f v w V j T MgRWKagj Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight Many cases of eye trouble arc averted by early application of proper lenses Present neglect means future trouble c p at PKOMHDT Dr of Ophthalmology NORFOLK NEBRASKA l i uQ You know k I That there is n big tlif fcrouce iu Ornnges Yon know there is in apples Take a New York or Michigan npple its juicy nnd fluo flavored whilo tho MisBonri apples are flat and more or less tasteless Same way with Oranges The Rcdland orange is uDout penecr wiiiie tnat grown in other districts is like a Missouri apple We have bought ilfty boxes of the finest Redlauds and are going to have A Special Orange Sale seammiika i the balance of the week We are going to sell em at the same price the other kind sells for for these few days and invite a trial order PARISH i UT t u MONARCH MIXED PA9NT The Best Paint Made Will cover 300 square feet two coats Contains pure lead nnd oil Shown by chemical test there is no paint on the market equal to its durability and cover ing capacity We can vouch for this a we have handled the Monarch Paint for twelve years If you think of painting your house let us figure with you Wo can save you mouey Remember our large stock of Wall Paper cheaper than ever Kiesail Dnlfl Bo If anybody tries to make yon believe that n Karpen Couch is superior to all others just call at Johnsons Furniture Store and examine one of them standing side by side with better ones Notice the difference between an honest couch made in Nebraska by Nebraska citizens and a Bhell made in Chicago by kids and palmed off onto unsus pecting customers under a worthless guarantee We do not sell ours with a guar antee attached but will make yon a present of the finest one we have in the house if you can show one of any other make that is made as well made as honestly as those we are selling Chas H Johnson FRIDAY FACTS Mrs Morris Mayor is entertaining the ladies of the Kaffte Klatchthis after noon There will be a special meeting of the WeBt Side hose company tonight in the city ball There is important business I were the especial favontes to transact and every member is re quested to attend Tho West Side Whist club enjoyed a plonpant evening at tho home of Mr nud Mrs W 11 Buoholz Paul HuC n brother of Onshior 13 W Zutz of tho Norfolk National bank is repotted to bo very sick with appendi citis at his farm homo near Hoskins tr II T lioldnu has purchatedjtho Geo L lies property at tho rornor of Norfolk avenue and Thirteenth stroet Ho willjmprove and occupy it at once Thoro was no quorum at tho regular meeting of tho city council last night and an adjournment was taken until tho evening of the i0th when tho now administration will bo installed and tho oldretired Joe Morrow and brido arrived last night on tho Union Pacific from Rockv Ford Col nud aro visiting at tho home of Mr Morrows parents Mr and Mm T J Morrow where n reception will be tendered them tonight Tho Nebraska Latter Day Saints or Mornians aro to meet in conference at Omaha tomorrow and Suudny to dis cuss the advancement of tho work in Nebraska Twenty missionaries of that church arc now at work in various parte of tho btate On account of tho baukors meeting tho meeting of tho Music Students club will be postponed until Tuesday even hir at tho homo of Mrs Gibson on Thir teenth street Members of tho club are requested to bring with them tho music belonging to the club Lola Canlfield celebrated lur fifth birthday Wednesday at her homo on North Ninth street Refreshments wcro served and tho little tots passed thetimo most eujoyably with games and other amusements Lola received a good many gifts from her little guests Harry Matrau who has been assistant in the depot at Wisner has been pro moted to the position heretofore held by H Hilburn in the freight department of the Creighton depot Mr Hilburn has bqen promoted to the place made va cant by the resignation of A G Hoge man who expects to leave for Oregon soon and make his home in that state The card party given by tho D of H lodge at the Railway hall last evening was a decided success both Eociallyaud financially Very nice refreshments were served after which prizes were given Miss Norah Burnett receiving ladies first priz Mr Rolland gentle mans first prize Mrs John Spellman ladies booby prize and Mr Guy Living stone gentlmaus booby prize Tin Nnws presents its renders with an eight page paper this evening con taining a write up of tho progressive business men of the city Readers will find it profitable to give these articles bpecial attention as they contain nmuy new and valuable ideas regarding the bnbiness interests of tho city Theii author G H Chrisman has been heri tor more than a week and has enter tainingly told what ho has learned of Norfolk business activity in this issue It is customary to regard a change oi weather from one extreme to tho other between two days as something extra ordinary but during the past few days the contrast furnished by an hour has not been uncommon One moment the sun will bo shining bright and warm and the next an infant blizzard with an abundance of snow will prevail This morning opened with a 6now storm but at this writing the weather is very summer like It need not bo wondered at if bofore this item is read winter will again prevail Nebraska weather seems to bo outdoing itself to furnish variety Stock owners of Norfolk are finding it almost impossible to secure hay for their animals Tho home product seems to be exhausted and many feeders aro com pelled to use the baled hay shipped in from others points Tho price is now 10 per ton and tending higher some predicting that it will be 20 a ton be fore a now crop is harvested Straw for feed is in active demand nnd the price of this is being carried upward with hay This condition is not the result of a light crop as there was at least an aver age one last year and it appeared that there was hay enough stacked up in tin country to supply the demand for years The demand for hay is however con stantly increasing and each year sees more of it consumed Tho Euterpean Fraternity recital by tho pupils of Mrs Cora A Beels called forth a fair sized audience nt the Audi- torlum last evening This fraternity is an organization among the young folks to study music in connection with the other artp and the recital was part turo and part musio The stage was decorated with plants and pictures of eminent musicians Tho talk on dis oriptivo music by Mrs Ora S Beels ex tended through the entire program and each number was introduced with a short description and history The standard of the program was high and tho free playing of the performers was marked Tho talks aud recitations that interspersed the musical numbers were much appreciated and were in hearty accord Each number received liberal applause and the oue known as Tho Lullaby was especially well received Oscar Schavland played The Robins Return so satisfactorily that ho was given a hearty encore Other numbers were niguiy appreciated but theso two THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL 10 1001 tnlnment should not bo confused with Mrs Reels musical commencement whloh will tako place May S3 Removal sale of nil our fanoy china It will all go at cost Somo excellent bargains in dinner Rots Uokimax V Smith Trem rot Arlitir Dny Aliuiitlniicn for ICvnrf lMiiljrv Children of tho public and parochial schools will w furnished a nico 8 ft fresh treo on Saturday p in and Mon day a m for 15 cents ouo treo each only Corner of Fifth and Main an as Bortment will bo found from my nurs ery If not on the ground call phono SOI A OsllOHN liny for Hutr Cltoico lot looso hay Will deliver in small or largo quantity Leuvo ordir at Hardys coal oillce S T Naimkh DrFrank Salter Diseases of ohildren Good farniB to trado for town property G 11 SuiUKii Attraction iiiiriinli l Tho Star Boarder coiurn to Norfolk from the leading cities of tho country with a first class reputation and the people of Norfolk aro to bo congratu latol that they have an opportunity to see tho attraction 1 persoimllygunran too satisfaction to thoso who will nttond Tho performance is calculated solely as a mirrii provokor It is clean and up-to-date and tho cast is composed of some of tho best performers travollug Tho Star Boarder will be presented at the Auditorium tomorrow evening Ro served seats on sale at Leonards Hoping there will be n liberal patrou nge I am yours truly OHO II SlISAR Manager Auditorium Tir Srtlf Two good Jersey cowp one fresh and tho other will bo i l a few days Call two blocks east of Junction school house Mrs Sadie Hart Miller osteopath Rooms over the Hayes jowolry house Farm laud and city property for sale by G R Seiler Furnished rooms to rout Call at residence corner of First and Main street Board by day or week U Lkk Iiiitfcliel Their SIuVh boro From the Los Angeles Herald of Dc 17 The Star Boarderat tho opera house last night proved a star attraction The costumes were clean new and bright nnd the specialties were ringing applause makers Fiom tho time the company appeared in the opening chorus till the curtain was rung down there was a quick succession of brilliant spec ialties that bristled with smart sayings dances nud captivatiug songs The show in its entirely was as good a fun producer as has been hero in years Chas H Boyle tho leading comedian has enoagh fun in his make up to please tho audience himself but when to his nonsense is added tho oddities of his chorus of pretty girls and tho perform ances of his strong support The Stai Boarder is a farce comedy in all that tho name implies Auditorium Satur day April 20 Sturgeon is the piano man Baltimore oysters at Glssiiiuns Wasted Ono chambtr maid understands dining room work one waitress First class wages that also Ad- dress Boyd Hotel Wayne Neb The outlier Conditions of the weather as recorded or tho 24 hours ending at 8 a in to lay vlaximum temperature iO linimum temperature 2t Vverago -10 Precipitation 00 Total precipitation for month 1 fi Snowfall 00 Total snowfall for month 00 Barometer 2974 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight nnd Saturday Fresh catfish wall eyed pickerel at Glissmans pike and Wantkd Men to learn barber trade We teach the work in two months donate tools include board and pay 12 weekly when competent Also give opportunity of Saturday and Sunday wages while learning Our special offer good until May 15 Make application by mail Moler Barber College Omaha Neb We make loans on real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Building and Savings association T E Odiorke Son The Ktar Hoarder The Star Boarder which will be tho attraction at the Auditorium Saturday April 20 isa musical farce comedy in three actB The pieco is intended for laughing purposes only and 6erves ns o vehicle for the introduction of Coas Boyle and his clever company of fun producers Mr Boyle in the leading role is decidedly funny his province is low comedy and character sketching Ho is assistedjby a company of twenty ladies and gentlemen all thoroughly capable tho singing portiou of the show is said to bo very fiuo The cos tumes displayed by the ladies will bo a treat for our theatro goors as Mr Boylo does not allow nuythiug of a cheap nature to bo brought The Star This enter Boarder assortment of wardrobe PENSONAL Win Zutz or HotkliiR is n Norfolk visitor today llrnco Perlno Is a city visitor today from Cieighton Mrs A S Mclny of Randolph was a city visitor yesterday H S Best of Battle Creek was a Nor folk guest over night 13 M Sinclair was In tho city from Battlo Crook yesterday Mrs C G Soiuers returned yester day from a trip to Omaha A J Johnson of Port Steele Wyo was in tho city over night 13 A Walker was In the city from Newman Grove ovor night Mr nnd Mrs Fred Buchanan were over from Madison yesterday Mrs C R liunion or liloomfield a visitor in Norfolk yesterday L C Mittelstadt made tho round was trip to and from Wisner yesterday H L Henderson a Cieighton at torney Is attending to business in Nor folk Anna Ivillen left yesterday for Col umbus where she has n position with photographer A V Tannchill returned yesterday noon from Omaha where ho had been with a caiload of cattle Mr and Mrs A P Pilgor camo over from Madison today and will attend the Morrow reception this evening Mr and Mrs Chris Schavland came up from Madison last evening to attend tho concert givon by tho pupils of Mrs Beels 13 R Spencer nnd family arrived on the noon train from Hay Springs for a visit at tho homo of his brother W 13 Spencer O D Butterflold is hero from Creigh ton today to meet Mrs Butterflold and baby who are expected to arrivo tomor tow from Davenport lown Br and Mrs F F Teal aud son Floyd left yesterday morning tho doc tor going to Lincoln aud Mrs Teal aud Floyd to Omaha where they will visit Geo Lehman nnd wifo of Columbus were in town over night Mr Lehman returned home this morning but Mrs Lehman remained and with Mrs Spear will go to Noligh this evening to visit G H Wlmley Paiish has some fine cianbeiries i Six lots in The Heights 80 each S L GAimxrn Farm and city loauB TlIliiUUKLAKD TliUBT CO Houses for sale T 13 Odioukx 1 h 1iiMirlle Ilnu To the Epworth League convention San Francisco Oil July litOl will bo the Union Pacific All competition dis tanced The fnst trains of tho Union Pacific reach San Francisco fifteen hours ahead of all competitors If you are in no hurry tako a slow train by ono of tho detoor routes but if you want to get there without delay take tho historic and only direct route the Union Pacific Full information cheerfully furnished upon application F W Juniman Agent We have been too busy to change our advertise ment Come in and seo what wo have been so busy abont J 13 Duhland AT AUDITORIUM SATURDAY APRIL 20 THAT FUNNY FARCE COMEDY THE Star Boarder Headed by the Clever Comedian CHAS H BOYLE And a Bigompany of Funny People NEW SONOS AND flEDLEVS PRETTY DANCES A HOST OF Charmine Girls A NUMBER OP BRIGHT SPECIALTIES r MMMnaMMMMmkMMMMaMllft THE LATEST IN mm MILLINERY MISS E J BENDEh MMMMMMIMMMMMM WMWimWWMrtlWMriWSMnMMfrTrtMM MOORE 1 The Hardware Man Will Save Yon Aloncy Try him To New Location MOORE HERRICEC and GURNEY PLEADABLE REFRIGERATORS Best in the World Fine Line of Japanese Mattings 25c Up Hoffman Smith 4 r WE WILL MOVE SOON Next to Fair Store Room formerly occupied by Michael Photographer IHSKEEPS jHIIiblKEHY IT i x 9 j A 9 9 y y f vvv 5 sv jtWjjsjJKtH iJivtJSSJv O A IjUIKAKT InrhiDBNT CIIAH H IIK1IXJK Vic is PuifHinENT W II JOIINHON Cahiiieu liICO rASiVAIK Ahht Cabiiibd The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 liny ami mil iixclmiiKn on thta country 11 txi nil jmrtH of Knriipn Knrin Lonnn Directors Cam Ahmih W II Joiinhon hah S w mik W Kuaabuii O M gUANK i A LUIKAIIT T K MlCMNJMIKU L HtHHIONH I Get What You Ask for at UHLES GROCERY ALL OHUEIiS are fillet promptly and witu care Our goods are KIHST CLASS in every particular We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- ers We aim to Give you the Best Value J for Your Money South eiide Mnin St between 2d nnd 3d Telophono -11 C W BRAASCH DEALER IN II COA Hi I Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the beat in the market Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 61 WHEN YOU WANT A J00I SHAVE or BATH -GO TO- W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN rlT THIltn DOOB EABT OF FODKTB B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suite mmle to order and In the Iriteet tlj le Its pairing nontlyliloua Btiop uu BoutU KourUi St emitli of lluum lirof For IWing Steam Filling Pumps Tank Wind Mills And all work lu title line call on W H RISH BfatUfactlouGiiaraiiteed Pirt door BontL of Tub Dailt News OHlcr M E SPAULDINC DEALER IN FLOUR - FEED TELEPHONE NO 33 L L REMBE Practical Plumber and Steam Fitter Agency for the Myers Force and Wind Mill Pumps Prices Right SatlofaoUonGuaranteed on all Woik Ftrnt doorWest of Post Office iAw 14 CHkmtor -