1 a wee 10 The Norfolk INkuus STil M V K liuarc Publfcrtwr DAILY KttnMUliml IW except Smiility Hr cntrinr coiil Hr itinll por jonrlrtiw por WKKHIY NiWS OIIHMVI Tho Newt citnMIMipdlMt Tlio Jminml oUlilMioil 1177 Ktot Trldny ly mull por yr lf0 Rntf red nt tlio Jonlolllcn At Norfoll Noli n ooml clnsi mnttor tin llnMiin Olllco nml Juti Room Nu 1 Tim nniniint of nioiioy glvou in jinblio Rlfta nmlhctinostH lust yoar wiu flTWK 000 nxcoidliiK lt Ktvon in llto prist oiht yours with tho oxoojition of 18DD whim tlio nmouut wni nourly fW000 ooo An Iowji pnpor hns aotnowlmt tvlntcl tliornthor niulont MiyliiR nml dooUros that tlio drip UngorH in tho lap of BprtiiK Tho rip undoubtedly lingurH hut Hooms toboloouteil In tho entlro body of all niiitikind Tho nvoniRO hUjIuichh in thn army in thiH country in lJ per cent whilo union k tho boyH Horvinff in tho lhllippinCH it in but 7 por emit Tho mombor of I ho ilOth voluntoor rtKlniont who oullcil tho 1h luidn u health retort in ooitnlnly jiiHtillod by thiH showing A Superior uiiin who Iiuh bvirn innr riqd but throo wooIch is Ruing hiu wifo for dlvorco iillogiiig oxtronui oruolty nud desertion It hihuuh to luivo riuiuirod but it sliort timo for this oouplo to doter mi no tlmt umrringo win ti full mo Thoy might liuvo Iontlnuod tludr ou giigunuuit tltruo wuokri nud mivod oourt COHtH A Columbus uitlon is of tho Qpluiou tlmt for u nnoukor to bo whifitlod At in more liwultthiui nppliinsa Thn Touruul thinks thnt tho whiBtlo should follow tho atnmpiug of foot into nbliyiou Tho good old chipping of haudtt or olioors if tho ontlmsiiisin wiirratitu it nro dnumed nmplo iu id tmlUoionr for all oceiurion by thomodorn sponkor or ontortainur nnd tho uvonigoaudlonco would undonbtodly bo contont with theso luuthodsof doni oiihtrnting approval Somo follow has Jlgurod it nil out thnt tho nhirt waist idoa of tho niuii is not tnkon from tho billion On tho con trary it 18 but a rovival of tho doublpt of thn 10th contury whioh wotuunkind fllohid from tho opposite hux whilo for jneu it dugouoratud into tho modern vast also appropriated to tho adorn ment of tho goutlor box Thoso who woro prouo to snoor at tho innovation na offominato cau now tnaku tlioir con oioucos clear tho shirt waist is minis rightful horitago Tho Stnto Journal thinks that if IIoudoMon of Texas manages to break throqgh tho cordon of Omaha police and prove his right to bo classed na ono of tho famous Oudahy kldnapors it will bo a uotnblo triumph of mind over matter It onrtninly looks as though tho Omaha olllcials wero guarding thoso honors very closely and dont intond to bo imposed upon by auy aulf oonvlctod jailbird They soeni to be rosorviug all title to tho claim for Put Orowo and aro not particular as to when he appears to assort his rights Tho man with tho hay can ailjrd to niako faces at tho umu with tho hoe with that product hovoriug around tho iJ10 mark aud tendmg higher This is ono reason for tho upward teudenoy of hay laud which is in active demand Tho man with a ohoico mondqw cau depend on nature furnishing him with u crop iuih win pay aoout as won as that whioh ho tills Tho high price of hay is not becuuo thorp is a eoaroity of meadow laud in this neighborhood neither bocauso thoro wslajahortJl6rop but thoir soouis to bu an increasing de mand for tho product thit shows no signs of diminishing Tho nctlvo demand for of railway shown au un bpunded bpliof on tho part of Crajlway mdu in a constantly increasing Jtrado with tho for east and they propose to profit by i as far as transportation charrtoa aro concerned Thoy i6 not seoui to fear disastrous competition through steamer trUuo augmented by tlio early completion of au isllimiau canal Though such a canal woro cou Btructod it is undoubted that withiu a few years tho trado will tax tho facili ties of t nil methods of trausportntlou Tho Tjulldlng up of this trado will be of immense advantage to tho pooplo o all classes in tho westorn atatoa aud the transportation companies willuot bo tho only ones to proilt Tho lands in the Oklahoma territory consisting of Kiowa Ootnauoho Apaoho nud Wiohita reservations soon to bo opened to aettlemeut by homoatoaderc oontalu 13712503 aoros Reporta from there iudlcnto liowover that tho oppor tuuities for farmers aro uot of huch a character nsjto be classed as a bonanzas It Is said to be a fluo cattle country but in uo B0D63 of the word a farming country the rainfall being aoarpo and the country ia generally tormod the homo of the hot wind aud drouth In addition to theso facta caloulated to dis courage homeseekora tho law provides that each Indian brave squaw and pa poose shall bo allowed to seleot a quarter section before the opening These Be- lections aro now bolng made- and will tako iniOOOaortrtof tho oholcoit land Another 180000 acres is to 1ms sot aside to bo held by tho Indiana as pnsturo laud Ono ninth of tho total will bo sot aside for school lauds and thoro nio 20000 acres of mountainous and snudy laud unfit for sattlomont With thoao funis confronting thoiu it is probable thnt the prospootlvo sottlors now imoiii hling to enter tho territory need not bo ottviod and others aro not llkoly to Join thorn to any Alarming oxtont Speak ing of tho character of tho lands Oolonol Haiidlctt tho Indian agont Rays On tho laud known as tho ngonoy farm whioh is as good soil aa thoro is iu tho territory thoro have boon but four crops in SO years aud noun of these roachwl ItO bushels to tho aoro on account ot tho hot wlniW nnd cohtlnuod drouths Those doom to Indleato that thorojiro no Muttering inducement to homostenderH offered iu that torritory Norfolk hns a representative class of buslnoss men of whom tho oitbouH aro proud Thoy aro not of tho kind popu larly known as boomors who sootn to have everything coining thoir way ono day aud fail tho noxt but nro steady and substantial with an oyo to business dotulls and by cousorvatlvo mothotlH have established thomsolves flolidly Thoy aro updo dato with thoir Btocks keeping on hand everything that an oidlnary person may roiiniro aud selling at prices that competitors of other towna llnd almost prohibitive Thoy aro allvo to tho interests of tho town aud whilo tho men of great sohemoi nud booming propensities do not llnd iu thorn toady victims thoy aro always roady to assist iu auy plan for tho bettorment of tho town iu which thoy reoognizo morit Norfolk is largely what its business business mon have made it and to thorn is duo tho groator sharo of tho orodit for plaoiug it at tho head of other towns of North Nobraka tho recog nised metropolis of this popular scctiou of tho state Railroad facilities havo inyited them to this locality nud1witli a oouutry growing in wealth surround ing their odorta to advance Norfolk havo not been uuavalllug All linos of trado aro well represented and that tho piopriotors aro prospering is not only complimentary to thoir ability and sag acity but ovidoncos the faot that tho people of tho city aud vicinity aro pros poring as well That Norfolk is a de sirable residenco city is also largely duo to the elVorts of tho busluoss men who tako pndo in tho boauty of tho business blocks and residences and thoir efforts aro constantly directed toward making it tho haudsomost city in tho state natural advantages bolng a great aid to this end Norfolk pooplo ore proud of her mer chants nud do not hesitate to compnro thorn with business mou of other local ities suoh comparisons being always fuvorablo to Norfolk A QUEER OCCUPATION GntlicrliiK Hip Dunn nf Cntliilln In tin- J erne j Mcmlov One of the queerest Industries has grown up on the llackensack meadows an otherwise apparently useless bog upon which It is unsafe for man or beast to venture In the sununer cer tnlu parts of the meadows are covered with a dense growth of cattails Thoy Krow particularly rank aud large Sometimes the tall or furry part la a foot or more long and thick In propor tion The light furry dowu Is long and soft bearing a close resemblance to down when that taken from tho stalk Certain people nlwnys more or less tiulck to see the advantages of a waste product have begun gathering theeed down from cattails and are mnklng It a considerable business Just before the Ice Is gone In the spring Is the time selected Provided with a large sack In which to store the feathery products the gatheior goes about among the tall Hags pulls off the down deposits It in Ida sack nnd takes It home It is not a paitlcularly plensnut piece of work because tho llttlo bits of down tly all over one getting In the eyes he uobc the mouth and vara aud completely cover oues clothing But It furnishes work and men nud women dolt It Is taken from the sack carefully spread where It will dry thoroughly nnd It a then ready to be used In pil lows or Wherever else genuine animal down Ib advisable It doesnt last long because Its nbers lack elasticity but for a timo the pillow will be ua boft us any Those who gather It mnke reasona bly fair pay at It though hardly enough when the danger and the disagreeable character of tho work aro considered New York Commercial Advertiser Cnnulluils and Pork In tho New Hebrides human life has been made snfe by the Introduction of pigs Into tho Island Tho cannibals are said to prefer roast pork to roast man and aa the porcine tribe Increases among the natives they may glvo up tbclr feasts ou human tlesh altogether excepting when something uuusual happens such as entertaining a king of somo other cannibal Island or ou state occasions of rare ceremony To uuh on the Joker Tho contributor wrote a Joke about a plumber whoso bills were always normal That said tho editor re jecting it U not a Joke its a lie Tho contributor tried again with a story of the plumber whose charges left nothing to be desired ou the score of size That 6ald tho editor wtr had suffered Is uot a He Neither Is It a Joke Scraps THE NORFOLK NKWfe FRIDAY APRIL 19 1901 NAPOLEON AT ST HELENA Ill IttiUatinilon n llf in Spied Upon li III Kpcprr One of tho TalliM With Nnpolcon quoted from Dr OMennis diary In ThO Oentury iccords Napoleons Indig nation at being as ho considered It spied upon while living nt Hi Uolena I understand said ho thnt an ofllcor Is placed hero to report ajiout mo nhd to see mo two or thrco times In tho 21 hours and that they nro talk ing of making him go Into my chamber to hoc mo if I did not come out Auy person said ho then with considera ble ngltatlou who ondeavorfl to force his way Into my apartment will be n corpse tho moment ho enters 1 1 If ho over ents bread or meat afterward I inn not Nnpolcon This 1 am deter mined on I know thnt I will bo killed after ward na what can one do against a enmp Hut what of that 1 have faced death many a time Besides 1 am convinced thnt this governor this chief of Jntlera hns been sent out on purpose to poison mo or piit me to death somo way or nnothor or under some protoxt by Lord Castlurengh I hnvo seen continued he Itus slaiiR Prussians Ariibs Cossacks TartnrH Spaniards Peralnns Turks here ho enumerated n great ninny more and never Iu my llfo beforo did 1 behold so 111 favored nud forbid ding n countenance or bo down nnd horrid n look lie cnrrles crltno liu pi luted on his countenance II porte lo crime enipielnt sur son visage lie Is n man to Judge from his physiogno my that one would select for the committal of any atrocious crime and as such has been selected out by your Inlnlstors I suppose on purpose to mttkii away with hie WON HIM A BRIDE The llnnr ly Vlilch One YonnicMftnn Crnllt Win KNtnuIUlicd Major J M Burke told a good story of his expotlonee In helping a friend to get the Kirl of his choice He was a good fellow said he but young nnd without much capital The girl was a beauty and loved tho boy but the father the name old Irato father objected and demanded that the boy show that he was capable of supporting a wife This was Iu St Louis about ten years ngo and the boy cuni6 to 1110 with his troubles Never mind said 1 111 fix It up nil right By the way how much will you take for your right log He looked nt 1110 as though I wero ciazy but made up answer Ill give you 10000 for It I said Will you take It No I wont he said Whnt do you take me for Well I knew tho girls father ho wus u merchant aud I called to see him Wo tlnally drifted around to talking nbout this young fellow and the old mnn dared a little stating thnt he wanted aome one who could support a wife to havo his daughter Support a wife said I In surprise Why he certainly can do nil that Only a few days ago he refused 10 000 for a piece of property Uls own pioperty asked the fa ther Certainly said I Who offered him the money ask ed he 4I did aud he refused It I ed He claimed it was worth more Well this made a hit and no more questions were asked The boy Is do ing well now nud has a good family I havent spoken to the father alnce Washington Times Stnto of Ohio Oity of Toledo Lucas county ss Prank J Ohoney makes oath that be is tho sonior partner of the llrm of F J OhouoyiOo doing business iu tho oitv of Toledo county and stato afore said aud that said llrm will pay the sum of ono hundred dollars for each uud every caso of catarrh thnt cannot be oured by the use of Hnlla Catarrh Cure Frank J Oiikney Sworn to before mo and subscribed iu my prosonco this Oth day of Decomber A D 1S00 A W Gusasos seal Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on tho blood and mu cous surfaces of tho system Send for testimonials free F J Cheney Co Toledo O S61d by druggists 75o Halls Family Pills are the best lMieuoiueual Every Tuosday in March and April tho Uuion Paoiflo wU sell tickets from Nebraska and Maims poiutB at the fol lowing greatly reduced rates To California San Francisco Los Angeles San Diego iucludiugoll main lino points north California Stato Hue to Coltou Suu Beruaudino nud San Diego ijtf 500 To Utah Idaho Oregon Montana Washington Ogden and Salt Lake Oity Utah Buttoaud Helena Montana 3300 Portland Ore Spokane Wash Ta coma and Seattlo Wash f2500 Full information cheerfully furnished on application by F W Junemau Agent An Extract from Her Letter If you could only bo hero this winter morning and seo for yourself you would no longer doubt me Roses aro bloom ing iu our front yard and all nature is as far advanced iu this lovely American summerlaud as it will be iu your cold eastern homo by Juno Wo made tho journey from Missouri river to theGoldeu Gate on tho Union Pacific to avoid the circuitous routes tin important item in the winter A trip to California is niado delightful by tho perfect service and luxurious ac commodation of The Overland Limited which ia perhnpa tho most finely equipped train in the world Detailed iufornintjou furnished ou up plication F NY Junkman Agent L Norfolk Bieyele Works W C AHLMANN Proprietor TX USTO BCIDVC He makes the UNo and Ahlmann Special Bicycles Agent for the Waltham Mfg Cos Orient Bicycles the Finest Lightest Strongest and Fastest Wheel in the World We also handle the Iver Johnson Worlds Racycle Tribune Sterns Sycamore and Syra cuse Bicycles together with the Largest Stock of Sundries Parts and Repairs ever in Norfolk Wheels for 1250 1475 and 1700 Other wheels sold at 2000 to 7500 on easy pay merits We solicit you Repair trade which we will give Prompt Attention and do at Reasonable Prices Best work guaranteed Address or bring same to Norfolk Bicycle Works Norfolk Neb W C AHLMANN Proprietor r Drying preparations simply devel 1 op dry catarrh thoy dry up tho secretions which adhero to tho membrauo and decom pose causing a fur moro serious troublo than tho ordinnry form of catarrh Avoid all dry ing iuhalnuts fumes smokes nud snuffs and use that which cleanses soothes aud heals Elys Cronm Buliu is such a remedy aud will euro catarrh or cold in tho bend easily nnd pleasantly A trial sizo will bo mailed for 10 cents All druggibts sell tho COc sizo LlyBrothors 50 Wirreu St NY Tho Balm euros v ithout pain does not irriUto or causo Bnooring It spreads itself over an irritated and nugry surface reliev ing immediately tho pniuful hiflauimation With lilys Cream llalm you aro ariuod agaiust Nasnl Catarrh nnd Play Fe cr Caught A Dreadful Colli Marion Kooke manager for T M Thompson a large importer of a fiuo millinery nt 1058 Milwnukeo Avenue Chicago says During tho late severe weathor I caught n dreadful cold which kept mo awake at night nnd made mo unfit to attend my work during the day One of my milliuers wna taking Cham berlalus Cough Remedy for a severe cold a that time whioh seemed to re lieve her bo quickly that I bought some for myself It actod like magio nnd I begau to improve at once I am now entirely well and feel very ploased to acknowledge its merits For sale by Kiesau Drug Co V B Conkliu Bowersville O says I received more bonefit from Foleys Kidney Cure than months of treatment by physicians A H Eieain TuncllUK Nerve Aro vou irritable Do you sleep badly Ia it hard to concentrate your thoughts Is your nppotito poor Do you feel tired restless and despondent Try Liohtys Celery Nerve Compound It will do youmore good than any thing you have over tried Sold by Geo B Ghristoph Rocky Mountain Tea will cure your rheumatism indigestion and constipa tion all blood diseases if taken this month 35c Q B Ghristoph Running Bores ulcers boils pimples etc quickly cured by Banner Salvo the most healing salve in tho world A sure cure for piles A H Kiesau Application for Saloon Llnuofr IIcense Matter of application of Michael Am broz for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that Michael Ambroz did ou the 10th dny of April 1001 file his application to tho chairman and board of village trustees of the vil lage of Tildeu Nebraska for license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors at Tilden Nebraska from the 1st day of May 1001 to the 30th day of April 1903 ut lot uineblock one of said village If there is uo objoctiou remoustrauce or protest filed within two weeks from the 16th day of April 1901 the said license will bo gran tod Felix Hales Village Clerk sgmgsmimimmgg SIKiSTSSStfS t Railroad and Business Directory C a o o Z JS H SIR R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DEPART Omuha Passenger 6KBam Chicago Express 1210 pm EAST ARB1VK Chicago Express 730p m Omaliu Passenger 1210 p in WEST DKPAET Hlack Hills axpreps 710pm Verdlgro PaBsenBer 1240pm VeriliKro Accommodation 800am W EST ABBIVE Black Hills Express U 20 pm Vordlure PassonKor 605am Vordigre Accommodation 720pm Tlio Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives and departs from Junction depot The Omaha and erdigre trains arrivo and depart from city depot H O Matbau Agont Union Pacific SOOTH DEPAET Columbus Accommodation 030 pm Omaha Donyoraud PaciUc Coast 1100 am NOBTIl ABBIVE Columbus Aco mmodatton 1080 pm Omaha Monverand PaciUc coast 900 pm Connects at Norfolk with F E fe M V going west and north and with the C Bt P M ic O for points north and east F W Junkman Agent Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha vabt djcpabt Sioux City and Omaha Paieenger tf30am Sioux CltyPassonger l OOpm W8T ABBIVK Si x Vity PassonRor 10 35am Bloux City and Omahd Passenger 730pm Connects at Norfolk with V E M V going west and north and with the U P for points V W Junkman Agent Daily except Sunday THE North Western LINE F II H V R 3 is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS of orth Nebraska James Richards M D OCULIST And Expert tlonist Examination of tlio eye free to patients and patrons1 Oilico 1101 Faruaui St Omaha opposite Paxtoa Hole S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing MISS MARY SHELLY DRESSMAKER Over Baum Bros Store Sprjeer Oval man Boots and oes Repairing Neatly Oone JBHERMANN Contfaetop and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street M E SPAULDINd Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avenue UPKEEPS JfllLIiirlEriY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue U W EDWARDS All Wobk Quabanteed Cor Braasch avo and 1th St The Norfolk Horseshoer CRSEILER Sale and fM if Horses Bought and Sold Commission Brauch Avenue and Third St Jll liittll Boarding Barn on PHONE 44 kh s