The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 03, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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1 i
Tho Stanton comity fair will lw hold
Soptciubor 17 18 10 nnd 20
Dr P II Suitor nml hln guest lr
Glonionslin wero In Fromont today
Tho dnnco of tlio tfnrly Honr olub hiw
boon postponed until Monday ovonlng
Mny 11
G A Lulknrt Is cxpcotod homo to
morrow from his two woolco visit at
Orcfltouo Col
H llulhort clork nt tho Oitiwim Nn
tloimllmnk Is confined to tho Iiouho
with nn nttnok of tonnilitlH
Tho Imby of Mr nnd Mm Fronoh
wliollvo botweon Twolfth nnd Thir
toontli Htrcot is vory siok
Mr nnd Mrs Win Qnoon wont to
Oiiinlm today and Mrs Qnoon will bo
trontod in 0110 of tho hoapltalH of that
Conductor K 11 Taylor of tho 1 15
iVj M V has pnrohiwod a roHldouco
in tho Western Town Lot companys
nddltlon to Booth Norfolk
Tho Womans olub la giving nil outer
tniiiinont thlR afternoon in Odd KoIIowh
hall at which thoro are a number of
KUORts Including members of tho Stan
ton Sorosis
A baptismal sorvico wna hold in Triii
lty Kpiscopnl ohuroh yostordny nftor
noon at -1 oclock during whioli tho
onliunnce of baptism wiui udinlniHterod
to throe porsons
Dr Olomonshaof Port llopo Cannula
In tho guest of Drs P II and Frank
Saltor It is tho dootorn flrUt visit hero
nnd ho oxprosscs himsolf oa vory muoh
plonBod with Nobraska
DnttorMd Son have sold thoir
grain olovntor at Oroighton to tho Up
dyko Grniu company Qoorgo Hnttor
fiold went to Omaha today to oloso the
deal Tho consideration is 7500
Ono of tho boys baso boll uino of
thiH city contoinplntos going to Stan
ton Sntnrday to play a gnmo with a
nino of that plnco Tlio boyn compos
ing tho two teams will bo from 15 to 18
yoars of ngo
C 15 Groon and Otto Tnpportgo to
Omaha tomorrow to attend the grand
council of tho UOT Mr Groon iHjpast
grand senior eouucellor and Mr Tapport
goos ns ropresontativo from Norfolk
Council No 120 Mrs Green and Mrs
Tnpportwlll accompany thoir huHbauds
Tho now bridgo ovor tho Nortlifork
near tho creamory In ready forjtho floor
ing which will bo putou this woek
About tho first of Juno work will bo
commoncod on nn iron bridgo at tho
Main stroot crossing of tho Nortlifork
which when complotod will bo ono of
thoflnest bridges in tho county
Thoro wns a good sizod congrega
tion in tho Soooud Cougrogntioual
ohuroh at tho Jnuotiou lost night Jwhon
Evangelist Daly proaohod a voryprac
tioal discourse Mrs Dalygwill speak
tonight at 8 oolock Tomorrow night
tho stato soorotary of tlio Y M 0 A
will give nn address to whioli mou
especially are invited but ladios also
will bo welcome
A number of tho businoss mou of Nor
folk aro honrtily in favor of colobrating
tho Fourth of July this yoar aud it is
likely that tho only thiuglackiug to pro
vidofornn onthusiastio obsorvanoo of
tlio day is somo ono to tako holiljof tho
mntter and start the ball rolling Por
lmps a mass mooting of oitioua would
be tho most approved method of making
n start but tho citizeus will not moot
unless tlioy are called togothor
Tho old city administration Jia to
retire next Tuesday ovouing that being
tho first Tuesday in May and tlio tlnio
fixed by lnw as the cloo of tho munici
pal year nt whioh tlnio Mayor oloot
Koonigstein nnd the now couuoilmon
will tako up the roius of tho cityfgovorn
mont It has beeu dooldod that ac
cording to tho ordinance and tho stat
utes tho saloon licousoa issuod lost
spring aro good to tho end of tho muni
cipal yenr nnd tho wot goods emporiums
aro doing business as usual
Two records wore brokou in police
court doings last month Ordinarily
thoro aro from 50 to 100 por cent of tlio
flues loviod by the police judge that aro
not collected and in fact aro not oojleot
nblo as in tho case of tramps who
Eoldom have monoy and never acknowl
edge it if they have Lost mouth
ovor the collection of linos amounted
to 100 por cent which moans the break
ing of ono record Tho other rooord is
in the number of cases thoro having
been but one case bofore Police Jndgo
Hayes during April tho fiuo was 3
and was paid Thus two records wero
broken at one shot Judgo Hayos is not
satisfied howevor and is complaining
because of lack of buslnofw and has
about come to the conclusion thai Nor
fotk is getting too good to noed a police
One of the social events for this woek
will be the annual dinner to be given by
the board of directors of tho Young
Mens Christian league to their contrib
utors and friends This will bo an ex
ceedingly represenative gathoring of
the business and professional won of
the city There have beon about soventy
five invitations sout out and it looks as
though the gathering was going to bo
one of the popular events of tho season
Mr Fred Willis and Mr Geo M Tibbs
both of Omaha will be amoug the
guests of the evening Mr Willis
tho general secretary of tho Omaha
Y M 0 A and is coiiHldorod ono of
tho strongest men In tho work oonnootod
with tho western field Hols a mag
netic speaker aud in much nt homo in
making nftor dinner speochos Mr
Tiblis Is ono of tlio substantial businoss
men of Oinahn having boon formorly
oonnootod with tho M 15 Smith nnd
Co wholesale dry goods houso ono of
tho strongost firms of tho olty Tho
Young Moiih league is a growing Insti
tution and thiH event promises to bo ono
of tho milo stnnofl of its history
Ilntwnen Onmlin nml St Paul MthnNrtli
Wontnrn 11 nn
Hat os to tho biennial mooting lload
Camp Modorn Woodmon of America
havo boon aunounood at one faro plus
fJCX for tho ronnd trip
Tho railroads of Nebraska connecting
with tho North Wostorn Lino at Omaha
Tun Union Pacific
Mirtsouiu Paoikici
0 H I P
and tho road connecting nt Missouri
Valley is tho Fremont I5lkhoru Mo
Delegatus and thoir friouds from all
polutH in tho stato oau thoroforo secure
tho bost accommodations by buying
through tiokots from thoir homo towns
via tho most convenient road to tho
Missouri rivorand tho North Wostorn
Lino boyoud
Loavo Omaha Union Passougor
Statiou 755 pm
Loavo Omaha Union Pnsseugor
Station lfTa m
Tho night train has modern brawl
vofltlhulod coaohos and Pullman Bloopers
Tho day train has modorn broad vestl
bulod coaches and observation buffet
parlor car
Wo noto tho fact that M W of A
always want tho best whou tlioy can
got it for tho samo money Tho motto
of the North Wostoru Lluo L Tho
Bost of 15vory thing
J It Buchanan
Gouoral Passougor Agont
Omaha Nob
Nurtlinrii WIhooiimIii Kitllwiiy Kiirin IiiihIh
Tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
fc Omaha railway has for salo in North
ern Wisconsin nt low prtcos anu easy
torniH of payment about 150000 acres
of ohoico farm lands
Early buyers will soonro tho advan
tage of locations on tho many boautlful
streams aud lakos which abound with
fish and furnish a novor oudiug and
most oxoollont wator supply both for
family use and for stock
Land la generally well timbered tho
soil fertile and easy of cultivation and
this is rapidly developing into one of
the greatest sheep and cattle raising
rogious in tho northwest
Chicago Mllwaukoo St Paul Minn
eapolis Duluth Superior Ashland and
othor towns on Tho Northwestern
Lino furnish good markets for stock
and farm produce
For further particulars address
Gko W Bell
Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or
G H MacRak
Asst GoulPass AgtSt Paul Minn
LlvltiK Without Nonrlnhment
There rtoeius to be no philosophical
necessity for food Wis can conceive of
organized beings living without nour
ishment and deriving all the energy
they need for the performance of thoir
llfo functions from the ambient me
dium In a crystal we have the clear
evldeuceof tbe existence of a formative
lifo principle and though we cannot
understand the life of a crystal it Is
none tho less a living being Thero
may be besides crystals other such In
dividualized vintcrlul systems of be
togs perhaps of gaseous constitution
or composed ot substance still more
tenuous In view of this possibility
nay probability wo cannot apodeictlo
ally deny the exlstenco of organized
beings on a planet merely becauso tbe
conditions on the same are unsuitable
for tho existence of llfo as we con
ceive It We cannot even with positive
assurance assert that somo of them
might not bo present here in this our
world in the very nildst of us for their
constitution aud life manlfestlon may
be such that wo are unable to perceive
them Nikola Tesla in Century Maga
Au Kxtract from Her Letters
If you could only bo horothis winter
moruiug aud soo for yoursolf you would
no longer doubt mo Roses nrtT bloom
ing in onr front yard and all nature is
as for advanced in this lovely Amorican
summorland as it will be iu your cold
oaatern homo by Juno
Wo mode tho journey from Missouri
river to the Golden Gate on the Union
Pacifio to avoid the circuitous routes
an important item in the winter A
trip to California is mode delightful by
iuo periect uorviuo una luxurious ac
commodation of The Overland Limited
whioh is perhaps tho most finely
oquipped train in tho world
Dotalled information furnished on ap
plication F W Jukkman Agent
TUe Norfolk Nursery
Sells seed potatoes pure Early Ohio
Six Weeks Early Triumph and Early
Pooch Blows Also ash box elders
olui and maple 8 to 12 foot high
Ohorry apple plum trees and small
frnit plants forest trees Boodlings rose
bushes flowering shrubs and evergreens
Call on or address E D Hammond
is 1 Norfolk Nebraska
Members nt Stanton Htrosl and Norfolk
OanntH intertnlnrl by tho Woman
Ultili VdKtnrilay
from TlinrmUra Dully I
Tho ladios of tho Norfolk Womans
olub provided n vory ploasant entertain
ment for thoir gnosis yostordny nftor
noon in Odd Follows hall Bosidoa tho
nionibors of tho Stanton Sorosis each
member of tho local club was privileged
to invito a guest aud tho nttendnuco
wns thoroforo largo The members of
Stanton Sorosis woro met at tho train
by n conuulttoo of ton ladios and woro
oscortod to tho hall whoro a play on
tltlod Gran ford wns presented tho
following named ladios composing tho
oast Mofldamos A J Durland John
II Hays 15d Seymour 15 A Bullock
H L Snydorj O 15 Groon M O
Hnzon 0 II Royuolds W G Baker
aud Frank Boels Tho play was iu
threo nets and was presented iu n
manner that wns highly commended
by tho auditors Old Laug Syuo
wns sucg in n wny that was amusing If
not harmonious and subject to tho ap
proval of music critics Mesdnmos II
L Suider O 15 Green nnd Rnbort
Uttor furnished somo ploaslug vocal
music Fruit punch served from two
punch bowls added tb tho pleasures of
tho afternoon
After a season of social enjoyment the
club mombers aud their Stanton guests
repaired to tho homo of Mrs John R
Hays whore thoy woro ontortained at
suppor Tho rooms woro beautifully
decorated In tho club colors yellow and
white while tho table decorations wore
of jonquils and yellow and whlto tulips
a similar color schonio being also fol
lowed In tho monu served The guests
woro sented at small tables Boattered
through the roomp and served to the
following mouu
Fruit Filling In Orauffs Cups
Clilckon Pntos Hot Rolls
Jardluloro Salad
Cliooso Wnfaru ColToo
Ico Ctoiim
Cako Saltoil Nnti
A May polo dauco was a feature of
the outertniumont in which nil the
ladios and thoir guests joined A May
basket wus attached to tho oud of each
ribbon At S l0 the Stanton ladios loft
for homo tho Norfolk club cscortiug
them to their train nt the Oroightou
Mrs A Warner was in the olty yes
tordry from Oakdale
Roy Carter came up from Oreston to
attend the wedding of his sister
Joseph Johnson of Sheffield 111 is
the guest of his brother Dr A J John
Mrs W Z King and daughter Iryl
loft today for a two weeks visit with
relatives at Grand Island
The Rees building occupied by the
Vail caudy kitchen Is being raised and
will havo a brick foundation put uuder
Tho business mooting of the Epworth
loaguo which was onnonucedjfor tomor
row night has beon postponed for one
Mrs M A MoMillau and Mrs A J
Durland will go to Plaiuview tomorrow
to attend au open meeting of tho
Womans club of that oity
Materials to bo used in the construc
tion of the building to bo erectod by the
Stortz Brewing company are being
placed on the ground and work on the
building will soon begin
Fred Thiein and Mathilda Thlem of
Omaha brothor and sister of tho groom
wore here yesterday to attend the
Thiem Carter wedding returning to
that city after the ceremony
Mrs Warren Hurlburt has returned
from Omalia where sho has been re
ceiving treatment for tho past five
woeks iu one of the hospitals of that
city She is very muoh improved in
The Registor says that the excavation
for tho now mill at Stanton is about
completed and work ou tho buildiug
will commouco soon It will require
six carloads of rook to complote the
The young ladies of Trinity Social
guild have purchased and placed in the
Episcopal church a very handsome
baptismal font as a memorial to their
former president the lato Miss Marie
Leggett Weills who founded the so
Ed Grant has sold his saloon business
to Peter Fitch and expects to depart
Monday with his father B Grant for
the west Ed will engage in the saloon
business at Pocatella Idaho whoro he
has already acquired property and his
father will go still further west tem
porarily at least where he has other
The following ofticors were elected
by Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co at a
meeting held Inst night V A Nenow
president W J Braasch vice presi
dent ROhrisohilles secretary W L
Kern treasurer Ed Benniug foreman
George Stapenhorst assistant foreman
R Ohrischilles fire police Fred Heller
man fire police Trustees Ed Benniug
Johuson und Yail
Mr aud Mrs George W Ingruham
arrived yesterday from Spokane Wash-
ington aud aro guosts of Mr nnd Mrs
II 15 Owon Owing to tho poor honlth
of I M Owon and tho increasing busi
ness of tho contracting firm Messrs
Owon Bros havo omployod Mr Ingra
ham ns superintendent of their business
and ho will undoubtedly bo n valuablo
aid In their work
Mrs Dodormnu who lives on North
Eighth stroot mot with a distressing
accident Monday whllo ougngod iu
hnuso olonuing Sho wns standing noar
n clothesline upon which tho carpet had
beeu hung whon tho strong wind which
was blowing causod the lino to break
nnd sho wim knocked down her limb
bolng brokon near tho hip joint Tho
injurod lady is Ti yoars of ago which
mnkos tho injury tho uioro sorions
Tho Mny day ball given iu Mar
quardts hall last night by Protection
lodge No 101 Dogreo of Honor was as
thoroughly enjoynblo as tho entertain
inontB usually given by that society
and thoso who attondod woro highly
ontortained during tho ovouing Tho
hall wns brilliantly lighted nnd tho
danco continued until a Into hour tho
followors of Terpsichore finding it au
ngroonblo wny to pass tho ovoniug of
the first dny of Mny
A Good Thing
Gorman Syrup is tho spocinl prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschoo a celobrated
Gorman Physician nnd is acknowledged
to bo ono of the most fortunato discover
ies iu Medicine It quickly cures
Coughs Colds aud all Lung troubles of
tho sovorost nature removing as it does
tho cause of tho affection nnd leaving the
parts in a strong and hoalthy condition
It is not an experimental medicine but
has stood the tost of years giving satis
faction In ovory caso whioh its rapidly
increasing salo every season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Bos
choos Gorman Syrup wns iutrodnced iu
tho Unites States iu 1803 and is now
sold in ovory town and village in tho
olvllizcd world Threo dosos will relievo
auy ordinary cough Price 75 cts Get
Greens Prizo Almanac Asa K Leon
lettor LlHt
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at tho postofllco April 23 1901
Mrs E N Adams H E Cunning
ham R 0 Demmon O J Duer
Egyptian Remedy Co 3 Lehman
Wilholm W J Lowe Billy Mooro Ed
McGiunis Robt MullinHoraco Parker
Mrs W Reynolds J 0 Reynolds H
Roakos J Rogers P Saudh Mrs
Rosie Slnttery Miss Manda Schelloy
James D Taylor F 0 WolferJEtta
If not called for in 30 days will be
sent to the dead letter office
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised
P F Sprkcker P M
GosnEN 111 Genesse Pore Food Co
Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Some days
since a package of yourJGrain O prepar
ation was left at my oflice I took it
home aud gave it a trial and I have to
say I was very much pleased with it as a
substitute for coffee We have always
used the best Java aud Mocha In our
family but I am tree to say I like the
Grain 0 as well as the best coffee I ever
drank Respectfully yours
A O Jackson M D
Whnt NUall Wo Have for Daert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it today
Try Jell O a delicious dessert Pre
pared in two minutes No baking add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
A stray darkjbrown horse with white
stripe in faco is at my place Owner
will please call forhim
E E Hartman
In good condition she Is sweet and lovable
and sings lifes song on a joyful harmonious
string Out of order or unstrung there Is
discordance and unhappiness Just as there
Is one key note to all music so there Is one key
note to health A woman might as well try
to fly without wings as to feel well and look
well while the organs that make her a woman
are weak or diseased She must be healthy
Inside or she cant be healthy outside There
are thousands of women suffering silently all
over the country Mistaken modesty urges
their silence While there Is nothing more
admirable than a modest woman health Is
of the first Importance Every other con
sideration should give way before it Brad
fields Female Regulator is a medicine foi
women sills His
est way to cure leu
corrhea falling of
thewomb nervous
ness headache
backache and gen
eral weakness You
will bo astonished
at the result es
pecially if you have
been experiment
ing with other so
called remedies
We are not asking
you to try an uncer
tainty Bradfields
happy thousands of
women What it
has done for others
It can do for you
Sold In drug stores
for 1 a bottle
A irre Illustrated
book will be sent
to ill who write to
MUflto Go
II N tT ar
II I ll I Ml flVyr jMB
at the old Poultry House
Cash Prices as follows
HEINS AND PULLETS - - cts per lb
SPRING STAGS - 44 cts per lb
OLD ROOSTERS 3 cts per lb
DUCKS AND GEESE - - Si cts per lb
TURKEYS 31 cts per lb
PIGEONS 60 cts per doz
Prices hold good including April 13
That ve are constantly growing in the art of mat
ing Fine Photos aud our products will always be
fouud to embrace the most
and Newest style iu Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
noi MAJy
chronic DnuNunl
ST Consumption
write to OR A H KELLER
Sioux Falls 8 D fob roix intoiijiatioh
Dr Keller Specialist la Note Throat Lung
and Kidney Disease wilt correspond with you
In regard to your condition
Sprays washes powders salves medicated
tobacco and cigarettes however long and persistently
used do not cure Catarrh They relieve temporarily
the inflammation in the throat and nose and enable
you to breathe more easily and freely but the con
tinual rush of impure blood to these parts keeps up
the irritation and ultimately produces ulceration of
the glands when the breath becomes exceedingly
offensive and the soft bones of the nose are frequently
destroyed The catarrhal inflammation extends over
X had Catarrh about 15 yoars and
tried durinv the time everything I could
bear of but nothing1 did ine any good
At laat I came to the conclusion that
Catarrh xauat be a blood disease and
deoided to give 8 S B a trial I could
aee a little improvement from the first
bottle and continued it three or four
months or until I was cured Havo
not taken anything for six years and
am just as well as I ever was U MAT
SON Lapeer Mich
Medical Opinion in regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
An editor of a medical journal
writes as follows
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozono
offered by the Dr A H Keller
Chemical Company as a cure for
Consumption Asthma Bronchitis
Hay Fever Catarrh Coughs
Colds and nil diseases of the air
passages This we know to be a
genuine speciflo for these com
plaints and as such entitled to
our confidence and that of our
Close examination into the
practical results whioh have been
had from the use of this remedy
has caused ns to endorse it as be
ing an undoubted cure for the
above ailments effectual in re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attacks which had been
of the severest and most tedious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozone permanently restored
health and in cases which wero
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
A Constitutional Affection -
- flRvwM vww
tne entire Bunace or rue mucous membrane or inner skinT the stomach kidneys
and lungs are often involved the whole system soon become affected by the rapid
absorption of poisonous matter into the blood and the disease that you had hoped
to cure with simple local remedies assumes a dangerous form -
had Catarrh to bad was entirely
deaf in one ear and all the inside
of my nose and part of the bone
sloughed off The physicians gave
me up as incurable I determined to
try S S 8 and began to Improve at
onoe It seemed to g et at the seat of
the disease and after a few weeks
treatment I was entirely cured and
for more than seven years have had
no sign of the disease MBS JOSE
Catarrh Is a constitutional disease a blood disease which la frequently
Inherited and only a blood medicine such as S S S can remove the hereditary
taint destroy the poisons that have been accumulating in the system for years
perhaps and restore the blood to a healthy and pure condition The inflamed
membranes and diseased glands are healed by the nch pure blood which is carried
to them and the offensive discharges from the nose and the terrible headache and
neuralgic pains cease Chronic cases of the most desperate character and apparent
ly hopeless have been cured completely and permanently by the use of S S S
Write our physicians fully about your case and they will cheerfully assist you
by their advice We rfwrge nothing whatever for this service Book free on
Daily News Job Department