The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 12, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Rock Island Scheme Stirs Com
peting Lines
Darlington Anununres New Tlnn In He
snrd to Summer Tourist llntes In Order
to Aold Crnudcil Trains Only on Oue
Day of the Week
Clilcngo April Announcctncnt of
the Rock Island company that It will
nm cheap excursions between Chicago
and Colorado points during the sum
iiicr lins Btlrrod up competing lines to
the fighting point Unless a compro
inlse Is effected a bitter war on pas
senger rates In the west inny be the
Tho Burlington nnnouncod thnt it
would not only meet tho rates an
nounced by the Rock Island but would
run the cheap excursions dally Instead
of once a week ns determined by the
Hock Island The Burlington claims
thnt IK per cent of the Colorado busi
ness last summer was done on the
elienp excursion tickets then In effect
This concentrated the traffic on the
days on which the low rates were
available while comparatively empty
trains were run on other days For
this reason the Burlington has decided
to make rates of 12 from Chicago
21 from St Louis and 15 from Mis
souri river points for the round trip
to Denver Colorado Springs and ru
eblo to be In effect daily from July
1 to 0 and from Sept 1 to 10 Inclu
sive with flint return limits of Oct
31 The round trip rate to Utah points
is to be 10 higher In addition It Is
proposed to make rates of one fare plus
2 for the round trip to Colorado and
Utah common points from Tune 18 to
30 and from July 10 to Aug 11 with
return limit of 10 days from date of
sale except thnt tickets sold on home
seekers excursion dates shall have re
turn limits of Oct 11 East bound the
Burlington proposes to make a rate of
one faro plus S2 for the round trip from
Colorado and Utah points to all points
In Western Passenger association terri
tory from June 20 to Sept 12 with
return limit of Oct 11 The Rock Isl
and people sny they will meet what
ever rates the Burlington may make
Juitlce White Decides Case Involving Long
and Short IIuul Clause
Washington April 0 In the United
States supreme court yesterday an
opinion was handed down by Justice
White Involving the long and short
haul clause of tho Interstate commerce
law The principal decision was ren
dered In tike case of the East Tennes
see and Georgia Railroad company
and the charge was to the effect that
a lower rate was charged on freight
carried to Nashville than was charged
on freight to Chattanooga the distance
to the first point being greater than
to the latter
The decision of the Interstate Com
merce commission the circuit court
and the circuit court of appeals were
all antagonistic to the railroad com
pany though on different grounds
The opinion handed down yesterday
reversed all these decisions and was
in favor of the rnilrond company
The decisions in tho other similar
cases were on the same lines
Ties VUetl on the Track
Boise Ida April 0 An attempt
was made to wreck No 1 westbound
Short Line passenger train at Malada
bridge 100 miles west of here A large
number of ties were piled on the track
The engineer did not see the obstruc
tion in time to stop the train The
engine was damaged and brake beams
were broken under some of tho cars
It was a narrow escape from serious
disaster It Is believed that the ties
were placed on the track by high
wnymen intending to rob the train
The scene of the wreck Is the point
where n very had wreck occurred
about three years ago
null Will Inspect Philippines
Des Moines April 0 Congressman
J A T Hull chairman of the com
mittee on military affairs accompa
nied by his family started Inst night
fo rthe Philippine Islands by way
of San Francisco lie goes for the
purpose of making an important exam
ination of the transport service of the
government and securing information
with regard to the conditions of the
army in the Islands He will be gone
until September and will visit all Im
portant points
Wants Carter Out on Hall
Washington April 0 -A motion was
made in the United States supreme
court yesterday by Hon Jeremiah Wil
son for the admission of Captain Ober
liri M Carter to bail Solicitor Gen
oral Richards gave notice that he
would resist the motion on behalf of
the United States and he was given
live days In which to prepare a brief
Captain Carter Js now serving a five
years sentence in the Leavenworth
penitentiary for defrauding the govern
Itoyal Victor Wins Tenuessee Derby
Memphis April 0 Before 10000
persons T P Hayes brown colt Royal
Victor won the Tennessee derby yes
terday afternoon it Montgomery park
from John F bay filly Lady
Schorr with George Longs bay colt
Gaherls third The time was 157 a
very creditable performance
Stock Losses on Iteservatlou
Chadron Neb April 0 The first
word received from Pine Ridge Indian
agency since the recent blizzards and
snow blockade came today Indians
and traders say thnt large numbers of
cattle died on the reservation during
the lust storm
Holh Mips n Jersey Central Dispute Dis
posed to He Conservative
New York April P Neither employ
ers nor employed have made decisive
moves In the wage dispute that may
terminate with a strike on tho Central
Railroad of New Jersey it Is ex
pected thnt the men will confer within
the next 21 hours and by vote agree
upon a plan of action It is dllllcult
to take the measure of sentiment of
the moving army of men that a railway
system employs hut as far as It can
be sounded on tho Central the men
seem moved by a spirit of conserva
tism and to be Inclined to refrain from
striking until every resource of confer
ence and arbitration has been exhaust
ed The withdrawal from the city of
the chiefs of the brotherhoods of rail
way men nfter an unsuccessful at
tempt to secure n conference with the
olllclals of the railroad restores the
dispute to one directly between the
company and Its men
Charles J Wnrren vice president of
the company speaking for the rallrond
made till statement to the Associated
Press We are prepared to be en
tirely reasonable about the matter We
want no dispute with our employes and
are prepared to pay them the wuircs
paid by other railways In the vicinity
Fire In Ilenrt of Ottawa Destroys the
ell House and TheaterGuests Ilavo
Narrow Escapes
Ottawa Ont April 0 A fire which
started In the Russell house block at
115 oclock this morning destroyed
the Russell theater one of the llnest
piny houses In Cnnnda and daninged
the Russell house one of the principal
hotels In this city before the llrcmen
succeeded In gaining control over the
flames These buildings with two
others occupy the block bounded by
Queen Engln Cnnal and Sparks
streets The total loss Is estimated
at 100000
The fire spread from tho theater to
the hotel with great rapidity and
forced some of the 200 guests to make
their escape in their night clothing
To add to the confusion the electric
wires were cut leaving the hotel In
total darkness All the guests escaped
however without Injury
American Smelting nnd Refining Company
Takes In GiiRgeuhelm Properties
New York April The difference
between the majority and minority
stockholders of the American Smelting
and Reiining company have been ad
justed and the suit restraining the
company from increasing Its stok to
100000000 for the purpose of pur
chnslng the property of M Guggen
heim Co hns been withdrawn
This announcement came yesterday
just prior to the handing down of n
decision by Justice Dixon in Trenton
ordering thnt the stay enjoining the
purchase of the property bo continued
pending final decision ns to tho real
value of the Guggenheim property
The selling company will again act
as the selling agent for tho American
Smelting and Refining company
The settlement of the difficulties
means that the silver and copper pro
ductions of the United States will be
controlled by one company
Murder Cnso Is Closed
Indinnola la April 10 The testi
mony in the murder case of Mrs llos
snek has all been submitted and the
attorneys are engaged in making their
pleas to the Jury The testimony
elicited nothing that wns not already
known to the public regarding the mys
terious death of John Hossnck in De
cember Inst nenr New VIrginln The
evidence against Mrs Ilossack con
necting her with the crime was en
tirely circumstantial and no motive
was shown for such a deed
stood the ordeal of the trial re
markably well
President Krugers Plan
Paris April 10 Le Rappel which
has already published several
nnie stntements ns to the plans of Mr
Kruger displays tho following dls
patch from The Hague Mr Kru
gers departure for the Unit 1 Stntes
hns been fixed for May 31 lie will
lecture in Tammany hall about June
8 as the guest of Democratic party
Beaumont Gusher Hold
Beaumont Tex April 10 The
largest sale yet consummated In the
Beaumont oil district was made yes
terday when 1250000 were paid for
the property of the Texas Western Oil
company The buyers get tho Beatty
gusher which has a producing capac
ity of 70000 barrels per day
Itecnnslders Younger ramie
St Paul April 10 The house yester
day reconsidered tho vote which killed
the bill to permit the parole of the
notorious Younger brothers now serv
ing life sentences Jn the state prison
and sent the bill to the governor for
approval or rejection
Russia Chances Her Tactics
London April 10 Russia has now
changed her tactics says a dlspntch
to the Dally Mall from Toklo und is
making desperate efforts to secure not
only Japans neutrality but her benev
olent assistance toward Russias far
eastern schemes
French Premiers Condition
Paris April 8 There was no Im
portant change in the condition of M
Wnldeck Houssenu and President Lou
bet whose movements havo been mate
rially affected recently by the Illness
of the premier stnited for Nice on his
way to Toulon to greet tho visiting
Italian squadron under the Duke of
Genoa M Loubet was accompanied
by M Delcnsse minister of foreign af
fairs und General Andro
Heroic Act of Young Teacher
at Harrison Neb
Handing Waist Deep In Water and With
Aid of florae She Prevents HiilldltiK He
liifr Swept AwayThen Hchotcrs Are
Taken Ashore
Harrison Neb April P An net of
heroism unsurpassed In the annals of
the state Is the expression being used
by Sioux county citizens In connec
tion with the performance of Miss Liz
tie 10 Cottinun teacher In the district
school near hero Alone facing a tor
rent of water carrying trees
dead animals and all the debris borno
on a Hood she rescued from a horrible
death the scholars of her school and
preserved the building Itself from
what seemed Inevitable destruction
Teacher and pupils were unernsclouH
of the frightful danger nwaltlng them
Suddenly Miss Cottman felt n strange
uncanny movement under her feet
Again It cnine this time so strong
thnt the scholnrs looked up In terror
Stepping to the doorwny Miss Cottmnn
witnessed n sight sufficient to stir the
strongest soul The White river was
out of Its banks The school building
was already surrounded nnd the ris
ing flood was hurling Its power against
the frail structure Instantly Mls
Cottmans purpose wns formed Across
the expanse of water tugging nt his
long rope wns a horse ridden by one
of the scholars to the school Spring
ing out fcniiesly Into the muddy nnd
debris filled sea Miss Cottman waded
more than wn Nt deep to the horses
nide Then die began the struggle
back her helpless scholnrs watching
her In pitiable terror
Tt wns frightful nt best but when
n great wave struck the building cans
Ing it to totter nnd break partially
loose Miss Cottmans courage almost
failed Heroically however she
pressed on and fastened the rope to the
Middle nnd then to the building giving
It the aid of the horses strength For
three quarters of nn hour she stood nt
the horses bend up to her armpits In
the chilling torrent until one of the
largest of the scholars waded ncross
to land and returned with nssistnnce
from the neighbors dlstnnt several
hundred yards The children were
rescued the building wns safe Tt is
being suggested thnt some signal rec
ognition be given Miss Cottman by the
county but what form It will tnkc hap
not yet been decided
Charged With Pslng Mnlls to Turlher Sale
of Scnle Cheatlng Device
Des Moines April 0 John Muir a
wealthy farmer and stock buyer living
nenr Thornton la hns been placed
under bonds to appear at the next term
of federal court on a charge of using
the mails to defraud He was ar
rested by the postnfllce inspector ns the
man who has been sending circular
letters to stock buyers in southern
states offering to sell n device foi
cheating on the scnles The price at
which they were offered wns 0 The
postoffice Inspector tracked the let
ters back to Clarion Ta where Muir
was arrested Tic waived examination
nnd gnve bonds
Cuban Constitutional Convention
nnvnna April 0 The Cuban constl
tutlonnl convention did not meet yes
terday owing to the absence of Sciiot
Capote its president La Lueha re
ferring to the delny snys The con
vention Is unwilling to accept or re
ject the Piatt amendment Three prop
ositions on lines practically the snme
ns the nmendment have been rejected
but the convention refuses to discuss
the mnjorlty renort of the committer
on rotations which Is diametrically
Powers Elected Congressman
Bangor Me April P The special
election in the Fourth Maine congres
sional district yesterday to choose n
Ruccessor to non Charles A Ron
telle resigned resulted In n victory
for ex Governor Llewellyn Powers
the Republican candidate by a major
ity estimated at slightly more than
2000 over Thomas White Dem In
September Mr Boutelles majority
wns more than 10000
Swart wood Captured
Springfield Ills April 0 T N
Swnrtwood the farmer who killed C
B Caldwell a wealthy farmer and
neighbor of Swartwood near Man
chester last Wednesday during n
quarrel over n boundary line and who
has been hunted by the sheriff of Scott
county with a posse with bloodhounds
was arrested In Ashland yesterday
Advocates Hanlshment of Negro Criminals
Macon Gn April 0 Bishop Henry
Turner of the African Methodist
church who has been conducting ser
vices among the negro churches here
for the pnst few days openly advo
cates the banishment of negro crim
inals He thinks the United States
government should send nil negro
criminals to Africa
Conley Wanted on Murder Charge
Cincinnati April 1 The police are
looking for Pugilist Mike Conley the
Ithnca Giant who Is wanted on a
charge of being implicated In the mur
der of Charles D Glldea the telegraph
operator who died Sundny from In
juries received in n saloon brawl Con
ley was doorkeeper of the place
Flood Damage at Pittsburg
Pittsburg April 8 The danger line
wns passed by tho rivers yesterday
Last night the flood reached Its crest
nnd the decline is expected today
Beyond flooding cellars in the low por
tions of the cities of Pittsburg and
Allegheny uo damage wajj done
Present lleports Indicate that Crop Will
lie linger Thau IIer llelore
Omaha April P lleports from the
Nebraska winter wheat belt Indicate
thnt the prospects for the coining
season are better than evvr before In
the hNtory of the Industry Taking
the best crop as KM per cent the es
timates now run from 110 to j15 per
cent In no part or the slate hns
the crop been daninged by the winter
weather ntitl the young grain stands
In ninny Ileitis without a spot of bnro
ground showing
The secretary of the Nebraska Grain
Dealers association reports that more
wheat Is held In the state than ever
before rrom a preceding year The
supply on hand Is about 10 per cent
of the nop of 1P00 or nbout 3700000
bushels of this amount JOOOOOO
bushels N held by farmers mid the
remainder by mills nnd dcnlers This
Is the II rM time that In April the
farmers have held more of the last
years crop than the dealers
The gnilti dealers of the west are
pleased with the new revenue law
for the reason thnt after July 1 tho
tax will he taken from their business
Since ISPS the average Nebraska grain
denier htm paid 1 a day in revenue
tuxes nnd the burden was one that
could not be shifted
Ilroken Trucks Cause Cars to IeatoTrarh
Two Ilremen Killed Two
KiiKlnccrs Scalded
Ogden Iliih April I Westbound
Southern Incltlc passenger train No
1 was wrecked at Mores 1 1 111 nenr
Wells Nov Inst night Kiremnn
Hickman of Ogden and Klremnn
Loder of WelN were killed nnd Engi
neers Worner of Wells and Bride of
Ogden were seriously but not fatally
Injured A broken truck caused half
the train to leave the track The two
mull ears caught Are cremating Hick
man lOiiglueers Worner and Bride
were badly scalded Tho mall cars
were entirely consumed
Petition Addressed to McKluley Pleads
That Many Islanders Are Starving
New York April 10 Senor Santia
go Eglesius delegate of the
I tlon of Labor of Porto Rico who ar
j rived on the steamer Ponm from
San Minn is the bearer of a petition
from the worklngmen of Porto Rico
I to President McKinley In this peti
tion wiiieii Dears 0000 signatures
the Porto Rlcans say
Misery with all Its horrid conse
quences Is spreading in our homes
with wonderful rapidity It has al
ready reached such an extreme that
ninny workers nre starving to death
while others thnt have not the courage
to see their mothers wives sisters
and children perish by hunger commit
suicide by drowning themselves In
the rivers or by banging themselves
from branches of trees
Negro Firebugs Sjtirrounded In Runinp
Mobile Ala April J Two negroes
were discovered attempting to set fire
to n large store at Bay Mlnette but
escaped Bloodhounds picked up the
trail of the negroes nt Hurricane
bayou The dogs followed the negroes
Into tho swnmp which Is now sur
rounded by a large force of armed men
One of the posse n mnn named Mr
Gownn was shot In the nrm nnd leg
by the fleeing men during n pistol light
Ills injuries nre serious The country
In the vicinity Is highly nroused and
there is little doubt the negroes will
be lynched if captured by the posse
Retail Dry Goods Combine
New York April 0 It may be stated
on authority that the plan to consoli
date Inrgo retail dry goods companies
on which John Clnllln hns been ut
work for some time has now been I
definitely completed nnd a syndicate
ins been organized to finance it This
would seem to Indicate that the secur
ities of the new company will be of
fered for public subscription J r
Morgan Co nre the bend of the syn
dicate nnd will it Is understood under
write the Issue Tho capital of tho
new concern will be about amnnnnnn
Will Sue City for Hatchets
Topeka April 0 Mrs Carrie Nation
says she will sue the city for some of
her hatchets which are now in the
possession of the police department
The hatchets were tnken from her on
the occnslons of her several nrrests
during saloon smashing days She
made a demand on the chief of police
for the hatchets yesterday but was re
The wholesale drug house of Gilpin
Langdom Co at Bultlmore was de
stroyed by fire Monday Loss 200
Frederick Gove Cochran aged 55
years a broker on the St Louis Mer
chants exchange committed suicide
Wolf Joseph one of the pioneer
wholesale dry goods men of the west
nnd head of a targe firm ut Qulncy
Ills died Monday aged 76 years
The flood score all over New England
due to rising water under the Influ
ence of nearly live days rain has died
out The losses will be heavy but
nothing to bo compared with some of
the freshets of recent springs
Members of tho International Typo
graphical union by n mall vote have
decided in favor of the arbitration
plan to settle all differences thnt may
arise In the future between the union
nnd the News Publishers association
Tom Jenkins of Cleveland champion
wrestler of the
world Monday night defeated Ernest
Roeber of New York chnmplon Grcco
Roninn wrestler of the world In a
mixed btylo match under tho auspices
of the West End club at St Louis for
a purse of f lSO0
Rumors of Trouble In Shcn Si
nnd Mongolia Confirmed
Report That Former Commander of
Northern Chinese Arm- Is Leading 11
Force nf Nntltes In an lusurreitlnu
Prutcs to He true
Peking April P The rumors which
have been current during the Inst few
days of the out In cult ol n rebellion
headed by General Tung Ku Sinn the
former coniiniiiider of the northern
army In the provinces of Mongolia and
Sheu SI uuvc been absolutely authen
LI Hung Chang and Prince Chlng
have received Information on the sub
ject which though ludclliilte still
proves that the court Is seriously
General Ku Shin was nccnrillug to
last accounts nbout I fit miles from
the court with 11000 regular troops
nil supposed to be devoted to him
self The court has about the snme
number of soldiers nt Sinn Ku but
It Is thought the troops of Tung Ku
Slim are better dilllcd and better
It N believed that the Mongolian
rebellion was brought about through
ngents of Prince Tiinn nnd General
Tung Ku Slan LI Hung Cluing
thinks there nre nbout 5000 regular
troops In Mongolln und Inclines to the
belief that they have not Joined In
the rebellion lit1 tloes not think the
court is In uuy danger nnd thinks the
object of Prince Tuan who was last
reported nt Nlng IIsu with 10000 men
prepared to resist and General Tung
Ku Slan Is to create a diversion of In
terest In order to force unconditional
protection to themselves
Unofficial Chinese of Intelligence re
gard the rising ns most unfortunate
nt the present time to he Interests of
China and as possibly inclining the nsc
of foreign troops to protect even the
court Itself
The ministers of the powers do not
think that provided foreign Interests
do not suffer any present Interference
Is likely If the dynasty should be
overthrown It would to n certain ex
tent delay the peace negotiations but
they consider that a reign not bound
by traditions like those of the pres
sent court probably would be much
easier to ileal with eventually ns the
ceremonial could be much curtailed
Government Sends fiOO Soldiers to Sup
press Mexican ICIoters
Laredo Tex April 0 Reliable re
ports of a bcrious riot occurring yes
terday at Lampasas Mexico a station
on the Mexican Central railroad 70
miles from Monterey have been re
ceived It appears that the govern
ment of Mexico has had suspicion
about a reported revolutionary occur
rence at that place und yesterday
morning the military stationed there
arcrsted four citizens When they
were taken to the depot en route to
Monterey a mob headed by Francisco
Maranjo son of the famous General
Maranjo appeared at the station In
the excitement that followed one of
the prisoners escaped When the train
left the leaders of the mob repaired to
General Mnninjos castle where they
are at present surrounded As soon as
the government heard of the disturb
ance 500 soldiers from Monterey were
dispatched to the scene by special
Miss Marie Sutterllelil to Marry Count
New York April P The romantic
story of the courtship of Miss Marie
Satterfleld daughter of Mrs John
Sattcrfield of Buffalo and Von Joseph
Count Larleff of Austria has become
known to friends of the collide at Al
lentown Pa says a special to the
Journal The prospective bride who
has just reached her majority met
her future husband a year ago while
touring the continent The count who
Is 22 came to America several mouths
ngo proposed mnrrlage nnd was ac
cepted The empress of Austria is his
aunt and when he wns baptized the
emperor stood ns his sponsor became
his godfather and gave him his name
Work of Hawaiian Legislature
Honolulu April 2 Via San Fran
cisco April A bill has been intro
duced in the house providing for an
income and land tux and another bill
to levy a tax of 10 a ton on all sugar
produced in tho Islands The Inde
pendents are still somewhat divided
but show a disposition to come to
gether In order to carry out the party
legislative program before It is too
lnte Most of the party measures are
hanging Are and in a few days It
will be too late for the party to pass
anything over a veto from Governor
Franco Italian Kntente
London April 0 The Dally Chron
icle publishes a dispatch from Tan
gier regarding a new Franco Italian
entente in north Africa This Is like
ly to hove great consequences says
the correspondent Italy ceasing her
opposition to French designs in Mo
rocco In return for permission to oc
cupy Tripoli It is asserted that Great
Britain would welcome a friendly
Btnte between Tunis and Egypt
ramous Portrult Is Safe
London April I C Morland Ag
new arrived here with the Gainsbor
ough portrait of the Duchess of Devon
shire It has been long since any In
cident has created such a sensutlon as
the recovery of the portrait Every
morning paper has long cabled dis
patches Interviews and editorials
dealing with the mysterious affair and
Buch gratification Is expressed
nw trriauMr nvmiSSmStSSSlSu
Katho Filipinos DUlrust Mini and Homo
Desire lllm Nuieiely Punished
Manila April General Mite Ar
thur siiyH It Is Impossible to niuko
n statement coneerulng Auliialtlo
now II Is possible that Aguliiultlo
will soon be removed from the Miiln
vniiaug piiluco to a large Iioiinc with
pleasinit grounds Ml General Solium
street a fashionable tpiiirler of thu
city beside the Paslg river which It
being renovated und prepared for oc
Agulmihio Is purchasing dlnnioiHlu
tnd other Jewelry lie continues to
receive certain lsltors but newspa
per coiicHpoiiilonts nre excluded
It Is snid hat the nntulfcsto which
Aguliiuldo has been preparing has not
yet been signed imd it Is added Hint
Aguliinldo is reluctant to comply with
the toiidltlons
It npptnis thai the majority of tin
Klllpliiot In Manila distrust Agulnnldo
and dislike to see him accorded spe
cial favors They say lie ought to
be severely punished
Htlidenl al University Who Is Down With
Itiilionle Pest Is Charles llnro of
Iauueo City Neb
Ann Arbor Mich April O Tlio uni
versity authorities refuse to make
known the mime of the student In bo
unlveiHlty hospital pest house with the
mysterious disease supposed to bu
bonic plague but It was learned Inst
night from a medical student that
the young mans mime Is Charles II
Hare of Pawnee City Neb Ho In
a sophomore medic und has been Ink
ing special work In bacteriology ami
has been handling culture tubes It tti
supposed that In performing this work
he became Inoculated Dr Novy said
that the young nian was coming out or
the disease all tight but again refused
to make a dellnlte statement as to
Its nature It will take several diiyn
for the animal experiments which we
nre milking to be In shape so I can
tale the liniiie of the young mnnsj
complaint said he
Children lather on White House Iroiluds
to indulge In ICiistnr Sport
Washington April 11 The plclur
osijuo egg rolling felt of the children
of Washington occurred in the While
house grounds yesterday The gath
ering of the multitude of youngsters
of all ages sizes and colors In tho large
ten need grounds back of the White
house each year for I heir Easter frolic
Is the sight of Washington The Kniirtli
artillery baud at Knrt Mouroo watt
ordered here and played throughout
the day Mrs McKinley whose love
for children is well known enjoyn
these frolics Intensely and spent most
of her lime ut the window or on the
White house veranda watching the
little folks sport
Safeguards Snrrouud Ireiirli President
Dun to Humor of Pi ojruted ssisluatloii
London April P A dispatch from
Paris miVh that the Krench detectives
were privately Informed of a projected
attempt to assassinate President Lou
bet dining his coming trip Extraord
inary precautions have been taken
everywhere und the usual police pro
tection hns been doubled Outsiders
have been excluded from the railroad
Ten thousand soldiers hnve been de
tailed to maintain order during the
Krench presidents stay at Nice where
stringent orders have been Issued
to rigorously suppress the slightest
hostile demonstration
President Loubet Is Inclined to laugh
at the detectives fears that an at
tempt will he made upon his life
Prisldent Smith on Trial
Kansas City April 0 President Jo
seph Smith of the reorganized Church
of Latter Day Saints was virtually
on trial at yesterdays session of the
conference of the church at Independ
ence Mo for suppressing the notion
of the quorum of 12 in reference to
the suspension of Elder E C Brlggs
of Indiana Eider Columbus Scott of
Lumonl la Introduced a resolution
to refer the matter to the quorum of
12 for npprovnl or dlsnpprovnl Eld
er Hllllnrd of Independence Intro
duced n substitute resolution that
President Smith be exonerated and
sustained Elder 7 R Lnmbert of
Lajnonl la was the most vigorous
speaker against the president nnd
Elder R C Evans was the most active
In his defense Tho conference ad
journed while the discussion was In
Mayor Harrison Inducted Into Office
Chicago April 9 Tho new city ad
ministration headed by Mayor Carter
Harrison was inducted Into office at
the city council chamber lust night
A picturesque feature of the gathering
wns the presence of Mrs Potter Pal
mer with a coterie of prominent so
ciety people who enme to see her son
Honore Palmer alderman from tho
Twenty first ward sworn in as n city
official When the time camo for Al
dorman Palmer to poll his first vote1
he was so busy explaining the do
ings to n young woman that he forgot
toivote nnd the oudienco laughed and
Convicted Murderer Shot
riittiilx A T April 10 At Yuma
yesterday Deputy Sheriff W A Alex
ander was shot and mortally wounded
as he was being taken from the court
room to the Jail after receiving a sen
fence of life imprisonment for tho
murder of Mrs J J Bums It Is not
known who fired the shot as It came
from t Inside of n building near tho
court house Samuel King brother
of Mrs Burns Is under arrest on sus
picion and other relatives will bo
nrrmtr as soon as tho excitement