JA P 1 hi n Swears Allegiance to United States Government GIVES UP HIS LEADERSHIP Follows Advloe of Chler Jiullco Arellano Afler luvtxtlgntliigr Trim Condltloni In the InlnniU nod KennuiicM Ilnvolutlou rjr 80111I1 Net Washington Aptll 3 Tho wnr de partment yesterday received Informa tion from General MncArthur Unit Agulnahlo lias taken the oath of al legiance to the United States under the terms of amnesty offered by General MncArthur by dheetlon of tho presi dent The dispatch conveying this In formation contained much 11101 o than was given to tho public The portion withheld related to the future dispo sition of Agulnnlclo and made sugges tions as to what thu late chief of tho Insurrection might accomplish No official statement could be obtained as to what llnally would be dono with the prisoner but It win emphatically stated that he would be held for the present but would be granted all pos sible Immunity consistent with exist ing conditions General MncArthur lias hopes that n great deal of may be accomplished through Agulnaldo Dur ing the time he has been a prisoner ho has made pilto a favorable Impres sion upon General MncArthur MacArthurs dlspnteh Is as follows Mnnlln Ailjiitnnt Owiprnl Washington Since nrrlvnl at Manila AgiilnnMo has boon at Mnlncnnnn limstlgntliig conditions In archipelago He hni rolled nlinnst en tirely upon tbe lnstrurtUc advice of Chief Justice Arellnno As a result today he subscribed and snore to the declination on page 11 of my annual leport MACAUTIIUn The oath referred to Is as follows I heieby renounce all nllcKlanec to any and all so cnlled revolutionary govern ments In the Philippine Islands and recog nize and necept the supreme authority of tho United States of America therein I do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and nllejrlanoo to that government that I will nt all times conduct myself ns n faith ful nnd lnw nbldlnc eltben of tho said Islands and will not either directly or In directly hold correspondence with or Rive Intelligence to an enemy of the United States nor will I abet harbor or protect such enemy tlint I Impose upon myself these voluntary obligations without nny mental reservations or put pose of e union so help me God NEW YORK BOY IS KIDNAPED f olico Unable to Get a CI110 to tho Whero nboutfl of tho Youngster New York April 3 After vainly running out every clue the police be came convinced lust night that Willlo McCormlck Jr a 10-year-old lllgh bridge boy who disappeared last Wednesday night is tbe victim of a kidnaping plot Police Captain Gannon in discuss ing the case said 1 am lirmly con vinced that tbe boy has been taken by designing persons and tbut be is being held by them This boy was never known to be -away from home over night Ills habits were good and there had been nothing to drive him away from home I am of the opinion that he is being held here in New York city Willie is the son of a retired florist living In Ogden avenue Highbridge Tho child had 11 sisters His mother is prostrated from grief and anxiety and tbe father almost equally so To Sell Pacific Short Line Sioux City April A Washington special to the Journal says Secre taries Gage and Hitchcock and the at torney general the commission ap pointed to settle the Indebtedness of the Sioux City and Pacific railroad have decided to offer tbe road for sale at an upset price The government will adopt tho same process as was fol lowed In tho case of tho Union Pacific nnd the Kansas raclflc In disposing of Its Interests In tho property In Sioux City It is considered that the prospective bidders are the Northwest ern tho Illinois Central and Great Northern J Greenacro Falls to Make Good Springfield April 3 When the cir cuit court met today Attorney Green acre who represents the Chicago Teachers federation announced that be would be unable to follow up the bribery charges mado by Implication yesterday when ho sought to secure admission that 38000 had been paid by oue Chicago corporation to Influence tho action of the state board of equal ization Mr Greenacre btated that when he entered upon this Hue of ex amination he did so upon what he con sidered and sUll believed to be rea sonable information MayMarry Slit Burlington April 3 The Keokuk presbytery of the United Presbyterian church yesterday voted to change tho doctrine so that a man can marry a sister of his deceased wife This ques tion has agitated the church for 15 years and Is now being finally voted on by tho presbyteries In tho United States The general assembly In Des Moines In May will finally decide the question Murder of Mother and Son nv Sunbury Pa April 3 A double murder was committed at Klines Grove a small village a few miles Irora this city yesterday Tho mur derer It Is believed Is John Gullck aged 32 years Tho victims are his mother Mrs Amy Gullck aged 08 -years and his brother Philip aged 127 Gullck has disappeared and a search for him Is being Instituted Dourer Goe Republican Denver April 3 Tho city election has gone heavily Republican tho only part which Is at all In doubt being tho mayoralty and some of the mem bers of tbe council KEEPING UP NEGOTIATIONS ltuinlitn Diplomacy Ifrslat In Urging Mniicliti Inn Agreement I St Petersburg Apt 11 3 The super lor councillor of tho Chinese legation Chu Wo Jtc Is continuing the nego tiations as charge daffaires regard ing the Mtiuchiirlaii agreement Tho llllness of tho Chinese minister Yang Yu Is now admitted to be due to apoplexy which will Incnpncltnto him from work probably for a long period It Is said that the loss of half his estate through the destruc tion of a Chinese bank combined with political cares is undennlultig his health Unofficial observers scarcely under stand how a doubt can hsslbly bo entertained abroad thnt China will ultimately accept the ltusslan condi tions after It Is apparent that no power Is willing to forcibly support China For as It Is urged while Kussln un doubtedly prefers to carry through Its plans as made Its diplomatic position would suffer as little as lLs uiilllarr position from Chinas refusal to J repi wnnc uussin regards us moucraio conditions of withdrawal VETO IS MODIFIED Governor Dietrich Itecedo Partially From lilt Position on Supremo CourtAl low Communion to Stand Lincoln April 3 Governor Dietrich last night piepaied another message on the appropriations for the supremo court commibsslon and court and stnto library clerk hire In It he recedes from his former postlon by approving the appropriations for the commission I deputy court reporter nnd one assist ant an assistant for the library and two bailiffs All other appropriations for cleric hire In the olllces are vetoed Tho university appropriation was cut down 000 to meet the proceeds of the 1 mlll levy Claims of former su perintendents of state Institutions for excess salary were also vetoed A constitutional amendment relative to the manner of adopting amend ments was disapproved ATSUMAROGROWS WARLIKE Saj Japanese Army Could Drive Kimnhuu Out of Manchuria I London April 3 Russias reply to Japans protest against the Manchur 1 iun convention says the Yokohama correspondent of the Dally Mail Is re garded as unsatisfactory and further vigorous representations will follow Prince Konoyo Atsumaro president 1 of the house of peers In the course j of an Inflammatory speech openly dis cussed the probable results of a wnr between Japan and Russia and said that Japan could count upon the friendly neutrality of Great Britain j and Germany lie declared that the United States would not Interfere and France would only cause uneasiness by the employment of her Annameso forces and by a naval demonstration off Formosa This he predicted would he tho limit of French action nnd Japans vastly superior army would be enabled without great difficulty to drive Rus sia out of Manchuria Ten Killed Iu a Klot London April 3 The Daily Express has received the following from Its cor respondent at Genevn A terrible riot has occurred at Dlenne in the val ley of Chamonix owing to tho munic ipal council selling laud on which tho pooplo had enjoyed grazing rights The inhabitants tried to sot fire to tho town hall and a fierce conflict ensued between the rioters and police and gendarmes Ten were killed and 15 wounded Loader of Mutineers Shot Cape Coast Castle April 3 The leader of the men belonging to the West African regiment who recently mutinied because thoy wero not re turned to Sierra Leono at the time they understood thoy were to be sent home has been court martialed and publicly shot The lest of the mu tineers have been shipped to the Island of Sherbro 40 miles from Sierra Leone Train Itcache McDonald McDonald Kan April 3 A Burling ton train arrived at McDouald last night at 725 tho first train hero since March 23 The snow plow is digging east from Bird City Kan through a drift three and a half miles long There wore eight days mail express and merchandise on the train for Mc Donald Snow on the range Is two to three feet deep Hard weather prevails Miners Aro Looked Out Ilazlcton Pn April 3 Six hundred men employed at the Oneida colliery of Coxe Bros Co have been pcked out Tho company wants the miners to report earlier for work but tho men refuse to do so No move has been mudo for a settlement TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Prince Louis Napolean has arrived In Paris on a visit Earthquake shocks visited a wide region in southern Hungary and sev eral houses wore shaken down Rov J J Faud rector of Cathedral Episcopal church of Minneapolis died Tuesday following an operation for appendicitis Six dollars and twenty five cents a hundred pounds was paid at the Union Stock yards Chicago Tuesday for a few lots of primo heavy hogs Tho business portion of Fulton Ark with tho exception of four stores wns burnod Tuesday entailing a loss of 550000 with 10000 Insurance A general suspension of work took place Tuesday In tho coal fields of Indiana and several thousand men are Idle as a result of the failure of the operators and miners to agree on the vruge scale for the year THE NORFOLK NEWS Kill DAY AVUILfi 901 IK HO II Valet Jones Confesses Murder of William Marsh Rice PATRICK THE AROH PLOTTER WltnoM Declares That the Millionaire Never Hven Saw tho Aroused Man Hut nnd Will Woro Horsed After Klcos Death New York April 3 Without the slightest quaver In his well modulated voice iiihI displaying no butward sign of rcgiet or remorse Charles 1 Jones secretary and valet to tho lato Will iam Marsh Rice yesterday confessed under oath that he had ended tho life of his employer and benefactor with chloroform Tlie colli esslon was the climax of a remarkable recital In which was lnld haro the details or an alleged subtle conspiracy which had for Its object the seizure of 3000000 In cash and negotiable securities and tho conver sion of 3000000 In realty to the uses of the alleged chief conspirator Al hert T Patilck It was Patrick he said who con ceived the Idea of forging a will and forging trausicrs and conveyances It was Patrick who Induced two persons to witness the forged signature It was Patrick who determined that Rice should die and it was Patrick Mho Bought to lutvo him killed slowly and then becoming Impatient determined upon quick action And according to Jones remarkable as It may seem Rico never knew Patrick during ills lifo time and never saw him but once Jones testified that on the day of Rices deatli deatii he told Patrick that Rice seemed to be better According to the wit ness Patrick then gave him a bottle of chloroform told him to saturate a towel with it and to place the towel over Rices face for about 30 minutes Continuing Jones said I did as Patrick told me and loft Mr Rices room for alwut half an hour llien I sent for Dr Curry When Dr Cuny came Patrick said My God doctor that Is the worst thing that could have happened to me Jones testified that the checks for 25000 and 135000 respectively on Swenson Sons and the Fifth Avenue Trust company were made out after Rices death Patrick accused by the witness of being tlie arch criminal listened to the with attention and occasionally made notes Not oven the remarkable wit ness on the stand was more cool calm and collected than this remarkablo prisoner Patricks hnnd was steady and firm He displayed neither anger fear nor resentment When Jones reached the description of the murder of tho sleeping man Patrick merely stroked his board and leaned back In his chnlr apparently slightly bored by the recital of the details Illuo May Succeeil Kiuns Topeki April 3 It is believed among Republicans here that Colonel It W Blue will be appointed commissioner of pensions in place of II Clay Evans Congressman Curtis who lias returned from Washington said that the choice was between Colonel Blue and State Senator Carpenter President McKinley has agreed to appoint tho commissioner from names submitted by tho Kansas delegation and the names of Blue and Carpenter are the only ones being considered Congtess nian Curtis says thnt II Clay Evans tho present commissioner will proba bly be made minister to Japan Trap Shooting Tournament New York April 3 Only one event of importance was on yesterdays pro gram at the annual trap shooting tour nament nt Interstate park This was the Nitro Powdcr handicap at 16 birds Two hundred entries were re ceived up to noon and only one man failed to toe the mark When all of them had finished the first round of tho four traps It was found that over 00 had killed four straight Out of the big Held of li0 starters only 31 suc ceeded in killing 10 birds straight Pralso Agulnaldo Condomn Funston Austin Tex April 3 The house of representatives today lefernsl to the committee on federal relations a res olution introduced by Phillips con demning General Funston and tho government military authorities for the capturo of Agulnaldo and charac terizing Agulnaldo us tho George Washington of the Philippines A substitute resolution praising General Funston for his bravery and congrat ulating him on the success of his ef forts was ruled out of order Earl LI Returns to Shanghai Tleu Tsln April 3 LI Hung Chang with his bodyguard Is returning to Shanghai He Is Indisposed Steam ers are detained at his disposal and he Is expected to arrive here Thurs day A company of Germans defeated 1 000 Chinese robbers Marcli 31 seven miles north of Tien Tsln killing 11 and wounding 50 It is reported that a dozen foreigners wero co operating with tho robbers Tho Germans cap tured 30 carts and a gun Antarctic hblp Is Luuurhed Kiel April 3 The bliip built for the use of the German Antarctic expedi tion was launched yesterday In the presence of Count secretary of tho Interior nnd other officials Professor von Klchtho fen brother of tho secretary of state for foreign affairs in behalf of Em peror William christened tho vessel Gauss In honor of tho famous Ger man mathemuUciuu and scientist of J that name RESULTS IN MISSOURI Itcpulilli in Kind lhrli Candidate In Mnron and Carrollliiu Kaunas City Apill it- Following aro results of Missouri elections Columbia Moss P Im her Don elected mayor entire Democratic ticket elected W P Cave Dem Heeled mayor Deinociats elects entire ticket Jefferson City -Democratic ticket headed by Al C Slump for mayor elected Ned n I hi Democratic ticket elected nil candidates except one Republican nldorman Trenton Independent ticket elected defeating regular Republican ticket Klrksvllle T J Doughertyf Rep elected mayor Republicans elected all but three city olllcern Carrollton The Republicans elected mayor and four other city officers Macon Republicans elected all their candidates except one councilman Wnrronshurg The Mill re Democrat ic ticket headed by George W 1 1 nut for mayor elected Tnplln The Democrats elected their entire city ticket headed hv John C Trigg for mayor except police Judge WYNETT IS RE ELECTED ltcptilillcmi Claim In IliirnliiWnttiin liliTli n Iteptilillrnn Miivor ly Alnjoi Ity of OiioOtlior HeMiltn In Nebriialm Lincoln April l Mayor Hudson J Wynclt Rep was re elected yester day by a majority slightly exceeding the normal Every other Republican city candidate Is elected The Re publicans make n gain of one excise man have live of the rpvcii council men and have probably made a clean sweep of all the wards a gain of one councilman In the smaller towns of tho state with a few exceptions pinty lines worn not drawn the Issue being the licens ing of saloons At Wahoo the Repub licaii nominee for mayor was adopted by a majority of one together with a malorlty of tho candidates on that ticket Plnttsmouth elected a Republican city attorney a Dcmncintlc chief of police and a majority of the Demo cratic counclltnen At Hastings It Is nearly an even pllt between the Republicans and Demo crats TTiimbolilt nfter being without sa loon for four yours elected a license board as did Nelson nnd Hebron Reaver City Stronmhurg and St Ed ward voted against license CITIZENS BRING ROPES Cull u Unit on KiiiifliiY City Alilormou Irantlng 1riiiirlilHtm Kansas City April At a meeting of the council of Kansas City Kan last night home measures granting val uable 1nmclilses to the Metropolitan Street Railway company were up for consideration The balconies were crowded with citizens who oppose the measures and when the franchise committee reported favorably upon the bills the crowd surged upon the floor of the chamber and only the more con servative element saved the council men from violence Ropes were In evi dence and serious trouble was Immi nent for a time Action on the meas ures was deferred until the next meet ing of the council but before adjourn ment the protesting citizens compelled each councilman to stand on a table and swear that he would vote against the granting of the franchises and tho mayor was forced to swear that he would veto the measures If passed Gage lltijn Short Term Honda Washington April X The secretary of the treasury lias bought in New York tKM0 of short term bonds for the sinking fund The tender of the bonds was In accordance with Sec retary Gages announcement that he would buy up from tlmo to tbno the short term bonds at an Investment rnte realizable to the Investor who buys the new 2 per cent should the market price for the new 2s remain on the present basis Printers of Iouii to Meet Des Moines April 3 A call has been Issued for a state meeting of the Iowa Printing Tiades association In Sioux City ut the time of the meeting of tho State Federation of Labor May 7 next The call Is issued by J P Byrne president of the association and it includes five unions only but these arc sulHcient to guarantee u large attendance Colorado Ieglnlaure Adjourn Denver Apill The legislature finally adjourned shortly after n oclock The session expired by con stitutional limitation at midnight Republican members entered protestn against all measures enacted after midnight Including the new revenue bill claiming that thoy aro Invalid under a decision of the supreme court Governor Allen to Iteilgn Washington April 3 Whllo Got ernor Allen of Porto Rico who sailed Monday from San Juan on tho May flower for Hampton Roads has not formally submitted his resignation so far as can be learned his f Honda hero would not be surprised If he decided not to return to Porto Rico lioon Wreck a Truiu Newcastle Natal April 3 The Boers derailed and wrecked n train near Mount Prospect Subsequently General Campbells column attacked them nnd heavy fighting ensued Gen eral Campbell being at a disadvantage owing to the mist on tho hills The result Is not known here r Urltltli Capture Doer Imager Blocmfontein April 3 By u night surprise the Brltinh captured a lauger of GO Boers near Rosenborg between i Brandfort and Saltpan Orange River Colony i r um rrrwowwi a LET NO CHANCE SLIP To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not Come Your Way Again Twentieth Century Farmer Off era n Number of Mnatilflocnt Prizes to those who will net ns Agents 1ST PRIZE 1000 CASH 2D PRIZE 500 CASH And 30 Other Cash Prized running from 500 to 25 TIIH TWENTIETH OENTU 11Y PARMER la published by Tb Rco Publishing Company of Omaha and In an agricultural and fam ily tnnfrozlno of unusual merit Thcro aro departments for CTcry member of tho family npcclnl articled by men of known reputation and Illustrations will bo n prominent feature Wrlto for sample copy and ask for particulars concerning the prlzen Q THE TWENTIETH CENTURY PARMER and UiIh paper will be sent to you one year for TWO DOLLARS Hji HuiVQipn h I 11 A Dual Role FASTEST TRAINS AND SHORTEST LINE Business Men and others recognize the im portance of this combination by selecting the IJNIOH PACIFIC for flESTERN POINTS MISSOURI RIVER To San Francisco 15 - I lours Quirkor Lliiui any oMu mu Portland 15 MISSOURI RIVER Sail Lake City 238 siioHov ilnn mmv San Francisco 310 To Portland 54 HI I 4 WILL MAKE YOU RICH Ttililitdirlntr iUtoment bntBol tWt tnnit bear It out Tcr tlm finmhlnntlnn Cflrn Orellooruoniirtliwlllpoiltlroy WTQiuHoniiB corn growing For timu tables nnd full information call on other lino F W JUNEMAN Agent Edisons Phonograph Bettor thnn a Piano Organ or Musio Box for It slnga and talks as well as plays and dont cost us much ItrcprodiiCLsthomusicof nny instrument hinil or orchestra tlla stories uudsliija tlie old familiar hyimm as well as tho popular songi it is always ready 8co that Mr KdtaonH signatura is on every machine Cata logues oiull dealers or NATIONAL PUQNQQRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New Yor Hummer Hotel Itiirim New Yoik April 1 The ITendrik Hudson hold at Pailc Hill near Yon kcrs was burned yesterday The build ing was to have boon ready for occu pancy on May 1 and part of the furn ishings had been put In Tho cost of the structure and furnishings wns 1fi0000 and the building was so thor oughly damaged by the fire that the walls had to be pulled down Tho building is said to have been tho largest hotel on the Hudson Trniilinr Klrrt Ofllrnm Norfolk Neb April 1 Tho North Nebraska Teachers association closed Saturday with an enrollment of over fiOO the largest In the history of tho association Tlieso officers were elected President W G Illrons of Pierce vice president Superintendent A McMurray secretary Miss Etta Morgan of Wayne treasurer J A Stahl of Bancroft SALZERS SEEDS msr ki I Swjyy I I Hllon DollarCra GiYAteat mr TMof ujv i rneracre nrt lZtcniornar cropilx veeka after owlotf What Is It CaUlognaUlU ma ioq tTAHPt Uta NOTICE mill aw4 cUl 10 Grtla Sun tlM Including atoTtrtbo CIW1U K 1LUI ItaU ItM bob1 ctr AI Ku Airt7n7SIawAVMlalcWirtMiatiilaMib John hm saizer tua Co u era m TRY 1 1 1 1 1 If miii ir H WKP THE NEWS I 1 1 1 I 1 I FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING m m Mm 1 For 14 Cents W mall lb follovlof rut im notallli lailOla Illood TiaaU 8m4 11 Dinur uai mm 11 lull rtrlt Oala It 10 l KmraM Gmb Caen bl 10 I UyUarata tUlttMa 10 U D Kliitli IU o UI aartl tallica B4 It i MrUUaatriawr8ta u Worth 100 ftrue Abort 10 r aeia rar DrlUc v vlU loil foa Cr lUiir with our rtl Uliulral4 Sm4 CaLlc Itlllnf all about Salaara llllllon Dollar Grata Alaa Choice Onion Heed JOc a lb TKiatr vita thoaiaodirtrtri Ilbliaalrrmwl oiworMlplrlla aol tkla aotlec wao on jou plant JOHIUAUH0C0 ucrHwia Koenigsteios Pharmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts NORFOLK 3STEB i zfyylsitytytyYryfyistyy 53 I QQItl YEARLY t0 Christian L CpuUU man or womnu to look y aftor our growing husiuess in this and adjoining counties to act us mnuaKOraudcorrespondonfc work can be dono at your homo Enclose J nclf addresscd stamped envelope for particulars to II A Sherman Goneral Malinger Corcoran Rnild ing opposite United States ury Washington D O iK Illinois Central R 8 ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WITSJ TKR TOtTBISTS Tlio IllinniH Central doslroa to cull nttontion to tliu UMixrtllnl Horvim tluit in olToroil r its linos to tliQ south or tho eoimon of 1899 1000 G ALI FORM I VIA NEW ORLEANS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars FROM Personally CHICAGO oil Kuiis through to Job AukoIcb mid Kan Frnncltro In Now Orleans in coniinctlim EVERY with tho Soutlinrn la WEDNESDAY cI1v lout in Chicago MnDMlion a trills fiifct MORNING N0W OrJmuiB Sno cinlj connection nleo mnilo by this train with dully trains out of Now Orlonns for tlio 1nciUa Const Tlio Limltwl from Chicago otory ovon lug connects on MontIiis unit Thursdays at Now Orleans nftor Docombor IS lStfJ witfi tU SUNSET LIMITED of tlio Soutliorn Pacific glviut special through sorTico to Han Francisco F THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LOUI S RI D VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA A Dotiblo dally sorT ico Is maintained out of St Louis tia tho Illinois Central and connecting linos to NaslivllloCliattanoo la ami Atlanta thro filnnnlnir CHr to Jnclf Bouvillo Florida bohiff carried on tlio DIXIE FLYER leaving St Louis oory evening This train as well nb the Day Kxiireas leaving St Louis in tbo morning aro IkjIIi solid trains to Nashville having through conches ami sleeping cars run ning through Mnrtin Tenu mid tho N C A St Ij Ity Connection m this lino for nil princi pal iKiints iu tho Southeast such iib Charleston Wilmington AiLiu ami Savannah and for all IKiiuts iu Florida TWO SOLID FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Daily from Chicago to Memphis and New Or leuus HOMFJSKEKEItS EXCURSIONS to certain Miints iu tho South on tho lines of tho Illinois Central aud Y A M V railroads will bo run on the firet and third Tuesday of ouch month dur ing the wiut or bouboh Full particulars concoruing all of the abovo cau bo had of agents of tho Illinois Central or by addressing A II Ilaubou Q V A Chicago 3l JLA