12 staVS V - K W t t l t Ik 1 fcr r t W 1 W tW t I i fl V 3TI T mnm a Kld Jfc a x XC JOHN TOPP PIRATE By Weathorby Ohosnoy and Alick Mtmro oonntonT 1000 nr witATimnnr ciwuricr Ann amcx MUNno u uisriiATioNH iir il o oouitah - ------ fcv i v J j v Wk- - - v CIIAPTKIt XXI Close contests nml heated argument malic men lumjjry no when llio trial of our toy shlpi was over wo returned to tho llttlu Vitiligo HlllllT till palm triMJI with appetites sharpened for our IT Wo woro doomed to ho disappointed however for there woro no Npaulsh slaves waiting our roturn with fresh ly killed porlc mh wo lmil hopiil Wo hailed hut got no roply wont to tho nearest rising ground hut huw no sign riml ao concluding that Incessant hunt ing wns malting tho swine nioro Hhy nml illlllcult to llnil wo nuiilo shift to III our stoiunohs with any odds nml ends which tin larder happened to contain Afterward throwing our selves down on luxurious nnturnl moss couches wo blow our tohnoco hiiioIco up Into tho Htlll night air unit clmttoil over tho events of tho day lighting tho Imttlo of tho toy HhlpR ovor again point hy point nml not giving tho Hpau bIi forngors ho inuoli an a thought Hut when Joh Trohallon ynwncil nml nhl heil turn In If IiIh Htoniach werent o empty every one began to womler hat hail happened to the pig hunters o keep them awny ho long anil Alec going to tho top of tho clIIT lui lied tho ncntry on guard at tho cuvoh imuith to link If they had gono straight to their Jail without reporting thomsolvcH The Bisntry mild no ami expressed surprise at seeing his caplalu there for ho said you took hunt down hnrhor come an hour agone Why didnt you hall tha hoat booby 1 did captnln replied tho follow In an aggrieved tone an you iiiiHwcrod thnt you was hound for Galley Inland At this 1 broke out Into n storm of nbuso nt the Hontry for his Htupldlty but Alec cut mo short bidding mo waste no more time but take a dozen xueu with mo and row to tho mouth of tho hnrhor Ho himself set off to a coign of vnnlago on tho outlying spit running like an untlred man at tho be ginning of a race while I with a crowd nt my heels toro down to tho bench Ono boat hnd gone Hiiro enough and tho other lny high nnd dry Wo reach ed her and found that tho Spaniards hnd tnkon a simple method of prevent ing pursuit They had removed nil tho oars knowing well enough that wo had none In reserve Wo could do nothing for beforo wo could Bpllt up now onrs they would bo far beyond owr ken as thoro wuh no JJIdnt fell iou ria live Spaniards wcro more dangerous than dead omwf moon nnd In tho dnrkness wo Rtood n chance of hiding them So wc hailed to Alec to come back and after mak ing sure that our storehoiiHeH wore un touched returned to tho cave At tho door wo were met by tho old man Oh ho ho he cackled So Don Miguel and his fellow scoundrels have taken the llrst chnueo of breaking their plighted word Didnt I tell you that live Spaniards were more dangerous than dead ones And you derided my words and called me a savage and mur derer Ah ha a merry buzzing hor nets nebt theyll bring about your ears presently Then maybe your Htiuenin lshness will pass away and tho nor blue Spanish blood will tlow In rivers But If you were wise Captain Ireland you would give orders nt once to light a fire of green wood at tho mouth of tho cave nnd smoke out tho rest of tho lilvo before they too manage to free their stings You frown at my advice Ah but youro young my most clilv nlrouH captain young and tender hear cd for as yet youve suffered oidy triv ial Injuries nt Spanish bauds Oh ho ho my words are wasted now but maybe youll live to see their wlRdoml Old man said WIUlo Trohallon solemnly seeing by Alecs faco thnt n Btorm was coming stop your blood thirsty bnbbllng an go an lark with Nephew Job your crazy playmate And tho old man after glowering venomously nt his Interrupter did ns ho was told and the two of them gam ed with knucklebone for a maravedl a throw until far Into tho night Next day wo laid the first plank of our new ship and thenceforward tho flat by tho cave resounded with the bubblug of adzes the ring of hammers the Jarriug of saws and tho Bouga of tho workmen a discordant medley enough but to our care tho Bweetest linnnouy First arose a bristling thicket of ribs the bare unsightly skeleton Next a skin of planking rising from rabbits on tho keel Rprcad slowly over tho RtiperHtruoturo till It reached the deck honniH and then continued upward to form a strong protective bulwark gap- ped with small rowportM and larger gun embrasures Then tough treenails pinned tho deck planks on their bod and hy ami hy began tho music of tho enlkers Iron and niallot When every Htroku of tho ax or hammer wns a stroke nearer to freedom there wiih little ehanco that tho work would he roine wenrlsoini4 Our Spanish slaves wore useless ex cept for porters work nnd of tho KngllHh none had served nn actual ap proutlcoHhlp to tho enrpuntors trade Yot such wiih tho energy which our cnptalnH enthiiHlaHin Infused Into ev ery umn of us that Incredible though It may hooiii I John Topp solemnly declare that the schooner Scourge kiss ed tho waters of tho harbor three mouths nml four dnys after the first timber of her keel was laid on tho Blocks What n Rhout wo raised ns her stern swooped Joyously down to meet tho el ement hIio wns destined fori Kngerly as though Hinging from her graceful sides the dishonoring taint of earth she embraced the water Her forward rush wuh stopped by tho Htout warp of esparto grliss which bound her and hIio swung sharply round to a stand still And before the wave sho threw up had spread a dozen fathoms wo made a HlmultaneouH rush upon her clover red polled architect and hoisted him high above our HhoulderH And when we had had enough of cheering for Captain Alec Ireland some of us were uneoinfortnbly hoarse while as for the old man ho could not laugh above a whisper Hut the Scourge was a mere hulk so far and not a well fitted lighting ship mid Ho It wiih to work again without premature holiday Masts had to bo made and stepped rigging to he de niuued and net up and sails to be cut nnd stitched from tho unplcklngs of older Ralls And these labors with tho fittings below and tho shaping of spnra and such like were not the work of a day or a week All hands took part In them except the old man who was deeply engaged In tho construction of some Infernal engine near tho mouth of tho harbor tho use of which he ob stinately rofased to toll us Almost all tho powder on the wrecks of tho Spanish ships had been spoiled and a handful or so from Uie heart of each barrel was all wo wore able to secure but arms small and great and body armor wo found In abundance enough to have supplied two such ships as the Scourge Ono would have thought moreover that tho great Spanish bombard which the old man kept trained on his prison ers In the eaves was as heavy a piece ns a reasonable man could desire Hut Alexander Ireland was not as other men Ho argued that with our small crew a fight at long bowls would bo our only chance and so ho set to work to dovlso n weapon which would enable us to do this Uc made drawings aud then a model In wood from which ho fashioned n mold of moist sund Then breaking up a falconet nnd some small demlculverlus and snkers ho built a furuaco and crammed It with tho bra zen fragments of these pieces mixed with charcoal and from shipwright turned himself to tho trade of gun founder Ami I must own that It wns a deadly weapon which ho turned out For al though tho gun had nouo of that orna mentation which ono looks for In a piece that Is to earn a high repute still It could not fairly bo Judged by tho standard of other weapous because It differed from every gun that had hith erto been cast It was fearfully cum bersome In tho breech aud down to where the trunnions lay but from that point forwnrd It tapered throughout tho whole of Its enormous length which was a full foot and a half be yond tho fathom until Just round tho muzzle It swelled out to form a strong ring Ho made n carrlugo for It too and planted It tight amidships between tho masts The piece could bo fired from a largo port on either side or over tho bulwnrk If need bo so that except directly ahead or astcru Its deadly pelting commanded every point of tho compass With this powerful weapon aud the culverlns and falco nets mounted on either broadside wo had as much artillery as wo could man But tho powder room was empty This was a most serious gap In our defense aud ono which for lack of ma terials we could not remedy Ono Jester Indeed said that we could get charcoal from tho woods and sulphur from tho Spaniards oaths so thnt we required only saltpeter to start our manufactory but even on this showing wo were no better off for we had not tho saltpeter There was nothing for It therefore but to run our first prize by tho board nnd tnko her huo and thrust fashion and then to uso the powder she carried to load our weapons against her friends Wo had It Is true saved a few hand fuls of the precious black dust from the carracks hold aud at one time had counted upon using that to fire half a dozen lusty broadsides bat every grain of It was blown away to smoko by the old man before ever tho Scourgo drop ped down the harbor afc i J wwii aijv ffwv ii i i mi gtaggsgilrSg wEi t jsrT TlIK NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL 19 1901 Ho had nn I havo nnld been for Rome tlmn engaged In constructing a mysterious cnglno whoso form and purposo wore known to himself alone Its nlto was among roiiio rocks on tho Rplt nt tho hnrbors mouth but nono of us hnd hoop It for since the old mnn hnd promised to Inunoh his dondlleit curso nt tho bend of nny ono who pried Into his Becret we nil kept widely aloof Htlll wo woro not a little curious and mnilmnn though ho was wo trust ed him Consequently when It was re ported that n largo Rhlp flying tho Spanish ting was mnklng dead for tho mouth of the harbor our first thought was that we woro trapped and our hoc oml that the nhl man would snvo us Ho had boasted that his lufernnl ma chine would copo Blnglo handed with the proudest ship In the Spanish navy and If ho failed us now after having taken possession of nil our small store of powder then tho Spnulnrd might moor In tho hnrhor and batter our now vessel to noggin Rtaves at his leisure and wo could not hope to prevent htm Wo had not n stitch of canvas bent to the Hpars not u BWeop fitted to the row posts Tim boat would hold only 12 men but ns n forlorn hope wo hnd It manned nml ready behind the shelter ofCarrnck rock near which the falrwny rnn In It woro crammed those of us who could not swim Tho rest were to tnko to tho water sword In tooth aud each was to board tho Invnder as boHt wo could A desperate enterprise Biirely but It wns tho tlmo for desporato enterprises for If tho newcomers woro to land and release their countrymen from tho caver neither strategy nor force could snvo us It must be a fight to the death and truth to tell there wns not ono of us who had not rather have died than trust ngaln to mercy from a Spnnlnrd CITAPTKIt XXII On enmo tho mnjestlc Spnnlnrd bow ing grnvely nnd proudly over the roll lug seas She was close hauled on tho starboard tack nnd her bellyinr courses and topsnlls strained heavily on tho sheets Standard pennant and banner hung from trucks and poop staff and tho painted tiUToty ns It flut tered out to leeward was more suggest ive of gala day revels than of fighting But today her guns were not loaded with blank saluting cartridges When she drew nearer Bhe hauled up her courses In their brnlls stowed her mlzzeu and sprit sails and enme running In under her two topsnlls only nnd we could see for ourselves how heavy was the metal and how numer ous wns tho crew she carried The ports wero trleud up nnd through them gaped ugly yawning gun muzzles The gunners were at their posts tho blue smoke from their lino stocks roso lazily from the waist until the breeze caught It aud hurried it to leeward and ever and anon tho sun would glint from a shining pike head or sword blade Few men wero visible and those as their hoarse sea hauling cries Indicated wero merely sailors But though we could not see them we could guess that a mass of armed men seethed within the lofty walls of thut floating fortress To attempt the capture of such a stronghold by simple escalade without ladders without hooked poles with nothing but our own strong figures and the stimulus of a desperate cause soouied a forlorn hope Indeed and of our llttlu band ninny a sea warrior who had grinned death in the face a score of times believed that now nt last his time hnd come nml hoped for nothing moro than to denl a berserk blow or two beforo the swarming soldiers spill ed his llfo with a sword thrust But not a man shrank from the battle Most of us discarded helmet and all else except sword or ax and at Alecs word strode down the rocks and Into the water But where were tho old man and tho ninrvelouB engine of which ho had boasted Where was tho vaunted de struction which he was to deal out to Just such a foe as this Had ho fnlled us Ah well a crazy man is a cracked reed to lean upon and perhaps we wero fools to hope thut the old man could save us Off with tho boat there cried Alec cheerily aud Jnn Pengony lead your lads to board at the waist Wo others will swim till our claws touch tho beak and If we once get a hold I war rant wo will uot leave go till wevo niado this big sea fowl as harmless and Bucculout a morsel as a well hung hen pheasant Our heads In tho water will bo small marks for their cannon so thoy wont waste powder by firing their Inrge pieces All the better for us Therell be the more to stow In tho Scourges powder room nave at em Englnnd forever is tho cry and mark how that herd of hinds will quail when they hear It And so Into the water we slipped and going straight out from tho shore wait ed with quick beating hearts for tho grout vessel to como down to us Ou sho drovo with steady cruel pow er gashing tho llttlo wavelets with her beak and crushing them contemptuous ly beneath her applo bows stately as a rock that Is stepped In the earths cen ter But of the bobbing heads In tbo water and of tho boat creeping out through the rocks sho had not as yet taken tho smallest notice Tho sns penso was fearful Presently a sentry spied us and gave tho word Tho big ship woko up with a scurry and bustle Tho trumpeter niado his uMse and some arquebus lers clapping matches to the priming of their pieces sent a fow maravedls worth of lead screaming over the heads of tho unsoldlerllke heretics who wero adopting this unrecognized means of attack They effected little however beyond satisfying themselves that they had obeyed orders But soon n deadly arrow shower commenced from behind tho bulwarks and from tho round tops by which tho water hero aud there was reddened and tho strength of more than ono stout fellow tapped The doors of tho for ward castle opened and a detachment of mail clad soldiers trooped out to guard tho beak Armored men nt the top of n high Rteep wnll against naked men In deep wntcr nt Its foot there could bo small doubt what the Issue of such a combat would be Hut llttlo though wo liked It It woh a trlnl from which wo dared not shrink nnd so with grim deter mination to do or perish In tho trying wo swnin with rIow Btcndy strokes to meet tho Spnulnrd ench man of us looking out engorly for the best point to board In another hnlf minute wi should be facing the climb and making vicious sword thrusts at tho axmeu who lopped nt our limbs from above Ah well It would bo a speedy death Hut as It happened there was to be no rasping of steel against steel Just then With a sudden roar like tho bursting of a thunderbolt n spout of lire dnrtod from the cluster of rocks on the 3 TH - I GS Ts It liurtlcd throuoh the atr and ktruck the Spanish ship Ing spit and in the midst of it rode a lingo bowlder bigger than n soldiers sentry box It hurtled through tho nlr with a din like the humming of mil lions of rlcochcttlug bullets and struck the Spanish ship just abaft of amid ships close to the break of the poop Smith and carpenter never put together gear that would have withstood the shock of that bolt The solid timbers splintered nnd broke ns though they had been maize husks and the mighty bowlder ate Its way through fabric and cargo atd fell with a sullen splash Into the soa nt the other side The waves trembled with tho shock nnd tho proud ship reeled to her lnr boaid bead ends aud then righted ngnln with such a strain that the wounded backbone cruuehed in two with the effort The malumnst and Its gear lay fioatlng ou the water Guns slid from the lower deck like so mnny pebbles The fore round top leaned aft till It fouled the golden ting of Spain Hying from tho mlzzeu truck and tho bowsprit stood ouco more as It had done when leaved and branched It sprouted heavenward from some Cas tlllnn sierra In the old world The grim sen wolves carrion hunters of the ocean darting up from the cav erns of the sea Qxed their talons on tho swirling eddies to tho dark Jungles below and as each heavily armored Spaniard fell off Into the waves he was seized by the soft arms of a foe more relentles than even the Englishman and strangled by a liquid enress that knew no refusal Thus did tho sea avenge tho dishonors with which Span ish slave galleys had tainted her It was all over In a few seconds and before the minute had elapsed save for hero and there a morloned head beside a fragment of wrecknge the harbor ripples wero unflecked by anything stouter than their own flowery foam We English seeing that our work was already done swam ashore direct ly the shot was fired and now stood In admiring wonder opposite tho mouth of tho great rock cannon which had worked this awful havoc Tho air still boro the choking taint of powder smoke and the gnarled nude figure of tho old mnn crouching there still hold ing his lighted match- In an ecstasy of demoniac Joy beside tho touchholo of his Infernal machluo seemed rather that of a fiend than of one born of mortal mother Ah ha ha ho cried Seo what tho old man can do when you heavy dolts leave him for a time In peace Seo how ho repays In part tho wrongs that Spanish torments have worked upon his body Oh ho ho TIs meat and drink to mo to have a day like this Aye gape at the engine a Bweet rus tle engine my masters is It not You may find Its fellow In tho narrow strait of Dardanelles which the grand Turk holds that neither Venetian galleass nor Genoeso galley may follow tho booty laden corsair to his pagan lair In tho Euxlne What my noble captain you look black nt mo Como let no sour faces greet the old mnn on his triumph day It was powder you lusted after was It And my brawny Jack here had an eye to tho other pickings Yes nnd you too my hook hnnded boatswain when I snw your smooth poll and pulling mouth bobbing over tho wavelets Uko somo old dog seals thero was greed for galu In that solitary eyo of yours shining out as clearly as though you cnrrled a placard on your neck with tho words written In black and white Not a cruzado not a noggin of powder scarcely a rope yarn Is thero left for you to seize Hut for mo I had rather have done this days work than bo at this present moment holding the em peror of tho Indies to ransom Oh ho ho Theres no ointment like Spanish blood Tho throbbing pain In the old mans joints will bo easier tonight To be continued uext Friday Inexpensively Managed Your capital Is uot large But quite sufficient You see our business Is peculiar In that It does not necessitate any evasion of the laws Detroit Journal en ilB MacArthur Insists There is Considerable Exaggeration WOODRUFF IS OPTIMISTIC ClilorCominlMniy At MnnlU Sir Anliu lii SulitUtoiHo lptnrtinpiit Aro Ilniwstly CuiuliirtoilYlirro Oniror nml a Number or Siildlnm mid CIvIIIriii on Trlnl Washington April 11 The war de partment has niado public the follow ing cablegram from General MncAr thur nt Manila With reference to your telegram of the 10th press re port grossly exaggerated nnd mislead ing Matters therein touched upon re garding officers of subsistence depart ment fully Investigated Regarding theft of coinnilHRnry stores amount of which grossly exaggerated by press reports Immediate and most drastic measures have nlreaily been placed Three officers nnd number of enlisted men are being tried by courl ninrtlnl nud n number of citizens by military commission Commissary General Weston has re ceived n cnblegrain from Colonel Woodruff chief commissary at Ma nila In which he says Do not penult scandalous reports to worry you Affairs subsistence de partment of tho nrmy administered honestly and to satisfaction of officers and troops No statement wns made that the re port of General MacArthur wns sntls factory nlthough nil along It hns been the theory of the war department that the press reports from Mnnlln wero exaggerated At the same tlmo thoro Is cause for regret In the depart ment that even under the best con struction that can ho placed upon tho dlspntch three officers and n number of enlisted men nml n number of civ ilians have conducted themselves In such n mnnner ns to necessitate a court mnrtlnl or n trial by a military commission In the ense of the civilians It Is said however that oven If these persons wero being tried thoro might 10 exaggeration In regard to tho of fenses with which they wero charged APPEALS TO THE PRESIDENT Uoer Aoiit at New Orlenns Snnds nlcntlou Direct to MoKlnley New Orleans April 19 General Samuel Ieurson the Boer officer who was refused a writ of Injunction by the United States circuit court against the local British officers to prevent the further exportation of mules from this port to South Africa has sent n communication direct to the presi dent of the United States asking for relief which the courts refused In the recent decision Judge Tarlang pointed out thnt General Pearson had this right saying that the matter be ing a political one should be taken before the executive department of the government Instead of before the Judicial Increased Acruuge of Corn Omaha April 19 Reports received by the secretary of the Nebraska Grain Dealers association yesterday Indicate thnt the seeding of oats In the stnto Is about two weeks Into and thnt ns a result thoro will be a decreased acreage of that grain with a corresponding increase in the acre nge of corn The winter wheat situ ntion continues to gratify fnrmers nnd dealers as there never has been as good prospects at this time of the year ns at present The farmers who havo been holding wheat show no disposition to let go and there Is little corn for sale ChrlHiiinn Loe III llnce Emporia Kan April 19 Dr Oscar Chrlsmnn the founder of the science of child study who over a year ago created a great sensation before the Natlonnl Mothers congress by the assertion In a lecture that women alone wero capable of love and men were in capable has lost his chair in the Kan sas State Normal school His rela tions with tho president and faculty have been strained ever since his nota ble lecture and it Is thought Influ ences wero brought to bear on the re gents against him Continental liny More Orrnnicrlen Topekn Kan April 19 The Conti nental Creamery company of Topeka hns purchased nine nddltlonnl crenm erlos In Knnsns This mnkes a total list of 393 creameries owned and op erated by the Continental company Nine of these nre In Oklahoma three In Colorado two In Nebraska and the remainder In Kansas The com panys output at present Is about 20 000 pounds of butter a day Launch lnrty to right Tninmnny New York April 19 A mass meet ing wns held In Carnegie hall last night to form a now political party -to be called the Greater Now York Democracy The new party Is formed to fight Tammany Hall John C Sheehan E Ellery Anderson Peter B Olney nnd Joseph Daly were among the persons who signed the call Former Surrognte R S Ransom pre sided Knmai Stnto Tournuuieiit CJmef Ienvenworth Kan April 19 The Kansas State Sportsmens association closed its annual tournnmont yester day Fred Rogers of Hiawatha won the Btato trophy hitting 30 birds straight Dick Linderman of Lincoln Neb won tho state honors for the three days with Rodgers secoud and Koohler third Transport ltotecrani In Port San Francisco April 19 The trans port Rosecrans has arrived from Ma nila with a portion of tho Thirty fifth reglmout It will be held atquaran tlno for Inspection H1T3 SOLICITOR GENERAL Jadgo WIMon Film Motion to Kipiingo lilt llrlrf In Cnrter Ctiso Wushlngton April 19 In the United States supreme court yesterday Judge J M Wilson representing Cuptuln Oberlln M Carter filed a motion for tho court to strike from Its Hies tho brief of Solicitor Generul Richards In that case us scandalous nndy Irrelev ant This motion Is based upon the usseitlon that the solicitor general goes outside of the record in his brief In the course of his statement in support of the motion Judge Wilson said that the only question Is whother the court ninrtlal that tried Captain Gnrlor on ceitnin charges und speci fications had Jurisdiction to Impose the penalty of Imprisonment to which he Is now being subjected In the peni tentiary at Leavenworth Kan Tho solicitor general In his brief In oppo sition has taken occasion to make some very broad assertions In regard to the guilt of Captain Carter not based upon any matter appeurlng In the record but apparently based upon matters appearing In some other pro ceeding In New York before a Bloner to which proceeding Cnrter wns in no way a party and also upon his own allegations thnt the govern ment hnd discovered evidence which would demonstrate thnt Carter and others had defrauded the government of 210Iir9 TO FIGHT PACKERS Iowa Ilutter nud Kelt Dealers Assort Ttialr Ulghts Are Ilelug Assailed by lncklng Houses Des Moines April 19 A special meeting of tho lowu Wholesale Butter aud Egg Dealers association was held in this city yesterday for the pur pose of taking up the question of tho invuslon of what they consider their exclusive field by certain large pack ing firms notubly Swifts and Ar mours The ussociutlou represents In itself 35 firms and individuals en gaged in the butter and egg business In Iowa It maintained an association for self preservation for a number of years nnd lias succeeded In holding tho field for itself against all outsiders The last year both Armour and Swift opened houses in tho cities of the state to handle butter und eggs and are taking a good share of tho business The Iowa dealers In butter and eggs havo determined upon warfare against the packing firms and met In secret session to agree upon plans and methods They hnve also Induced the representatives of most fast freight lines running into tho east to join with them and n number of tho own ers of Inrgo storage houses In eastern cities nre Interested and will give sup port to the dealers in any movement they mny make to retaliate upon th packers Lend Icnclln of Old Ancient writers mention the use o lead and graphite for ruling papyrus and pencils fashioned rather crudely In tho manner of those now used wei made In the sixteenth century tho graphite coming from the Borrowdalu mine nt Cumberland England Chica go Chronicle LATEST NEWS OF TRADE Chicago Grain nud Provisions CIilciiRo April 18 Todays grain trado was largely local and pi Ice lluctuatloim were not large Boildes export support wheat derived help from tue weather but this latter factor was a bearish Item when applied to corn and oats May wheat closed V4ft c higher May corn VAi c lower and May oats Uc down Provisions closed un changed to 5c depressed Closing prices Wlieat Apill 70c May 7K716c July 717lWc Coru Aprll 43c May 43S c July 43yc Oats April Ki4c May 25c July 2c Pork April 1410 May 1410 July 1427V Lard April 812 May 805 July 707 Sept 70M797 Hlbs Aprll 810 May 810 July 700 Sept 782yyil785 Cash quotations No 2 red wheat 723 73c No 3 red wheat 70272c No 3 spring wheat OSS72C No 2 hard wheat 71 7iyc No 3 hard wheat 7071c No 2 corn 44r No 3 corn 43c No 2 oats 2775 27e No 2 white oits 29VQ30V6c No 3 white oats 28f29jC Chicago Ilvo Stock Chicago April IS Cattle Receipts 8 000 choice steers firm others about steady butchers stock steady good to prime steers -002000 poor to medium 381 GT400 stockcrs and feeders 270183 cows 2007MM heifers 30048 can ners 2005285 bulls 27571430 calves 400500 Texas fed steers 425ff03r Texas grass steers 350100 Texas bulls 27rf385 Hogs Receipts today 20000 tomorrow 180o0pstluiated left over 2 500 heavy steady light slow closing stronger top 010 mixed and butchers 57r0000 good to choice heavv 500T8 CIO rough heavy r7ft5fir light 570 iiR05 bulk of sales 5003000 Sheep Receipts 7000 sheep and lambs steady good to choice wethers 475fifiO0 fair to choice mixed 405X470 western sheep 4O5ff 0 yearlings 17357400 native Iambs 4052530 western Iambs 405Q 530 Kansas City Live Stock Kansas City April 4000 natives COO Texans 50 calves na tive and Texas steers steady to 10c high er cows nnd heifers stockcrs and feeders steady native beef steers 475350 most ly 500fJ540 stockcrs nnd feeders 425 tf025 western fed steers 450542V4 Texans and Indians 42051500 cows 335 445 heifers 40O5N05 canners 235 5T325 bulls 34557400 stock bulls 500 57000 calves 50051025 Hogs Rccolpts 11300 214575c lower top 0 05 bulk of enles 5R5n00 heavy 5055700- mixed packers S58557505 light 55057387 pigs t405ir45 rihecp Recelpts 8600 sheep steadv Iambs 5o lower western lambs 4005500 western wethers 450 67485 western yearlings 10557400 ewes 42557450 culls 30057400 spring Iambs 55051700 J South Oinnha Live Stock South Omaha April 2800 steady to easier nativo beef steers 42052550 western steers 40051175 Texus steers 32551425 cows nnd heif ers 33011450 canners 1753325 stock ers and feeders 32552470 cnlves 300 700 bulls stass etc 27552425 nogs -Receipts 0500 6510c lower heavy 583 300 mixed 382Vd5285 light 5755J 582 pigs 50057675 bulk of sales 582 3585 Sheep Receipts 14000 Blow steady yearlings 40552400 wethers 425 405 ewes 375524i5 common and stock sheep tJ755ja00 liute 125010 j T kh Y A raiMrTHiiii iiLiMi iTTjMMsjimn 11 1 1 vrnt lilt mi it I k 3 rtvyryzJgssrBTr1 i iiild w JJMyr - w 1AMHKflL4HfflVllMK4HKjSSwBSjKVAMWT3lvn3 f rf w 1SBtSilMMMMiiSBMBMMSBSBMSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI