SATURDAY SIFTINGS Frank Minko was up from Stanton ostorday Dau Shnnnou was dowu from Hos kins yestorday Wm II Hill of Ponder was a Norfolk guost yostordny J R Philander was n city visitor yes torday from Dixon Carl Horst of Madison hnd business in Norfolk yoBtorday E A Gilmoro of Emorick was a Nor folk visitor yesterday 0 J Bornor of Ewlug was in this metropolis yesterday A G Moyors of Buttlo Creek trans acted business hero yostorday F P Arnold was transacting business in Norfolk yestorday Ho is from Foster Tho next association to meot in Nor folk will bo tho North Nebraska bankers on April 23 0 J Stockwoll doparted this noon for Yankton S D called thoro by a telegram announcing that his brother was dying Miss Anuio McBrido accompanied hor friend Miss Batohelor to her homo in Fullortou today and will visit for a week Peoplo wanting to chango thoir ndvor tisomeuts in The Nuws must hand their copy in during tho foruuoou to iusuro attention MiBs Charlotte White of Way no county was tho guost of Mr and Mrs Robert Uttor while at tending tho association mooting Sho loft for her homo on the noon train C W Braaschs old coal olllco is again traveling For several years it ha3 occupied tho corner of Third street and Philip avenue It is now traveling north on Fourth street to a new loca tion Roy Gardners horse ran away agaiu Thursday evouing It clashed with a team on Main street near tho postoflico and thoro was a general mixup for a short time No one was injured and slight damage was done Androw J Nelson living near New man Grove was kicked in tho mouth by one of his horses the othor day Sov eral stitches were necessary to get Iiis lips in shape He put up his arm to ward off tho blow and tho bono in that member was broken Tho new Elks lodge of this city is making remarkable growth in member ship At tho meeting last evening 10 new members were mitintedbeiug M C Biessler and M W Liohty of Clear water R M Peyton of Oreightou D H Cronin 0 E Stout and O F Big lin of ONeill J A Madden of Leigh Arthur Nyland Clarence D Salter nnd F K Fulton of Norfolk The out of town members present at the meeting last night were Woods Cones Thos Chilvers W E Bishop and J M Aldeu of Pierce A W Gross of Madison Ted Ackerman of Stanton M C Von Rahdeu of Oreightou Work on the new lodge and club rooms in tho Mar quardt block is progressing nicely and it is expected that tho order will be lo cated in tho new quarters iusido tho next month The weather has been threatening for a week or more but not until yestorday afternoon did it got down to business thoroughly Then it snowed and the beautiful covered tho ground to a depth of about half a foot Fortunately there was no wind and the snow lays on a level It gives a disagreeably winter ish aspect to the landscape that is not appreciated by those who have been watching for the buds to burst and the grass to shoot but it will undoubtedly be of great benefit in placing the ground in nice condition for spring work and start ing the crops that havo been planted to growing The trains have not been de layed to any great extent and traflio will not bo greatly impeded if the wind does not rise and blow the mutorinl into drifts A few sleighs havo been out tho occupants enjoying tho best of tho season MONDAY MENTION Roy Seymour left Saturday for a few days stay in Omaha Mrs L A Miller wont to Pierce this noon for a weeks visit with friends Miss Lota Blakoly was a paRsengor for Omaha on tho early train today Miss Mattio MoNish returned last night from a weeks stay in Omaha Misses Hattio Allbery and Kate and Julia Stafford went to Omaha today Miss Ella Mulleu is spending her va cation iu visiting friends at Clinilron Miss Maud Deuel of Moadow Grovo visited Norfolk friends over Sunday L 0 Mittelstaat returned Saturday from his extended visit to Hot Springs Arkansas Mrs E Rasley and son Clarence wont to Madisou today to visit Mrs Fisher a few days Mr and Mrs I M Maoy returned last night from a visit of about six weeks in the state of Washington T E Moolick is today removing his family to Gross Boyd county whore they will make their future homo Thomas ONeill aud family havo ac companied Mrs M E Stanton to Omaha and will make that city their homo in the future Mrs R Y Bruco of Oreightou cele brated her 02nd birthday one day ln week Mrs Bruco is iu fair health and good spirits Thos G HightsoldSOucresof pasturo land four miles north of tho hospital for tho insane to Potor Brumels Satur day Consideration 1000 Miss Laura Bridgo of Fromout was tho guest of Norfolk relatives during tho teachers association Mastor Donald ac companied hor homo for a short visit Mrs Herman Gorecko was so unfor tunate as to slip on tho stops of tho back poroh at hor homo Saturday morning and break both bouos of hor right onklo A letter to Norfolk friends from Mrs O E Donol of Boiso City Idaho Rtatcs that tho baby boy of Mr and Mrs Donol is just rocovoring from a sovoro attack of pnoumouia Mr and Mrs F W Junomau will soon begin housekeeping in tho resi donco formorly ownod by Tom Whoaton on South Ninth stroet tho property having been rccoutly rontod by Mr Junomau 0 P Michnol has closed his photo graph gallory horo and will resnmo his occupation of travoling and taking pic tures Tho building boing vacated by him will bn occupied by tho Iuskcop millinery storo This is all fools day and tho practical jokers both young and old havo been laying for tho unwary victim in nioro than ono iustuuco and many havo boen made to fcl foolish by tho successful working of some trick more or lets ri diculous Miss Stolla Daniels of Ainsworth superintendent of publio instruction in Brown county who visited at tho homo of Mr and Mrs II M Roberts during tho association returned to hor homo last night Tho hosts and thoir guest wero old neighbois in Garfield precinct near Ainsworth G M Thompson has sold his resi dence iu Tho Heights to C A Priestly of Pierce immediate possession to be given Mr Thompson will move nt ouce to tho Bishop house recently va cated by Dr C S Parkor and Mr Priestly will take possession of his now homo this week K C Morehouse has resigned his po sition as general freight agent of tho Fremont Elkhoru Missouri Valloy and tho Sioux City and Pacific railroads to attend to other business affairs John A Kuhn for tho last five years general agent of tho Chicago Northwestern in Omaha has been chosen to fill tho vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr Morehouse It is probable that II 0 Cheney general agent of tho North western at Sioux City will be promoted to Mr Kuhns old position Dr O F W Marquardf the ophthal mologist has today commenced in The News the publication of a series of arti cles on tho eyo that cannot but be of value to tho reader They contain in formation regarding an important organ that all should know Do not pass them by on tho theory that thoy are mere ad vertisements They are not Thoy contain the most recent information ob tained by ono who has spent years in acquiring knowledge that he gives freely An article from tho doctors pen will appear each day for some time L Buckendorf who owns the green house on Madison avonuo between Fourth and Fifth streets is deserving of a liberal patronage on tho part of those desiring cut flowers potted plants vegetable plants or anything in that line Ho has been at a large expense and put in a great deal of hard work iu fixing up to supply tho demands of the city It is ono of those homo industries which should be patronized Potted plants aud vegetable pJauts are grown by him while ho takes orders for cut flowers aud prooures them as reasonable as anyone An ICx tract from Her Letter If you could only bo here this wintor morning and see for yourself you would no longer doubt mo Roses aro bloom ing in our front yard and all naturo is as far advanced in this lovely American summerlaud as it will bo iu your cold eastorn home by June Wo made tho journey from Missouri rivor to tho Golden Gate on tho Union Pacific to avoid tho oircuitous routes an important item in the winter A trip to California is mado delightful by tho perfect service and luxurious ac commodation of The Overland Limited which is perhaps tho most finely equipped train in tho world Detailed information furnished on ap plication F W Junkman Agout Goshen 111 Geuesso Pare Food Co Lo Roy N Y Dear Sirs Somo days since a package of yourGrain O prepar ation was loft at my ofllco I took it homo and gave it a trial nnd I havo to say I was very much pleased with it as a substitute for coffee Wo havo always used tho best Java and Mocha iu our family but I am tree to say I like tho Graiu 0 as well as the best coffeo I ever drank Respoctfulb yours A 0 Jackson M D Tho Norfolk Nursery Sells seed potatoes pure Early Ohio Six Weeks Early Triumph and Early Peaoh Blows Also ash box eldors olm and maple 8 to 12 foot high Cherry apple plum trees aud small fruit plants forest trees seodliugs rose bushes Uoweriug shrubs and evergreens Call on or address E D Hammond Norfolk Nebraska Til H NORFOLK NKWS FRIDAY APRILS 1001 TUESDAY TOPICS Harold Morrison is rocovoring from an attack of tousilitis Gono Huso was a passenger for Lin coln on tho noon train Miss Irono Doxtor is just rocovoring from an attack of sickness Pat Roonoy has gono to his old homo iu Ireland for an extended visit F M YooBol and Clint Smith wero city visitors today from Madison W A Connolly and Dr P II Sal tor wero passengers to Omaha today Sheriff Georgo W Losoy was over from Madison today on olllcial business A H Violo is taking a lay off from his duties as engineer on tho F E M V lailroatl Mrs Ransom Stltt is quito sick with tho grip at hor homo on Sixth stroot aud Park avonuo Mrs II C Matrauroturncd last night from hor visit at Lincoln aud Glen Springs Iowa Mr aud Mrs C -13 Durland aud Mrs McBrido roturnod Inst night from a visit to Plainviow ShorilTE CHass of Piorco county brought a patient to tho Norfolk hospital for tho insuiit last evening John Roynolds of Lako View Iowa has taken a position as apprentice in tho harbor shop of his cousin W O 1 lull Miss Mason has movod into her homo recently purohasod from Bernard Grant at tho comer of Madison avonuo and Tenth street T 11 Wilhelm travoling freight agent of tho Rock Island routo was in Norfolk yesterday looking up business for his road Mr Loon Brown returned to his home iu Missouri Valloy Iowa yestorday after spending Sunday with Mr and Mrs E W Bates August Paul who has bton working for 11 E Glissmun today removed with his family to Emerson whoro thoy will umko their future homo Thoro will bo a special meeting of Trinity guild at Mrs Leonards this evening to work on Easter novoltios All members aro urgontly requested to bo present Mrs A J Durland and daughtor Juno aro expectod homo tomorrow even ing from a visit with Mrs Durlands sister at Washington Iowa Thoy nlso visited at tho homes of 0 A and W II Mast at Davenport Lyons Sun Tho Norfolk district camp moetiug commission met here Tues day and it was decided not to hold camp meeting at Lyons this year Several other towns aro asking for it and a de cision will bo mado later Lrlenn Hart ot Dead wood b D was in the city yesterday visiting his friend Dr O A McKim Mr Harts brother Irvin was drowned horo in the North Fork river in 182 Ho was at that timo in tho office of Weatherby Welsh Mr and Mrs It W Williams havo issued invitations to tho wedding of thoir adopted daughter Miss Minnie Stop pier who will bo married to Paul Ed ward Lang Wednesday evening April 10 at 8 oclock Mr Lang is from Rocky Ford Colorado Tho weather today has accorded very well with those that havo passed for a week or more Cloudy and chilly with a generous supply of sticky mud under foot aro tho characteristics and it is un necessary to remark that thoro is little pleasure in boing out of doors A slight snow fall last night that has melted rapidly today gives tho mud an increased durability Tho social given last evening in tho parlors of tho First Congregational church was quite woll attended when the disagreeable weathor is taken into consideration The ludios society under whoso auspices tho ontertainmont was given cleared about 15 and tho com mitteo having it in charge is accorded a great deal of credit for tho successful manner iu which it was conducted In spito of tho obstacles presented by tho weather considerable spring moving is being done Among thoso who aro changing residences is D Rees who is moving from tho M O Walker house to his homo on West Norfolk avonuo W II Shoer will occupy tho Walker house moving from a residence in Tho Heights on South Teuth street I J Johnson who has lived in the Rees homo will move into tho house boing vacated by Mr Sheor and family Owen Bros the Norfolk railroad con tractors havo taken contracts for work that will keep them busy this summer and at which thoy will omploy a small army of men II E Owen has returned from Chicago where ho and his brother D M received two extensive contracts for railroad work ono nt St Paul Minn and the othor at Rod Oak Iowa Tho firm will move thoir grading outfits on tho work as soon as possiblo as thoy will bo orowdod for timo in which to complete tho large amount of work tho coutructs call for Thoy oxpect to work 100 men and many toams during tho season or until tho contracts aro com plotod Not for many years has Norfolk ex perienced as quiet an election aud one in which less interest was taken than tho municipal olection hold today Tho weather may havo contributed to tho effect but cortaiu it is that a very light vote has boon polled and but little effort was made to get tho volets out Tho candidates and their friends havo been doing somo work in tho interest of their respective tickets but tho apathy of tho general publio is very notieablo It looks as though thoro would bo scarcely half tho number of of votes polled today that Hiero was during tho election of n yoar ago whon koon intorost was taken and a largo vote polled tho vote on tnnyor being -137 for Robertson aud I HI for Westorvolt Tho condition that prevails today may bo realized when it is known that it has required an effort to ltrovldo election linnnls In Mm Third ward no board was secured until a late hour in tho forenoon In the First ward no republican could bo in duced to sorvo and consequently tho democrats wero in supremo control Iu tho other wards tho same lack of enthus iasm was shown and for a time it ap peared that tho election was almost going by default Tho weather has been disagreeable enough to presage a democrat io victory and tills will prob ably be tho result unless tho republicans bestir themselves during tho remaining Hours Tho polls will bo kept until 7 oclock open CEMETERY ASSOCIATION UllliurHiiiiil TriiHiiMmCliiiitmi mill I niprox liiniitH lliiimeil Tho regular annual meeting of the Prospect Hill cemetery association was held yesterday afternoon in tho under taking rooms of Sessions tV Bell Col S S Cotton I G WesterveltW J Gow L Sessions 3 H Durland Mrs I Powers and Mrs N A Knin bolt wero chosen as trustees for one yoar L M Guylnrd was reelected secretary L Sessions was re elected to the position of treasurer Col Cotton was electol president by tho board of dirootors aud hit appointed as commit too on grounds L Sessions 0 B Durland W J Gow Mrs Powers and Mrs Rainbolt This committeo was instructed to havo erootHl a suitablo tool house and olllco and money was appropriated for its con st ruction The question of completing a plat book of tho grounds was considered This is deemed an important matter us thoro aro so many unmarked graves that in tho course of yenrs it would be impossiblo to locato them L Sessions and T 1 Hart or aro woll informed on tho matter but a pcrmanont record of interments is considered essential so that iu tho future people may bo ublo to toll whoro frionds or relatives aro buried Tho record should no mado while Mr Sossions aud Mr Ilartor can givo it attention for otherwise tho kuowlodgo would in timo bo lost MADISON Mrs W V Allen wns a nassoncer for Columbus Weduesday Mayor oloct Koouigstoin was down from Norfolk Wednesday Dick Malony was elected polico judgo over Peto Oborg by a majority of ono Geo Clark of Humphrey transacted business hero between trains Wednes day F J Ellick representing tho Fremont Tribune was calling on customers Wed nesday Mrs W Whitla went to Humphrey Wednesday for a few days visit with relatives Tom Memmingor was elected mayor of Madison huving received about three fourths of tho entire vote Mrs A T Steon was called toColum bus Sunday to nurse her daughtor Mrs Wm Musgravo nee Maud Steon who is slightly ill Dr Underborg and family havo moved into tho Andy Reeves house Mr Reeves having moved to John Robin sons farm just north of town Fred Funk age 2 and Wilhelmino Miuners ugo 2l of Madison on March IK obtained permission to wed nnd on April 1 Loweilyn A Davis aged 2 and Mary L Boals aged 20 of Pierce county wero married by Judgo Bates Mr Davis is a grandson of Grandpa Roiglo of Fairviow and drovo out to introduco his now bride to tho aged rela tive WARNERVILLE There was a dauco at Fied Terrvs last Monday ovouing J F Webster wont to Platte Centre Saturday and returned Monday ovouing No now caso of scarlet fovor having dovoloped our school reopened last week Mrs Joe Thornton and children of Alliance aro visiting Mrs Thorntons brother John Conloy Dick Terry camo over from Tildeu last Saturday He will assist his brother on the farm this season W W Hughes secretary of tho Y M 0 L of Norfolk will organizo a Sunday sohool hero next Sunday at 2 30 oclock Isaac Lanvor son of Samuel Lauver living near Maplo Grovo died last Sun day of scarlet fover Tho funeral was hold Tuesday at tho house Tho family havo tho sympathy of tho entire com munity in their boreavoment Wanted Enorgetio man with largo acquaintance to represent Chicago con cern in his owu county and tako orders for n very fine Hue of stuplo goods used in overy family Full set of photos Great opportunity for tho right man Address K 12 caro of Lord Thomas Chicago 111 WEDNESDAY WRINKLES Clyde Adams Is sink with the grip at his homo on South Fifth stroot Tho Shakospoaro olub met last night with Mr and Mrs I 0 OConnor F 1 Elllok of tho Fremont Trillium was iu tho city today BoHcltlng job work Mr anil Mrs Asa If Leonnrd left to day for Olo Lowoh slough whero they will camp Mrs Ervlu Gereeko went to Crolghlon today to take a position as trimmer In a millinery storo Hev J O S Weills and son John lire oxpooted home from thoir Colorado trip Thursday ovouing Miposife llaen aro today moving their olllco from the Leonard block lo rooms iu the Mast block Hev Edwin P Dadu pastor of tho Congregational church at Pierce from 1HHI to 1881 recontly died at his homo in Seattle Washington Tho Nebraska Congregational church organized iu Omaha May I 1851 with nine niombors now has JJ0 churches 11000 members aud 20000 Sunday sohoolsoholurs T F Monitnlnger was oleeted nmyoi of Madison yesterday on the people ticket his oppenent boing Peter ltubon dahl whhml served iu that capacity for several terms It Duhnmel and son wealthy cattle men of Rapid City S I wero hero with a view to locating They havo under consideration tho purchase of Owen Bros ranch east of town and tho residence of If E Owen in I Ids city They returned 10 Rapid City last night A lire occurred about It oclock last night a little old house iu 1 loirs addi tion oust of the lunation being com pletely destroyed It was vacant the family that had luM occupied it having moved out several days into It was owned by a non resident whoso loss is not known How tho fire started is it mystery Newman Grovo Herald Word has boon received that Carl Swanson who was recontly adjudged insano and taken to tho hospital at Norfolk is improving and if tho improvement continues he will soon be able to return homo Pete Swanson who has boon receiving treat ment iu an Omaha hospital came home last wook for a visit and returned on Monday Ho is also much improved iu health Piorco Call Tho Nonroiic Nkwh still porsists in giving Miss Mixers resi dence at Ponca Nobr Pierco takes ex ceptions usMissMixorhas beon tho very ofllciont instructor of tho primary de partment of tho Pierce publio schools for sovoral yoars past Sho is socoud to nono in primary and kiudorgartou work nnd wo havo reason to complain whon Tint NiVK honors Knmn nttiitr nwn wftli I her residence Scribnor News At least ono real honoit young man lives botween Scribner and West Point A year ago last Christnms ho bought a bill of goods at one of tho stores in Scribner Yes terday was the first timo ho hnd beon in town since aud tho first thing lie did was to go to tho storo whero ho pur chased tho goods aud stato that in making chango he had received a dollar too much Ho not only offered to return tho principal but the interest on the samo us well The Bpocial evangelistic mission at tho Baptist ohurch will cominonco niruin this ovouing at 7 i0 Rov J B Daly of Colorado will preach overy ovening excopt Saturday Mrs Daly will sing Rov Mr Daly has hnd great succoss as an evangelist for tho past fow years in Kansas and Colorado Ho is a man of strong roligous convictions and knows how to oxpress thorn Do not fail to hoar him It is expected that ho will bo here for two weeks An interesting and helpful series of biblo readings on tho office and work of tho Holy Spirit will bo given in tho church in the after noons at i oclock A cordial invitation is given to all toattoudnll theso services There will lOBpecial services on Sunday Tho ordinnnco of baptism will bo ad ministered at tho Friday evening ser vice Madison Star Sidney Robortson son of Hon W M Robertson of Norfolk is appearing in tho district court this week us ono of tho attorneys for Gilt Wright Sid as ho is best known in our city has many wurm friends hero who will keep au eager eyo on him as ho climbs tho ladder of fumo in his chosen profession That ho will mako n number ono law yer is udmitted by all who heard him on last Mouday when he was examining tho jurors iu tho Stato vs Wright caso Ho has all tho characteristics of his fath er who is ono of tho best criminal law yers in tho stato Sidnoy put the ques tions to tho jury iu a clear and distinct manner nnd had tho writer not kuowu tho young limn from childhood wo cer tainly would havo been forced to tho conclusion that ho was an old time prac titioner This was his first jury case siuco his admission to tho bar Wo pre dict for him a brilliant future MEADOW GROVE E Ervin is building nu addition to his house this week Miss Auua Evans of Norfolk is visit ing her sister Mrs J L Dunn Chas Evans is improving his rental property opposite Dr Kindreds Services wore held in tho M E church J WmM XJ tLmi iVfaewfetfgQwjUWrt illiW 0 hist Sunday evening by Rov Darnoll of Lincoln Minor Htlhvell hos accepted n position with tho Johnson meat market W W Roberts of Norfolk won n Meadow Grovo visitor last Wednesday Miss Ilesslo Deuel spent last wook vis iting friends and attending tho associ ation at Norfolk Our public schools began tho spring term of Mtliool last Monday after a weeks recreation Miss lertrudo Wado returned to Meadow Grovo Sunday evening after a weeks visit at her homo nnd at Norfolk Mr and Mrs Frank Colegrovo at tended tho touchers meeting at Norfolk IiikI week returning Saturday morning Principal Walter Pllger returned to this city Sunday evening and resumed his duties iu school Monday morning Frank Slllwoll loft for Konesaw Neb last Monday morning with tho view of locating a meat market business at that place Henry Perkins and family who havo been visiting with M L Perkins left Wednesday lor on extondod visit iu tho statu ofjNow York Mrs Guy Deuel Miss Gertrude Rouso ami Messrs Bert llayilen and Art Colo grove attended tho declamatory contest iu Norfolk March 27 Mrs Nan Ames and HI tie daughter Mary who have been visiting relatives iu Virginia for the past nine mouths returituil to this city Friday ovouing John Sheets is electing a two story building adjoining Ira Alyeas on tho east It is to bo a frame building and will bo occupied by Mr lohiibons meat market Henry Rouse purchased tho Ira Alyea residence in ho west part of tho city and moved iuloit Monday Mr Alyea and family are at piesent living in thu Kvuiih house on Main street Theie was a dauco given at Geo Curlers place two miles north of town lust Saturday evening A fow Meadow Grovo young folks drovo out to attend it and report having had a good time Howard Perkins was thu victim of n surprise party last Tuesday evening be ing overtaken by anumber of his hchool mates A merry time was had until late in tho ovouing whon tho greatest regret at leaving was that Howard would not bo witli them fur somo time to come Last Tuesday evenings passenger brought to Meadow Grovo what to all appearances scorned to bo a hobo The stranger at once proceeded to tho hotel whoro ho asked for supper Being a triflo cripplod this was not rofusod him Tho actions of thostranccrsoomed very peculiar and attractod tho attoution of thoso in tho ofllco Ono of tho gontlo mcu present advanced tho idea that tho follow was not iu his right mind Ho was at onco tried by an insanity com mission consisting of a professor und a butchor Tho commission soon dis covered the fact that tho poor follow was cracked and entirely broke Tho town marshal was informed of this and took care of him over night Appar ently uot violently insane ho was given his liberty in tho morning Wlmt Muill We Iliivo for DohhoiI This question arises in the family overy day Let us answer it today Try Joll O a delicious dessert Pre pared in two minutes No baking I add hot water and sot to cool Flavors Lemon oruugo raspberry and straw At your grocers 10 cents Tho complete service of The Ohio-ago-Portland Special via Union Pacific ouablos passongers to reach tho princi pal cities botweon tho north and Paciflo coast and Missouri river not only in tho shortest possiblo space of timo but nlso in tho most comfortable aud oujoyablo manner Tho dining cars on this train are stocked with tho best the market affords All meals servod n la carte When work iuv is heavv jf Cod Liver Oil is the means f life and enjoyment of life to housands men women and hildren When appetite fails it re tores it When food is a nmlen it lifts the burden When voulosc flesh it brings 0 plumpness of health thin edge of the end is is nard ana it makes life Vinht It is the vedcre the thick food thu what is the use of food hen you hate it and cant di ost it Scotts Emulsion of Cod Oil is thefood that makes u forget your stomach If you havo not tried It send for stjsnmplo Its agreeable tasto will dirmNo vou iriSCOTT BOWNE Chemists OS Pearl Stroet Now York 50c and SlOO all druglsts I