i i I I fi l B I Albany Rioters Prove Too Much for Police STRIKERS DITCH MOTOR CAR Oppose an Attempt to Operate Street Car LlneB With Non UnlonUts Men I on Second Car Out Assaulted Mo- torman Is Knocked Senseless Albany N Y May 15 Two at tempts to run street cars yesterday brought bloodshed and riot on such a ecalo that tho local police aided by ecores of deputies and Plnkcrton men were unable to quell tho disturbance and tho Twenty third regiment of Brooklyn has been ordered out They are expected hero at noon Ono man lies in a hospital seriously wounded ono of tho two cars tho com pany attempted to run Is in tho gutter of a 6trcet not two blocks from tho car house wrecked and the trolley wires aro cut In several places prnctlcally crippling tho road Near the car houses are thousands of men and women and children wrought up to a pitch of frenzy that bodes 111 if tho floors of tho car house open to let out another car Insido the car house afraid even to look out of the grated windows aro about 75 non union men whom the company expects to use in running the cars In the morning there were about 150 of them but by nightfall G5 had deserted and joined tho rankB of the strikers Tho men claim that they were brought hero under a misapprehension and that they supposed they were go ing to Philadelphia The police prac tically admitted that they were power less to copo with the large crowds ou the streets if cars were run and Gen eral Manager McNamara immediately called upon General Oliver In com mand of the Third brigade for protec tion He said We intend to run our cars if it takeB the entire National guard of New York state to protect us General Oliver issued orders assem bling at their armory the Tenth battal ion of Albany The riot was full of exciting feat ures The first car out succeeded in escaping but the mob surged towards the second despite the efforts of the police Tho crew consisted of four men As the car swung around the curve there was a rush for It but the crowd was driven back Tho com mittee from the strikers was allowed to approach the men Do you want to come with us boys YjOU wont regret It There was no response from any of the men The motorman with his smllo gone waved them aside and the car was off again All restraint In the great crowd broke Through the middle of the street men ran with women and child ren mingling with the officers of the law whose clubs were swinging and arms moving In vain almost to keep people from danger Men stopped to pick up stones and were overturned to be pushed and kicked by the others Before the car had started two po licemen boarded It They simply made two extra targets for tho stones and bricks The car had not gone 50 feet before ones helmet was crushed and the other policeman was in danger of having more than his helmet damaged There was a perfect fusillade of Btones They came from all direc tions and crashed through windows front rear and sides of the car The men aboard dodged and jumped from side to side to escape the missiles and were successful with the excep tion of the motorman A great jagged edged rock struck him full in the forehead and he dropped into a pool of his own blood that covered the entire platform The assistant as soon as tho man dropped grasped the brakeB and controlling handle and faced the mob A few feet more and the car was upon an Insurmountable barricade With a sudden Jerk It came to a stop and all on aboard It were thrown forward one of tho con ductors falling among a pile of broken glass to receive some ugly flesh wounds The conductors and one motorman Joined the strikers and tho wounded man went to the hospital He Bald bis name was Marshall and that he lived at Green Point L I Five arrests were made and thus ended the first days attempt to run cars CLASH AT CEDAR RAPIDS New Shop Men Attack Strikers and More Trouble Is Feared Cedar Rapids la May 15 A seri ous clash betweon the 400 Burlington Cedar Rapids and Northern striking shopmen and the new men employed In their places is feared Provoked by the taunts and threats the new men yesterday attacked the strikers who had assembled near the railroad shops and for a time a general fight seemed imminent The disturb ance was finally quieted without seri ous result but more trouble is not unlikely Two Children Burned to Death Yates Center Kan May 15 Th two children 2 and 6 years old of Ben Belles who lives two miles east of Crandall in Coffey county were burned to death yesterday The children were alono upstairs and were dead before the other members of the family knew that the bouse was burn ing Street Car Tracks Torn Up TtoynI Y May 15 The street car tracks on a portion of the United Trac tion company line in tale city have been torn up and thrown into the river CONGRATULATES CATTLEMEN President of Live Stock Growers Sptaks Favorably of Conditions Allluiice Neb May 15 Tho busi ness session of tho Nebraska Stock Growers association took place yester day President Delatour In his ad dress congratulated tho members on hotter cnttle nnd better prices Ho urged vigorous prosecution for Infrac tions of law nnd asked members to bo more thoughtful of the welfare of cat tle as well as of themselves and fom llles to fortify against losses by pro viding feed enough for the severest seasons Had tho last winter been aB hard as sonic half tho cattle In west ern Nebraska would have been dead this spring Advanced prices havo led Inexperienced men to go Into tho cattle business and they must suffer for their Inexperience Overstocking ranges will surely lead to losses Set tlement of public land Is essential to permanent prosperity Secretary Vnnllosklrk made a report of the financial condition showing tho association to bo out of debt Ho called attention to tho work accom plished by tho organization Ho ad vised consolidation of cnttlo organiza tions and arbitration of differences be tween members Secretary Lcary of tho American Cattlo association of Denver solicited cooperation In set tlement of tho public land question resisting encroachment of sheep grow ers nnd preventing threatened consoli dation of rnllroad interests and conse quent Increased rates Tho election of officers resulted In the re election of all tho old officers except that D T Scott succeeded Mr Cumbo on tho executlvo committee SECURE NINE HOUR DAY Illinois Central and Its Machinists Reach an Agreement Chicago May 15 After a three hours conference yesterday the Illinois Central railroad and its union ma chinists reached an ag foment It was a compromise the in securing a nine hour day while making conces sions in wages pay for overtime and apprentice regulations Business Agent Rodrick said better terms were expected when the men secured uni form agreements with the roads enter ing Chicago The recognition of the nine hour work day by the general of ficials took the form of an agreement allowing extra pay for longer hours In return the machinists abandoned their general over time demand The wage demand of the union called for a minimum scale of 30 cents an hour General Manager Hara hans offer of an advance of nine per cent in journeymens wages bringing tho minimum up to about 29 cents was practically the basis agreed on WILL DO POLITICAL WORK Iowa Insurance Men Organize to Se cure Favorable Legislation Des Moines May 15 Fifty fire In surance men representing practically all companies doing business In Iowa organized here yesterday for a cam paign to influence insurance legislation In tho next meeting of the general as sembly of Iowa In February 1902 Three things will be asked First the repeal of the antl compnct law second tho repeal of laws making al leged unjust discriminations against foreign companies taxing them 3 1 2 per cent and American companies only 2 per cent third suppressing of an expected repetition of an attempt to pass a valued policy law Reduce Price of Tomatoes Indianapolis Ind May 15 The In diana Canners association met at tho Bates House yesterday for the purpose of regulating the price of tomatoes for tho coming season Forty or more firms were represented The price maintained for three pound tomatoes last year the members agreed was too high and after much discussion it was decided to lower the price from E5 cents to 77 1 2 cents a dozen This will bo the price wholesale dealers will havo to pay during the coming season SPARKS FROM THE WIRES Orders have been placed by the man agement of the Santa Fo railway for a total of 125 engines to be delivered during 1901 All the union garment workers in St Joseph threaten to go out on strike unless the piece work scale is ad justed at once Mrs Gage wife of Secretary of the Treasury Gage who has been ill at Washington for some time is reported to be In a serious condition Former President Grover Cleveland who is fishing at Middle Bass is hav ing poorer luck than usual Two other anglers have made bigger catches Every Gambling house in Montana closed Tuesday Attorney General Don ovan having instructed every county attorney to sea that they were closed Official announcement was made Tuesday of the formation of a com pany which will acquire the larger cot ton duck manufacturing concerns of the country A strong movement is on foot to havo tho general land office set aside part of tho Wichita mountains for a national park to bo 10 miles square and contain 64000 acres A combination of tho oustslde steel concerns with a capital of 200000000 Is said to be in process of promotion by John W Gates John Lambert and Isaac L Ellwood organizers of the American Steel and Wire company G B Stone a prominent real estate dealer of Oklahoma City O T shot Elmer E Luke another real estate dealer Tuesday fatally wounding him Six hundred and fifty two houses have been destroyed by fire at Brest Russia The loss is given at 11000 000 roubles m ftaJtJMnhrtatRit THE NORFOLK NKWSs KlilDAY MAY 17 UHI1 MHE I Mil McKinlcy Makes Official Entry Into San Francisco CARRIES OUT THE PROGRAM Afternoon Parade and Night Levee In the Metropolis of the Pacific Fris cos Hearty Greeting Mrs McKln ley Is Better San Finnclsco May 15 President McKinlcy made his ofllclal entry Into thiB city tho objectlvo point of IiIh tour Into yestoidny afternoon After being fonnnlly welcomed by Mayor Pholnn he was driven through tho principal streets attended by a mili tary and naval escort Last night he attended a public reception In tho largo navo of tho Market street forry depot President McKinlcy decided that ow ing to Mrs McKlnleys Illness ho would not visit Stanford university as had been planned but limit himself to tho dnys exercises In UiIb city From tho moment tho president emerged from tho depot tho cheering was Intense but as tho long pnrado got under way ItB force seemed to bo re doubled Far up tho lino In advance of tho vanguard tho cry was caught up Block after block In succession was soon faced with a surging mass who broke forth Into a vociferous proclamation of welcome Tho hoarse throats of thousandB of factory whistles were opened up In nil parts of tho city The sliding tones of the noisy siren the harsh blasts of horns the din of a thousand devlceB for tho production of sound tho tread of thousands of feet tho triumphal strains of bands all were united with the voices of tho peoplo In acclaim to the first man of the nation It waB announced at tho Scott home that Mrs McKinlcy was a shade better feeling stronger nnd brighter than at any time since tho beginning of her illnesB She slept some during the morning and Dr Rlxey Is well pleased with her progress THOMPSONS BROUGHT TO COURT Plead Not Guilty to Charge Filed as Outgrowth of Ranch Raffle Alliance Neb May 15 J A Thompson nnd Samuel Thompson who were brought In under a warrant yes terday wero arraigned beforo County Judge Wilcox and their hearing set for tomorrow Bond was fixed at 1000 for appearance which was given There Is a determination on tho part of the committee appointed by them to conduct the ranch raffle to sift the matter to tho bottom Five attach ment suits have beon commenced ag gregating 600 and Dr Knight presi dent of tho Alliance National bank has brought action for 10000 alleg ing that much damages for connecting his name with tho alleged swindle without his authority IOWA HAS NEW INDUSTRY Judge McPherson Decides Glovemak ers Not Affected by Labor Law Des Moines May 15 Judge Mc Pherson in federal court yesterday de cided that tho manufacture of womens gloves Is a new industry in the United States The case was that against J W Morrison a glove manufacturer of Grlnnell who was arrested for vio lation of the contract labor law by employing skilled glovemakers to come from Europe to make gloves The court holds that there wero no womens gloves made in the United States prior to 1887 and unless the prosecution can show that Morrisons business was established before the contract labor law was passed ho will go free At Sea as to State Fair Site Lincoln May 15 Tho members of the state board of public lands and buildings are still at sea over the state fair site proposition The board was in session yesterday but could accom plish nothing and finally adjourned to meet at the call of Commissioner Foil mer who is chairman It is announced that tho board will reconsider their former action and al low the Lincoln park people to put In a bid Republicans Honor Quay Philadelphia May 15 Republicans of the dominant faction from every section of the Keystone state paid hpmage last night to United States Senator M S Quay in honor of his re election to tho upper chamber of congress Barring a state convention last nights gathering of Republicans was one of the greatest outpourings of Republicans to do honor to one man ever witnessed in this state Billy Rice Taken to Hospital Chicago May 15 Delirious from the ravages of erysipelas and practical ly blind Billy Rice the old tlmo minstrel was last night taken from the National hotel to the county hospi tal His friends say bis condition Is such that there is little hope for re cpvery Rice became 111 about threo weeks ago and has been steadily fail ing Postmaster Run Over Zaneta la May 15 Postmaster J Marsh was run down by a passenger train on tho Iowa Minnesota and Northwestern railroad while walking on the track Ho was fatally injured Dies of Gunshot Wounds Shenandoah la May 15 Roy Rounds who was shot May 5 by his playmate Charles Arnold died from the effects of the wound Ho exoner ated Us playmate from all blame WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meeting of the Sovereign Camp Opens at Columbus Ohio Columbus May 15 Tho fourth bi ennial encampment of tho sovereign camp Woodmen of tho Wot Id con vened hero yestorday with Soverolgn Commander Hoot of Oinuhn presiding Delegates reptesentlng 21 states are present Tho bcssIour will continue for a week Addressee of wolcomo were mado by Secretary of Stnto Lnylln who rep resented Governor Nash Mayor 11 Inkle nnd Secretary of tho Hoard of Trailo HasHell Responses were mndo by Sovereign Hanker Morris Shepherd of Toxnrknnn Tex and Sovereign Ad vocate T A Fallonbark of IHnvcr Following tho open session scctct work was taken up The repoit of Sovereign Comnuuulor Hoot showed that the order now has n niembeishlp or about 250000 In near ly 4500 camps In tho United States and Canada Tho Btiprumo forest Woodmens Cir cle an auxiliary organization nlBo con vened hero Mrs Emma H Manchester of Ouinhn supreme guardian presid ing The report of tho supremo clerk J O Ktitiii of Omaha showed tho mem beishlp of tho Circle had Increased fiom 5200 to nearly 15000 In two years ROYAL NEIGHBORS IN SESSION Eighth Supremo Convention of the Order Convenes In Springfield Ills Springfield Ills May 15 Tho eighth supremo convention of tho Hoyal Neighbors of America convened In UiIb city yesterdny Tho program of tho morning was limited to ad dresses of wecomo and responses rod the appointment of a credential school Four hundred delegates representing 14 different states are in ntendnnco Supreme Oracle Mrs E D Watt of Oniohn reported tho number of camps on March 31 1901 as 2405 an Increase of 1101 In two years and n member ship of 110G83 an Inercoso of 58749 In two yenrs of which membership 52736 are benoficlnry mombera nn In crease of 27239 In two years Su preme Recorder Mrs Wlnnio Fielder reported totnl receipts 148104 and to tal disbursements of 99533 leaving a balance on hnnd of 48031 CONDUCTORS AT ST PAUL National Convention Is Called to Order In the Auditorium St Paul Minn Mny 15 Tho na tional convention of tho Order of Rail way Conductors waB called to order In the St Paul auditorium yesterday The conductors received a hearty wel come to tho city and stato The Ladles auxiliary annunl meet ing was called to order at tho capl tol and the president Mrs Moore presented her annual address Mrs 7 C McCall of the local organization delivered nn nddresB of welcome There were other addresses but the afternoon was ono of pleasant greeting to the visitors Grand Chief ClnrkB reelection la a foregone conclusion nnd there seems little opposition to any of tho officers WOMEN MISSIONARIES MEET Eighteenth Annual Convention of Pres byterians Opens in Monmouth Ills Monmouth Ills Mny 15 Tho Womens General Missionary society of United Presbyterian church opened Its 18th annual convention In UiIb city yestorday Nearly 200 delegates arc present coming from all parts of tho United States and Including several ladles who are or have been employed in mission fields In India and Egypt Miss Mary H McCulloch of Omaha first vice president of the society led the opening devotional exorcises The annual address was made by tho pres ident Mrs J T Logue of Cleveland her subject being Only a Womans Hand Nebraska Photographers to Meet Lincoln May 15 Tho Nebraska Photographers association will hold its annual meeting in this city from May 21 to 24 The business sessions will be held at the Llndell hotel but all demonstrations lectureB and ex hibits will be In the art hall of tho Uni versity of Nebraska A gold medal Is offered for the six best portraits In a class open to all photographers but tho highest honor will ho a ribbon for tho best portrait in a class open only to Nebraska artists A O U W Grand Lodge Nebraska City Neb May 15 Tho ninth biennial session of tho Nebraska grand lodge of the A O U W con vened in this city yesterday Nearly all the delegates were present and thero wero many outsiders to asslBt in the work of locating tho grand lodge headquarters Addresses of welcome were delivered by Rev Samuel Garvin and Hon J G Watson and were re sponded to by Master Workman M E Shultz Baseball Scores Yesterday National League New York 3 Chicago 0 Boston 4 St Louis 3 Philadelphia 2 Pittsburg 3 Brooklyn 8 Cincinnati 7 American League Boston 2 Washington 3 Baltimore 11 Philadelphia 5 Milwaukeo 11 Cleveland 1 Detroit 2 Chicago 6 Western League Kansas City 5 Omaha 2 St Joseph 3 Des MoIneB 2 Denver 4 Minneapolis 5 Colorado Springs 1 St Paul 8 State A O U W Convenes Marshalltown la May 15 Th grand lodge of Iowa Ancient Order of United Workmen met In annual ses sion here yesterday with a largo at tendance and It promises to bo one of tho most important sessions ever held Tho order has been prosperous during tho year the Increase in membership in Iowa being substantial but the death rate In the Iowa jurisdiction has been rapidly increasing Mtsn I i I Say They Arc Impoverished but Promise to Pay Up ASSUME SUPPLIANT ATKTUDE Limit Is Fifteen Million Tneln An nually for Thirty Years Ministers Decline to Commit Themselves Until They Talk It Over Peking Mny 15 Tho answer of China to tho statement of the lorclfu powets as to the IntmcH Hustalued by nations and Individuals In China litis been received The answer com mences with tin appeal to ineiey say ing that tho count i y In Impoverished The aiiKwer explains Hint the utmost China din olTer Ih 15000000 tneln an nually lor the next 30 yenru Thin amount will be del I veil tin follows From salt 10000000 tneln fiom tho llklu tn 2000000 and fiom tho un live customs 3000000 Tho com munication further asset tn that wero this done It would leave tho country unable to meet tho cxpoiiscB of govern ment without assistance It tecmest cd Hint tho foreign customs bo In creased ono thlid tho leeclpts there fiom to be given to China for tho pur posed or government Tho mlnlittets refuse to dlncunn this answer until It hns been considered by them In meet ing AMERICAN BRIGANDS CAPTURED Band That Had Been Operating Near Manila Broken Up Mnnlla May 15 DetoctlvcH and tho police havo broken up a baud of Amer ican brlgnndn who hnvo been operating In the province of Paitipaiiga north of nnd not fnr from Manila George Raymond Ulrlch Rogers nnd Oscar Mushmllllcr have been captured and Andrew Martin Peter Heine Georgo Mulm nnd two others are still being pursued This band committed out rages murdered nnd raped at Hocolor Pampamga province nnd In that vicin ity nnd Sunday last they killed Henry Dow nn Amctlcnn Tho hand iiomc tlmcB represented themselves an American deserters and at others as American soldiers Georgo Raymond wore the uniform of a captain Ray mond nnd Martin were foimcrly police men In Manila Iowa Crop Report Des Moines May 15 Following Is tho weekly crop report Smim prog ress has been mndo In plowing and planting though Held operations wero delayed two or three days by wet weather Reports show that from one third to one half the coin urea has been planted with the soil generally in good shape Fiom six to ten days of favorable weather will bo needed to completo this work in all sections Germination lias been retarded dur ing tho week but early planted corn Is coming up fnirly well All reports Indicate an Increased acreago being prepared for corn Tho general crop outlook Ib encouraging Assessment of Railroads Lincoln May 15 The meeting of tho board of equalization was potTT poned owing to the absence of Gover nor Savage It Is likely that tho val uation of rnllroad property will bo as sessed some tlmo this week Tho clerical force In the nudltorH olllco Iuib been at work several weekB tabulating tho reports of the railroads and when completed tho figures will bo sub mitted to tho bonrd for guidance In equalizing the assessments Bank Teller Shot New Orleans Mny 15 Philip Schu macher paying teller of tho Tentonla bank was shot In tho calf of tho leg while at work In tho bank counting the cash previous to a meeting of the finance committee last evening Ho said ho was attacked and fired on by two men nnd thnt he had returned the fire Tho pollco havo been unablo to find any traco of the thieves Thero Ib a Bhortago of 18000 Boone Bowlers Win Championship Des Moines Mny 15 The bowling clubs of tho chief cities of tho stnto began a three days stato tournament ber yestorday Tho Boono club won tho state championship having de feated every club In tho state except Davenport which has been disbanded Tonight the Boone club will play the crack team from Omaha The Boone clubs grand total in seven games was 5774 Plot to Kidnap the Sultan Vienna May 15 Tho papers of Vienna print details of a plot promoted by the Young Turkish party to kidnap Abdul Hamld and to pro claim his younger brother Prince Mohammed Rechad sultan It is as serted that the plot was frustrated by tlje sultans secretary Izzet Dey and many persons supposed to be con nected with it have been arrested Four Killed In Tunnel Accident Roanoke Va May 15 News reached here of an accident in a tun nel where a number of men were at work near Shawsvllle in which four men were killed and one fatally In jured while two others are said to be burled under a mass of stone and dirt All of the men killed and Injured were colored laborers Found Dead In Bed Des Moines May 15 A man named Davenport about 50 years old was found dead near tho Rock Island rail road tracks east of the city by work men as they were going to work Tho skull was crushed but whether by i blow from a club or by being hit by tbo train is not known He was a man of family and lived at Manbeck 3 FATALLY INJUUED IN RINQ Clrcun Woman Dragged to Her Death Under Heels of Flying Bronchos VlncenncH Ind May 15 Minn Theresa llnnsoll of Denver an eques trienne connected with a wild west show wiiM fatally Injured last night while attempting to perform a row and arduous feat Minn Hniisell wan practicing a now net In which she lenpn from one rapid ly tunning horse to tho hnek of an other going at full speed Just an she made the spring her foot caught In the stirrup and bIio wan dragged around the ring mining tho hoofs of the ftlgliletied broiiehoH Tho cow boys iiiiule desperato offorts to ntop the horiieii but wero untiblo to do no until one of them stuck n pltchforlc Into the nlite of the itnlmal which wan drugging MIhm Hunncll killing It In stantly Minn HtiHHoll wits picked up iiik onncloiiii fiom the vnrlouit Injuries both Intermit and external She lit not expected to live MRS NATION MAKES DEFENSE Her Attorneys Set Up Pica of Insanity In Saloon Smaohlng Case TopoKit Kan May 15 The enso of Mrn Currlo Nation charged with Sun day nnloon nmanhlng In Topokti lust February went to tho Jury at noon Her attoineyn net up a ptea of Innnnlty an a derenne A dozen wlttiusno weto examined None of Mrn Nn tlonn cruimdcr frlenilH worn In court to cotnfoit her She scorned dcnortoil The Juty returned a verdict of guilty It In the general Imprcnnlon that ribe will bo relenncd ou tho pay ment of n lino and eontn Tho Jury wns out only a short tlmo Tho ver dict Is a general surprise an It wnn generally oxpeeted that tho Jury would dinngrce or bring In an acquittal FIFTEEN SINK WITH BOAT First Authentic News of Wreck of tho City of Paducah St louln Mny 15 Tho first au thentic Information concerning tha wreck of the stenmer City of Pnducah of the St LoiiIh and Tennesson River Pnckot company which occurred nt llriinkhornt Landing Ills waB ob tained upon the arrival of tho ntoamor City of Clirton nt thin poit Fifteen pemotiH loHt their lives In tho wreck six whites nnd nlno blacks The dead M1SH MAItrI OAltniNnit Ft Lnutn nn i w wm of mini iiimiUiik mo CIIAIIIiHH JOHNSON iliole witclinmti THANK fSAIIDNmt tnn trmliT fill A NT WOriTlH cnlnricl limit Imlcr two wnrrn rntmtrN JSICillT OIOItlI HOtSTATIOUTS Congregational Home Missions Boston May 15 Tho Congregation al Home Missionary society whoso work covers tho United States and a limited work in Alaska and in Cuba began the observance of tho 27th an i nlvetnary hero yesterday Delegates were present from every stato anil territory In tho union Columbus Pioneer Business Man Dead Columbus Neb May 15 Georgo W Hulsl a pioneer business man of this city died Inst night aged 01 years He alno had business interests in tho Black llllln Bwrot She sat In a cur witli a little smile of sat Inflict Ion on her face for she was well and tastefully dressed and that incatiH a great deal to n woman Aa she moved up to make room for a new comer n iiiiiti entered anil an he sat down lie mild to the comfortable one Why June thlh isnt your afternoon off How did they come to let you out today The young woman grew very red In the face for all the occupants of tho car were looking find listening anil stammered out us she half roso and then fell hack In her seat Now look here How well youre dressed too con tinued her tormentor They jnust give you 20 a mouth Eh Is your mlntresH about your size Now do be quiet oiled the uncom fortable one If you think Diamonds too went on tho miser able man ns be caught u Hash from her waving lingers Or aro they artifi cial The tormented ono sprang up stop ped the car nnd mado i rapid exit followed by the causo of the trouble whose farewell remurk to tho Inmates of the car was Well well but some people aro too sensitive They were husband nnd wife and this wns his weird idea of taking hla revenge for a curtain lecture Phila delphia Times A Wonderful Geological Freak Among the many wonderful freaks In nature there can be none In thn vno tail when spread the effect of lnce from which such birds are called white lace peacocks The demand for peacocks of any varie ty is small and no dealer in birds and an imals keeps them In stock supplying them only on order New York Sun Her Iroapecta Good 1 Do you think he can Bupport you ia good style after you are married dear I hear he Is worth nothing 1 know Harold Isnt rich mamma but ho has his life Insured for 20000 and I could get nlong quite comforta bly on thnf Chlcago Tribune Glvlnir Them the Slip An Impecunious man In Kansas City prnctlcally lives on bananas When he cats them he throws tho peels Just outside his ofllce door Thats the way he gives his creditors the slip Kansas City Star More IIoncBt Hnvo you noticed any difference In your wife since she became converted and joined the church Yes she asks me to wait an hour for her uow Instead of a minute Harpers Bazar