T v SATURDAY SIFTINGS Mrs Whltlock of Pierce is shopping in Norfolk today L W Hofkoll of Wakefiold woa lti the city ovor uight M P Harrington was in Norfolk over uight from ONoill F B Alderman weut to Columbus on business this morning T F Moinmlngor of Madison is in town greeting Norfolk friends Mr and Mrs B D Guilds wero in tho city from Wakofleld lost night Elsie Grinim is in tho city from Fre mont visiting relatives and frionds 0 B VanKirk aud S E Coon wero city visitors over night from Noligh Mrs L It Craig and daughter oro in town from Piorce doing some trading Mrs Jas A Schoomakor of Salidn Col arrived today for a visit at tho Weathorby homo Benton Maret representing tho Royal Highlanders is in the city in tho intorest of that order The Nebraska Telephone compauy will build a line from Humphrey to Newman Grove soon Miss Martha Parkor camo up from Omaha last evening to visit ovor Sunday with her father and family County Superintendent 0 W Crum aud wife camo ovor from Mndisou yes terday returning this morning Misses Mattio Davenport and Julia Reckard went to Madison this morning to spend Sunday with Mr and Mrs Arthur Pilger Tho house of Ed Gunnerson was re cently moved from Bradish to Newman Grove on a freight train C V Lyon superintended the work of loading and unloading the building ONeill Frontier There is to bo an automobilo run botweeu Butte and Stuart beginning last Monday Tho automobile takes the place of the stago and will bo a great convenience to the travelers in that section of the country The word lenses has been omitted from the advertisement of Dr Richards who will be at Ohristophs drug store Monday and Tuesday The last sen tence of the ad should read Exain iuation of the eyes free and to patrons and patients lenses changed free within one year if necessary A G Carlson of Gothenburg has re ceutly sold somo land in Polk county for 3850 per acre that was considered worthless 15 ypars ago and could have been purchased for 3 or 4 per acre Fifteen years hence it will probably be surprising that the laud should sell a3850 per acre when it is then so valuable A Newman Grove bicycle man is ad vertised as a bicycle surgeon and the advertisement further says that he un derstands the anatomy physiology and hygiene of wheels and gives homeo pathic or allopathic treatment as cases require Sure cure guaranteed Tires blown up without pain Languid tires restored tohealth aud vigor The Dakota City Eagle would like to have the different kinds of doctors labeled It says It is a fact that when one is introduced to a doctor you hardly know where you are at as you dont know whether he is a dentist horse or corn doctor presiding elder spectacle doctor or just one of those common doctors who saw bones and kill people Damasous commandery No 20 Knights Templar elected the following officers last evening for the ensuing term A H Viole eminent commander D J Koenigsteiu generalissimo W H Rish captain general Jos Allbery senior warden S G Dean junior warden S W Hayes treasurer E H Tracy recorder The appointive officers will be named at the time of the instal lation whioh will be on the evening of May 15 Battle Creek Republican Rev R C Miller pastor of the Baptist church will preaoh his farewell sermon next Sunday As stated in tho Ropublicau last week he had tendered his resigna tion and it was not accepted A meet ing of the officials of the churoh was held on Wednesday evening of this week and still no action was taken upon his resig nation meaniug that it was not accept able Rev Miller asked for an increase in salary His request was not granted neither was his resignation accepted Ho informs us that tie expects to re move to Mai t land Mo where he has been teudered and has accepted upon his own terms a good position at a good salary MONDAY MENTION G A Luikart spent Sunday in Tilden Sol G Mayer went to Lincoln yester day returning today T F Plaguemau was in the city yes terday from Stanton S II Janes and F G Payne were in the city Saturday from Wayne L L MoKim came over from Sioux City and spent Sunday at home Miss Laura Durland entertained the Bachelor Girls Saturday evening S Green and J V Oleanze of Stuart were Sunday visitors in Norfolk Arthur Ahlmau was over from Madi son Sunday viBitiug relatives and friends Dr David Marquette was up from Stanton today greeting acquaintances Plasterers commenced work on the iutorior of tho Bishop block this moru lug Pino apples are on tho market and if spring isnt horo now it is the solo fault of tho weathor Mr and Mrs 0 J Chapman visited in Fremont and Missouri Valley Satur day and Sunday Dr A E Scobeo returned Saturday uight from a visit to relatives and frionds at Kirksvillo Mo Mips Agnes Carbory of Warnorvillo visited Miss Nina Walkorat tho hospital for tho Insano ovor Sunday Dr Young physician at tho hospital for tho insane wont to Omaha on tho oarly traiu for a stay of two or threo days Carl Wildo has sold a lot at tho cor nor of Fifth street and Park avonuo to H A Howo who contemplates build ing thoreon soon Mrs L O Bathou and daughter MIbs Bathon sister and uleco of J W Gib son arrivod Saturday night from Fulda Minn for a visit The 2 now Corliss engine for tho Norfolk electrio light plant has arrived and will soon bo placed in position at the power station Ohas Pribbouow was boforo polico court this morning charged with dis orderly conduct and was givou tho cus tomary flno which with costs amounted to 710 H E Owen has arrived homo from Laramie Wyo sick with pneumonia Ho had been sick with tho disease in camp there for sevoral days beforo com ing home O F W Marquardt has sold his Main street residence property to its present ocoupaut A J Ballantyuo auditor of tho Edwards Bradford Lumber p ny who recently moved horo The Christian Scientists met yester day at Orrs Hall and after a temporary organization adjourned to meet uoxt Sunday at 10 30 W E Spencer was elected president and Geo N Beels clerk The Johnny Pringlo company arrived from Creighton this morning with a largo amount of baggage and will open a three nights engagement in the Audi torium tonight with Monte Cristo for a starter Word comes from Pierce to the effect that GusUeoker and Hooky Johnson have each been sentenced to a term of GO days in prison and the payment of a fine of fcQ for recently kidnaping tho son of Johnson J C Stitt is preparing plans and specifications for a new 3000 Catholic church at Tilden the work of erection to begin in May The old church edifice has been found entirely too small to ac commodate the parishoners there The executive committee for the fire mens tournament at Fremont this sum mer is already making planB for tho races and other events which will be participated in by the firemen of the state xVn interesting meeting is antici pated W H Bridge has purchased the resi dence propoity of A E Campbell on South Eleventh street aud will improve and occupy it about the first of next month Mr Campbell and family ex pect to leave soon for Tennessee to make their home Harry Barnes formerly connected with tho Battle Creek bank and Miss Amy Richardson daughter of F W Riohardson living near that place were united in marriage at the Catholic par Bonage this morning at 10 30 by Rev Father Weber The Euterpean Fraternity gave an open meeting to their boy friends on Saturday afternoon at tho home of Mrs Geo N Beels A delightful musical program was rendered after which dainty refreshments were served by tho members of the fraternity No one need think for a moment that tho Pacific hotel is a pig sty or a hog pen because Mr Pigg of Cripple Creek and Mr Hogg of Fremont registered there Saturday in fact it is disclaimed that Messrs Pigg and Hogg have any porcine characteristics whatevor The son of Dr F A Bryant noticing that their chickens made frequent visits under the barn of their neighbor Mr Sprechor decided to investigate He crawled under tho building and was Jro warded by finding a nest of 90 fresh eggs which the hens had laid there There is a conference of German Lutheran ministers of the Norfolk dis trict at Laurel and Rev J P Mueller of Christ church is attending the session Miuisters from Pierce Battle Creek Madison Tilden Clearwater and other towns in this vioinity are in attendance W H Woodworth returned this morniug from Creighton with Ihb mother Sarah A Waudell wiio will make him au extended visit Mrs Waudell made Norfolk her homo sev eral years ago Her husband died on the 12th iu the soldiers home at Dau villo 111 Rev J J Parker preached to a large audience iu the M E church yostorday morning delivering practically the samo sermon that he used when coming to Norfolk 10 years ago That age had not diminished its power was evidenced by the close attention given by his hearers The young friends of Miss Annis Hagoman planned and executed a very successful farewell surptiso nt tho homo of her parents on South Fifth street Saturday ovoning and tho tlmo wan passod very ploaRantly Mr Hagoman ami family coutomplato loaviug in about two weeks for Orogon whore thoy oxpoct to mako their homo in future Pioroo Call Moasra L 11 Craig and D W Elliott woro at Hudar Wednes day Invoicing tho stock of goodB of tho Into Henry Huobuor Tho gooda in voiced auiountod to noarly 7000 this not iuoludlng tho bulldlngB and othor property belonging to tho ostato Wo understand that Venus Huobuor ami a brother will purohaso tho stook and con duct the business iu tho future G A Luikart Frauk Davonport O D Jenkins of this city and Wm McDon ald of Moadow Grovo will loavo tomor row for utou duys stay at Cicstouo Col Mr Luikart going to look nftor banking interests and tho othor goutlomou for ploasuro It Is posslblo thatT F Mom mtugor of Madison and Raukor Million of Elgin will also join tho party aud If thoy do will probably go on into Utah While Julius Griop and family woro attending churoh last evening a couple of follows outorod thoir houso on South Fourth stroot and appropriated some llugor rings Thoy used a skolotou key to gain admission Afterwards thoy entered a coach In tho M O yards and took an overcoat looking tho door uftor them Tho follows must have boon well suppllod with keys but no traco of thorn or their implements has yet boon found Oflicor Kano had a merry chaso down Fourth street this morning after a run away horse of S toward M 0 Walker of tho hospital for tho insano Mr Walker hud loft tho horso standing uoar tho plumbing ofllco of W H Rish when it became affrighted and began to run turning south Tho oflicor who was on Main street failing in an offort to catch tho auimal at tho bridle nervily com menced to climb into tho buggy from tho rear and tho animal was stopped iu front of Maoys photograph gallery It pays to patronize established houses This axiom has been moro than ever forcibly improssod upon Tun News dur ing tho past week by reason of the fact that last Tuesday tho safe in this office became locked and could not bo opened because tho combination had been lost Neither search nor bad language sufficed to discover tho missing combination and finally tho Carey Safe Co of Buf falo N Y was appealed to in tho hope thut a record of tho combination had been preserved in tho companys ollico In the meantime business so far as tho books of this office wore concernod was suspended but on Saturday afternoon four figures came Hashing across tho wires aud in a few moments tho lock yielded to tho combination and tho door swung open ready to receive subscrip tion money or any other old kind of money that might bo offered If tho safe had been purchased from a com pany that had since gouo out of business it would have remained closed until some export burglar had beou invited to blow it open Henco the fact is again exemplified that it pays to patronizo established houses The Roman 228i by McKeuney goes more like tho Abbot than any homo living McKiuney is out of a Gov Sprogue maro Montanas dam is by Gov Sprogue maro The Norfolk Nursery Sells seed potatoes pure Early Ohio Six Weeks Early Triumph and Early Peach Blows Also ash box eldors elm aud maple 8 to 12 feet high Cherry applo plum trees and small fruit plants forest trees seedlings rose bushes flowering shrubs aud evergreens Call on or address E D Hammond Norfolk Nebraska Letter Lint List of letters remaining uncalled for at tho postofllco April 15 1001 Geo Bartlett James Barnes Mrs Lola Bollo Bally Wm H Bessey Nellie Broen FH Brubaker Mrs Fred Chaso Mr Copp Ed Craomer MiBS Jessie Duuker Perry Edou Egyptian Remedy Co 3 L Y Grant William uarrot Mrs ma Jauucs Rev D Loo H A Morrisou K E McVay Aunio Novak Frits Ghlm J A Reynolds Fred Roseubrook Esther M Socor Sam Stoifel Frank Tate Juluis Winter Miss Myra Stevens If not called for in 10 days will be sent to the dead letter ofllco Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised P F Spkecher P M A loocl Thing German Syrup is the Bpecial prescrip tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated German Physioian aud is acknowledged to bo one of the most fortunate discover ies iu Medicine It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of tho severest nature removing as it does the cause of tho affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition It is not an experimental medicine but has stood tho test of years giving satis faction in every case which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms Two million bottles sold anuuallv cheos Germau Syrup was introduced iu the Unites States in 18G8 and is uow sold in every town and village in tho civilized world Three doses will relievo any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Got Greens Prize Almanac Asa K Leon ard iSifAzHm TH l NORFOLK NKWS FRIDAY APRIL 1 1901 TUESDAY TOPICS H Whitman was up from Stanton vostorday A II Abts was In tho city yesterday from Stanton A Hotus was In Norfolk ovor night from Stanton H Funk was a city visitor yostorday from Newman Grovo D A H Oorbott of Madison was a Norfolk guest over night Julius Thaudal of Columbus was a Norfolk guost over night Mr and Mrs A M Potorson woro lu tho city today from Oroston Mrs H MoHrldois visiting at tho homo of hor sou Willis In Madison S M Olaybaugh was a visitor to this metropolis from Wakollold yostorday Dan Murphy is horo from Omaha looking after his farm property south of town Ruby tho llttlo sou of Mr aud and Mrs W O Ahlmau is sick with pnou mouin Sonator Allen was ovor from Madison yostorday conversing with Norfolk frionds Weather indications would scorn to warrant tho taking up of early radishes ami placing them in tho oven ovor uight Miss lulia Rookard roturnod to her hoirio in Sioux City today after a three weeks visit with Norfolk rolatlvos and friends S T Axtoll of tho hotol at Wausa is In tho city today oil business Mr Axtoll is also counoetod with tho Piano Manufacturing company Dr Wm I Iaou accompuniod a pa tient named J Walton down from Creighton this morning Mr Walton will submit to au operation on au in jured hand While A E Campboll has Bold his rosidouco ho disclaims any intention of loaviug Norfolk at present and the statoment of this panor that ho would move to Tennessee was thoroforo incor rect An enjoyable dancing party was in dulged in by members of tho Early Hour olnb In tho Mast hall last night De spite tho weather thoro was a fair at tendance and tho ovoning was passed most pleasantly Bohuerts orchestra furnished tho music Fremont I lunild A Hooper man says ho wroto to tho secretary of agriculture for somo tobacco soed and carofully specified that ho wanted Battle Ax Climax ur Star plug and was put off with tho silly excuso that thoy woro giv ing out nothing but fiuecut this year C J Stockwell loft this morning for Yankton S D callod by a mossago an nouncing tho death of his brother When ho returned from his previous visit his brothor soomod to bo getting better but complications doveloped aud his bravo struggle for life was unavail ing Fremont Tribune Word has boon recoived that au eastbouud passeugor train on tho Fromont Elkhoru Mis souri Valley railroad was wrecked near Glon Rock Wyo Thursday uight by a defectivo bridge Several cars wero do railed aud the postal clerk and one pas senger woro slightly injured Tho raiuf all last night was 73 of an inch and if there woro auy dry spots iu tho ground that needed soaking it is probable that this last fall of moisture will reach them This morning u little snow cumo with tho storm and tho cold north wind that has prevailed during the day is a uouo too gentle reminder of March The Johnny Pringlo company played Monte Cristo to a small but enthusi astic audience last night at tho Audi torium aud tho rondition of tho pro duction was quite universally satisfac tory although tho leading man was af flicted with a sovero cold Tonight Rip Van Winkle tho play made fam ous by Too Jefferson will bo presontod S W Deuel of Meadow Grovo has recovered one of tho 12 head of cows stolen from his pasture last fall It was in tho possession of Ohas Cum mings of Tilden to whom It had been traded for a horso by Roll Lewis who is now serving a 15 mouths term iu jail Mr Oummings also recovered tho horse he had traded from Lewis father Eleven head of Deuels cattle aro still missing but will probably be accounted for Pupils of tho graded schools of Cedar county are to meet iu Hartington May 17 to compete In annual field day exer cises Tho meeting will bo held on the fair grounds and the schools of Ran dolph Laurel and Hartington aro to participate There will be foot races potato races bicycle races throwing tho weight jumping Indian club drill bfibket ball for girls aud base ball for boys flag drills marches and numer ous other ovents The several sohools aro to compete for points the honors to go to the school winning tho greatest number of points Several flocks of geese and ducks and a number of killdeersou their way south to escape the storm aud cold became be wildered by Norfolks bright lights last evening aud mado the air seom alive with their croaks squawks aud calls Thoy circled about ovor tho city for some time flying low aud provoked a great desire for a gun In the breasts of those who were out at that hour Hunting - fclitlliliifc7tAjfcmurttifcwfattM Know and ducks iu tho main street of the olty may sound strange but it is likely that more snocoss would havo at tondod stioh a hunt last night than somo that havo takon plaoo iu tho day tlmo at thn rivers aud pondH lu thin Hootlon Tho mistakoa of tho weather bureau that uialcoH thn forooasts for this sootion of Nebraska havo boon tho subjoot for jokosqulto frequently mid its foroastH at times havo proven to bo qnlot far from correct lloceutly however tho prognostications havo boon vory accurate and Mr Cox has hit it a great deal oftonor than ho missed When ho has forecasted a rain it has boon quito tho proper thing to prepare umbrellas and mackintoshes ovon though the weathor may havo boon of tho fairest When ho sayH it will bo ooldor tho cold almost invariably comes and If fair weathor Is prophosiod a person can almost bo cer tain that hero will bo cloudless skios Of how much bonoflt tho forecasts and weathor signals are to tho people of Nor folk is not known but that they can be mado of value is undoubted and many do tuko an interest aud place much con fidence in tho forooasts Tho following from theOakdaloSontl nol gives moro details regarding tho death of tho tramp on tho Kllchoru train reoontly A tramp named Byron Moore mot a violent death on tho rail road botweeu horo and Tilden Wednes day evening HoandhiH partner wero stealing n rido on the passeugor train having boarded tho train at Tildou in an intoxicated condition Mooro had climbed onto tho roof of one of the coaches and when a few miles out of Tilden lost his hold and was hurled to ground striking on his head on a slight eubaukmout and breaking his nock His partner who was on tho platform of tho coach niw him fall aud when tho traiu reached Oakdak notified tho railroad men A party went down on a hand car aud found the man lying iu the position in whioh ho had fallen doath having boon instantaneous The body was brought horo anil left at tho depot until Friday when it was shipped to relatives at Council Bluffs who be ing notified of his death requested that the remains bo sent to that place at thoir oxpouHo A good story is told at the oxponso of Chief of Police Widamun lie had a prisoner lu jail the other day and among his othor duties undertook to ascertain if his guost was hungry Ho unlocked the jail door and while look ing uftor othor matters tho prisoner stepped outside and outorod into a con versation with friends The chief having recoivod satisfactory answers to his queries supposedly from tho interior of tho jail locked tho doors and started away but was somowhat as tonishod to find his prisouor on the outsido IIo found no difficulty in re turning him to tho iutorior Another version of tho story in that tho prisoner expostulated with tho officer for locking him out of his lawful abiding place particularly when thoro wub a moal duo and that tho oflicor compolled him to furnish proof that ho was his prisoner aud ontitlodto a placo iu tho jail boforo ho would opou tho door and allow him to enter f This version however is ho much like ono of Jim Stitts storios that it is usually taken with a pound or t ivo of salt Tho body of Henry Harstick jr of West Point who mysteriously disap peared last Thursday while duck hunt ing was found in Wortmans luko near that city Saturday afternoon Blood hounds from Lincoln traced Harstick from his homo to tho lake four miles distant following his tracks until ho ontorod tho boat A force of meii wore detailed to mako a thorough search of tho lake and by constant grappling with spears and hooks ono of them struck something resembling a log and with tho aid of another workman they hauled up what proved to bo tho corpso Tho body was badlyginortified and dis figured on tho side of tho face whero it was struck by one of tho spears His gun was found beside him but could not bo brought up on account of tho dopth of tho water Coroner Riloy was Immediately summoned and hold au inquest Deceased loaves a wife and throe children in good circumstances How ho met doath is not known posi tively but tho supposition is that his bout was overturned while ho was hunting on tho lako After Thursday morning tho Oxnard hotel will havo a new proprietor Land lord Spear having sold the business to Ohas II Vail Mr Vail comes hero from Wayno whero ho has been run ning tho Boyd hotel for somo time but ho is not unknown in Norfolk having been clork of the Pacific wbeii that hotel was operated by Kuox Tipple IIo is a practical hotol man and is well liked by tho traveling public Mr Spear has been proprietors of tho Oxnard seven years and two months having taken possession on February 18 1891 Dur ing that time he has shown himself a thorough business man as well as a gouial landlord and ho has hosts of friends not only amoug people who travel but among tho people of Nor folk all of whom will hopo that ho will so arrange his affairs that he will continuo to reside horo Besides his hotel busiuess he has acted as manager of the Norfolk Auditorium since its erection something over a year ago aud of that he has mado the same success that he has his hotel He has not an ltfcJ3sTZ4St5fi nounced what ho will ongngo In but states that he Is not likely to loavo tho olty a statement that will bo gladly hoard by Norfolk pooplo gouorally II 0 Truman soils his wall papor at cost from 5 oonts por double roll and gilt paper It cents per doublo roll Hoo our Hun THE OLD ESTABLISHED LINE llolurnn Utnnltn anil 81 Inul li llinNortli Wcntrru II tin Haten to the biennial mooting Head Camp Modern Woodmen of America havo been announced at ono faro pi tin fJOO for tho round trip Tho railroads of Nebraska commoting with tho North- Western Lino at Omaha aro Tun Union Paoh io n it m MirtHOtmi Paoiwo 0 R I P and tho road connocting at Missouri Valloy is tho Fremont Elkhorn fc Mo Valley Delegates and their friondH from all points in tho statu can thoroforo suouro tho best accommodations by buying through tickets from their homo towuH via tho most convenient road to tho Missouri river and tho North Westeru Lino hoyond TWO IllltOtKIII lltWNH DAILY Loavo Omaha Union Passenger Station Loavo Omaha Union Passenger fir ii mi Station 1155 n in Tho uight train has modern brood vostibulod coaches and I ullnmn slooiHirs Tho day traiu has modern broad vosti bulod coaches and observation buffet parlor car We note the fact that M W of A always want tho boHt when thoy can got it for tho same money Tho motto of the North Western Lino is Tho Best of I vory thing It Hum ANAN General PusHougor Agent Omaha Neb Noillirm ln ounlti Kulluuy Km in luniln ITitrNisln Tho Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha railway has for sale in North ern Wisconsin at low prices and ousy terms of payment about 350000 acres of ohoice farm lands Early buyers will secure tho advan tage of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes which abound with fish aud furnish n never ouding aud most excellent water supply both for family uso and for stock Lund is generally well timbered tho soil fertile and oasy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into ono of the groatost shoop and cuttlo raising regions in tho northwest Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Minn eapolis Duluth Suporior Ashland and othor towns on Tho Northwestern Lino furnish good markets for stock and farm produce For further particulars address Geo W Bkll Land Commissioner Hudson Wis or G H MacRae Asst GoulPass AgtSt Paul Minu Gcniikn 111 Geuesso Pure Food Co Lo Roy N Y Doar Sirs Some dayH sinco a package of yourJGrain 0 prepar ation was loft at my ofllco I took it homo aud gave it a trial aud I havo to say I was very much pleased with it us a substitute for coffee We havo alwuyH used tho boBt Java aud Mocha in our family but I am tree to say I llko tho Grain 0 as well as tho host coffeo I ever drank Respectfully yours A O Jackson M D The comploto service of Tho Chicago-Portland Special via Union Paciflo enables passongors to roach the princi pal cities botween tho north and Paciflo coast and Missouri rivor not only in tho shortest possible space of time but also iu tho most comfortable and onjoyablo maunor Tho dining cars on this train are stookod with the host tho market affords All mouls served a la carte Does the BabyTMvef If not something must be f wrong with its food If the t mothers milk doesnt nour 4 ish it she needs SCOTTS EMULSION It supplies the I elements of fat required for 6 the baby If baby is not nourished by its artificial 4 food then it requires I Scotts Emulsion r Half a teaspoonful three a or four times a day in its I bottle will have the desired 7 effect It seems to have a x magical effect upon babies and children A fifty cent I bottle will prove the truth L of our statements Should be taken In summer as well as winter toe and Jioo U druggists SCOTT BOWNE Chemists New York