The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 05, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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on m m
China Gives Reasons for Not
Signing Treaty
ll Hung Chung lain llpleumre of lint
prrnr liv Ills Iro ltiiMlau Sentiment In
I ICognnl l Proposed Mitneliiirlan
liHiil KHootnnl lllou to Itussln
Poking April tThe Chinese gov
ernment bus forninlly untitled Russia
that China owing to the attitude of
ho power In not able to sign the
Mniichurlun convention
It Is Chinas desire says tlit
formal nollllentlon to keep on friend
ly terms with nil nutloiis At present
tdie Ih going through a period which Is
tlio most perilous In this empires IiIh
lory mill It Is necessary flint she
nhntild have tilts friendship of nil
However mucli hIio might be willing
to grant any special prlvllcpo to olio
power when others object II Is Impos
sible that for the sako of milking one
nation friendly slio shorld alleunte tho
nympnthlos of all the others
LI II nnn Clump says this lei tor set
tles the matter dellnllely and Hint Rus
pin was formally notllled to tho snmu
effeet March 28
Prince Clump asset is that every
Chlnamnn exeepl 11 Hung Clump was
against signing th convention
llelleved Tlmt 11 Olmiijf Will Malm
HI Departure lYrinanrnt
Washington April 4 Although no
olllclal not lee has reached here of the
reported departure lf prince ll Hung
Cluing from Peking for Shanghai tho
olllolnls are Inclined to believe It Is
true and that ll Hung Clump Is
really leaving Peking for pood and be
cause thu emperor Is displeased with
Ills conduct of the negotiations It
was known here that when ll Hung
Cluing was made one of the pence en
voys that he was pro Itusslaii In
Bcutlmcnt but there was no cause for
complaint on that score until the Mun
churlan treaty came up for consid
It Is believed by officials here that LI
lins proved so earnest tin advocate of
tho Russian cause and has so strenu
ously worked for the slpnlnp of the
npreemeiit that his own poverainent
lias felt obliged to deprive him of
power to further that agreement If
this nnderstaudlnp Is correct It Is
lielleved that an effectual check has
lieen administered to Rip sin In her de
signs upon Manchuria for It Is thoupht
the emperor of China would scarcely
lmvo acted In this summary fashion
linil lie not received nssurances of sup
port from some of the other powers
Xtutliui Fremler Assures Thorn r tho Con
tinued KilenilHlilp of That Country
Berlin April -I Tho Iokal Anzelper
understands that the conference be
tween the Imperial clin ellor Count
von Buolow and Slgnor Zanardelll the
Italian premier at Verona yesterday
which was of considerable lenpth was
Intended to remove the false Impres
sions created by Insinuations In the
French press repardlnp the relations
between Italy and Germany
The paper Interprets the meet tup
ns proving the continuance of llior
ouphly friendly relations between the
two countries and says that the leave
taking of tho two statesmen was
In olllclal circles It Is admitted that
while tho meetlnp at Verona was ac
cidental Slgnor Znnardclll being on
his way to his country estate the re
lations between the two countries were
discussed Slgnor Zanardelll It Is
paid pavo entirely satisfactorily as
Japanese lrnns Still Hollleosn
London April 4 The Japanese
press continues very bellicose says
the Yokohama correspondent of tlio
Dally Mall wlrlnp yesterday Count
Okinnu formerly premier and now
leader of the opposition declares In
the course of an Incisive article that
Japan must assort herself or the work
of HO years will be lost Korea he
Bays Is not a Itusslan chattel mid Rus
sias action Is a direct challenge to
Iowa Town llmlly Seorched
Fort Dodge la April -I The city
of Iehlph 10 miles south of this city
was nearly destroyed by lire yesterday
ull the business houses being burned
with but one exception and that a sa
loon The lire originated in the rear
of tho hardware store of II V Hoss
and Is supposed to have been caused
by spontaneous combustion
Ilussla Cut tlio Italian
Toulon April -I There Is much com
ment hero at tho strange and unex
pected order received by the Russian
admiral to leave Toulon with a licet
In order to avoid meetlnp the Italian
squadron here Tlio Russian licet
which nrrlved In these waters to
participate In the fetes attendlnp
President Loubets visit probnbly will
sail this evening
Wnge of Inlorer AiUnnrcil
Muucle Ind April J The Republic
Iron and Steel company last night
posted notices In their two big mills
In Miiucio Informing the 400 common
laborers that wages had been Increased
from Monday 10 per cent on the day
Tho Increase was unsolicited and
comes from the scarcity of men
Unfiles Will Institute Con tout
Topcba April 4 Colonel J II F
Iluphes the Republican candldato
for mayor who wns defeated Tuesday
by A W Iarker Iem by 11 votes
Announces that he will at once Insti
tute contest proceedings
Albert They Aro lining KiiIiImiI or dm Tlm
heron Leech likn Itisnrtntlmi
St Paul April I Red Blanket or
Leech Luke chief of the Hear Island
Ihtppcwnx ami principal chief of the
1hlppowi tribe accompanied by a sub
ntltute chief Man
Who Moves Standing and an Interpro
ter appeared before Governor Van
Kant to protest apalnst the manner
In which ns Red Blanket asserted
the Chlppewns are belnp defrauded
by timber cutters on the rcsonntlon
Red Hlauket declared through the
Interpreter that while and half lirecd
lumbermen ore now destroying the
reservation timber by assuming to act
under the nrovlslons of the law
mlltlup certain persons to cut the
dead and down timber
Red Blanket also said that although
the Indians have been allotted laud
In severally many of the men do not
know where their allotlnients are sit
uated and cannot llud out
MahClie Gnh Row said that the
tribe supposed that the full blood In
dians would secure work cutting the
timber The work however had all
been plven to the luilf breeds and
siptaw men Moreover the lumbermen
had cut large ipiantltles of green tim
ber In place of the dead and down
Knmr Laden Wires In Ilnwu mill Trnln
Hehrdules Aro Abandoned ns
Hiilt of Hlorm
Plttsburp April 1 Hltsburg wns
yesterday the center of a snow storm
that began early In the niornlnp con
tinued with great force until after
noon doing thousands of dollars
worth of ihunape rendered pracllenlly
useless for a time every electric wire
In the city suspended all street car
travel and In he early hours Isolated
the city from the outside world A
heavy rain fell before the storm came
and all reports from up river points
tell of rising streams which may brlnp
about a Hood here and below Con
servative estimates place the loss at
between 250000 and i000l Tele
prapi and telephone companies are
the heaviest losers by reason of the
fact that their lines reach every part
of the storm district
Early In the niornlnp a heavy wet
snow began falling It clunp to every
thing II touched and by 5 oclock all
the wires In the city were coated with
snow The trunk lines of the central
district were the first to fall and most
all of the other troubles that followed
are attributed to the failure of this
service On Ellsworth avenue from
Aniberson avenue to Craig street the
wreck Is complete every pole being
The storm passed enstward and all
of the suburban towns In that direc
tion suffered Wlnklnsburg Rraildoek
Homestead Duqucsno and McICees
port all report business nt a stand
still for n portion of the day
Mount Washington and the other
hill tops suffered severely All rail
road trains from the east are hours
late having encountered In the moun
tains snow to the depth of 12 to 15
Inches which was so wet and clinging
that snow plows could not clear the
tracks For a time Is was feared there
would be a blockade on both the Penn
sylvania and Baltimore and Ohio
roads but nil trains nre getting
through though not on scheduled
Denies That Ho Know An tiling of Mor
Kut Kopiitod Iurehiisn n f Ilinnmii
New York April 1 Senator I lamias
attention was called to the report that
1 Pierpont Morgan had formed a
syndicate to buy tho rights of the
French Panama Canal company ami
that in conversation with the presi
dent mid Senator Ilaiina Mr Morgan
had advocated the abandonment of the
NIcarapunn route
Yes 1 have already seen that re
port he said and you may say for
me that there Is not a word of truth
In It Personally I have never ex
pressed a preference for any route but
as for this story I have never heard
of such a thing If Mr Morgan Is
going Into the canal business I am
not In his contldence
Teuis 111 Fields Ablaze
Rcauinont Tex April 4 A serious
fire is In progress In the oil Holds
1 ley woods well struck a heavy How of
pas last night and It caught lire from
a torch In the hands of workmen The
Hume shot In the air high above tho
derrick and continues to burn This
well Is ir0 feet from the Ilamlll well
which developed the same pas feature
a few days apo Water mud and rock
a is shoot lap out of tho pipe 00 feet
hlph and contact with the flames
makes a cloud of steam
Crock Storm Sjmrna Ghetto
Vienna April 4 At Smyrna on tho
strength of rumors that tho Jews had
murdered a Greek lad for ritual pur
poses 10000 Infuriated Greeks
stormed the Ghetto The Turkish
troops charged tho mob with bayonets
one person being killed and 11 others
Hendertnu i I ven Two Wars
Dnllas Tex April 4 II C Hender
son tho self accused Cudahy kidnaper
yesterday pleaded guilty to a charge of
theft and was sentenced to two years
In tho penitentiary
Iowa IMItor Convene
Creston la March 30 Seventy five
editors from southwestern Iowa wero
In Creston yesterday attendlnp the
Southwestern Iowa Edltorinl associa
tion Hon Lafe Young of tho Des
Moines Capital delivered tho address
Practical and technical features of
the business wero discussed Tho
meeting closed with a reception in
honor of the editors by the Elks lodge
Convention Fails to Adopt
Either of Plans Proposed
Hlntts llroly It ion llelween Otlmr
nnil Jili smlii Will
Not Ho Irntoiiutiid Tor tins Hounilnl
Uliu rgra
Havana April l The Cuban con
stitutional convention look up the
propositions of Scnor Do Quesada
mid Honor Tainayo regarding relations
with the United Stales which were
yesterday laid upon the table but only
three members voted for the proposal
of Senor De Jucsuda and only six for
that of Tamnyn The propositions will
be considered at the next meetlnp Sat
urday The piesllon of sending a
commission to Washington was not
Scnor Alejandro Rodrlpuez who has
formally announced his resignation of
the mayoralty of Havana will proba
bly be appointed chief or the rural
guard The vacancy caused by his re
tirement has provoked considerable
npltatlou In the national parly as two
of Its members Senor ayas ami Senor
fieiier are eudeavorlnp to pot the
partys endorsement for the olllce
It Is understood on pood authority
that there will be no prosecution In
connection with the charges made
against Iloraclo Rubens mid Senor
Gonzales tie Quesada by a director
of the Havana Gas company to the ef
fect that they had obtained money
from the company by representing that
they had Inlluenee In Washington to
secure n reduction on the tariff of
crude petroleum
HitpronontiilUo Dulrll linlnrH Only Ioll
tlcluiiH Aro llolillng Out
Washington April I Representa
tive Oalell of Pennsylvania who has
Just returned from a two weeks trip
to Cuba saw- the president today anil
talked with him about condltlous
there Mr Dalzell said he thoupht
there was hardly a man In the Island
except the politicians who did not fa
vor the acceptance of the conditions
of Independence Imposed by the Piatt
amendment Rut the politicians are
disposed to play a walling game he
said I believe they will stand out
until congress meets and then find
ing that we will not modify our terms
they will accept the conditions The
better element In Cuba favors ulti
mate annexation with the United
States but I believe n hirpe propor
tion agree that It would better come
after a trial of Independence bns been
Hawaiian Trivial nrc
Honolulu March li7 Via San Fran
cisco April 4 The legislature has
now completed half of Its term of ses
sion mid only one bill has reached the
governor This bill Is a bill appro
priating money for the expenses of tho
session In both the senate and house
constant debate over small matters
have prevented the transaction of busi
ness the senate especially having oc
cupied nearly all of Its time In de
bates over rules and ipinrrels over the
rulings of the president
The home rulers have ninny caucus
measures pending which are begin
ning to be In danger of fulling to pass
for lack of time nud they nre prepar
ing for night sessions to force the
transaction of business Seventy bills
nre before the house In various stages
and half as many are before the sen
Counting JIi t nt Alillcnn
Abilene Kan April 4 The Abilene
Coursing club began the largest meet
ever held here yesterday over 70 dogs
being entered and owners being pres
ent from Nebraska California Colo
rado Oklahoma and Missouri The
prounds are northwest of the city and
are enclosed Ulphty Jacks are path
ered and promise line sport through
out the meet Thirty dops aro entered
In the puppy race and about fiO in
the all age stake The purses amount
to iftOO W O Thompson of Ohio Is
the Judge of the races and the specta
tors are numerous The meet Is the
II rat of a series that Includes Clay Cen
ter Mankato Friend Neb and other
Will Sftll From Clili ngo to lliiiuliurg
Chicago April The new Chicago
triiiiK Atlautic steamship Northwest
ern will sail on Its llrst trip from Chi
cago to Hainburp Germany on April
2 1 A cargo of agricultural Imple
ments and miscellaneous freight will
be carried on the llrst trip It Is ex
pected that the entire voyage down
the lakes tho St Lawrence and across
the Atlantic will take only 22 days
The boat and its sister ship will niako
repuhir trips to Hamburg after April
2 1
lraro Knvoy lUporti il irutoil
London April 4 Tho Rloemfonteln
correspondent of the Morning Post ns
seits that tho Rocrs havo tried for
treason and executed Mr Decode tho
peace envoy Miio took the offer of
peace from General Smlth Dorrlen to
General Rotha Feb 22
Peaceful Sittlcintiit IniixuxHile
Canton April 4 It Is reported here
that tho viceroy has received a tele
pram from tho court to the effect that a
peacenble settlement of affairs Is Impos
sible The viceroy Is described na
much disturbed by this communica
Chlnn boasts a breed of dop which la
virtually known In all occidental lauds
The sleeve puppy as the tiny crea
ture Is styled Is so dlmluutlvo that It
can with ease tie carried In the baggy
sleeve of the Chinese overgarment
- - V
Mac Wtlnir Aim Lnlilr Tlmt Clinrgrt of
oiiiuilnry lnuiil Aro llxitggrrntml
Washington April I -A cablegram
was received yesterday at the war de
partment from General MucArthur at
Maulli as follows
llrlirnflcr tiMicral Itoliprt I lluglies re
ports xitricailer nt llnngii noitliwoit Innnjr
Mm ell j til oMIiith 185 ini ii II rlllti
liiipifd Kolilii iiimrtN Jl tnvn u ml
KiuiH Hiiiifiiili riil iUrch 111 iioitticin Mill
IniiiiiilFunry frniuU IioIiir Invpfltlgntoil
tint trn Ml Ill1 nt grnvlty cuiinc concern up-pun-fitly
ibic Irrcgnlnrlly miles savlngx
Iretw reports Inexact ami nilMlen iltn ir
General MacArthurs dispatch as
well ns other Information received
concerning the frauds lenves consid
erable doubt as to tho exact character
of these alleged peculations Gen
eral MacArthur speaks of sales
These sales consist of Hnvlnps by tho
soldiers on the repuhir rations Issued
which they are allowed to dispose of
for their own benellt Generally the
snvlnps nre miiilu a company mutter
nud nre disposed of In bulk to the
highest bidder They may bo re
turned to the commissary department
and bought in by the government
nt the same price but there Is no
reason why they should not bo sold
elsewhere If the managers of the com
pany should so desire as army rations
do not pay the usual duty Imposed
on similar goods used for private con
sumption tho soldiers could make
pilte a prollt on their savings If they
were of considerable amount Sales
from commissary stores not Including
tho repuhir ration nre made to ofliccrs
nud men but only upon n ccrtillcate
or declaration that they nre for per
sonal use of tlio purchnser
IlmnorTlint Agulimlilo Will Sail for tlio
Unlteil States April 15 at Invita
tion of rrtalilent
Manila April 4 Chief Justice
Arellano who administered to Kinlllo
Apuinnhlo the oath of allegiance to
the United States government says
Apuinahlos action will Induce all
the Insurgents to surrender and 1
predict that the Islands will be com
pletely pacltied by tune Agulnaldo Is
eager to visit the United States but
when I quest limed lilin on the sub
ject of holding olllce he replied that he
had no desires in that direction and
Intended to retire to private life nfter
a trip to America
It Is rumored Hint President McKin
ley has Invited Agulnaldo to visit tho
United States mid that tho former In
surgent leader may sail from Manila
April lr General MacArthur when
questioned regarding the rumor said
he had absolutely nothing to com
latal rimv In Mnymml Indictment
Lansing Mich April 4 The case of
ex Attorney General Maynnrd who
was Indicted by the late grand jury of
Ingham county on a charge of falsify
ing pay rolls in his olllce wns thrown
out of court by Judge Weist on the
ground that the statute provides ns to
what shall be considered public money
mid also designates the ofliccrs who
shall receive and disburse the snme
The court stilted that the Indictment
should have been brought for fraud In
order to hold
Another Nitvnl Gun Aeelilenr
Washington April 4 A second ex
plosion of n Ill inch shell In the bore
of a naval gun Is having the effect of
causing some anxiety us to the safe
ty of this type of ammunition The
accident happened aboard the Ken
tucky The ordnance ofliccrs are very
reluctant to talk about these mishaps
but assert that in this case the pro
jectile burst just as It left the gun
doing little damage
Smallpox In Klitvuuth Infantry
San Francisco April 4 Owing to a
discovery of a case of smallpox among
the men of the IOleventh infantry
tho regiment will not sail for Manila
on tho transport KUptrlck on April 5
as had been planned Two companies
of the regiment aro to bo detained
at Angel Island until danger of the
spread of the disease Is past
Illlzzaril In the Ianliiiuille
Fort Worth Tex April 1 One of
the worst blizzards of the season Is
prevailing In northwest Texas In the
Fniilinntllp Reports from up tho Fort
Worth and Denver road say snow be
gan falling early yesterday niornlnp
nnd nt oclock wns nearly four Inches
on a level nt Qunnah Tho thermom
eter registered 25 above Above that
point the blizzard Is much worse the
snowfall belnp accompanied by fierce
wind The storm will havo a bad ef
fect on the cnttlo Interests in the Pau
lea Doe Damage nt Iaioie
TnCrosse Wis April 1 Tho re
mainder of the Ice In the Mississippi
went out yesterday doing much dam
age Large enkos came down with n
rush from the upper river destroying
tho piers nnd sheer fence nt the wagon
bridge Tart of the protection along
tho leveo is wnshed away The dam
age to tho city nnd bridge will be large
Two Ottlcurs lntully Shot
Mobile Ala April 1 Detective Mor
ris and Policeman Uresslngham yester
day attempted to arrest two couvlct
negroes suspected of the murder of a
marshal at Gulfport Miss One negro
nnmed Davis resisted and shot Mor
ris and Bresslnghnm probably fatally
no In turn was killed The other ne
gro was captured
Three Killed In Mine Kxploslnn
Gallup N M April 1 There wero
only threo men In tho Weaver mine
at the tlmo of the explosion yester
day It was thought that n number
of Japanese wero entombed but this
seems to havo been n mistake The
threo ns reported two white and one
negro wero killed
Wheat Bears Force Phillips to
Sell at Heavy Loss
Men Who Aro In Oppoitlon to the Hull
Movement Suceeeil III llrealdiiB 1ricci
Two CenU Vouni Speculator Hxpreine
Coulliluuuo In Corn nnd Oat
Chicago April 4 A strong effort
wns made on the board of trade yester
day to crowd George II Phillips the
corn king to the wall He was
driven clear out of the wheat market
but pave up none of his holdings In
corn mid oats
The day was the blpgest of Its kind
tho board has witnessed In miiny
years the governing conditions un
usual and the Jam of struggling
bowling brokers and traders cutting
unties lining the public galleries to
the limit May wheat sold down to
711i71ic and closed at 7272jc
n net loss for the day of 2c May corn
tumbled to 40Jic the net loss for the
day being l7c May oats went to
241je and closed at 2Tfc
Calls for margins were mndo on
Phillips to the extent of nearly 2o0
000 all such demands being met
promptly Ills linn now has nearly
foOO000 up as margins some of which
will be released today The attempt
to snatch the scepter from the corn
king resulted in further heavy losses
lo his customers but Phillips stuck to
his policy At the close he declared
he had not been shaken out of his corn
and oats and believed they would do
better today
Tho wheat deal was a different story
Phillips advised his customers to
sell nnd unloaded nearly 1000000
bushels emiy This wheat showed an
average loss of at least 2 6c a bushel
or nearly 20000 The markets were
Intensely nervous
After the close he was advising cus
tomers to keep a stiff upper lip ifhd
was acting on that advice himself
I believe that corn and oats have
hnd all the break they will have be
said mid will do belter today I
have advices from two dozen points In
Illinois and Iowa that farmers have
little corn to sell or that roads are Im
passable and feeders are taking the
corn at higher than Chicago prices
nnd that seeding of onts Is already de
layed a week There will bo more
rains the next week and If seeding
should be delayed until April 15 ns Is
quite likely you will see oats go up
2c n day till people forget they over
sold at 2c
Seventh Day AdvciitHt
Battle Creek Mich April 4 The
biennial report of Elder G A Erwin
president of the Seventh Day Advent
ists general conference was mndo
yesterday Elder Erwin said that dur
ing the past two years tho Increase In
membership hnd been 12504 making
the total membership for tho world
7570i The tithes for the same period
amounted to 1000195 an increase
over the former two years of 205
311 Rooks in 14 different languages
have been Issued by the Hamburg
Publishing house
Judge Weed Attempt Suicide
Ilnrlington Neb April 4 Judge
Benjamin M Weed formerly princi
pal of the public schools at Cincin
nati and for four years probate judge
of this county was found lying In the
graveyard at noon a razor in his hand
and his throat cut almost to tho jugu
lar vein Letters written to friends
show he Intended to commit suicide
He wns brought to town nnd his
wounds attended to but his recovery
is doubtful
Fall to Asrroo on Wage Scale
Sprlnglleld Ills April 4 After n
session of live days tho joint conven
tion of miners and operators of tlio
Springfield subdlstrlet adjourned last
evening without reaching an ngree
ment The miners In the district sus
pended work yesterday owing to the
expiration of the agreement of Inst
year by which the drivers and day
hands were furnished with oil anil
cotton free
Shortage In Iostofllce
Cedar Rapids la April 4 Rose P
Duffey assistant postmnstcr nt Par
noil was held in bonds of 1000 yes
terday to await the action of the fed
eral grand jury on the charge of em
bezzlement There is a shortage in the
olllce of 1000 It is n complicated
case and there Is great excitement at
Parnell where It Is believed Miss Duf
fey who is a popular girl of 10 is
Itural Telephone Service
St Joseph Mo April 4 Farmers
from the northern part of this state
Nebraska and Iowa aro holding n
meeting hero for the purpose of ex
tending a rural telephone service at
n minimum cost It has boon agreed
to mako some lnrge extensions to Im
portant agricultural sections at a
cost of 1 per month to each sub
MWsini Man Itetiirnt Home
Indianapolis April 4 Peter F
Bany owner of several business blocks
on Fast Washington street who ills
appeared last July and was supposed
by his family to have been murdered
or to have committed suicide returned
homo last night Ho has been In a Mil
waukee hospital for months
llacue Corpei Found Iu Streoti
Cape Town April 4 Several plague
corpses have been found In the streets
and houses Indicating efforts to con
ceal contact with tho disease The
total number of deaths from the plague
is 107 including 22 Europeans There
have been 315 cases of the plague
8tite Auditor Complete Computation of
Tn xivi lteeelveil
Des Moines April 4 The state aud
itor yesterday completed tho com
putation of the statu taxes received
on the assessment of 1100 from all tho
counties of Iowa The ninotinl col
lected was 110I823H3 for the general
revenues of the state The legislature
appropriated 1400000 mid in order
to raise this amount a levy of 20 mills
was laid for state purposes and the
returns Indicate that the figuring was
decidedly close The larger coun
ties paying into the state treasury nro
as follows Polk county 5022043
Dubuque it01148 Linn 1 70942
Pottawattamie ilill57 Clinton
2012157 The county contributing
least to state expenses Is Dickinson
paying only 52080 Emmet con
tributes 118210 nnd Winnebago 0
1871 The amount received on tho
1 nilll levy for building purposes at the
state university was 55000 and tho
same amount was collected on a sim
ilar levy for the state college
The amount of casli In the custody
of the state treasurer Is now about
S0000 and It Is expected this will bo
increased to more than 1250000 dur
Inp the present mouth when tho senil
nniiunl collections by the county treas
urers are turned Into the state treasury
South DaUotn Farmer Sufler Heavy
Losses Flume lrlon ly a Forty-
JUIle nit Hour Gale 1
Huron S D April 4 A prairie firo
yesterday swept over a stretch of
country enst of the Chicago Milwau
kee nnd St Paul railway starting a
few miles southeast of Virgil and trav
eling north ten or twelve miles Tho
burned district Is two miles wide Sev
eral fanners suffered heavy losses
Frank Wood lost his house barn and
his supply of hay nnd corn Arthur
Thompson a barn and the Inimcnso
sheep shed on the J IT Conn ranch
four miles north of Virgil was burned
Thousniids of tons of hay wero de
stroyed The fire was driven by a
40 mile an hour gale
Tcl Statu 11 eil leal Society Holds Important
SchhIoii at KeoUuk
Keokuk la April 4 The Tri Stato
Medical society closed its annual ses
sion here last night and ended a very
Important session of the society of
doctors from Iowa Illinois and Mis
souri A committee consisting of Dr
J C Murphy of St Louis Dr D C
Brockman of Ottumwa and Dr Frank
P Northury of Gulesburg was ap
pointed to try to get the next legis
lntures of the three states to pass laws
regulating marriage of degenerates
and criminals
New ollicers were elected nnd Chi
cago was chosen for the place of meet
ing In April next year
The ofliccrs arc President Dr J C
Murphy of St Louis first vice presi
dent Dr Bayard Holmes of Chicago
second vice president Dr Emmet
Sisson of Keokuk treasurer Dr J
F Percy of gulesburg secretary Dr
W B La Force of Ottumwa
Minnesota Primary Election Hill
St Paul April 4 By a vote of 45
to 12 the state senate yesterday passed
the house primary election bill pro
viding for the nomination of all can
didates except for state offices and for
election boards at a regularly called
primary election Candidates for
every olllce iucluding town city
county and congressional aro to be
chosen on the same day at the primar
ies electors voting with such party
ns they may desire and not being
compelled to vote for that partys can
didate at the regular election
Iluhnnue nnd Iaelllo Iload
Dubuque la April 4 Tho Chicago
Dubuque and Pacific Railroad com
pany tiled articles of Incorporation
yesterday The company proposes to
build a line from Dubuque southwest
erly to the Pacific coast The Incor
porators are Iowa men
Humor of Deelslon Is Denied
Columbus 0 April 4 The rumor
circulated that a decision had been
rendered in the Woolson Arbuckle case
is unfounded The supreme court Is
not now In session hnvlng ndjourned
Inst Friday to April 0
Iulo Learn Drops Dead
Omaha April 4 William R Learn
judge of the police court of Omaha
dropped dead at the police station
yesterday afternoon Apoplexy the
physicians say was the cause of
Muffs wore first used by doctors to
keep their lingers soft and were adopt
ed by Indies about 1550
Mrs Maria Todd widow of Ohios
war governor died at Youngstown
Wednesday aged SS years
Georgo W Thatcher charged with
forging notes to tho amount of 300
000 on the Into P P Mast of Spring
field 0 was bound over in 10000 to
answer to tho grand jury
Work was begun at Boonevllle Mo
Wednesday on the BoonevJllo and
Jefferson City branch of tho Missouri
Pacific forming wha wll lbe known
ns the Boonevllle cut off
At a meeting of the Illinois board of
railroad and warehouse commissioners
a petition presented by business men
of St Louis nnd East St Louis asking
that only one Inspection of grain bo
made in St Louis was granted
At Marion 1ml Wednesday Victor
bhul z a mall carrier shot and instant
ly killed his wife fatally wounded W
A Llkenberry a boarder In the fam
ily who attempted to interfere and
then cut his own throat ivlth a razor