The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 03, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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    r F
President Receives Flattering
I Ovation In Virginia
President nml flirty Traverse Historic
Groundfrom the Time Train Laie
Washington Chief Incentive Kccslves
Demonstrative Ureetlugs
Morrlstown Tcnn April 30 The
Bpiclal trnln benrlni Iltsklent
mul pnrty on their trip to the Pij
ciJlc const passed here on the Southern
railway nt 1 oclock this morning
The Tennessee line was reached nt
3035 hint night with the arrival of
the train nt lulstol If the reception
through Virginia Is an Indication of
what Is to occur throughout the rest
of the trip the presidents tour ncross
the continent will be n triumphal one
Borne of the people In their eagerness
to grasp the presidents hand clam
bered up the railing surrounding the
platform The president received the
demonstrations good naturedlly nnd
never failed smilingly to grasp the
hnnd extended to him Mrs McKlnlry
Bitting nt the window In the observa
tion enr smiling nnd wnvlng her hnnd
kerchief In response to the greetings
of the multitudes crented no less en
thusiasm than the president
Charlottesville Va April 30 The
presidential trnln with n tiny flng on
the pilot of the engine denoting thnt
the chief magistrate of the nation wns
on bonrd arrived at Charlottesville
on schedule time The run from Wash
ington was mnde without Incident
A brief stop wns mnde nt Alexandria
A big crowd hnd assembled at the sta
tion there nnd the president nnd Mrs
McKinley nppenred upon the platform
to acknowledge snlutos Speeding
through Virginia to this town famous
as the sent of the University of Vlr
irinla nnd the home of Jefferson peo
ple gnthcrcd nt every town villnge nnd
cross ronds to see the train go by At
Mnnnssns Culpepper and Orange the
crowds were especially large
Fire Ianlo In Chicago note
I Chicago April 30 Shortly before 1
this morning lire broke out In the Re
vere house a six story hotel building
situated nt the corner of Michigan and
North Clark streets Although of
short duration the fire created a lively
panic nmong the numerous guests of
the hotel many of whom left the build
ing In their night clothes The first
fire companies to arrive at the building
ran op ladders to assist people to the
ground and quite a number of thein es
caped in this way The ire was
placed under control within 20 min
utes The damage to the hotel by fire
and wnter did not amount to much
more than 5000
1 Suicide of Allt Kcd Forger
Sioux City April 30 The troubles
which drove Charles It Blackmail
grocer of Ida Grove In to shoot him
self through the heart a few days ago
vere not small embnrrassements as
was believed but it now develops that
wholesale forgeries would have been
fastened upon him lie secured large
amounts it is charged by signing
his fathers name to notes which he
put up as collateral security for loans
niackmans operations will reach 3i
I Cmlahy KrJertH OftVr
Omaha April 30 An agent of the
kldnnpers has made a proposition to
Edward A Cudaliy to return 21000
of the money paid for Ids sons ran
somdemanding In return a withdrawal
of the 25000 reward nnd a cessation
of the search that Is being prosecuted
together with an abandonment of the
determination to punish the criminals
Mr Cudahy rejected the offer
JikIrp Enjoins Freas In Murder Trial
Toledo April 30 When the case of
Charles Foster under Indictment for
the murder of W C Johnson the cel
ery king was called Judge Boston G
Young entered the following singular
order agninst the press The court
Is moved to make nn order restraining
any person from sending out for pub
lication nny of the evidence given In
the trial of Charles Foster
Ileet Sugar Factory Sure
Sioux City April 30 The people
of South Sioux City Neb last night
held the biggest town meeting in the
history of the plnee to consider the
matter of the establishment of a beet
fsugnr factory there It was deter
mined that the required amount of
acreage hnd been pledged which prac
tically nssures that the plant will be
Cherokee Treaty lleaten
Muskogee I April 30 Indica
tion are thut the Cherokee treaty hns
been beaten by a largo majority
Chief Bufilngtons home gave 300 ma
jority ngainst the treaty Buftington
led tire flght ngainst the treaty De
feat means enforcement of the Curtis
law and much litigation
1urdon In a New Iluce
Topeka April 20 C D Purdon as
sistant chief engineer of the Atchison
Topeka and Santa Fe railway has re
signed to accept the position of chief
engineer of the St Louis nnd San
Francisco road with headquurters at
St Louis
Hanici Three Iostmaster
Washlgton April 30 The president
mnde the following appointments
Postmasters Knnsns Manhattan D
E Deputy Nebraska Niobrara Will
Iain It Nash Scribner James M
Nine times out of ten It Is over th
Bridge of Sighs that we pass the nar
row gulf from youth to uianbMd
CharRi il With Shoring In Account
While Acting Commissary nt rrrsltllo
lies Moines April 30 George A
Itecd n lieutenant of the Fifty first
Iowa acting commissary at the Presi
dio In IS18 and 1WM hns been made
defendant In n suit for 22 l02 for
which It Is alleged he failed to render
a satisfactory accounting The action
was Instituted by Lewis Miles attor
ney for the southern district of lown
nnd Is based on the report of V 15
Hlttmnn auditor for the war depart
ment It Is alleged supplies valued
at 211177 passed through Heeds
hands Itecd Is In the harness busi
ness In this city lie declares that
n supplemental nrcounting by him
will explain the apparent shortage
Disaster In an Imllnn Territory Mine
Seven Seriously llumril nml An
other li Mining
South McAlester I T April 30
Flve persons were killed outright yes
terday seven others were burned ser
iously and one Is missing the result
of an explosion at the coal mines
at Alderson In the mines owned by
the Choctaw Oklahoma and Gulf
road and operated by the McAlester
Coal company
The dead Emnnuel Taylor John
nnd Wiley Clark all colored Andrew
Peozoll nnd Dominic Wessullty Ital
Injured Ed Andrews Pat Woods
Paul Snullaek Mose Garrett nnd three
men nnmes unknown
Missing Joe Petronkii
Flame In 1lltsburg Department Store
Constimo Structure In Thirty Minute
Pittsburg April 30 Fire nt the cor
ner of Carson and Seventeenth streets
south sjde resulted In the loss of one
life property loss estimated at 225
XKK consumed over a dozen buildings
nnd rendered a score of families home
The flames were discovered In the
basement of the four story department
store of George E Lorsch Bros
n 1 tat n nn nllim I1V 1 1 nttlri
tlllll ill U 11J imiuil null 11U cuuit i
building was burning furiously It
was in ruins within 30 minutes A I
panic ensued among the customers and
employes which resulted In what
seemed at tirst a well founded report I
that eight persons had perished This
wtis found to he untrue after the fire
had been controlled the only fatality
being the burning to deatli of Mrs
Knte Donleys child
When the fire broke out Mrs Donley
nnd child were on the fourth flour
of the Lorsch building In her haste
to escape the mother fell on the stair
way nnd was rendered unconscious
In the excitement the child was either
forgotten or burned to deatli before
nid could reach It
A shower of burning timbers wns
thrown from the Lorsch building carry
ing destruction In all directions and
several other stores and a number
of dwellings were swept by the flames
The losses are pretty well covered
by insurance
Former City Treasurer of Oninlm Again
a lreu Muu
Lincoln April 30 Henry Bolln is
now a free man and returned to
Omaha in company with Hon How
ard Baldrlge to join his wife and
family Bolln was convicted of be
ing a defaulter while acting aa treas
urer of the city of Omaha and was
sentenced May 25 1897 to serve 19
years in the penitentiary The term
embraced three sentences one of four
years one of live years and one of
ten He served the four year sen
tence one year nnd 33 days of the
five year sentence The governor
yesterday Issued n pardon for the
ten year term and commuted the re
maining portion of the five year term
The death sentence of J Q Dins
more convicted in Buffalo county of
murdering ids wife and Fred Lane
was commuted to Imprisonment for
Coal Mine Still llurnlng
Larrobe Pa April 30 The fire nt
the Dorothy coal and coke plant of the
American Coal and Coke company Is
still burning William McGIll injured
by smoke has recovered It Is thought
now that all the miners have been res
cued A pipe line hns been laid into
the mouth of the blazing pit and tho
mine will be flooded The loss to tho
plant will reach about 150000 cov
ered by Insurance
ONell Succeeds Klnley
Chicago April 30 Mayor Harrison
last night sent to the city council for
confirmation the name of Captain
Frank OXell as chief of police to
succeed Chief Joseph Kipley resigned
The name met with much favor and
was confirmed without opposition
State Senator Hotter Dead
Sioux City April 30 State Senator
Lemuel H Bolter u prominent lown
politician died at his home at Logan
last night after a brief Illness
Dave Burton fatally wounded his
wife and then committed suicide In
Bumsey Ky Monday
The Blaine County bank at Watonga
O T was robbed of 1800 the vault
being blown open with dyunmite The
robbers escaped
ClfarleirEnglemairt for20 years forc
man of the Burlingtpn shops at St
Joseph was crushed to death Mon
day while attempting to alight from a
street car
Chief Whltehorse of the Otoe In
dians in Oklahoma appealed to the
United States otllcials ut Guthrie to
protect his people from the demoraliz
ing Influence of whisky peddlers In
liiB reservation
Company Buys Lcylantl
Line of Steamers
Moat lnitnrtnnt Deal In the History of
American Commrrciw Milpbiilltlrrs Meet
In New York to Form a
Cigar Cousolldatlou
Loudon April 30 The llrst step In
the direction or the consolidation of
some of the biggest transatlantic ship
ping Interests has been accomplished
by the purchase by 1 P Morgan At Co I
of the Leyhiud line of steamers A de j
posit on the purchase money has been
President Baker of the Atlantic
Transport line said to the representa
tive of the Associated Press Al
though the Lcylnnd line has been pur
chased by the Morgans 1 nin not yet
at liberty nor Indeed fully In n po
sition to discuss the nrrangoincnth
projected Beyond the purchase noth
ing will be settled until I return from
the United States In June
The result of the projected consoll
dntion will be a steamship company
with tho largest tonange of any com
pany In the world
New York April 30 The local rep
resentatives of the transatlantic
transport Interests declined to discuss
the purchase by J P Morgan of the
Lcylnnd line of steamers
A representative of the Associated
Press learned thnt the purchase of the
Leylnnd line is tnnamount to Its con
solidation with the Atlantic Transport
New York April 30 The World
says Shipping men In New York sny
the purchase of the Leylnnd line Is
the most Important denl In the his
tory of American commerce and pre
dict speedy absorbing of other freight
carrying steamship lines by the Mor
Cigar Factnrle to Consolidate
Chicago April 30 The Chronicle
Bays A gigantic consolidation of cigar
manufacturing interests will be an
nounced tomorrow The American
Cigar company Itself n consolidation
of ninny factories and closely allied
with the tobacco trust is nt the bend
of the scheme Atlenst seven other
firms now united under the name of
the Ilnvann American compnny are to
bo absorbed and In addition It is re
ported live or six other largo factories
have nlrendy been bought The to
tal capital in the combine will repre
sent upward of 00000000
Shipbuilder Forming a Combine
New York April 30 The Journal
says Owners of shipbuilding yards
met In the olllces of Henry W Poor
Co yesterday to begin preliminary
work toward forming a combination of
shipbuilding interests A cnpitalla
tlon of 00000000 was spoken of for
the new trust Poor Co are to
finance It All the big houses in the
street are said to be Interested
Stationary Fugiuu Combine
Philadelphia April 30 The first defi
nite announcement of the combination
of manufacturers of stationary engines
which has been under discussion for
some time was made yesterday when
William L Kilt Ins Jr announced that
the Allis Clialmers Engine Building
company had been formed with 12
500000 preferred stock and 20000000
of common stock
Ultimatum Is Riven Illinois Central De
manding Immediate Itcnly
Chicago April 80 The conference
committee of the International Asso
ciation of Machinists yesterday sent
nn ultimatum to the Illinois Central
Itailroad company demanding an im
mediate answer to the schedule of de
mands presented last week If the
answer Is not made today it is con
sidered probable the machinists will
brenk off negotiations
Tills ultimatum was framed by Busi
ness Agent Itoderlek in response to In
structions from nil the other lodges
nlong the companys line The com
pnny hns sent out agents to the vari
ous centers of industry where the ma
chinists are employed to learn the ex
act situation
finowsllde Iturles a Number or If utises at
Sunrise City Alaska
Port Townsend Wash April 129
Jacob Itush who has spent three years
lu Alaska returned from Valdez on
the steamship Senator yesterday Just
before sailing from Valdez for Ju
neau Mr Itush says a courier arrived
at Valdez from Sunrise City stating
that u suowsllde hnd occurred
ut thnt place on April 12 and M or
more lives were lost and a number of
houses buried beneath the snow und
ice The courier left Sunrise shortly
after tho slide occurred and could not
give full particulars Mr Itush says
Valdez is crowded with Idle men who
are anxiously awaiting the commence
ment of work on the government trail
to the Interior He reports that the
hospital is full of sick men
The Snore
A certain poet thus breaks forth
Oh tho snore tho beautiful snore fill
ing the chamber from celling to floor
over tho coverlet under tho sheet from
her wee dimpled chin to heT pretty
feet now rising aloft like n bee lu
June now sunk to the wall of a crack
ed bassoon now lilutellke subsiding
then rising again Is the beautiful snore
of Elizabeth June
About one half of the questions of
life we solve the other half solve ub
Milwaukee Journal
Olllcer Who Killed Topeka Joint Keener
In Danger of Muti Violence
Topeka April 30 Patrolman S M
Hall who Is In the county Jail charged
with killing n drunken man named
George Head Friday night was In dan
ger of mob violence last night llnll
was arrested and placed In Jail Joint
keepers and their sympathizers tried
to organize a mob to lynch Hall 1t
could not be recruited to a satisfactory
number to make the attempt on the
Jail and the attempt was abandoned
for the night Head was a Joint keep
er ami was arrested by Hall for dis
turbing a religious meeting The pris
oner resisting Hall struck him on
the itead with his club making a
wound from which he died seven
hours later
Sclimincr Wrecked Off Queen Chat lotto
Inland and Ftttlre Criur Hollered
to llnvn lleen Drowned
Minneapolis April 30 -A special to
the Times from Vancouver 11 C says
an unknown thrcc mnstcd schooner
has been wrecked off Queen Charlotte
Islands It Is supposed the entire crew
has been drowned as two bodies have
been washed ashore
Men Accused of Maiming Omaha Man Flit
tmler StroiiK luard In County lull
Hot Springs Ark April 30 Tho
city olllclals have been forced to re
move James and Htn tho men
charged with throwing J T Wilson
of Omaha under the train here Sat
urday night from the city Jail to the
county Jail which Is now heavily
guarded More than 500 citizens and
visitors gathered about the city Jail
nml showed a disposition to take the
men forcibly from the olllcers Jailer
fipcer could not have possibly kept
them nt bay nnd but for the fact
of the removal there probably would
have been two men found hanging
to a limb In some convenient spot In
the morning
Dentil or Clifton II Moore
Clifton Ills April 30 Hon CllftoB
II Moore died yesterday at his home
in this city aged 81 years He came to
Clifton In IS II nnd was practicing law
here when the Illinois Central railroad
was built and from Its Inception was
connected with Its legal department
For half a century he had been a lead
ing lawyer In central Illinois nnd In
early life traveled the circuit with
Abraham Lincoln Mr Moore at the
time of his deatli wns one of the larg
est land owners in the west and leaves
an estate valued nt 2000000
Mllwiiuliro to Shorten Its I Inc
Chicago April 50 It has been de
cided by the Milwaukee and St
laul Uailroad company to bhorten Its
ptcsent Hue between Chicago and Kan
sas City at least I0 miles reducing
the distance between the two cities
via tliis route from fiHO to 500 miles
This is to be accomplished by building
GO miles of new road from either Mus
catine or Columbus Junction la to
Oltuinwa A survey has been made
for the new route and it is expected
that It will be llulslied within six
Wlsfoimlu To im llireiitrned
Chippewa Kails Wis April 80 For
est lires are raging near tills city and
people aie hcgluiug to become
alarmed The wind Is blowing -10
miles an hour and unless rain comes
a large amount of farm property will
be destroyed The woods south of the
city have been burning for several
days and the lire department tins been
kept busy answering alarms Specials
from Tony and Appolonla Wis re
port fires near those places and that
the villages are shrouded In smoke
Mrs Nation lluslmiiilJltoliliilJJJJJJJ
Marlon Hid April 80 David Na
tion husband of Carrie Nation the
Knnsns reformer was robbed of 78
In cash some jewelry and his return
railroad ticket to Wichita yesterday
Mr Nation Is visiting his sister Mrs
John Mills of South Marion and at
tended n dog and pony show In Marlon
In the afternoon It is said he visited
n saloon after leaving the circus and
It Is alleged that it was in this place
that he was robbed
TKinn Irrparlnff for Iiclit
Berlin April 80 The St Petersburg
correspondent of the Cologne Gazette
nays It Is announced from Toklo thnt
the hnrbor of Matsumal enpltnl of
tho Island of Yesso opposite Vladlvos
tock Is being transformed Into a naval
port The work Is being carried out
with all speed nnd is nlrendy com
llrrail Hints at lmhertr
Lomberg Oalleln April 30 A riot
ous mob of the citys unemployed
raided the bread booths at the market
nlaee shoutlnc Give us bread or
work 1 lie nion pnraocd the streets
breaking shop windows Troops final
ly arrived and dispersed the rioters
To Knut 011 Ill II Slniuarli
Beatrice Neb April 80 Henry
Cordon tho Beatrice faster broke his
fast yesterday lu dead earnest and
consumed enough food for his dinner
to make a square meal for three He
paid he would continue his fust but
will eat nt Intervals
The Point of View
Get n divorce If you want it ex
claimed the angry husband I can
easily get another wife and Ive lived
long enough to learn that one woman
Is Just as good as another If not bet
Yes calmly replied his better half
and Ive lived long enough to know
that one man Is Just as bad ns another
If not worbe Chlcugo News
WflHiisidimiHEW Wffii i m
To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not
Come Your Way Again
Twentieth Century Farmer
Offers n Number of Mngnlflocnt Prlzcn to thoso who
will net na Agonta
Ant 30 Other Cnsh Prlzcn ranging from 500 to 25
lice Publishing Oompnny of Omaha nnd In nn agricultural nnd fam
ily mngnzluc of nnusunl merit There nro departments for every
member of the family Hpeclnl Articles by men of known renutntloa
and illustrations will bo ft prominent feature
Write for sample copy nnd ask for particulars concerning the
JHliMH t O
Til 10 TWWNTlHTII OlCNTUItY FAUMlfllt nnd tula pnper will
be sent to you one year for
lie RUbibSPIIbViiI ID
A Dual Role
Business Men and others recognize the im
portance of this combination by selecting
the - -
Snlt Lake City
To San Francisco
Salt Lake City
To San Francisco
For time tables and lull information call on
Two Docs over One t
Bone Seldom Agree
When two merchants are after
trade in the same community
M and one advertises and the
3 other doesn t the advertiser
gets the bulk of it
2 This Is nBiimlng Dint hlsndsnre
2 well written nnd filmed in theme-
2 diuiii thut List Liivtrb the yjuuwl
4 This paper is the medium for
3 this community If you have
difficulty with your ads consult
4 us Perhaps we can aid you
2 We are willing to
This ststement tiulKoJ
sers seeds bx it out nvtrjr tuuu
Cnmhlnntlnn Cnrn
roTGlutiomto coru ltowiuk
llllnti Dnlliipfirnaa
Orrtbat mnror tLo site
Hours Quiukcriluin any
other line
Miles Shorter than any
other line
Edisons Phonograph
Better than a Piano Organ or MuhIc Box for it sinRsand talks ns well as plays nnd
dont cost as much It reproduces 1 hu music of any instrument bund or orchestra tclia
stories und siis the old familiar by mint ns well as the popular songs it isiihvnyu ready
See thnt Mr Cdioiis siriuituru is on every machine Cata
lOKues o all dealers or NATIONAL PUONOOKAlM CO 135 Fifth Ave New Yort
LkUkk LJkkLkkkLkk AA AAAA A A
W sy vv
I VUtttTV t
II tons or Iist ptT sere
crop ciz dhVi slur sowluic
Wbat Is It
CsUlofrne U1I
101 lOo STAMrt
4 Uto If OT1CK Bull
r m4 uiw 10 uiftis
kiDpiMlfuliuluiaftLoT Uo i
twIU SOLs r A iur
John A Salter Seed Co u Grow
111 m wrwm
km riftsn
W ssfiiniih
rTB IniiT
For 14 Gents
Vt mill tbt follewlcf itrt Ktd cevtltUf
lplfIlMllMTOBltM4 11
1 Vorlbrrs lms frs Is
1 II Fsitrllt UbIiip Rtd 10
I rrldOrotuLrbJ 10
1 lit Crdn Bttltottf 10
1 1 liidUh t44 10
1 it UX Kirkd WlluccMd 1
VrtUlut rir d1 It
Worth 100 or 4 ci
ALom 10 llfktt rr fcOftlUM vt will
tfctll is tJtt ibfeUitr Vila ur trial
lllu luted Iwd CucUlll ill Wul
HsUcra lllllloB Dollar Cru
Altu Ctulct Oolea hctd COe alk
Teftltrr with tbossdlef tMllMUet
UtUa ftsd fftrn trtda S b rtll tllM
sad tavlsBsUtw Wfcto yos slsat
Biiwt Bdt vlll Mitr dtvliswl
t AllII UID IB UCrtWls
Koenigsteins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
DOnn YEARLY to Christian
vPullU miin or woman to look
after our growing business in this
nnd adjoining com ties to act as
manager and correspondent work
can bo done nt your home Enclose
self addiepsed stamptid envelope
for particulars to II A Sherman
General Mannjcr Corcoran Build
ing opposite Umtid Ktntes Treas
ury Washington D C
ih4 4 j4 S
Illinois Central R R
witsttieti totjhists
Tim Illinois iiitrnl ilesirrs to call uttoiitinn
to tliu iintizriillril Mirvlcu Unit 1h oircrud by its
liiiL B to tliu wiulh for tlio teuton of M4MC00
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars
lertonnlly conduct
ed KuriB tlirouKli to
Iob AiikHcb and Sail
Fniiicitco via Now
Orlmiiis In connect ion
EVERY with
iiTi I Hm l iMitrals fiibt
MORNING Now Orloims
cinl connection iiImi niado by this train with
daily trains out of Now Orlonns for tho Pacific
Coast Tho Llnituil from liicaco ovory oen
Iiik romioctB on Monilnjs and Tlinrtilnya at
Now Orleans lifter December IX lMjy with tha
of tho Southern Pacific idvinK tpecinl through
eumro to San lVancltco
Douhlo dally serv
ice is maintained out
of St Louis via the
Illinois mitral and
ronnectlni lines to
f s 11 I i VnclivilliWliiittniinn
I II I O K nd Atlanta thro
wr - w
b0pjI1K C1U tJ jack
rouvillo Florida being curried on tho
loavhiK St Louis eery otenliiR This train aB
uulliibtlioDuy Express leaviim St Louis lu
the morniiii uro both solid trains to Niishwlle
liatiuit through conches nnd slenpiiiK can run
niiiK throtudi Mnrtin Tonn and the N C bt
L Ity Connection via this lino for nil priuci
ml iKihits in tho Southeast buck iib Charleston
NVihniiicton Ailiuiiud Sinunuiili und for all
jHiluts in Florida
Daily from Chicago to MeinphU nud Now Of
Noiutu iu the South on tho Hues of the Illinois
Central ami Y M V railroads will be ruu on
the fire t and third Tuesday of each month dur
iug tho winter season
Full particulars coucerniug all of the above
can bo lad of agents of the Illinois eutrol or
l addrtssimc A II Huutou G P A Chicago