t ond think thero nro no others no pood lor thin is not always tho onse Among tho special brands nmnufocturcd by Mr Zlescho wo would inontion particularly hlH Norfolk lcrforto Hloswin Girl Llttlo lliwnnnn Pioroo County Loader Porto Hlro Loaf llvo cent and llio lid Flor Do Vuoltn ton rent which nro in great favor with tho tnwollnp publio ns woll ns with tho smokers of Norfolk nml vicinity And why should thoy not Vio for thoy nro of excellent stock and without n poor on tho wholo lino If yon hnvo novor tried thorn do so for It may just suit you In ovory way And thou romombor this is n homo enter nriso nml deserving of tho support of Norfolk and vlolnlty Mr tflcscho car rios n full lino of chawing nd smoking tobacco plpoR nml n oomploto lino of smokers articles of nil kinds Mr Hlosoho Is widely known for his Bklll nml reliability in nil trannotlons enterprising und progressive in business nml taken nn interest in everything that is of public benefit 1 1 UornlKiitrlli ATTOIISKTAT LAW AND AllSTilACTKH 01 T1TLK iho rapidity with which this western country Ih becoming settled and tho tin- -certainty which Hurronnds tho titles of somo of the early pioneers to lands dors tho business of abstracting titles ono that is growing continually moro important It bonooves every ono unuer nil circumstances when nnrchnslng real oatato to miiko cnrcfnl search into its titlo iuiiI insuro that it is not marred in nny way by mortgages or llous of any dosoription This can only bo dono by tho employment of an abstracter of titles and thoro nro none more rclinblo in this rospect than Daniel 1 Koonig htoln who owiih ono of tho most com ploto and strictly sots of ab struct books of Madison county Ho gives his porsounl nttentiou to the work of maintaining thorn perfect in ovory detail nnd it 1b this thorough system thnt has mndo thorn recognized as ro liablo mid aconrnto In addition to tho nbstrncting of titles Mr Daniol 7 Koonigstein is among our most nblo nttorneys at law Ho prac tices in stnto nnd federal courts nnd has achieved snecoss by hnrd work and n careful protection of his clients nnd all matters placed in his hands PorBonally Mr Dnniol 7 Koonigstein is regnrded as n consorvntivo lawyor nnd ho enjoys tho respoct nnd esteem of tho ontlro community r T Kucnlpr MKUCIIANT TA1L01I A very popular tailoring establishment which Biuco establishing buBiuess hero has through superior workmanship nnd npright and honorable transnetious bnilt up iv largo patronage among the host olnssos in tho community is tho abovo Tho btoro is centrally located and contains at nil Boasous everything now and fashionable in foreign nnd do luostlo woolens enssimores worsted twoods choviots diagonnls otp Tho work of this houso is of the most artistic order nnd affords perfect satisfaction in material tho It nnd latest stylos boiug gnnrnntood at nil times Mr Fueslor is noted for his closo observance of metro politan BtyloB nnd costumes and can turn out nt any tlmo n Bnit or overcoat equal to nuy morohnnt tailor in tho largo cities while tho prices charged are most moderate in consideration of tho quality of workmanship nnd everything made lero can bo rolled npon as buiug first class in every particnlnr Every gar ment mado at tliis establishment is closely scrutinized before boing sent to its destination thus assuring to patrons thoroughly mado and elegantly liuishod gnrmonts in ovory instance Mr Fnoslor has byonterpriso togethor with conscientious liberal and honor nblo dealings built up a trade ami repu tation of which nnyouo might feel proud llnuirli A Ziiflow hinikal stoiu In nil important liueB of trade thero nro housos that stfuid promiuontly forth as ropresontativo in their respective lines from tho completo and thorough kuowlodgo of their business ns woll ns tho chnrnctor of tho goodB in which they doal In this connection it is with pleasure that tho nttentiou of our road ers is called to tho reliable grocory houso of Bnuvch Zuelow Thoy carry n large ohoico nnd well Belected stock of staplo nnd fnncy groceries lino teas cof fees relishes snnces table luxuries canned goods of nil kinds nnd tho vory best of overythlug tho market affords nnd completo in every particular Thoy also carry n full lino of staplo dry goods nnd clothing mens furnishings hate caps bIiooh etc and sell at prices that challenge successful competition Wo account for this by tho fact that Mossrs Bransch Zuelow nro thorough nnd competent business men full of lifo and push paying tho highest market price for country produce catering to no ono man more than another The poor xann buys groceries bore as chonp bb the richest no distinction being mndo between oustomors Those who desire first class groceries and to be fairly doalt with should call nt this store nnd give them a trinl Goods will be delivered to nuy part of the city free of charge Personally Messrs Braasch Zuelow are not only pleasant courteous nnd en terprising men but also toko on interest in nil matters of pnblio benefit Mr Dr Smile Hart Miller OSTEOPATH No Bcionce of healing with or with out drugs hns mado such rapid strides in tho past quarter of n century ns OBto opathy and tho bulk of the people nil over tho land are becoming free from the inherited prejudice ngninst the dif ferent schools of medicine It is also an undoubted fact thnt in our larger centers where culture and education are more advnnced osteopathy has made the greatest progress and nt last is becoming almost universally recog nized As one of our governors once said referring to osteopathy We can nppreciate n system of medicine that does not make the human system a store house for bad tasting nnd bad smelling drugs Now the question is often asked what is osteopathy Oste opathy is a now science of healing with out drugs This school denies the al leged curative properties of drugs and repudiates the wholo system of drug treatment as unnatural and destructive to health Nebraska has kept pace with the eastern states in adopting this school of medicine and in the ranks of the loading practiouers we have Mrs Dr Sadie Hart Miller D 0 late of Hot Springs S D Mrs Dr Miller is a graduate of the American School of Osteopathy Klrkuvillo Mo from which rhn graduated in 1898 nnd begnu tho practice of her profession Tho doctor dooH n gonornl practice sho has treated successfully nearly every known diseaso chronic or ncuto Homo diseases that hnvo boon pronounced incurable hnvo been mado to yield by her trontmont Osteopathy Is making great advances in thofnvorof tho jieoplo nnd it Is to skillful cnrofnl piactitionorp who llko Mrs Dr Miller labored patiently and earnestly that tho credit is duo Mrs Dr Miller is located lwrmnnontly in Norfolk llorolllcois over Hayes Jewelry store Olllco hours from 0 n in to 4 p m I KtienlKiittilii thi consult imio htouk A roprouiitntivo and jtopnlnr drng store in tho city is tho Koonigstein phnrinaoy nud Norfolk is fortunnto in deed to bo able to number among hor business houses that of tho nbovo which is accorded tho distinction of being ono of tho most thoroughly equipped and best kept drug storoB in tho county The storo is contrnlly located and is certainly nn ideal establishment in ovory way tho appointments nro all of tho latest tho llxtnres nro highly ornamental and tho arrangement of tho extensive drug stock nddfl to tho bonuty of tho intorior proving to ovory visitor what tasto energy nnd roilnoment can do Mr Koonigstein enrrioa n fnll lino of pure drugs and ohomicnls nil tho stand ard pntont medicines of vnluo and merit physicians and surgeons requisites of nil kinds nml n full lino of druggist bud drieB of uvery dosciiption as woll aH n superior assortment of porfumos soaps toilet and fancy articles books station ory etc also n largo stock of paints oil nnd glass A specialty is mndo of fill ing proscriptions and family rooipos In n careful nnd accurate manner from tho purest nnd freshest of mntorinl nnd this dopnrtmout is ho effectually managed that tho establishment enjoys tho favor of tho community and physi clauH in a marked degroo In conclusion wo would say that thU drug storo is mnintninod by avoiding methods whioh promise economy at tho cost of qunlity lie hns an elegant soda fountain and will bo prepared to servo tho public with uico cool sodn water of nuy lnvor Porsonnlly Mr Koonigstein is nmong onr most enterprising nnd progressive business men well known both in social nnd business circles and takes nn nctivo interest in everything thnt is of public boncilt E It KiMinmiui 6UCCTSSOK TO ritKYTlIALEIl 1JAKKIIY AND CONTKCTIONKKY A representative nnd most populnr bakery establishment in Norfolk is that of E B Knuffmnn and sinco commenc ing business hero ho hns through groat energy nnd porsovoranco built up n lnrgo and steadily increasing trade The premises ocoupiod nro conveniently ar ranged and equipped wn au requisite appliances for tho manufacture of fino family bread rolls buns plain and fancy enko pies pastry choice confoc tions candies chocolates oto nnd mnnufnotnro ico cronm for tho whole sale nnd retail trade whioh nro fuf nlshcd to tho ado nnd consumers fresh ovory day Bauquots woddings par ties oto nro catered to and nt reason able rates Ho has n vory fino wholesale and mall order trade which extends throughout this section nnd is stendily increasing Tho materials used nt this bakory nro first class in ovory respoct nnd its products nro universally recog nizod ns tho fluest in tho city A spe cialty is mado of his well known nnd vory wnolesomo oreads including ins ryo graham Vienna and homo made broads which cannot bo excelled any where Mr Knuffmnn is thoroughly practical nnd expeiienced in this special lino of business and porsonnlly supervises every detail of tho businoss Porsoually ho is nn enterprising nnd progressive citizen nnd enjoys tho repu tation oof being a cnrofnl business man who has through careful and painstak ing efforts built up n fino business en terprise Tim Tin f Kxvliiliicc Whilo Norfolk is not nt nil wanting in bnndsomo resorts whero bovernge forms tho leading attraction still there One of tho most important adjuncts to the well being of a city of any conse quence is a first class laundry and Nor folk can boast of such a one in every sense of tho word Located hero in our midst is tho Norfolk Steam Laundry This laundry holds a most excellent ropntatiou for doing first class work Owing to an increase of business Mr Crnven is erecting n new building ou Third stroet which will be equipped with nil tho lntest nud most improved mnchiuery for laundry work Every department will be fully equipped for giviug perfect satisfaction A strict rule will bo carried out to let no article go from the premises but what will bear out each nud every representation Lace curtains embroidered garments ladies shirt waistB and piece work generally is Jk wmgfteam3f THE NOlt FOLK NEWS FKIDAT APRIL 19 1901 dono with promptness nnd diBpntch making n specinlty of shirts collars nnd cuffs Goods nro called for nnd deliv ered froo of chnrgo while orders from out of town nro given prompt nttentiou Contracts nro mndo tor family laundry ing and nltogothor thin is n model estab lishment n homo enterprise nnd deserv ing of tho patromtgo of tho citizens of Norfolk nnd vicinity Tho proprietor Mr Dan Crnven is nn cnorgotio nnd progressive business man who hns de termined to continue nnd incronso bis largo patronngo by tho nckuowlcdgod superiority of ids work nnd tho business is progressing in a most gratifying man ner under his porsounl attention nnd hns become nn important factor in the busi ness lifo of our city Curl Kurlli MAltllLK AND 1HAN1T1 WOItKS Ono of tho most grntifylng evidences of the spread of correct artistic taste nmong nil classes of society is tho grout nttentiou thnt is now being paid to tho production of beautiful designs in gran ito and marblo in tho way of monu ments headstones sculpture oto Our productions in these lines nro not sur passed by thoBo of nny other country in tho world nnd every yenr tho imtionnl oxcellonco in this resect becomes moro distinctly marked A reliable nnd very populnr houso in this section in these lines is thnt of Onrl Korth who established business horoinlb97 Skilled workmen are em ployed in tho manufacture of monu ments memorials etc nil of tho do signs embracing artistic tasto nnd con ception in tho highest degroo nnd in making inscriptions ho has no equal nnd nlso makes n specinlty of and guar antees nil lettering It hns boon tho aim of this houso to furnish strictly first class work to tho public nt fnir nnd ronsonnblo pricos nnd ho cordially in vites intending purchasers to call nnd inspect stock nnd get prices boforo pur chasing olsowhoro ns this is n homo en terprise nnd deserving of tho support of tho citizons of Madison county nnd vicinity Personally it enn bo said of Mr Korth tho proprietor that his reputation for producing tho finest nnd most artistic work is beyond cavil nt tho snmo time his honorable methods of dealing as sures confidence to nil hnving business relations with him Iotcr Duiry HA11NKSS AND HOUSE KUItSlSHIXOS A very populnr establishment in its lino in this section is thnt conducted by Peter Duffy Ho is enterprising nnd progroBBlvo nnd by closo attention to business nnd honornblo methods hns se cured tho favor nnd confidonco of tho community nnd added to his trade stendily Ho occupies premises con trnlly locnted whero ho enrries a lnrgo stock nnd comploto assortment of fine nnd medium harness robos horse blank ets whips brushes saddles and horse furnishing goods of nil kinds Harness nro mado to order in tho finest stylo nnd nt Bhort notice whilo repairing is nlso promptly nnd neatly done mnking n specinlty of oxtrn parts for hnrness such ns lines tugs collnrs etc Every nrticlo sold horo is wnrrnuted ns represented and nil work oxecutod is gunrnnteed to bo first clnsB whilo tho prices prevniling ennnot bo duplicated in the county Personally Mr Duffy is an enter prising business man nnd our renders can do no bettor anywhere than to patronize this populnr and reliablo har ness storo tho reputation of which n too fully established to need nuy word of commendation in theso columns Itnrt KlHirlmrt KKSTAlKANT The restaurnnt business is ono in which thoro is always room nt tho top no mntter how strong competition mny bo nnd wo enn produce no bettor il lustration of this fnct than is furnished by tho success nnd popularity of tho re staurant conducted by Bert Eborhnrt Iu its nppointmonts nnd service this rostnurnnt is clearly entitled to rnuk ns tho loador iu its lino iu tho city It is conducted with n simplo eyo to the cou vonionco of its patrons nnd whether you desiro n first clnss menl or n dainty lunch you will always find the right thing on tho bill of faro Ono of the strongest points iu favor of this restau rant is tho neatness which prevails everywhere This is not confined to tho patrons If howovor one should visit tho Turf cannot fail to obsorvo but extends to Exchange Scott Holbrook propr lie would have roason to soek no fnrther This popular resort has since its incep tion rocoived the visits of high class patrouago drawn hithor by tho lion hounno of the proprietor Tho premises are tastefully nnd conveniently fitted up boing tho uentest nnd most handsomely appointed sample room in tho city All the favorite brands of old ryo and bour bon whiskies are carried nlso imported nud domestic brandies wines etc with tho choicest brands of importod nnd domestic cigars whilo tho colobrated Prod Kmg boor is always kept on tap Tho patrouago of tho establishment in cludes some of tho best people in the city who come not on carousal but to refresh the inner man Mr Scott Holbrook tho genial pro prietor of this popular establishment is well nnd most favorably known in the oity and has n host of friends who pny him thoir ploasant visits and whore Mr P Brumoud the bar tender will mix you a drink hand you a cigar make change nnd discuBs the weather without ever appearing to lo in a hurry or causing you to feel other thou welcome Tho establishment is first class in every rospect and the publio and visitors to tho city who enjoy a nice glass of wino and a few moments conversation will find this an agreeable place to visit un der courteous and agreeable manage ment Norfolk Steam Laumlry D CltAVEN tablo linen dishes etc which tho kitchon which is also neat nnd well kept Tho best tablo in the city is sot at this restaurant nnd tho service is prompt nnd courteous regular dinner served from 1200 to 12i0 Tho public nnd visitors to Norfolk will find this restaurant n uico cozy place to go to for a good first class homo like menl Per sonally Mr Eberhnrt is n pleasant courteous geutlemnn to meet nnd he enjoys tho respect und esteem of nil Auk lniiewalk OEKEUAL 1ILACKSMITH Ono of the most popular wagon mak ing goneral blacksmithing and repair ing establishments in this section is that conducted by Aug Pusewalk He does n general ropairing business nnd is prepared to take ordors for tho manu facture of wagons etc to order nud does all kiuds of plow repair work iu the most reliablo mauuer He has every faoillty and convenience nt hnud for tho successful prosecution of tho business nnd all work entrusted to him is sure to be atttnded to witli thoroughness and dispatch The reputation of Mr Paso walk as an expert workman is a tee that all suoh work will be done in a highly gratifying manner He is moder ate in his charges and fills all orders promptly He employs none but skilled workmen and has built up a high repu tation in all brnuchos of the business Personally Mr Pasewalk is popular and reliablo in all transactions and en joys the confidence of his patrons and the public in a marfcea degree S L Gardner HEAL ESTATE AND LOAN AOENOY In writing of tho influential factors which contribute to the geueral prosper ity of onr city no lino of business is more worthy of mention that of the real estate dealers and no form of invest ment has become so important and pop ulnr with tho couseryntive publio ns judiciously selected real estate for not only iB a permanent source of income assured but also u reasonable certainty of iucroase of vnluo Prominent among the leading uud one of the best kuown agencies engaged iu the business of buying selling and exchanging property on commission or order negotiating loans at tho most favorable rates ab stracting insurance and general agency business is that of S L Gardner whoso otllco is locnted In tho Western Union building Ho has much information re garding western lands and their wonder ful resources and ndvnntages which ho freely dispenses to thoso who nro seek ing information with a view to invest ment Ho has ninny bargains on his liooks nnd is enabled to quota somo very low figures and mnko sales on very rnsy terms Parties desiring to place loans in safo nud profitable investments or to purchase a homo can do no better than consult with Mr Gardner from whom thoy can obtain valuable information which ho is always glad to give Personally dr Gardner is of our public spirited citlzona nlwnys iu tho van in assisting or onconraging progres sive movements for tho benefit of tho community nnd to all ho is known ns n most honornblo nud reliable geutle mnn The Iaclllc Hotel Tho modoni hotel of today ranks nmong the moat essential of commercial activity Evory traveling man forms his estimate of a city not from its size but from tho manner in which its ho tels nro conducted After a cnrofnl re view porhaps one of tho best conducted hotels in Northeastern Nebraska is tho Pnciflo Hotel of Norfolk under its pre sent exceptionally cnpnblo mnungement It is pronouucod by competent nuthority to bo ono of tho best conducted hotels to bo found anywhero Tho building is a substantial brick structuro containing CO elegantly fur n i shed sleeping apartments hns nil mod ern improvements stenm bent olectric lights nnd call bolls nnd is handsomely furnished throughout Tho cuisine is unsurpassod und tho Ecrvico is prompt uud courteous Tho spacious aud elo gant parlors are n special fcaturo and tho dining room is not only a model of convoniouco but thnt which is served therein is of tho best qnnlity aud is cal culated to make the visitors desiro to re turn to tho table of hospitality of the Pacific Hotel Tho proprietors believ ing in tho best andplonty of it To travelers who sock the best nnd wnnt tho comforts of lifo wo would sny put up nt the Pacific Hotel Under thd management of tho pro- Mr II H Patterson this hotel Eriotor as become dcorvedly popular with tho traveling public transient guests and regular pntrons who hnvo availed them solveB of its hospitnlity Mr Patterson is a pleasant courteous and popular hoBt nnd enjoys the respect nnd esteem of nil in this commnnity as well ns of his mnny patrons nmong the traveling publio Tho day clerk nnd book keeper Mr Goo M Dndloy is n plensnnt courteous aud obliging eentlemnn ns is also tho night clerk Mr H H Patter son jr Both are over ready and show ovory attention to gnests of the house nnd mnko evory effort to make you feel nt home 1 I IlrmiHon PALACE LIVERY AND HOARDING STABLE A representative nnd popular livery feed and boarding stable of Norfolk is that conducted by D D Branson known nB tho Palnco livery Ho has n flue sta ble conveniently located and in addition to n well conducted livery business makes a specialty of boarding horses at moderate pricos and giving all nnimals committed to his charge the samo scrupulous cure nnd attention that is bestowed upon his own horses He keeps a number of horses for livoiy pur poses nnd his turnouts are the best to be seen in tho city A competent force of obliging nnd nttentivo assistants are em ployed so thnt nnything iu either n light or henvy hitch enn bo had nt a moments notice Carriages etc with careful drivers nro supplied promptly for fune rals weddings parties etc at nil hours day or night nnd nil orders nre givon prompt nttentiou whilo tho prices are nlwnys satisfactory Mr Branson the proprietor of this woll known livery holds n high placo iu the confidence of the citizens aud trade generally nnd is nn enterprising busi ness man aud citizen I L Ilemlte PLUMBER Few if any of our business men have been more fortunate in securing a hold on public favor and confidence than L L Renibewho is nn expert in plumbing steam and hot water heating nnd nil work done by him is guaranteed to be strictly first class He commenced bus iness in 1888 and from the start has en joyed a large patronage A full und completo 6tock of fixtures steam and plumbing appliances carried iu stock He is prepared to give estimates on all olassos of work in these lines paying special attention to water service house drainings sewerage sanitary plumbing nnd all contracts undertaken by him are certain to bo performed iu the most sat isfactory manner jobbing generally is executed with skill and dispatch all orderB receiving prompt attention while the prices charged are distinctly mod erate Mr Rembe has done the plumbing nnd other work on some of the hand somest and largest structures in the city which stand as evidence of hiB skill Personally he is among our enterprising and progressive business men and the enterprise ia an important factor in the business life of our city The Trocailero II LODOR In reviewing the various business en terprises of Norfolk we desire to call special attention to the Trocadero sam ple room conducted by Mr H Lodor who has always been an advocate of tho ndvnntages of Belling none but the purest goods and thero is no establish ment in tho city which enrries n larger stock or a finer lino of nil the lending nnd most popular brands of fino old Kentucky aud Tennessee sour mash and ryo whiskies imported and domestic brandies wines gins rums etc nnd nfter May ls Mr Lodor will hnve tho exclusive sale of the celebrated Red Top pure whiskey nlso a most choice selec tion of imported nud domestic cigars lie is agent for the celebrated Fred Krug beer whioh is always kept on tap Mr Lodor would not think of offering nn inferior article to the trade his cus tomers being nmong tho leading busi ness men of tho city The premises are one of tho finest aud handsomely fur nished in tho city It is neat clean and quietj and n saloon conduoted on theso principles is bound to succeed and to nt tract a desirable clnss of customers for anyone who patronizes the hospitality of tho Trocadero is sure to repeat his visit if ho remains nny length of time in Norfolk Tho proprietor is n pleas nut gentleman to meet who will always mnko yon feel welcome Visitors to tho city will nlwnys find tho Trocadero a plensnut plnce to visit and under agree able mnnngemout Norfolk Iluiiliie Mill A review of tho business interests of Noriolk would not bo comploto without mention boiug mndo of tho Norfolk pinning mill of which S F Dunn is tho proprietor who hns by closo attention to all its details steadily increased his fncilitics nnd trado until now ho enjoys n lnrgo nnd stendily increasing businets Ho does nil kinds of wood work includ ing mouldings brackets sashes doors otc nnd does nil kind of scroll snwing in tho most nrtistic nud improved man norj nlsomnkisn specialty of manu facturing of water tanks of all sizes and Rtyles Ho does nil kinds of job work iu theso lims nnd is prepared to do all kinds of contracting nnd building Tho mill possesses tho most improved facili ties nnd is thoroughly equipped with nil the latest and most improved mnchlnory nud npplinucrs ndaptod to tho bnsimss nud can supply the trade in nuy qunntity demanded Personnlly Mr Dunn is thorough nnd skilled in every department of tho busi ness nnd iB one of our most enterprising business men Tho outerpriBO is nn im portant factor in tho business life of our city Aiillratlon for OriicKlntn Liquor Ilcenne Matter of application of A H Kiesau for a liquor license Notice is hereby givon that A H Kie sau did on the ftrh day of April 1001 file his application to tho mayor nud city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for licen o to Bell malt spirituous and vinouB liquors tor medicinal mechan ical and chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of Mny1901 to the 80th day of April 1002 at eastjf of lot 0 block 1 Mathnwsous addition in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the fith tiny of April 1001 the said license will be granted S R McFarland City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor Llcenoe Matter of application of Scott Hal brook for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that Scott Hal brook did on the 4th day of April 1901 file his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Ne braska for license to sell malt spiritu ous nnd vinous liquors nt Norfolk Ne braskn from the 1st day of May 1001 to tho 80th day of April 1002 at lot 14 block 4 original town of Norfolk in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 4th day of April 1001 the said license will bo granted S R McFarland City Clerk Application for DruRclRts Liquor License Mutter of np lication of Geo B Chris toph for a liquor license Notice ia hereby given that Geo B Christoph did on tho 8th day of April 1901 file his application to the mayor nud city couucil of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit nous nnd vinous liquors for medicinnl mechanical and chemicnl purposes at Norfolk Nebraska form the 1st day of May 1901 to the 10th day of April 1002 at lot 18 block 4 original town in First ward of said city If there is no objection remontrnnce or protest filed within two weeks from the 8th day of April 1001 tho said li ceuso will bo granted S R McFarland City Clerk Application for DrugglHtH Liquor Llccime Matter of application of AsaK Leo nard for liquor license Notice is hereby given that Asa K Leonard did ou the Sth day of April 1001 file hia application to tho Mayor aud city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors for medicinnl mechanical and chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1001 to the 80th day of April 1902 at lot 2 Pilgers sub division to Norfolk in First w nrd of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the Sth day of April 1901 the said license will be granted S R McFarlad City Clerk Application fur Saloon Liquor License Matter of applicntion of Harry Loder for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that Harry Loder did on the 4th day of April 1901 file his application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Ncrfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1901 to the 80th day of April 1002 at east i of lot 4 block 1 Koenigsteins addition to the city of Norfolk in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 4th day of April 1901 the said license will be granted S R McFarland City Clerk Applecatlou for Saloon Liquor Ilcene Matter of application of Lizzie Vlazny for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that Lizzie Vlazny did on the 3rd day of April 1001 file her application to the mayor and city council of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne braska from the 1st day of May 1901 to the 30th day of April 1902 at west room of Oxnard hotel in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 3rd day of April 1901 the said license will be granted S R McFarland Oity Clerk Application forDrngBistflLlquor License Matter of application of J L Hersheiser for a liquor license Notice is hereby given thnt J L Hersheiser did on the 9th day of April 1001 file his application to the mayor nnd city covncil of the city of Norfolk Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit aous and vinous liquors fcr medicinal mechanical aud chemical purposes at Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1901 to the 30th day cf April 1902 at Norfolk Junction in Fourth ward of said city If tluro is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 9th day of April 1901 the said license will be granted S R McFarland City Clerk X ia ij - Application for Satoon Liquor L lectin Mntter of application of William G Berner for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that William G Berner did on tho 27th dny of March 1001 fllo his application to tho mayor nnd city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebrntka lor licenso to sell malt spirit uous nud vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne braska from tho 1st day of Mnv 1001 to the 80th day of April 1902 nt 224 Norfolk avenue in First wnrd of snid city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 27th dny of Mnrch 1001 tho snid licenso will be granted S It McFarland City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor Llccnue Matter of application of George Eblo for n liquor license NotiCJ is hereby given thnt Georgo Eblo did on the 13th dny of April 1001 fllo his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska for licenso to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska from tho 1st day of May 1901 to tho 30th day of April 1902 nt lot 5 block 2 Mnthowson addition in First wnrd of Bald city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 13th dny of April 1001 tho said license will be granted S R McFarland City Clerk Application for Saloon Liquor License Matter of application of George Heller for n liquor license Notice is hereby given that George Heller did on tho 1st day of April 1U01 file his application to tho mayor aud city council of the city of Norfolk Ne braska for license to sell malt spiritu ous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne braska from tho 1st day of Moy 1001 to the 80th day of April 1002 at lot one block ono Koonigstein addition to city of Norfolk in First ward of said city If there is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from the 1st day of April 1901 the said license will bo granted S R McFarland Oity Clerk gARNES TYLER Attorneys at Law Norfolk - - DRc s Parker Mast Block DENTIST J B Barnes M D Tylei Nebrask - Norfolk Neb DR H T HOLDEN Homeopathic Physician andSnrgeon Oillce CitizonB National Bank Building Tolopbono 101 Sanitarium and Residence Main and 13th St Tolopbone 9 Norfolk - - Nebraska I- E SCOBEE OSTEOPATH1ST Itobertfon Block - Norfolk Xebrnekn JJ J COLE DENTIST Ofllce over Citizens National Bank Residence one block north of Cougreatioiuil church Norfolk Nebraska yAPES HAZEN Attorneys-at-Law Office over Leonardu Dru Storo Norfolk - - - Nebraska yISS MARY SnELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker Dp stairs in Cotton block over Baume etor First class work guaranteed Norfolk - - - Nebraska POWERS HAYS Attorneys at Law Rooms 10 11 ond 12 MaetbJock Norfolk Nebraska ROBERTSON ROBERTSON Attorneys-at-Law Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block Norfolk Nebr gESSIONS BELL Undertakers and Embalmere Sessions Blk Norfolk AveJ Norfolk - Nebraska MRS H H HULL Manicuring Shampooing Baths Telei hone No 417 Rooms on North Ninth Street White Wyandottes Bred for beauty and utility Heavy laying strain No better birds of this variety in Northeast Nebraska My fowls have free raiiLo nnd nro Rtrmm ni iiii Eggs for hatching 125 a setting Visitors welcome Breeding yards u uuiuo a win iroui railroad T station Nutwood Poultry Farm O A SLEEPER Proprietor i J warocrvllle Nebi J T - i