The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 26, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Strongly Intrenched at Three
Points In Manchuria
Will Wltlitlrnw Trn Tliousnnri of Itrr Sol
dlers From China Next Month Nrm
paper Correspondents nt lu Tins lu
Itrturh to 1eklng
London April 23 According to n
dispatch from St rotcrsluirg to the
Daily Mall ofllclal Infornnitlon has
been received t lint renewed nctlvlty
Ik beginning in Manchuria Chinese
troops nre strongly entrenched nt
three points around Mukden They
ore nrmed with Mauser rifles mid
Lave 30 Krupp guns
reklng April 111 General Voyron
tho commnnder of the French troops
hn8 Informed Genernl Chnffee
that 30000 French soldiers
will leave Chlnn next May LI Hung
Chang helleves that tho Chinese troops
under General Liu will he withdrawn
ver the boundary marking the terri
tory defined by Field Marshnl von
Wnldorsee as the sphere of operations
for the allies The majority of the
French and German newspaper corre
spondents accompanying the expedi
tion directed against General Liu and
which has been mobilizing nt Tno Ting
Fu returned to Teklng today believing
that the expedition would be called off
Two Tramp Kills Four Girls and a Hoy
anil Attempt the Iatheri Life
Chartres France April 23 This
town has been horrified by the brutal
murder of five children and the at
tempted murder of their father a
farmer named Uriere residing in the
neighborhood of Chartres Two
tramps entered the farm house in the
absence of llriere last evening and
billed four girls aged 14 11 5 and 4
and a boy 7 years old with knives
and cudgels while they were in bed
nnd apparently asleep Briere re
turned while the murderers were rob
bing the house They heard him en
ter the courtyard attacked him and
after a desperate struggle left him for
dead with four stab wounds in the
head The murderers then escaped
with 1000 francs and a number of
objects of value
Sllgo Ex Mayor Ik Convicted
Dublin April 23 ratrick A Mc-
Hugh Nationalist member of parlia
ment for North Leitrim and three
times mayor of Sligo has been sen
tenced to six months imprisonment as
a first class misdemeanant for publish
ing his paper the Sligo Champion se
ditious libels calculated to interfere
with the administration of justice
The comments complained of attacked
jurymen who found two men guilty
of intimidating persons who had taken
fftrms from which their former tenants
had been evicted
Mason GatlKT at Chicago
Chicago April 23 Several hundred
members of the Order of Scottish
Rite Masons are gathered here from all
parts of the Union to participate in
the celebration by oriental consistory
of the centennial anniversary of the
founding of the Rite In the United
States The ceremonies will last four
days During yesterdays session 213
candidates for admission to the orlen
tal consistory wore initiated into tho
mysteries of tho first 14 degrees
Other degrees will be conferred today
Indians Want More Cash
Washington April 23 A delegation
from the Omaha and Winnebago In
dian reservation was at the Indian bu
reau yesterday and asked for a larger
per capita payment to the tribe The
delegates reported that the interest
money paid them annually from their
funds in the United States treasury
was inadequate to meet their needs
nnd asked to have some of the prlncl
pal added to these payments to en
able them to purchase agricultural im
plements and other necessities
Legacy Distributed Among Employes
New York April 23 Oswald Otten
dorfers 50000 legacy was distributed
yesterday to tho employes of the Staais
Zeitung of which pnper he was the
proprietor In his will Mr Otten
dorfer directed that the money should
be divided among nil the employes
from office boy to managing editor
who had worked for one year on the
paper Each employe received a sum
which amounted to 23 per cent of his
annual salary
Cuban Commission En Iloitte
Washington April 23 A cablegram
was received nt the war department
from Havana saying that the Cuban
commission now on Its way here con
Bists of five delegntes and one Inter
preter The delegation is expected to
reach Washington tomorrow morning
The war department 1b making ar
rangements to care for the delegation
Prize Fight May Trove Fata
London April 23 At tho National
Sporting club last night Jack Rob
erts of Englapd knocked out Billy
Smith the American In the eighth
round Smith was taken to the hos
pital and is still unconscious
lyds Bends Protest to Germany
Brussels April 23 The Terit Bleu
publishes a dispatch saying that Dr
Leyds has sent to the German foreign
office n formal protest against the sup
plying of arms und guns to England
by Germany
Doer Foree surrenders JV
rretorla April 23 The force under
Commandant Bokburg composed of
300 men with wagons and rides have
eurrendered near Middleburj TranB
ual Colony
llemarkable Surgical Operation Performed
on it St Louis Man
St LouK April 22 Dr II L NIc
teit superintendent of the city hos
pital las just performed one of the
most remarkable operations ever re
corded hi the annals of surgery It
consisted of tnklng three stitches lu
the heart of 1hlllp Gunii an employe
of the Shaplelgh Hardware company
who had been stabbed In n naloon
brawl The point of the knife blade
had entered the right ventricle nnd
had pierced to the cavity of the heart
Luckily the knife had entered the
heart obliquely and the result was thnt
the opening between the cavity and the
pericardium or covering of the heart
was Up shaped on both sides Tho
wound acted as a valve and at each
puliation of the blood through the
heart hut a smnll quantity escaped
through the artificial opening The
task of stitching tins unusual wound
was a very difficult one Dr Nletert
first removed n section of the breast
bone exposing the pericardium The
motion of the heart cannot be re
pressed nnd Dr Nletert was forced to
make the stitches while the organ was
shifting about Gunn Is still alive
Drunken Negroes Start n Fight nt
dale Kansas and Four Innocent
White Men S Hirer
Kansas City April 22 Four Inno
cent white meli were shot one perhaps
fatally a negro was shot and another
badly cut the result of a drunken light
started by a crowd of negroes In Rose
dale Kan a suburb of Kansas City
yesterday William Blnnchard re
ceived the contents of n shotgun in the
face and breast and was taken to the
hospital where his wounds nre con
sidered fatal One of Bhuichards eyes
was blown out his face badly disfig
ured nnd a big hole was torn In his
breast T W Davis deputy marshal
was shot In the hand two other white
men names unknown were shot and
wounded slightly Ben Cable negro
was cut seriously nnd Tom Smith
negro wns shot and wounded sightly
The negroes were quarreling in front
of a Joint when a negro Sid Rawles
precipitated the trouble by cutting
Cable the latter securing n shot gun
nnd firing into the crowd Tho shot
missed the crowd and struck Blanch
ard who was waiting for a street car
During tho excitement that followed
half a dozen of the negroes obtained
pistols nnd shotguns and began firing
promiscuously Deputy Marshal Davis
came upon the scene and was greeted
with a volley from the negroes re
ceiving a wound in the hand Davis
with the aid of two other officers
finally succeeded In quelling the dis
turbance nnd arresting the leaders but
not before two other innocent white
men had been wounded by stray shots
Cnplnln Turner Iutises Tn Ills Long
Journey to Mnke Some Kciiiiuks
Chicago April 22 Bearing mes
sages from General Louis Botha In
the Transvaal to President Kruger
nt The Hague Captain Francis lohn
Turner of the Boer army reached Chi
cago on his way to New York where
he will take ship for Holland
There is no peace in sight accord
ing to Captain Turner The Boers
nre determined never to sign n pence
trenty unless absolute Independence
for their countries is granted
On thnt one condition nnd that
alone will the Boers lay down their
arms said Captain Turner and the
treaty of pence must be signed by
two world powers as sponsors of its
observance by England
Exposition Little Hurt
Buffalo April 22 The gates of the
Pan American exposition grounds
were closed Sunday and every avail
able man wns put to work to offset the
effect of the great April snowstorm of
last week The damage to the build
ings is slight and can be quickly re
paired but the delay in the landscape
work and the building of roadways is
a severe blow to those wlio have been
bending every energy to have the
grounds In n thoroughly -prepared con
dition by May 1
Strike Among Coal Miners
Columbus O April 211 Twenty
five hundred mine workers of the
lower part of the sub district of Ohio
nnd West Virginia went out because
of a disagreement on the dead work
AfrKlnnldo has been given- a private
residence nnd a smaller guard
John Gillen a Chicago Inw clerk
killed bis wife and himself Saturday-
Tho Cliurchlll Whlte grain elevator
at South Bend Ind was destroyed
by fire
The train of the National Jood
Roads association left Flossmoor Ills
for New Orleans
Shamrock II challenger for Amer
icas cup was successfully launched
at Dumbarton Scotland
Statesmen at Berlin are taking a
despondent view of European politics
through distrust of Italy
Circumstances tend to confirm the
belief that Vnnderbut Interests are In
control of the Unioji Pnclflc
Slxto Lopez the Filipino agent In
Boston Is to visit the islands and
make reports of actual conditions
Captain Ganiett Ripley was acquit
ted at Frankfort Ky of complicity In
the assassination of William Goebcl
One man was suffocated and 12 over
come by smoke nnd gas In tho Great
Northern Cascade tunuel Jn Washing
Federal Inspectors have discovered
plates from which bogus certificates
nre printed admitting Chinese Jinml
rrautB Into the United States
One Thousand Chinese Drive
Back Punjab Infantry
lip ard a Sopoy Are Slain llrfore Ilrtreat
Is Accomplished lloth Itinera nnd Hob
bers Found Armed With Thoroughly
Modern Killed
reklng April 22 Gcneral A F
Held commanding the Third brigade
of the India Imperial troops In China
who Is now nt Khan Hal Kwau scut n
company of Punjab infantry to dis
perse a band of robbers In the neigh
borhood of Fu Nlng A force of Box
ers and robbers more than 1000
strong attacked the Indian troops
killing Major Browning and one Sepoy
and wounding others The company
retreated to Fu Nlng Itelnroroements
hnve been sent from Shan Hal Kwnn
The Boxers are apparently well tinned
with modern rllles
riilurte Attack ltallnray
London April 22 Chinese rebels
have again attacked the Maiiehtirlan
railway says the St Petersburg cor
respondent of the Dally Telegraph
They have destroyed li0 versts of the
line removed the rails and broken up
the rolling stock They have killed
nearly a whole detachment of railway
guards Troops have been sent from
Amur province to the scene of attack
Inspector Gives Grade of One Hundred to
A of IMiliuiiue
Des Moines April 22 Colonel J Q
Olmsted inspector of the Iowa Nation
al guard and Major John T Hume as
sistant inspector returned Saturday
from an Inspection trip among the
companies of the Forty ninth regiment
For tho first time in the history of the
guard one company was marked per
fect and that company is A of Du
buque one of the oldest In tho state
nnd long famous for Its efficiency The
company markings as far as the In
spection of the regiment has proceed
ed are as follows
Company A Dubuque 100 company
F Tipton 80 company B Waterloo
8 10 company E Independence 824
company C Cedar Baplds 812 com
pany D Charles City 80r company L
Oolweln 78S company n Washing
ton 770 company I Waukon 700
Tortured by llohhcr
Kendallvllle Intl April 22 The
home of lohn Andlgo an Amlsh
farmer was entered Satin day night
by three men who secured 0000 after
burning the old mans ears nose and
lingers with lighted mutches A 19-year-old
daughter of Andlgo was in
sulted and when her father refused to
give up his money as readily as de
manded she was dragged down to the
floor by her hair by one of the robbers
Tho mother who had seen her hus
bands torture and her daughters In
dignities told the robbers that if they
would desist she would give up the
money She led the way to the cellar
where in an old cupboard the savings
of year 0000 was handed over to
tho robbers The robbers escaped
Compete With Hill Lines
Chicago April 22 The Post says
As a defense against the Burlington
Great Northern Northern Pacific com
bine stockholders of the Chicago and
Northwestern and Chicago St Paul
Minneapolis and Omaha roads will be
asked to ratify plans for important ex
tensions to both roads The extensions
hnve been planned by a joint commit
tee representing both roads and are
said to be on a scale which will make
the two systems formidable
ors of the Hill lines
Suicide by Strychnine
Loup City Neb April 22 John Mil
ler a German who lived with one of
his sons six miles south of Loup City
committed suicide by taking strych
nine A young man named Blrmond
saw him fall near a road n mile from
his home nnd went over to see what
was the matter Mr Miller was suffer
ing and told him he had token poison
and was going to die Mr Blrmond
rode to the nearest neighbors for as
sistance but on his return Miller was
Secretaries In Session
Nashville Tenn April 22 The
Young Womans Christian association
convention formally adjourned Satur
day night but the delegates held two
meetings Sunday nt which Miss Bertha
Conde and Rev Charles Erdman de
livered addresses The national secre
taries conference which is held bien
nially began today and that of the
traveling secretaries begins Wednes
day Both will be secret Nearly all
the secretaries In the United States are
Floods In Connecticut
New Haven Conn April 22 Re
porti from around the state show that
the damage done by the floods result
ing from the rain of the last 30 hours
has been very serious The worst sit
uation Is nt Wlnsted where Highland
lake threatens an overflow at almost
any hour If such occurs It is feared
n terrible loss of life nnd property will
ensue A score of washouts hnve oc
curred on the Central New England
railroad between Wlnsted and Hart
Dam lives Way
Chester Mass April 22 The Flood
Hollow dam in MIddlefleld gave way
about 0 oclock last night letting loose
the water in the big reservoir which
rushed with terrific force into the west
branch of the Wostfleld river sweep
ing everything before it and submerg
ing the greater part of this town No
lives were lost but great damage has
been done the extent of wbjcb It Is
Impossible now to rstlmnte
reilrral Authorlths Tiding to Suppress
Trunin lu Slave Girts
San Francisco April 22 The Chi
nese quarter of this city Is very much
perturbed at an effort by the federal
uuthoilties to suppress the traffic In
female Chinese slaves United States
Marshnl Shine with a squad of assist
ants inntle a sudden descent on the
brothels and arrested ill ton Hied and
sluleking women Sixteen who pro
duced certificates were released The
remaining IS nre held lu custody It
Is climated that at least 80 Inmates of
the houses on Baker street and Sulli
van alley escaped through nlleys and
over roofs The raid was the Imme
diate result of an order from the at
torney general at Washington to the
district attorney directing him to do all
In his power to suppress the traffic In
female Chinese slaves
The women prisoners will be taken
before the federal courts to determine
whether they have a legal right to re
ninln lu this country and If they are
held lu bondage as the chattels of mas
ters The power of the authorities will
stop nt this point but the officials aie
confident that the deportation of a
number of slave girls will dampen tho
nrdor of the slave dealers and especial
ly destroy the traffic
John Jesnen Killed Near l cMnrx VCIillo
Itrtinli and Abusing Ills Wife Three
Men lu Custody
Slonv City April 22 Henry Steffen
and William Beaver are In jail at Le
Mars la charged with murder and
Peter Peterson also Is under arrest
charged with being accessory to the
crime John lessen was shot and killed
nt Steffens farm about eight miles
from loMars Sunday afternoon Tho
men under arrest claim self defense
lessen and his wife kept house for
Steffen and Beaver Is his hired man
lessen came home drunk and abused
his wife The other men Interfered
and two shotguns were used In the me
lee Steffen ndinlts that he llred the
fatal shot
Lisbon Authorities Shut Them Up and Fx
pel Inmates
Lisbon April 22 The official Journal
ihiIiIIkIiou ii lerrio KMcnlnrlyliii rnlli
i Ions associations The conditions es
t sential to the legal status of such
eiatlons aie that they must restrict
themselves to works of benevolence
education the propagation of the faith
and civilization but the latter actively
must be confined to the colonies it Is
provided that management of the as
sociation shall be In the hands of Por
tuguese citizens Six months Is al
lowed for compliance with the decree
The conditions imposed will Involve
the closing of seven Franciscan
Jesuit nnd Benedictine houses The
local authorities have already closed
ten convents and expelled their In
Tun lallliirils Itccaptiiicd
Cheyenne Wyo April li Two of
the four men who escaped from the
Carbon county Jail Friday were re
captured near Fort Steele iO miles
east of ICnwlins They arc Orio Me-
Swain charged with murder and Al
iTopst charged wun rouuory xnc
men were walking on the railroad and
weie nearly frozen having left the Jaiii
without coats hats or shoes The
other two jailbirds Martin and Mc
Carthy have not been captured
Deadlock In First Kcgliiiiiit
Lincoln April 22 In their efforts to
elect a lieutenant colonel the otlieers of
the First regiment of the National
guard are having a little experience
with the deadlock epidemic Of the
fifty six votes east at a recent election
for this oflice Captains Moore nnd Tab
bott each received 28 and there ap
pears to be some ground for believing
that the second election which will
ne nein nexi wecu win snow no
Lord Kitchener reports that since
April 18 various British commanders
have taken 81 prisoners
The sixth international chess match
by cable between American and Brit
ish players resulted In an even break
The hotel and bathhouses at the his
toric Steamboat Springs Nov have
been destroyed by lire The loss Is
A Jew usurer named Urban was re
cently lynched with horrible brutality
at Sobodel Hungary by live of his
ruined victims
The Twenty sixth regiment which
arrived on the transport Caroline Sat
urday went into camp at the Presidio
preparatory to being mustered out
As the result of the explosion of a
water heater in the hotel Anderson at
Pittsburg Sunday John Brown the
engineer wns killed and Ahner Moore
fatally scalded
Consolidation of nil the stucco mills
In the United States is reported on
good authority to be the aim of n syn
dicate of which the Standard Oil com
pany controls a largo share
There Is general satisfaction at the
friendly arrangements arrived at be
tween the governments of Austrln nnd
Mexico which will result In nn Imme
diate resumption of diplomatic rela
Alaska advices say Gov Ro6s was
formally Inaugurated at Dawson on
the 12th and iov Ogllive btepped
down and out It is believed the new
chief executive will pursue a liberal
lovernment olllclals at St Joseph
Momlay arrested Fred Doror aged in
nn old soldier said to have been re
sponsible for the perpetration of nu
merous pension frauds whereby the
government and many old soldiers
liave been swindled
I FN t
Z Two Dogs over One
3 Bone Seldom Agree
X When two merchants re after
trade in the same community
and one advertises and the
X other doesnt the advertiser
X gets the bulk of it
J This is nRstimlnR thnt Ills ncld nre
2 wt 11 wrilti tiniid pluccd
2 Oi 11111 thnt Lin 1 overs tilt Krounil
This paper Is the medium for
3 this community If you have
difficulty with your ads consult
us Perhaps we can aid you
2 We are willing to
What Is It
Catalogue tells
4 Ula NOTICE nall
Is Md UUW 10 Uiftla
Suoplaa hxJudjDffcLot fco
tj IU M L ir OUI
i0 Lakil fr A ki
To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not
Come Your Way Aain
Twentieth Century Farmer
Offers a Number of Miiantflucnt Prlzcn to those who
will net na Agcntn
And 30 Other Cnah Prized ranging from 500 to 25
Bee Publishing Company of Omnhn nnd In nn agricultural nnd fam
ily magazine of unununl merit Them nro depnrtmcntii for every
member of the fnmlly speclnl nrtlclcn by men of known reputation
and llhiBtrnUonn will be n prominent feature
Write for sample copy nnd nBk for pnrtlculnrn concerning the
prizes l Q
Til 10 TWRNTIKTII OICNTUHY FARMKR nnd this pnper will
lie sent to you one year for
ffcyf I y
A Dual Role
Business Men and others recognize the im
portance of this combination by selecting
Salt Lake City
To San Francisco
Salt Lake City
To San Francisco
1 ti
Tblslsadartnft statement butHnl
stirs n eds bear u out otrj tUutv
Comhlnuttnn Cnrn
nieuUiticoriionrsrtli WtilposlMTely
ruvoiuuuujznogrn Krvwiua
Billion DollnrOrntB
Orntt murvMor llie mi
Mtnnsof I Irst
crupvix vwbi slier sowiutf
Ewl7I73titafSlMllcWirUlaiSXSMUI Hi
John ASalzerSMdGfcUCroue lit
For time tablet and lull information cull on
man uri
mmM wrimmvmt
For 14 Cents
WtnsJ iLc fnllimtr tit rttni u
1 runio riwni tmu ti
rBra mkm
niHii riorliitUnrVfd o
t llIl llkttk a
S fcriUJUUrttd ll
Worth 100 ftrllcr
19 icli ma nowUtti e IU
sll Jim frf ucttbtr lll out rl
IlluUuicJ Httd Ctulef IiIIIlj til tUul
J1V lillllon IloUsi GruM
AUs t Lolic Oulou htrJ 00c a lb
Tostlbrr lth lloucdlvf tilUlKi
ca IM notice Wkn on jcu pLm
tttlur Btt jmIULiinlgliUul
Hours Quicker than any
other line
Miles Shorter than any
other line
Edisons Phonograph
Hotter than n Piano Orpnn or Mnic Tox for it ninrH nnd tulles ns well ni plnyn nnd
dont cost as much It reproduces thcmuiicof any Iniitrnmcnt band or orchestra tolls
Btoricsuudhins t lie old fimiilhir hymns us wtlluH the popular BOHB3 it ianlwaya ready
r co that Mr IMeums mrnaturo is on every machine Cata
logues oi all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOQRAPII CO 135 Plfth Ave New Vort
3 T Tt
Koeiiifsleins Pharmacy
Corner 5th and Main Sts
tvnnn VlfAWTV rliriuiMii
vtuUU man or woman to look
niter our growing business in this
and adjoining counties to net as
manager and correspondent work
4 win ho done at yonr home Kneloso
x Holf addressed htumpd envelope
4 for paitioulars to II A Sherman
A General Manager Corcoran
iuj opposite United Stuteb
4 ury Washington IJ C J
is Central R R
The IHIiKiiH Yutntl ilifiro to cull nttntitlon
to tlid uiMixrnllr d mrvlrn tlmt if olTorciI by its
lint h to tli ninth for tliu tuuton of ItVJ 1100
Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cnrs
FROM Personally conduct
ed Huns tlirouKli to
Iob AiikoIos mill Kun
PriinciM o vlu Now
Orlcinih In connection
EVERY vtitlioBotitlionilH
WEDNESDAY cc IiK IlilciiRo
JjoVjiiJ on tlio ContrarB ftist
MORNING sew Orleans
rlnl count ction nlto mndo by this train with
lull tniiim out of New Orleans for tint Pacific
Coatt Tlio Limited from Cliicaco eory oven
liiK connect on Momlajs and Tlnirpdays at
New OrlnaiiH after December 1 1M ttitfi till
of tho Koiitliorn Pacific Hliifc ecinl tlirougrx
turvii i to Han FrancUco
Double dally serv
ico it maintained oui
of St Louis via tlio
Illinois Central and
connecting lines to
Kit and Atlanta thro1
sieeiiiiiB car to jacii
umiillo Honda being carried on tho
JcaTinR St Louis every oveninc This train aa
well as the Day hiprees leaving St Louis in
the iiioriiinp nro Ixith solid trains to Nashville
I iKK Mnuuiii luuuiitto iiuii Bjcujiiutr curs run
uiiiK through Martin Tenn and tho N J St
L lty Connection via this line for all tiriuci
Ital IMIlIltK ill till KoiltllflllKt EllMl fit Pliovlnelnr
iVilliiilikton Alkin iiud Smnmmli ntul fnf nil
ixiiuts in Florida
Dall from Chicago to Memphis and New Or
txiints in the South on tho lines of tho Illinois
Vtll Ellwl V A M V -nil la ill I
- -- imuunuD w III UD run VU
tho Ilrft and third Tuesday of ouch month
iukiud vtiiiiur rctiruu
Full particulars concerning all of tho above
can le had of agent of the Illinois Central or
by uddrettiug A Q Huutou G P A Chicago