The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 10, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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ill I
A Head
that throbs pains and
aches or feels heavy stuf
fy dull or dizzy is a poor
head to do business with
It irritates the temper up
sets the stomach interferes
with digestion and wears
out the brain and nerves
Make the nerves strong
the brain clear and your
head will be right
My lieiul would begin lo swim nnd
I would crow tllwy and so veik nnd
numli lint I would full lo the floor
Since tisinir lr Miles Ncrxlne 1 can
woik 16 hours a day ntul cil uood I
believe It saved my life and cannot
recommend it too hlulilv
W G Will I r McCltctor Texas
Dr Miles
quiets the irritation stimu
lates digestion and builds
up nervous health and
strength Try a bottle
Sold by druggists on guarantee
Dr Miles Medical Co Elkhart Ind
At 11 drug ttortt 35 Domi 25c
una aiHHUirjw 7
fTMUl riRorrancDiTirc
For Sale by George B Ohristopb
ere the most fatal of all dis
iULlI O Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles
PRICE 50c and 100
8 v
If you arc In business and dent
advertise you are In danger
This Is a warning
See your mistake In tlma
and avert It
A poor publisher the pro
prietor of a struggling magazine
sent a half Inch advertisement
to the New York Herald The
ad man made It a half page
The bill was bigger than the
publishers entire possessions
He thought he was ruined
It was the turning point The
magazine sold It was good
and people liked It Other
half page ads followed
Result fortune fame honor
Advertising Is just as potent a
lever now as It was then
This paper reaches
the homes of this
- mm
Vw vlSNV
Nriiinn k
1 1 B jtTTT B f V JrSSWrJS
Arc pump
V rim rrrrrw
f CNOOHstrtcm
rArtlUARWini THC
Vs bft - 9 W f wVS H iffs tK frrlK vK wWN
V I J ill i f
w r wj - rf a y - bV V V TV M Vl v m i
Tic crew la netting surly I told him
oflt nonninn Youd hardly left tho
liullillntr when tho scoiiiidreln came bel
ter shelter at iih nil fully armed fore
Iiir im to llro thu oulverln mi then to
llKht for dear life Where they ot tho
arms from the Lord only known an I
hadnt time to find out An while one
party o the eUunlcs was keepltitf us ro
IiiK In front another was grubbing
nwny at the wall in the rear so that
before wo rightly knew what the trou
ble was theyll made a hole an most o
them was through It an after you An
then captain when the birds was llown
what could a four llko us do Wed
cut down a bakers dozen o them but
we wasnt able to run nfter an bring
back tho rest So Judging thnt theyd
make for the town we tilled up tho
touehholo o that last culvcrln an
then slipping down to tho boats row
ed off to the lower bench to meet you
And well you did so replied Alec
for wo hnvo got off with none killed
which nt puo tlmo I Uttlo thought we
would do
None killed I ndded but several
scratched pretty deep nnd threo badly
wounded George has got n crack on
the sconce which I fonr will stop his
lighting forever Ills helmet was silt
through as though it had been a paper
fools cap
Dont you bother about Garge Mas
ter Topp sang out Jan Pengony from
the fore scuttle largos skulls llko
a bullocks Now that the old mans
pulled the broken sword blade out ont
an sewed up the silt Garge Is cursing
away as amiable as ever he did
Is the old man surgeonlng then
Aye an lacking n better we might
have n worse Hes Just chopped off
Tinker Toms leg nt the kneo Joint an
sewed up the stump as neat as can bo
An Tom he never uttered a groan nor
n grunt the whole time an there he Is
now a clamoring to have his log snlted
down to take home with him for a
keepsake Im thinking the old mnn
haint no bad surgeon
And so It proved for with tho excep
tion of the loss of Tinker Toms leg
every man of tho crow was as sound
ten days nfter tho light as ho had been
when the Scourges powder room waa
empty Tho taking of this store of
powder and ponrls nt El Pueblo del
Norte was In every way a lucky stroke
for besides giving us the menus for fu
ture battles It put all hands In conceit
with their captain nnd their craft
Moreover It wns something prosperous
to look back upon during the prolltlesa
tlmo that followed
After clearing the reefs of tho harbor
we run round to pntrol tho well used
highway at tho back of the Island lying
behind the rocky shelter of Coche
which Is separated from Mnrgheritn by
u strait two leagues In width ami dart
ing out when a ciuarry appeared Six
times In six weeks wo were engaged
but the prey was nfter Alecs heart
not mlue We grievously annoyed the
subjects of his majesty of Spain but
all thut wo rilled from their pockets
would not have melted down Into a
deep sea lead
The explanation Is simple Each craft
wo brought to and overhauled was
westward bound carrylug a packed
cargo of lank lean dons from the old
world to till their pauper pockets from
tho wealth of the new Quite one half
of each barks sallow company waa
rotting with scurvy a result of tho long
passage outnud as sick men who have
no wealth but the rugged clothes ou
their backs to defend will uot tight des
perately for the fortuues they have yet
to gain uone of these encounters cost
one drop of English blood Indeed tlvo
ships out of the six novo to ut the llrst
shot and surrendered without further
Now though I know that it goes
against au English seamans gralu to
resort to eitremo measures in cold
blood still prudence is a Jade that
needs attentlou as well us the more
highly mettled steed chivalry and so
I and almost nil the Scourges crew
with mo saw lit to expostulate with
our captain on his treatment of Uio
By Wcathcrby Chcsnoy and Alick Munro
oarriuanx lx mr wrATirrnnr citnmirr ahi aul k xuMiia
hxuotiutiomi nr il a oouitva
T -
fc fi i
M l m t i y
Well Itniitswnln Riiltl Alw wlun
tlic forislnyHiilI nhrot Imd liuon let
draw ntiil wo woro onco nmro com
forlnlily iniilor wny loll iih Ikv It wim
you let tlioso Hpniilnnls oscnpo from
I lio Imiinclc
Snoalclii ImiiiulHl Ri HWlod Wllllo
wlio wiih not ovor woll ploiiHoil with
liliiisuir Thoy put hIiiiiiiu on mi lion-
prisoners lliolr vessels ns he had
no use for thorn he scuttled but their
bodies he consigned to the boats and
allowed tlicui to make fur the shore
unmolested Nor would ho allow a
hair of one of them to be Injured
It was In vain that we warned lilm
that some escaping fevers nnd bun
Fcr wild feasts and heathen must
make their way to tho Spanish settle
meiitH mid giving news of our cruising
ground either bring tho hawks down
upon us or what was Just as bad pre
vent the herons from crossing our
Might It was equally in vain thnt wo
showed him how every Spanlnrd allow
ed to go free for that nation knows
not gratitude meant one more pair of
hands agalimt us or our countrymen
at some future tiny lie would listen
to nothing Ills duty ho said waa to
wnr ngulust Spain Ills conscience
was satlslled that by destroying her
shipping ho wounded her mortally but
his conscience would never consent to
killing men other than In fntr light
On deck I wns loyal to my captain
ns wns my duty but In tho cabin I
spoku my thoughts freely ns wns n
sworn shipmates privilege
The crow Is getting surly I told
him one day with this long continued
111 success nnd It will take little to
make their mulllcd grumblings break
out Into open mutiny
Wlint will they hnvo ho answered
Impatiently But sailors are the same
nil the world over I make not the
slightest doubt thnt Shorn Ilnm nnd
Jupheth growled nmong themselves on
deck whenever Captain Noah was In
his state cabin But let our lads say
what they want nnd I nin ready to
listen It Is not ns If they were hired
for a set trading voynge to u certain
port nnd back again with thumb
minks and crosses duly set ngalnst an
agreement and bounty money pocketed
nnd guzzled before the anchor was
tripped I mil their captain only by
election and hence to n certain degreo
their servant
How If they depose you
Then I Bhall servo under the new
captain Who Is It to be yourself
You- know mo better than to think
that said I warmly
Yes Jack I do But who else Is
Willie Trehallon
Willie Trehallon would never tako
tho crosa staff from my hands Be
sides he does not know how to use it
But what ubout tho old man He has
the car of many of tho crew nnd from
what I hear was a shipmaster before
he fell Into the hands of the Span
I can well believe that said I
It was only tho other day he took tho
cross staff In those twisted fingers 1 1
his shot tho sun ciphered out his reck
oning ou tho slate and turning round
Oh ho oh Master Topp he chuckled
Hes a lubberly navigator who cannot
find his position to a matter of three
minutes And then when I had gone
over the work afresli and found that he
seemed to be right Ah hn ha Master
Topp youie a better scholar with
cudgel than with pencil More weight
In the forearm than In the head eh
Stick to the sea long enough and youll
blunder a stout ship ashore yet beforo
youre hanged And ho would have
added more In tho same strain but I
didnt wait to hear It
Ah laughed Alec tho old mans
Infirmities protect his skin from tho
trouncing of John Topps list and tho
old mans wit is too sharp pointed to
take a trouncing from John Topps
Mnybe snld I sllkily but I havo
no fancy to bo taught by a daft man
Why not If he knows something
which you dont Put your prlile In the
powder room Jack along with the oth
er touchy explosives and remember
that every man on this earth has some
thing to teach At least so I havo
found The mummer chap from Strut
ford says that there are sermons la
stocks and stones and good In every
Wheres the good In a Spaniard I
asked slyly
To till land and build towns for her
majestys lieges some tlmo to occupy
nud for tho prcseut to gather gold for
you to plunder
Jtlghtl said I Then let us set
about tho plundering I tell you this
profitless crulso must cease or therell
be powder burning within tho walls of
the fortress The mens sulks will come
to a head shortly If you dont glvo them
a sop to their greed
Alexander Ireland got up nnd paced
tho cabin plucking at his short red
beard in irritation
The devil selzo you all for a set of
unhung robbers he cried passionately
Not one of you has a spark of true pa
triotism In him From this spot I havo
destroyed vessel after vessel of the en
emy nnd wlthouv losing a single man
And why Becauie their crows havo
nothing to fight for But Intercept a
rich plate ship and In one fight we may
lose half our ships company and then
It will be Hurrah for Euglaud while
yet the Scourge has men enough to sail
her there Well so be It As my
hounds will not hunt dry scented any
louger I must tlesh them
You speak confidently said I half
scared at his vehemence as though
you could point out the course of a fat
prize without further search
Aim sqI cau he auswred quietly
nud unrolling n chart of the nTain ne
HKtwiTcil It on to the table See herol
The vessels coming empty from tho
cast touch no laud before reaching here
mid so make for this strait In happy
Ignorance of our presence Not so thoso
that are full of treasure and homeward
bound Every port on the coast has
been advertised of tho pestllentlnl Eng
lishmans wheionbotits so thoy steer a
point or two lo the northward of thu
regular course and pass by the other
side of Margherlta near that same El
Pueblo del Norte which we harried
threo months ago Now If wo creep
lotind tho eastern end of the Island 1
warrant well bo within gunshot of
some hulking gold wagon before were
a couple of Sundays older
Then said I In the nnme of nil
thats sensible do It
The captain laughed shortly No
Ill leave the matter In your hnuds
Inck If you and the other rascaNi are
so greedy for gold you can put the
Scourge abo it whenever you please
And I Ill fight her for you down to
lite last plauk when the time comes
Without uiother word I sprang up
the ladder
The men wore Idling about the hot
docks In surly knots of throes nnd
fours but the news brightened up their
sullen faces as rain does a parched
prairie They Jumped to their gta
tlons like a parcel of holiday school
boys Up went the stowed foresail
the hcadsalls sprang aloft llko larks
and driven by onger arms tho wind
lass heaved us up to the stream anchor
at which wo wore riding
Flatten In tho starboard Jib sheet
there and ennt her head off ITand 1
flomely now There she comes round
tho beauty IWrard there lot draw
and sheet home Now helmsman sot
her head north northeast nnd by north
und keep her so till we nre clear of tho
A good whole snll breeze wns coming
from the enst by south which temper
ed the suns brazen rays to a pleasant
warmth and sent us sweeping along
through the smooth Caribbean sea on
one of our best points of sailing The
hands were In high good humor nt the
thought of n full llcshcd prize A cask
of rich nllcnnto had boon brought on
deck and broached and thus with
most cheerful augury we began our
new quest
Patriotism might wait It was plun
ders turn now
To lo coutlmioil next Frltluy
Hit miliar ut KlHluiit
I rocall now with horror snys Mail
Carrier Burnett Muun otLevauua O
my throe years of suffering from kid
ney trouble I was hardly ever free
from dull aohos or acate pains in my
back To stoop or life mail sacks made
mo groau I felt tired worn out about
rendy to give up when r began to use
Electrio Bitters but six bottles com
pletely cared mo and made me feel like
a now man Theyre unrivaled to
regulate stomach liver kidneys and
bowels Perfect satisfaction guaran
teed by A H Kiesau Only 50 ceut9
If you are sick all over and dont
know just what ails yon its ten to one
your kidneys are out of order Foley s
Kidney cure will bring you health and
energy A H Kiesaa
Itd Free If It Fulls to Cure
Rectol the groat pile cure A pile
pit o free with each packngo We sell it
under a positivo wrttton guarantee
No euro no pay 50 cents Samples
free Kiesaa Drug Co Sole Agents
Geo C Hickook Curtiss Wis says
Foleys Kidney Curo haa beeu tested
aud found to be all you claim for it I
havo given it to my father and it is the
only thing that ever helped him A
II Kiesau
Reclol In u Itemeily With a Record
Its record is OS per cent of permanent
cures If you have the piles try it Its
free if it fails to cure you Samples
free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Agents
You Take No Cliunue When You Iluy Itectol
for the piles Wo will refund the full
purchase price if it fails to cure A
pile pipe free with each package
Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Sole
Thomas Maple Birkdeck 111 writes
I had a very bad case of kidney trouble
and my back paiued me so I could not
straighten up The doctors treatment
did mo no good Saw Foleys Kidney
Cure advertised and took one bottle
which cured me nud I have not been
affected since I gladly reccommeud this
remedy A H Kiesau
Biliousness is a condition character
ized by a disturbance of the digestive
organs The stomach is debilitated the
liver torpid tho bowels constipated
There is a loathing of food pains in the
bowels dizziness coated tongue and
vomiting first of tho undigested or
partly digested food and theu of bile
Chamberlains Stomaoh and Liver
Tablets allay the disturbances of the
stomach and create a healthy appetite
Thoy also tone up the liver to a healthy
action and regulate tho bowels Try
them and you are certain to be much
pleased with the result For sale by the
Kiesau Drug Co
All KyeH ou Texas
Great is Texas Her vast cotton crops
and marvelous oil discoveries amazo the
world Now follows the startling state
meat of the wonderful work at Cisco
Tex of Dr Kings New Discovery for
consumption My wife contracted a
Bevere lung trouble writes editor J J
Eager which caused a most obstinate
cough and finally rosulted in profuse
hemorrhages but she has been com
pletely cured by Dr Kings New
JK1 Ji
What S S Sm Dobs
for Children
Children nrc constantly exposed to nil sorts of dis
eases The nir they breathe is filled with germs sewer
pjns and dust from the filthy streets nrc inhaled into the
lungs nnd taken into the blood At the crowded school
rooms nntl other public places they come in contact
almost daily with others recovering from or in the first
stages of contagious diseases You cant quarantine
nfrninch t1ti h ilnnnn n lin ri 1t nwl dm tncf
V - i m m v iv uiat uu Villi
do is to keep their blood in good condition ntul thus
prevent or nt least mitigate the disease You have
perhaps learned from observation or experience that
healthy robust children nnd this means of course
chilthcn whose blood is pure nre not nearly so liable to
contract diseases peculiar lo them nnd when they do it
is generally in a mild form On tlc other hand weak
emaciated and sickly ones seem to catch every disease
that comes nlong This is because their blood is lack
ing in all the elements necessary to sustain and build
tip the body Poisons of every description accumulate
in the system because the polluted and sluggish blood
is unable to perform its proper functions
Such children need a blood purifier nnd tonic to give
strength nud vitality to their blood andS S S being a
purely vegetable remedy makes itthcsafcstatidbestfor
the delicate constitutions of children SSS isnotonly
n perfect blood medicine biit is pre eminently the tonic
for children it increases their nppetites and strengthens
the digestion and assimilation of food If your child
ren have any hereditary or acquired taint in their blood
give them S S S and write to our physicians for any
information or advice wanted this will cost you noth
ing nnd will start the little weaklings on the road to
recovery Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free
oovery Its positively guaranteed for
coughs colds and all throat and lung
troublos 50c aud f 100 Trial bottles
free at A H Kiesaus
The Groat Scourge
of modern times is consumption Many
cures aud discovories from time to time
are published but Foleys Honey and Tar
does truthfully claim to cure all cases in
tho early stages aud always affords com
fort aud relief in the very worst cases
Take no substitutes A H Kiesau
Euay to Cure n Cold
if you go about it right Take two or
three Krauses Cold CuroMJapsules dur
ing the day and two beforo retiring at
night Thiswill insure a good nights
rest aud a free movement of tho bowels
next morning Coutiuuo the treat
ment next day aud your cold will mplt
away Price
25c Sold by Geo B
For Female CoiiiplulutH
and diseases arising from an impure
state of the blood Lichtys Celery Nerve
Compound is an invaluable specific
Sold by Geo B Christoph
Mr F D Arnold Arnold la writes
Ho was troubled with kidney disease
about three years Had to get up sev
eral times during the night bat three
bottles of Foleys Kidney Care effected
a complete cure be feels better than he
ever did aud recommends it to his
friends A H Kiesau
When You Get a Heailache
dont waste a minute but go to your
druggist and got a box of Krauses
Headache Capsules Thoy will prevent
pain even though your skull were
cracked They are harmless too
Read the guarantee Prico 25c Sold
by Geo B Ohristoph
It Saved HIh Lcr
P A Danford of LaGrange Ga
suftored for six mouths with a fright
ful running sore on his leg but writes
that Bucklens Arnica Salvo wholly
cured it in five days For ulcers
wounds piles its the best salve in the
world Cure Guaranteed Only 25o
Sold by A H Kiesau
Miss Florence Newman who has been
a great suffer from muscular rheuma
tism says Chamberlains Pain Balm is
the only remedy that affords her relief
Miss Newman is a much respeoted resi
dent of the village of Gray N Y and
makes this statement for the benefit of
others similarly aillioted Tuis liniment
is for sale by Kiesau Drug Co
Old Soldier Experience
M M Austin a civil war veteran of
Winchester Ind writes My wife
was sick a long time in spite of good
doctors treatment but was wholly
cured by Dr Kings New Life Pills
which worked wonders for her health
They always do Try them Only
at A H Kiesaus drug store
Try the new remedy for costiveness
Chamberlaius Stomach and Liver
Tablets Every box guaranteed Price
25 cents For sale by the Kiesau Drug
Red is a danger signal on the railroad
on a fellows nose and on a womans
face Men aud women use Rocky
Mountain Tea and get genuine rosy
cheeks 35o Geo B Ohristoph
IScwarc of a Couch
A cough is not a disease but a symp
tom Consumption and bronchitis
which are the most dangerous and
fatal diseases have for their first indi
cation apersisteutcough and if properly
treated as soon as this cough appears
are easily cured Chamberlains Cough
Remedy has proven wonderfully Suc
cessful aud gained its wide reputation
and extensive sale by its success in
curing the diseases whioh cause cough
ing If it is uot benetloial it will not
cost you a cent For sale by Kiesau
Drug Co
Genuine Rocky Mountain Tea is
never sold in bulk by peddlers for less
than 35 cts Dont be fooled get the
tea made famous by the Madison Medi
cine Co Geo B Ohristoph
Good Advice
The most misorabhj beings in tho
world are those suffering from Dys
popsia and Liver Complaint More than
seventy five per cent of tho people in
the United States are afilicted with theso
two diseases and their effects suoh as
Sour Stomaoh Sick Headaohe Habitual
Costiveness Palpitation of the Heart
Heart burn Waterbrash Gnawing and
Burning Pains at the Pit of tho Stomach
Yellow Skin Coated Tongue aud Disa
greeable Taste in tho Mouth Coming
up of Food after Eating Low Spirits etc
Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 ceuts Two
doses will relieve you Try it Get
Greens Prize AlmauaOj Kiesau Drug
I bad a running sore on my breast
for over a year says Henry R Richards
of Willsoyville N Y and tried a
great many remedies but got no relief
until I used Banner Salve After using
one half box I was perfectly cured I
cannot recomment it to highly A H
A Good Thine
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated Ger
man Physician and is acknowledged to
be one of the most fortunate discov
eries in Medicines ItJ quickly cures
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
tho severest nature removing as it does
the cause of the affection and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy i con
dition It is not an experimental medi
cine but has stood the test of years
giving satisfaction in every case which
its rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms Two million bottles sold an
nually Boschees German Syrup was
introduced in the United States in 1853
and is now sold in every town and vil
lage in the civilized world Three doses
will relieve any ordinary cough Price
75 cts Get Greens Prize Almanac
Kiesau Drug Co
Miss Mamie Smith Middlesboro Ky
writes My little sister had the croup
very bad I gave her several doses of
Foleys Honey and Tar aud she was iu
Btantly relieved It saved her life
A H Kiesau
4CW i
lo all its stagta there
eliould bo cleanliness
Elys Cream Balm
cleanses soothes and heals
the diseased membrane
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold la the head
vrf yjsxj
Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils spreads
aver the membrano and Is absorbed Relief U Im
mediate and a cure follows It Is not drying does
not produco sneezing Large Size ISO cents at Drug
gists or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall
ELY BUOTUEHS 50 Warren Street New Yrk
mm u
wLJ sh ILo fw T BB
THE lEwCto
XJbtznsroxx xta
Made a
Well Man
A of Me
produces tbe above results In 30 dayg It act
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others alL
YouDgmen will regain their lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by tulag
REVIVO It qulcldy and surely restores Nervous
ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wastltur Diseases and
tU effects of self -abase or excess and indiscretion
which unflts ona for study business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at tho seat of dUeaae but
Is a great nervotonlo and blood bnlldor bring
ing back the pink glow to palo cheeks and re
storing the fire of yoatb It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having REVIVOno
other It can be carried In vest pocket By mall
100 per package or six for 9500 with posi
tive -written guarantee to core or refund
the money Hook nnd adriso f roo Address
Forsale iu Norfolk Nebraska Lby
Geo B Ohristoph druRgist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madlion Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cent Never ol4
in bulic Accept no substl
ooKPoxniDiiti tute Ask j our druggist