I Y SATURDAY SIFTINGS Jacob Qlcloh of Columbus was u city visitor over night F A Boyd was a city visitor yester day from Humphrey Mrs 15 Tanuor was a city visitor yostorday from Battle Creek Miss Winnlo Hartloy is homo from Tlldou to spend Suuday Principal Walter Pilger of Moadow Grovo is homo for Sunday Mrs O S Bargolt departed yesterday for Missouri whore sho will visit She was accompanied to Lincoln by Mrs C S Itayos and Boulah Missldello Taylor of Battle Croek was in Norfolk yesterday P M Housh was dowu from Neligh yostorday on business Mr and Mrs 0 H Vail Iwont to Sioux City yosterday and roturued this morning J W Edwards has rocontly com pleted a regulation half mllo raco track on the fiold southwest of the creamery Miss F W Mount who has boon vis iting at the homo of hor brother E O Mount roturued to hor home iuJOhicago today The plasterers have about finished ap plying the hard finish to tho interior of the Bishop block and tho carpenters have commouced laying tho floor Tho work of placing the big Corliss engine in the electric light powor station is progressing quite satisfactorily and the new machinery will soon bo ready for use Pierce Leader Judge MoDonald is sued a marriage license this morning to Wiu Degner son of Fred Dogner of Hadar and Miss Lena Marquet of Mad ison county Otto the two-year-old son of Rev M Guhkecht pastor of the Lutheran church seven miles northeast of Wayne drank Home butter coloring Tuesday and died Wednesday morning One of Norfolks ball teams accomp anied by quite a large number of enthu siasts went to Stanton today to engage in a contest with a nine of that place this afternoon providing the weather permits Paul Zutz who has been suffering with appendicitis for some weeks at his home northeast of the city died at an early hour this morning and the funeral will be held from St Pauls Lutheran church Monday afternoon Jupiter Pluvius has settled the ques tion of street sprinkling for several days Yesterday afternoon aud last night 80 of an inch of water fell aud this fore noon about as much more They were the first severe thunder storms of the season and considerable hail fell with this mornings storm Vegetation is very much freshened and is making a rapid growth Tho evangelistic meetings conducted during the past two weeks in the Second Congregational church at the Junction by Evangelist Daly and wife will close tomorrow evening There have been several conversions and the church members have been spiritually strength ened and prepared to work with their new pastor Rev Mr Baker who will arrive from Chicago next Wednesday and will conduct the prayer meeting next Thursday evening Mrs Daly will speak tomorrow at 1045 a m and Mr Daly at 8 p m Niobrara Pioneer A new company has taken hold of the Atkinson North ern railroad project and promises to push to completion the line between Atkinson and Perry on the Niobrara river Tho old Atkinson Northern grade will be used but the new road will be a narrow gauge A party of surveyors headed by Engineer W M Wright of Rapid City started out Mon day morning and has been going over the survey Sam Hardy Al Miller Ollie Campbell and Bab Blackmer are in the party and are making their head quarters in Atkinson Bishop Williams of Omaha held con firmation services in Trinity Episcopal ohurch last evening before a good sized audience considering the weather A class of eleven persons was confirmed Rev Mr Taylor of Neligh assisting During the services the memorial bap tismal font recently placed in the church was consecrated After the services an informal reception was given the bishop at the homo of Mr and Mrs O H Reynolds which was very much enjoyed by those present The bishop left today for Columbus and Central City where he will officiate at confirma tion services tomorrow Last night after the close of the evan gelists meeting in the Second Congre gational ohuroh a large number of the friends of Conductor John L Beach took him by surprise and visited him at his home to congratulate him on his 40th birthday In a few appropriate and touching words Engineer Viele presented Mr Beach with an elegant hat The recipient was so over powered with emotion that he could not find words to reply Mr Beach values that hat so much that he will not expose it o railway dust if the boys want to iuspect it they must call at his home After the presentation there was musio and refreshments and everyone had a happy time Goshen 111 Geuesse Pare Food Co Le Roy N Y j Dear Sirs Somo days since a package of yourGrain 0 prepar ation was loft at my office 1 took It homo and gave It a trial and I havo to say I was vory much pleased with It as a substitute for cofToo Wo havo always used tho host Java and Mooha In our family but 1 am treo to say 1 like tho Grnln 0 as well as tho best colYoo I over drauk Respectfully yours A 0 Jackson M D Farm laud and city property for sale by G R Sollor MONDAY MENTION Frod Hardro was in town from Hos kius yostorday Dr A H Corbott of Madison was In tho city Saturday F Philips of Hosklus Is looking aftor business in Norfolk M A Oborg of Oakland was a Nor folk visitor Suuday W A Mesorvo of Crolghton was a Norfolk visitor today Dr J M Cherry aud wife of Wayne wero In tho city Saturday S F Hotzman of Battle Croek was a Suuday visitor lu Norfolk Geo II Spear was a passougor for Lincoln on tho noon train today Miss Hattlo Allbery mado tho rouud trip to aud from Lincoln Saturday W A Matheson and V Cizok of Osmond wore Norfolk visitors Saturday Mr and Mrs R B Wellor spent Suu day with Mrs Wollors parents in Omaha T A Hughes of Sioux City is hero visitlnR his son Secretary W W Hughes of the Y M 0 L Miss Ella Mullln went to Omaha Sat day returning to Scribuer whore she spent Sunday with friends Tho temporature today is such os to threaten a frost tonight if tho weather clears aud tho wind goes down A J Niquette who has boon assist ing in the American Express olllco hore has been transferred to Fremont Vordigre Citizen Verdigro has or ganized a base ball team that promises to be the champions of Knox county They have ordered new suits and a com plete paraphernalia of base ball goods The people of Columbus are rejoicing over their prospects for a new and mod ern opera house A local stock com pany with a subscription of 1 1000 has been organized many prominent citi zens being interested Mrs Fred Siegler arrived last night from her homo in Illinois for an ex tended visit with her parents Mr and Mrs Ferdinand JJPasewalk and other relatives and friends Mr Siegler ex peots to join her here after his school lets oat Mr and Mrs G B Holahan departed today for Fort Dodge Iowa where they will make their home during the present at least E 0 Rauch of Council Bluffs Iowa has taken Mr Holahaus position as local agent for the American Express company Guests of the Oxuard were treated to some fine music by the Italian orchestra last night that organization being here to play for the Early Hour club dance tonight Including the orchestra music there was some very fine singing by a quartet composed of Messrs Mead Cassel Moler and Jackson 0 E Plass of Madison was seriously injured Saturday afternoon by falling from a scaffold which ho occupied with another man while doing some carpenter work Mr Plass struck on his head and shoulders and was picked up in an unconscious condition Two doctors workedover him It is not thought that any bones were broken Saturday World Herald A O Perry one of the directors of the Atkin son Niobrara railroad left yesterday to meet eastern capitalists who have arranged to take the remaining 40000 thirty -year 5 per cent bonds that are to be sold before the steel is laid on the grade already built from Atkinson Nob into Boyd county a distance of twenty three miles The total issue was 200000 Columbus Journal On Arbor day Fred Steuger planted a hundred and eighty trees peach plum apricot and German prune He expects to have a crop of pears this season from trees planted three years ago and which bore some last year From all present indi cations there will he says be a splendid crop of fruit He believes with many others that a late spring is a fairly good promise of excellent yields of grains and fruits in Nebraska late springs hold ing everything back until the weather conditions are such that growth con tinues without interruption after the start is made County Superintendent 0 W Crum is here conducting his annual examina tion of Eighth grade pupils He has just completed the examiuation for spelling and announces that the pupils of tho Norfolk schools show a general average of 87 in that study twenty six of them being given a standing above 00 At Newman Grove the general average in this study was 70 at Madison 75 and in country schools thus far examiued 78 A year ago the average of Norfolk pupils in spelling was 78 and two years ago 08 This showing is exceedingly compli mentary to the Norfolk schools aud shows that they not only occupy a high place among the other schools of the county in orthography but are con stantly improving THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MAY 10 1001 TUESDAY TOPICS Mrs II L Suydor inndo tho round trip to aud from Omaha yesterday Miss Hiwlo Cooloy roturued last night from a threo wooks1 visit in Omaha Miss May Durlaud has gono to Plain view for a weeks visit with hor parents Miss Nottlo Pheasant departed today for Butto this stato whore sho has ao copted a position lu a millinery store Reynolds Stowart aro opening their muchluo works opposite tho waterworks pumping station aud aro getting ready for business Tho man with tho pump has boon removing tho rain water from tho ex cavation for tho now Stortz block dur ing yostorday and today No frost camo last night but it is still cloudy and tho north wind Is assorting itself in a manner that prosagos a fro it when it comes to oloariug up Thoro will bo a meeting of tho mom hers of tho Y M O L in tho league rooms tonight at 7 30 for tho oluctiou of officers aud to transact other Important business Jas Glldoa has purohasod tho Maltby proporty at tho ooruor of Tonth street aud Madison avenue and will tnito pos session about tho 15th Mr Maltby ex pects to loavo boou for tho south Misses Susio and Agnes Thompson aro oxpooted homo from Omaha this even ing tho former having suftlolontlyro covorod from tho attack of scarlot fovor with which sho has boen suffering A A Adams who travels fortho Ohas Donovan cigar factory of Sioux City has moved his family to Norfolk aud will occupy tho Mlttelstadt house at the corner of Tenth street and Madi son avenue Tho Fay school near Emerson has been closed owing to nn epldemio of scarlet fover there aud in westoru Dakota county Tho disease was first contracted by some campers who wore fishing in Crystal lake Members of tho Early Hour club en joyed the clubs last dance of tho Boa sou last uight the Italian orchestra of Omaha furnishing tho musio There was a good attendance and the affair was a very pleasant one Tho local committee at Fremont has already been informed that moro than fifteen volunteer fire departments of the stato will bo represented with teams at the tournament to bo held lu that city during July Tho weather forecaster promises a light frost tonight and people who have beans and young cucumbers up will be doing the right thing to give them a dressing of far coats This kind of a deal is almost enough to cause a person to take back all the beautiful things he has said concerning Nebraska weather At the meeting of tho grand couucil of the United Commercial Travelers held in Omaha last week Otto F Tap pert of this city was elected as a mem ber of the grand executive board for a term of two years and 0 E Green was chosen ns the grand representative to tho supremo council which is to meet in Columbus Ohio during June Miscreauts entered tho cemetery at Bloomfield and desecrated tho gravo of Mrs J W Fouts by removing the tombstone aud destroying flowers and shrubbery They threw tho tombstone into a nearby creek where it was found after a lengthy search It is thought to be the work of enemies of tho family If sufficient evidence can bo secured several arrests will bo made Gordon Joarual Its tho same old story in Gordon again this spring You cant get a mechanic or a hand for any kind of work unless you wait your turn which is sometimes from two to six weeks And yet we complaiu of dull times and uot much doing Will times ever get so dull in Gordon that men will actually be looking for work and glad to take a job when they find it G W Brown jr principal of Browns Busiuesa college of Sioux City Iowa under date of May 0 writes The News saying Mr 0 H Brake of Hawardeu Iowa signed a contract hore this morning for the princlpalship of the new school in your city This makes the organization a certainty Mr Brake resigns tho superintendence of schools In Hawardeu to accept tho prlnolpalshlp of Browns Business col lege of Norfolk I expeot to close con tract with Mr Cotton for tho third floor of his building An exchange has figured it oat that the single girls will soon have their day to propose to the boys as the 20th cent ury will have twenty four leap years tbe greatest number possible February will nave uve buudays three times 1920 1948 aud 1070 The earliest possible date on which EaBter can occur is Maroh 12 The last time it ocoured on that datowas 1818 The latest date that Easter can occur is April 25 It will be once on that date 1043 The middle of the century will be Janurary 1 1051 There will be 380 eclipses during the century Ex Senator W V Allen made his first appearance as an before the supreme court of tho stato since his ofteo expired at Lincoln yes terday He appeared in tho interest of Leroy Alyoa who had been convicted of assault with intent to inflict great bodily injury upon Peter F Sullivon in - T fir inwimi m iimo i mi a Idollo Taylor primary Miss Stella Stlrk sohool No 2 Miss Novolla Funk with Miss Gortlo Wado oh assistant for tho grammar room Tho nowly appointed polico officers resplendent iu now and neat lilting navy bluo uniforms with a regulation officers holniot as a finishing piece aro attracting considerable notice on the streets today uud lend color to tho belief that Norfolk is getting qnito metropoli tan lit least ho far as hor polico are con cerned S M Bond who lives in Norfolk and has u run over tho Union Pacific be tween horn aud Columbus will repre sent the Omaha division al the national mooting of tho Order of Railway Con ductors which will be held In St Paul Minn next week Ho expects to leave Thursday Mr Bond Is 0110 of tho oldoBt conductors on tho Union Pacific systom Tho following officers for tho ensuing term wero oloctod by Mosaic lodge No 55 A F and A M last oven iug G T Sprochor master mason Burt MapeB senior wardon Jack Ricks junior wardon D J Koouig stoiu secretary W II Bucholz trous urer Tho appointive officers aro D O OConnor sonior dc ason D Roes junior doacon F A Bryant tylor Tho winners of tho first prizes in the rocont Bee dot counting contest wore two Fremont people who stayed up all night recoived thoir papers at I oclock at onco counted tho dots and sent iu tho results of tho count one at 1 27 in the morning and tho other six minutes later No pupors wero delivered in Omaha until I oclock and thoy there fore had nmplo opportunity to scoop tho counters of that city Thoy wore woll repaid for tho loss of a nights sleop as one received an Emerson piano and tho othor a Dinsmoro typewriter Miss Miunio Van Horn only daughtor of Mr and Mrs J II Van Horn of this city was united in marriage to Charles Piorco a business man of Winnotoon this state at tho Cutholic church this morning at 10 oclock Aftor tho cero mouy a wedding breakfast was served at the home of tho brides parents on Madison avenue a few intimate friends of the couplo participating Mr and Mrs Pierce left on the noou train for a wedding trip into Wisconsin and on their return will begin housekooping at Winuotoon Friends of the couplo in Norfolk will join in cxtoudiug congrat ulations Boys who go away from homo for a day often improve the opportunity in tryiug to see how rude boisterous aud disagreeable generolly thoy can bo They may bo very gontlomauly at home but become completely the reverse when thoy think no home folks aro near to watch them not realizing that tho peoplo at homo may and most always do learn of their conduct In view of this teudouoy it is a pleasure to Norfolk peoplo to kuow that the boys who went to Stanton tho other day deserved the following notice from tho Register A ball game was advertised for Saturday afternoon but the rain prevented tho game being called The game was to have been played between a nine of Nor folk sohool boys and a nine from the school here The Norfolk team came down in the forenoon aud spent tho day visiting tho Stanton players Tho Nor folk boys wero a gentlemenly lot of young fellows Those who have revonuo stamps on hand when the new law takes effect on July 1 muy have them redeemed through tho district roveuae collector who will be provided with blanks for the purpose Tho following from tho Boston Tran script gives an idea of the method pur sued Claims for tho redemption of ad hesive documentary and proprietary stamps if bought of a collector must coutaiu his certificate as to the date and amount of purchase If bought from a 1 - i mTI7 This is the Smallest WlCKLES Made ilso in our larger sizes Sold everywhere tho district court Ho asks tho court to ovorrulo tho lower court contending that an information or indictment in tho lunguago of the statute is uot suffi cient especially when that statuto Is ex pressed In tho form of a legal conclu sion and recites 110 facts constituting the element of a crlmo Tho corres pondent of tho Sioux City Trlbuno says regarding tho case Tho dofenso iH a moro technical one but tho lawyers are much interested as if Allen wins his point it will make it easier to got off accused cliouts bocuuso tho drawing of a correct information is an art known only to a comparative few of tho legal profession Tho claim is also made that tho constitution gives an accused tho right to be fully informed of tho ulti mate facts relied upon to establish his guilt WEDNESDAY WRINKLES W 0 Eddy is iu Genoa looking after boet sugar interests Dr P II Saltor made a business visit to Hoskins yesterday Audrow Sponce tho Madison hotel man was lu tho city today John Romberg of Scribuer iB visiting at tho homo of W H Cooloy Mr aud Mrs J Biiuin entertained tho West Side Whist club last evening Miss Auuio Parker expects to leave tomorrow for hor now homo in Kearney Mrs E A Bullock entertained mem bers of tho Kaffeo Klatsch this afternoon Dr aud Mrs Frank Salter wont to Omaha yesterday returning last even ing A B Dillon of Oakdalo Is iu tho city today aud mado a cull at The News office A new walk is being laid in front of DrSalters sanitarium on Koouigstoiu avenue Henry Miller has sold his dray team and It is understood that ho contem plates leaving Norfolk Miss Nellie Haudloy will go to Koar noy tomorrow to take part iu the high school oratorical contest Mr and Mrs H A Rowe have re turned from a pleasant visit of teu days with old time friends in Columbus Mr and Mrs D J Koenigstein do parted this morniug for Omaha where thoy will attend tho grand lodge of the Order of Eastern Star Miss Metta Koenigstein will return with them Sat urday Dr Clemensha of Port Hope Canada who has been visiting Drs P H aud Frank Salter has decided to locate in Fremont for tho practice of his profes sion and loft for that place yesterday morning F F Thompson and E P Mueller traveling freight agents of tho Union Pacific and L Biendorf and A K Curts traveling passenger agents for tho same road are lu the city looking after Uuiou Pacific interests Stanton Register Deputy Sheriff Porter and Clerk of the District Court Allen Sharp took Mrs Ackles to the Norfolk asylum Saturday It is earnestly hoped that the unfortunate woman may recover hor reason Frank Osborne left for tho east on the morning train and after a few days in Omaha ho intends to proceed to Rochester N Y and spend his vaca tion at the Lee hospital with his cousin Dr J M Leo He will visit the Buffalo exposition enroute The home of Charles Kanull between hero and Madison was struck by light ning last Saturday morning and was considerably damaged Mrs Kanull was struck on the foot aud reudered un conscious but recovered soon afterward none tho worse for her experience This section of the state escaped the promised frost last night aud vegetation is booming aloug without hindrance Farmers gardeuers aud others aro con gratulating themselves on the escapo aud the weather is warmiug with every indication that the chilly spell is past The following teachers havo been hTOilStove olootod by tho Hattlo Crook board of oducatiou D It Vautlng principal Mlfls Molllo Taylor Intermediate MIhs If your detlef docs not have them write to the nearest agency of STANDARD OIL CO dealer in stumps stieh dealers certificate as to thndato of sale to olalmaut aud the certificate of tho collector as to tho dato of sale to the dealer must bo fur nished Stamps that are uot in tho samo condition as whoa issued will uot bo redeemed unless their condition is satisfactorily accounted tor Document ary and proprietary stamps can bo re deemed only when presented iu quanti ties of f 2 or more face value and no claims for tho redemption of or allow ance for suoh stamps can bo allowed un less presented within two years aftor the purchase of said stamps from tho government All claims for tho redemp tion of stamps imprinted on chocks drafts and other instruments will be forwarded by the colloctor of tho dis triot in which the order for tho imprint ing was mado to tiio Washington office If I lie claimant resides iu a district other than that iu which said order was chased his claim should ho proparod and deposited with tho collector of tho district iu which he resides KcxuilnMelll dim Itncltiil About ono liulf tho pupils of Ludwig Koouigstoiu will give a recital TuoHday evening May II iu tho M E church commencing at H oclock As before ho will havo pupils play representing flvo different gnulos Tho introduction of tho duo mid con certo form two years ago by Mr Koenigstoin shows off a composition in a bettor light uud at tho coming recital ho will havo two of thoso duos on his program ono of a molodious aud dreamy character iu a cantahilo legato stylo tho othor ouo requiring moro technical power iu tho bravura stylo A few of Mr Koonigsteins own com positions will ho played by his pupiiH several of which havo boon copyrighted while tho others yet romaiu lu manu script His compositions now number opus 8 His waltz iu 0 minor aud barcarollo In D will bo heard for tho first time in Norfolk Owing to the many expenses con nected with tho giving of a rocltal tho small sum of ten cents admission will be charged to dofruy oxponsos Mr Koenigstein will play tho Nevin A Day in Venice as tho final number which is u descriptive composition in four parts describing llfo la Venice What Shall We Have for Drmert This question arises in tho family every day Let us auswor it today TryJell O a delicious dessert Pre pared in two minutes No baking 1 add hot water and sat tocool Flavors Lemon orange raspberry and straw berry At your grocers 10 ceuts scoffs EmuBsion twvan wtt Tn w 1 of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life and enjoyment of life to thousands men women and children When appetite fails it re stores it When food is a burden it lifts the burden When youlose fleshit brings the plumpness of health When work is hard and duty is heavy it makes life bright It is the thin edge of the wedge the thick end is food But what is the use of food when you hate it and cant di gest it Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is thefood that makes you forget your stomach If you Viave not tried It send for free sample Its agreeable taste will surprise vou SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York- 50c and SlOO all druggists ri 1 a- 1 w