t i I i J t i a i I t ns t 1 s a 12 wt 7s s s 1 - - s m K r4 t w a a a a K M - t a a 4J y -mw v JOHN TOPP PIRATE By Wcathorby Chosnoy and Alick Munro oorriuatrr ItW mr wnATnmmr ciiiwwist anii aijck mum no luxtmurio NS ur it a uuuitah Sr Stf Hfl V v y w - v v- - - CIIAPTHIt XX A wall of Htoiio four foot thick Hiir rounding n niiiiiII well barred door completely oloiod the entrance to tin envo nnil imiilo It n prison tlml himmihmI uiibrriikiibli Ono military hoMIhc wits limply HUtllclcni to guard It and In deed so coiilliliitil wore vo of ItH Btrength tlnit nlthotisli wis lnul on tin Bhoru level Htorilioimos ntul ho on Hiir rounded liy a Htockailo anil enitliwoilc which inlKht nerve an a fort In raw of attack wo Imllt our own dwelling on the plateau above A rlgzng path from the Hhore led one to the upper level In less than live mlnutuH and unco thero all danger from the fevcra which the clninmy night uilHtH of the luirhur inlKht give birth to wiih averted The liouhCH built of Iminlioo anil thatched with broad leavca lay In and among a grove of graceful feathery pultun wIioho waving llngcrn fanned the hot nlr Into coolness anil the natural gar len around hem remained iih much an poHHlblo undlHturbed Lovely llowcra Brew overywhere f rnmed In Blender fern fronda Orchldri hung from the trees In twisted uiuhnim of rainbow tinted color The leaves of the shnilm were hidden In a cloak of rich blosHom A myriad aconta commingled and the breezo wan fra grant with the eHHcnce of parndlHo Nor wiifl tliu IubcIouh picture conllued to still life only Strange IuhccIh like nnlmated Jewels humnied through the air Painted butterllles whoso color ing no human btush could reproduce floated Hensiiously from bloom to bloom I 1ariln like flashes of palo green tire shot across from the shadow of one great plant to tho shadow of another And overhead tins gayly plumaged birds fluttered about or parched on the branches and whir to tho sun throughout tho wholo of his dally course Had It not been for the droves of Hteel Jawed mosiiultoes which haunted our fairy grove I tldulc few of us would have asked better than to spend his days on such a favored spot But tho Insatiate blood thirst of these In 1 uect enemies prevented us from de generating Into mere lotus caters and the flrst spark of dawn was our call to work Vfo worked hard tho English urged by habit and hope tho Spaniards by ex nmplo and rod A second boat was found lying In a rock pool stove In but repairable end with this ntul tho other one which wo already possessed tho carracks stores and cargo and tho Jot nnm from the galley were safely housed nBhoro Then began tho henvler toll of unpleclng the vessels stripping off tho unspllntered plnnks and frames tho unbroken knees and elbows ani trans porting them to the site whereon we Intended to lay stocks for our uev keel It was plow work as any one who has broken up a ship will know for bolt and clamp and treenail had each to be drawn with curious care lest tim bers for sheathing Rhould be split and bo rendered unlit for further use But time and perseverance were tho chief factors toward success and by lavish ing both freely wo at length finished the dihinantllng of the two wrecks and carried or towed their contents to tho beach In front of the cave It was then that the great discussion took place as to tho form In which our new bark should he built Ever since wo had settled In our up land village among tho palms Alec had been employing his spare time In carv ing and rigging a succession of toy ships Nobody had taken much notice of him for it was not his habit to court public applause and as yet he had not asked for public criticism lie would work by the flickering llrellght Jnr Into tho night and appeared so wr3fied up In his labors that sometimes we would speak three or four times to him and not get an answer More than once I fancied that he was under a spell and wondered whether Don Miguel had the power of the evil eye For Indeed my sworn shipmates maimer was often j trangely distracted Sometimes he would sit gazing mood ily at his work sometimes he would stare Intently at tho fantastic shadow pictures which the Jerky flames cast on the dark bushes at the edge of the cir cle of light and then lie would set to and destroy a greater part of tho fab ric he had tolled over and start patient ly to fit and carvo It nil afresh And the old man who when not on guard below teemed always to be watching these attempts would rub his shining hands and burst nut Into a weird Oh ho ho of approval Now and again tho modeler would tnko one of his tiny craft to a secluded part of the harbor and openly saylug ho wanted no company would test It eo wo supposed And how his play things had behaved In these trials we could always guess by tho look on his gravo face when he returned pleased or gloomy according to the result Ills knife had fashioned similar etrnugo vessels In the old days nt Whit by where tho unbelieving Jeers of the shipwrights had made him destroy them and though I and the others looking at his new designs with the critical eye of sailors rather than with the partial one of comrades pointed out to him gravo defects and useless innovations ho would quietly bid ua wait wait wait and not criticise the unfinished work until wo could iase our Judgment on shown results rather than on the strange and unlikely look of lili now models And so In the long summer evenings when our work wiih done while Alec pondered and labored the rest of us smoked our clgarlllos drank palm wine spun yarns of inermnldens and sea monsters and giants such ns Ma gellan found by tho Icy southern ocean And sometimes we sang tho old sea song of Hnghiud and sometimes again now songs of Spanish torture of blood and of revenge songs which tho old man inado for us and which ho delight ed to teach us to slug Cruel devilish songs they were and the old mans weird laughter ran through the chorus like a demons accompaniment but to some of us their very horror was their charm But when tho labor of collecting the planks and timbers was nearly over by our captains orders we others began building a toy ship of our own design lug her upon what we considered tho fastest and handiest lines making her In fact a model from which as we be lieved tho larger vessel for which we had collected our material could best be built Put upon our mettle by a challenge to pit our brains against the captains we spared no pains to per fect the details of our little craft and ho from boltsprlt to mlzzcn from the poop lanterns to tho heavy round tops from forecastle to nftercastlo sho was as pretty a plaything as the heart of u sailor could desire And that when put to the trial sho would prove fastest In sailing quickest In getting about and handiest to light her builders bad not n doubt It was declared a holiday when tho two little vessels wero placed In com petition on tho milled waters of the linrbor and after stowing tho Spau lards away snugly in their Jail except koiuo half a score who were dispatched on n pig hunt and afterward wero the cause of no little uneasiness to us ull hands nsscmbled to see the trial Two courses were to bo sailed one a dead run before the wind the other a trial of speed close hauled for as Wil lie Trehallon Justly put It a haystack can drift but It takes a tidy ship to run to windward in anything like wenther Alee captained his own bark and I ours and when each navigator had trimmed sails tho two vessels wero headed with the wind straight off shore toward the other side of tho harbor As regards looks our bark unques tionably made tho braver show Her square stern towered out of tho wa ter like the gable of some quaint old house and her frowning ports com manded the sea all around Her courses topsails sprltsall and mizzen bellied out In graceful curves and her bluff sturdy bow rode over the wave lets like some restive charger and churned them Into foam beneath her keel Proud would the pygmy captain have been who could have stood on that lofty pooi nnd looked dowu ut the pygmy crew in the waist below us they passed In and out of the doors of their house in the forecastle Sho was a pretty craft and oue that made a mariners heart burn within him In Joyful anticipation of her certain vic tory Alecs vessel caused no such thrill Bhe was low In the water had no cas tle forward had not even a raised poop and possessed but one deck and that Hush through all Its length Her hows wero sharp and much cut nway which nugured ill for her safety In n heavy sen though truth to tell sho seemed to ride over the ell high waves of the harbor as dry as our own ves sel nnd her stern was pared down to nothing where tho rudder meets the water A strange sight truly But It was her rig which excited our greatest wonder ner two pole masts had no round tops nnd but little of shrouds or stays Moreover they car ried nothing but fore nnd aft canvas oblong sails hoisted botween gaff and boom inboard and triangular sails on the boltBprlt Sho had only four Balls In all aud so strangely were they cut that thero wns no sign of bag In them except when sho was running free and In a word they set as flat as boards Yet In spite of nil our vessel did nQt show tho other craft her heels but seemed rather to bo straining every Splinter to keep her place The two went ashore within thrca seconds of one another and the men who wore waiting their arrival took them up and balled that Captnln Ire lands boat was flrst i Ah well wed seo what sho could do on a wlud Not much there some of us fancied Once more sail was trimmed nnd tho little crnft wero set to claw off n dead leo Bhore with what waa to them a heavy beam sea running It waa a task In which many a well found ship of great tonnage had utterly failed as thousands of rock gushed corpses can witness and we for our part wore un willing to try It Alec however said his vcsiol could thrash through and so we could uot for very shame refuse the encounter For the little galleon our fears wero but too well founded Closo hauled ns sho was with all her sheets well aft llko a sentient being sho did her very best Btrlylog and striving to labor IHB NORFOLK NHWS FRIDAY AlltlL L90 out to ton but wigging more and mor to loewnrd with every attempt And nt Inst wavelet a trlllo lustier than thoso which had gone before hove her high and diy upon tho beach from which she had started But Alecs model wnn in n different plight With never a shred of ennvns shivering sho reached ottt over tho mimic billows never swerving from her course by a hnndsbrendth groov ing hor slnntlng path up tho watery hills and slipping dowu Into the valleys with her decks as dry as tho burning sun above could maku thclu Though Rtnnrtlng with defeat we could but admire tho power of this now sen engine Sho sailed somo seven points closer to the wind than any crnft wo hnd hitherto clnpped eyes on her speed wns Incontestable and In anything like moderate weather two hands could put her about wth ease SHU though she might be iih ngllo as a panther wo wero by no means In love with her ns a battleship nnd min ed out objections In n perfect storm To these Alec listened gravely enough at flrst but presently his eye lighted up and he answered with an amount of Irritation and bent which wns unu sual In him To the ship breaker with your clum sy apple bowed floating fortresses ho cried Noahs ark wns not more un handy In n sen Look nt my beauty how sho sits tho water llko a duck Noto her flue entrance Seo how neatly tho wnjtcrs close behind her delicate slornT leaving no heavily dragging wake And as for lofty sides being a protection against boarders I shall ma neuver so that no enemy can over get nenr enough to lay mo aboard And tho lowur your freeboard the smaller remember Is the enemys target You nsk whero aro my castles on bow and stern Why you unobscrvlng dolts did you not hear before wo left Eng land thnt Captain Hawkins of Plym outh wns razing them from nil his ships ns n lubberly Incumbrance lit only for land loving cowards who could uot fight except from behind a stock ade And so ho ran on decrying every point In our ship nnd sticking up for the Innovations on his own so tlercely that losing my temper somewhnt I ventured to remonstrate But before ten sentences had passed my lips the old man Interrupted Oh ho ho chuckled ho Empty headed Jack what a pity youre not a Spaniard for surely n more mulish bigot never stuck to n foolish cause Why good numskull youre always prating of your hatred for the dons and here you are trying In your crass iguo rauco to belittle the most cunning scourge that was ever made to swing against their Idolatrous backs 1 tell you Jack and you my masters all I tell you I who have thrown you a dozen or eo of true prophecies before I tell you that yon outlandish craft which 1b now working her way almost In tho eye of the wlud shall work a deed tho like of which no English bark llko manned has ever worked before She shall fight a single hnnded tight with a great galleon und capture her nnd thcro shall be spoil such as tho greediest of you scarce daro dream about And so off cap every one of you to your captain and follow his bidding without more of your Ignorant ques tioning Oh ho ho Tls a merry world but peopled with fools To be coutluuoit uext Friclny LATEST NEWS OF TRADE Chicago Grain unit Ii ovIhIoiih Chli iigo Apill I Corn ami outs recov ered pint of yrsterduys loss today while wliiat held steady The urulu tiude nan exollid Beiiirally nhorts covering chlelly under the lntlneiiec of cahlen May corn cloned iyHe and May oatw c higher Wheat closed VsCijC lower and proWstotm at u loss of XjJic cloning prices Wheat April 71o May T2Lc July Corn April 42c May 4ac July 43Vfte OiiIn April iVjc May 2ie July 25c Iork Apill 1510 May 1520 July lr07U Inrd Aprll JB53 May 842V4 July 82Vii827V4 Sept 827 Hthn Aprll 820 May 820 July 31214 Sept 810 Cah quotations Xo 2 red wheat 7171 73J4e No a red wheat 7072V4o No 3 xprlng wheat 70fft72c No 2 hard wheat CiVyTi71c No 3 unrd wheat 07270c No 2 corn WiWlc No 3 corn dyJl41c No 2 oats 20We No 2 white oats 2SQ21Wc Chicago Ilvo Stock Chicago April 4 Cattlu IlccclptR 12 000 Including 200 Texaus teeru stendy butchers Block and Texanti stroug good to prlinu steers 300iWOO poor to me dium i7rH4X Miockers and feeders steady 27SCuM7r cows J26V34M 2RVa47S dinners stronger 20W 280 hulls 27i4TO calves about steady 4Mrin2 Texas fed steers 410J1530 Texas grass kteers 34011400 Texas hulls 27MT iOO Hogs Heeelpts today 22000 tomorrow 20000 estimated left over 2 MX stendy doling strong top 02216 mixed nnd butchers ri0OJtOl good to choice heavy n03fi122V6 rough heavy 5WV2000 light V8V3O120 bulk of sales tl0OiiUlr Sheep llecelpts 15 000 sheep slow lambs strong good to choice wetheis 400ftS11 fair to cholae mixed 4004W western sheep 4003 B15 yearlings 4835102 native lambB 4752045 western lambs 510Q345 South Omnlin Ilvo Stock South Omaha April 2800 nctlve stronger uatlvo beef steers 4OWi40 western steers 375405 Tex as steers 32541400 cows and heifers 33041440 eauncrs 200325 stockera and fteders 3256480 calves 325073 bulls stags etc 27GS25 oelpts 7700 steady to strong heavy 307V65lO07H mixed 505K507H hsht 50051307 pigs 50051H bulk of sslis i507VtflU00 Sbecp ItecelptB 2 BOO stroug yearllugs 4COQ400 fair wethers 42551405 common nnd stock sheep 37541300 ewes 3753125 lambs 450220 Scours iu Colts and Calves For a youug calf or colt from a day to a mouth old give one teaspoonfnl of Chamberlains Colio Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy in half a gill of water as a drench after eaou operation of the bowels more than natural usually one doso is sufilclont For older animnls it may be given iu the feed Thousands of valuable animals aro saved by it e ch yoar This remedy is just what you should take yourself when troubled with diarrhoea For salo by Kiesau Drug Co CATARRH A Onnil Thing German Syrup is tho special proscrip tion of Dr A Boschoo a celobratod Gor man Phvsiuinu nnd is acknowledged to bo ono of tho most fortuuato discov eries in Medicines It quickly cures Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of tho sovorost nature removing ns it does tho causo of tho affection and leaving tho parts iu n stroug and healthy con dition It is not au experimental medi cine but has stood tho tost of years giving satisfaction in ovory enso which its rapidly increasing salo ovory soasou confirms Two million bottles sold an nually Bosohoos German Syrnp was introduced in tho United States in 1818 and is now sold in every town aud vil lage in the civilized worjd Threo doses will roliovo any ordinary cough Price 75 cts Got Greous Prize Almanac Kiesau Drug Co Hillds up a Congressiiiiin At tho end of tho lait campaign writes Champ Clark Missouris brilliant congressman from overwork nervous tension loss of sleep and constant speak ing I had about utterly collapsed It seemed that all tho organs iu my body wero out of order bnt threo bottles of Electric Bitters undo mo all right Its tho best nil round medicine over sold over a druggists counter Over worked run down mou and wonk sickly women gain splendid health nnd vitality from Electric Bitters Try them Only GOo Guaranteed by Kiesau Drug Co The Ilest Itlood Iurlller Tho blood is constantly being purified by the lungs liver and kidneys Keep those organs in a healthy condition aud tho bowels regular and you will havo no need of a blood purifier For this pur pose there is nothing equal to Chamber lains Stomach and Liver tablets one doso of them will do yon more good than a dollar bottle of the best blood purifier Price 35 cents Samples free at Kiesau Drug Cos drug store Nasal Catarrh quickly yields to treat ment by Elys Cream Halm which is agree ably aromatic It is received through tho nostrils cleauRCS and heals tho wholo eur fnco over which it diffuses itsolf Druggists sell tho GOc sizo Trial steo by mail 10 cents Tost it nnd you are sure to contiuuo tho treatment Announcement To nccomuiodato those who nro partial to tho uso of atomizers iu applying liquids into tho nasal jinssagos for catarrhal trou bles tho proprietors preparo Cronm Balm iu liquid form which will bo known ns Elys LiquKl Groiuti Balm Price including tho praying tube is 75 conts Druggists or by until Tho liquid form embodies tho med icinal proportica of tho solid preparation A Testimonial Iroui Old England I consider Chamberlains Cough Remedy the best in the world for bron ohitis 6ays Mr William Savory of Warrington England It savod my wifes life she having been a martyr to brouohitis for over six yoars being most of the timo confined to her bed Sho is now quite well Sold by Kiesau Drug Co Sampson I beliovo women Bhould be treated same east as west How is thnt Why give them Rooky Mountain Tea tho greatest spring blessing women can havo U5o G B Ohkistopii Good Advice The most miserable beings in tho world are those sufforing from Dys pepsia aud Liver Ootnplaiut More than sevonty five per cent of tho people in the United States aro afllictedjwith thoso two diseases aud their effects suoh ns Sour Stomach Sick Headache Habitual Costlveness Palpitation of the Hoart Heart burn Waterbrash Gnawing and Burning Pains at tho Pit of tho Stomach Yellow Skin Coated Tongue and Disa greeable Taste iu tho Mouth Coming up of Food after Eating Low Spirits oto Go to your Druggist and got a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents Two doses will relieve you Try it Get Greens Prizo Alnianao JKiosau Drug Co The Heat Iteuiedy for KlieuiuiitUm QUICK KELIEF FROM PAIN All who use Chamberlains Pain Balm for rheumatism aro delighted with the quick relief from pain whioh it affords When speaking of this Mr D N Sinks of Troy Ohio says Somo time ago I had a severo attack of rhoumatistn iu my arm nud shouldor I tried numer ous remedies but got no relief until I wa recommouded by Messrs Geo F Parsons Co druggists of this placo to try Chamberlains Pain Balm They recommeuded it so highly that I bought 3frMflBEs FORERUNNER OF CONSUMPTION 1ew rcnll7c what n dcep scalcd obstinate disease Catarrh is regarding it aa a simple inflammation of the nose and throat little or no attention is given it But however insignificant it may seni at tint U is serious and far reaching in its results The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system The stomach kidneys in fact all the organs feel the effect of this catarrhal poison and when the lungs are reached its progresa is rapid and destructive nnd finally ends in consumption It frequently happens that the senses of hearing nnd smell nre In part or entirely lost the soft bone9 of the nose eaten into ntul destroyed causing intense suffering nnd greatly disfiguring the face While spraya washes nnd salves may give temporary relief no permanent benefit can be expected from such treatment CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE and far beyond the reach of mere locnl remedies Those who rely upon them for a cuie lose valuable time meet with disap pointment and allow the disease to take firmer hold Only a real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease S S S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood purifies it makes it rich and healthy stimulates and mis iikw uiu iiuu uic siuggisu woni om organs aim inus relieves me sysicm ui uu jiutauiivua Mm Joiephlne Iolhlll of Due West 6 C writes I hnd Cntnrrh which became a deep seated that 1 wns entirely denf In one car nnd nil Inside of my nose including part of the hone sloughed ofT When the disease had gone this fnr the physician gave me up as Incurable I determined to try S S S ma Inst resort and begnn to Improve nt once It seemed to get nt the sent of the disease nnd niter n few weeks treatment I was entirely cured and for more than seven years have hnd no sign of the disease S S S is made of roots herbs nnd barks of wonderful tonicnl nnd purifying properties It is the only vegetable blood purifier known aud n certain and safe cure for all blood troubles Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases nnd at the same time write our physicians about your case They will cheerfully give you any information or advice wanted We make no charge for this n bottlo I was soon rolioved of all pain I havo sinco rocommoudod this liniment to many of my friends who agree with mo that it is the bost romody for muscu lar rheumatism in the markot For salo by Kiesau Drug Co Tls Husy to Keel Oooil Countless thousands havo found a blessing to tho body iu Dr Kiugs Now Life pills wh6h positively cure consti pation sick headache dizziness jnun dico malaria fever and aguo nnd nil liver nud stomnoh troubles Purely vogotablo nover gripo or weaken Only 25o at Kiesau Drug Cos store A Killing Itoarlnc Flood Washed down a telegraph lino which Chas C Ellis of Lisbon la had to re pair Standing waist deop in ioy water he writes gave mo a torriblo cold nnd cough It grow worse daily Finnlly tho best doctors in Onkdale Neb Sioux City aud Omaha said I had con sumption and could uot livo Then I began using Dr Kings Now Discovery nud was wholly cured by six bottles Positively guaranteed for coughs colds and all throat and lurg troubles by Kie sau Drug Co Price GOo aud 100 Trial bottles free Au Kxtenslve Stock Kaiser Tells How to Cure Scours In Calves Win Abbott of Tyndall S Dak quite an extonsivo stock raiser hag for n number of years UEed Chamberlains Colic Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy for scours in calves and says he has nover known it to fail He gives a tea spoonful in water as directed on the bottle for an adult man after each oper atfon of the bowels more than natural Usually ono dose is sufficient For sale by Kiesau Drng Co Tol Couldnt Have Stood It If hed had itching piles Theyre ter ribly annoying but Bucklens Arnica salvo will euro the worst caso of piles on earth It has oured thouands For in juries pains or bodily eruptions its tho best salvo in tho world Price 25c a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Kiesau Drug Co If troubled by a weak digestion loss of nppetito or constipation try a few doses of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver tablets Every box warranted For salo by Kiesau Drug Co CatiRlit A Dreadful Cold Marion Kooko manager for T M Thompson a largo importer of a fine millinery nt 1658 Milwaukee Avenue Chicago says During the Into severe waathor I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night and made mo unfit to attend my work during the day One of my milliners wob taking Cham berlains Cough RomeJy for a severe cold at that timo which seemed to re lieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself It acted like magio and I began to improve at once I am now entirely well and feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits For sale by Kiesau Drug Co Tho unprecedented successful results accomplished by Rocky Mountain Tea is due to tho fact that it never fails to cure them that use it this month 35c G B Ohkistopii Application for Saloon Liquor Ilcoiise Matter of application of William G Beruer for a liquor license Notice is horeby given that William G Berner did on the 37th day of March rjui moms application to tno mayor ana city counou or tne city or Norfolk Nebraska for license to Bell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne braska from the 1st day of Mav iooi to the 10th day of April 1903 at 324 Norfolk avenue in First ward of said city If thero is no objection remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks from tho 27th day of March 1001 tho said license will be granted S It MoFarland City Clerk Amillcatlon for Saloon Lliiuur Llcnnan Matter of application of Georgo Holler for a liquor license Notice is hereby given that George Heller did on the 1st day of April 1001 file his application to tho mayor and city council of tho city of Norfolk Ne braskj for license to sell malt spirituous nnd vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne braska from tho 1st day of May 1001 to the 30th day of April 1002 at lot ono block one Koenigstein addition to city of Norfolk in First ward of said oity If thora is no objection remoustrauoe or protest filed within two weeks from the 1st day of April 1001 the said license will be grauted S It McFauland Oity Clerk SWIFT SPECIFIC CO sss ATLANTA GA Sheriffs Salo Notico is horeby given that by virtuo of a venditioni exponas issued by Ohr Sohavland clerk of tho of tho district court of Madison county Nebraska upon a decree of foroclosuro rendered in tho distriot court of Madison county Nebraska on tho ninth day of April 1000 in favor of T 0 Cannon as plaiutiff and ngninst John E Olnoy Ohnrlotto 13 Olney Charles E Olnoy et nl ns dofoudants for tho sum of two thousand thirty ono dollnrs nnd -10 conts 203140 with interest thoreon nt tho rate of 10 per cent per annum from April 01000 and costs taxed at two huu dred and eighty two dollars aud sovouty threo cents 28273 nud accruing costs I will offer tho following described real estate heretofore appraised under and by virtue of an order of sale to wit Lots fifteen 15 and sixteen 1G in block six G of tho town of Norfolk Nebraskn for sale to the highest bidder for cash in hand on tho 10th day of April 1001 at the hour of 1 oclock p m of said day iu front of tho east door of the court house in Madison Nebraska that boing tho building wherein tho last term of court was held when nnd whero duo attendance will be given by the undersigned Dated this 8th day of March 1001 Geo W Losey Sheriff of said County ARC twaccticD StMOVAL c8scri LONE STANDING RrrUIriON orLL V IXKAtriRRtajLMnirc M Nasal CATARRH In all Its stages there should be cleanliness Elys Cream Balm cleanses soothes and heals tho diseased membrane It cures catarrh and drives anny a cold In tho head quickly LnTOl -- en ni Ml- juragf sEgtwlwii Cream Balm Is placed Into tho nostrils spreads over the membrano and is absorbed Relief Is im mediate and n euro follows It Is not drying does not prodaco sneezing Largo Size 50 cents at Drug lllsti or by mail Trial Size 30 cents by mail KLY UKOTIIERS SO Warren Street New Yrk BOOKBINDING Rebiuding Old Books and Magazines H BRUMMUftSD Next Deans Paint Storo 5th St rbotorrapbtd irom un REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY miiKiwr mho kaHBn m mjBi P tv imnhmxi L THfiiP5 fcjrxi hi r Made a Well Man t u vji mc PRISNOSC XLXXXtfXXXO produces the above results In 30 da js It Beta powerfully and quickly Cures when U others fklL Young men will regain their lost manhood and old men will recover tholr youthful vigor by using REVIVO It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emissions Lost Power Filling Memory Wanting Diseases and aU effects of self abuso or excess and indiscretion which unfits one for study business or mtrrisge II Dot only cures by starting at the Beat of dlseasebut la a great nerve tonlo and blood builder bring ing baek the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the flro of yoath It wards off Insanity and Consumption Insist on having REVIVO no othor It can be carried in vest pocket By mail 100 per package or six for 8500 with m posi tive written guarantee to euro or refund the money Book and ndvlsofreo Address BOYAl MEDICINE Porsalo in Norfolk Nebraska by Geo B Ohristoph druggist Dont Be Fooledi eonpoKATCOiasa - Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never so4 in bulk Accept no subtl tute Ask your drucglst CROSS US m 05J raSOTKS 4 v uS vC fe yntoenai PILLS arc punrtr VUtTAIIX rXtf ArTCs crrccrii TMYHAVC THt oNquAuncff V J1 CNPQRJOUMt OFCVCRY PHYSICUW rAruUABWITH THt rORMULA OES MOJNCSMuy For Sale by Ge ge B Ohristoph T y IN DC C INCHON A Ct