v V 6 The JSiottfolk Ncaus Thoro Ih n law In Virginia hat pro hlblts flirting Thnt state must not bo looking for a reputation an a soasldo resort Tho hobo appears imioh leas f roqnontly this spring than for yearn post It may bo boliovod that thoso now on Ihp road couldnt bo driven to work with ft pllo driver - A Connecticut woman who wont through hor husbands pookotn got hold of a dynamlto cartridge which exploded nnd torn hor hand Sho was probably looking for troublo and found It A ntriko of gravo diggers In Phila delphia la a novolty In tho Huo of labor agitation- It has boon found impossible to fill tho strikers plnoosnnd a vault full of dead bodies nwalts ft sottlomont of tho dlftloulty ItlsBftldthat Arkansas haB ft now lnw taxing tho pooplo 5 a yoar for tho prlvllodgo of drinking intoxicating liquors If that law la ouforood tho state will undoubtedly bo oompollod to build an addition to Its treasury Tho good roods movomout that Is agi tating eastern nnd southern states dis turbs Nobroskn but Httlo This state usually has good roads whethor thoy nro worked or not Thoy uro now nbont oquftl to pavomont In this vicinity Tho Bontrlco mnn Houry Oordon who has boon fasting for SO days broko his faBt Suuday and now fools that ho has strength to wlthstftud tho punish ment of tho Lord from whom ho claims to lijivo recolved a commnud to faBt for 10 days A Kontnoky man has roooutly died from blood polsoniug caused by ft ohinkeu sorntch This Is probably tho first opportunity scientists havo had of olassiug tho hen as n dangoroua nnimal nnd no tlmo should bo lost In gottlng hor on tho list Govoruor Dietrich has appolutod W A Thomas of Omaha as stato votorl nnrinu nndor tho now lftw It Is to bo hoped that Mr Thomas will dovoto npooinl ollorts to stamping out tho hog oholoni nnd corn stalk diseases that havo proven so disastrous to Nobroskn llvo stook This sootion of tho country is onjoy ing an activity In building olroloB such ns has not provallod for yours Tho spirit of improvomont is on and tho anmmor will undoubtedly bo one in whloh n uinu who oau lay ft briok drivo a nail or handle a saw will havo Httlo rest Two womou of Hill Oity S D wore Baved tho dlsgrnco of going to jail by their husbnuds who paid a flno of 36 oaoh booauso tho fair ladies violatod n game law by going fishing boforo tho soasou oponod Thoy not only havo laws in South Dakota but thoy ovidoutly on forco thorn It Is no great honor to bo a legislator in Arizona nuloss your oltlcial demeanor rocolves tho sanction of your constit uents An assomblymon of Floronco in that stato was ridden out of town on a rail nnd ordered not to return becauso somo of his votes wero not approved A gang of one hundred minora wero his escort An Oakdalo man baa notified his neighbors through the Soutinol that ho will destroy all chickens or other poultry caught on his lawn There aro many ownors of lawns and gardous who do not glvo their ohicken owning neigh bors this chnncobut destroy tho ohlokons nnd leave tho owners to find out about it at their lolsuro Tho modoru method of constructing buildings will soon call for laws govern ing tho uso of space in tho air In Brooklyn a hotel is to bo oouBtruotod over a stroot tho building to bo erected on steel spans at tho ontrauoo of o forry It is considered thnt the lucouvouiouoes to bo overcoiuo will not 1m worso thau the cost of a site in that part of tho city Tho Evening Times published by tho Sioux City Journal has ceased to oxist the publishers having undoubtedly como to tho conclusion that the morning Journal filled the requirements of tho reading public very satisfactorily It may be that tho euergy devoted toward tho publication of tho Times will be used toward bettering the Journal If that is possible Those who do not believe in trusts continue to insist that American ship pers must patronize Englands shipping trust the Liverpool Steamship Owners association which controls a gross ton nage of 2543079 tons and owns 50 per cent of the total number of steam ves sels above 5000 tons aud therefore about one half the vessels engaged in our foreign trade The new city charter of Lincoln Tides that property owners may be held responsible for damages sustained by persons through defective walks Noth ing less than permauont walks of brick stone or cement will removo the daugor Suoh a proviclon should and undoubtedly will bo of importance in encouraging tho construction nud keeping in tho walks of tho city repair The Unitod States against tho world for almost any industry It is said that tho Texas oil Hold newly discovered is oapablo of producing about lX000X0 barrels of oil a year or about ono half tho ontlro product of tho oil rogiou of Unsaid With her othor oll produoing torrltory tho Unitod States la oaslly tho lender of nil nthor oonntrios of tho world In that busluoss Editor Ronowator la of tho opinion that Mr Uryan will try to booomo gov ernor of Nebraska noxt year Mr Hryau howovor doollnes to confirm tho statomont Ho probably realizes that it would moan his cortaln political doath If ho wont after suoh a position nud failed to secure It and It may bo rollod upon that ho will not sook It unless reasonably cortaln of a nomination and olootion Tho man who will Invont a convenient spittoon that may bo carrlod In tho pookot or conooalod in tho crown of n hat should bo ablo to roap honor and omolumontln Now York whoro it is an offonao punishable by a fluo of 500 to spit on tho walks or in tho stroot cars What is more it Is said that tho law Is bolng rigidly ouforood and tho walks aud oar lloors aro aa cloau as somo mous shirt bosoms A Gorman newapapor estimates that at least a quartor of tho working pooplo in that country are olthor ldlo or Insuf ficiently omployod It is Httlo wonder that thoy aro ondoavorlng to copy aftor tho American polioy of protoctlou to tho homo nmrkots by shutting out foreign goods Not sluco Cleveland and freo trade held tho boards has nuy suoh con dition confronted tho laborers of tho Unitod Statos LI Hung Chang says thoro are 10- 000000 porsouB Bufforiug In tho proviuce orShnn SI for foodaud appoals for help Tho help will undoubtedly bo forth coming from tho foreign devils who aro so much despised by somo of tho Ohiuamon Thoy will see if uotroalizo how coals of tiro may bo heaped on an ouomys head by those ohriatious whoso rolatlvos aud friends thoy butoherod A Chinaman would probably allow that sort of people to Btarvo to death but modoru civilization is not of that sort aud tho uoody ones will undoubtedly bo provldod for If tho lossou gooa homo It will bo worth all it costs Mr Bryan says that ho la not plan ning for another nomination but does uot state that he would refuse tho honors wero thoy thrust upon him Ho soys howovor ho can bo rolled upon to sup port those who as candidate advocato domocratio prinolples and who can be trusted to enforco them if elected which appears to be his method of serv ing notice on domoorats of tho Cleveland-Morton kind with gold bug pro olivitlos that thoy need not apply for tho leadership which ho is not plan ning for himself That ho intends to out a figure in tho deal if not dictate tho nomination in 1004 is ovident Fifty millions of tho now British loan of 300000000 has boon gobbled by tho J P Morgan syndicate of this country aud other syndicates and companies aro looking for more of tho same kind of soourltios John Bull was formerly tho banker of tho world but ho is being fast superseded by Unolo Sam who has money to throw at tho birds When foreign oountrios want money they are beginning to look to this country for it and if they dont behave in the future thoy are likely to havo Beveral I O Us presented by American capitalists with a request to cash up instanter They cant afford to bo foxy with their banker Wero It not that newspapers are usually generous with their Bpooo tho people would be wofully ignorant of the new laws passed and placed In effeot by tho legislature This should uot be There should be some means of inform ing tho people of the laws passed aud either tho newspapers should be offered somo Inducomout for spreading the in formation or somo othor method should be employed Ignorance of tho law Is not an oxouso acceptable by the courts and to bo fair there should be scant ex cuse for ignorance As it is tho vast majorityof the people might be ignorant of tho laws and yet bo subservient to their provisions Prosperity is with the state banks of Nebraska as never before in their his tory Secretary Royse of the state banking board has recently completed a comparison of all the reports issued sinco the organization of the depart ment which shows that the deposits on March 13 the date of the last report wore 1331493875 greater thau any previous year In 1892 the previous high wator mark tho deposits were24 80111329 The past year the deposits amounted to 13810005304 There may yot bo a few who havo to be shown that prosperity exists aud they should be able to extract information if not com fort from these figures Nebraska may learn from Sweden how to free itself from taxation and how to secure railroad and telephone services with the same facility that educational advantages are now ex tended to all people A newspaper THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MAY 3 1901 re graph remark1 Utopin is now known to bo locntod at Orsa In Swodon Tho community has In courso of a genera tion sold -1000000 worth of treos and by moans of judicious replanting haa provided for a similar income ovory thirty or forty yoars In consoquonco of this commoroial wealth thoro aro no taxes Railways tolophonos etc are froo and so are sohool houaos toachiug and many othor things Tho Con servative Prosldont MoKluloy has boon rocolv lug n remarkable ovation from tho pooplo of tho south at tho beginning of his trip across tho oontlnout If his first days trip la to bo takou as nn indi cation of what tho ontlro journoy will bo It should bo characterized as a trl umphial tour His first address of tho trlpwaa to tho pooplo of Oharlottavtllo Virglnlft by whom ho was warmly grootod At Roauoko the prosldont gave a ohoico bit of advice whon ho said What wo want to do now is to bo prudent In our prosperity savo while wo can aud bo strong If tho storms should como aa thoy do now nnd thou Whntovor comes lot us bo fortified by tho practico of economy whilo wo aro all so well omployod It is safe to Bay that if tho prosidonts advico wore gen erally hoodod there might bo hard tlmos but no panics nnd no groat amount of suffering Prof Algio It Crook a member of Northwestern nnivorslty of Chicago assorts thnt ho has nover uttorod a pro fano word nover smoked chewed to bacco drank Intoxicants nor hugged or kissod n woman Tho professor is too good or perhnpa too bad for this world aud should be takou care of in his propor sphere A mnn who will no knowledge that ho nover swore smoked chowed tobacco or drank intoxicants mayvory proporly bo said to bo an angel but whon ho says ho novor hug ged or kissed a woman ho classos him solf as a monstrosity It is juBt as nat ural for a man to hug or kiss a woman whethor she bo mother sister or somo more distant relative as it is for a duck to take to water and there is certainly something lacking In a man who could exist for 17 years and not be tray this vory human instinct Omaha people show great dissatis faction with tho verdict of tho jury in tho Callahan kidnaping caso and gen eral surprise is felt at the result The testimony against the prisoner was vory strong and tho defense weak How the jurors can explain their verdict is not known It is quite generally believed that the large sums of money involved made a fair trial and a just verdiot im possible Certainly thoso who had a re ward of 35000 or 30000 in sight would employ many means to prove their man guilty while a man who had received the 135000 from Cudahy would be just as anxious for an acquital that ho might enjoy the spending of the money Being cleared of this charge however Callahan will be compelled to answer to a lesser one that of false im prisonment whioh may be punished by a years torm in the county jail Today Lieutenant Governor Savage assumes the duties of ohief executive of Nebraska and Governor Dietrich retires to tako up tho work imposed upon him by reason of his election to the position of United States senator Mr Dietrich has made a worthy record during his short term as governor and all indica tions are that his successor will serve the state as faithfully and as conscien tiously Mr Dietrich has paved the way for an economical statesmanlike administration and his friends are con fident that Governor Savage will maintain if not improve upon the pol loies of his predecessor He has had considerable experience and has shown evidence of statemanlike qualities that will be an honor to the position This change will show the wisdom of selec ting a good man for second place on the ticket and the people of the stato will undoubtedly experience a great degree of satisfaction in knowing that nothing of a radical nature will mark the change iu ohlef executives The United States postal authorities have decided that the messenger service in Omaha Is within the law and will take no further hostill steps against the company operating It The company transports letters at one half the rate charged by tho United States service their operations being both local and between important cities and it is fig ured that it is done with a profit at that price Its carrying between cities is done through an arrangement with the express companies No second class matter is accepted This 1b the first company organized to compete with Uncle Sam in the transportation of letters so far as the general publio is conoerned and it is feared that it will out into the revenues of the postal de partment to a considerable extent The profit of the U S aervioe are lost to a large extent iu carrying second class matter and the company wisely guards against a similar loss by refusing this class of matter The government finds it impossible to meet the competi tion because of its second class business and if the business of the company ex tends to any great extent the govern ment will be forced to provide additional revenues or out down on the expense of handling the seoond class matter Undor tho guiso of reform more thau ono nowspaperhaa found an oxouso for sousationalism verging on iudecouoy That nucomponimout of spring tho railroad rumor flourishes vigorously this yoar but tho Yankton Norfolk and Southwostorn has been soarcoly men tioned Perhaps tho promoters havo quit talking aud gouo to building Tho oxchango editor Is of tho opinion that you can uo more toll a good applo by Its outward appoaranco thau yon can tell a readable nowsy paporby Its wrap ping nud gouoral mako up It may be boautlfully folded aud wrapped but whon it comos to original thoughts and now idoas it may bo rottou to tho core Woodbury county Iowa is not bolng dopopulatod vory fast according to statistics published in tho Sioux City Journal According to thoso figures there havo boon but 230 doaths iu tho oouuty during the yoar 1900 while thoro wore 990 births during tho samo period If the balance of Iowa shows as good a record as Woodbury county the peoplo will soon bo coming to Nobraska to find standing room If pjoplo ooald reallzj how little the owo to foreign houses in tho way of im provomont it would be sufllcent to con vince thorn that they should spend tholr money at homo It isnt likely that the catalogue housos will add a dollars worth of improvement to Norfolk this yoar whilo the homo merchants will Improve tholr property as rapidly as tholr trado will allow them Patronize homo institutions The amusomout of the society women of Chicago these fine spring mornings consists iu getting up early donulug short nkirta aud heavy boots and going out luto tho parks to converse with na ture and study the feutherod songsters through opera glasses Their rule of life Is thus completely reversed ns the winter ulghtB have been spent iu staying up until a late hour iu the morning and putting in thoir tlmo in the ball room Their country cousins might do worse than adopt this spring fad The brethren of the populist faith aro to meet in Omaha on the 7th to par ticipate iu a banquet aud be regaled with oloquonco wisdom and harmony from the tongues of Buoh loyal workers as W J Bryan Jerry Simpson W V Allen W A Poynter J B Weaver and others Five hundred of thefaith ful will participate in the feast provid ing of course that they can be found and spare the time from their efforts to gather in a share of the prevailing Mo Kinley prosperity It is not improbable thatthey will be lnvitedto forsake a lost and losing cause aud climb into the domocratio band wagon Minister Conger whoj so faithfully served the United States in China dur ing the recent Boxer outrage was given a warm welcome to his home state Iowa yesterday at Council Bluffs that probably caused him to realize as noth ing else could the appreciation in which his services are held by the people of the oountry Iowa not only has a large number of progressive intelligent aud influential people who call that state homo but her people generally are of the kind to appreciate the honors be stowed on them and aro loyal in their demonstrations of approval An Iowa welcome is of thejroper quality always It may be readilyguuderstood that real estate and residencegproperty in this vicinity is not a drug on the market by referring to the list of realjestate transfers published in this issue of Tins News Seventy pieces of Madison county property changing hands in three weeks indicates an activity in tho markets that might be considered a near approach to a boom and yet little of it is transferred for speculative pur poses in the general souse of the term In the list are records of the transfer of many vacant lots aud form lauds on whloh the purchaser will reBido and improve for a permanent home Tho activity is of the substantial Jsort and those who are baying are doing so with a knowledge supported by tests and facts that the property lis worth what it costs now and will in the near f uture be much more valuable Madison county has passed the experimental stage as a fit place of residence and as a farmers home and those who are in vesting in the property realize that they are securing a good thing at low prices Tke OtIIq of Baseball The origin of baseball our national game Is not definitely known but the first club organised to play It was la New York in 1845 Singularly enough this club like the one it organized to promote rowing wns called the Knick erbocker club After 1S51 other ama tour baseball clubs began to organize including the Atlantic Mutual Union etc Jn 1857 a convention of delegates from 10 clubs In and around New York and Brooklyn was held About ten years later at tho annual convention of the National association In 1800 202 clubs from 17 states and the District of Columbia were represented Tho col lege baseball associations were started about 1802 or 1803 Amateur baseball throughout the Union was at Its height In the years 1805 1800 and 1807 Pro fessional baseball was recognized in 1S0S and tho first games were played I In 1800 Harpers Weekly i ni i m United States Made Dumping Ground for Criminals THEEE OUTLAWS OOME OVER Aro Now In Kaiuiu City Ready for a Ca reer o Crime Iu the WestMen Upon Whom Titer Have IMeyed lUlte the Money to Send Them Here Now York April 30 The Herald says Italy Is making of the United States n dumping ground for its crim inals and paupers This fact has been forcibly called to the attention of the locul authorities by the arrival In this port of three Italian brigands whose depredations made them a scourge to the province In which they were reared Despairing of being relieved In any other manner the merchants upon whom thoy had preyed made up a liberal purse with which the three wero sent to the United States arriv ing here with money enough In their pockets to ennhlu them to land unques tioned These three outlaws who en countered no obstacle to bar them from entering this country ure now In Kansas City Mo Warning has been sent by Police Commissioner Murphy to the Kansas City police of ficials who now have the Italians un der strict police surveillance After tholr arrival in New York the brigands lived In a quiet manner meanwhile maturing their plans for a enreer of crime In the west Commissioner Murphy found that this Is no Isolated case Italian crim inals said the commissioner are pouring Into New York on every ship thnt brings Immigrants The popular belief thnt our laws bnr out crim inals nnd paupers Is n mistaken be lief It may be that the Itnllnn govern ment hns no part In tho scheme but It Is still true that the United States Is bolng made a dumping ground re ceiving the cnstofTs from Italian pris ons nnd pauper houses Gorinnns Caught In a Trap Peking April 30 The Germans were virtually caught In a trap near the Ku Kuan pass A detachment of SO had 45 casualties while the Chinese losses nro said to hnve been nominal The German expedition Is returning leaving the country greatly disaf fected on account of the hardships Inflicted upon the population Alto gether the expedition appears to have produced n very bnd effect The cur rent Chinese gossip is that the Ger mans were driven back with heavy losses and this Is implicitly believed by the bulk of the people Bravery of tho German Berlin April 30 The latest China specials to arrive here show that the German troops behaved with the great est gallantry during the engagements with the forces under General Liu storming the stronghold of the enemy even after darkness and in splto of the huge rocks rolled down upon them The Chinese artillery although fir ing splendid guns made in 1898 at the arsenal In Han Yang aimed badly The Germans demolished the fortifica tions near the gates of the great wall Another Wonder In Yellowstone Park St Paul April 30 Word has been just received here of the discovery of another natural wonder In the Yel lowstone national park by James Lea thernian deputy game warden for Wyoming who found a waterfall 300 feet high which he named Lost Falls The falls are In Box canon A person can go within 100 yards of them nnd never le aware of their presence The water plunges from a comparative level to a sheer depth of 300 feet or more Natlres Attaok runltlre Expedition London April 30 Information re ceived here from Uronii West Africa Is to the effect that the punitive expe dition under Major Heneker com posed of 25Q men and which had pene trated to the northeast of Benin City and there seized nn Important town was being attacked In force The na tives were collecting from all parts of the country Up to the date of re port Major Henekers command had 32 casualties KaUer Loses Self Control Berllu April 30 Dietrich Wellands attack upon Emperor William at Bre men still weighs heavily upon the kaiser who Whenever ho comes to talk upon the subject Is said to lose his self control Count von Halloa trem president of the relchstag Is re ported to have told frionds receutly that he had been highly shocked by tho emperors extreme excitement and violent gestures when discussing the matter Minister Conger En Route Ogden Utah April 30 MlnIster Conger and party were met here by President Burts private car In charge of John N Baldwhs of the Union Pa clue and Ernest B ttart John T Stewart and Donald Macrae of the re ception committee all of Council Bluffs The party left for the east via tho Union Pacific Mr Conger hSrul nothing new to say on the Iowa guber natorial question Iowa Boy Kill II U Sister Prairie du Chlen April 30 Max Hecks who runs his fathers farm near McGregor la shot and almost In stantly killed his sister Mrs Ells worth at the breakfast table It Is thought he was temporarily Insane He was arrested Omaha Mau is Appointed Lincoln April 30 The governor yes terday appointed W A Thomas of Omaha to be state veterinarian THROWN UNDER A TRAIN Thlere Rot Omaha Mnn and Learo Hint to He Crushed on Ralls Hot Springs Ark April 20 Tho most dastardly attempt nt robbery and murder ever attempted In this community occurred Saturdny night at 10 oclock when two men knocked J T Wilson n visitor from Omaha in the bend with a slung shot robbed him of his purse containing 170 and then threw him blindfolded and with his hands tied under the train on tho Hot Springs road He managed to escape from the hor rible death the perpetrators had planned to hide their crime but his left leg wns severed below the knee t After the train hnd passed the form of n mnn was found on tho track and Agent Hunt Immediately went to tho scene Tho man was found lying on the track making nn attempt to call for help through the gag thnt had been placed over his mouth Physi cians attended him at once nnd It Is thought he will live He could glvo no clue to the perpetrators of the rob bery nnd nttempted murder nnd tho police have nothing to wrok on Wilson wns formerly of Blair Neb and was In the patent wagon shaft business HIS EMINENCE WINS Son or Falsetto Finishes First In Kentucky Derby Twenty Are Thousand See Ills Track Brent Louisville April 30 The 27th Ken tucky derby bus pussed Into history and not one of the 25000 persons that saw It can say aught except that it was a race from the drop of the flag until HIb Eminence the good son of Fal setto passed under the wire a winner In the good time of 207 by a full length of daylight with Sunnazaro half a length iu front of Drlscoil Amur fourth and a length nwuy with Alard Scheck the favorite last by throe lengths There was cheering such has seldom been heard at Church Ill Downs before and as the good sou of Falsetto was ridden Into the circle a handsome blanket of carnations and smllax was thrown over the victor and the 25000 people applauded his groat victory Drouns IIU Four Children St Paul April 30 The police a thorltles believe thut William Rosen field has thrown his four children ranging in nges from 2 to 7 years into tho Mississippi river from the Marshall avenue bridge and then leaped In alter them All are supposed to have drowned None of the bodies have yet been recovered but accord ing to the police reports satisfactory evidence is nt hand that the crime was committed Rosenfield has been separated from his wife who hnd taken three children nnd gone to Minneapolis to live with her sister French Causing Trouble Peking April 30 Li Hung Chang hns received a dispatch from the gov ernor of the province of Shan SI as serting that 300 French soldiers ac companied by 2000 armed native Christians are within the borders ot Shan Si and have caused great dis tress and trouble wherever they have passed Senator Voorhees Son U Liberated New York April 30 James P Voor hees of Washington n son of the lute United States Senator D W Voorhees who was arrested last Thursday charged with being an accomplice in the robbery of a tailors shop was dis charged from custody yesterday the complaining witness having failed to make out a case against him Man and Child Disappear West Point Neb April 30 Ephralm Wentworth nged 45 and Margaret Kuckku nged 12 have been missing from here since early last week When Wentworth was last seen he was driv ing out of West Point In a road wagon Dlrldnnd on Burlington Boston April 30 The directors of the Chicago Burlington and Qulncy railroad yesterday declared a dividend of 2 per share for the four months ending July 1 payable June 15 TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The congress of the Sons of Amer ican Revolution is In session at Pitts burg Tho Pennsylvania Steel company with an authorized cnpltul of 50000 000 was Incorporated at Trenton Mon day W Butler Duncan manager of the cup defender syndicate announced that the Constitution will be lauuehed on the evening of May 8 City Physician Tygart of St Joseph caused the arrest of two physicians for treating smallpox cases and fa II lug to report them for quarantine Tho steamer Ophlr bearing tho Duko and Duchess of Cornwall and York has been sighted off Cape Leeuwln the most southwestern point of Aus tralia Matty Matthews of Brooklyn got tho decision Mouday night In a 20 round contest for the welterweight champion ship of the world over Tom Couhlg at Louisville The Kansas City Fort Scott and Memphis road announced that on May 1 It would Increase the wages of ma chinists and bollermakers employed In Its shops from 275 to 200 a day The trial of Captain James O Reed former depot commissary at Manila for alleged participation in the com ml8sary frauds was begun Monday and bids fair to develop Into a cele brated case The Benate of the New York univer sity Is actively preparing for the dedi cation of the hall of fame which will take place May 30 The tablets of the 29 great Americans selected last Oc tober have nearly been completed and placed in position