The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 12, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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Sensations exist for our guidance
They are Natures warnings
Overworked eyes demand rest
Eyes that tire easily call for help
Properly adjusted glasses afford the
only assistance possible
We make a specialty of relieving
tired eyes and guarantee satisfac
G f 01 PflQUAflDT
Dr of Ophthalmology
Did You Know
Thnt there is a big dif
ference in Onuiges Yon know
there is in apples Tnke n New
York or Michigan npple its
juicy and fine flavored while the
Missouri upples nro flnt and more
or less tasteless Same way with
Oranges The Redlaud orange is
about porfect while that grown
in other districts is like a Missouri
apple We have bought fifty
boxes of the finest RcdlandB and
are going to have
A Special
the balance of the week We are
going to sell em at the same
price the other kind sells for for
these few days and invite a trial
1 1 1 I i i I i i i tri r
The Best Paint Made
Will cover 300 square feet two coats
Contains pure lead and oil Shown by
chemical test there is no paint on the
market equal to its durability and cover
ing capacity We can vouch for this as
we have handled the Monarch Paint for
twelve years If you think of painting
your house let us figure with you We
can save you money
Remember our large stock of Wall
Paper cheaper than ever
Kiesatf Dnlo Bo
At Johnsons Furniture Store
13000 Chamber SuitB
1 1200 Dining Tables
200 Jardinieres
Selling for 2400
Selling for 1900
Selling at half price
11200 Iron Beds
Selling for f 900
Solid Oak Dining Chairs
Selling for 90 cents
2000 Sewing Machines
Selling for 1500
200 Oak Center Tables
Selling for 150
Many fine pieceB of Furniture Book
Cases China Closets Rockere etc etc
at much less than actual value finest
stock in the city to piok from We
must have room for another big stock
coming Seoure bargains this week at
Johnsons Fuiinjtdre Stobe
The Early Hour club will hold a dance
Monday eveniug in Mast hall
D F Osborne has moved from the
west part of town to a house on South
Second street
Norfolk lodge No 053 B P O Elks
will hold a regular meeting at Odd Fel
lows hall tomorrow evening
Henry Gietzen a former hardware
man of Humphrey has accoptcd a posi
tion in Moores hnrdwaro storo
John Oiiiinonnan has removed to this
city from Waniervllle Ho is In tho
employ of tho Norfolk Electric Light
and Power company
Tho souvonir social which tho ladles
of Trinity church havo been planning
for next Tuesday evening has been
postponed for a short time
Tho monthly Epworth league busi
ness meeting and social will bo held at
tho M E churoh tonight A program
of selections from Scotch authors will
bo a featuro of tho ovoniug
At tho parlors of tho Congregational
church this evening a farewell recep
tion will bo tendered to ltov 1 J
Parker who leaves for his now field of
labor in Kearney next weok
Tho local telophono exchango is mak
ing a threo days test of the calls an
swered Tho test is not yet completed
but thus far thoj averago about 1000 a
day Tho most calls recorded in any
ono hour havo boon 102
A few friends were invited into the
homo of Mrs Mary Davenport yester
day afternoon to celebrate tho birthday
of her daughter Mrs T E Odioruo
The company proved to bo a jolly one
and the timo was spent most onjoyably
Manager Sprecher has received a
letter from MisB Gae Stanton in which
she states that sho is now working in
tho Omaha telephone exchango She
worked in tho exchange hero last fall and
Mr Sprecher recommended her to the
Omaha people
Rev G H Main and wifo havo been
called by telegram to Magnolia Iowa
to attend tho funeral of Mrs Mains
brother In the absence of Mr Mniu
Rev J J Parker will fill IiIb pulpit
next Sunday morning and W W
Hughs will speak in the evening
OweniBros the railway contractors
have been loading their grading outfit
onto the cars preparatory to shipping it
to Villisca Iowa where work on one of
their new railway contracts will begin
Tho outfit with teams and men will
probably be Bhipped today or tomorrow
Kuollin Co who conduct the sheep
yards at South Norfolk made another
shipment of two double deck carloads
of sheep to Omaha today A shipment
of ten carloads will be made Monday
which will leave seven or eight car
loads on hand that will be shipped soon
The animals have been fed hero during
the winter and are in fine condition for
the market
Some miserably diEpositloned individ
ual has lately been smearing tho win
dows along Main street with soap
tobacco juice and other kindred things
this piece of deviltry being done at night
when no ono is around O W Braasch
thinks he has come in for more than
his Bhare of this treatment and he
makes the proposition that if the fellow
who has been throwing stuff on the win
dows of his coal ofllce will throw the
same at him personally he will have a
lot more fun
A certain little 4-years-old Norfolk
girl bids fair to shine in society when
she becomes older She is already ac
quiring some of the rudiments having
learned that the best and cleanest is
usually for social occasions Recently
she was ordered to wash her hands and
her father handed her the soap The
mother commented on tho action with
the remark Papa thinks Boap alwnys
neceBsary The little miss said But
we do have to use soap when company
comeB dont we
Order of Eastern Star chapter No 40
convened yesterday evening for the
election of officers with tho following
result Dan J Koenigstein worthy
patron Mrs Jessie E Aid worthy
matron Mrs Kate Viele associate
matron Mrs Fannie Koenigstein
secretary Miss Nettie Allbery treas
urer Mrs Mamie A Smith conduct
ress Mrs A Hulff associate conduct
ress This evening tne Knights
Templar will meet and elect officers for
tho ensuing year
Protection lodge No 101 Degree of
Honor will give a calico ball on the
night of Mar 1 This is the seventh
annual May day ball to be given by the
local lodge of this order and all have
Deen exceedingly enjoyawe as wen as
profitable to the lodge It is calculated
that this will bo the most successful and
pleasurable yet given and there will
undoubtedly be a lively demand for ad
mission by those who delight in danc
ing and ore aware of the lodges ability
to please its guests
Mrs H H Patterson tendered an in
formal reception in the parlors of the
Pacific hotel to the traveling mons
wives of Norfolk yesterday afternoon
The time was pleasantly passed in visit
ing and getting better acquainted
During the afternoon the hostess read a
list of the traveling men and their street
addresses who make their homes in
Norfolk and the guests made copies
with the object of becoming more social
The guests were served in the dining
room with very nice refreshments and
the reception was on the whole a very
pleasant affair
The evangelistic meetiugs at the
Baptist church still continue This
evening at 7 80 Mrs Daly the evan
gelist will deliver on address Not
withstanding the rain yesterday after
noon a large audience of young ladies
heard her address on Love and Mar
riage Next Sunday afternoon nt -1
oclock Evangelist Duly will nddrof s
moil only to which no boys under HI
years old will bo admitted Tho Broken
Bow Republican speaks as follows of
this address to men Tho address of
Evangolist Daly Suudny nflcrnoon to
men only drow a full house A num
ber of competent judges who have heard
a number of prominent nion on similar
occasions htato that they had never
heard a better and more practical ad
dress or ono presented in so cultured n
niauner Tho admission will bo free
and no doubt thoro will bo n largo at
tendance next Sunday
Rochester lamp wiokB havo been
back unmberH and In ill repute for
a long time parties who want the
lntest goods go to John
sons furniture storo
All kinds of fresh vegetables at Holm
Tho ladles of the M E church havo a
few uproiiB and dnst caps left and will
continue their sale tomorrow afternoon
in tho east part of G M Thompsons
grocery store
New lot of oranges just received at
Bohnerts which aroselling at very low
Mrs Sndio Hart Miller osteopath
Rooms over tho Hayos jowelry house
Wathc To rent by May 1 a five
room cottage city wnter Addrem box
215 city
A four room and a Jive room cottage
for rent on Eighth street Apply to D
F Sidler
All kindB of Rnlstons brenkfast
just received at Bohnerts
Farm land and city property for
D J Koenigstein wos down from
Norfolk Wednesday
House cleaning and yard cleaning is
the general order of business
It is reported that Attorney A W
Gross quietly left town Monday morn
H P Buhman was over from Cres
ton Tuesday night to attend the militia
Arnold Heilman attended the Pilger
Davenport nuptials at Norfolk Wednes
day evening
At the sale of the Bickley farm by S
J Aruett as executor last Saturday
Will Jones Bickley was the highest bid
der his bid being 5750
Wednesday morning W Whitla
shipped to C P Michael of Norfolk a
pen of his rose comb brown leghorns
which will supply fresh eggs for Mr
and Mrs Michaels family
As Jake Henderson and some of his
friends were returning from Humphrey
Sunday the team ran away and com
pletely demolished tho buggy which
belonged to John Sutherland
County Clerk Bauch on Monday re
ceived a trio of buff rocks from W J
Gnw of Norfolk If you think they are
not fine ones go around and look at
them and yon will change your mind
Deputy Treasurer Arthur Pilger has
purchased the house on Box Elder
avenue recently vacated by Dr Under
berg and has the same ready for his
bride even to the groceries and every
thing necessary to take breakfast at
by G R Seiler
For Bale cheap Nice driving mare
harness and buggy Inquire of C A
Blakely at the Fair store
Six lots in The Heights 80 each
S L Gahdneh
Farm and city loans
The Dcbland Tbcbt Co
We make loans on real estate at
lowest rates Elkhorn Building and
Savings association T E Odiobne See
Ileal Estate Transfers
The following are the transfers of
real estate in Madison county for the
week ending April 0 1901 as re
ported by D J Koenigstein official ab
Thomas G Hight to Viola Pater
Brumale wd n of ne
Lulu E Wilson to Rufus Pryer wd
lot 2 block 13 R R add to Newman
W H Butterfield to Henry Raasch
wd ne of nej and ne4 of nwK 10
2 1 1 3200
Harry Barnes to F J Hale wd e 3 1
feet of lot 1 block 10 Battle Creek
Benjamin O Getter to T H Jeffer
son wd of lotB 0 and 7 block 80
Barnes 3rd add to Madison 125
B S Wyant to Elmer H Walker
wd lots 0 and 7 block 10 R R add to
Newman Grove
Susan E Thompson to Elizabeth A
PrieBtlet wd lots 1 and 2 block 9
Durlande 1st add to Norfolk 2800
O W Young and wifo to Carl Wilde
wd part uwf of nwj and ej of nw
of nwJ4 25 24 1
Charles E Williams to John W
McDonald wd lot 1 West Meadow
Grove f 175
HGeo Tunnicliffe executor to John
Kreifels wd nwJ J 84-22-1 3600
Amelia A Westervelt to Frank Brain
wd b of nwi 7-25-3
Parish has soino fiuo cranberries
3ouea for sale
T Odiobvi
n m rfTwdUdtnigt
V 11 Beels went east on tho M it O
triin this morning
Dr V 11 Salter wont to Winside to
day on professional business
Dave Owen eainn in last night from
a business trip to Villlsen Iowa
H L Tostovln representing the Great
Western Tyj e Foundry of Omaha was
a city visitor this morning
Miss Opal Madsen Is exacted home
tonight from an extended visit with her
sister in St louis On her way home
she stopped over for a few days at Mis
souri Valley Iowa
Georgo A Stoponhorst rotumed yes
terday from Omaha where ho had boon
called the first of tho week by a telegram
announcing the death of his uncle
Tlieodoro Stapenhorst who died from
heart diseaRe Monday morning He
was the only near relative Mr Stapen
horst lms in thlscountry except another
uncle living in Cumberland Md
The ladles of the M E church have a
few aprons and dnst cups left and will
continuo their snle tomoirow afternoon
in tho east part of G M Thompsons
grocery store
A now lot of Mellowrich colleo nt all
prices at Bohnerts
HIr lrlri N fur liny IiiiiiIn
Thoro is reported to bo a heavy do
mand for hay lands up tho Elkorn val
ley Forty acres near Norfolk was sold
a short timo ago for 2000 chiefly for
its hay yielding valuo and tho farmer
who bought it has to haul tho hay eight
miles to market
Real ostato mun in that part of tho
state are enthusiastic over present con
ditions They say that settlers nro com
ing in in large liuniberH and taking up
land Tho farmers aro increasing their
holdings and men who were working
for hire seven or eight years ago are
now in prosperous circumstancos on
farniB of their own
Ono reason why good hay lands nro so
much in demand is said to be that as tho
farmers aro finding thnt it pays to im
prove the quality of the stock they aro
taking more care of tho animals In
stead of leaving thom to shift for them
selves when tho storms como they aro
providing a supply of winter feed which
can be used when tho ground is covered
with snow
In any case the demnnd for this sort
of laud is a big factor in tho tituatiou
the heavy buying in tho eastern tier of
counties has driven buyers further
west and there they are coming in con
tact with this other class of buyers and
tho result is an inrreaEO in prices all
along tho lino Right out to the north
ern part of the Btuto hay lands are bring
ing from 10 to 20nn acre Omaha
DrFrank Salter Diseases 0 children
Johnnie Pringles Comedy Ideals havo
been booked to play at tho Auditorium
three nights commencing Monday April
15 This is a splendid company On
Monday night they will present the
beautiful five act play of Monte Cristo
with special scenery costumes and elec
trical effects Thoro are no waits in
their performances High class special
ties will bo introduced between acts
Mr Pringle has engaged Miss Lottie
Zeunbio tho world famous dancor who
will be seen in ono of her clover special
ties If you want to enjoy an evening
of genuine delight dont fail to attend
Good farms to trade for town property
G R Seilkb
Now is the time to buy your rubber
overshoes at Bohnerts Smallest to
the largest sizes They are Belling
The Weather
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 4i
Minimum temperature 12
Average 44
Precipitation 50
Total preoipitation for month 02
Snowfall 00
Total snowfall for month 100
Barometer 29 52
Forecast for Nebraska Generally
fair Saturday preceded by rain east
portion tonight Colder tonight
March 30
Gal Mil
2 T- Wvh 77 mm
Garden Rakes
Lawn Rakes
Hose Spades
Spading Forks
Trowels Weeders
Rubber Hose
-- Tl rll 11IJ I
i lie VCieurncu ucywouu
Go Garts and GawiagesJ
From 500 to 2000 t
Good Solid Oak Cobbler Scat j
Rocker 200
Brace Arm Oak Diiiincj Chair J
100 1
Bed Room Suits 1600 I
Couches of the Guaranteed
Karpcn Make 7 to 25 J
All Wool Ingrain Carpels 50c t
a yard x
Hoffman Smith
tHSSt3lvlfXvv3iSvHiiMSS5vitj S it
4 7
v 7
4 7
f V
4 i
OJIAB B IlIUDOK Vicit Phehiijent
IJCO lAHKWALK Ahht Casdikb
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
Hny adiI fell ttxclmUKfl on tint coaiitry utiil all purl of Knropo Pnrm Lopno
Director Caul Ahucs W II Johnson Chan S Hiuuoe O W IIiuHtn Oll
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care
Our goods are FIRST CLASS in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money
Sonth side Main St between 2d and 3d Telephone 41
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Bock Spring Coal the
best in the market
Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes TELEPHONE 01
W D Halls Barber Shop
James Richards M D
JKibiBk 51
And Expert
KznrolDRtloa of tho oyo
tEEli to imtitiite and cuMoniur Olllco 1104
Kuruura St Oimiliu ciotito Pint on Hotel
Rooms on North Ninth Street