The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 19, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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i nil
Program to be Observed Here
Next Monday
Jin Address hy Invurnnr Shaw of lnwu
Will be On of the features of Mm Hus
sion In the KtrnlUK n llnnqnit Will tip
Nereit In the Mum Unit
Tho bnnkcrs of Northpnst Nebraska
propose to observe Arbor day by boldliifi
their fourth annual convention In Nor
folk next Mcmtlny A largo nttondatico
nml interesting mooting la anticipated
nnd mntters of IntercHt to tlmt clans of
business men will bo entertainingly
discussed Ono of tho prominent font
Tiros of tho session will bo tho address
by Hon Leslie M Slinw governor or
Iowa during tho nfternoon Mr Shnw
has rccentlv uttnined n grout deal of
prominence iib n speaker nnd tho people
of Norfolk have reiiHoti to congratulato
tiiomflolvcfl thnt they hnvo boon Invited
ly tho bankors to listou to this address
Tho mootingB will bo held in the Audi
Tho ofllcorR of tho association nro
W H Bucholz Norfolk president
Kd Sattn Tokamah vice president
John P Orosby HoskiuR secretary
0 II Itamlnll llandolph tronsnror
Woods Oones IMorco John Forrest
Ponder W T Graham Laurel G II
Jouard WftUBn and II D Miller
Stanton truBtoos
Following 1b tho program for tho
forenoon mooting
Convention called to order By tho
president V II Bnoholz
Prayer ltov P M KisBon presiding
Older M E church
AddrosB of Welcome Hon Vf M
DKobortson mayor of Norfolk
Refiponso John D Haskell president
Farmers nud Tradors Bunk Wakefield
Address By tho president
In tho aftomoon nt 2 oclock tho fol
lowing subjects will bo discussed
Tho Bankor as an Educator E T
Rico Bancroft
Discussion oponed by M 0 Garrett
Tho Future of Banking N A
Ilalnbolt Norfolk
Competition It P Kloke West
Discussion opened by A L Tucker
Credits nud Securities II D Doily
Discussion W L Mote Plainviow
Addross Hon L M Shaw governor
of Iowa
Roll Call of Banks
Tho trustees lmvo decided that nt tho
Roll Call of Banks tho following
topics in your rospoubo will prove most
1 Give your experience aR to iutorost
rates both on loans aud certificates
2 Rates of exchange
Parm sale business nud competi
tion of loan brokers
4 Havo you had any ninusing ex
perience in bank buBiuess in the past
year or do you know of a good joke on
your neighbor banker
f Do ou know of any good now
devices to nid in bank book keeping or
any other idea not montioned nbovoV
Ilomonibor each bank will be called
And no excuses are debired
Reports of the secretary nud treasurer
Eloctlon of ottlcers
The session will cJobo with n banquot
nt 9 oclock at which Hon John It Hays
of this city will act as toast master
This banquet will be served in the Mast
liall by the Ladies guild of Trinity
Episcopal church
Fred Parish is on tho sick list
Mrs J Murphy was in the city from
iHumphrey yesterday
J S Shurta left today noon for a visit
with his son at Logan Kansas
Mr and Mrs Imge went to Missouri
Talley Iowa today to visit at the home
of Mrs lingos mother
The Ladies Aid society of tho M E
church will meet in tho ladies parlor
tomorrow afternoon at2 80 to sew
The Ladies Aid society of tho Congre
gational church will meet with Miss
JDurland tomorrow afternoon at 2 30
Chas MoKenzie of Colfax Washing
ton was here yesterday visiting friends
enrcute home from a trip to New Yoik
The Norfolk postoflice has just been
allowed additional clerk hire of 800 per
year by the department at Washington
8 K Dexter of Lowell Mass is here
looking after his cold storage interests
He is accompanied by his niece Miss
Bertha M Dexter
There will be a special meeting of the
Woodmen of the World at Orrs hall
this evening A large attendance of
members is desired
Mr and Mrs Harry Gruenwald liv
ing near Pierce recently welcomed twin
boys to their home Mrs Grnenwald
was formerly Miss Selma Weker of thiB
Rev J J Parker will leave this even
ing for his new home in Kearney He
will visit over night with friends in
Madison enroute to bis new field of
Rip Van Winkle was very well
rendered last night in the Auditorium
by the Pringle company The audience
was not large but those attending wero
well pleased with the performance
V Tfywm
IL3 J fcafcaannsa
L lu unsiHii - ihiwv
Tonight tho company concludes its en
gngoment hore presenting tho four act
comedy drnma Miss NolKidy
It wns cold enough last night to freeze
a thin coaling oflcoovcr still water
Llttlo dnmnen was clono however nB
buds nnd iniduco nro not far enough
ftlvnnced to bo lnjtirod
0 K Burnhain of Tlldon wnR hero
Inst night on his way to lown whero ho
will visit his father and mother Thoy
will accompany him on his rotnrn and
m ako their homo in Tilden
Jndgo J B Harnes A H Violo and
8 G Dean loft nt noon for York where
they will attend a hession of tho grand
commandory Knights Templar ropre
Bonting the local commandery
ltov O A Monro will occupy tho
pulpit at tho First Congregational
church next Sunday both morning nud
evening Tho prayer mooting this
ovonlng will commonco at 8 oclock aud
will bo lu chargo of 0 C Gow
A young lady hns rocontly nrrlved
from Minnesota to purchnso tho goods
and hnvolier wedding troussonn mado in
Norfolk which would certainly indl
cato that this city is acquiring an envi
ablo reputation in that direction
Norfolk will not bo tho wottCBt
town in tho stato next year Anyone
with u very opprcssivo thirst is advised
to go to Blair n town of a thousand or
so Iobh population than Norfolk The
Pilot of that city publishes lfi applica
tions for liquor license- nud eight ap
plications for druggists permits
At 2 oclock Saturday afternoon whilo
tho daughter of Mr nnd Mrs
J II Goll of Wayno was putting some
papor on a bonfire hor clothing caught
firo and before her mother could reaoh
her tho little ono was badlyjbnrned nnd
died tno following day Tho funeral
wiib from tho German Lutheran church
yestorday attornoon
A gang of boys gaiuod entrnnco to tho
Auditorium last evening through tho
tunnel spoken of soveral weeks ngo
Thoy wero easily recognized by tho clay
dinging to thoir clothes and It Is under
stood thnt thoy wero unrated but wero
given their liberty with tho understand
ing that tho next time they eudenvored
to gain admission in that way thoy
would bo arrested and fined
An exchnngo snys tho following letter
writton by a woman in Knnsas has
been received by tho Philadelphia police
department Ohiof Police will you
soo tho woman whoso name is in tho in
closed ndvertisemont i will settle with
hor for folio Sho has a medicine which
sho says will remove hair from tho faco
i sent her ono dollar nud got a bottlo of
tho medicine i had some fnz on my
faco iused tho medioiue nnd it burned
my faco nnd now i have got a heavy
benrd tho doctors say 1 will havo whisk
ers now all my lifo if sho will give
500 i will tako it and say nothing
against tho woman
P J Lund nu Omaha builder has
secured the contract from tho Stortz
Brewing company for tho erection of
tho two story brick block soon to bo
built whero tho building occupied by
the Iuskeop Millnory now stands Tho
mnin building will be 24 by 70 feet and
in tho roar will be built a bowling alloy
21 by 100 feet single Btory in height
Tho building will havo a handsome
front and tho lntest conveniences will
bo employed in its erootion and furnish
ings Whilo an Omaha contractor will
have chargo of tho work of building
tho lumber will bo furnished by L 0
Mittolstndt of this city Work on tho
structure will commence as soon as tho
frame building now on it can be ro
moved from the lot
Best paint sold 1 15 per gallon at
C Trumans
- --
Ed Geers is confident thnt tho Abbot
will boat 20l this year The Abbot
is brother In blood to the sire of Mon
Hummer Cattle Hunch
Anyone having cattle to summer will
do well to address W O Peezer Inez
Holt Co Neb
The Star Hoarder
Tho Star Boarder which will be tho
attraction at tho Auditorium Sutnrday
April 20 is n musical farce comedy in
threo acts The pieco is intendod for
laughing purposes only and serves as a
vehicle for tho introduction of Onas
Boyle and his clever company of fun
producers Mr Boyle in the leading
role 1b decidedly funny his province is
low comedy aud character sketching
Ho is assistedjby a company of twenty
ladies and gentlemen all thoronchlv
capable tho singing portion of the
show is said to be very flue The cos
tumoB displayed by the ladles will be a
treat for our theatre goers as Mr Boyle
does not allow anything of a cheap
nature to be brought into The Star
Boarder assortment of wardrobe
The Favorite Line
To the Epworth League convention San
Francisco Cal July 1001 will be the
Union Pacific All competition dis
tauced The fast trnins of the Union
Pacific reach San Francisco fifteen hours
ahead of all competitors If you are in
no hurry tako n slow train by one of
the detour routes but if you want to
get there without delay take the historio
and only direct route the Union Pacific
Full information cheerfully furnished
upon application
P W Juskman Agent
J Glnsson was in tho city Inst night
from Tekamah
A D WUkerBon waR a Norfolk visitor
over night from Battlo Creek
II A Allon a largo land owner of
Atkinson wan In tho city ycBtoidny
Tho now lamp for In front of tho city
building has nrrlved tnncl been put in
Frank Twlss who han for somo tlmo
served tho Boyd hotel of Wayno as clerk
is homo
W II Bucholz president of tho Nor
folk Nntional bank went to Omaha to
day on business
There was another quite sovoro frcczo
Inst night tho thermometer indicating
a temporfttiiro of 21 degreeB
A E Lawronco Is proparingjto movo
into tho lioiiso on Madison avenue ro
contly vacated by O 0 Dolon
Mr nud Mrs Chas H Vail havo ar
rived from Wayno and took chargo of
tho Oxnard hotel this morning in tlmo
for breakfast
Columbus citizens aro circulating a
subscription paper toward forming a
Btock company for tho erection of a
110000 opera houBO exclusive of tho
Tho list of GO persons has been drawn
for Borvlco ns potit jurors in the tenn
of federal court at Omaha beginning
May 0 Norfolk has no repreBontntivo
ou the list
A E Campbell will movo into tho
Iiouho on South Tonth street to bo va
cated by W II Bridge nnd family
Ho will occupy It until the first of Sep
tember when J E Boas will tako it
Tho nines of Loren Hossemnn nnd
Sam Erskino crossed bats in Norfolk yes
torday in n fivo inning gamo The boyB
captained by tho first named won
against tho latter by a score of 10 to 18
A letter frsm Rev Chas E Deuel of
Boise City Idaho states thnt Mrs
Douol is suffering from another attack
of pneumonia an nnnonucemet that
Mrs Douols Norfolk friends will re
ceive with regret
T E Odiorno has sold to W T
Shivery an engineer in tho employ of
tho P E M V tho residence prop
erty designated as No 014 South
Fourth street Mr Shively will take
possession on the first of May
Peter Sandh has arrived from Grand
Island to accept a position in the tnilor
shop of P J Fuesler Ho worked hero
nt one timo several years ngo and waB
In tho employ of Frank Rnmes n woll
known Omaha tailor for many years
Herbert Lound pharmacist in A L
Muirheads drug store at Winside was
compounding n perscriptlou of horse
mediciuo yesterdny morning which
contained chlorate of potash Ho
undertook to pulverizo tho mixturo in a
mortar when tho stuff exploded burn
ing one hand nnd both eyes of the clerk
nud singing his fnco
J L Daniel and Ed Scssler have
rented tho east room of tho Fair store
and as soon as the building is vacatod
will fit it up for a bowling alley No
saloon will be run in connection but
cigars and soft drinks may be sold
Mr Daniel will also continue his pres
ent business This is tho third bowling
alley announced for Norfolk
About 20 Sioux City Elks contemplate
going to Council Bluffs Friday to assist
in dedicating the 40000 club house of
the Council Bluffs lodge Tho Sioux
City members of the order are likewise
preparing for a minstrel show which is
to be given at tho Grand opera house on
the evenings of April 25 and 20 There
will be 75 in tho cast and tho program
is now all complete
Messrs James P Booce and Fred T
Evans jr formerly of Hot Springs S
D returned to their homos in Sionx
City recently after a six weeks trip in
Washington and Oregon They report
in tho Journal of having met A E
Barnes formerly of Dakota City and
brother of Judge J B Barnes and
Georga A Latimer fonnerly of Nor
folk who are in the law business to
gether at Seattle Mr Evans says
that they are making money
The Euterpeau Fraternity recital to
be given at the Auditorium tonight by
the music pupils of MrsCora A Beels is
anticipated with muoh pleasure by the
lovers of muslo iu Norfolk These en
tertainments under Mrs Beels direction
have alway8been popular and deservedly
so as the performers evince great inter
est in the work and their desire is to
please The several talks with whioli
the musical numbers are interspersed
are a new feature which will undoubt
edly add to the pleasures of the evening
and furnish additional evidence of the
pupils progress in the knowledge of
Wayne Republican Next Monday
the bankers of Northeast Nebraska meet
at Norfolk in convention Doubtless all
the children of populist parents residing
within a radius of 5 miles of Norfolk
will be gathered within the sacred con
fines of the home and carefully guarded
from the graspiug clutches of the pluto
cratic hyenas who will have the freedom
of the city and the surrounding country
for a day They aro a bold bad lot of
fellows who have gathered in the wealth
of the producing elates uutil today
North Nebraska is a Potters field where
laud Eells at half a hundred dollars per
acre and where thousands of high bred
tacr 2-
cattle horses and hoga roam about seek
ing what thoy can find to fatten on nnd
add wealth to thoir ownors in order that
thoy may build homes schools churches
and hospitalsclothonnd feed their child
ren nud enro for tho unfortunate
Dr Rudolph Mittolstndt is In tho city
from Omnhn and will locnte hero for
tho practico of dontlBtry Ho will oc
cupy tho upstairs rooms in the southeast
corner of tho Biahop block ns soon na
they nro complotcd thus having tho
finost snltoof olllce rooms iutho city
Dr Mittolstndt is a grndunto of ono of
tho best dental colleges in tho country
nnd hns practiced in Omaha for the pott
three years whero ho estnbliBhcd nn on
viable reputation for honest work nud
was successful in bnildiug up a lucra
tive practico Ho will undoubtedly on
joy n fnlr share of the dental practice
of Norfolk
Tho Pringlo company closed its en
gagement in Norfolk last night pre
senting MiBB Nobody to n small audi
ence Tho piny la new bright nnd en
tertaining nnd was woll presented by
tho company Mr Pringle made nn
honest effort to plenso in Norfolk nnd
with tho seats at popular prices it is
hard to understand why he didnt re
ceive a better pntronago from the people
of the city The first night was so
stormy as to furnisn a reasonnblo ex
cuse for a light attendance but there
was no such fault to find last night and
tho night before If such entertain
ments aro not patronized it will not bo
a great whilo until a good play in Nor
folk is a rarity
Wall paper 5 cents per double roll
H O Truman
Will lluild Verdicre Branch Into
Thcro seems to be a possibility that
Boyd county Nobraskn between the
Niobrara and Missouri rivers will bo
tapped by a railway which will bring
the livestock of tho district to this city
but it is not likely to be the Atkinson
Niobrara River railway It is reported
from Lynch on unquestioned authority
that tho Elkhorn road intends to extend
its Verdigre branch as far as Gross a
newly platted town
Tho promoters of the Atkinson
Niobrara S A Hnrris nnd O A Perry
who havo been in Sioux City repeatedly
to finance their project planned the con
struction of a narrow gauge line from
Atkinson which is on the main lino of
the Elkhorn northeast to the vicinity
of Spencor
Tho region in Boyd county north of
tho Niobrara is thickly settled and
there are mnny small towns in existence
there all panting for the advent of n
railwny in their vicinity Rumored ex
tensions of tho Elkhorn have been
heard repeatedly but in this case it is
given out cold that the rond will be
built in timo to handle tho fall crop of
grain Sioux City Tribune
Before you buy your wall paper see
what H C Truman can show you for 5
cents per double roll
Stock taken to pasture during tho
coining season Enquire of W H
Boyd or at The News oSce
Tho Pessimist on Steam
These views of an ancient economist
regarding steam railways is reproduced
from the Tilden Citizen the editor hav
ing the paper from which it is taken in
his possession It is from the East
Kent Journal published May 12 1828
and in view of modern developments
is somewhat laughable
We Englishmen can no longer bo
blind to the power of the steamjengine as
a carrying power in our island The
Stockton and Darlington railway is
carrying people at the speed of 15 miles
an hour in safety and is building a
species of truck to carry goods at tolls
that will bring starvation to them which
are now in that business Companies
are banding their money together for
building railways between London and
all the chief towns of the kingdom and
unless his majestys government can be
made to wake up and interfere wide
spread panio and unsettled trade will be
upon us What we aBk will become
of the horse market if this thing is al
lowed to go on I Our farmers are al
ready on the verge of desperation at the
removal of the hop duty and if the new
vogue of travel is allowed to spread the
horses which have been Britons pride
for 14 centuries will be sold for
knackers A knacker is a worn out
horse sold for its hide and the flesh cut
up cooked and sold in the cities as
cats meat
Commenting on this the Citizen says
The editer had he been living today
would certainly have been a populist
for he goes on to show that horses being
no more in demand fodder oats and
other crops used for horse feed will
have no marketable value and winds up
by calling on all Englishmen to rise in
their might and compel the administra
tion to pass legislation that will kill off
the projected railroads aud save Eng
lishmen from ruin What makes this
quotation particularly interesting read
ing today is that England has since
then become a complete network of
railroads but that Instead of horses bo
coming a drag on the market the Brit
ish government is now scouring the
United States for a 6upply of the ani
mals necessary to hold the British Em
pire together by completing its military
operations in South Africa
Steamer Ramona Blows
Near Vancouver
Holier ip1mri In Midstream nnil Victim
Are llliMTii Into Include
Two Women lnnjiT anil Two
mid luricr Fatally Hurneil
Vancouver April 18 By the explo
sion of the boiler on the river steamer
Itnmonn yesterdny four persons were
killed outright nnd six others seri
ously Injured two of whom will prob
ably die
The dead Mrs II Morrison Fort
Lnngley Mrs Bailey Mount Leh
man John Mack deckhuud nud
Henry Phippq deckhand
Richard Power purser nnd Tames
Mnynnrd mnte wero fntnlly burned
The boiler exploded In midstream
while the steamer was en route from
New West minster to Fort Lnngley
By the force of the explosion Mrs
Morrison nnd Mrs Bailey who were
returning home nfter n dnys shop
ping In New Westminster were blown
into the river nnd were drowned be
fore nid reached them
Une remnlno of the two deckhnnds
rhlppi nnd Mack have not been
found Purser Tower wns bndly
scnlded by escaping stenm nnd Mnto
Mnynnrd wns nlso fearfully burned
Three Indlnns were seriously burned
IIIb Knee li Aanuri d
Lexington Ky April 18 The mntch
rnce between Cresceus nnd Chnrllo
Herr scheduled for the October meet
ing of the Kentucky Trotting Horse
Breeders nssoclntlon Is now nn ns
sured fact Secretary Wilson received
n letter from Georgo II Ketchum of
Toledo owner of Cresceus saying
thnt tho terms were sntlsfnctory His
cheek for 00 which amount of the
side bet of 1000 must be deposited
nt once Ib expected Iri n few dnys
The horses will contest for a purse of
7000 of which 2000 goes to the
loser Dnvid Cnhill agreed nt once
to enter Chnrllo Herr
Gomrz to VUlt Unltrd StnteR
navana April 18 General Maximo
Gomez Is making arrangements to go
to the United States to visit Senor
Estrada Pnlinn He will be nccom
pnnled by his son TJrbnno nnd will
probably remain in the United States
until the return to Cuba of the special
committee on relations Ho desires to
await definite notion In reference to
the Piatt amendment He hns always
expressed a desire to meet the people
of the United States nnd to thnnk them
for the nssistnnco they tendered Cuba
during tho war Senor Talma is the
choice of General Gomez for the
presidency of Cuba
Aim llluw nt Tobncco Trut
Boston April IS A bill aimed di
rectly at tho American nnd Continental
Tobacco companies wns passed to a
third rending by the lower branch of
the legislature yesterday The mens
ure prohibits corporations or associa
tions of individuals from restricting
their customers in tho purchase of
their exclusive goods It was shown
at tho hearing that numerous tobacco
dealers in the state have been com
pelled to deal exclusively with tho
large companies
TrnnHpoi t Iautoii llited
San Francisco April 18 The trans
port Lawton has been sighted off port
She is several days overdue
WhutbliHll We Ilnvt for Dessert
This question arises in the family
every day Let us answer it today
Try Jell O n delioious dessert Pre
pared in two minutes No baking add
hot water and set to cool Flavors
Lemon orange raspberry and straw
berry At your grocers 10 cents
77 A Baby 9
k I r Birth
V Jy III I r
is very much like the blossom
ing of a flower Its beauty and
perfection depends entirely
upon the care bestowed upon
its parent Expectant mothers
snould nave tne tenaeresi care
They 6hould be spared all worry
and anxiety They should eat
plenty of good nourishing food
and take irentle exercises This
will go a long way toward preserv
ing their health and their beauty
as well as that of the little one to
come But to be absolutely sure
of a short and painless labor they
should use
recularly during the months of gesta
tion This is a simple liniment which
ts to be applied externally It gives
strength and vigor to the muscles and
prevents all of the discomforts of preg
nancy which women used to think
were absolutely necessary When
Mothers Friend is used there is no
danger whatever
Get Mothers Friend nt the drug
store ill per bottle
For nlo nt
Dr Humphreys
Specifics care by acting directly upon
the diseftso without exciting disorder in
any other part of tho system
1FcTers CongeBUons Inflammations 25
a Worms Worm Fotot Worm Colic 33
3 Teething Colic Crying Wakefulness 2ff
4 Diarrhea of Children or Adults 25
7 Coughs Colds Bronchitis 25
8 Neuralgia Toothache Faccaehe 25
9 Headache Sick rieadache Vertigo 25
10 Dyspepsia IndlgesUonWeak0tomach25
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25
12 Whltes Too Profuse Periods 25
13 Croup Laryngitis Hoarseness 25
14 Bait Rheum Erysipelas Eruptions 25
15 Rheumatism Hheumatlo Pains 25
16 Malaria Chills Fever and Ague 25
19 Catarrh Influenza Cold In tho Head 25
20 Whooping cough 23
27 Kidney Diseases 25
28 Nervous Debility 100
30 Urinary Weakness WettlngBed 25
77 Grip Hay Fever 25
Dr Humphreys Manual of all Disease at your
Druggists or Hailed Free
Bold by druggists or sent on receipt of price
Humphreys Med Co- Cor William John Sts
Mew York
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion freo whether an
Invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential Handbook on Patents
Bent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Patents taken through Alunn Co receive
tpteial notice without chargo In tho
Scientific American
A handsomely Illustrated weekly Largest cir
culation of any scientific journal Terms t3 a
year four months fL Sold by all newsdealers
New York
Branch Olllce G25 F St Washington D C
of Chicago ask your locnl ticket ngent to
route you between Omaha and Chicago
via the
the Fhortest line between thp two cities
Trnins via this popular road depnrt Irnm
the Union depot Omaha daily con
necting with trains from the west
M tguiflcently equipped trains palace
sleepers aud free reclining chair cars
Dining cars and buffet library and
smoking cars All trains lighted by
electricity For full information about
rates etc address
A Nash
General Western Agent
H W Howell 1C04 Farnam St
Trav Frt Pass Agt Omaha
March 10th
April 2nd and
May 7th and 21st
June and 8th
To certain points in the
West Southwest and
PLUS 2oo
Final Limit of Tickets 21 Days
Stop overs will be allowed within
trauBit limit of fifteen days going after
reaching first homeseekers point en
For fnrthtr Information or Land Pamphlets
t iililerf Maps etc addretB tiny ubcuI of tho
company or
Bootheast Cor 14th and Douglas Bts