granted of 500 or
600 in Ohio and probably 1000 in
Pennsylvania About 10000 men
struck yesterday There are some ad
ditions in Philadelphia and some in
the Seaboard Air line shops at Amor
cus Ga Our policy is to discourage
bringing out any more men than is ab
solutely necessary to effect tho suc
cess of the movement
Fire Starts In Alladin Property In
Crook County Wyoming
Cheyenne May 24 A fierce fire is
burning in the coal mines at Alladin
in Crook county and tho mines have
been abandoned The fire started
four weeks ago but all efforts to extin
guish it have failed Tlie entries have
been sealed and the fire will bo smoth
ered This may require several
months No lives have been lost
Texas Town Fire Swept
Amarilla Tex May 24 Tho most
destructive fire this town has ever
had broke out at 11 oclock last night in
Browns grocery burning every build
ing in that block and spreading across
the street to tho warehouse of String
fellow Hume dealers In farm ma
chinery Among tho buildings burned
aro the Oxford hotel and the Champion
printing office Loss 75000
Guthrie Is for Herriott
Des Moines May 21 The candidacy
of tho Ninth congressional district
candidate for governor of Iowa was
formally launched yesterday In the
Guthrie county convention held in
Guthrie Center Tho convention In
structed for John Herriott ex stato
treasurer This is tho first conven
tion to Indorse Mr Herriott
Savage Confirms Report
Lincoln May 24 Governor Savage
affirmed the published report of tho
attempted hold up Monday night Ho
said the man was only two feet behind
him when ho turned suddenly around
and ho therefore considers that his
escape was very close
General Corbln will go to tho Phil
ippines to study tho needs of tho ser
The Detroit and Lima railroad was
sold Thursday to LIsmann Co of
Now York for 1700500
Artillery officers aro unablo to agree
on cap ornaments color devices and
other Insignia of the now corps
General Callles tho Filipino com
mander Is willing to surrender If his
men will bo freeil after taking oath
of allegiance
Treasury officials are taking steps
to have tho Chinese exclusion act ex
tended to Cuba to prevent Mongolians
coming to tho United States through
that gateway
Ill 1 1 II
Zionist Overseer Charged With
Causing Death
Leading Physicians Testify That Lack
of Treatment Caused Death Upris
ing at South Chicago Dowle Burned
In Effigy
Chicago May 21 Tho coroners
jury which has Tor two days listened to
tho evidence In tho chho of Mrs
Emma Lucy Judd wife or ono of tho
olllelnls John Alexnnder Dowlos
Zlon last night returned a vordlct
holding Dowle 11 W Judd hualmnd
of tho woman and Mrs Sprecher ami
Mrs llnitsch to await the action of
tho grand Jury Tho two women
named in the verdict wore lu attend
ance upon Mrs Judd prior to her
Tho clmrgo against them Is crim
inal responsibility for tho death of
Mrs Judd Tho evidence given at the
Inquest by somo of tho leading physi
cians of tho city who had examined
Mrs Judds body after It had been
exhumed was to tho effect that tho
most simple surgical caso would hnvu
prevented the womans death which
resulted from tho rupturo of a blood
vessel They testified that bIio was
allowed to dlo when tho slightest at
tempt to save her life would have been
successful This evldonco induced tho
Jury to declare that tho peoplo named
were responsible for tho womans
death Papers were at onco mnilo out
and officers sent to arrest Dowle Judd
and tho two woomn When the officers
arrived at Zion Dowle was not to bo
found Mrs Gratsch was arrested in
the building and was promptly sent to
tho county Jail hut H W Judd and
Mrs Sprecher were no more In evi
dence than was Dowle It was an
nounced by tho police that tho search
would be kept up until tho missing
three peoplo were taken Into custody
A mob of 1000 peoplo paraded
through the streets of South Chicago
last evening carrying an effigy of
Dowle which was finally deposited In
a largo bonfire About throe weeks
ago Mrs Christensen ono of Dowies
followers was burned In escaping from
her blazing dwelling house Sho re
fused tho aid of physicians and died
within a week There has been much
feeling against Dowle In South Chicago
since tho death of Mrs ChrlstonBen
Faith Curlsts Second Child Dies
New York May 21 Earl Gladstone
Pierson tho 2-months-old son of J
Luther Pierson tho Mount Vernon
faith curlst died yesterday at the Pier
son home ICenslco A daughter of
Piersons died recently of pneumonia
and the father Is now in White Plains
jail serving out a fine of 500 imposed
for his neglect to employ a physician
in the case For ten days tho second
child had been without medical aid It
is said The neighbors of Mrs Pierson
besought her to call In a physician to
attend the child who was suffering
with pneumonia but she replied that
prayer was all that was necessary to
restore the little one to health
Citizens of Volin Fight Gang of Ho
boes Who Terrorized the Town
Yankton S D May 24 Citizens of
Volin gave battle to a crowd of tramps
yesterday afternoon who have been
terrorizing the town for several days
A number of citizens were hurt and
several tramps badly used up A tele
phone to Yankton for help brought tho
sheriff and a posse and the tramps
were overcome and seven of them
lodged in the Yankton jail
Buildings Blown Down
Springfield Ills May 21 A terrific
rain anil hall storm fell In tho central
and southern part of this county yes
terday At Curran railway station
McRoborts general store and other
buildings were demolished utterly
At the grounds of tho Illinois Gun club
near the city the targets tents and
everything In fact except the club
house where 200 people Including
many women were huddled wero
blown down
Fine Mayor for Contempt
Zanesville 0 May 24 Judge Fra
zler of the common pleas court yes
terday assessed a fine of 200 and costs
upon Dr J D Holden mayor of Zanes
vllle for contempt of court Tho
mayor recaptured tho city patrol
wagon by force when tho sheriff had
seized it upon an execution Tho chief
of police and five patrolmen who per
formed tho act under tho mayors or
ders wero assessed costs In their re
spective cases
Colorado Stream on a Tear
Fort Collins Colo May 24 Owing
to tho heavy rainfall during tho past
two days Cacho La Poudro river is
higher than for 20 years It Is report
ed that a dam at Chambers lake CO
miles above Fort Collins has broken
Hardly a bridge is left in place In Lat
imer county and tho damage done to
Irrigating ditches will amount to many
thousands of dollacs
Priest Drops Dead
Sallna Kan May 24 Kt Rev P
Maurer one of tho most prominent
Catholics In Kansas and for 20 years
priest of tho church In Sallna died of
heart disease at Wilson yesterday
morning while waiting for a train
Official Call for Cripple Creek Meet
Ing Issued
Cripple Crook Colo May 21 Tho
official call for tho 12lh session of tho
TrnnHtulHBlHHlppI Commercial cnuKrcnn
to bo hold lu this city July Hi to 20
has Just boon Issued by 13 H Moses of
Great Hontl Knn chairman of tho ex
ecutive committee Representation In
provided for as follows Tho governor
of each transmlBHlsslppI state may ap
point ton dolegatos tho mnynr of each
city ono delegate and ono additional
delegate for each 5000 Inhabitants
provided however that no city shall
have more than ton delegates Each
county may appoint one delogato
through Its executive officer every
business organl7nl Ion one delegate
and ono additional delogato for every
50 members provided however that
no such organization shall have more
than ton dolegatos Governors of
states and territories members of tho
United States congress and
of this congress nro ex olllolo
delegates with nit privileges of dele
gates except those of voting
Havoc of tlie Flood In Upper
Knoxvllle Tumi May 24 Tho Ten
nessee river reached 258 feet at this
place yesterday and Is slowly falling
Its tributaries In upper TennosBoo
whero tho greatest loss linn resulted
from the Hood havo rapidly receded
Into their banks revealing wreckage
of houses and bridges and ruined
crops The loss of life thus far report
ed is II though it is not Improbable
that there are others
At Knoxvllle tho stenmer Ontga
the largest vessel plying tho Tonnes
seo above Chattanooga was wreekod
yesterday and Is a total loss Tho
steamer was docked for repairs to her
hull Tho Hood had nearly submerged
tho boat when a loosened raft of logs
crushed her Into kindling and sent tho
wreckage floating away
Three Convicted United States Officers
Begin Serving Sentences
Manila May 21 Tho gates of Bill
bid prlBou swung open last night and
admitted a mulu wagon bearing thrco
former United States officers who re
luctantly alighted and began to serve
sentences In expiation of crimes in
connection with tho commissary scan
dals Tho sentences were read to the
convicted men yesterday Captain
Frederick J Harrows Is sontonced to
flvo years imprisonment Captain
James C Reed to three years and Lieu
tenant Frederick Boyor to ono year
Captain Reed and Captain Barrows
seemed comparatively unmoved by
their situation Lieutenant Boyor
protested his Innoconco anil seemed
vindictive toward Captain Harrows
whom ho alleged wns alone guilty
Accidental Discharge of Rifle While
Target Practicing Proves Fatal
Malvern la May 21 Miss Jeanetto
Stipe anil Miss Henrietta Sheldon two
girls of Tabor were out target shoot
Ing last night when tlie 22 calibcr
rille In the hands of Miss Sheldon was
accidentally discharged and the con
tents struck Miss Stipe over the left
eye from tho effects of which she died
Miss Stipe graduated from tho Tabor
high school Monday
Nebraska Dentists Elect Officers
Omaha May 21 Tho Nebraska
State Dental association elected tho
following officers yesterday II J
Hill Alma president II A Shannon
Lincoln vice president F 13 Slier
win Lincoln corresponding secre
tary W R Claries Soward recording
secretary H T King Fremont treas
urer The next meeting will bo held
In Lincoln
Baseball Scores Yesterday
National League Philadelphia C
St Louis 10 Brooklyn 2 Chicago
9 New York 8 Cincinnati 1 Bos
ton 7 Pittsburg 3 American League
Detroit 2 Boston 4 Chicago 11
Philadelphia 9 Cleveland 11 Wash
ington 13 Western League Omaha
3 Kansas City 1 St Joseph 5 Des
Moines 0
Pltsburg was chosen for tiio placo
of meeting by tho conductors for 1903
Sir Thomas Upton has asked that
tho cup races bo postponed until the
first week ln October
Tho last of tho American troops
with the exception of a legation guard
left Peking escorted by British and
Japanese bands and Indian troops
Emperor William of Germany has is
sued stringent orders henceforth to
exclude nowspaper reporters trom all
public and soml publlc functions whero
tho emperor Intends to speak
Calvin Tltus tho American soldier
hero of tho relief of tho Peking siege
Is visiting his foster father Rov W
H Lee In Colorado Springs Ho has
been ordered to report at West Point
on Juno 5
John Z Miller and Joseph Levering
general manager and superintendent
respectively of tho Harrison flutter
lno company havo been arrested at
Kansas City for using oleomargarine
stamps twice
Excited citizens of Jefferson and St
Charles parlshos opposlto New Or
leans havo burned all tho buildings
that tho stato loper board had erected
In Jefferson parish In fulfillment of
tho boards plan to establish there a
leper lazarette
H This Kind of a Man
H DochuI know tho difference between jjood lumber anil poor M
M lumber An old mUiIV would milt him Hut our hIikIc wasnt M
M bought fin Mich follows ih him It was bought loi the mint M
B partli ul ir men lu the community If you happen to be ono 1
H of those particular chaps and wint Hiitiio extra nice lumber m
H here the plu e totet It I i It Low as you net in where 1
VT W II lllHIOIZ PrnaMimt
lf 1 aUANIKII llliAlt Viwj IroDliUm
UllUllv Wi zinY
National Bank
Capital 10000000
Surplus 2000000
Does a General Banking Business
Buys and Sel Is Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Huslness Translated
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Tried Them
SmUJJiu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r 1 1 Mk 11 llllll I II I Inv 5
MjPrFamous For Fine FlavorljW
jHk If you cannot obtain tills rinllclons brow in your city nond usyournddrossnnd RulA
eJjS wo willbolacl to riuotopricua and mail you our lithotfraplied booklet FvJPv
MAflKf IITlftmJl La Crosse Wis fflTflllll ftO
For Sale
One double Spring dray
wagon one set dray harness
and one buggy harness In
W 0 Halls Barber Shop
City Scavenger
Water Closets and Cess Pools Cleaned
Leavo orders nt Hrnaschs Coal Ofllce
Tklkiuionk L 01
For Plumbing Steam Filliog Pumps Tanks
Wind Mills
And all work lu this Una call on
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Flrtt door South of Tub Daily News Ottlce
Merchant Tailor
Has a Fine Line of
Spring and
AH Up-to-date Goods
Made up in latest