The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 03, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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Lewis Sueidcr wns in town from Bvt
tlo Creek Thursday
Mrs L 0 Washburn was in tho city
todny from Verdigre
7 B Smith of Pierce wns a Norfolk
guest Thursday night
L C Herso of West Point was a
Norfolk gnest over night
T P Memminger of Madison was
greeting Norfolk friondB today
Dr K B Crawford nnd dnnghter of
Wayne were in tho city Thursday
S W Claybangh and II Lambert of
Wakefield were city guests over Thurs
day night
Mrs II Barnes and Miss Nellie
ONeill were in the city today from
Battle Creek
Mrs W 0 Roach Carroll Roach and
Miss Ella Narcross were in the city yes
terday from Columbus
Miss P W Mount of Chicago is ex
pected hero this evening and will visit
with her brother E O Mount for a
week or ten days
E W Hayes of Indianapolis Ind is
a guest at the home of his parents Mr
nnd Mrs S W Hayes while enroute to
Denver Colorado
Mr and Mrs J G Morrow who
have been visiting at the homo of T J
Morrow will return to their home in
Rocky Ford Col tomorrow
Warren Eller who has been visiting
at the homo of H 0 Mntau for the past
three weeks accompanied Miss Hrtttie
Allbery to hiB home in Lincoln today
Charley Cunningham the young
man in the Brueggoman building who
was lying at deaths door for two or
three days last week is much improved
nnd his Bpeedy recovery is looked for
Dr and Mrs H J Cole entertained
n company of young fricndB at a G
oclock dinner last evening compliment
ary to the MisseB Parker who expect to
leave soon for their new home in
Friends of Miss Denn Schrani planned
and executed a surprise on her laBt
evening in honor of her birthday
There was a large attendance nnd the
evening was pleasantly spent Refresh
ments were served
Hoffman Smith have a large French
plate mirror at their store or the re
mains of what was once a mirror to be
fitted with a new glass It came from
the weBt Bide and belongs to a man who
awoke the other night with the convic
tion that there was a man on burglary
intent in the room In fact he saw a
man and let drive at him with a water
picture A sound of breaking glass con
vinced him that he was throwing at his
own reflection in the mirror The mir
ror and pitcher received fatal injuries
but the man was unharmed
George D Butterfield was in the city
today from Creighton
O B Fonlin was a Sunday visitor in
the city from Madison
J Groot and C A Root of Randolph
were city visitors yesterday
Mr and Mrs E A Kinkaid of Pierce
were Norfolk visitors over night
George H Spear is moving into the
Verges house on South Tenth street
Mr and itirs P A Hanorly of Creigh
ton were Sunday visitors in Norfolk
E E Edams has been confined to the
house for the past week with the grip
George Cox of Shelby Iowa arrived
last night to visit his daughter Mrs D
F Sidler
Mrs Ervin Gerecke spent Sunday
here and returned to Creighton this
Mr and Mrs H A Rowe left this
morning for Columbus where they will
spend a week
Miss Hannah Boeck of Omaha is here
for a viiit with her parents and other
relatives and friends
A 0 Hageman departed today for
his new home in Oregon and his family
will follow tomorrow
F F Miller deputy grand master
workman of the A O U W visited
his family over Sunday
Mr and Mrs E E Adams expect to
leave Thnrsday for a months visit with
relatives near Chicago 111
E E Dixon lawyer and James Stour
druggist both of ONeill were visitors
in Norfolk Saturday night
Frank Yeazel of Madison has accepted
A position in the Fair store and assumed
his now duties this morning
Mrs McDonald of Elk Point S D
is visiting with her daughter Mrs H
J Caulfield on North Ninth street
Bishop Williams of Omaha expects to
be here Friday evening the 3rd to con
firm a class in Trinity Episcopal church
Mr and Mrs 0 D Jenkins drove to
Madison yesterday to attend the funeral
of their old time friend Homer Wil
Miss Belle Wisdom of Inmonwho vis
ited with Mrs S K Long several daya
last week departed Saturday for New
ell Iowa
Mrs O H Reynolds Mrs W H
Bucholz and Miss Butterfield were pas
sengers for Omaha on the noon train
Mr and Mrs A L Carter have is
sued invitations to the marriage of their
daughter SueG Carter to Rudolph
Thiem of Omaha which is announced
to tnko place nt the family homo a milo
and a half cast of tho city at li l0 Wed-
nesdny morning
Mies Winnie Owen who has been
visiting Norfolk friondB for several
weeks past returned to her homo in
Omaha Sntnrday
Thomas Long went to Madison yes
terday to attend the funeral of Homer
Wilberger with whom ho hud been ac
quainted for 31 years
Tho work of excavating for tho new
brick block to be erected on tho lot
formerly occupied by tho Inskeep milli
nery was begun this morning
Conductor Pendor who formerly
made Norfolk his home has removed
from Oakdalo to Omaha where ho will
make his headquarters hereafter
Thelcouditiou of D F Sidler who
was recently tnken very sick shows but
littlo change and he remains nbout the
same as he has during tho pobt few
0 J Tutyis of New Castle Wyo is
visiting at tho home of IiIb brother-in-law
George B Christoph His wife
aud babies have been hero for somo
Tho Newspaper uiuo nnd Gene
IIusob nine crossed hats Saturday in a
l Ninning gamo of bnso ball which re
sulted in favor of the first named ag
Mrs Daly the evangelist gavo a spo
cial talk to thodadies of South Norfolk
at the Second Congregational churoh
yesternoou afternoon tho attendance
being large
State Secretary Mooro of tho Y M G
A addressed n large audience of men
in the Y M C L rooms yesterday aft
ernoou special music being furnished
for the occasion
John S Moore of Lincoln state secre
tary of tho Y M C A addressed a
large audience at tho Baptist church
ldBt evening on the Bubject Strong
Men The childrens choir furnished
the niusic and was assisted by tho
Messrs Ryder in leading parts
The Illustrated Bee published yes
terday contains a half tone picture of n
group of officers of the United Com
mercial Trnvelers grand council for Ne
braska Among them is noticed tho
likeness of O E Green of this city
past grand counselor of the order
A surprise party on Miss Bessie Mc
Farlaud was participated in by a large
number of friends of that young lady
Saturday evening at her home on
South Sixth street and the time was
passed most enjoyably in playing games
and other popular amusements Choice
refreshments were served during tho
A son of George Rouse of Meadow
Grove has been experimenting with an
incubator in his fathers barn He was
so successful in his experiments that he
almost incubated the horses in the barn
last Tuesday Tho animals were saved
but the barn and the hay stack were
consumed The prospective chickens
were roasted to crispness
D E Nellor editor of the Plainview
Republican was in the city this
morning He lost his entire plant in
the recent fire and was fortunate in es
caping with his family as they occu
pied rooms above tho office Fire was
Bet to his building by the bursting of a
barrel of oil which threw the flames
across the street He carried no insur
A prohibition paper has heard that
alcohol can be made of wood and is
horrified at the thought of n man going
out with a ripsaw to get roaring drunk
on a rail fence There is nothing so
very preposterous aboutthat Men have
been known to get drunk on water In
fact a man may get drunk on water
just as readily as on land This at
least is the conclusion of the funny man
on tho St Paul Globe
The April showers of the past few
days have started growing crops to
booming in magnificent shape and pas
tures are now magnificently supplied
with grass Wild flowers are quite
abundant and all the hangers of May
baskets will find plenty of material for
their needs Spring may have been
late in arriving but has steadied right
down to business from the first and
things are now apparently as far ad
vanced as usual
The evangelistio meetings in the
Second Congregational churoh at the
Junction during the past week have
been so successful that the members
yesterday voted unanimously to con
tinue them another week under the
leadership of Evangelist Daly and wife
Meetings will beheld each day at 3
p m and 8 p m Mrs Daly the evan
gelist will speak this evening There
were very large congregations at all
meetings yesterday
A fellow who claimed to hail from
Sioux City and gave his name as James
Thomas was before police court this
morning to answer to the charge of
petit larceny He was detected in the
act of appropriating a pair of paints
from the store of Baum Bros Saturday
night He made two or three calls at
the store and the lost time he was there
one of the Messrs Baum noticed the
stolen goods drop from under his coat
He was proven gnilty as charged this
morning aud was sent to Madison for a
80 days visit at Sheriff Loseys hotel
Finest Barred Plymoth Rock eggs for
hatching Inquire of W R Hoffman
Too Baker of Biemer Sundiiyed in
Mrs W H Bishop is in tho city today
from Pierce
IM Goodhall of Tlldcn was a Norfolk
visitor this morning
Rudolph Thiem and his brother Fred
aro here from Omaha
J O Storey was n Norfolk visitor
yestordny from Pierco
Ben LovciiBtay of Humphrey trnns
acted business hero yesterday
Pat Rooney haB returned from his
visit to his old homo in Ireland
Mr and Mrs 11 J Bnckes of Lind
say wero Norfolk visitors yesterday
Mrs G Dlltz and her son Walter of
Tildon are visiting with Norfolk friends
Mrs Georgo Williams rotumed this
morning from her visit to Sioux City
0 F W Marqnnrdt loft this morning
for a trip through tho Pacillo coast
Miss Mande Clark is quite sick with
the grip ut her home on South Fourth
Mrs Richardson nnd Miss Avory of
Battlo Creek wero in the Sugar City
Editor John F Gnnthorpo of the
Plainview News wns in Norfolk yester
day on business
CharleB Hagoy is homo from Peoria
111 whero ho has been attending n
wntchmakors school
William Reinhardt left ou tho enrly
train this morning for Oregon whoro he
will visit nnd porhnps remain
Frank Osborne who is studying inedi
icino in Omaha was homo over Sun
day returning to that city yesterday
David Whitla of Battlo Creek re
turned Suudny night from a fivo
months visit in Oregon and other coast
Mrs O S Bargelt arrived from Lund
City S D Sunday night for a visit
with relatives while enrouto to Missouri
to visit frieuds
Herman Sattler has purchased lots at
tho corner of Sixth stroet and Norfolk
avenue across tho street from his im
plement houses
Editors F E Mnrtin of tho Battle
Creek Enterprise nnd Folix Hales of
tho Tilden Citizen wero business vis
itors in Norfolk yesterday
Mr and Mrs P E Lang who wore
married at tho homo of R W Williams
in thiB city April 10 departed today for
their homo in Cliiuo California
Frank Rider who has been hero for
several weeks viBiting his brother Rev
II E Ryder started for Oregon this
morning with the Hagoman family
Miss Lillio Parker accompanied by
the younger children Edith Emma
and Joseph left this morning for
Kearney where they will make their
future home
E W Brnasch was brought down
from Tilden last Friday having ex
pressed a desire to bo at home His
condition remains nbout the samo as for
the past week or so
Miss Susie Thompson has been quite
sick with scarlet fever in Omaha where
she holds a position as teacher in a
kindergarten school and has been cared
for by her sister Miss Agnes who is
still there
Jesse Fields the mail carrier between
Madison and Emerick was injured in a
runaway ten miles out of Madison Sat
urday Ho was taken home nnd his
wounds dressed but has been unable to
mako the trip since
O B Hazen of Colorado Springs
Col is here to look after his business
interests and expects to return to that
state soon He has purchased property
near the Garden of the Gods and ex
ects to establish a home there
An exchange thinks that next year
we may expect to read something like
the following in the daily papers
About 10 oclock this morning ahorse
less milk wagon loaded with cowless
milk collided with a brainless rider on a
chainless wheel The luckless wheel
man was badly injured and being home
less he was taken in a horseless cab to
the homo of the friendless
The special entertainment at which
tho drawing of the Auditorium is to take
place originally advertised for May 1
has been postponed until such a time as
the fnll number of tickets are sold
Manager Spear has taken hold of the
sale of tickets personally and with his
usual pnsh and vigor he hopes to bring
the matter to a head within a short
Friends of Mr and Mrs E E Adams
surprised them last evening at their
home on South Fifth street previous
to their departure tomorrow on a visit
to Illinois The company assembled at
the home of Mrs Basbeer on Third
street and proceeded to the Adams home
in a body announcing their arrival by
the beating of tin pans and other noise
making contrivances The evening
proved replete with entertainment
young and old participating Choice re
freshments were served during the
course of the evening
Did you see a man and a woman
driving past here in a buggy about an
hour ago asked a detective known to
the Chicago Tribune Yes answered
Mrs Blank Ah said the detective
li nii nMjJ a
From Monday to Saturday at every
turn in the kitchen work a Wicklcss
Blue Flame Oil Stove will save labor
time and expense and keep the cook
comfortable No bulky fuel to prepare
or carry no waiting for the fire to come
up or die down a fraction of the expense
of the ordinary stove A
Oil Stove
will boil bake broil or fry better than a
coal stove It is safe and cleanly can
not become greasy can not emit any
odor Made in several sizes from one
burner to five If your dealer dors not
have them write to nearest agency of
now wo nrojgottiug on the right trnok 1
What kind of a horse was it They
wero driving so fast 1 didnt notice that
replied Mrs Blank But tho woman
hud on a Scotch mohair nnd a wool
jacket of turquoise bluo Inst yourrf Btylo
with stitched scums a white piquo skirt
with deep circular llonuue a satin straw
hat tilted and rather lat trimmed
with hydrangeas aud loops of palo lhui
suruh and hor hair was done up pompa
dour Thats all I had time to see
Cut Tlirlr SrntriiecN Short
Many people In every walk of llfo
and particularly traveling men seem
to have a craze for abbreviation On
almost every page of the hotel register
may be found some unique freak of
Two abbreviations that have been
noticed are X O and Z O Any
where but In the residence column of n
hotel register they would be very puz
zling Of course It Is easy to under
stand that the O menus Ohio nnd us
there Is lint one town In that statu that
begins with Z Zunesvllli nnd but
one the name of which begins with
X Xcnla It Is easy to understand
the abbreviations and they save a lot
of time nnd Ink
11 worth Is not so ensy to under
stand perhaps but when Kansns Is
written nfter It Is easier Another
puzzling abbreviation Is 10 but
when it Is Chnttnnoogn 10 It Is not
hard to rend Columbus Is usually
written Cols nnd Chicago Cgo
The llnnl h In the old fashioned way
of spelling Pittsburg which has been
nhnost entirely dropped elsewhere Is
usually used In the abbreviation which
most Ilttsburgers write Pgh nowo
dnys Chlcago Chronicle
To Sock
This word Is In constant uso In
Northamptonshire England It has
two meanings one being to throw
c g Ill sock a htone nt you A fa
vorite diversion among boys Is sock
ing birds They proceed along the
hedges one boy or more on each side
all nrmed with stones with which they
unmercifully pelt or sock nny poor
bird they come across The other mean
ing of the word Is to beat or to clout
e g Ill fetch you a sock o the ear
I have known sock In this connec
tion all my life nnd it Is sometimes
now used here Ill sock him Ill
give him bellsock He got a good
socking are common forms A for
midable fighter 1b called a bellsock
er Sock Is common when speak
ing of thrashings given nnd taken
To give one socks meaning to
give one a good beating 1b in common
use In East Anglla And so is pull
up your socks for make haste and
sot to work
A stone in the heel of a sock or stock
ing Is a well known extempore life pre
server or taker Notes and Queries
nufna Chonteii Bad Writing-
George Tlcknor the historian of
Spanish literature was once called as
a witness in n case in which Rqfus
Choate was engaged and being seated
by tho eminent counselor wns attract
ed by the notes which he had made of
the evidence After eying them with
interest he remarked that the writing
reminded him of two autograph letters
In his possession one of Manuel the
Great of Portugal dated 1512 and the
other of Gonsalvo de Cordova the
great captain written a few years
earlier Any one who has glanced
over these remarkable specimens of
chlrogrnphy will marvel that it was
possible to make out a syllable of such
Illegible scrawls
These letters Mr Tlcknor assured
Mr Choate were written 850 years
ago and they strongly resemble your
notes of the present trial
Choate instantly replied Remark
able men no doubt they seem to have
been much In advance of their time
Caroline Tlcknor in Truth
Btveet and Low
A young man named Sweet engaged
to marry a young woman named Lowe
A few Sundays previous to the wed
ding the happy couple attended church
together and as they walked along the
aisle the choir began singing the song
Sweet and Low entirely unconscious
of the musical pun that was being per
petrated And all this happened In a
city o Michigan Choir Journal
7n rtntrli nml AflilniM llnvti Hera
riKhthiu Nlncr I Mil
ttlneo the first foreigner In the person
of u Dutchman landed on the IhIiiiiiI of
Hunmtrn In 1JIU the native AehJnese
have romhiited the usurping of their land
foot hy foot
Although wlicji the Dutch net the Acid
nese out In the open they Invariable beat
them the war continues In a desultory
mntmer today nnd will only end when
the Inst nntive of Smniitrn has been kill
ed in action The number of Aehluese
killed has never been known but the war
has been n very serious drain on the
manhood of Holland and many of her
best soldiers were killed between the
years lHTt and 187 when the struggle
wns very bitter
Since 1001 when the Persians surren
dered Armenia to Turkey the uuineroUH
sultans of Turkey luivu never sheathed
their swords In regard to the former
country save hi the llcsh of tho Inhabit
At the beginning of the nineteenth
century Algiers liuully passed Into the
hands of France Finin that time till the
present the French nation has always
kept nn army corps of not less than fil
f00 French troops garrisoned there to
fight the Arabs who infest the hinterland
nnd raid thu French possessions at least
once a year
Chief among these are the Toitaregs
who fight with one half of their faces
masked nnd Tight always to the death oi
victory Never once has a Toiiaieg been
taken alive France cannot subdue them
for if beaten they lice to the desert
where no trained niiiiy can follow them
Tho Himans who are the scourge of
Morocco resemble the Touaregs in that
they also take and give no quarter but
instead of living In the heart of the Sa
hara they right from their mountain
fortresses and keep the sultan of Moroc
co In continual ilrend
To keep his soldiers in good fettle the
sultan every year gives at least tlireo
months fighting to them by picking u
quarrel with one of the feudal holders of
the numerous semibrigand strongholds
No one knows when the first blood
feud began in Corsica or when the lirst
brigand set up shop Nor can any fine
tell when the last will put up bis shut
Even in the time or the Itomans the in
habitants were too busy fighting one an
other to care whether a foreign gnnison
was left on the island or not
Not a day goes by without several lives
being sacrificed in the cause of some
vendetta anil as each life means the sac
rifice In atonement of at least two wore
there is bin illy one Corsican whose lif
Is not -wanted by a fellow countryman
and who in running away is not nlso
chasing some other person
QueiT ii dicuh llnflMiit
Good stories of William Morris nr
told by J XV Mackall in his Life
Morris went to Jones on Sunday
night runs n note In Miss Pierces
dlnry while they were here nnd his
hair was so long and he looked so wild
that the servnnt who opened the door
would not let him In thinking he was
a burglar
Morris had a temper nlso sound
teeth Once In a fury lie bit a silver
table fork all out of shape On anoth
er occasion ho hurled a fifteenth cen
tury folio at a workman The hook
went through the workshop door In
his Its of anger Morris would drive his
head against a wall or bite deep Into
the window frame
Morris wns honestly n soclnllst When
his workshops nnd their contents were
worth 75000 he surrendered nil prof
its nnd took foremans wages thus en
abling the business to pay 150 per
week better wages to each innn
Morris began designing wall papers
and decorations by accident because
he couldnt llnd any lit to buy Nor
did he uso la designing except ut first
sad colors Once he showed a rich
customer some bright Hammersmith
ear pets
Are these nil asked the buyer
But I thought your colors were sub
If you want dirt said Morris you
can find that In the street
And to the street the customer went
How Tliey Saved Cable Tolls
Every American traveling abroad
knows that he is nble to notify his
friends in America of his safe arrival
iu Paris by registering his name at one
of the newspaper ofllces The names
are cabled over every day and appear
ou tho following morning in the New
York editions
This custom struck two smart busl
ness men as being open to large possi
bilities One of them goes to Paris
every spring upon business and in or
der hut the one who iimiiiiIiih In New
York should lie kept pimled as to what
his pnrtner Is doing a largo ninouiit of
cabling Is ueeossiiry
In order to econoinlzo In this mutter
It Ih said that the twit purl tiers ar
ranged a elpher made up of family
nnd llirlsllnii names Kvcry day Hint
the partner In Purls transuded koiiio
business he walked Into the newspaper
ofllee and registered tbero under somo
name and address that conveyed to his
colleague In New York nn exact Idea of
the progress be was making
The name Initial and place of resi
dence registered represented Miunu Hem
of Information which the pnrtner In
New York learned next day upon read
ing the newspapers list of arrivals In
Purls Stray Stories
Tin- Coinimn Stood It
On one of the trolley lines leading to
a well known numscmoiit park they
liave a Hyslein whereby tho curs uro
slopped at certain points to allow uni
formed Inspectors to count thu pan
HcugciH presumably as a check on the
conductors Among he passengers on
the ear was a well dressed young fel
low with it penchant for cracking
Jokes ul other peoples expense When
tho car stopped for ho count up he
bad a lot of fun thrust lug Jibes at ho
Inspector the conductor and tho trol
ley company people In general Final
ly Just as the car wan nbout to re
huiiic Us Journey he called out
Hay Mister Inspector you missed
Tile Inspector turned aud looked tho
young fellow over very carefully
Humph he retorted I guess tho
company can stand It I didnt miss
Then everybody laughed tho young
fellow got red In the face thu motor
man turned on the current and tho
car sped onward Philadelphia In
An Awfnl Illiiiiilrr
At n Kosenthnl recital In Seattle a
young pianist of considerable soclnl
prominence sat In n stage box and fol
lowed the performance by means of
the scores of the several morceaux
which coaiposed tho programme She
wns evidently deeply Interested and
Htopped ni Intervals to exchange notes
with a companion who sat behind her
All went beautifully until the artist
came to the last piece a tremendously
heavy Liszt In the midst of nn Intri
cate passage the lady much excited
ros in her box holding out the roll of
music toward tho stage Thats
wrong ThntB wrong she cried
You should hnve crossed your hundB
there Son FranclBco Wave
Defining m Function
Uncle Aleck what is a piano reci
tal r
Well one woman pounds the piano
and nil the rest talk Detroit Freo
by no means the dreadful
-the it is thought to be
the beginning
Jt can always be stopped
i the beginning The trouble
you dont know youve goc
i you dont believe it you
vont believe it till you are
orced to Then it is danger
Dont be afraid but attend
to it quick you can do it your
self and at home
Take Scotts Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil and live care-
ully every way
This is sound doctrine
whatever you may think or
e told and if heeded will
ave life
If you have not tried It sond for
roo sample Its agreeable tasto will
urpriso you
Pearl Stroet New York
oOc ami lOCj all tiruvaistb