The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 03, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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By Weatlicrby Chcsnoy and Alick Munro
oormratrr 1000 nT wKATiimnr ctiixnkt Ann aijcx uvuna
114 OsTllATlON iir u u OUU1TA
i --
p The man on shore fired hit plutoU
tho caution with which wo dipped and
calseu tho oars a splash now and then
could not bo avoided And over such
a surfneo sound travels far In the quiet
of night
Presently tho voices of two men talk
lug camo to us across tho water and
after n xulnuto or so ono of them chal
Who goes there
Amlgos Espauoles replied Wllllo
Mother of God those accursed Eng
lish exclnlmcd tho man on shore and
fired his pistol Wo smothered n lnugh
at the poorness of our boatswains
Spanish and ns further caution was
now useless beut to our onrs with a
Theros n fort of some sort here
shouted Alec between me and tho
shore Follow In quickly before they
an bring their guns to bear
Hardly hnd the words left his lips
when there was a lash and a roar and
a doso of lead took tho tips from our
starboard oars
Very prettily aimed I muttered Jan
Pengony who as n gunner must needs
express his opinion Tho next muy bo
closer A demlculvcrln too by tho
ring ot Jump her nlong lads an
lets bo after tho cnptnlu afore nos
stormed the plaeo by hlssclf Hooray
for Captain Ireland an the Scourge
And so lustily did our fellows lay
their backs to the work that before an
other SO seconds had passed the boat
sprang almost high and dry on tho
shore and the next shot from the dcml
oulverln whistled safely over our
Now lads I shouted up wo go
and at em nx nud hanger Hut mind
not to fall foul of our own men for tho
nights ns dnrk ns tho pit Stay n mo
ment Theres tho cnptnlu clamoring
lor admittance on tho right yonder
Well try If wo cant scramble In at
the sea face
So saying I turned and cut ncross
the rocks to tho left with the men aft
er me belter skelter The fools of Span
lards wero still blazing away with can
non and arquebus overhead showiug
us what a state of confuslou they wero
In and till 1 hnd actually squeezed by
big enrenss In through nn embrasure no
ono offered to stop me And after that
though ninny had tho will no one had
the power to cut mo down
Breech to breech with tho very deml
culvcrln that had first been tired at us
I held tho ground till the others picked
their way through tho darkness and
clambered up Then yelling to tell
Alec our whereabouts we chnrged to
gether driving tho dons before us with
a tempest of hacks and hnws that
dazed and half awako ns they were
they had no stomach to stand against
and Anally pinned u big crowd of them
against a corner of the palisading
But In spite of tho success of our
first charge wo wero very nearly over
powered for others kept flocking out
of the barrack as tho din waked them
Irom their sleep und taking us be
tween two fires wero like to have
made a small mouthful of us by sheer
weight of numbers
f Silently niul slowly tlm bonis crept on
tovnrd ho own Wo lintl crowtkM cv
ry mnn of our crow Into thorn with
tlie exception of tho oltl mnn who wiih
Soft In clinrRo of tho Scourge Wo were
not pressed for time ns tho tloim wouhl
iinnlly be In their first Hleep yet Ho
we pnihlletl cnslly kcepliiR n Keen look
out it ml cttrsliiK In n whisper tho man
who nllowed his oitr blinlo to hiIho tho
pllghtest splash 1 tell you to mtinu of
ills tho effort of Hint NtrnliiiMl Klleneo
ivns hnnlcr work tlinn It would Imvo
been to raise n licnity cheer mid rnco
to tho lamllng through n hull of Hpnn
tsh bullet s
Onto Aloes bont Rot on n letljro of
rocks ntul her crow linil to climb over
board and lift her Into deep water and
once mine linil to ho eased over n Hhonl
Hut no tlniunRO wna dono to either of
them nud tho quietness with which wo
worked prevented nny telltnlo sound
Irom rcnchluR tho shore
Foot by foot wo crept on feellnR our
wny by Instinct as It were tliroiiRh tho
velvety darkness Not a IlRht showed
irom tho sleepliiR town and but for tho
loom of the high rocks on tho harbors
sides we could hnrdly tell sea front
land Sheltered from tho wind tho
water had become as smooth ns an un
tarnished mirror mid In spite of all
Into n small hollow square wo fought
for nrhlle for our very liven with a
grinning circle of yellow Spanish leotlt
ravening nt us on every side
Then suddenly there was a cry of
nlnrm from the great gate of tho fort
and about half of our asHallnnts ran oft
to defend that point Tho hearty Kng
llsh cheer with which they wero re
ceived told us that Alec and his lads
hud got In at last
This was the turning point A few
more Spanish heads wero broken be
fore we succeeded In Joining our two
bands but when that was once effected
tho combat was of short duration for
shouting after our usual custom thnt
wed slaughter every soul unless they
throw down their nrms nt once wo
rushed them all Into two opposite cor
ners and held them no till every weap
on was out of their hands
Jack take a couple of men with you
and ro and examine the barrack cried
1 did as ho bade mo nnd returned
presently to report that there was a
largo room In which wo could hold the
prisoners Hafe In the meantime We
jailed them all therefore with the ex
ception of the commnudant In their
own quarters and nfter settliiR Riiards
nt tho door cast about what was to bo
done next
Alec questioned the commandant
How many men have you here
Some 180 honor and hnd I known
how small your handful was I would
never have surrendered to you How
ever In the town
I have no time for parleying Senor
Comninndnnt said Alec shortly nnd
If your townsfolk annoy us Ill batter
the place down about their cars But
give mo what I want and I promise
that my advantage shall not be pressed
further I must have powder and
pearls your whole stock of ench
Your request Is a modest one Senor
Englishman You ask for all wo have
And asking Intend to have Hecog
nlze senor that might Is right Just
now nnd so save further bloodshed
The Spaniard shrugged his shoulders
The powder I cannot prevent you
front talcing suld ho You will Hnd
It or ut nny rate the greater part of
It In tho magazine underneath the
penthouse there But the pearls for
tunately are out of my keeping They
are stored In the treasury nud that lies
In the very heart of tho town
Very well senor to tho heart of tho
town I go for them and with you as
my guide
Senor Captain snld the comman
dant Indignantly consider my rank
Thnt Is precisely whnt 1 am doing
replied Alec dryly enough You enjoy
nt present the rank of prisoner to Alex
ander Ireland who will hold your body
responsible for any ambush your
tongue may lead him Into
And now lads he continued turn
ing away from the Spnnlnrd theres
dawn beginning to show over the hill
and so the less time wo waste tho bet
ter Curry the powder down to the
boats and when Its safely stowed tell
the boatkeepers to shove oft a couple
of oars length from tho shore Ar
morer spike nil those culverlus but
one break the pans nnd stocks from
the arquebuses mid cut the crossbow
strings Willie Trehnllon I leave you
hero with four men to guard the bar
rack door Slew that culvcrln round
nnd tiro mumehanco Into tho crowd of
them If they get restive nnd If that
docs not silence them post your men on
cither side of the door nud baptize with
your axes all those who try to como
out You understand
Aye nye sir replied tho boatswain
The rest of you form fours and
follow me as hard as you can run
Senor Commandant nfter you And
senor no attempts at escnpe If you
value your life Im fleet of foot nnd
my sword blndo will split you In the
bnck nt tho least sign of treachery
Out we weut a a good smart trot
the don In his -shirt leading and
speeding along a muddy well used
pnth bore townrd tho town It was
not a very largo place so far as wo
could see and there were no defenses
as the fort above could from Its posi
tion have suuk nny vessel that nt
tempted to enter the upper hnrbor But
tho Inhabitants hnd been thoroughly
aroused by the firing nnd now flocked
out of every alley armed and resolute
to defend their homes A spattering
flro greeted our approach but it touch
ed no ouo and only changed the mora
orderly advance luto a mero raco for
Alec was among tho first knot while
I was putting ami blowing full 20 fath
oms astern aud his rashness very near
ly led htm Into trouble for oue big fel
low leaped on him from behindhand
bad him on tho ground before be could
shako off the embrace However Job
Trehallous lean long legs brought him
on to the sceue In time nnd Alecs cap
tor rolled over with a head split to tho
By tho time our ciptaln had got on
bis legs again the reit of us had come
up and together we drove tho towns
folk down their street In a body shout
ing that wod tire tho houses If they
made us halt The Spanish comman
dant had contrived to bolt when Alecs
hands were full during the first melee
and so we pushed on without a guide
where tho Jewels were stored for p
truth some of us had keen noses for
As It turned out we made two falsi
searches tutting the trouble to overhaul
a couple of stone buildings which wero
only food Motes and dwelling places
Indeed we were very nearly done out
of tho booty altogether for tho Span
lards made a clever nnd desperate at
tempt to carry off the penrls to a snfer
In the event however this effort of
theirs gave us the very Informntlon wo
needed We Hpled n knot of fellows
luden with leather pouches trying to
slink uwny In the confusion nnd
knowing thnt at a critical moment no
man troubles himself with burdens un
less they n ro of uiiununl value wo
mnde nfter them
On being mi sued they dropped their
lends which wo promptly gathered up
every mnn dinging two of the pouches
to his belt nud then going to the build
ing from which we hud seen the fel
lows come wo broke down tho door
nnd fought our wny In
There wns a strong defense but It
wns carried nt some cost to the de
fenders and we helped ourselves to
another score of tho leather bags aud
came out again The fight wns waxing
furious outside and re enforcements
were coming up every minute
We must get out of this cried Alec
ns n furious rush drove us bnck against
the wnll of tho treasure houses Hack
and thrust lads clear a space aud
form fours again Drop the penrls If
theyre too heavy to hold Wo must
ronch the fort and relieve the boat
Tho soldiers Is got out bawled n
voice Its them thats at us nowl
Theres tho commandant Waro
sword behind Mnstor Topp
Down the street to the right lads
sung out Alec and innko for tho
shore The boats uro coming to meet
Aye nn uncles In em ndded Job
Trehnllon with a chuckle They Span
lards In tho barracks been too nmuy
for him
When they snw our object tho Span
lards led on by their commandant
pressed us harder aud harder and In
cumbered ns most of us were by tho
leather bags for the men held grimly
on to their precious pearls we were
very nearly overcome But the narrow
ness of the street was In our favor
nnd with Alec nud Jnu Pengony nnd
myself covering the retreat wo got
slowly down to the beach Even then
our work was not over for tho boats
having hud to make a long circuit to
avoid u reef wero still a considerable
distance away aud the Spaniards no
longer fearing to hit friends opened
a gulling urquebus lire
Alec however was equal to the oc
casion Calling upon us to drop the
pearl bags by the waters edge aud
follow him he dashed back against the
assailants with the whole crew of us
nt his heels nnd before they quite
knew what had happened we had tak
en prisoners the commnudant aud
three of the other leaders as well as
about a dozeu of the rabble These
formed n breastwork which sheltered
us completely from their friends flro
aud so no further attack was made un
til the boats came round
There was some symptom of a final
rush as after heaving the precious
stones on to the floor boards we pre
pated to embark ourselves but at the
first forward movement we swore that
we would silt the throats of our pris
oners If we were molested
The threat was enough They let us
slip off In peace and as soon ns we
were out of gun nud bow shot range
we tipped our hostages Into the water
aud let them swim bnck unmolested
Without further Incident tho boats
rowed down tho hnrbor nnd steered up
alongside the Scourge which hnd drift
ed in on tho current nnd wns lying
scarcely a quarter of a mile off the
laud Wo got under wny at once and
congratulated ourselves on our good
Towder for our ennnon nnd pearls for
our purses It wns a good nights work
To bo continued next Friday
The Heat Keiueily fur ltheumatlsui
All who use Chamberlains Pain Balm
for rheumatism nro delighted with the
quick relief from paiu which it affords
When speaking of this Mr D N Sinks
of Troy Ohio says Some time ago I
had a severe attack of rheumatism in
my arm aud shonldor I tried numer
ous remedies but got uo relief nutil I
wai recommonded by Messrs Geo F
Parsons Co druggists of this plnco
to try Chamberlains Pain Balm They
recommonded it so highly that I bought
a bottle I was noon roliovedof all paiu
I havo since recommouded this liniment
to many of my friends who agreo with
mo that it is the host remedy for muscu
lar rheumatism in the market For
sale by Kiesau Drug Co
The llest Cold Core
is one you can take without interruption
to business One that does not effect
tho head or hearing like the continued
use of quinine Oue that cures speedily
and leaves you feeling fresh and clear
headed Saoh a one is Krausos Cold
Cure Prico 25o Sold by Geo B
AGooil Thine
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated Gor
man Physician and is acknowledged to
be one of the most fortunate discov
eries in Medicines It quickly cures
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
the severest nature removing as it does
the cause of the affection aud leaving
the parts in a stroug nud healthy con
dition It is not an experimental medi
cine bnt has stood the test of years
giving satisfaction in every case whioh
Rapidly forming trusting that Instinct woud Jeadus to I it3 rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms Two million bottles sold an
nually Boscheos Gormnn Syrup was
introduced in tho United Stntes in 1803
and is now sold in every town nnd vil
lage in tho civilized world Threo dosos
will rollovo any ordinary cough Prico
75 cts Got Greens Prize Almanno
Klcsnu Drug Co
A Tn4l tliimif ill rum Old Kngliinil
I cousidor Chamborlnlns Cough
Ilomcdy tho host in tho world for bron
chitis says Mr William Savory of
Warrington England It saved my
wifos life she having boon a martyr to
bronchitis for over six yoars bolng most
of tho time confined to hor bod Slio is
now quito woll Sold by Kiesau Drug
Tim Must Stubborn CoiirIh
resulting from an attack of la grippo or
heavy cold must yield to tho wondor
f ul hoallng properties of Foloys Honoy
nnd Tar which strougthous tho lungs
and makes thorn sound A II Kiesau
Its Krnnlr It Falls In Guru
ltectol tho groat pile euro A pilo
pipe freo with each package Wo soil it
undor a posltivo written guaranteo
No euro no pay 50 couts Samples
froo Kiesau Drug Co Solo Agents
Tho editor of the Fordvillo Ky Mis
cellaneous writos as n postscript to a
businoss lottor I was cured of kiduoy
troublo by taking Foloys Kidney Cure
Take nothing else A II Kiesau
He Kept HI Leg
Twelvo years ago J W Sullivan of
Hartford Conn scratched hip log with
a rusty wire Inflammation and blood
poisoning set in For two years ho suf
fered intensoly Then the best dootors
urgod amputation but ho writos I
used ouo bottlo of Electric Bittors and
1 boxes of Bucklous Arnica Salvo and
my leg was sound aud well as ever
For eruptions oczonia totter snlt
rhoum sores aud all blood disorders
Electrio Bitters has no rival on oarth
Try thorn A H Kiesau will guarantee
satisfaction or ref and mouoy Only 50
A Spring Toulr
Everybody needs a tonic in the
spring at this time the systom craves a
tonic It is housocloauing tlmo for your
body Lichty s Celery Nerve Compound
will tone up your uorvos blood kiduoys
and liver and All you with health nud
energy Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
Cimulit A Dreadful Cold
Marion Kooke manager for T M
Thompson a large importor of a flue
millinery at 1G5S Milwaukee Avenue
Chicago says During the late severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept mo awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day
One of my milliners was taking Cham
berlains Cough Remedy for a severe
cold at that time which seemed to re
lieve her so quickly that I bought some
for myself It acted like magic and I
began to improve at once I am now
entirely well and foel very pleased to
acknowledge its merits For sale by
Kiesau Drug Co
rile of People Have Pile
Rectol has cured piles of people of the
piles to stay cured A pile pipe free
with each package We sell it on a
positive guarantee No core no pay
50 cents Samples free Kiesau Drug
Co Sole Agents
Hellers Testimony
Albert Heller living at 1114 Farnham
street Omaha says I havo tried most
ovory thing that is used as a preventive
or cure tor headache but nothing did
me so much good as Krauses Headache
Capsules Others who have used them
say tho same thing Price 25c Sold
by Geo B Christoph
Scours In Colts anil Calve
For a young calf or colt from a day to
a month old give one teaspoonful of
Chamberlains Colio Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in half a gill of water as
a drench after each operation of the
bowels more than natural usually one
dose is sufficient For older animals it
may bo given in tho feed Thousands
of valuable animals are saved by it each
year This remedy is just what you
should take yourself when troubled with
diarrhoea For sale by Kiesau Drug Co
An Kxteuslve Stock ltaUer Tells How to
Cure Scours In Calves
Wm Abbott of Tyndall S Dak
quite an extensive stook miser has for
a number of years used Chamberlains
Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
for scours in calves aud says he has
uover known it to fail He gives n tea
spoonful in water as direoted on the
bottle for an adult mau after each oper
ation of tho bowels more than natural
Usually one doso is sutlicient For sale
by Kiesau Drug Co
Tin iiiisy to reel Good
Countless thousands have found a
blessing to the body in Dr Kings New
Life pills which positively cure consti
pation sick headache dizziness jaun
dice malaria fever and ague and all
liver and stomach troubles Purely
vegetable never gripe or weaken
Only 25o at Kiesau Drug Oos store
Stick to It
Geo L Heard of High Tower
Georgia writes Eczema broke out on
my baby covering his eutiro body Un
der treatmeut of our family physioian
he got worse as he could not sleep for
the buruiug aud itching We used a
box of Banner Salve on him and by
the time it was gone ho was well The
doctor seeing it was curiug him said
Stick to it for it is doing him more
good than anything I have done for
him A H Kiesau
nM MtfrVa Atwr
The diseases most feared nrc thosct which nre
Inherited handed down from generation to gen
eration nnd family to family By far the most
destructive of these is Cnnccr which finds the
greatest number of its victims among the children
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh they dry up tho secretions
which adhero to tho membrauo and decom
pose causing a far more sorious troublo than
tho ordinary form of catarrh Avoid all dry
ing inhalants fumes smokes and snuffs
and use- that which cleanses soothes and
heals Elys Cream Balm is such a remedy
aud will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly A trial sizo will bo
mailed for 10 cents All druggists soil tho
COosize ElyBrothors 50 Warren St NY
Tho Balm cures without pain does not
irritato or causo snoozing It spreads itself
over an irritated and augry surface reliev
ing immediately tho painful inflammation
With Elys Cream Balm you are armed
against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever
Iteclol Is a Remedy With a Record
Its record is 98 per cent of permanent
cures If yon have the piles try it Its
free if it fails to cure yon Samples
free Kiesau Drug Co Sole Agents
Jangling Nerves
Are you irritable Do you sleop
badly is it nam to concentrate your
thoughts Is your appetite poor Do
you feel tired restless and despondent
Try Liohtys Celery Nerve Compound
It will do youmore good than any thing
yon have ever tried Sold by Geo B
You Take So Chance When You Uuy llectol
for the piles We will refund the full
purchase price if it fails to cure A
pile pipe free with each package
Samples free Kiesau Drug Co Sole
B Pressou Pressonville Kans
writes Nothing like Foleys Honey
and Tar is the universal verdict of all
who have used it Especially has this
been true of conghs accompanying la
grippe Not a single bottle failed to
give relief A H Kiesau
Good Advice
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering from Dys
pepsia and Liver Complaint More than
seventy fivo per cent of the people in
the United States are altlictedwith these
two diseases and their effects such as
Sour Stomach Siok Headache Habitual
Costiveuess Palpitation of the Heart
Heart burn Waterbrash Gnawing and
Burning Pains at the Pit of theStomaoh
Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disa
greeable Taste in the Mouth Coming
nntl grand children of tltosc wiiosc btoou was tainted
with this dreadful malady You may carry this jpoison in the blood for years but
as the vital powers begin to wane n slight bruise or cut wart or mole sore or
pimple may develop into Caticcr Prom middle life to oltl age Is the time when
the slumbering poison is most apt to break out a sore or ulcer often degenerating
into Cancer and Tumors become more progressive and ulcerate through the skin
the sharp shooting pains causing the most intense suffering
The Cancer patient naturally grows despondent as one nfter another the usual
remedies fail and the sore shows no sign of healing The impurities thnt have
been accumulating in the system perhaps for generations cannot be eliminated nor
the poisoned blood made pure by salves washes and plasters The proper treatment
is to purify aud build up the blood remove the cause when the sore or ulcer heals
S S S goes directly
nix nt Xi Arnom oi uroenwooa a u wruos A
tiny uloor camo just undor ths loft eyo It began
spreading and grew worse rapidly destroying the
flosh as it wont As Oanoor Is hereditary In my family
X bocamo thoroughly alarmed consulting tho bost phy
sicians and taking many blood medlolnos none of
whioh did ma any good whon one of our loading
druggists advlsod mo to try S S 8 and by the tlmo
X had taken the second bottlo tho Cancer began to
show signs of healing tho discharge grew gradually
less and finally coasod altogothor the soro drlod up
and nothing remains but a slight soar I fool that I
owo my llfo to S S S
CSbmf 111
815 Of
into tho blood destroys
the vims stops the for
mation of Cancerous
cells and cleanses the
system of impurities
What we say of S S S
as a cure for Cancer is
supported by the testi
mony of those who havo
tested it nnd been re
stored to health
Renin in time dont
wait until the blood is so polluted and the system so thoroughly saturated with the
foison that no medicine however efficacious can check the progress of the disease
f there is a taint in your blood get it out at once dont wait for some external evi
dence of it the appearance of a tumor or ulcer We have prepared a special book
on Cancer which vye will mail free Our physicians are ready to help you by their
advice and such direction as your case requires Write us fully and freely no
charge for medical advice THB SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA O A
The nest Mood Purifier
The blood is constantly being purified
by the lungs llvor and kidneys Keep
those orgnus in a healthy condition aud
tho bowels regular aud you will havo no
need of a blood purifier For this pur
pose there is nothing equal to Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver tablets one
dose of them will do you more good than
a dollar bottle of tho bost blood purifier
Price 25 conts Samples free at Kiesau
Drug Cos drug store
If troubled by a weak digestion loss
of appetite or constipation try a few
doses of Chamberlains Stomach nnd
Liver tablets Every box warranted
For sale by Kiesau Drug Co
Increases human energy makes
soldiers of woak men Tho world has
little pity for a mau who having lost his
grip uloos not regain it by taking Rocky
Mountain Tea 850 G B Ohristopb
My lover built a house for me and
tried to warm it with his flaming heart
It did not work as you will see until he
got me Rocky Mountain Tea 35c G
B Christoph
V B Conkliu Bowersville O says
I received more benefit from Foleys
Kidney Care than months of treatment
by physicians A H Kiesau
A Itaglng Itoarlng Flood
Washed down a telegraph line which
Chas 0 Ellis of Lisbon la had to re
pair Standing waist deep in icy
water he writes gave me a terrible
cold aud cough It grew worse daily
Finally the best doctors in Oakdale Neb
Sioux City and Omaha said I had con
sumption and could not live Then I
began using Dr Kings Now Discovery
and was wholly cured by six bottles
Positively guaranteed for coughs colds
aud all throat and lung troubles by Kie
sau Drug Co Price 50c and 100 Trial
bottles free
up of Food after Eating Low Spirits etc
Go to your Druggist aud get a bottlo of
August Flower for 75 cents Two
dosos will relieve you Try it Get
Greens Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug
Running sores ulcers boils pimples
etc quickly cured by Banner Salvo
the most healing salve in the world A
sure cure for piles A H Kiesau
Toll Couldnt Have Stood It
If hed had itching piles Theyre tor
ribly annoying but Bucklens Aruici
salve will euro tho worst case of piles on
earth It has cured thouauds For in
juries pains or bodily eruptions its the
best salvo in the world Price 25o a box
Cure guaranteed Sold by Kiesau Drug
In all Its stages there
should be cleanliness
Elys Cream Balm
ceancs soothes and heals
tho diseased membrane
It cures catarrh and drh es
away a cold in the head
Cream Balm Is placed Into tho noitrlls iprsads
dver the membrane and is absorbed Relief Is Im
mediate and a cure follows It Is not drying does
not produce sneezing Large Size 60 cents at Drug
gists or by mall Trial Size 10 cents by mall
ELY BROTHERS SG Warren Street New Terk
mm un
v f A k aW W H
THE - Vv sJEf
Made a
Well Man
of Me
produces the nbovo results la 30 days It seta
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fall
Voung men will rogaln thetr lost manhood and old
men will recover thoir youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous
ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wasting Diseases snd
all effects of self -abuse or excess and Indiscretion
which unfits one for study business or marriage It
not only cures by starting at the seat of disease but
lasgreat nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
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For Bale by George B Ohristoph