The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 26, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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Town is Almost Wiped Out of
itlM Orcnl llnrkrt Hrlgmlr mt
Mrans for Flglillnc Flri Wer lnade
innt Clilli1 f Mr Hhrrlork Narrowly
Ksrarie IliirnliiK lnMAImtit finOOO
From WedntuHlnyV Dolly
Tho bnslnopB portion of Plainvlow
wnimlmost totally destroyed by fire last
ikilit after 1 oclock tou ImshieHB
houses bolng burned nt a loss it 1h esti
mated of between f 10000 and 10000
partially covered by limnrnnco Tho
town wnu without mennn of Hunting tho
cflro and hixd there been a wind tho en
lire villngo would probably have been
consumed Tho rlthreuR formed fi
bucket brlRnde nnd inude heroic elTortfl
to Rtny tho fire fiend but their efforts
wore not of much nvivil while there wiw
fuel in his path
Tho blno iq wild to hnvo started in
tho restaurant of Earnest Kumbcrg
from somounknownjcnuho and quickly
spread to buildings adjoining
Tho child of Mr Sherlook tho snloon
keeper wan nlraost burned lie wnR
looping in his fathers building and was
-forgotten in tho cxcltonieut When re
membered tho building was nllamo but
Charles Bcrllcs tho night watchman
ran into tho house and quickly returned
with tho child in his arms
The losses given were Nmn bergs reB
tnurant and ice house 3000 E Pill
dry goods and groceries filOOO O M
Hall general xnorchandiho and butchor
shop 11000 Frank Baxter hard
ware 2fi00 Kopublican ofllce 700
flheilockB Fnloon 700 Win Court
nago dry goods and groceries 7000
John Bcnty shoo shop f00 H L
Imdland real estate 3000 Dr Kylou
nd Attorney Williams ofllce 1760
Mrs Diggers rcsidouco 500 building
of O H Johnson 1G00
Flninview is a hustling little city and
it may bo expected that substantial
buildings will soon be erected in the
places of thoso burned
J B Jeffries was up from Pilgcr yes
J B Lauo of Wisuer wns in Norfolk
WiUiB McBride was over from Madi
son yesterday
Dr and Mrs Persons of Stanton were
city visitors yesterdoy
J W Blot and P S Hoffman were
in town yesterday from Randolph
W O Eddy is at Columbus this week
superintending tho pluming of sugar
lioe ts
M P Suiter is enjoying a visit with
iis brother who nrrived lust night from
Chamberlain S D
Paul Colo who has been very ill at
his homo on North Tenth street is
better at this writing
County Surveyor W H Lowe went
to Creighton this noon to do sonic sur
veying for tho village
Mayor W W Robertson and son Syd
ney returned yesterday from a weeks
trip through Oklahoma
Mrs Elsie Desmond is having her
house at tho corner of Tenth and Ne
braska avenue repainted
Tho boys of the West Side Hose com
pany participated in a practice run on
Ninth street last evening
The fire department of Madison is
already making arrangements for a
Fourth of July celebration
Mrs S F Shorploss has been elected
president of the Womaus Missionary
society of Niobrara Presbytery
O Howe general manager of the
American Beet Sugar companys plants
is expected in the city this evening
George Nelson one of Tildens most
popular merchants was in the city to
day and made an agreeable call at The
Another reliable sign of spring is at
hand soda fountains are beginning
tkeir annual season of dispensing moist
and flavored air
Rer S F bharpless preached in the
Presbyterian church of Wayne where
Rev Jameson and Prof Whittoker are
holding evangelistic services
The blacksmith shop of John Eavolek
of Battle Creek was partially destroyed
by fire Monday night between 1 and 2
oclock Origin of fire unknown Loss
covered by insurance
Herman Raasch has purchased from
T O Van Horn 80 acres of laud lying
north of George Williams place south
west of the city The consideration in
the transfer was 2900
John Kent who lives four miles south
west of the city was badly hurt in a
runaway on Thirteenth street last Satur
day night He was thrown out of his
-wagon and fell on his head
Sir and Mrs O J OConnor and
daughter Kathleen came over from
Homer Sunday to attend the bankers
association and were guests at the
home of Mrs OConnors sister Mrs A
J Cole
Green A Freeman of Madison was
adjudged insane Saturday and ordered
committed to the asylum at this place
4r i ffe WSfy
Ho was 21 years of ago a farm laborer
and of lato had been roaming ulout tho
Lieutennnt Jacob Henderson of Com
pany P Miuliron has been granttd a
pension of 16 per month Ho wub
taken down with malaria nnd rhouma
tiRm in tho Philippines and was dis
charged six montliB Inter on account of
Rov J O S WelllB has been np
pointed ohaplaiu of the Actors Ameri
can alliance having its headquarters in
Now York city nn organization com
posed of notors and others having for
Its motive the bringing of tho church
ntidtho Htage into closer rolatlonR
Tho Browning club met last evening
nt tho home of BupU D O OConnor
It was tho hint regular meeting of tho
year and adjournment was tnkon nntll
Juno when n meeting for tho election
of oflloers and to decide on tho author
whoso workH will bo read noxt winter
is to be holdjwlth Mies Josephine Dnr
Thcro was alnrgo congregation nt tho
ovnngnlistic servlco in tho Second Con
gregational church last night and tho
interest wbr deep Mrs Dnly tho
ovungellst delivered a very interesting
discourse on Sowing and Reaping1
Mr Daly will speak this evening at 8
oclock There is also n meeting every
day at l p m
Tho West Side Hobo compnuy 1b plan
ning to give an entertainment nnd tho
members have arranged with S II Liv
ingstone to put on tho farcial comedy
Turned Up by Nat Goodwin Tho
play will be presented on tho
evening of f May 9 nnd tho first
rehearsal will bo hold this ovoning
There are 16 people in tho cast
Drs P II and Frank Suitor and Dre
Bear nnd Maokay this morning per
formed nn oporntlon on Mrs O B
Walker of South Norfolk for appendi
citis and sho is getting along nicely
siuco Mrs Walker hod before suffered
from tho dlBOOBO nnd was taken very
seriously ill last night It was decided
that nn operation wub necessary to save
her life
An examination for lifo teachers cer
tificates will be conducted in Norfolk
Juno ll to 15 by tho Btute board of ex
aminers composed of Superintendent
OConnor of this city Thomas of
Kearney aud Professor Congra of Lin
coln It is believed that many teachors
in this part of the state will avail them
solvos of tho opportunity to toko the ex
Entrance to tho laundry wns gained
by someone last night who was in senrch
of money nnd the safo was tupped
fortunately it contained no money nnd
tho robbers efforts were unavailing
Tho outer door of tho safo wub open nnd
it required but n few moments work to
get on tho inside of the affair How
tho burglar gained admission to tho
building is not known
Ilennnu Nenow who wns recently
injured during n runaway while in the
employ of II A Pasowalk submitted
to an operation yesterdny at his homo
near St Pauls Lutheran church
After tho operation he remained uncou
scions and assumed n state closely
sembliug cntalepsis from which it
seemed impossible to urouso him and
ho wns quite generally reported lend
This morning it is learned that he is all
right again with a good chance for early
Very excellent programs for the com
mencement exercises of tho Norfolk
schools are being prepared Tho sermon
to tho graduating cIusb will be dolivered
by Dr F M Sisson in the M E church
on Sunday evening May 20 Tho
Eighth grade exercise b will take place
on Wednesday evening May 2i the
Junior day exercises on Thursday even
ing May 00 aud the graduating exer
cises of the Senior class on Friday even
ing May 21 The last three events
will be in the Auditorium
The Sioux City Journal of today
prints an interview with Messrs W P
Manley James F Toy Geo H Roth
man and F A McCormick who at
tended the bankers meeting here in
which it is stated that the meeting was
largely attended and an excellent one in
every respect The address by President
Bucholz 1b given favorable mention es
pecially that portion regarding the ap
propriation of tho American Bankers
association for the purpose of founding
fraternities designed to aid bank em
ployes and encourage self improvement
among them It is such a fraternity
that the bank clerks of Sioux City ex
pect soon to organize
Best paint sold f l5 per gallon at
O Trumans
Died at UUvl New York
Mrs Lydia A Gage widow of
Michael Gage died at her home five
miles southwest of Batavia New York
April 15 at 1 30 p m from dropsy
aged 61 years and four months She
was born in Uttica New York but had
spent her entire life in Genesee county
She is survived by one daughter Mrs
John Crawford of Corfu New York
one son Benjamin M Gage who lived
at home also two 6ons Frank I and
Richard A McMillan of the west by
her former husband two sisters Mrs
George Nimos and Mrs Frank Wal
bridge of Batavia New York The
funeral was held nt her home on the
I8tb at 1 p m the interment at East
Pembroke 1
Robbers Remove About 500 in
Cash and Goods
Knterril Pair Blore Through Hack Win
ilim KflTurt Mailn to Find Trn With
Tlloodhoiiiiil Irnvnl Unsuccessful Left
Their Tool on the Floor
From Tinrmfky Dully
Tho Fnir Htoro was burglarized lost
night and cash and goods to tho value of
more than 600 wub takon Tho first to
dlEoover what had transpired was 0 11
Blakoly head clerk in the grocery de
partment who opened the establishment
this morning nbout hnlf past six oclock
When ho entered he found several
hammers including a sledge n braco
aud bits two obisels and a pair of tongs
lying on tho floor Ho quickly realized
that tho storo had been robbed nnd
began an investigation Tho money
drawer was found pried open nnd lying
on the floor tho contents 040 in cash
having been removed
It was found that tho bnrglura had
gnined entrance to tho building by pry
ing open a back window on tho dry
goods Rido and evidently made their
exit through tho back entrance of the
same department as the main door was
open nlthough tho storm door had been
closed Tho buck door of tho grocery
department had also been opened as
was revealed by an examination of tho
looks This morning an effort was
mado to trace the robbers with tho aid
of Constablo J H Conleys bloodhund
Ho is a young dog and hasnt been
trained so that efforts in this direction
were unavailing and no trace of the
thieves has yet been discovered
The tools with which the store was
broken open were taken from the Prib
benow blacksmith shop which had also
been forcibly entered It is supposed
that the robbery was committed some
timo onrly this morning as the mud
from tho thieves shoes on the cellar
door and fenco was not yet dry when
tho investigation was made Officer
Kane who was on duty all day and un
til 12 30 last night wub positive there
was no disturbance before that timo
There were evidently several mem
bers of the gang nnd that thoy were not
altogether green at the business and un
familnr with the store was evidenced by
the fact that they took only valuable
dry goods consisting largely of French
lluunels Foulard silks and Scotch plaids
The value of the goods taken is esti
mated about 500
The effort to discover the burglars hns
not beon discontinued but it is thought
before this they hnvo got muny miles
away from Norfolk Some are of the
opinion that it is tho work of nn old
gnng that has been operating in this
part of the country for some time
N W Jacobs wns up from Stanton
C P Guiles was m town yesterday
from Norinnl
John R Batte of Snyder was in the
Sugar City yesterday
L Matthies of Stanton transacted
business here yesterday
Mrs R S Friend of Dixon was n
Norfolk guest yesterday
Mrs Henry Shearer of Stanton was a
Norfolk visitor yesterday
G Kraft and W M Stearns of Stuart
were in Norfolk yesterday
Will Seorles a banker of Lynch was
in the city yesterday on business
Mrs S O Human of Battle Creek
was shopping in Norfolk yesterday
Mrs A B Lano of Scribner was
greeting Norfolk friends yesterdny
Miss ilnry Mathewson and Mrs I
Powers will visit Omaha tomorrow
Editor Wm Warneke of the Scribner
News visited ut the home of his mother
here yesterday
j O and W H Copple and H
Howarth of Bancroft were Norfolk visit
tors yesterday
W A Schwertfeger is buying the
Joseph Feifar property on South Fourth
street and will occupy it as a residence
The way the dust has been whirling
about the city today would seem to
Warrant the rehabilitation of the street
sprinkler at an early date
Lawns ore rapidly assuming a beauti
ful emerald hue nnd trees are budded
enough to show a tinge of light green
about the groves of the city
It is asserted by a person who should
know that 95 per cent of the fruit buds
in Nebraska are healthy this spring A
late frost may lay hopes for a magnifl
cent crop low however
The prospects are that May day will
be quito generally observed by the
movers both household and business as
many changes are contemplated during
the first few days of the month
At a meeting of Mathewson post No
109 G A R held last evening a pro
gram waa outlined for Decoration day
and other preliminary arrangements for
honoring the soldier dead on May SO
were made
O A Reimers who was recently sent
to the Sioux Falls prison for his connec
tion with tho failure of the First Na
tional bank of Neligb is now employed
- m
as a gardonor in tho institution
is hard enough as
it is It is to her that
we owe our world
and everything
should bo made as
easy as possible for
ner at tue time
childbirth This
is just what
will do It will make
babvs couiincr ensv
Bon is working in tho kitchen
Tho congregations continue to be
largo at tho ovaugolistio meetings in
tho Second Congregational chnrch at
tho Junction Mr Daly the evangelist
preached last night on Naaman aud
thrco conversions followed Mrs Dnly
tho ovangolist will spook tonight
TheRoger farm of 70 acres oouth of
the city near Bnrr Tofts placo was
wold yesterday to Philip Hull for 2000
through tho agoncy of N A Rainbolt
Mr Hull has also pnrchnsed the Beck
farm of 1C0 acres just ncross the river
for 4600 G R Seller conducting tho
Norfolk lodgo No 40 1 O O F has
arranged to obsorvo tho 82nd annivor
Bury of tho founding of Odd Fellowship
in America at thoir lodgo room tonight
at 8 80 A program of muBlo and ad
dresses has boon provided nnd refresh
inentB will bo sorvod All Odd Fellows
and thoir families in the city whether
members of Norfolk lodgo or not ore
cordially invited to participate
Mrs E P Weatherby and Mrs H E
Warrick ploasontly entertained a com
pany of fifty ladies yesterday afternoon
in honor of Mrs Shoemaker of Salida
Col who is visiting here A contest at
writing original poetry was a feature of
the afternoon and the results obtained
would surprise those who might think
that Norfolk has no poets Miss Jessie
Bridges production was deemed the
best and sho was awarded first prize
Homer Tannehill and Miss Lottie Cun
ningham were married last evening
at 8 oclock at the home of the brides
parents near Maple Grove The cere
mony was witnessed by about fifty rel
atives and friends and many useful and
handsomo presents wero received by the
young couple The groom has rented
the farm belonging to his brother
George Tannehill nnd he and his bride
will begin housekeeping there at once
The treasury of the LndieB guild of
Trinity church is richer by about 8500
as the result of the banquet served to
the bankers Monday evening The ladies
worked bard to give a creditable spread
and that they succeeded to the satisfac
tion of those interested is to bo judged
from tho words of praise that have been
spoken concerning their efforts Their
profits were considerably augmented
by the contributions of members of the
society and friends who donated provi
sionBsupplies of variouB kinds and their
time in helping to serve the banquet
Stanton Picket MisB Nettie M
Dortch who for more than two years
pnst has been stenographer in W W
Youngs law office and who was one of
tho Bonate stenographers during the late
session has received the appointment as
one of the supreme court stenographers
The appointment was secured through
the influence of Senator Young and
comes as a worthy tribute to the faith
fulness and ability of Miss Dortch The
position pays 1000 per year and tho
nppoiutment is for two years It is un
honor to be uppreciuted by any young
Stock tnken to pasture during the
coming season Enquire of W H
Boyd or nt The News oSce
Wnll paper 5 cents per double roll
H O Truman
What shall We Hktb for Dessert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it today
Try Jell O a delicious dessert Pre
pared in two minutes No baking add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 centB
The News keepB its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of type
and does its work in approved style
nf W l
3j I
and painless and that without tak
ing dangerous drugs into the sys
tem It is simply to be applied to
the muscles of the abdomen It
penetrates through the skin carry
ing strength and elasticity with It
It strengthens the whole system and
prevents all of the discomforts of
The mother of a plumb babe in
Panama Mo says I have used
Mothers Friend and can praise it
Get Mothers Friend at the
Drug Store 1 per bottle
The Bradfield Regulator Co
Write for our free illustrated book
Before Baby is Born
WANTED 20000 pds
at the old Poultry House
Cash Prices as follows
HENS AND PULLETS - - cts per lb
SPRING STAGS - - cts per lb
OLD ROOSTERS - - 3 cts per lb
DUCKS AND GEESE - - - S cts per lb
TURKEYS 3 1 cts per lb
PIGEONS 60 cts per doz
Prices hold good including April 13
Per W A HEMLEBEN Manager
That we are constantly growing in the art of niak
ing Fine Photos and our products will always be
found to embrace the most
and Newest style in Cards and Finish We also
carry a fine line of Moldings suitable for all kinds
of framing
Svlvan Ozone
write to DR A H KELLER
Dr Keller Specialist In Noe Throat Lung
and Kidney Diseases will correspond with you
Id regard to your condition
Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley
Omaha Paseengpr 605 a ra
Chicago Eiprete 1240 pm
Chicago Express 7S0p m
Omaha Pafcsenger 1240pm
Black Hills czpreFs 7t0pm
Verdlgre Passenger 12t0p m
Verdigre Accommodation 9 -00 am
Black Hills Exprees 1220p m
Verdlgre Passenger 606 am
Verdigre Accommodation 720pm
The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot The Omaha
and Verdigre trains arrive and depart from city
depot H O Matbau Aent
Union Pacific
ColnmbnB Accommodation 680 pm
Omaha Denver and Pacific Coast 1100am
Colnmbus Ace mmodatlon 10 80 p m
Omaha Irenver and Peciilccoaet 90 pm
Connects at Norfolk with F ElllV going
west and north and with the O Bt P M O
for points north and east
P W Jcnbman Agent
Chicago St Paul Minneapolis
abt DC fast
Sioux City and Omaha Passenger 630am
Bionx CltyPaseenger 100pm
Bionx City Passenger 1085 am
Bioox City and Omaha Passenger 7Mpm
Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going
west and north and with the D P for points
Bonth F W Jdneuan Agent
Paily except Sunday
Medical Opinion In regard to
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
An editor of a medical journal
writes as follows
Dr A H Kellers Sylvan Ozone
offered by the Dr A H Keller
Chemical Company as a cure for
Consumption Abthma Bronchitis
Hay Fever Catarrh Coughs
Colds and all diseases of the air
passages This we know to be a
genuine specifio for these com
plaints and as such entitled to
our confidence and that of our
Close examination into the
practical results which have been
had from the use of this remedy
hns caused us to endorse it as be
ing an undoubted cure for the
above ailments effectual in re
moving the exciting cause in a
number of attacks which bad been
of the severest and most tedious
character Dr A H Kellers Syl
van Ozone permanently restored
health and in cases which were
of a milder description its use im
mediately afforded relief
Railroad and Business Directory
Fine Watch
lOver Haum Bros Store
Bpaneav Ovalmsn
Boots and oes
Repairing Neatly Done
Contractor and Builder
1 1 7 Fourth Street
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue
IflSKEEPS miililflEW
Cheapest and Best
Norfolk Avenue
All Wobk Gdabantbed
Cor Braasch ave and 4th St
The florfolk Horsesboer
Daily News Job Department