i M 1 S 14 M V- ft UMM Radical Element of Cuban Con vention Expects Its Adoption SECRET SESSION IS HELD Ileport of the Special Commission Mnkn a onil ImpressionConvention Expected to Take Definite Artlon on the llntt Amendment Saturday j Havana May 8 Tlie special com mission of the Cuban constltutlonnl convention wlilcli returned here from Washington May 5 will not innko any recommendations to the convention IaIUioukIi tins majority Of the conimls flloners are In favor of accepting the riatt amendment the report will cover only the facta of the conference at Washington This convention will hold a secret session today The radical element admltH the convention will accept the amendment 1 The commission nt the secret ses sion presented an extensive report of their conferences with President Mc Klnley and Secretary Uoot and a glow ing account of the banquets and recep tions tendered them In reference to the third clause of the Piatt amend ment the report stated Unit the United Stutcs would not Intervene un less Cuba were attacked by a foreign power or unless there existed in Cuba n condition of affairs similar to that which existed under Spain at the time of Amerfenn Intervention Uegardlng coaling stations the report set forth that the places so desired by the Unit ed States were Capes Maysl nnd San Antonio and another point command ing the entrance to the Gulf of Mex ico These would be definitely deter mined upon when drawing up the treaty The object of these stations would be the maintenance of the inde pendence of Cuba as well as the pro tection of the United States The re port also snid that the United States would in no way interfere in the local government nnd that President McKin Jey had promised to appoint a commis sion to meet a Cuban commission to discuss the economic question and to draw up n commercial treaty as soon as possible and he advised the Cubans In the meantime to study the situation In thin respect The report announced that Secretary Root had said that there was nothing In the Piatt amend ment to prevent Cuba having diplo matic representatives in foreign coun tries The report has evidently made a good Impression and only n few radicals will continue to oppose its acceptance The convention will meet Thursday nnd is expected to take definite action Saturday I Xuuroulnh Downs Jeuklni New York May 8 Nouroulah the big Turkish wrestler made short work of Tom Jenkins of Cleveland the champion wrestler of America nt the Madison Square Garden Inst night He downed Jenkins twice in a match The match was decided best two out of three falls and Jenkins while showing a remark able amount of cleverness was unable to compete against the enormous weight of his big opponent There were about 4000 people present Stovo Manufacturers Meet 1 Boston May 8 The session of stove manufacturers began yesterday at tin Parker with gentlemen present from all over the United States The meet ing was chiefly devoted to discussion of business matters peculiar to the trade nnd the rending of many papers Sec retary Uogan of Chicago when asked regarding the reports that a mnmmoth Btove trust had been organized or was contemplated emphatically denied the story I TfurrJcano In Mexico I Laredo Tex May 8 Miguel Bo tello a prominent merchant of Vlllal dama Mcx arrived in the city yester dny nnd reported that a hurricane struck the Gundalupe mines nnd a strip of Villaldama mountains last night The dnmage to the mines will be considerable The homes of Su perintendent Martin nnd Captain Will iam C Jones were blown down nnd several other houses were destroyed Fire In Apartment House New York Mny 8 Fire which started Just before midnight on the ground floor of the 5 story apartment house at 750 Lexington avenue drove 20 or more families into the street nnd many people had narrow escapes The police and firemen aided by citi zens rescued several persons Two were Injured nnd taken to the Fresby terlnn hospital and several are report ed missing Americans Hail No Casualties I Manila May 8 Lieutenant John I L Hartman with 05 men of troop K First cavalry encountered 250 Insur gents north of the village of Balayan Jn Batangas province Luzon The enemy made Uiree Btands and were each time defented by the American cavalrymen There were no American casualties Method Isti Raise Thank Offering I Nashville Mny 8 The board of edu cation of the Methodist Episcopal church south met here yesterday Dr 3T D Hammond corresponding secre tary reported that 1500000 ordered by the general conference as a thank offering for the 20th century bad been raised i Jury Convicts Jamas Hawk I Omaha May 8Jnraes II Hawk one of the raen charged with having de coyed Bird Moore to Deadwood S P for Immoral purposes was found guilty by the jury yesterday The pen alty is from three to seven yearn ln tuieonment THREW VICTIM IN A WELL Iea nnorlli Tropic Hunt Girls Assailant to Hum Mini Leavenworth Kan May 8 Miss Bonnie daughter of G W Ronnie iui employe of the state penitentiary was gathering mushroons near Lansing when struck on the back of the head by an unknown person and rendered unconscious after which she was as- saulted and her body thrown Into an old well with the purpose of hldlnt the crime The young woman regained consciousness and after repeated at tempts reached the surface and went home where she told of the crime She stated that she had caught n glimpse of her assailant and would be able to Identify him Miss Ronnie died soon afterwnrd Searching par ties are scouring the country- The murderer will probably bo burned at the Rtako If caught COUNTY JUDGES IN JAIL United State Marshals Arrest Whem ut Osceola Missouri on Chnrgo of Contempt Osceola Mo May 8 Two of the county judges of St Clair county Thomas D Nevltt nnd S C Peden were arrested yesterday In the court house by deputy United States mar shals The Judges will be taken to Kansas City to stand trlnl before Federal Judge Philips on a charge of contempt for not levying n tax to pay Interest on bonds of a fraudulent Is sue of 1870 which has caused the county great notoriety nnd trouble The county Judges are both fanners nnd their families will be attended to by the county and will see that they re ceive compensation The Judges will linve to lie In Jail until their time of office expires which will be Jan 3 inort The levy of taxes for the year 1001 nnd the apportionment of the snme was made yesterday previous to the arrest consequently the county nnd state will not suffer The third Judge Walker escaped from the room nnd rode to his home KILLS HER St Louis FATHER Girl Then Turns the Revolver Upon Herself St Louis May 8 Gustav Bnarc aged 50 years bailiff of the St Louis school board and an ex representative in the state legislature was shot and instantly killed nt his home last night by his daughter Ida aged 20 who then turned the revolver upon herself inflicting a wound from which she died In two minutes Botli were shot through the head The action of the young woman was premeditated as was shown by a letter which she left In it she said that the frequent insults offered her mother by her father be came unbearable and that she had re solved to kill him and then herself Mr Baare was taking a nap when he was killed TAKE LOOK AJ GOLD MINE President McKlnley nml Party Inspect lllg Works nt CoiifjrcsH Arizona Congress A T May S The presi dential party spent several hours yes terday visiting the big gold mine lo cated at this place which Is 70 miles northwest of Phoenix The original itinerary contemplated spending the entire day at Phoenix but it was mod ified to permit the party to take this little side trip and inspect the works of the Congress the largest mine In the territory Justice Street and other territorial officials came here on n spe cial trnln to welcome the president to the territory Ithoinuerg Weaver Wedding Dubuque May 8 Miss August Rhombcrg daughter of the late L A Rhomberg was married yesterday to Clarence Weaver assistant passenger agent for tne Illinois Central The marriage took place at St Marys Catholic church the groom having been converted to that faith TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD It 1b reported that the Delngoa Bay railroad has again been destroyed by Boer forces under Commandant Boyer D L Gallup treasurer of the Atchl sou Topeka and Santa Fe railroad In Chicago has been elected comptroller of the system In a report Issued Monday the Chi cago health department nttrlbutes an Increase In the death rate o the craze for speculating In stocks Major John L Bittlnger United States consul general at Montreal mny resign his position to accept the post mastership nt St Joseph Mo A military captive balloon with two men in the car broke loose In a gule at Cologne Monday was soon lost sight of In the clouds and has not been seen since The seasons seal fishery came to a close Monday with the arrival at St Johns of the sealer Virginia Lake The total catch was 350000 seals valued at 600000 Conciliation as a means of maintain ing Industrial peace between labor and capital was discussed by leaders of unionism and flnnnco at the New York chamber of commerce Tuesday All the lumber camps In the northern part of Wisconsin will probably be burned down this summer by order of the state board of health The camps have been the breeding places of small pox The Chicago Great Western railroad Mondny announced that the lake and rail differential rates to the seaboard would be G5 cents per hundred pounds Some time ago the other lines agreed upon a 70 cent basis F W Hill for the past four yeam auditor of the Oregon Short Line rail way has resigned to take the position of comptroller of the American Smelt ing and Refining company with head- Quarters in New York I I wbws 3fcjraymuijjHBWi THE NORFOLK NEWS FK1PAY MAY 10 1001 III II Reported to Have Acquired Union Pacific VICTOR IN HARD CONTEST Will Make Overland Route Inrt or lilt Ion Ilans With North western and New York Central In Con llond Issue Imolved New York May 8 The Mall nnd Express says There Is excellent au thority for the statement that Wiu K Vanderhllt has curried the day In the contest for the control of the Union Pacific railroad and that he Intends to put through his plan for annexing It to the Vnnderbllt system Ills Men Is that It shall be con trolled by the Chicago nnd Northwest ern and New York Central Jointly with a guaranty of 0 per cent cu Union Pacific common stock mid possibly ex change 3 per cent bonds Issued Jointly by the Northwestern and New York Central In exchange for Union Pnellle common stock There may however bo some change In this last feature STATE PRINTERS ASSEMBLE Iowas Association Sleets nt Sioux City and llects Ies Moines Mnn resident Sioux City May 8 The annual meeting of the Iowa Printing Trades association was held in Sioux City yesterday These olllcers were elected Herman Tradjens Dos Moines presi dent I D Gordon Sioux City vice president 11 L Page Des Moines secretary and treasurer Last night at the armory a reception to the visitors was given Speeches were made by Mayor A II Burton George D Per kins editor of the Journal K W Cald well and Will Reed Dunroy and some of the labor men After the speech making the company danced The Iowa State Federation of Ln lwr opened Its annual session here Numerous leading labor men of the state are in uttendnnce State Veterans Assemble Plattsmouth Neb May 8 Olllcers nnd delegates to the annual state en campment of the Grand Army of the Republic have been arriving nil day being received at the trains by com mittees from the Grand Army of the Republic and citizens The local posts of the Grand Army of the Republic nnd the Womens relief corps tendered all the visitors n reception Inst night The business sessions of the enenmp mentwill open today and conclude with the election of olllcers Thursday Lightning Kills Tanner Carroll Neb May 8 William Jack son a farmer eight miles northwest of this place was instantly killed by lightning At the time Mr Jnckson was nt work with his hired man con structing n barb wire fence The hired man was rendered insensible for sev eral minutes nnd when he recovered consciousness he found that Mr Jack son was dead FrelKht OlllelnlH Confer San Francisco Mny 8 About 50 freight olllcinls of the railroads west of Chicago arrived at Monterey yester day to hold an Important meeting which will last through the remainder of the week They constitute the west ern classification committee and their work will be the revision of the so called western classification of freight Two Sentenced to He Hanged Jefferson City Mo May 8 The su preme court yesterday sentenced two men to be hanged on June 7 next They are Ernest Reed colored con victed in Jasper county of killing his wife and William Ferguson convicted In Grundy county of beating to death Stephen G Wilson a merchant of that place Robbers Maho Rich Haul Washington May 8 One of the largest robberies ever committed In this city occurred yesterdny when the house of Mrs Olivia Starring 1 155 Massachusetts avenue was entered nnd diamond Jewels nnd money ap proximating in value over 8000 were taken Mrs Starring was away at the time Crninders Tire of Jail Ilfo Wichita Kan Miiy 8 The determi nation of the joint smashing col leagues of Mrs Nation to stay In Jail till their trial commenced was broken yesterdny by Mrs Julia Evans giv ing bond for her appearance The other women except Mrs Nation have Indicated their purpose of giving bond also Crack Shots of Nebraska Lincoln May 8 The 25th annunl tournament of the Nebraska Stato Sportsmens association began yester day and will continue until Friday afternoon The crack shots of the state nre In attendance together wlUi many from a distance Threats of Lynching Wichita Kan May 8 Frank Clark has been brought to Wichita by the sheriff of Sumner county He was In Jail thero charged with assault on his 35-year-old sister and threats of lynching cnused his transfer to the Jail in this county New Computation Commission Pierre S D May 8 Governor Her rled yesterday announced the new compilation commission of Bartlcti W Tripp of Yankton Gidcou C Moody of Deadwood and James M Brown of Eureka Tlrltuu steamer Jisnorc Cape Town May 8 The British steamer Tantnllon Castle from South ampton for Cape Colony with relief troops and passengers on board Is ashore on Roblen island near here All her passengers haveben landed FAVOR CHINAS OPENING Nmrlr All Towers and Also Chinese ini tials Desire Trade Relations Washington May 8 It has devel oped that the movement for the exten sive opening of China to foreign trade and commerce has the active approval not only of the United StntcH and sev eral other leading powois but also of Chinese olllelaK About the only doubts as to the formal position of China Is that caused by the empress dowagers recent creation of a council of state How far this council will have authority to check the action of the peace plenipotentiaries Is not yet clear but the negotiations nre proceed ing with the prospect of uniting the various branches of Chinese authority In the support of the present plnn The attitude of Russia also Is the source of sotuo solicitude although the negotiations nre being so framed to obviate any objection which Russia might inlse If the opening of China was to apply principally to Manchuria EASTMAN ON STAND Ilurtard Professor Charged Willi Murder of UN llnithei lnliivr Testllles In f Ills Own llehalr Cambridge Mass May 8- The cli max In the Eastman murder trial was reached yesterday when the defend ant himself took the stand to tell his own story For two hours he was on the stand giving his testimony as to his relations with Grogan and the Inci dents of the day of the shooting lie declared that the shooting was an acci dent and up to last October he hud nlwnys believed It was the old rim fire pistol that discharged the bullet which killed his brother-in-law The struggle which followed ho snld was for the possession of the center fire pistol which Orogan had In his hand Eastman said that he went to Grogan first to assist him and then because of the expression on his face to get the weapon away from him lie said that there was so much noise and confusion In the struggle that he could not recall how many times gans revolver went off But that It did go off he was almost certain He did not know how he received his own wound nnd said he did everything pos sible after the afTalr to assist Grogan to the house nnd was prostrated with grief when he found that he was dying Neliraskn Doctors In Session Lincoln May 8 -Three state medical societies comprising the regular homeopathic and eclectic schools be gan their annual conventions In sep arate conventions yesterday and In each cae will continue until Thurs day The homeopaths held their an nual banquet last night Among physi cians from a distance on the program for addresses are Drs Nicholas Senn A C Cowpcrthwnite and W C Davis or Chicago and Dr D I Standlee of St Louis Recent medical legislation will be n theme for Important discus sion IIohsiicIc Case Appealed Des Moines May 8 The attorneys for Mrs Margaret Hossnck who was convicted in Warren county for mur dering her husband and sentenced to life imprisonment have given notice of an appeal to the supreme court and will make an effort to secure a new trial The appeal will be on the ground of hick of evidence to sus tain the conviction and the alleged misconduct of the attorneys for the prosecution Conclave of Kiisteru Stnr Omaha May 8 With an attend ance exceeding that of former opening days the grand chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star yesterday In the Masonic temple began Its 2lth annual session Mrs Louise Mathews of Fre mont grand matron of the chapter and other grand officers are In charge of the deliberations of the body The Order of the Enstcrn Stnr is a wom ans auxiliary to the Order of the Free Masons TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The Meyer Charlton mine nt Jo hannesburg lias been started again Tom Sharkey lost to Mexican Pete Everett on a foul at Cripple Creek Tuesday Raphael Straus the well known ar tist died at his home in Cincinnati Tuesday nged 72 years Lord Kitchener reports the capture of another hundred Boers one 32 pounder one 9 pounder and one Max im According to n dispatch from Shang hai Father Pnoll an Italian mission ary was burled alive In the province of Shcn SI During a thunder shower at Cor delia On Tuesday the lightning for n short time was terrific Three per sons were struck and killed It Is asserted In Holland thnt Ger many Is trying to persuade the mid European states to form a tariff union gainst American competition The Madrid government has decided to suspend the constitutional guaran tees In Barcelona where serious riots have taken place among the strikers and anarchists Tlio civil service commission an nounces thnt there are not enough qual ified candidates for the otlice of meat Inspector for Uie bureau of animal Industry to fill the demand N O Nelson president of the N O Nelson Manufacturing company an nounced to the employes of a half dozen large factories operated by blm at Leclalre Ills that the nine hour system would pievnll Long and heated arguments between the members of the board of directors of the Chicago Theological seminary Tuesday failed to decide Uie fate of Professor George II Gilbert charged with teaching heresies to Uie divinity itudents under him ssMnxiiiwAwismwtiis llllfflS Prison Board Unanimous In Its Recommendation NOW UP TO PARDON BOARD Iaiuoiis lUudits Who Itolilied the North fleld Hunk to l enve Minnesota Peniten tiary Where They Have Hern Locked Ili Twenlj llve Viars St Paul May 8 -Cole and lames Younger the most noted convicts In the state pilMtu at Stillwater yester day won the first step townids fico dom from that Institution to whleli they were sentenced for life over 25 yenis ago For 20 years their ft lends have been woiklng In their behalf each governor being Impoi tuned fro pucHlvfora patdou The t 111 t tl brother Rob tiled In the Stillwater prison a few yi urM ago but the efforts for the llhcrnilnii or the now old men have never consul At n legular meeting of the boatd of malingers of the boind of prisons yesterday at Stillwater unanimous ac tion was taken In favor of paroling the Younger boW Itefore the parole can be effective all thiee members of the state pardon board must approve It and the action will be submitted to that body as soon as possible To Iuloiee Sellout lims Lincoln May 8 State Superintend ent Fowler Is making all mressaty arrangements for the rigid enforcement of the compulsory school law begin ning with the next school year The law which was enacted by the last legislature provides that every child between 7 nnd M years of age must attend school at least two thirds of the time that school Is in session which means In Nebraska cities and towns six months a year Failure to com ply with the law Is punishable by a fine of from 5 to 25 Exceptions nre made for cases of physical disa bility nnd It Is provided that children of from 12 to M who are actively en gaged In earning a living may comply with the law by attending a night school Iferron Case hy Default Grlnnell la May 8 The Gongrega tlonallsts Interested In the ease of Pro fessor George I Hen on have been In formed that It Is the Intention of Pro fessor Herrou to Ignoie the suit brought against him for expulsion from the church here of which he was a member ami that he will not respond to the letter notifying 111 1 1 1 ol the accusations The committee ap pointed to take action has already for warded the formal letter Informing Herron of the contemplated action nml has notified 12 of the churches of the association requesting them to appoint Judges In the oie The trial -will be In about four weeks and Inas much as Herron refuses to defend It will not bring out anything new In the case Status of Cedar Rapids Strike Cedar Rapids In May 8 The strike of machinists on the Itiirlington Cedar Rapids ami Northern continues with out change The men who struck have been organized Into a union and are being given substantial assistance More than 1000 a week Is being dis tributed among them The men say that tlie ill omen ami switchmen on the Cedar Rapids system are ready to go out In sympathy with them if It Is necessary for the success of their strike and they assert that they will be nble to hold out until the company compiles with their demands The olllcinls of the company assert that they have secured 250 new men since the beginning of the strike and that they nre mrt hainpeted by the strikers Herron Marries Miss Hand Des Mollies May 8 Information was received here yesterday to the ef fect that Professor George D Herron and Miss Carrie Rand were married in New York city some weeks ago The news comes Indirectly from rela tives of tlie Rands who live In Keo kuk who it Is asserted have received n letter from Mrs E D Rand making that statement of the case She says that Miss Rand and tlie professor were married a few days after the divorce was obtained by Mrs Herron In Al gonn Iioneer of Ilunner County Dead Harrlsburg Neb May 7 Calvin M Woodard a pioneer of western Ne braska died of apoplexy last night Deceased was 82 years of age He came to Banner county In 1W3 and was twice elected county attorney One month previous to his death his wlfq to whom he had been mar ried for ever CO years died Mr Woodards son Frank E Woodard Is now sheriff of Banner county The funeral was this afternoon Catholic Knights of America St Louis May 8 Delegates from 38 states will assemble In St Louis next week to attend the 13th biennial coun cil of the Catholic Knights of America The sessions of the council will be held at the Southern hotel and will open Tuesday May 14 An Interest ing program has been nrronged for the affair while Jocal members of the or der have planned entertainment of the supreme officers and visiting dele gates lloth Claim the Fla London May 7 A dispute lias arisen as to the ownership of the fing which Queen Victoria presented to the hos pital ship Maine Mrs George Lady Randolph Church ill asserts that It belongs to her and Bernard Baker owaer of the vessel declares that it Is his property The flag is now In Lady Randolphs pos session 3 POLICE HIDL CHILD Ilefiise lo Surrender Mil Itlenscu tllrl to lis lloitlelle I ill her Chicago May 8 A oldest has be gun between the police ami the forces of Mr Howie the fnlth healer over Mabel Chrlslenseii tlie daughter of Louis ClirlHtenspi who was badly but tied In the Honk fiat building lire Sunday The childs father Is an adherent of the Dowlelles To save the child from what the police believed to be neglect they have so cietcd her with u South Chicago fam ily The fathers demand for his daughter wan Ignored An order of the court Is the only thing that can force us to give the child to her parents until she Is cured said Police Cap tain Shipley In refusing to give up the Mill to the Dowlelles Captain Shipley has the support of president John 1 Sliorlall of the Illinois Hu mane society CONDITIONJF WHEAT Kansas and Nehrnslia Head the Vlst Willi Higher rereoutagesOllioia Aro Well Up New York May 8 Carefully com piled reports from the American Agri culturists corps observers make the May 1 condition of winter wheat 0150 against 115 last month and compared with nu average at this date for five yeniH of 81 April was wholly favor able for the development of the wheat ciop over the gi eater pint of the belt The reports shows little damage through Insect pests outside of Texas Oklahoma and Michigan No crop In 20 years has stood butter than the piesent one In the all Important feat ure of roots The spring wheat crop has been sown under highly favorable condi tions says the report and while seed ing In the extreme north Is not quite completed enough Is known to inn lie It certain that the acreage Is fully equal to that sown last year There Is an abundance of early moisture over the whole belt except In n limited portion or South Dakota The condi tion May 1 of wheat by states Includes- Ohio 88 Kentucky 85 Mich igan 83 New York Pennsylvania and Indlnna 115 Illinois SHJ Kansas 100 Nebraska 110 California 00 Hlaroli Fik lories to Shut Down Sioux City May 8 A telegram from the head olllces of the National Starch company states that the com pany will close all of Its eleven fac tories us soon as the nreseiit corn supply Is consumed The Sioux City plant which Is one of the largest in tlie country will continue until about June I The other factories are in Nebraska City lies Moines Cincin nati ami other places The Informa tion i cnt here Inclines the local mnn ngemeut to tlie belief that repairs will be made during the summer nml thnt most or the plants will be reopened In the fall President ilel was here re cently and said that all factories were overstocked Ilimlmll Scores Yesterday National League Chicago 0 Pitts burg 8 Boston 2 Brooklyn New York 5 Philadelphia I Cincinnati I St Louis II American League Washington Boston 7 Philadel phia 10 Baltimore II Milwaukee 2 Detroit J Western League Colorado Springs 8 Omaha 3 Kan as City 0 St Paul i Denver Des Moines -1 Afrnlil to nid At an auction sale of miscellaneous goods at a country store the auctioneer put up a buggy robe of fairly good quality An old fanner Inspected It closely seemed to think there wus a bargain In It and yet he hesitated to bid Think It cheap asked Uie auction eer crying n 10 cent bid Yes kinder was the reply Then why dont you bid and got It Waal Ive bought heaps o things In dry goods and so on slowly rejoined the old man and I never yet took home anything that the old woman thought was worth the price If I get thnt ere robe for oven 15 cents shed grab it up pull at one cud chaw on a orner nutl call out Cheated ngain Aloren half cotton Thats the reason 1 dasnt bid Ohio State Journal Doubled Him Up A prominent western clergyman W W White by name was n member of n learned society In which thero were several members who were fond of quibbling During a speech he had been annoyed by their Interruptions al most beyond the point of endurance At Inst he said I trust I will not be troubled again until my speech Is flul lBhed Before ho could begin another sen tence one of his chief tormentors arose and snld slowly and solemnly Oh doctor douhlo u doublo u doulle n We lovo to trouble yon trouble you trouble you The doctor sat down Kansas City Independent AsparsMrns svud Cabbage Cabbnge strange to tell once grew without a bead It is a native of Europe Wild cabbage or the cabbage without a bead is called collards Cultivation puts a head on collards Cabbage comes down by transmission from caput One of the oldest culinary vegetables Is nparogiiH Pliny and Cato ate It for rheumatic gout and praised It highly We are growing It today In perfection better than they ever had It Certain folk In lower Europe use asparagus beans us a substitute for coffee and In this country we have a patent medicine made of the juice of the root which is said to be an excellent llthic Asparagus is bleached nowudaya as we bleach cel ery the Btulka being of a pale cream color when harvested It has been calculated that the loss from Illness averages 20000000 weeks of work In the year or 2V per cent of the work done by the whole population between 15 aud 65 years of age