I I 5 The flop oik JSlecas If thin kind of wonthor conUnucw how i a portion to dig holos mid olworvo Ar bor ilny by planting troos Tho Fromont Tritmno thinks Norfolk ontUlctUo ho culled tho HuKarOlty when fourinnrrlngofl nro HolomnUod In ono day Arhor day Is a wook from Monday when It will ho qnlto proper to plant a troo If yon cant plant at mi plant Bomothlng DoontiHO thoro Ib a bnlTiiloa luwl on tho now 10 hill no ono nootl iiniiKino for a moinont that HulTalo N Y has lost Uh Uind over exposition ilntnlln Tho Anhurn Post la inollnod to think that NohraNlta Is ontltlod to a holt for having niadotwo Unltod Stalos noimton n governor and a lhmtonant governor in J10 niinutos tlmo Tho town of Huhhard In thin tato uinBt ho lacking In politicians and mu nicipal prido Tlio pcoplo thoro forgot to hold an oloction this spring J and tho old hoard will hold ovor It in interesting to noto tliattluwo who would dotrnot from Gonoral FuuHtous latent bravo deed aro not his follow of llcorn Thoy uuanimouHly and magnan imously givo him full credit England whouldnt got gay regard ing Amorieau products American in vestors may drain their country of gold and not loavo onough of tho yellow metal to purchase tho products of this or any other country A copy of tho Carroll Index the now papor issued by Harry Hammond ofjtho Ilaudolph Reporter has boon received It is n neat six column quarto with two pagos of homo print and is a credit to tho village in which it is published It may scum strange that a kiduapor should ho compolled to prove that he is such before being tried for tho crime but whou thonsauds of dollars roward aro offered there are likely to bo some strange features in the enso Lipton wants to raoo tho fastohtjbout in America regardless of whom its owner may bo Ho shouldnt worry lie and his countrymen have always thus far boon accommodated with a com peting boat possessing all the necessary qualifications to win Tho powors nro anxious to have tho Ohiucso government if there is suoh a thing show its head and resume control of its subjects They aro gottiug tired of attending to his royal joblotsdutioB or perhaps thoy want someone to receive thoir bills for indemnities City department stores show pretty pictures in thoir catalogues but a pur chaser would undoubtedly obtain greater satisfaction by viewing tho pretty goods of his homo merchants Pretty p ctures ara more easily procured than tho arti oles from which they may bo repro duced A celluloid collar and a giwoliuo lamo wore responsible for a 20000 livery burn fire at Quinoy 111 on Monday Tho colluloid collar hus become unpopu lar and if anything would result in its complete undoing it would soom that u fow occurrences like this should Uavo that effect Tho cigarotto is becoming unpopular and tho manufacturers of that form of poison are not enjoying tho prosperity provniling with othor manufacturers A fow years ngo a years output of cigarotttes in this country reached about three billions now tho output is about two billions Tho wojjd must bo grow ing better An Omaha man thinks that if ho swallows 14 young mioo drowned in whiskoy ho can euro his appotito for liquor Ho has ulroady takon sis dosos and wants eight more Unit kind of treatment certainly should cure any way tho patient who will take suoh inedicino indicates a stroug desire to overcome tho habit Tom L Johnson of Cleveland and Mayor Harrison of Chicago ore rivals for tho leadership of the democratic party Tho successful ono if either is successful will probably havo to con salt Mr Bryan concerning thoir aspira tions Ho has not yot signified any thing to tho contrary but that ho will either lead himself or dictate who tho leader shall be A band of gypsies at Kaukakeo 111 recently forgot thoy woro ou freo Amoricon soil and ono sold another two girls for 800 which would probably bo deemed quito proper in their native land but when the mob of angry men women aud children of Kankakee got through with them and broke up the transfer of property they probably real izod that they were in a free christian country that couldnt staud for suoh practices Abdul Humid sultan of Turkoy is preparing for a great Mohammedan re vival He need not think missionaries or that faith will receive respectful con- sideratiou In America until he makes proper settlement for tho Uvos and proporty of christians dostroyod by ad herents of his faith i or perhaps his revival would partako of tho nature of those outrages in wlch ovont ho would have additional damagos to pay At tho rate pcoplo aro buying Ne braska laud and homos it would soom that all that is on tho markot would noon bo taken as thoro aro many prop orty ownors who havo a good thing and proposo to keep It unless sotneono else bocomes so anxious to acquire it that thoy aro willing to pay a handsomo bonus Investors aro Hiding that Ne braska is a pretty good and safe stato aftor all that has been said and done to discredit It Tho transfers of real estato is very good proof that Nebraska soil is not a drug on tho market Thoso who wouhl profit by acquiring title should got in early Mrs MoKinloy although an invalid does not spend her time In idleness if tho following item is trno It Is said that Mrs MoKinloy whlllng awar tho tedium of invalidism has oroohetod 1000 pairs of slippors From this bald fact tho mathematical genius of tho statis tician deducos figures showing that thus Mrs MoKinloy did UJ 000000 stitches that If she did 0 stitches a niluuto it took her 1000000 minutes to comploto the 1000 pairs of slippers or reckon ing according to tho laboring schedule of a days work sho spout tho equiva lent of 77 yoars crocheting slippors Tho rumor that Groat Rritian is to exclude Amoricati hoof from its army contracts is takon by the packers of this country as a serious blow to their in terests It is probably not as sorious us thoy aro trying to make it appear Americans in any lino of business are not so easily crushed and if tho British govoruinout can afford tho move tho packers will not ho the oulyonos to suffer They havo a faoilityiof opening up now markets when shut out of uu old ono and it is very likely that there will bo a steady and constant demand for their products regardless of tho actiou of the Kuglish government it is possiblo that tho Douglas county domocraoy may not havo sot tho pace against fusion in tho stato Jbut certain it is that it has recognized tho ultimnto failure of that political policy and is tho lirst to mako n show of independence from tho combino and may bo paving tho way for ultliuato viotory on an in dependent platform Fusiouists havo persistently regarded republican criti cism of that policy as induced by hopo of political proferment but nro now rocognilng that it is impossiblojto win ropoated victories by supporting sovoral soparato aud distiuoc parties and plat forms whou votors look for a firm stand on ono sot of principles Tho time to win on a fusion movement is past or passing aud votors will insist on nillliat iug with one party or another that has a llrm and abiding policy If Norfolk is to relobruto the Fourth of July it is porhnps uouo too early to begin making preparations A mass mooting of citizens should be called nt an early date and tho matter discussed It is but littlo moro than two months until tho natal day Tho succoss of tho committee in raising a fund for the G A It reunion indicates that Norfolk people boliovo that the tlmo has arrived wneu tho city should provide somo sort of ontortaiumout and a good rousing colebratiou would undoubtedly fill tho requirements The matter should bo disposed of early enough in tho season for the information of surroundiiig towns that maycontouiplatocelobratiug as it has been customary for sovoral years for Norfolk people to celobrato with thorn and if this city colobrates their people may decide to come here Tho horses fourth competitor is mak ing quito a spurt for popularity aud is certain to find a fiold of work probably without greatly encroaching on the duties of tho horse First tho steam ougino appeared as a competitor for the transportation of freight and passengors next tho trolly car successfully retired the street car horso then camo tho bi cycle ami tho horse back rider in fair weather is almost uukuown now comes tho automobile to still further compete for the horses honors in over laud transportation of freight aud pas sengers The stugo coaches in remoto districts are giviug way to the bilo j in the cities tho cab and bus horses aro boiug rotirod as well as the driving auu uray horses The innovation is on its way west aud it will probably be but a question of time when the horse as a moans of transportation will be out of a job Still in competition with all theso inventions tho horse is iudispeu sable aud his Bpecies are not likely to become oxtiuct for many generations This weeks issue of tho Conservative published at Nebraska City by Ex-Secretary of Agrioulture J Sterling Morton is a special Arbor day edition devoted to arboriculture aud forestry Mr Morton is the author of Arbor day aud has giveu the subject of tree planting and forest development a great deal of study It may therefore be readily conceived that this number of tho Con servative is of especial interest to tree planters and thoso desiring to see orchards groves and forests abundaut THK NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL 10 1901 reoontly qnotod by State Superintend ent Fowlor aro portinont at this tlmo Arhor day NobraBkas own homo instituted anniversary whioh hus boon already transplanted to nearly overy stato in tho Amorlcon union and ovon adoptod in foreign lands is not like othor holidays Koch of thoso roposos upon tho past whlto Arbor day proposos for tho futuro It contotnplntos not tho good nnd tho beautiful of pint generations but it nkotohos outlines establishes tho usoful and tho beautiful of tho ages yet to como Othor anniversaries stand with thoir backs to tho future iworjng Into and worshipping tho past but Arbor day faces tho futuro with au affectionate solloltudo regarding It as au artist his canvas and otohos upon our prairies aud plains gigantic groves and towering forosts of waving troos which shall for our postorlty bocomo consummate living ploturos comparod to which the gor geous colorings of Uuhoua nro tamo and Insignltlcent As ono friend hands to auothor a bouquet so this an niversary sends greetings aud lowers foliago and fruit to posterity It is tho solo holiday ot the human family which looks forward and not backward Of tho three judgos of tho supremo court aud nine supremo court commis sioners of this stato not asinglooiiouow in oillco either elected or appointed lives north of tho main lino of tho Union Pacific railroad While it is recognized that location ought not to count ngalust qualifications or ability yot thoro aro lawyers in northern Ne braska who aro the peer of any lu tho stato Thoroforo thoro is no reason why wo should bo outiroly ignored in the dis tribution of these placos aud unless wo mistake not the north half of tho state will demand recognition at tho hands of tho republican stato coiivotition next fall Wo boliovo it would be tho proper thlug for tho republicans of north Ne braska to unito upon Judge Barnes of city as coudidato for supremo judge at that convention Judge Barnes is n lawyer whoso ability is recognized throughout the stato and that ho is fully compotout for tho position nouo will question Ho served the old sixth judi cial district which at the time iuoluded 10 couutios and tho unorganized terri tory on the west comprising prac tically all the state north of tho Platto river from 1875 to 1879 as district nttoruey and in 1879 wnsuppoiuted judgo of tho district by Govornor Nauco Tho following fall ho was reelected aud served four years more Tho district retained its magnif icent distances until tho last year he sorvod as judgo when it was redistricted and ho was given nine counties At tho end of his term ho rotired from the posi tion voluntarily to mako room for other mouibors of his party During all the years siuco ho has boon an active workor in tho ropublican party but has never been a candidato for any position Now his friends think tho timo has arrived for Judge Barues to again como before tho people which ho will do at thoir so licitation and with their hearty support for tho nomination as candidato for supromo judgo at the next republican couvoutiou Uise of Common People J Sterling Morton of the Conservative looks upon the promotion of Govornor Dietrich nud Mr Millard to United States seuatorships as tho advancement of common pooplo Mr Morton points with prido to the origins and careers of theso geutlemon because there has been so much maudlin oratory relative to tho impassiblo barriers which no plain poor youth can surmount that plutooraoy has eroctod across the paths which lead to political or other prefer ment in this great republic Tho sketch of the life of Mr Dietrioh so familiar to voters during tho campaign is quoted wherein it is shown that ho camo of poor Gorman parents and worked his way from poverty to riches nud from obscurity to the highest otlice in tho gift of the people of his stato by forco of will and character Of Mr Millard tho Conservative says Tho editor of Conservative has known Mr Millard personally sinco 1858 and always ns nn honorably dealing mau of affairs His cautious kindness in loan ing us niouoy from the firm of Barrows Millard more than forty years ago beforo tho crime of 1873 had even been coucoived in the diabolism of the pluto cratic mind at two per cent a month shall never be forgotten We rejoice that he loaned aud he rejoices that ho got it baok again with twenty four per ceut per annum interest It was rapa cious reciprocity Before working in a bank Joe worked in a laud office beforo working iu a land office he worked in a country store and boforo workiug in a country store ho worked on n farm and he has been stren uously workiug all the forty odd years that have enjoyed his friendship He is now in tho prime of age aud will celebrate his sixty fifth birthday this month Whether work steady ear nest honest work entitles a mau to bo called one of tho common people or not in this day of explosive oxhortors or whether any sort of effort except of the mouth is admissible among publio men Tho Conservative dare not declare But it hopes that Mr Millard will more than realize all that his nearest friends expect mm 10 oe as a united States senator in Nebraska The words of Mr Morton I from Nebraska Fusiouists who douounco tho Bartloy bond compromiso act of tho lato legisla ture should not fail to romombor that that groat and good man Govornor Foynter rocommondod just such a com promiso in a special message totho legis lature of 181M This is a period of big figures in finan cial and commercial transactions aud people aro almost expecting thorn as a matter of course Tho batik cloarings in Now York aro the latest to break the rocord On Tuesday tho aggrogato of checks exchanged by tho banks was 37852080 or 12000000 in excoss of tho host proviouB dny Tho gold receipts of England from tho South African gold fields during tho yoars 1808 and 1899 amountod to moro than 15000000 auuually List yoar tho recoipt woro hut 378021 Mean time Englands expouseHfor narrying on tho Bwr war aro already up Into tho hundreds of millions so that tho conflict is pretty expensive to Groat Britain counting from both ends Thoso who want tho song birds pro tooted are raising their voices against the killing of hawks This doulzon of tho air is said to kill thousands of mico and moles every yoar benefiting tho farmer and gardner to this extent It is not this that tho noonlo obioct to What thoy dout liko is that his hawk- ship should insist upon plump spring ohickons for a change ovory now aud oc casionally Mr Brynu doesnt appear to bo highly gratifiod by the democratic victory in St Louis in fact ho labels it a disas trous victory and is employing some of his famous figures to show thaQt didnt amount to much His chief ob jection is that the victory was not strictly Brynuosqae tho winning coudi date for mayor being a gold bug His disgust oven leads him to accuse the winning eloment of acting horribly like republicans Evidently Mr Bryan does not dictate to tho St Louis demo crats During tho yoar 1900 tho groat Amer ican thirst demanded l0395Go7S7 worth of alcoholic beverages 123793 5150 for coffee 1731200S for tea and 0000000 spent for cocoa Tho statis tioiau Rooms to havo neglected tho figures on soda and mineral waters and it is likely that if he had them the tures for coffee tea cocoa aud soda water would about balauce the amouut spout for alcoholic drinks These are largo figures and show that the Ameri can people are not inclined to be satisfied with tho expenditure of a few dollars when it comes to a question of drinking or going dry The American emblem will wave over Porto Rico on July 4th and tho lag will bo floated over ovory school houso Tho people of all parts of the island will be given au opportunity to see the beautiful emblem of the greatest nation ou earth and if their hearts dont swell with prido when its folds are unfurled by tho breeze for their close alliance with this country it willjbebecause they dont realize to what high state thoy have attained The government has contracted for two tons of flags to bo rushed to tho island There will be lags of all sizes small ones that the children may wave larger ones for decoration and stiil larger ones to float ovor the school houso Before the tni of tho year the Philippines wilPbe simi larly supplied President Joseph Smith of tho Reor ganized Church of Latter Day Saints does not settle disputes arising in that denomination in the ordinaryTmauuer of arguing tho quostion which is done in othor denominations sometimes quito spiritedly aud perhaps with a little wire pulling When there is a question to be decided ho receives a revelation aud that governs the actiou of the church Ho has recently received such a revelatiou regarding the admissiou of womon delegates to a legislative Rapac ity aud whother priests and teaohers who nro not delegates should bo allowed an ex oflloio vote in conference This revelation must however be submitted for tho approval of the quorum of twelve and other otlicial bodies before it is submitted to the body of the church Thero are a good niauy young men Absaloms in Fremont The fact is nearly every successful businessJmnn of this city is one of them or was Today one of them related the story of his struggle nnd victories and had not a word of complaint that the young man has no show He began working in a blacksmith shop not many years ago at 2 a wook and his board He saved about 195 of the cashjbut used up all tho board His wages Jwere moderately increased but when the panio camo on at tho time the Coxoy armies woro abroad he waB cut fifty cents a week one time and a dollar at anothor In spite of this he was con fident enough for the future to get mar ried on soveu dollars a week Since then he had his wages raised to two dol lars a day and is now owner of his Bhop with a good workiug capital iu his health buoyant spirit reputation for integrity and in the moneyhe has saved Ho takes no stock in the lamentations of the fate of the youngmeu Absaloms Fremont Tribune - ilrr t LET m CHANCE SLIP To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not Come Your Way Again Twentieth Century Farmer Offers a Number of Magnificent PrLrcs to those who will act ns Agents 1ST PRIZE 1000 CASH 2D PRIZE 500 CASH And 20 Other Cash Prizes ranging from 500 to 25 THE TWENTIETH GENTU RY FABMEtt U published by Th Bco Publishing Company of Omaha and Is an agricultural and tarn Uy magazine of unusual merit Thero aro departments for every member of the family special articles by men of known rcputatlo and illustrations will bo a prominent feature Write for sample copy nnd ask for particulars concerning the prizes O THK TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and this paper win be sent to you one year for TWO DOLLARS A Dual Role FASTEST TRAINS AND SHORTEST LINE Business Men and others recognize the im portance of this combination by selecting the -- DOT PACIFIC for aiESTEW POINTS MISSOURI RIVER Salt Lake City 10 tTrtlllte n r To San Francisco 15 othei ocnei line Portland 15 MISSOURI RIVER I Salt Lake City 238 Ar c M To San Francisco 310 V 7X iC Portland Two Dogs over One Bone Seldom Agree When two merchants are after trade In the same community and one advertises and the other doesnt the advertiser gets the bulk of It This is assuming that his ads are well written and placed in the me dium that best covers the Kround This paper Is the medium for this community If you have difficulty with your ads consult us Perhaps we can aid you We are willing to TTTVTTTTTTTTTTTVTTVTTT fWdmk iJSb5 JgS c SALZERS SEEDS WILL MAKE YOU RICH This li a daring- statement butSol rexs seeds bear It out everjr time Combination Corn nreatetfeornon earth WIMpoiltlrel Billion DollarGraaa Orcmtoit mirror of the aire II torn of earner acre Flrei cropelx weuka after sowing What Is It Catalogue telle FOR lOo STAMPS nd thU NOTiCK we null - LI Med caUlo 10 Gftln BamplM lac ludiD abort fclM i f MlU 0 tu tr A OaUfl ItM boihl Mr AA Ku1 TRY L Barina73HawAMatLetvWirthtl0ka aillb I ST John A Uer Wi Co U from Wit BaacM 1 1 1 1 kWX c u THE NEWS FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING For 14 Cents We tntl the follovlni rap ia4 iaiii lpklBliIlledTeaaleSeil s 1 Hertacrn Lraiea hfd 11 1 liaii re erile Uala Hd 10 1 lBraldOretateaerbtdl 10 1 lltard UlBj 0 t U DerKdUaHd 0 1 La Lkeri1 Lettuce Seed 11 BrUUiat newer bd jl Worth 100 fr4ci Akete 10 fekM rate oonlu will niall ja tr loillir lib out tttt lUuittiloi Seed Caulof UIUdi all atieul TUjf n Dollar Grate Alto Choice Oaten Seed tlUc a Ib Vi eneajerearllntca tab J rM 1 V iii - w aw ttvitcni we utju nunej wnn nitni litrt SMdt ru will aic de wtiEieui ASAUEI SEED CO UCrewnh 54 VUlll llilUi For time tables and full information call on F W JUNEMAN Agent Edisons Phonograph Better than a Piano Organ or Music Box for It sings and talks as well as plays and dont cost as much It reproduces the music of nny instrument band or orchestra tclla stories and siu js the old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs it is always ready Seo that Mr Edisons signature is on every machine Cata logues o all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New YorV AJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PPW Koenigsteins Plmrmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts NORFOLK 3STEB I fcQnn YEARLY to Christian 2 ipOUU man or woman to look after our growing business iu this X and adjoiuing counties to act as mauager aud correspondent work can be done at your home Enclose self addressed stamped envelope for particulars to H A Sherman General Manager Corcoran Build ing opposite United States Treas ury Washington D O S S5k3 Illinois Central R B ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WINTER TOTJBISTS Tho Illinois Control iloairos to call nttontion tp tho unoxcolloil sorvico that is tilTored by its linos to tho south for tho souboii of 18U9 1900 c A LI FORN I VIA NEW ORLEANS FROM EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars Personally conduct ed Huns throuBh to Ios AiikoIos nud Sun Jriincibco vin Now OrJiiiisiiicoiiioction with thoSotithoni lu cillc ionvlni Ihicno on tho Controls fast Now OrlomiB Sim cial connection nUo mndo by this train wild illlllV tr lltfla Itllt tf Vain tm- t 1 a fiSu it ThS LlmitoHr FrtnV ClK ovor Tvo Itni coiinoctB on Mondays and Thursdays at Now Orleans aftor Docombor 18 Wjfi with Urn SUNSET LIMITED F LORID VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA ST LOUIS A THROUGH Double daily sorv SERVICE ico is maintained out FROM llu vi tllu w Illlllll In Imlr ol cpniioctiiiK linos to NubivllloClmtlunoo Bit and Atlanta thro onville Florida boiiiBcnrrioJlZtliC10 dCk DIXIE FLYER leaving St Louis ovory ovouIiik This train aa uollusthoDiiy Kinross loavfn St Louli ho niorninu aro Ixit i bolid trains n t Nat J vlllo Imviim thmuKli coaches and bloiiplViB cuf niiK iTimuKh run Martin Tom and tho N st ml yi i01 via tliis lino for a 1 nriiici in iHjints tho Southeast such Ch as r Ust on Wilugferl nnah tt TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from Chlcugo to Memphis uud Now Or loans I ull particulars coucoriiintt all of tho abova can Ijoliad of puts of tho ftl ols Central o by addressing X II Hanson U P AM CulcaBJ V V