The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 12, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Mrs Hossack Found Guilty of
Her Husbands Murder
DUinitn Orrr Duo f tlm tJ1illll nn In Hlil
lo lli lntltcil Imllniuili Wiimnn t
llw lrtlilito lii OiHuMorntl nil
liullnnoln In April lU Mrs Mnr
gnrpt IIc nrK wife of a wealthy
fnmror was found utility yesterday
of the murder of her hiinlnntl on the
night of December I mill ncutiMiee
was fixed by the Jury nt life ImprU
oiuneiit In the penitentiary Ko trwo
weeks the trial has been proKrcHshiR
under the guidance of the m blent at
torneys In the slate The evidence
was nil circumstantial
On this nlfcht of December 1 lobn
Ilossnuk mid his wife rot I red for the
nlht nnd about 1ltO oclock Mrs
llossaek declares she was awakened
by n flash of lltht Upon Retllnir out
of bed she found thai her husband
bntl been hit on the head with an m
Two wound were made one by the
slinrp cdRe and the other with the
blunt end of the ax which was found
hidden under the granary Death
ensued In an hour
Tlio Ktato presented evidence Hint
for 10 years the couple had iitirreled
nnd that previous to the murder they
ltnd n dispute over one of the children
of which nine nre living It was also
innlntalned by tho prosecution Hint
Mrs ljossack had as an object the se
curing of the 00000 estate which Is
left behind
Jniiipn II Iliiyiicn Smuititry
Omnhn April Senator Millard
has selected lames H llaynos as bis
private secretary Mr Waynes has
been a resident of Oinahn many yours
In 1881 he started newspaper work
with tho Omaha Hec Then for three
years he was In the olllco of the gen
eral passenger agent of the Union Pa
cific railroad In 18S7 he was stenog
rapher for lodge Hopewell and then
resigned and becamo managing edi
tor of the Hoc which position he held
for eight years During the Trans
inisslsslppl exposition he was superin
tendent of publicity of that enterprise
nnd since then has conducted a news
Rvndlento from Omnhn lie Is n man
of the highest literary nuallllcatlons
nnd his newspaper training will make
him most valuable to Senator Millard
A KprliiK Tonli
Everybody needs a tonio In tho
spring nt this timo tho system craves a
touio It is honsooloniiing timo for your
body Liohty s Celory Norvo Compound
will touo up your nerves blood klduoys
nnd liver nud fill yon with health and
energy Sold by Goo B Christoph
TnnKllii Nervpn
Aro you irritnblo Do you sloop
badly Is it hard to conoontrnto your
thoughts Is your appotito poor Do
you feel tired restless ami dospoiidont
Try Liohtys Celory Norvo Compound
It will do younioro good than any thing
you havo over tried Sold by Cioo B
Its ITtttt IT it Knltnto Uurn
ltootol tho groat pile ouro A pile pipe
freo with each ptckage Wo soil it
tiudor 11 positive written guarantee No
Ouro No Pay 50 cents Sainplos freo
Kiesnu Drug Co
Mothors of good judgment nnd OKpor
iouoo givo their littlo ones Uoeky Moun
tain Ten this month keops thorn woll
Jlfio Mnde by Mndisou Modieiuo Co
Geo B Christoph
The Heitt llloml lurlllr
Tho blood is constantly being purified
by tho lungs liver and kidunys Keep
thoeo organs in n healthy condition and
tho bowels regular nnd you will have 110
need of 11 blood puriflor For this pur
poso thoro is nothing equal to Chamber
lains Stomach nud Liver tablets ouo
doso of thorn will do you more good thau
a dollar bottlo of the host blood purifier
Price 25 ceuts Samples freo at Kiosau
Drug Cos drug store
Given U to Die With Croup
Mrs P LCordierof Mnuuigton Ky
writes My threo year old girl had n
sovoro enso of croup the doctor said she
could uot live nud I gavo hor up to die
I wont to the storo nud got 11 bottlo of
Foloys Ilouoy nud Tar tho first doso
gavo quick relief aud saved hor life
A II Kiesan
Its us Cerlrttn us Uuutli ikiiil Tmoa
that Rootol tho great pile romody will
curo tho piles A pilo pipo froo with
each package Wo soil it ou positive
written guarantee No Curo No Pay
COc Samples freo Kiesau Drug Co
A loud Thing
Gorman Syrup is tho spocialjprosorip
tion of Dr A Boschee a colebratoil Ger
niaulPhysiclnn and is aokuowlodgod to
bo ouo of tho most fortuiiato discov
eries iu Medicines ItJ quickly euros
Coughs Colds nud all Lung troubles of
tho sovorebt uaturo romoviug as it doos
tho cause of the affection aud loaviug
the ports in n stroug nud healthy con
dition It is uot nu experimental modi
eiuo but has stood tho tost of yours
giving satisfaction in overy case which
its rapidly increasing solo overy season
confirms Two milliou bottles sold au
nuolly Bosohoofl Gorman Syrup was
introduced iu the United States in 1808
and is now sold iu every town and vil
lage in the civilized world Thrco doses
will relieve any ordinary oough Price
76 cts Get Greons Prizo Almanac
Eiesau Drug Co
Oilmen liulii mill lrittMon
Cliliito A II It Tln mhsIIiIIIIIin of My
iliiiiuiKi win InlliiwiMil In tin ulioni timt
kct Iwlnj mill Mny rlom il p higher Corn
plnsiil n mIihiIi iiali c mill iru Ulons
jM74p liiiirmpil 1liiftlliK inlicn
Wliont -April 7i Mny 7IWt7IVCi
Jilljr 7IV4117IV
Com April Wr Mnj Hp July iWc
Out April JHii Mny iMr July Zr
Polk April flii7j May 114-
1 1
Iiuil Aprll V- Mny S22j July
JS IS Sepl S UlVH tV
ItllH Apill ninl Mnv 11714 July f 7 0714
ffSOOj Hrpt 71IJV7in
CiinIi Nn rcil wlipnlxrflllfTH
null iliilutliiin -Nil 1 uprlin whrnl lltyf
71c No 2 Imnl whiiit OoTle No t linnl
wlipnl Ili70i No a pom TjC No 1
coin 42jp Nu 2 yrllnwr orn No I
taWISdPi No 2 oiilt aOHftaTe No 2
vrlillo Hutu aiiUailWti No 1 wlilto oats
lilrniii llrn Hlorlt
riitcrtito April II 11
500 utiMiily In attoiiit otlti ri Mow booiI lo
prlini Hirer poor to mcilltini
fXHOtfltX Hlockcu nml feeder J27rt
4 75 iiiWH JiToifl 0 heifers 2 7WI7
cniiiiiTd 2nvrw7ri imiii ii7r7 1 ro
piiheM 1 0D10 Tenn foil Hlpcrs Jiiar
B2i Tpiiin ilium hIpimk iWi0O Tcxiii
bulla 27VkIX Ilium ttppptpts todnr
JKIOOO tomorrow 20000 left our tooi
MrmiH to Tie higher nrllvc top Jfiirj
mixed nml linliliin NOjl07W Rood to
pliolre heavy folKWltlrJKJ rniiKh henvy
5 7RlJTrirO tight -70170 02 liiilk of nnl
OOiillOV HIlPip lliMplpts 11000 Rliiip
mow maun siiiiiiyj ciippiii up to jr20
good lo Iliolci wctlipM l75WtX
oholee mlxiil 1 7IKtlRi wpMlpru
t7nfrift0 rPiirlliiRi IHOiifCil
Ininlm I7133 western Inniln
f n Ir to
ah rep
Kniinn City llvu Slocilc
ICmiRiiH City Apt 11
1X uiitlvprt 300 Tninns IX cilvii lioof
nt peri stpiiily to strong Tcxiiiim Nttfmly
fiipilers owii nml lirlfors nbout atiiiily
imllvu iieef Htonr f I7ifirin0 slockprs niul
feeiliM 3HiiJfl1N wpnIitii fpil atoiTH
f lriOiUnlO Tixnns nnd Imllnni iliXTiflOi
cows i2VilU0 liplforn 3 75rJ47t citn
niiH 2IIK3 10 ImiIIh l25Ti lr0 cnlvcs
JlOOftOOO lloes lt Ipts 8000 oftTjC
IiIkIipi top l07Vj Imlk of hhIoj r00i3
rtH lipiiry 1IVM1 07 mlxcil puckprn
rinoMoo iiKiit ifjin110 pl im
525 Hliecp ItiiCplptM 4000 Htouily wcl
orn I11111I11 50M0I0 vrPHtern woIIipih
f4rlKM8ri wpttiiii VPiulliiiri l 75U7 Ino
pwps HaiMMn ciiIIh fIOOy40 Bprlng
Iambi 000i7O
Houtlt Oiiialin llit Stimli
Smith Onmliii April 11 Kppplpts
1700 steady unlive beef nteeri lJ0j
5W wphIpiii steerH i7ricl75 TexiM
HlPiis iJTii4 2n rows mill helfera 1M0JJ
4W cuiineta SlnOfTltjri Htocketa and feed
er t SRiUt Tn culver 11 VH0r0 hulls
atuiji etc U7ifl - Hors HreelpH 7
100 Tie hlelier lienvy JiOOfO OS mixed
fnPOTioDiv HkIh JHvaio piu riooi
580 hulk of sales JSWViTriOSVj Shepp
llppclptH 1000 alow steady yeurllnKs
4nTM00 wethers tt0if470 ewes iS0
illJO common mid stock sheep 3 75Q3D0
AToHttiunulikl troin Old IChkIkiiiI
I consider Ohiimberlains Cough
Roidy tho host in tho world for bron
chitis says Mr William Savory of
Warrington Englaud Ic saved my
wifes lifo sho having been a martyr to
bronchitis for over six years being most
of tho timo confined to hor bod Sho is
now quito woll Sold by Kiosau Drug
Brings poiioo comfort moutnl and
physical happiness to tho wholo family
if takon this mouth Nothing halt so
good as ltooky Mountain Tea 35o
Goo B Christoph
Tin Kitity to Heol loud
Countloss thousands havo found n
blessiug to tho body in Dr Kings Now
Lifo pills which positively euro consti
pation sick hoadacho dizziness jaun
dice malaria fovor and nguo aud all
liver aud stomach troubles Purely
vegetable novor gripo or woakon
Only Jfio at Kiesan Drug Oos storo
ltnllery Testimony
LT r 1 l 1 1
Aioerc lienor living it 1111 rnrmuuu
street Omaha says I havo tried most
overy thing that is used as a provontivo
or euro tor hoadacho but nothing did
1110 so much good as Krausos Headache
Capsules Ottiors who havo usod thorn
say tho samo thing Prico 25o Sold
by Goo B Ghrihtoph V
Au KxtoiiHlvn Stock Knitter Telia How to
Curo Scours In Calves
Win Abbott of Tyudall S Dak
quite nu oxtousivo stock raiser has for
a number of years usod Chamberlains
Colio Cholera aud Diarrhoea Romody
for scours iu calves and says ho has
novor known it to fail Ho gives a tea
spoonful in water as directed on tho
bottlo for uu adult man aftor eaoh oper
ation of tho bowols moro thau natural
Usually ouo dose is sutllciout For sale
by Kiesau Drug Co
Job Couldnt Have Stood It
If liod had itching pilos Theyro tor
ribly annoying but Buoklons Arnica
salvo will curo the worst case of pilos on
earth It has cured thouands For in
juries pains or bodily eruptions its tho
best salvo in tho world Price 3no a box
Ouro guaranteed Sold by Kiesau Drug
If troublod by a weak digestion I033
of appotito or constipation try a few
doses of Chamborlalus Stomnoh nud
Liver tablets Every box warranted
For sale by Kiesau Drug Co
Good Advice
Tho most miserable beiuRS in the
world aro those suffering from Dys
pepsia nud Liver Complaiut More than
sovouty fivo per cont of tho people in
the Uuitod States aro aftlictedwith these
two diseases and their effects suoh as
Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual
Costiveuoss Palpitation of the Heart
Heart burn Waterbrash Gnawing and
Burning Pains at the Pit of the Stomach
Yellow Skiu Ooatod Touguo nud Disa
greeable Tasto iu the Mouth Coming
up of Food after Eatiug Low Spirits eto
Go to your Druggist aud get a bottlo of
August Flower for 75 conts Two
dosos will relievo you Try it Get
Greens Prize Almauaoj Kiesau Drug
CmirIiI A Drpnilfiil C11I1I
Marion Kooko nmnngor for T M
Thompson 11 largo tmportor of n fine
mlUinory nt lfi5S Mtlwnukoo Avonuo
Ohlcago says During tlio Into sovoro
wenthor I cimglit a dreadful cold wbloh
Itopt mo nwnko nt night and tundo mo
unlit tonttond my work during tho dny
One of my milliners was taking Olmm
borlnlns Cough Homcdy for n sovoro
cold nt that timo which sootned to ro
liovo hor so juickly tlmt I bought aonio
for inyHolf It ndtotl llko magio nnd I
bognn to Improve nt onco I am now
ontlroly woll and fool very plonsod to
ncknowlodgo its morits For snlo by
ICiesau Drug Co
Mrs 1 No mattor whnt causos facial
oruptious absoluto oloaulinoss insldo
ami out is tho only way to euro thorn
Kooky Mountain Tea takon thii month
will drlvo thom away 15o Oo 13
Tim linnl Cold lurn
is 0110 you can tnko without interruption
to business Ono that does not olVect
tho bond or hoaring llko tho continued
udo of quinine Ono that euros spoodily
and loaves you fooling frosh nnd clear
headed Such 11 ono is Krausos Cold
Ouro Price 25o Sold by Goo H
Ho ICmpt II In lrfj
Twolvo years ngo J W Sullivnu of
Hartford Conn scratohod his log with
a rusty wiro Inflammation nnd blood
poisoning sot in For two years ho suf
fered intonsoly Thon tlio host doctors
urgod amputntiou but ho writoa I
used 0110 bottlo of Eloctrio Bittors nud
1 j boxes of Huokloua Arnica Salvo nnd
my leg was sound and woll as ever
For eruptions eczema tottor salt
rheum sores and nil blood disorders
Klectrio Bitters has uo rival on earth
Tty thorn A H ICiesau will gunrautoo
satisfactiou or rofaud inouoy Ouly CO
V B Coukliu I3oworsvillo O says
I receivod more benefit from Foleys
Kidney Guro than mouths of treatment
by physicians A II Kiesan
Nasal Catnrrh quickly yields lo treat
ment by Elys Croaiti ljalin which is ngrco
alily aromatic It is rocoived through tho
nostrils clonuses and houls tho wholo Bur
fnco over which it diffuses itsolf Druggista
sell tho COc sizo Trial sizo by mail 10
conts Tost it and you aro suro lo coutiuuo
I 1ia f rnnltinnl v
To accommodate those who aro partial
to tho tiso of atomizors in applying liquids
into tho nasal passagos for catarrhal trou
bles tho proprietors proparo Croatn Balm iu
liquid form which will bo kuowu as Elys
Liquid Croam Balm Prico including tho
spraying tubo is 75 couts Druggists or by
mail Tho liquid form cmbodios thonied
iciual properties of tho Bolid preparation
Running sores ulcers boils pimples
oto quickly cured by Banner Salvo
the most healing salve iu tho world A
suro cure for pilos A H Kiesau
Stick to it
Goo L Heard of High Tower
Goorgia writes Eczema broko out on
my baby covering his entire body Un
der troatmeut of our family physician
ho got worse as ho could not sleep for
tho burning nud itching Wo usod a
box of Banner Salvo on him and by
tho timo it wns gouo ho was well Tho
doctor seeing it was curing him said
Stick to it for it is doing him more
good than anything I havo done for
him A H Kiesau
Tho editor of tho Fordvillo Ky Mis
cellaneous writos as a postscript to a
business letter I was cured of kidnoy
trouble by tokiug Foloys Kidney Cure
Take nothing else A II Kiesau
A Knglni Hoofing Flood
Washod down a telegraph lino which
Chas O Ellis of Lisbon la had to re
pair Standing waist doop iu ioy
water ho writos gavo mo a terrible
cold and cough It grow worse daily
Finally tho best doctors in Onkdale Neb
Sioux City and Omaha said I hnd con
sumption aud could uot live Then I
began using Dr Kings Now Discovery
and was wholly curod by six bottles
Positively guaranteed for coughs colds
and all throat aud lung troubles by Kie
sau Drug Co Prico50c and 100 Trial
bottles freo
It PrnDunn PraoomimllA TTn
writes Nothing like Foloys Honey
and Tar is tho universal verdict of nil
who havo used it Especially has this
boeutruo of coughs accompanying la
grippo Not a single bottlo failed to
give roliof A H Kiesau
Scour Iu Colts ami Calves
For a youug calf or colt from a day to
a mouth old give one teaspoouful of
Chamberlains Colio Cholera aud Diar
rhooa Remedy in holf a gill of water as
a drouch aftor each operation of the
bowols more than natural usually one
doso is sufficient For older aulinala it
may be given iu tho feed Thousands
of valuable animals aro saved by it eoh
year This remedy is just what you
should take yourself when troubled with
diarrhoea For sale by Kiesau Drug Co
lleitt Way to Curo lliichnclie
Backaches aro caused by disorder in
the kidneys Foleys Kiduoy Cure will
make tho kiduoys right Take no sub
stitute A H Kiesau
The ltet Itemed for IUieuiiiutUm
All who use Chamberlains Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain whioh it affords
When speaking of this Mr D N Sinks
of Troy Ohio says Somo time ago I
uaa a severe aitaoK 01 rueuinatism iu
my arm and shoulder I tried numer
ous remedies but got no relief uutil I
Contagious niood Poison is the most degrading and destructive of all diseases as it vitiates and corrupts the entire system
Komery Aln wrltei
Several year bro I
inoculatril with
JhiIviu by n ilNenietl
Hiirie who Infected
my baby and for Mx
lonR yean 1 suffered
untold 111 1 aery My
body win covered wllfi
ore nml ulccra Sev
eral jiliyslclain treated
me hut alt to no pur
He The mercury nud
xitaali they cave me
Kceincd to ndd fuel to
the nwful flame which
wni tie von rlnu me
Irleiuh advised tuc to
tryS S8 I bcnati talc
I11H it and improved
from the start and a
complete and perfect
cifr p m the remit
ut 111 11 ui uitti is iuiiuwcu ny nine rcu punpies on me notiy mount anu uiroai occome sore th
glands enlarge nnd inflame copper colored splotches appear and hair nnd eyebrows fall out These ara
some of the milder symptoms they increase in severity finally attacking the vital orgau9 J the body la
toiturcd with rheumatic pains and covered with offensive eating sores
It is a peculiar poison nnd so highly contagious that an innocent person handling the same article
used by one infected with this loathsome disease may be inoculated with the virus It can be transmitted
from parent to child appearing ns the same disease or in n modified form like Eczema or Scrofulp
Many an old sore or stubborn skin trouble appearing in middle life is due nnd traceable to blood
poison contracted in early life You may have taken potash and mercury faithfully for two or three years
and cured but
thought you were you were not for these poisonous minerals never cure this disease they
uiivc 11 Hum uiu uiiisiuc mil 11 is uoing 11s work on tlic inside anti win
wa rocouuneiidod by Mossrs Goo F
Parsons Co druggists of this plnco
to try Olinmborlaius Pain Balm They
rocommoudod it so highly that I bought
a bottlo I was soon rolievedjof all pain
I have sinco rocommoudod this liniment
to many of my friouds who agree with
mo that it is tho host romody for muscu
lar rheumatism In tho market For
salo by Kiosau Drug Co
Application Tor Saloon Liquor IlceiiHO
Matter of application of George Heller
for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that Georgo
HoMer did ou tho 1st day of April 1001
file his application to tho mayor nud
city council of tho city of Norfolk e
brask for licenso to soil malt spirituous
aud vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne
braska from tho 1st day of May 1001
to tho iOth day of April 1002 nt lot one
block ono Koonigstoiu additiou to city
of Norfolkj in First ward of said city
If thoro is uo objectiou romoustrnuco
or protest filed within two weoks from
tho 1st day of April 1001 the said
licouso will be granted
S R McFarland City Olork
Application for DrtiKKlittit Liquor Tlceime
Matter of ap licatiou of Geo B Chris
toph for a liquor liceuse
rsotico is hereby given that Geo B
Christoph did on tho 8th day of April
1001 file his application to the mayor
and city council of tho city of Norfolk
Nebraska for liceuse to sell malt spirit
uous aud vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical aud ohomical purposes at
Norfolk Nebraska form tho 1st day of I
urn iiui iu niu oum uiiy ui April iuvk
at lot 13block 4 original town in First
ward of said city
If there is uo objoction remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
tho 8th day of April 1001 the said li
cense will bo granted
S R McFarland City Clerk
Application for Saloon Liquor Licence
Matter of application of William G
Berner for a liquor license
Notice is horeby given that William
G Berner did on tho 27th day of March
1501 file his application to tho mayor
aud city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne
braska from tho 1st day of Mav 1001
to the IJOth day of April 1002 at 221
Norfolk avenue in First ward of said
If thoro is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
the 27th day of March 1901 the said
license will be granted
S R McFarland
City Clerk
Application for Druggl Liquor LIceuHO
Matter of application of J L
Hersheiser for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that J L
Hersheiser did on the Oth day of April
1001 file his application to tho mayor
and city council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska for liceuse to sell malt spirit
uous and vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and chemical purposes at
Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of
Mny 1001 to the ItOth day of April
1002 at Norfolk Junction in Fourth
ward of said city
If there is no objectiou romonstrauce
or protest fllod within two weeks from
the 9th day of April 1901 tho said
license will be grauted
S R McFarland
City Clerk
Application for Saloon Liquor Licenso
Matter of application of Harry Loder
for a liquor licenso
Notico is horeby given that Harry
Lodor did on the 4th day of April 1901
file his application to the mayor aud city
council of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska
for licouso to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors at Norfolk Nebraska
from the 1st day of May 1901 to the
30fh day of April 1002 at east Ja of lot
4 block 1 Koouigsteius addition to the
city of Norfolk iu First ward of said
If there is no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weoks from
tho 4th day of April 1901 the said
licenso will bo grauted
S R McFarland
City Clerk
Application for Druggist 1 lipor License
Matter of application of Asa K Leo
nard for liquor license
Notico is horeby given that Asa K
Leonard did on the 8th day of April
1001 file his application to the Mayor
and city council of the oity of Norfolk
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous nnd vinous liquors for medicinal
mechanical and chemical purposes at
Norfolk Nebraska from the 1st day of
May 1901 to tho 80th day of April 1902
at lot 2 Pilgers subdivisiou toNorfolk
in First wnrd of said oity
If there is no objectiou remonstrance
or protest liled within two weeks from
the 8th day of April 1901 tho said license
will bo granted S R McFaklakd
uity uierK
Sherlirs Snlo
Notice is horeby givou that by virtue
of a venditioni exponas issued by Ohr
Sohavland clerk of the of the district
court of Madison county Nebraska
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in
s -
tho district court of Madison county
Nobraskn on tho ninth day of April
1900 iu favor of T C Cannon as plaintiff
nud against John E Oluoy Charlotte
13 Oluoy Charles E Oluoy ot al as
defondauts for tho sum of two thousand
thirty ono dollars and 40 couts
203140 with interest thereon at tho
rato of 10 por cent por annum from
April 01000 and costs taxed at two hun
drod and oighty two dollars and seventy
three conts 128278 and accruing costs
I will offer tho following described
ronl estate heretofore appraised under
and by virtuo of au order of sale to wit
Lots flf toon lo aud sixteen 10 in
block six G of tho town of Norfolk
Nebraska for sale to tho highest bidder
for cash In haudon tho 10th day of April
1001 at tho hour of 1 oclock p in of
said day in front of the east door of
the court house in Madison Nobraska
that being the building wherein the
last term of court was held when and
whore due nttondauce will be given by
tho undersigned
Dated this 8th day of March 1001
Geo W Losey
Sheriff of said County
Attorneys nt Law
- -
Mast Block
i J B Bnrnos
1 M D Tyloi
Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician nudTSurgcoD
Office Citizens National Bank Ballding
Telephone 101
Sanitarium and Residence Main and 13th St
Tolepuoue 9
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Robertson Block - Norfolk Nobraskn
Olllco over Citizens National Bank ReHidenci
ouo block north of Cougregatioual church
Office over Leonards Drag Store
Norfolk - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Op stairs in Cotton block over Banms stor
First class work guaranteed
Norfolk - - Nebraska
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 10 11 and 12 Mastblock
Norfolk Nebraska
Rooms 1 aud 2 Robertsou Block
Norfolk Nebr
Undertakers and Eiiibalmerp
Sessions WW Norfolk Ave
Norfolk Nebraska
For lluuiuiog Steam Fitting Pumps TanV
Wind Mills
Aud all work iu this line call on
First door South of The Daily News Office
NO 33
olmttr llti mrntfl errft nr laf
You may not recognize it as the same old taint but it is S S S has cured thousands of cases of
contagious Ulood loison and it will cure you It is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known
and the only antidote for this poison S S S cleanses the blood thoroughly of every particle of th
poison there is never any return of the disease
close study ot Ulood poison nnd actual experience in treat
ing it ou can cure yourself perfectly anil permanently
at home nnd your secret is your own Should you need
any information or medical advice at any time write to
our physicians They have made a life study of blood
diseases and will give your letter prompt and careful
attention Consult thcni as often as you please we make
no charge whatever for this service All correspondence is
conducted in the strictest confidence
Send for our Home Treatment book
which gives a history of the disease in all
stages and is the result of many years of
fFtKfw HIf Ev
Suits mmlo to ordor nnd In tlio Intost stylo Its
pairing tioatlydoiio Shop ou South Fourth St
south of Hnum
Practical Plumber
and Steam Fitter
Agency for the Mrcrs Force and
Wind Mill Pumps
Prices Right
Satisfaction Guaranteed on all Woik
First doir West of Post Office
In all Its stages there
should be cleanliness
Elys Cream Balm
cleanses soothes andheals
the diseased membrane
It cures catarrh and drives
an ay a cold in the head
ftMdS Aiii
Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils spreads
3vcr the membrane and Is absorbed Relief la Im
mediate and a curo follows It is not drying does
not produco sneezing Large Size 60 cents at Drug
gists or by mail Trial Size 10 cents by mall
ELY BROTHERS 56 Warren Street New Yrk
K7 7 j ay GX
Made a
Well Man
of Me
A m VB
jcrib jif jb n
PXS33KT033 3Fl3S3VtH3Dar
produces tho above results In 30 days Itacli
powerfully and quickly Cures whon all othors olL
Young men will regain their lost manhood and old
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous
ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions
Lost Power Falling Memory Wanting Diseases and
all effects of eelf abuso or ezcecsand Indiscretion
which unfits ono for study business or marriage It
not only cures by storting at the Beat ot disease but
Is a great norvo tonlo and blood bnUder bring
ing back the pink Rlow to palo cheeks and re
storing the flro of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO no
other It can bo carried In vest pocket By mall
S100 perpackage or six for 8IOOO with posi
tive -written guarantee to cure or refund
the money Rook and advise freo Address
For salo in Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Christoph drujjgist
are the
most fatal of all
ruLci 0
6uarantsid Remedy
or money refunded Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the Best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles
PRICE 50c aod 100
Dont Be Fooledi
Vim 0t
Of uctiOs
Hr out0
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co MadUon Wis It
keeps yuu well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never so4
In bulk Accept no substl
tute Ask your druggist
apic puntjr
Aries crna
W urt1
T CNOonstrtCN
tnRtrv MttJ -TIN nt riHrununrn
For Sale by George B Christoph