The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 26, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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List of Men Ordered for Exam
ination as Lieutenants
Announcement Made by the War Depart
ment of Transfer of Volunteers to Tor
inaueut CorpsNames of Those From
IiiKn Nebraska nml South Dakota
I AVasliliiRton April 25 The wnr de
partment yesterdny gave out this list
of the men who will bo ordered for
cxninlnntlon for appointment an first
lieutenants In tlio regular uriiiy with
ipiiKt nml present rnnkH
1 Nebraska Henry M Morrow first
llcuteunnt Third Nebraska now with
Twenty second Infantry U H V Will
Inec O Tnylor of Omaha uinjor First
Nebraska Infantry onplnln Thirty-
ninth lufiintry U S V Orvlllo It
Acrry first lieutenant Second
now llrst lloutoiwnt Forty fourth
nfnntry U S V Lewis H Rynn sec
ond lleuteiinut First Nebraska now
Ifirst lieutenant Forty fifth Infantry
ICharlcs C Fulls second llcuteunnt
fUhlnl Nebraska now llrst llcutiMiiint
mid liattiillon adjutant Fortieth lurun
try William O Donne of Oiuahn first
llcuteunnt Third Nehrnska now first
lieutenant Thirty eighth Infantry U
i lown Francis II Lincoln first lieu
tennnt Eleventh volunteer cavalry
Fred Shlrns second lleuteiinut Forty
flfth Infantry Edwnrd A Oreger enp
tnln Fifty second Iowa now captain
bf Thirty ninth Infantry Joseph Mat
ron first lieutenant Thirty fourth In
fantry Frank S Lour captain Sixth
lown battery now captain Thirty
ninth Infantry Ouy It iranna ser
geant of company D Porto Uleo gl
nient W II Pork first lieutenant
Fifty first Iowa now cnptnln Thirty
Blxth infantry William E Pn vln
second nontenant Fifty first lown
Edwnrd CInrk sorgomtt company A
Fifty second lown Wllllnin D Ileaton
cnptnln Fiftieth lown first lieutenant
Thirty third Infantry Robert T Craw
ford now second lieutenant Thirty
neennd Infnitry George A Denstnore
first lloutonnnt Thirty- second Infantry
South Dnltotn Arthur L Fuller Into
cnptnln coinpnny A First Smith Da
kota TTnrry A liegeman captain
First South Dakotn Infantry now cap
tain Thirty sixth Infantry
ririy Dentlis tlio leualty Tor Killing
Mnjnr Drowning
Feklng April 25 The International
detachment of S00 men under Colonel
Itndford which left Shan Hal Kwiui to
punish the force of ltoxers and rob
bers that recently attacked the Indian
troops killing Major Browning met
the enemy In force killing 50 Of the
International detachment six British
two Japanese and one Frenchman
kVcro killed The enemy lied to the
mountains but will be closely pursued
The body of Major Browning was re
The Germans have been ordered
hnck from the Too Ting Fu expedition
Their behavior for the last week or
no hns caused great Indignation In Pe
king not only nniong the Chinese but
nniong the foreigners as well Carts
horses mules and ponies have been Im
pressed for transportation purposes
coolies have been made to work for
nothing nnd even educated Chinese
have been Impressed
The Chinese say there Is Intense feel
ing throughout the province against
foreigners largely becnuse of the harsh
treatment the Chinese have received
from the Germans
Creamery 1Iant to Consolidate
Lincoln April 25 Consolidation of
two of the largest creamery plants In
the west was made possible yesterday
when J S Parks C II Patterson
nnd 13 T lturnhnm of the Conti
nental Creamery company of Topeka
made application for the purchase or
lease of the Beatrice Creamery com
pnny of Lincoln President Haskell of
the local company said no action would
bo taken until a meeting of the direct
ors had been held The Lincoln plnnt
hns the reputntlon of being the lnrgest
butter making establishment In the
world nnd controls lao skimming stn
tlons In the stnte The Continental
coinpnny controls nenrly 200 innlnly In
Talbot Elected Lieutenant Colonel
Lincoln April 23 Victor 0 Talbot
captain of company M ISrokeu How
Wis elected lieutenant colonel of the
First regiment receiving 20 votes for
this position us against 17 cust for
Cnptnln Moore his only competitor
Tlio votes were counted yesterday In
tlio military department at the state
house by a 6peclnl election board and
the result wns later oflldnlly an
nounced by Adjutnnt Genera Klllau
Cudaliy Tells lilt Story
Omnlin April 25 Edwnrd Cudnhy
Br nnd Edward A Cudnhy Jr father
and son testified nt the trial ot James
Callaban yesterdny Tho story of
the kldnnplng nnd the subsequent pay
ment of the 25000 ransom was related
by Mr Cudahy Sr The testimony of
tho boy giving tho details of his ab
duction nnd Imprisonment tallied with
tho reports heretofore published In
the newspapers
Missionaries Listen to Addresses
Davenport la April 25 Tho annual
meeting of tho Presbyterian board of
foreign missions of the northwest
listened to addresses yesterday by Mrs
W L Swollen of Pyn Tang Korea
nnd Dr J S Thomas of Praa Slam
Mrs D B Wellsfleld secretary re
ported having traveled 18837 miles In
the noithwest during the year hi keep
ing up the interest iu foreign missions
Mncnelln Healers Do a Thriving Mushiest
Until Federal Authntltles Interfere
Kansas City April 25 In the fed
eral court here Stephen A Wcltincr
and Joseph Kelly president and sec
retary respectively of the Wcltiner
Institute of Magnetic Healing at
Nevada Mo pleaded guilty lo Indict
ments charging them with using the
malls to defraud and threw themselves
on the mercy of the court Sentence
hns been reserved Tho Institute hat
advert Ised to heal all diseases known
to man or woman giving absent
treatment ami did such a tremen
dous mall order business that tho
country Mstolllce was raised from n
fourth to n llrst class olllce Tho
department at Washington ordered the
mall stopped on a fraud order and
the case was tried Ihfore the attorney
general The postolllce olllclnls final
ly made the order permanent ami later
the grand Jury Indicted Wcltiner and
Kelly on several counts the mnln
one being fraudulent advertising
Fore in nn Opens riro on Fellow Workmen
t Portland Me Killing Two nml Fa
tally Wounding Two Other
Portland Me April 25 Ono of tho
Moodiest tragedies In the history of
Portland occurred yesterday on the
foilrth lloor of the building occupied
by tho New Kngliind Telephone com
The principal actor In the nffalr
wns George II Bralnerd a foreman
electrician who has been employed by
the company for almost 20 years For
some unknown reason and without
tho slightest provocation while chat
ting with his fellow workmen he
whipped out n revolver nml opened
fire on the party around him He was
evidently an expert ninrksinan for In
n brief space of time he killed two
men and probably fatally wounded
two others Then he made an attempt
to kill Deputy Marshal W A Frith
when the olllcer tried to place him
under arrest
I II Farnhnm of Boston nn elec
trical engineer wns killed outright
Earlo Buxton another victim died In
the hospital Elmer Z Lane of Me
chanic Falls and Tames Wodsworth
of Iewlston ore believed to be fatally
The only charitable motive that can
be assigned for the crime Is Insanity
yet neither before nor nfter the trag
edy did Bralnerd exhibit nny marked
evidence of nientnl derangement
Itrltish Force lleloase Thousands of Un
fortunate ami Capture Stronghold
London April 25 Brigadier Gener
al Sir Robert Ludgard British high
commissioner and commander of
northern Nlgrerln and Colonel O M
Campbell with n force of West Afric
an frontier troops have completed
a successful cnihpalgn against the
powerful slave raiding onilra of Blda
and Kontagora In northern Nlgrcria
The British defeated the emir of
Kontagora nfter heavy lighting 5000
natives frequently charging the Brit
ish square The British captured the
capitals of both Blda and Kontagora
nml released thousands of slaves The
emirs hnvo been terrors of the country
for years killing thousands of natives
during tho last year They are now
entirely powerless and this was
brought about without the assistance
of white troops
Montana MiiTi President
St Louis April 25 The Louisiana
Purchase Worlds Fair National com
mission met yesterday with the nine
members present and comnleted Its
premauent organization Ex-Senator
Thomas II Carter of Montana
was elected president and Hon Jo
seph Flory of Missouri secretary
Reprieve for lllnrk Jack Ketcliuiu
Clayton N M April 25 A message
was received through Governor Otero
from President McKlnley granting
Thomas Ketchuin alias Black Jack
who was to have been hung here Frl
day April 20 a reprieve until May 25
Fire Wednesday destroyed 11 busi
ness houses nt Danville Va causing
un aggregate loss of 07000
Count Arvhl Posse formerly pre
mier of Sweden died nt Stockholm
Wednesday lie was 81 years old
One man was killed nnd n number
of people Injured by pulling down n
condemned house on themselves nt
Tho London Times announces the ap
proaching marriage of Archibald Ed
ward Balfour to Miss Vivien May
eldest daughter of Mrs Sartorls of
Charles II Tompleson representing
himself as a horse buyer and ageut of
tho British government was arrested
nt Delaware 0 Weduesday charged
with swindling farmers
A big trntllc combination has been
formed among tho railroads west nnd
northwest of Chicago nnd lake steam
ship companies for tho purpose of
controlling summer tourists rates
In nn nddress beforo the Postmas
ters nssoclntlon of Ohio Wednesday
Congressman Charles F Dick declared
himself In favor of government con
trol of telephoue and telegraph lines
Tho latest reliable news from
Letcher county Ky is that two of the
Reynolds gang have surrendered to
the sheriff nnd that the rest are still In
their fortified retreat nnd refuse to
James M Starbuck of New York
filed a petition in bankruptcy Weduos
day with liabilities of 308380 no as
sets Mr Starbuck was formerly a
member of the Urm of Dwlgglu Star
buck Co
Met at the Train by Reception
QoTernnr General of Cuba Holds Lengthy
Conference With Soirelary HootAr
rangements lining 11 ml p to lrntant
Gillian In President McKlnley
Washington April 25 The commit
tee of five delegates of the Cuban
legislature consisting of Domingo
Capote Pedro 10 Hctaiicourt Itafael M
Portiiondo Diego Titmnyo and Pedro
Gonzales Llorento who were sent to
Washington to confer with the presi
dent regarding Cuban relations with
this country arrived here yesterday
with an Interpreter and representa
tives of the Havana press They were
met at the station by Assistant Secre
tary of State IIIII Assistant Secretary
of War Hanger Captain Sawttile nnd
Lleuteiinut Overton of the United
States nriny detailed for that purpose
nnd escorted to the Shorchnin The
delegates conversed with the reception
committee through nn Interpreter
though most of them speak English
very well It wns stated that nrrnngc
nients for their visit to the president
would be made through the war de
General Wood governor of Cubn
hail a conference nt the war depart
ment with Secretary Boot
After a conference lasting for more
than three hours Secretary Root nnd
General Wood left the wnr depnrtinent
together for lunch It was stated that
there wns nothing rcgnrdlng the con
ference flint could be made public nnd
that the mutters discussed covered
ninny sublects In Cuba not nlone the
visit of tho Cuban delegation but
everything connected with the gov
ernment of the Island
Substantial Advance Itupoiteil Anionic
Kluvntur Men
Des Moines April 25 The state con
vention of the lown Grain Dealers as
sociation Is In session here with 100
members from various parts of the
state Iu attendance The annual re
port of the president J A King of
Nevada shows that the ussoclatlon
has been making substantial gains
nniong the elevator men of the state
and that the members are now pretty
well In control of the grain situation
in Iowa Complaint has been innde of
alleged discrimination on the part of
the railroad companies and of Inability
to get the grain handled as promptly
ns necessary Efforts have been made
to bring the grain dealers Into closer
relationship with the Chicago board of
trade men nnd to eliminate the inde
pendent grain dealers who handle
grain without using elevntors nml cut
Into the business of the elevator men
nt times when the season Is at Its
Allntlng Indian Lands
Washington April 25 Indian In
spector Nessler itelegruphed to the In
terior department that he had for
warded here a schedule of 400 allot
ments In severalty among the Kiowa
nnd Comanche Indians iu Oklahoma
and that 500 more would be forwarded
on Friday These are the schedules of
allotments lit severalty forwarded
from that reservation whose surplus
lands are to be opened to settlement
about Aug 0 It shows that rapid
progress is making iu the work of ol
lotlng the land which Is a prerequis
ite to the opening
Kaunas Heady to Finnish Tension Chief
Washington April 25 Representa
tive Curtis In the course of a talk
with the president yesterdny suggest
ed that Kadsas stood ready to furnish
a pension commissioner In case of
the retirement of II Clay Evans The
president said he was not yet ready
to take that matter up The presi
dents remarks indicated that no ac
tion Is now contemplated iu the case
of Commissioner Evans
Novel Iuuumllary Work
York Neb April 25 Thomas
Adams a young man who recently
came from Kansas was arrested last
night charged with attempting to
bum the farmhouse and property of
II S Keith a farmer who lives two
miles southwest of York Adams gave
as his motlvo that he was homesick
and that he thought if he could burn
Mr Keith out he could then go back
to Kansas
Ilclr to Servian Throne In Kansas
Kansas City April 25 Eugene
Schuyler a former attache of the
United States embassy at Constanti
nople but now a well known New
York attorney was here today on his
way to Dodge City Kan where he
hopes to find Andreo Boyne DeLuzar
the rightful heir to tho throne of Ser
via according to Mr Schuylers state
Uorse Trainer Accused of Cuttle Theft
Boone In April 25 S E Carter a
horso trainer was arrested by Sheriff
Garner on tho charge of stealing 33
head of fat steers from the farms of
Pat Judge nnd Ira Luther south of
this city Tho stolen cattle were
driven to Kelly ami shipped to Chica
go Their valuo was 1500 Carter is
in jail lu default of 1000 ball
Queutlu Salas Surrenders
Maulla April 25 Major Noble ad
jutant general of the department of
the Vlsnyas has received the sur
render of Queutin Salas and three of
his otlicers All the Insurgents under
Sulas will surrender soon It is
claimed this will terminate the Insur
rection lu the Island of Puuay
Cliiuliinall Hamilton ami Dayton Flyer Is
Ditched ami Two Killed
Dayton 0 April 25 One of the
worst wrecks In a long period on the
Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton
railroad occurred last night four miles
northeast of this city In a heavy bend
of the Miami river The train was
the Michigan Dyer and was running
at a speed of perhaps 75 miles nn hour
At the point where the accident oc
curred the river side Is a preclpltlous
bank 25 feet high and on the other
Hide of the railroad Is the shelf of
the hill Right In the depth of the
curve one of the small truck wheels
of the engine broke throwing the great
machine Into the bunk the tender
switching outward over the river edge
The Impact of the vestlbuled train be
hind carried the first two cars nt a
fiylng tangent over the river where
they hung while the conch and parlor
car careened outward nt n menacing
angle The onglno was turned com
pletely about the pilot facing the
train Patrick Doolln of Limn and his
fireman Raymond MeElroj nlso of
Limn were killed Instantly
Those most seriously hurt nro Frank
Weaver brakenian of Cincinnati left
nnu crushed and otherwise seriously
hliurt George Thompson
tor Clnciinutl abdominal bruises
Remain of Martyr Ircslileut Transferred
From Temporary Vault to
structud Mouumeut at Sprlngtleld
Ntirltiillilil Ilia A nrll or TTimafon
tatlously and without uny ceremony
the remains of Abraham Lincoln and
the other members of his family
which since March 10 1100 when
the work of rebuilding the Lincoln
monument commenced have been re
posing In a temporary stone vuult near
the monument were yesterday re
placed In the crypt In the mouumeut
which has been rebuilt by the state
of Illinois at a cost of 100000 The
ceremony of returning the lyiualns to
the monument was witnessed by Gov
ernor Yates nnd other state olllclals
nnd the surviving members of the
Lincoln guard of honor
The temporary vnult was so thor
oughly cemented that It was 5 oclock
three hours after the work of the re
moval commenced that the remains
of the president which were the last
to bo removed were finally placed In
the marble sarcophagus In the crypt
In the monument where they were
sealed up and where they will proba
bly remain through all time The cas
ket was not opened for the Identifica
tion of the body of the martyr presi
dent ns had been vexpected
International and Oreat Northern j
Cor Train Huns Into Open Switch
San Antonio Tex Apr 25 The
southbound International nnd Great
Northern passenger train was wrecked
yesterday morning at Davenport 10
miles north of here supposedly by
robbers who threw the switch A
posse with bloodhounds Is scouring
tho country to apprehend the miscre
ants Engineer Pat Monahan was
mortally injured and Fireman F V1
Hicks killed They were both from
San Antonio Attorney C A Goeth
of San Antonio E D Keyllck and
E B Stanley railway mail clerks
of Snn Antonio nnd Miss M Moran
of Killcn Tex were bruised and cut
CongerV Keasons for Declining
Vancouver April 25 Tho Shanghai
Mercury publishes a statement osten
sibly from a confidential friend of
Minister Conger explaining that his
application for leave was due to the
fnct thnt hfvlng spent tho last three
years In Ptilng he desired a furlough
at this time It Is added that Mr Con
ger would feel obliged to decline the
nomination for governor of Iowa be
cause ho had no desire to retire per
manently from the work which will
still bo necessary before the Chinese
question Is finnlly solved
FIro In Barker Williams Cos
large furniture store nt Pittsburg Wed
nesday caused loss of 75000
The British have discovered 19
Krupp field guns with a quantity of
ammunition buried in the vicinity of
Shau Hal Kwau
Reports that trouble wns brewing
among the Indians of the Uintah res
ervation were denied Weduesday by
Agent II P Mytou of the White Rock
Utah agency
Tho Oregon Short Lino Wednesday
let the contract for grading the Sal
mon river branch of that road in Ida
ho 00 miles Work will be cotn i
mcuced at once
A violent dust storm visited Manda
lay capital of Burmah Tuesday and
was followed by a terrible rainstorm
Twelve lives were lost and great de
struction was wrought
Samuel Karns and Alice MIsner
employes of John Frazler a Cascade
county Mon sheepman were burned
to death Wednesday while asleep iu
tho cabin on Six Mile creek
Tho war depnrtinent has published
a dispatch from the commanding olll
cer of the Fourteenth cavalry aud the
commanding otllcer at Fort Leaven
worth denying a report that 200 men
of the regiment hnve deserted
Dnvld II Henderson one of the best
known bridge builders of the west
committed suicide at the home of his
brother near Savannah Mo Wednes
day by blowing off the top of his hend
with a shotgun He was very wealthy
A cablegram received at the navy
department Wednesday announced the
arrival of tho mosquito fleet at Cav
Ite Tho four vessels of this little fleet
will be utilized lu patrolling the coasts
of Luzon and the lower tslauds of the
I Philippine
in m on m
Steamer Leaves for Europe
Laden With Merchandise
Venels Previously Attempting Trip From
Chicago to Kuropo Have Met With DM
tsterHhlp Is One of Four New Ones
Will Uo Through Welland Canal
Chicago April 25 Bound for
Europe with a cargo of agricultural
implements packing house products
and miscellaneous manufactures tho
steamer Northwestern drew out of
the Chicago river yesterday and
headed for the Atlantic Thus Chi
cugo becomes nn ocean port While
several vessels have come direct fr6m
Europe to this city none have made
a successful trip from this port across
the Atlantic although efforts to do so
have been made disaster lies over
taken the enterprise There was a
large crowd to see the Northwestern
start and as a good omen the weather
was beautiful The mnster of the
Northwestern Is Captain Atkins
Wheu he departed his craft drew 21
feet At Buffalo n large quantity of
wheat will be discharged lightening
the vessel to 12 feet to permit pas
sage through tho Welland nnd other
cnnnls and the shallows of the St
Lawrenco river At Montreal tho
Northwestern will load -down ngnln
with grain nnd proceed on Its voynge
The company which hns made this
Innovation li transatlantic trade Is
the Northwestern Steamship company
organized with Chicago nnd New
lork capital Eliot Norton of New
York is president The company built
four bonts the lnrgest that can pass
the Welland canal at n cost of 1000
000 nnd within n month nil will be
on the way across the ocean
Talis to Give Ilond and With Four Other
Women Is Locked Up
Wichita Kan April 25 Mrs Cnr
rie Nation Mrs Lucy Wilhlte Mrs
Julia Evans nnd Mrs Lydln Muntz
uppeured before Judge D M Dale
yesterday in the district court and
failed to give bond They occupy
one cell in common in the county jail
nnd will remain there until a bond
for 500 cash Is approved or until the
May term of court Mrs Nation
failed to secure local bondsmen and
the other three refused to seek bonds
saying that they had accompanied
Mrs Nation on her smashing tour and
they will not desert her now When
the judge rendered the verdict Mrs
Nation said God bless you and bring
you to repentance
Van Kurau Held for Trial
Salt Lake April 25 The prelimin
ary hearing of Arthur Van Kuran
treasurer of the Oregon Short Liue
road who was arrested last February
on a charge of embezzlement was
held yesterday Evidence wns intro
duced showing n shortage of S000
In Van Kurans accounts The defense
offered no evidence and Van Kuran
was held to the district court on tho
charge of embezzlement
Horses Inoculated hy Doer Agents
London April 25 It is reported
says the Dally Chronicle this morning
that the British agent In New Or
leans hns discovered that Boer agents
employed ns cattlemen have infected
horses destined for South Africa with
glanders and other diseases Hun
dreds of the animals are said to have
died on tho way to the Cnpe while
many on their nrrival have had to be
Steamboat Men Are Arming
Pittsburg April 25 Steamboat men
leaving today for the south will go
heavily armed nnd if their boats are
fired on from the shore the crews
will return the fire Every Ohio river
packet nnd tow boat arriving nt
Pittsburg this week reports having
been fired on by persons along the
bonk who claim that the waves from
tho boats endanger their houses dur
ing the high water
Fires Upon Steamer
Parkersburg W Vn April 25 Sid
ney Colo of this city shot nnd killed
William Terry a carpenter on the
steamer Keystone Stnte Colos house
on the river bank had seven feet of
water In It Tho Keystone State
was about to land near it Colo feared
tho swell would float his house away
and warned the oftlcers to not land
Decided In Favor of Shoit Ilne
Salt Lake April 25 Tho long legal
fight for the possession of the nbnn
doned Oregon Short Line right of wny
through southeastern Nevada and
southwestern Utah between Senator
W A Clark of Montana and the Ore
gon Short Line representing the Ilnr
rlman syndicate has been decided In
favor of the Oregon Short Line
Tramps Second Victim Dies
Joplln Mo April 25 Pollcemap
Bert Branuan who was shot Monday
night by a gang of tramps who also
killed Policeman Sweeney died yester
day A vigilance committee of 150
men hns been formed n part of whom
nre on duty
Soldiers Down With Measles
Leavenworth April 25 Measles
have broken out In tho Fourteenth
cavalry at Fort Leavenworth aud it is
feared the disease will practically dis
able the regiment Forty men are now
In the hospital
Falconlo Papal Delegate
Paris April 25 A dispatch to the
Figaro from Rome says Mgr Falconlo
the papal delegate In Canada will
succeed Cardlual Martlnelli as papal
delegate In the United States
Inllccmnn aild Ills Astallaut Are Fatally
Shot as Himilt of Kuvouuter
Chicago April 25 Two men wHl dlo
as the result of a shooting a ft ray that
occurred In Harrison police station
court room Just after court had ad
journed yesterday The wounded men
are Policeman William Messeuger
and Richard D Houghtellng
Houghtellng who was formerly em
ployed us a motormaii on the Lako
Street road hntl an altercation with
the iwllcoinon on the street a short tlmo
before the shooting Houghtellng had
been drinking and the policeman had
been appealed to by two women who
claimed that Houghtellng had been
following them Houghtellng hntl
been tnken Into court nnd released anil
as ho was lenvlng the building he np
proached Messenger drew a revolver
nnd began shooting Messenger who
wns struck by two bullets drew his
own revolver shot Houghtellng and
fell unconscious Other policemen
Joined lu the shooting firing probably
50 shots nndwhen Houghtellng fell
In the hall way lending to the court
room he wns pierced by live ballets
Water nt Cincinnati lias Not Yet Itoached
the Limit Stands Right Feet Above
the Danger Line
Clncltinntl April 25 Estlmntes on
the rise that is lu sight up the river
Indicate that tho Ohio will not be
come stationary until this evening
when It is not expected to exceed 585
feet or 85 feet above the danger line
Since It became evident that the stago
would rise 58 feet there is imtcli stir
and Inconvenience here The business
men and manufacturers In the bot
toms will suffer more than was ex
pected nnd many more families will
be driven out of their homes along
the Ohio to the south and along Mill
creek valley cm the west nnd along
the Little Miami on the east than
was anticipated In tho earlier prepara
It Is nlso evident thnt when the limit
Is reached In the middle Ohio valley
that It will be stationary for somo
time and the fall much slower than
was anticipated even If there shall
be no second rise This Is attributed
to rising waters iu the Big Sandy
Muskingum and other tributaries
above Cincinnati All sorts of re
ports come from Catlettsburg about
rains in the Cumberland mountains of
Kentucky nnd from Huntington about
heavy rains in the southern and east
ern parts of West Virginia At both
places ns well ns nt Ironton Ports
mouth nnd Intermediate points there
Is much uneasiness nnd at some places
they nro preparing for the worst
In the Taylor bottoms between New
port nnd Bellevue Ky the waters nro
up to tho tree tops It Is estimated
thnt nbout n square mile of Newport
is Inundated
A Swindling Scheme
For wme years past the treasury de
partment hns received from time to
time letters from all parts of the coun
try asking for Information regarding
certain large sums of money which It
Is alleged nro ou deposit In the treas
ury department awaiting distribution
to heirs or persons of great wealth In
Europe nnd America
Among these noted claims Is one of
the heirs of a niau of the name of De
Haven who Is alleged to have loaned
tho government of the United States
large sums of money during the Revo
lutionary war Another well known
case is that of the Robert Morris es
tate the heirs of which It is said are
entitled to receive from tho govern
ment several millions of dollars The
Durkee claim also Is well known In tho
department and Involves several mil
lions of dollars The latest one Is that
of the heirs of Anneke Jans who are
said to be entitled to receive from the
United States something like 90000
000 which sum It Is said has been re
ceived from Holland and now awalta
proof of relationship
It Is stated at the treasury depart
ment that all of these claims are spuri
ous and that they are made the basis
of confidence games by agents who
work upon the credulity of the unin
formed Agents It Is said are selling
bonds to raise money to prosecute
those claims against the government
realizing something like 10 perjl000
promised In case of success TIietreas
ury department Is powerless to proceed
against these Impostors Washington
A Joke on Offenbach
Offenbach the faniouB opera bouffo
composer had an Insatiable thirst for
success and fame combined with a
vanity that occasionally played him a
sorry trick
Once ho was going down tho Rhine
on a steamer among whose passengers
was tho Duke of Nassau a fact of
which the composer was In blissful Ig
As tho steamer approached its last
stopping place tho bank of tho river
was seen to bo covered by a denso
throng of people who were shouting
and wnvlng their hats A band on tho
pier was playing a march from one of
Offenbachs operas
As the boat touched tho pier Offen
bach stepped to tho rail and bowed and
waved his hat to the people in ac
knowledgment of this flattering ova
It Is glorious to bo received In a
foreign land like this he remarked to
his companions
But his self complacency received a
rudo shock tho next Instant when tho
dukes adjutant appeared and said In
a rough and unfeeling manner
Get out of tho way will you and
let his highness show himself
ne that worries hlmsolf with th
un uu ui iioaauuo contingencies wuii
never be at rest Johnson J