I G The Norfolk Jieucts A Now York dtupatoh tolls of tho Poll Thonipon wedding Wo hurt supposed thnt Poll was already married o Moll Is your money fipont nt homo or doos nil yon upoud go toward building np Ohlcngo Oninlin or somo othor distutit city Mny dny in tho noxt iti tho linn wait ing to bo honored Tho chlldron will undoubtedly glvo It duo oonsldoratton with flowers and Mny baskots Democrats claim that tholr party in tho party of tho pooplo and yot thoy havo elected but ono man lo tho prosl donoy In a period of in yoam Tho pooplo must bo decidedly In tho ml norlty Whilo watting for Mr MoKlnloy to orndlonto tho Fourth of July Mr Bryan might show him how it in douo by eliminating Arbor day from thoonlondar and making Its author J Storllng Mor ton ttcarco Somo Bhrowd trtiould hovu election law piwwod that would requlro voters to noknowlodgo tholr ngo That would positively sottlo tho question so far as many of tho womon aro coucoruod A porson may think that a dollar nout to a foreign houso for goods will not bo folt at homo but snpposo thorn aro two or throo thouBnnd purflons of similar mind what u hole could bo inarto in homo finances Patroulo homo in duBtrios A Cleveland Ohio miniHtor holds tho hoys of his church and dont pro pofio to opou tbo doors until bin olainiH for back salary havo boon mot Ho flconiH to hold a sort of personal iujuuo tion against church sorvioos Tho Blair Pilot has boon printing on calendared pupor somo oxoollout half tono illustrations of buildings and pcoplo of Blair and surrounding towns and tho Ibsuo of tho 18th contains an ex cellent writeup of that citys advaut ngos Somo times ono kind of religion Is too runoh for ono man but it is said that a man In Atchison Kansas who recently diod hnd three kinds There should bo no doubt as to where his f uturo ex istence may bo spout but Homo will bo roady to question it Politics is said to bo gottlng protty hot in Iowas capital city A lire re cently started in tho oapitol building was said to havo boon caused by spouta uoous combustion bat whether old rags or now aspirants for politioal honors woro tho original cause is not stated Tho Wayne Democrat would liko to know which ticket tho Commoner would Bupport if Mark Hauna headed the re publican ticket and J Sterling Morton tho democratic in tho next presidential campaign Thats a poser Either would annihilate tho common people Thoso victims of tho grip who are constantly saying hatchet aro not necossarily in sympathy with Mrs Nntion Tho liberal way in which thoy nso tho handkerchief after each excla mation would indicate that their sym pathies are exclusively for that ladys victims A rut crusade has begun in tho stock yards lit Chicago It is proposod to eradicate tho pests by iuuooulatioii with a now virus from the Pasteur Vooolne company of Paris Tho war against tho rats Booms to havo startod iu oaruatit but it will havo to bo very wido spread and thorough to bo successful It is said that there aro now ton men after each quarter sootion of tho reser vations to bo opoued up for settlomout iu Oklahoma There Ls likely to be somo koen disappointments not only ou tho part of thoso who do not soouro a claim but by thoso who aro successful as well if tho laud is as desolate as alleged A Jupouoso bacteriologist wants a world wido crusado beguu against rats asserting that they aro alarming dissetn inntors of disease China may again bo tho ouo to balk at this proposition of tho civilized countries It is popularly supposed that tho celestials havo a fond ness for tho rodeuts and may object to their extermination The year 1901 scorns likely to show a record exceeding the rooord breaker of 1000 in tho way of exports from tho United States aud it is expootod that the billion and a half mark may bo reached Thus far tho rooord of tho year has shown a wondorf ul luoroaso ovor 1000 This is a great country and appears to bo growing groator ovory minute An experts witness on tho stand ogaiust tho Omah a street railway company thought that a car coming down a hill at the rate of 15 miles an hour oould bo stopped within 25 feet Tho dofouso in vited him to try it aud tho car ran 175 feet after tho brakes and sand had boon applied It is unnecessary to add that bto testimony nnd test proved of much value to the defense Those who may be inolined to think tlio Nebraska legislature extravagant lu its appropriations should glanco at tho record being rnndo by tho leglslatnro of Illinois whoro tho appropriations aro llkoly to reach tho 12000000 mark That state cortalnly had more money at it disposal than Nebraska but how it can m an ngo to use that amount of money is a conundrum Tho Kuropean nations would coinblno to curb tho western giant among the world powors Thny dont liko Ameri can intorforouco in tholr gamo of grab in Oliiua a little bit ami would liko to show this country that while sho may bo greater than any ono of thorn thoy aro tho moro poworful when combined Amorlca would probably not relish a contest of this kind but it is not im probable that sho would not bo tho worst frayed lu tho oud Now York doesnt intend to havo Florida and hor walking fish havo nil the sensation and it is roportod from Sayvlllo that a flshorman has captured a mermaid In his nets and now has It lu captivity It is said that tho fish woighs olght pounds and has a faco closely re sembling that of a woman It is ex pected that floa sorpont and similar Btorios will flourish with unwonted vigor on tho coast this soason Tho season is opoulug right for it Heros hoping that tho froo and un limited coiuago of tho ohicken and cow without tho aid or oonsout of any na tion on oarth will contlnuo Tho prod ucts of tho lion and dairy in tho United States daring 1000 amountod to 075 XOOOO whilo tho gold and sllvor pro duced lu tho country during 1819 amountod to but 142000000 Tho ono product that oxcoodod lu value that of tho cow and lion was com which in 1900 amountod to f 75 1000 000 Pooplo who kick on the doctors and tho loss of a fow days tlmo on count of tho grip ovidoutly havo kick coming compared with Jeau Roszko tho famous tenor with Metropolitan Opora company grip took effect in his throat uud already cost him 20000 through engagements not to moution exponsivo doctor bills Tho singers throat is his stock in trade and Jeans throat has not boon in marketable condition for several weeks Tho Nobroska City News says As usual when tho republicans aro in power a big scandal has developed in tho Philippines This thing of trying to shovo all tho responsibility for scan dals that havo provaled in thoso islands for tho past 35 or 40 years on tho re publican party is laying it on a littlo too thick If that party is niado to shoulder tho blamo for the shortcomings of its oflloials during tho timo Americans havo coutrollod tho islands that should bo sufficient Uucle Sam is avorso to spending two to throo million dollars ayear abroad for nuts and his sorvants of tho agricul tural dopartmont aro Importing trees from foreign corntries to introduce hero Tho Uuitod States has a rango of soils aud olimato in which conditions similar to those of almost any country in the world may bo found aud it is not im probable that tho future will soo pro duced horo anythiug possible to grow in any othor port of tho world Tho timo may not bo far distant whon the United Statos will be independent in fact well as in name Tho American Economist of New York has issuod a supplement contain ing tho cartoons aud illustrations used id that publication for the past threo years Tho Economist is published by tho American Protective Tariff League which has done good work for tho prln oipal of protection to homo industries Tho illustrations aro of politioal import and aro most suggostivo somo of thom tolliug volumes iu a very simplo man uor readily understood aud more outer- taming tnau tho pages of dry argument occasionally promulgated Tho Ecouo mist has accomplished much for tho re publicau party and this portfolio is not tho least of its publications J Sterling Morton of Nebraska City is not of tho sort who fixes a holiday or practico to bo observod by other people while ho sits Idly by and observes tho results Ho aud his sous planted 0000 troos this spring many of thom boiug givou their start for the boautifying of tho country on Arbor day Not only does Mr Morton bolievo in encouraging tho planting of trees but anythiug to ward the beauty of town or couutry re ceives his hearty support The Ne braska City Starch company in which ho is interested has offered prizos ag gregating flOO for the most beautiful lawns iu that city grown this summer A flue lawn is prize enough in itself but with this additional iucentivo it maybe expocted that Nebraska City lawnB will bo of exceedingly fine texture this summer Charles A Towno thinks that it will be impossible for tho democrats popu lists silver republicans or all of them combined to dislodge tho republican party as long as favorable industrial conditions continue Charley must be discouraged Ho Bhould tako treatment from Dr Bryan made famous for his ffc l THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL 2ti 1901 bill ac tio do tho His has lost as optimistic viows of democracys success in past campaigns whon uoarly every Htato in tho union has boon claimod by that party Charley is llkowlso nils takon Tho republican party hoAJbcen dofoatod whon tho people woro enjoying good timo and may bo oKnt at tho former oxporimeut was so disastrous that thoy didnt chooso to mako an other and porhapj worso ono during tho past two campaigns Tho gold holdings in tho United States treasury now oxcood a half billion dol lars No othor treasury in tho world is now so full and tho imperial bank of Hussia is tho only ono that over made a higher record Tho Amoricau troasury lacks but llttlo more than ninety mil lions of reaching that mark Tlioro Is no discounting tho fact that tho United Statos is agroatcouutry and ono of which overy citizen should bo proud This groat record of financial stability has boon acquired whilo tho country has boon engaged lu wars and tho suppres sion of rcbolhous It is tho result of wlso financiering and prosperous condi tions a coutiuuauco of which will soon compoll the acknowledgment that the United States is tho greatest country in tho world Tho British government Is facing a deficit of moro than 53000000 caused to a largo oxtont by tho South African war Tho condition that exists brought out this oxolamation from Sir William Vernon Harcourt Wo aro living in an ago of nowspapor finance and of in creased expenditures Wo cannot go ou without involving this country in finan cial ruin Tho fashionablo doctrine of tho duy is conscription and protection does anybody beliovo that this increase is not to goon England is not as strong now as at tho close of tho French war and this is tho most disastrous statement that tho exohequer has niado Tho government is planning for another largo loan and meantime tho pooplo aro to bo burdoned with additional taxes and duties England would probably bo glad to encourage a llttlo of tho re publican financiering that has proved of such benefit to this country Norfolk Honored by Banker Norfolk extouds cordial greeting aud an earnest wolcomo to tho bankers of Northeast Nobraska who assomble here in fourth annual convention this week Tho pooplo of tho city esteom it n great opportunity to have as tholr guests for a day n class of busiuess men who are at ouco the mainstay and barometer of the balance of tho business world In fathoriug a communitys finances they aro at tho very heart of all industrial progress and depression They are tho first to feol it whon tho community is suffering from hard times aud tho pulses of their finance aro the first to quicken when an ora of prosperity dawns A bank of strong finances is a guaranty of a communitys stability whilo one that is financially weak indicates a cor respoudiug weaknoss ou the part of other business interests thoy aro therefore a reliable barometer of the business conditions of fellow industries aud it is especially gratifying to note that tho bnuks of this section aro con stantly aud steadily increasing in strength Tho banker is a modern necessity and however much ho may bo maligned and snoerod at by certain political economists they would readily recognize his worth aud nndoubtodly be tho first to miss him were ho retired and business con ducted as wns done by our forefathers Tho businoss world would be at a dead loss how to procood without this tent medium through which their busi ness affairs could be transacted The lino was when a man who wnnted to purchase a horse would trado potatoes hay or corn for it afterward money was the solo medium of exchange now a check answers all purposes of both A pieco of paper valueless without a signature is made to represent monoy or going further back potatoes hay aud corn by a person merely signing his uame whioh to a bankor means that ouo oustomor has transferred a few figures to the account of his neighbors A similar pieco of paper may likowiso be used in transferring money to a distaut country the inothod being both safe uud inexpensive Tho banker may not always bo the wealthiest man of n community iu fnct ho rarely is but ho has a knowledge of tho communitys financial couditiou and of profitable investments whioh tho rioh man does not always possess and his advico is eagerly sought Ho is also recognized as a snfe medium for hand ling wealth and to his care is entrusted tbo money of the community His busiuess lequires more sagaoity and he must exercise a greater degree of of caution than any other business re presentative His knowledge of book keeping and tho othor details of the bus iuess must be tho best obtainable Ho must inspire confidence aud bo able to determine those in whom confidence may be reposed All these go toward making the perfect banker and the meu who aro gathered hero today represent such qualities iu large degree therefore Norfolk Is honored by their presence May they consider their visit to this city as ono of the pleasant and profitable events of a life timo and departing may their thoughts revert with pleasure to the Arbor day of 1901 spent in Nor folk Tho straw hot is budding and will soon bo in full bloom Tho domocrats appear to have a regu lar look of aspirants for tho supremo judgeship A town would soon ceaso growing but for homo patronogo and tho moro it re eolve tho greater it grows It is reported that Edward Atkinson of Boston town is ono of tho disconcerted followers of Agalnaldo who coutomplates taking tho oath of allegiance Nows of how Mr Bryan observed Arbor day is anxiously awaited Per haps ho went out under tho shado of a budding olm and dictated drastic edi torials for tho Commoner against tho Conservative Tho shirt waist for men may bo said to bo firmly established tho tailors through tholr magazines are fighting it and it will in tho natural order of thligs become exceedingly popular It requires opposition to properly iutro duco innovations in dross A well known business man of Omaha who opposos tho voting of any moro bonds by that city has proparod a stato mout showing that citys bondod in debtedness to be over ten million dollars now His position would cortaluly seem to bo justified by this showing Tho American protective tariff system should not longer bo a matter for argu ment lu national politics It has proven indisponsablo to Amoricau industries and they should not longer be threatened by froo traders As long as democraoy is in such sore straits for an issue how ever freo trado will probably continue to bob up nnd bo supported by tho guns of that party great Tho Cubans should soon settle down to businoss under somo form of govern ment The mouths of January and February this year show a docreaso of 200881 in customs receipts as compared with Jho first two mouths of 1900 Cubas exports for the first three quarters of 1000 showed a decrease of 2000000 as compared with 1S90 and hor Imports were 1500000 less as com pared with tho samo period President Will M Maupin of tho Ne braska Press association announces his couuectiou with tho Couutry Publishers company of Omaha with the interests of which he will hereafter bo identified Tho company is to bo congratulated on securiug his services Mr Makpiu is a newspaper man in every sense of the word has a wide acquaintance with couutry publishers aud it can readily bo conceived that both tho company and Mr Maupin will profit Tho company has been in existence four years and al though it has met with disheartening competition aud persistent rebuffs this now allignment indicates that it is in a growing and prosperous condition Mr Maupius friends of the craft will wish him great success und new honors iu his present capacity Aguiualdo is counting himself out of tho democratio party in a sure and cer tain way and ho will soon be maligned and traduced by his former admirers if ho does not curb his disposition to be come an American His remarks con cerning tho glorious sovereign banner of tho United States is already sneered at by his whilom supporters aud he should know that in the eyes of democ racy that banner is in disrepute because it has been opposing him and takiug away his liberties If he doesnt know any better than to praise his oppressors he is not intelligent enough to be a good democrat and his walking papers will be furnished on short notice This country should not be praised not with the presont administration and every good democrat is supposed to know it Agninaldos eyes aro gettiug wide open He has had a good thing right ut hand aud didnt know it His desire for power aud self government has so shaded his sight that he could not see the liberty emolument and glory offered by tho most humano and progressive country among tho governments of tho earth Since he has behold the oppor tunities of his country aud people iu their true light he goes into rhapsodies Ho says This cause has been joy fully embraced by tho mnjority of my fellow countrymen who have already uuitod around tho glorious soverign banner of tho United States In this banner thoy repose their trust nnd bo liof that under its protection the Fili pino people will attainall those promised liberties which they ore beginning to enjoy Tho country has declared un mistakably in favor of peace So bo it County Superintendent J D Keller of Woodbury county Iowa while a strong temperauce advocate is fearful that the schools at the solicitation of temperance people aro overdoing thnt subject He says there isnt a branch of physiology that doesnt treat of the evil effects of drink aud there isnt a day that the pupil is not led to see the awful results of drinking Horrible pictures are printed in their books to show the effects of alcohol and somo of thom represent cases not to be found more than ouce in a thousand times Mr Keller says j The boy sees these things and thinks of men he knows who drink and ho cannot bolievo they have such hideous organs in their bodies Tho tcaohor says that tho drunkard has no appetito and that tho stomachs of nil such men refuse to porform their functions Now tho boy knows if he is bright thnt a drunkard is usually a glutton as well The instructor says that ho who partakes of Intoxicating liquors becomes brokou in body nnd fooblo of mind Tho boy probably knows intimately a man who drinks and whose physique and vigor ho has always admired nnd who mny bo ono of tho most successful mon of tho city I think that wo cau often do moro Injury by suggestion to tho pupil than by actual tomptntion Tho boy who hoars what horrifying effects immediately take placo in every part of his body goes out and soes a healthy man a steady drinker and it is just like taking tho governor from an engino Ho is too a little curi tus to feel tho sensation of a hob nailed liver and n stomach filled with curdlod blood vossels and ho may try tho experi ment MEADOW GROVE Mrs H L Kindred was shopping in Norfolk Monday Priuclpal Walter Pilgor spent Sunday at his homo in Norfolk Orln Prltohard is painting Chas Evans houso on Main stroot Miss Blanche Carrico visited frieudB in Battlo Creek Saturday and Sunday Mrs Josle Palmer is visiting with her parents Mr and Mrs W H Hopkins Clyde and Bessie Hardiug visited iu Battlo Creek last Saturday aud Suuday Miss Charlotte Luton speut Saturday and Sunday visiting friends at Tilden Merl Hike and Oscar Johnson of Tilden spent last Sabbath in this city Misses Mabel Crooke and Pearl Hop kins visited frionds in Battle Creek Fri day Mesdames Colegrove and Damon drove to Battle Creek Thursaay after noon Mrs Tom McDonald and children of Tilden spent Sunday with relatives in this city Frank McOullau and Lena Storey were married in Stanton Wednesday April 17th Chas Crooke accompanied by his sister-in-law Miss Alma Mills returned from ONeill Thursday Quite a crowd of young people from this city attended a party given by Miss Eva Christiansen Friday evening Emmet and Max Churoh sons of Mr and Mrs Ira Church arrived hero from their homes in Missouri aud Idaho Mon day Mrs Ira Church living two miles south west of town was stricken with paralysis last Wednesday Her condi tion is critical Miss Laura Heitzman of Battle Creek visited in this burg from Saturday even ing till Sunday evening the guest of Mrs Geo Hopkins Geo Rouse living one mile south of town had the misfortune to have his barn together with somo hay destroyed by fire Tuesday morning Gertrude Wade and Arch McDonald attended a ball in Battle Creek Friday evening given by the Y L G T 0 of which organization Miss Wade is a member W A Witzigman went to Norfolk Sunday noon nnd returned Tuesday morning While there he attended the Northeastern Nebraska Bankers associ ation and banqm t How ltosa Fixed Kir A few weeks ago one Rosa Pallot a comely maid who has seen a few sum mers of Omaha life came to Battle Creek to visit her mother who resides a short distance from town Now Rosa was a winsome lass and the goo goo mauipulatious of her optics were too much for one unsophisticated country swain whoso perceptive powers must have been sadly abbreviated His was not a love that could He smouldoring for years before tho flame became intense it was of tho brand that fairly siz zled with tho slightost fanning He proposed and was accepted with alacrity the only condition imposed by the fair Rosa being that their marriage should bo strictly on tho q t Accordingly they drovo to Pierco and were married shortly after which Rosa left for Omaha ostensibly to collect her personal effects promising her new hubby that -she would return on a certain day when all would be bliss Hor bright smile haunts him still And the haunt is about all he sees of Rosa nowadays for uulike the cat made famous by renowned soloists she didnt come back Nor she wont In a letter to hor mother Rosa explains that she married just for the novelty of the transaction and regards it as a huge joke on Fix Battle Oroek Enterprise Goshen 111 Genesse Pure Food Co Le Roy N Y Dear Sirs Some days since a package of yourJGrnin O prepar ation was left at my office I took it homo and gave it a trial aud I have to Bay I was very much pleased with it as a substitute for coffee Wo have always used the best Jam and Mocha in our family but I am tree to say I liko the Grniu 0 ns well as the best coffee I ever drank Respectfully yours A O Jackson M DI Sturgeon is the piano man NAVAL XADETSHIP KxAinlnntlon to lie Held June 12 Some of the Hequtrement An Appoint ment to he Defllred Considerable interest in tho coming competitive examination for appoint ment to the naval academy cadetship at Annnpolls from tho Third congressional distriot is being shown by tho young men of Norfolk and in tho territory sur rounding Tho date for tho examina tion is sot for Juno 13 next Some facts regarding tho appoiutmontaud tho oxamlnutlon will undoubtedly provo interesting The course of a navnl cadet is six years four years being spent at tho ncademy nt Aunnpolis Md nnd two years nt sea At tho expiration of this course tho cadet returns to tho academy for graduation Candidates from among whom the appointment will bo made must bo residents of this congressional district Up to July 1 the nppointivo power is In tho hands of tho representa tive to congress John S Robinson of Mndlson If he fnlls to mnko tho ap pointment by tho first of July for any reasontho secretary of tho navy fills tho vocanoy All candidates must at tno time of examination for admission be between tho ages of 15 and 20 years physically sound well formed and of robust constitution These conditions nre prescribed by the revised stntutos in paragraph 1517 The candidate ap pointed by Congressman Robinson must present himself for examination at the acadomy on September 2 of this year tho first of tho month falling ou Sunday After presenting himself at the acad omyjthe appointee will be again ex amined and if successful iu passing will bo required to enter the school at once He will be examined physically by a board composed of threo medical officers of tho navy This examination is very thorough and the appointee may consider himself about perfect physically if he is successful iu passing The can didate will be tested for defects of the sight or hearing and for defects in other functions or organs of the body That the youug men accepted are about perfect may be realized when it is known that bunions or ingrowing toe nails may debar- tho applicant The accepted cadet must be at least 5 feet in height and his weight will be taken into cousidcration Before being admitted tho candidate is also examined mentally by the acad emic board in reading writing spelling arithmetic English grammar United States history worlds general history algebra through quadratic equations and in plane geometry ten subjects in all These examinations at the academy are very similar to the local examina tions of applicants but it sometimes happens that the local board will pass nu applicant who will be turned down by the academic board because tho ex amination may not havo been rigid enough on the part of the local board or they may not have had a perfect can didate before them Deficiency on any one of the subjects may be considered sufficient reason for the rejection of a candidate After passing successfully all the tests the appicant is appointed a naval cadet and becomes a student at the academy He is required to sign artioles by which he binds himself to serve in the United States navy for eight years including his term of probation at the academy unless sooner discharged The pay re ceived by tho cadet is 500 per year commencing on the date of his admis sion Upon graduation ho is advanced to a higher official position and his sal ary is increased accordingly The appointment is worth trying for and fortunate indeed will bo the success ful candidate Letter IlHt List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postoffice April 22 1901 Gentlemen Colonel G P Chapman Al Craper H L Cramer R F Corbyn Egyptain Remedy Co 2 T P Fonder John G Fols 2 F B Glenn Joe L Jorden H Louco Martin Morau 2 B L Morgau H J Nully Leslie Parsons E B Perry Fred Reynolds Mart See grebnrt Wm Smith Anton Herrn Scuka Maurice U Straus W D Sim mons M W Southard Times Tribune A A Thayer Thos B Twombly O M Woodward U B Wakemau Ladies Mrs Blanohe Carrabine 2 Mrs Susie Crabtree R H Louden B E Perry Rose Roberts Mrs J H Thompson Violet Vermon If not called for in 30 days will bo sent to the dead letter office Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised P F Sprecher P M WARNERVILLE Our school will close for the Friday May 3 season The railroad company had tho stock yards repaired tho first of the week Ed Olmsted came down from Plain view Saturday and returned Monday Mrs Charles May returned last month from a months visit with her mother at Falls City Neb Dan Murphy went to Omaha Wedues day of last week with two carloadB of cattle and hogs Wm Brown aud family havo moved into O D MunsouB farm house re cently vaoated by Frank Eberly V