tf Moore Though a newly established busiuosa this houso is tatrtii n fore most position in tho coinmorciiil interest of Norfolk It is au oxoollont lllnstra ttou of tbo part that tho morchants nro takiug in tho forward inarch of trado in our city and at tho samo timo prosouts a good ozauiplu of tho gonornlly oxcollont character of our inorchant ontorprisos Tho stock oarriod 1b oho of tho most oxtouslro in tho comity oinbrnolng iu part hoavy and sholf hardwaro cutlory builders supplies uiochanics tools barbed wiro stovus ranges oil and gas olino stoves and a comploto lino of ovorything uBuully found in a com pletely stocked hardwaro storo whilo tho prices aro invnriably beyond tho reach of successful coiupotitiou and everything is done that can be to fully moot tho requirements of tho pnblio and ovory opportunity is takon advnntago of to fostor and cherish an over incroasiug patronago Tho strictest principles of morcautllo honor aro rigidly enforced iu all affairs and thoro is no houso hero engaged iu a similar line moro worthy of tho llboral patronage which it onjoys If you wish to savo mouoy you cannot do it better or easier than by patroniz ing this establishment Personally Mr Mooro is a ploasing man and tho buslnoss done at this store is ovidouco of tho oonfldenco reposed iu him as a thoroughgoing business man fair in all transactions and is highly es teomod for his strict iutogrity and sterling personal worth II A 1nnewalk FARM IMPLEMENTS VEUICLE8 ETC Probably uo one thing has had moro to do with tho dovelopmout and general prospority of tho country than tho uso of improved farm machinery enabling the farmer to greatly multiply the pro ducts of his labor A reliable aud vory popular establishment for handling farm machinery vohiclos harness oto of all kinds in Norfolk is that of H A Pasewalk who established business hero in 1878 Ho always has at his wareroouis the latest and most improved manufactured farm implements aud machinery niuk iug a specialty of tho celebrated Cham pion binders aud mowers aud is solo agent for tho American Stool Wiro Co a celebrated Waukegau wiro fencing for cattle and hogs Ho does a geueral supply business and carries a full lino of repairs aud extras for all machines and farming implements The storj rooms aro located on East Main street and visi tors aro always welcome aud aro invited to call aud iuspoct stock and get prices boforo purchasing elsewhere Ho also carries a most complete stock of car riages buggies wagous which aro made by firms whoso uames are a guarantee or excellence aud are sold at prices that simply defy successful competition Forsonally Mr Pasowalk is an enter prising progressive business man who takes an interest in all matters pertain ing to the upbuilding of Norfolk aud his enterprise is an important factor iu the business life of our city and county K It Konyon WIDE AWAKE CLOTHING STORE The enterprise owned and conductod by E B Kenyon known as the Wide Awake Clothing store has developed in to one of the leading and most popular clothing establishments of Norfolk It was established in 189G and occu pies one of tho most convenient business houses in tho city There is displayed one of the most complete stocks in its line to be found in northeast Nebraska It embraces mens boys and childrens wearing apparel of every style design variety aud pattern including all of the most recent fabrics both in fine and medium grades These are manufac tured in the highest and most artistic fashion and are equal to any goods that aro merchant tailor made Mr Kenyon adheres to the oue price system faith fully fulfills all represoutatious and maintains the most favorable relations with his patrons and the general public Tho store is replete with tho better grades of everything that pertains to outfitting including fine white and fancy shirts novelties in neckwear col lars and cuffs underwear of all kinds fancy vests silk and linen handker chiefs jewelry gloves hosiery etc The hat aud cap department also em braces all the latest styles in that hue Tho superiority of the goods carried tho careful selection of stock and selling at prices that challeugo successful compe tition together with tho close supervi sion maintained over all tho details of tho business combined with liberal nud honorable treatment of customers has secured for Mr Kenyon his present pop ularity und prosperity and mado tho es tablishment a popular headquarters for tho citizens of Norfolk and farmers of the surroundiug country to procure their wearing apparel Personally Mr Kenyon is not ouly enterprising and progressive in business bnt takes an interest in ovorything that is of public benefit nud tho upbuiding of his home city Geo II Chriatopli That a first class pharmacy kept ac cording to modern ideas and conducted with personal skill nud intelligence is a great boon to any commuuity is too palpable to admit of question In this respect Norfolk is woll provided for in the establishment of Geo B Ohristoph The store which is one of tho finest in the city is comploto in all its appoint ments and well stocked with an assort ment of pure fresh drugs medicines cuemicaia ana arucrgist sundries or ovory description including a judiciously se lected lino of proprietary preparations of standard value audi merit while everything about tho establishment be tokens thorough system and practical judgment Physioians prescriptions aud family receipts are compounded with skill and acouraoy and receive at his hands that attention their importance demands tho prescription department being under the supervision of oxperts in pharmaoy and none bnt those compe tent aro allowed to haudle physiciaus orders He has a large trado and all the avail able space iu tho storo is ocoupiod with the stock of a first class drug store in cluding physicians and surgeons requisites of ail kinds He also koops in stock toilet and fanov artioles sponges soaps perfumes books stationery etc and oue of tho most complete assort ments of wall paper paints oils etc and is sole agent for the celebrated B P S paints Best Paint Sold all of which has been carefully selected from the most reputable sources of supply Personally Mr Ohristoph is a pleasant courteous and enterprising business man prompt and accurate in all busi ness transactions Mr Ohristoph has oho of tho finest soda fountains iu tho city and promises tho public soino sur prises in this lino during tho suminor season Sponcnr A Ovnlinait SHOE vSTOHE Standing foremost among tho repro sontativo business houses of Norfolk and closely idoutillod with many of tho movements in tho work of improve ments that has holpod onward tho growth and contributed to tho prospori ty of tho city is tho shoo storo of Spoueor Ovolman who havo succoodod by utilizing natural ability and n systom of honesty and integrity In building up a trado of largo proportions Tho promisos occuplod aro fitted up with all nocossary conveniences to facilitato bnslnoss This is ono of tho most popular estab lishments in tho city and draws trado from tho wholo surrounding country Thoy oarry a full stock of all tho latost novelties and stylos iu boots shoos slip pors rubbors etc for ladies mens and childrons wear and soil at prices that challeugo competition and all classos of customers can rest assured of having as largo a variety of footwoar to soloct from as can bo found iu tho larger citios Tho fnot that this storo can supply anything in theso linos and is known to bo iudopoudont of all competition has mado tho houso tho uamo roputation aud oxtonsivo business it is now en joying Personally Mossrs Sponcor man aro enterprising and progressive in business aud tako an interest iu all matters tending to promote tho progress of trado in this vicinity and tho upbuild ing of our city 0 II K mil ii MERCHANT TAILOR For flue merchant tailoring tho above gentleman has achieved tho most ablo reputation of any in this soction This is unquestionably tho hoaiiquarters lor taBmounblo tailoring whore gar ments to measure embody every featuro of graco and elegance where measur ing aud cutting are done on correct principlesaud whore a stock of lino fashlouablo goods is kept to seloct from Among tho uovelties which aro noticed aro fancy striped suitings plaids clays cheviots diagonals kersoys cashmeres nnd an endless varloty of piece goods in all tho lutest toxturos and dosicus Every garment sent out of this establish ment is suro to attract ono or more now customers being so admired and favor ably criticised as to act as an advertise ment for tho maker Mr Kralm has beeu in tho business since 1892 and claims aud justly so wo think that his prices cannot bo duplicated iu this sec tion Tho fit and tho latest stylo being always guaranteed and this is undoubt edly tho largest merchant tailoring es tablishment iu this part of the state and employes from six to eight men con stantly Mr Kralm is determined to stand at the head of the merchant tailoring busi ness aud to hold that position on merit Oall and seo him when iu need of a suit or overcoat and be convinced as to tho style fit aud prices C W llriiusch COAL AND GRAIN DEALER An industry of such importance as that conducted by 0 W Braasch is so conducive to the general prosperity as to demand moro than a passing considera tion at our hands The business was established in 18S0 and from its incep tion has been steadily increasing until now it has reached proportions of con siderable magnitude Tiio office and yards are conveniently located between Main street and Madison n venue near the Union Pacific tracks with yards also on the F E M V which are con veniently located for tho receipt aud diotributiou of coal and he lias largo aud commodious sheds with a largo storage capacity which enables the house to always have a good supply on baud and admits of prompt delivery as soon as ordered Ho handles nothing but what is first class in every respect The connections of tho house with lead ing mines give it an advantage which places it on a par as far as competition is concerned with any houso in the state He is exclusive ngont for the celebrated Sweetwater Rock Springs coal and always sells Scranton hard coal which is acknowledged to bo the best coal on tho market Mr Braasch is also an extensive grain dealer having an elevator on the line of tho F E M V railway which has a capacity of about 2000 bushels of grain Ho pays tho highest market prico for all he can get always giving tho farmers tho ben efit of the market Mr Braosoh is not only an enterpris ing business man but also takes an in terest in all matters of public benefit Ho is conversant with every detail of the coal und grain business and the bus iness is so conducted as to commend the establishment to tho favor and confi dence of all with whom it has dealings J W Kclwurrt One of tho things that is sure to bo noticed and commented upon by a per son who is visiting a blacksmith shop is tho manuor in which horses hoofs aro treated in tho process of shooing for thoy aro Bcraped nnd hammered as if thoy woro made of stouo nud oven if they were mado of stone they could not oscapo serious injury under such treat ment Evory horse owner should exor cise care in the placing of orders if ho wauts work properly dono In this con nection wo may fittingly make mention of the shop carried on by J W Ed wards It is oue of the best equipped and most carefully managed in the city and many owners of valuablo horsos mako it a rule to have them shod ex clusively at this shop He gives particu lar attention to tho treatment of stum bliug interfering corns quartor cracks and other defects of tho feot Owners directions nro strictly followed and wo would adviso parties having lame or in terfering horses to trivo him a call Ho will givo prompt servico and at moderate prices As a citizen Mr Edwards is trust worthy and reliable in all transactions aud enjoys tho confidence of his patrons and the geueral public iu a marked de gree Fred Karo MEAT MARKET The principal requirements of a first class meal is nlco fresh juicy moat such as can be had in this neat and tastefully arrauged market ThiB mar ket has tho reputation of handling noth iug but the best butchers Btook and the THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY A1MUL II 1901 boot brands of cured meats This plnco Is first class In all its appointments be ing neat woll kept und ono - It is a pleasure to patronize Patrons aro always troatod courteously givon tho best cuts whon desirod and always get tho lowest prices consistent with good quality Tho markot has always been woll patronized and its prosperity has not spoiled It but has stimulated It to further efforts to ncoommodato its in creasing trado Whon you want a nlco steak roast boiling ploco ham mntton sausage bacon smokod moats of all kinds or anything in this lino go to this rollablo market whom you are always sure of gottlng tho bust moats good weight and low prices Personally Mr Karo Is not only enter prising aud progressive In bnsluoss but takes an Interest In all matters of public benefit and ho enjoys tho rospoct and ostoetn of all Wlntnr 1 So hull HARNESS AND HORSE FURNISHINGS Tho above houso by tho oxtont of its operations nnd the standard aud gen eral excellence of its products largely contribute to the industrial and trado activity of Norfolk and speaks in tho strongest terms of tho enterprise aud energy of tho proprietors Tho stock whiuh is ono of tho largost In the city embraces light aud hoavy harnois whips robos blankets saddlos hard ware turf goods and everything in tho lino of horse furnishings usually found iu a completely stocked harness store and at prices whiuh defy competition Harness are made to order In the finest stylo on short notice whilo repairing is dono promptly and neatly making a spocialty of extra parts for harnoss such as linos tugs collars eto Ouly tho choicest material that mouoy can buy is used In the products This ontor pribu we reward as ono worthy of special mention not ouly for tho suporior stock but for tho advautuges that aro tendered buyers who show their acknowledge ment ot theso benefits by steady aud In creasing patronago Thoso who wish to save money and bo honestly dealt with should direct their patronage to this re liable harness store Messrs Winter and Sohulz aro char acterized for their liberality and upright business methods and aro well aud favorably known throughout the city and county Albert DiBUur HARDWARE STOVEs RANGES ETO A reprosoutativo and popular estab lishment in its lino iu the city is that of Albert Doguer who established hero in 1882 and is steadily pushing his way to public favor through tho chanuols of well directed efforts and today stands in tho frout rauk of our conuneroial en terprises Whon ono considers the groat strides our city has takon in tho past ho must need admit that the inde fatigable energy and foresight of her morchauts havo formed a solid and sub stantial growth The above house is an excollont illustration of this fact Sonio extent of the business may bo gleaned from tho fact that tho promisos thougli very largo aro scarcely sufficient to con tain tho quantity of hardware cutlery tools manufacturers supplies builders hardware sholf goods aud tools for all trades guns nnd ammunition to rout as well as farm aud garden tools stoves ranges oil aud gasoline stoves making a specialty of the Malleable Steel rauges which are acknowledged by thoso who are using them to be superior to any other range on tho market all of which aro sold at prices which challeugo suc cessful competition Through repre sentations pleasing to customers a large and prosperous trade has been built up and the most houorablo nud upright methods nro pursued in all transactions Personally Mr Doguer is oue of our most enterprising and progressive busi ness men aud ono who takes an interest iu nil matters tending toward the up building of Norfolk AV 1 Gc IJro NEGOTIATIONS OF FARM LOANS The rapid erowth and development of our thriving western cities may be at tributed in a large measure to tho en ergy sagacity and liberality of thoir real estate dealers aud loan men This is true of Norfolk which owes much of its thriving condition to tho efforts of such agencies Prominent among and one of tho best known agencies of northeastern Nobraska ougaged in the business of negotiating loans is that of Gow Bros who established thoir busi ness in Norfolk in 1890 They also rep resent insurance companies that for re liability aud soundness aro among tho best iu the world and their facilities for effecting perfectly safe insurance to any amount aro second to no othor agenoy in the state Thoy are conservative yet liberal in their dealings and are re garded as boiug among the best posted on tho value of farming property in this section of tho state They can place loans on farming property to any amount at tho lowest possiblo rates nnd have since thoir inception into business loaned a million dollars on real estato first olas mortgago security tho most perfect satisfaction resulting to all con cerned In conclusion we tako ploasuro iu stating that thoro is no agenoy in this or any other state engaged in a similar lino of business moro worthy of tho liberal patronage it receives Personally Mossrs Gow Bros nro strictly houorablo upright and perfectly responsible in every way Thoy stand in tho front rank among our progrossivo public spirited citizens working for tho upbuilding of Norfolk 0cnr Utile FINE FAMILY GROCERIES As an establishment of the highest standard the above named house is worthy of special mention It stands iu the front rank among tho commercial enterprises of tho city and is in every sense of the word a metropolitan con cern and reflects great credit not only upon tho proprietor but also upon the general mercantile interests of the city The stock which is extensive and woll chosen comprises everything in tho lino of staple aud fancy groceries flno teas coffees relishes sauces table luxuries canned goodB of all klndB butter cheese flour and the very best of everything tho market affords The greatest caro is taken iu the so lection of stock so as to always have on hand fresh goods Tho establishment has the reputation of being the plnco to get just what you waut and nt the right prico An uninterrupted coHtiuuanco of tho vast patrouage which has been built up by zealous enterprising methods ster ling integrity aud close application to the interests of tho trade and noods of customers Is deservedly merited By giving good weight nnd novor misrepre senting goods to any customer tho storo of Oscar Uhlo bears an enviable reputa tion In this community Personally Mr Uhlo Is among our on torprlslug nud progressslve business mon who Is well and most favorably known In social and business circles and who always takes an Interest In all mat tors tending to promote tho progross of trade iu this section Norulk Slioo tlo As an establishment of tho highest standard the above nnmod houso Is worthy of special mention It stands In tho front rank among the commer cial enterprises of tho elty and rellects groat credit not only upon the proprie tors but also uiion tho gonoral morohan tllo Interests of our olty Tho estab lishment has boon a favorite with tho public si mm establishing busliioss here In 1900 Tho promises ommpiod aro cont rally located whoro every conven ience has been provided for the accom modation of patrons An Immense stook Is oarrlodovorythlng lu tho lino of fine and medium grndos iu hand aud miiciiine made boots shoes suppers rubbers folts etc for ladles moils anil childrons wear also all the new and fashionable novelties of tho season Their l fit special linos are unominlod for stylo quality and comfort selected with tho greatest care and purchased from tho principal manufacturers of tho country Tho house has superior connections with the leading manufac turers buying their supplies in largo quantities for cash thus securing the most favorablo discounts which enables them to sell to tho public at prices which challeugo sucooMsful competition The Norfolk Shoe Ooh policy is to supply tho best goods obtainable at prices which will soouro indole salos and enable them to quickly replenish their stoclc witli tho newest and most stylish goods iu footwear to bo found iu tho market v n niMi 1IIJMIIER W II Rish conducts ono of tho most successful plumbing steam anil hot water heating ostablishmonts In Nor folk He is a specialist iu the science of proporlv heating aud ventilating build nigs His promisos aro located first door south of Duiv News oillco wliero ho has every facility and convionce on hand for the successful prosecution of tho bus inoss Sanitary heating water servico house drainings seworago steam fitting etc aro spoolal features of his work which is all dono undor his personal attention and supurvl ion and as he uses only tho best of material the best of workmanship is guaranteed A full and complete stock of gas fix tures steam and plumbing sppliancos always cairied in stook and ho is pre pared to givo estimates on all classes of work in theso lines Mr Rishs reputa tion for fair prices and houorablo deal ings is well known throughout Norfolk and this nlnno has secured him many orders In tho lipnting of all classes of buildings lie has no suporior putting iu hot water and both high and low press uro steam heating with perfect success Personally Mr Klsli is among our ontorprising and progrossivo business men nud his ontorpriso is an important factor in tho business life of our city Chicago Lumbar Co LUMHER AND 1HJILPINO MATERIAL The trado in rough dressod nnd manufactured lumber of overy descrip tion is conductod iu Norfolk by the Chi cago Lumber Co who established busi ness hero in 1885 making ono of the oldest lumbor firms in Northeast Ne braska Nothing commends itself more thoroughly to tho consideration of the avorago American citizen than enter prise and we know of no moro worthy example of it than tho abovo undertak ing Tho yards aro conveniently located with largo convenient and woll ar ranged buildings nnd sheds that contain about threo quartor million feot of com mon lumber Tho yards and office cover half a block and contain all tho finer building material together with a largo stock of dressed aud undressed lumber as well as all kinds of sash doors win dow framos blinds mouldings etc of ovory description interior finish and house trimmings of all kinds being a prominent featuro of tho business Shingles lath siding flooring aud ovorything in tho lino of building ma terial is carried in largo quantities And if you think of building or doing any re pairing it will pay you to givo them a call as they aro prepared to furnish anything from tho rough lumber re quired for tho frame to the finest inside finish nud on terms which aro invaria bly satisfactory whilo tho prices cannot bo bettered in this section of tho stato Mr R B Wellor tho manager is among our most ontorprising aud pro grossivo business mon and under his personal management tho enterprise has become ouo of our most substantial in stitutions playing an important part in tho business ltfo of our city aud comity II C Saltier FARM IMPLEMENT- VEHICLES ETO In all important lines of trade thoro aro houses that stuud prominently forth as tho leadors in their respective linos from tho complete and thorough knowledge of tho business as woll as tho oharaotor of the goods in which they deal Iu this connection it is with poasuro that the attention of the publio is called to the establishment conducted by H 0 Sattler who established busi ness here in 1892 He carries in stock specialties in standard agricultural implements and supplies whioh command universal at- teutiou and general patrouuRQ He huudles tho leading farm machinery manufactured including mowers biuders threshers plows rakes culti vators harrows and everything used on a farm uud carnes a full line of supplies and oxtras tor nil machines and farm implements Ho conducts a general supply business throughout this section and thoso intending to purehaso aro cordially invited to call and inspect tho stock aud got prices as an inspection of stook incurs ho obligation to purohase His lino of farming implements is unrivaled by any similar establishment for utility durability and goueral ex cellence and aro sold at pricos whioh simply defy successful competition Ho also carries a large stock aud com plete assortment of wagons carringes buggies etc which are up-to-date of tho host material aud sold at prices that cannot bo duplicated anywhero Personally Mr Sattlor is an euterp is- S lug and progressive business mnn who takes an Interest In all matters tending towards the upbuilding of Norfolk anil his enterprise is an important factor in the business life of our city nud county Norfolk lltillilltig mill Limn Annorlnlloii During tho last few yoars a class of institutions have sprung up lu thn United Htales intondod to moot tho re quirements of persons with small means who desire a safe and prolltablo luvost ment for their funds and known ns building and loan associations They have already taken a high rank among the banking Institutions of this county A very popular Institution of this kind lu Norfolk Is that of tho Norfolk Build ing nud Loan association This usso elation was organised iu 1885 and Is olllcered by the following well known citizens of Norfolk II A Pasowalk president P T Birohard vicn president W II Buoholz treas urer 0 II Durlaiid secretary all business men nud citizens of this community whose names aro synony mous with Integrity and whose interests aro allied with the growth and prosper ity of the olty and county Ah soon as money is earned It is neoessnry to look tor some plnco to put it Thoro is no place that eeinblnos safety security and profit better than a well conducted building and loan association They have always proven to bo friends of the working man tho farmer and all classes of people who desire snfo institution to invest thoir earnings Members can borrow under certain conditions uud build houses to live iu or rent or if you have a lot tho association will build you a house and you can pay for it monthly and have your own home The bor rower Is boneflted because ho becomes the owner of his own houso at a monthly cost little if nuy larger then the monthly rental of the same pi oporty No bank or other tlnaiielal institution can offer stronger safeguards or better se curity for the protection of its members than thn Norfolk Building nud Loan association The oflleers are eminently qualified to administer tho trust reposed iu them and are extending the busi ness throughout this section of the stato I 1 HliornKK ItAKERY CONFEflTlOMtRV AM nilOOlRIKS For purity and quality of goods no establishment iu or around this town excels that of E J Schoiegge The promises are neat and inviting aud his bake hoiiNU is ample and complete iu all its appointments A large assortment of fine fancy giocoiios are carried in stock besides his delicious bread rolls buns fresh plain ahd fancy cake of all kinds pies pastry choice confec tions and a most complete assortment of mixed candies fruit etc A specialty is made of his well known brcadstulls including rye graham Vienna and home made hioud which cannot be tx colled anywhero Banquets weddings parties etc aro catered to and at rea sonable rates He has a largo mail order trado which extends to all of tho surrounding town of this soction The establishment is oue of the best in tho city aud Mr Schoreggo onjoys a vory fine city and country patronage and is a highly csteomod aod energetic business mini Ho fully uiorits the largo share of public favorho enjoys AhltiiMim Hi oh MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN IIIOVCLEH Tho leading and most populnr head quarters iu Norfolk for tho manufac ture salo and repairing of bicycles is that of Ahlmauu Bros who established business hore in 1897 Thoir workshop and salesroom nro conveniently ar ranged and aro in ovory way adapted to tho purpose to which thoy aro devoted Tho stock carried is a largo and repre sentative one and includes all those of tho nowost make and with the latest improvements Thoy also build any special or regular whool to order oithor chain or chainless tandems triplets or quadB These will bo known as Ahl maim Specials Thoir leading wheel tho Orient made by the Waltham Man- ufacturing Co of Waltham Mass is the finest strongest and fastest whool in tho world today It is tho loador of all leadors ridden by all the leading professionals holding all world rocords Thoir pricos will bo from 2000 up for good honest mado wheols that aro fully guaranteed Thoy will nlso handle some cheaper whoels such as 51095 and 18 75 in order to compote with mail order houses but theso thoy do not recommend Their stock of sun dries parts and repairs is comploto and tho largost ever brought to Norfolk Thoy aro also ablo to mako any part to a bicycle on short notice and you should patroulzo them with your ropalr work Machines nro sold at tho lowest pos siblo prico for cash or on the install ment plan at roasonablo rates of pay mont aud approved crodit Owing to an increaso of business nnd for waut of moro room for thoir largo stock Messrs Ahlmnun Bros will move into now quarters located in tho Ahlmann block It is tho aim of Messrs Ahlmann Bros to do first class work and furnish tho latest improved machines to customers at roasonablo prices and this thoy are onablod to do by moans of thoir close relations with lending sources of supply and direct purchases Thoy cordially invito intending purchasers to call and inspoct stock aud got prices boforo pur chasing olsowhore Messrs Ahlmann Bros aro of nnusunl ability and aro enterprising nnd pro gressive in business and enjoy tho spect and esteem of all in the com munity H IluyeH JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Ono of tho most elegantly appointed and fluest stocked jowolry establish ments of Norfolks most prominent bus inoss thoroughfaro is that of 0 S Hayes who established himself hero in 1881 and today has ono of tho Quest stores in tho city which is fitted up in raodorii style with hnndsoino glass cases whioh aro stocked with au admirably selected assortment of fiuo wntchos aud jewelry in great variety including diamonds rings pins studs fancy goods and clocks in all sizes and stylos silverware optical goods and ovorything usually found iu a first class jewelers establishment Tho stock of silverware is very attractivo and ombraces the products of our best makers Particu lar attention is paid to fine watch and jowolry repairing Mr Hayos boing a flnishod workmau himself thero being uo work in this lino too difficult for him to undertake and tho roputation ac quired iu this department of the busi 3 ness led fo a patronago which isstoadily Increasing Mr Hayes Is also a graduato optiolati and Is noted for the skill and caro hoox oroises in the treatment of all cases that oomo under his attention Mr Haven is n graduate of tho yhioagonphthalmlu college which Is recognized ns tho load ing institution of the kind in tho coun try Ho makes a specially of testing and correcting difficult oases of impor feet vision Holms nil tho latest and most improved Instruments for examina tion In fact Mr Hayes is skilled in overy department of the business and Is enabled to guarantee reliable work to alt who have business relations with this vory reputable establishment He nlso handles the leading pianos and organs manufactured and carries a full lino of supplies including nil tho most popular sheet inuslo of the day Personally Mr Hayos is an ontorprls lug and progressive business man lu whom may bo placed the great ost con fidence anil our rendoiH can fool assured that nowhere will a more appropriate selection be placed at their disposal Snlinr Coul mill Grain On GRAIN LIVE HrOK Atl COAL DEALERS In writing of the Influential factors which contribute to tho general prosper ity of Norfolk noun aro more worthy of liberal mention than thoso of tho Hal tor Coal aud Grain Co whioh Is among the largest coil grain and live stock dealers iu Norfolk Thoir elevator has a capacity of 9000 bushels of grain and thoy pay out over 4100000 per nunum to tho fnrinors hi the vicinity of Norfolk which iu turn is distributed among our inorohautH for tho necessaries of life thus keoping tho money iu tho community They always give the farmer the benefit of tho mar ket generally making the price equal fo any other dealer in the vicinity and as n result farmers can bo seen hauling their grain und seeds to this elevator overy day Thoy also handle all kinds of hard aud soft coal and are prepared to deliver as soon as ordmod Wo are glad to seo Norfolk iu possession of such bus iness ns this as it creates a trade confer for grain It is this i lass of business that builds up a town and makes it a trading point Messrs Salter Sou aro among our most enterprising and progressive busi ness men aud take nu interest in all matters tending to promote tho progress of tiade iu this section liluinil A llnulforil Liiiulinr Co LUMIllR AM UUILUINU MA1ER1AL In the progress of a city its growth and onlntgoiuunt the people become awaie that the lumber dealer plays a most important part in their upbuilding Tlie stocks carried by these concerns iu dicate the class of city which is being developed and by examining theso stccks we may judge of thu value of im provements cairiodon The lumber iuteiests important and among find the establishment Bradford who carry au of Norfolk aro the dealers wo of Ed winds oxteusivo stock of dtessud and undressed lumbor sash doors blinds mouldings and all kinds or building material They aro propared to furnish anything from tho rough lumbor to the finest iusido finish and at pricos that cannot bo duplicated in this section of thn state The stock is housed thus assuring that it is iu prime condition for uso Those intending to build or do any repairing will do well to givo them a call Tho proprietors per mit no misrepresentation of stock which fact iu itself accounts iu a laro meas ure for thosoniowhatromarkablo success of tho business Personally Mr J K Boas tho mana ger is an ontorprising business man re spected and esteemed for his integrity and straightforward dealings lie oilers overy advantage and con vomonco to purchasers and is in a position to quote prices that will be found most satisfactory We strongly recommend our readers to givo this yard a trial and bo convinced as to its honoinblo dealings and fair prices luliii Hrlcliiy HARDWARE Among tho prominout and reprosouta tivo business men engaged in tho hard waro trado in Norfolk epecial mention must bo accorded to Mr John Friday who established business horo in 1884 sluco which timo ho has built up a largo first class trado at tho samo timo sus taining a high reputation for his enter prise and business sagacity It would bo impoBslblo ns woll as Impractical to attompt an enumeration of tho various artlclos pertaining to this important branch of commerce that may bo found at this establishment Tho stock is vory largo and tho specialties in some articlos of which ho carries many aro of such a naturo nnd bear such a character of use fulness as to claim universal attention and general patronago Tho goueral stock carried ombraces ovory known article in tho liuo of hard ware cutlory tools manufacturers supplies builders hardwaro sholf goods aud goueral supplies in iron goods and tools for all trado as well as form and garden tools stoves rauges oil and gasoline stovoB making a specialty of tho celobrated Garland stoves and ranges aud tho genuine Beckwith Round Oak stoves aud furnaces All of which aro sold at prices which ehullengo com petition By addressing or calling upon Mr Friday our readers will bo afforded immediate information relative to facili ties of tho houso as idso prices aud terms for tho supplying of any goods Callers may fnrthor depend upon receiv ing that attention and consideration in keoping with tho character of ouo of tho best establishments of its kind in this section of tho stato Porsoually Mr Friday is a progrossivo business man who takes au interest iu all matters tending to promote the up building of Norfolk V M leHche CKlAR MANUFACTURER Among tho leading aud most popular cigar manufacturers of this section ot tho stato prominent mention must bo nccordod E M Ziesoho who is kept busy in tho manufactory of a superior quality of cigars aud eujoys a prosper ous trade throughout this section whioh is steadily increasing Mr Ziesoho has acquired a high repu tation which ho has fairly earned by tho carofnl selection of stock manufac tured promptness iu filling orders nud reliability in all transactions The cigars manufactured nro in large do maud on account of their purity nnd ex collent Jluvor with all who have evor smoked thorn To thoso who have never smoked them we would soy try them Dont be wedded to ouo particular brand