h Y Stupid Children Children of Wight parents are not naturally stupid When study is disliked study is painful NORFOLK Suspect their eyes rather than condemn their intellect We make a specialty of examining childrens eyes Examination costs nothing We prescribe glasses only when absolutely necessary and guarantee satisfaction C p 1 PRQUflBDT Dp of Ophthalmology NEBRASKA f H E HARDY J FUEL Office Cnr 4th and Alain Sts Ynnls Bast U- Depot Phone 35 MONARCH MIXED PAINT The Beet Paint Made Will cover 800 square feet two coats Contains pure lead and oil Shown by chemical test there is no paint on the market equal to its durability and cover ing capacity We can vouch for this up we have handled the Monarch Paint for twelve years If you think of painting your house let us figure with you We can save you money Remember our large stock of Wall Paper cheaper than ever Kiesail Drifg Go ni J At Johnsons Furniture Store 13000 Chamber Suits Selling for 2 4 00 1200 Dining Tables Selling for 900 200 Jardinieres Selling at half price 1200 Iron Beds Selling for 900 Solid Oak Dining Chairs Selling for 90 cents 2000 Sewing Machines Selling for 1500 200 Oak Center Tables Selling for 150 Many fine pieces of Puraiture JBook Case Ohina Closets Rockers etc etc at much less than actual value finest stock in the city to pick from We jnust have room for another big stock coming Secure bargains thie week at Johnson Fuhnituhe Store The Weather Conditions of the weather as recorded Cor the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to day Maximum temperature h Minimum temperature m Average 42 Precipitation 00 Total preoipitation for month 05 Snowfall 00 Total snowfall for month 100 Barometer 2014 Forecast for Nebraska Generally fair tonight and Saturday Colder east portion tonight Warmer Saturday FRIDAY FACTS Work on the new residence of W B Hight on South Tenth street is well ad vanced The Bishop block is ready for the lathers and their work will be completed in n few days Rev S F Sharpless will preach in the Presbyterian church SabbatJi morn iugat 11 ocloek The West Side Whifct olub was enter tained last evening by Mr and Mrs J K Boas at their homo on North stroot ThoJMvmic Students club will meot Tuesdayloveuing instead of Monday with Miss Luikart This is Godd Friday and tho day is bo ing observed in sovcral of tho churches with appropriate services Tho colonels on Governor Dietrichs staff havo arranged to tondor tho gov ernor and sonator olcot n banquet next Wednesday tho 10th Thero wbb no quorum nt tho regular mooting of tho city council which was to havubcon hold last night and an ad journment was taken u itil Saturday night nt 8 oclock sharp Farmers in tho vicinity of Norfolk ro port that tho work of seeding is well advanced and aro satisfied that tho weather is all that could bo desired for starting tho crops along right Si Pluukard and his hayseed band rived today in spito of tho wind and attracted contracted attention with their burlesque parade Tho company will ontortaiu at tho Auditorium this evening C G Miller is preparing to improve his residence property corner of Madi son avenue and Kighth street Tho houso will be raised and a now founda tion put under if and other improve ments nro contemplated After a day or two of spring Old Boreas again holds sway lie is rudo very and thj way ho sweeps around the comers is disastrous to auythiug light and movable and exceedingly distress ing to pedestrians especially if they wear skirts Tho contemplated improvements to Norfolk electric light syBtem aro well under way Several residences hnve been wired new foundations for the machinery nt tho power station aro be ing put in a largo door has been cut through the front of the building and other work is being dono A crematory association with a capital htock of 10000 has boon incorporated at Lincoln J Sterling Morton aud other residents of Nebraska City aro the incorporators It is the first organiza tion of the kind in tho state and its bus iness will be tho maintenance of a crematory furnace and chapel cremat ing human bodies and storing ashes Carl T Seeley of Madison who for nearly three years pabt has served ns deputy rovenuo collector in this terri tory received notice last week that tho changes in the district and the shortage of the appropriation made it necessary to got along with less help and ho was laid off Collector Williams of Colum bus will havo a largo patt of his terri tory The barn of Henry Klug living in Edgewater Park was destroyed by fire this afternoon and the chicken houso ot Wm Klug was likewise destroyed By hard work the barn of tho latter wan saved Au ularm was turned in and tho hose carts started but camo back when it was found that the blaze was out of the reach of the city water Tho hook and ladder company did good work with their chemicals however It is sup posed to havo started from a si ark from a passing engine I offer the Geo lies property for sale for one week only Price i500 Ad dress H T Daniels Garrotson S D Fresh celery at Glissmans The Ladies Aid society of the M church will hold its apron bazaar Thursday April 11 Wutdh for tho Great Montana Iihl for State Printing The atate board of printing will re ceive bids at tho office of secretarv of state on or before 1200 noon Wednes day April 17 for Bundry and miscel laneous printing Specifications and samples may be fonnd at the office of secretary of state Bids should bo ac companied by bond equal to the prob able amount to be paid for the work me board reserves tho right to reject any and all bids State Printing Board Lincoln Nebr April 4 FokSale A good cow Inquiro of Mrs H H HulL North Ninth street See Thompsonss closing ad on this page The Varorite Line To the Epworth League convention San Francisco Cal July 1901 will bo the Union Pacific All competition dis tanced The fast trains of the Union Paoiflo reaoh San Francisco fifteen hours ahead of all competitors If yon are in no hurry take a slow train by one of the detour routes but if you want to get there without delay take the historic and only direct route the Uuiou Pacific Full information cheerfully furnished upon application F W Juntman Agent Parish has some flue cranberries Farm and city loans The Durland Trust Co Fresh halibut nt Glissmans J DrFrank Salter Diseases of children THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY APRIL 1901 Tenth DIDNT KNOW GOV DIETRICH ou I M Maoy has returned from his western trip has reopened his gallery and is ready for business All kinds of photographs made with neatness and dispatch Dressed chickens at Glissmans Houses for sale T E Odiobkic An Ineltlrnt of Iim Krirptlnii liy lan Clijr NiimiK rclrtl tlnli Now that Govornor Dietrich of Ne braska has Imjou elocted to tho United States senate some Kansas City peoplo who passed him up two months ago aro wondering if this is not the time to sond lilm a letter and explain things It was tho occasion of tho visit of General 1 Fitzhugh Leo Tho gonerals party did not arrive until lato In tho afternoon and an oaily public diuner was planned for him with a nomi stato street parado saudwiched In all of which niado tho local committee qnlto busy In and about tho Baltimore hottl where tho general was stopping there wore great guns and popguns and genrrals and judges and colonels galore with an oc casional governor with Crit tendon as tho loan The consequence of all this was that whon a mild looking gentle man with a f Hghtly German cast of countonanco and a soldierly bearing re- inarKod to a member of tho reception committeo that he was anxious to get au early word with General Leo adding that ho waK Governor Dietrich no further attention was jiaid to tho an nouncement than toasMire tho gentlo man tho interview would be arranged And it was Governor Dietrich stood about and occasionally took part in bomo little anecdotal conversation re garding tho expected visitor tho general not having arrived aud while the recep tion committeeman could remember he had Fiuel ho was Govornor somebody or othor ho could not recall tho namo Therefore no tronblo was taken to iutro dnco him tho inference being that ho wore tho title in tho houornry way some colonels and judges do But by ginger said President C 1 Schmeizer yesterlay it was tho gov ernor of Nebraska all right ouough i saw him at tho Uitltimoio and had a little talk with him but never did it occur to mo that he was tho newly elected governor of Nobraskn I know all about Dockery aud Flory and Stan ley and Broid nhul and I managed to recall the namo of Earnes of Oklahoma but Diotrich was tho now one to me The man who brought him tome did not lay any stress on the wed governor so we all lot it go at that Hundreds if not thousands of Kansas Cityans saw him sitting in the lobby of tho Balti more but not n man Missonrian Kan sasan or Nebraskau could point him out to us and he was so darned modest ho did not give us a tip He might have known the stnte motto We have to be shown and let us in on his secret BuJ thero ho sat n howling majority in his pocket and a governors commiEPion at homo and let us pass him up We did not even invito him to dinner Smoke but you could have knocked mo down with a feather whon at the presidents inaugural I next saw this man Dietncn Tne name is not com mon so I remembered it When I looked on my program and saw tho next person to pass wab Governor Dietrich and that same face came along at the head of tho Nebrask 1 contingent that was the time I felt like bitting down and drinking a glas of cool water There to think of it in KnusiiH City we had not a single man of us shaken hands with him aud yet nrouud me were teiife of thousands of people yelling their throats hoarse calling his nnme He sat on a magnificent horse bowed right and left was as big a man as any of tho western governors and looked the part Did you yell for him I did when I got my breath I yelled like the very devil I gave a yell for every blamed man on that reception committee and two for tho chairman We will have to get him down here for a dinner before he goes to Washington Maybe ho will help us get the army headquarters here And the presidont of the Commercial club looked faint Kansas City Journal Fresh Baltimore oysters at Glissman1s Buy your aprons sun bonnets and dust caps at the bazaar of the M E ladies on Thursday April ll Mrs Sadie Hart Miller osteopath Rooms over the Hayes jewelry house Form land and city property for sale byG R Seiler make loans on we real estate at lowest rates Elkhorn Savings association T E Building and Odiornb Soo Six lota in The Heights 80 each S L Gardner Fine Easter lilies at greenhouse L Bnckendorfs We have bought the Michael stock of mouldings and picture frame goods at a big discount and until it is gone you can get pictures trained at almost any price HoronAM r6Mrrii M IlunkanJ A Yankee comedy of the above name will be at the Auditorium Friday even ing April 5 Tho comedy is in four acts tho scenes of which are laid in and around the New England country and Now York City Tho central figure of conrso is Si Pluukard a young 1 nnKoo notion peddler which part is looked after by Mr J O Lewis Some of the loading characters seen may bo mentioned Dora Page a young country lass in lovo with Si Felix Smart au inventive Dutchman Robert Denny a bogus stock speculator Ezra Page au honest old farmer who does not understand speculation Moses I ton a Hebrew money lender aud num erous conntry friends of tho Page family Tho performance includes many social ties of an etrifjlnnl and nenol character by a company of cmueeliaiiR Fresh cattish wall eyed plko and white fish at UiRsmans J nil go l n PEitaoNAL Barnes is a visitor in coin T L Ackormnii was up from Stanton yesterday I W Alter of Wayne was in Norfolk over night Barclay Jones of CohunbuH was in town over night II J Haokefl was In the city yester day from LindMiy Guy K Wilber of Wayne was i Nor folk guest last night Mr and Mrs Joseph Wareck of Wilber were in the city yoRtorday Mrs Paul Kara of Lyons is visiting Norfolk relatives and friends Mr and Mrs J O Hassman of Hold ridge were Norfolk visitors ycbtordiy Dr A K Scobco doparteel today for a visit of about ten days at Kirksvillo Mo Mrs Hurt Mnpes is visiting Omaha friends this week She will return to morrow OVIllillg W O Hull has returned from Ha- warden Iowa where ho traded for a thoroughbred horso II E Owen departed today for Pied mont Wyoming where ho goes to look nfter business affairs Mayor elect T F Momniinger waR in tho city from Madison yesterday receiv ing the congratulations of friends Norris Huho caino up from Lincoln last night to spend a few days vacation at home Gene returned with him Mrs Craft and children 0 Mis souri Valley Iowa who havo boon tho guests of Mrs Crafts sisters Mrs Roland and Mrs Crotty of South Nor folk returned homo yesterday Georgo II Spear returned this noon from his visit to Hot Springs S D where ho had been for several weeks in the interest of his hoalth The condition of his health is much improved Got your Easter lilies dorfs greenhouse at L Good fai ms to trade for town property G II Sicilkh Sturgeon is tho piano mnn OPENING March 30 E DURLAND PARISH has just received a shipment of The Famous Marvelli Macaroni With each package goes a handsome little Booklet by Mrs Rorer telling of more than GO ways to cook it This is an opportunity Z you should not overlook S 15 cents per package A noiher shipment of House Plants due Wednesday Better get them this week DA DIC U rrfj j i J r THE LATEST IN c h k I 9 X fj 4 V i 9 9 7 9 9 v I 9 I 9 MILLINERY II I MISS E J BENDER j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 the Best 11 W WILL Store yonr fltoo will rail at yonr limine tnleo it down for you tulto e arei eif it for jou tlno the mhiiiikt anil se t it up i the full GET REHDY for house cleaning by making a iniiinnraiiilnm of things neoded in our line such ns carpet Ktiottihitrn tank hummers upholHteirlng nails step ladders brooms scrub biushes supollo cm pot whips plctuie wiic picture nails eitc lie uh a call C E IVSOORE iiwiiawi mmwiimnuunmiigw Domestic - Wc handle only l Standard I Sewing Machines Domestic S Standard Also a full line of Baby Carriages I Hoffman Smith i j q H 4H Wc have made many fine displays in PATTERN HATS But never any so fjood as the Showing We make this Week A word as to the Inaugural hat The point we want to make is NOT that the hat was worn by Mrs McKinley but it is the ONE hat selected by an Expert Mil linery committee from hundreds submit ted Wc paid Twenty five Dollars for it Copies can and will be made by us for much less money 191 ISKEEPS lftt V MiLLBL z 9 9 9 7 9 4 9 9 i 9 4 7 i 7 9 ft f 9 7 V J vj J jNJ Jvivjvj j J5yj y CLOSSQ OUT PR5CES AT Thompsons Cash Grocery 7 pound package Pearline 25c 4 pound package Jold Dust Washing Powder 5c 0 packages 12 oz Jold Dust AV ash ing Powder 25c 7 packages 12 oz Armours AVashing Powder 25c All kinds Baking Soda per pound 07c 5 ounce can Calumet IJaking Powder 07c i ounce can Calumet Baking Powder lie 1 pound can Calumet Baking Powder 17c Kingsford Gloss Starch 07c None Such New England Pumpkin 07c Best Uncolored Jap Tea did sell for 00c a pound now 40c Largo Box Tooth Picks 2 for 05c On Time Cold Water Starch 1 pound package 07c Large Mackerel each 07c All our fine Extracts Jilletts Eddys Burnetts etc at three fourths the regular price uagie uondonseu JVlilK per can 15C Large Bars Ivory Soap 4 for 25c Ox Fibre Scrub Brushes at Cost Everything must sell so come and see us at once O A LUIKABT Pbmidknt CUA8 B BUIDCiK Vjcis Ibksident W II JOHNSON Cabhim LEO IASEWALK AsaT Casbiei The Citizens National Bank Capital 50000 Surplus 95000 Bny and tell exchange on this conntry nml all parte of Kuropo Farm Loans nirectort CABL Ahucb W JI Joijnbojj Ciuh S IIrjdok C W Hnimnn HWAWK O A LUIKABT T F Memminubb L HumiONB BAASOH hWHwiHj Get What You Ask for at UHLES GROCERY O it ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care Our goods are FJRST CLASS in every particular AVe know precisely what is wanted by our custom ers We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South Hide Meuu St between 2d and 3d Telephone -11 111111111111 11-