The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 05, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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If l
City Clerk McFnrlnnd Emphat
ically Endorsed
Surrmftfiit Ciuidldntrfi Moolly llniiiocrntln
Mly OlerU mill Twn Uimiirllinrn Irnin
lliftllilnl Wnrdiir Iteimlillrnii
Voto Cit
IromWiMlnowlnyV Dull
Ah predicted In yesterdays paper tlio
voto pi t nt tho olpctlon wuh very light
onrooly ntwo thtnlB voto being rolled
its compared with tlio election of n yenr
ngo Tlio voters woro npnthetio hut
not moro so thim tho party workers
Indeed thpronppoarod to bo hut ltttlo
IKilltlcH In tho election for wlillo tlio
democratic tickut whs successful inmost
histnncoB tho voto on tho candidates
for tho two loading olllcos wns whloly
dlvorgont Koonigstoln tho duinoorat
candidate for mayor won by n majority
of 311 whllo MoFnrland roiniblicun can
dldftto for city clork almost eomplotly
rovornpd this flhawiiiff I won by n
majority of 2011 over his opponont
ThlB Is siUllolont iiidiontion that tho
tight wan not miulo nlong party Hugh and
n no party prlnclpleB woro at Btnko tho
voters apparently Berutchod IndlBcriiul
liatoly making n ohoico in accordauco
with tho popularity of tho candldato or
for other reasons host known to thorn
boIvos Thoro wih not ovon a saloon
isano as last spring to put spico in tho
Tlio democratic candidntcH woro suo
ccBBfulin all instancoH exeopt on oity
clerk and two mombors of tho oity
council from tho Third ward
Tho disngrooublo wont hor of tho morn
ing had tho oTect of keeping votorH from
tho polls to Btioh an oxtout that it lip
ponrod a8 though a half voto would not
bo cast but in tho nftoruoon it wiib inoro
favorable mid a larger number of voters
turned out and ciiKt their ballots
Upon loarning tho result of tho elec
tion tho band accoiupauiod by n largo
number of citizens procooded to tho
homo of Mayor elect Koonlgstuin and
Boronadod him with soino appropriate
musio Mr Koonigbtoln responded and
wns greeted with choorB Ho nmdo a
short address thanking his friends for
thoir Bnpport nnd tho band for its music
and thoso assembled as well as tho
entire neighborhood woro placed in a
happy frame of mind by tho iucidout
Following is tho voto by wards
Cnmlirintoa let 2uil 3rd 4th Total MnJ
Paiawiilk ran 29 Ml 117 19 2M
KooulKstoln ilom 119 112 US M 402 211
City Clork
rop SO US 1SS Ml 410 209
yuoiow dom os 73 ri w 231
Jloxtur ro RX 8 141 SU S24
WtMo ilnm f7 IVS Ml M S29 5
City KiiKltionr
W H lowo rop103 ISO 207
School Hoard
Mount rap 2S CI 121 2S 241
llolllimaworth rop 1 57 10S 27 220
Dr Hoar dam M W 110 SO S20
Holuitd dom M M 75 45 2M
COUNCIL let wit
llnmlobou rop SO SO
Uhlodiin Ilk 10S 72
Second Ward
A KIctMin rop M SI
Wottorvolt dom 101 101 17
3rd wil full lorm
flow rop 1V2 152 77
ltrntiFelt dom 75 75
Short lorm
Oloineiits roi 101 101 97
Jnnkiua dom 01 01
Fourth ward
1Irtckmaiiro 87 37
WnlLur ilom 05 05 2b
2 A Rainbolt was a passenger today
for Lincoln
Ohauuoy Ohilds returned homo yester
day from Llnoolu
Francos Eisoley is confined to his homo
by a sovoro nttnek of siokueBB
Miss Mclutyro of Gloucoo Iown is
visiting nt tho homo of Mr and Mrs D
Guy Barnes camo up from Lincoln on
tho noon train to Bpond his ldster va
cation nt homo
Trooy Dnrland sold a cjunrtor section
of land near Rodfiold S I yesterday to
M F Bruoll of Redilold
Clyde Hayos aud Carroll Powers came
up from Liucolu last night and will
spend thoir vacation hero
Miss Etta Smith departed today for
Strawberry Point Iown whore she will
visit with hor sister for sovoral months
Tho Royal Arcanum will meot iu
regular sossiou tonight There is im
portant business to transact and members
aro urgod to bo presout
Company F N N G of Madisou 1ms
issued imitations to members of Com
pany L to attend a danco iu that city
ou tho evening of April 0
M J Kennedy who has been on guard
at tho penitentiary for soveral years has
resigned his position and is now home
with his family in South Norfolk
Owing to tho sickness of Frances
Eiseley Company L N N G will net
meet tonight nnd tho company will not
be iuspooted Monday night as planned
M B Singer and A SteQiu teachers
in OhriBt paroohial school returned last
night from Battle Creek where they at
tended a conference of Lutheran
Services at Trinity ohurch on Good
Friday ami Easter Even at 10 a m
instead of 10 30 a in as previously an
nounced Rev J O S Weills rector
The Si Plunkard company will give
its burlesque former band parade tomor
row afternoon at 8 30 The perform
ance nt tho Auditorium will tako placo
in tho evening
Mrs Ufllor Parker loft on tho noon
train for Omaha whnro flho will join hor
husband nnd mako thoir futuro homo
Mr Parker hn a position with tlio Kid
dell Commission company
M O Walker has lflsuod inventions
for a fling dinner party to ho given at
tho hospital for tho insano next Tuesday
evening HIb guests on that occasion
will boJmonilKirs of tho local cominittfO
that recommended him for appointment
to his proROnt position
Reofl Wilkinson son of RoproFpntativo
Wilkinson of Cass county who is visit
lug at tho homo of his uncle I Rees
foil on a dofectlvo sidewalk this morn
ing and cut his upper lip quitn badly
Soveral si itohos wero required to closo
tlio wound and it is likely that tho
young man will carry a Bear for llfo
Dr P J I Saltor W II Connolly and
leorgo A Brooks trustees of tho local
Kilts lodge returned last night from
Omaha whero t hoy inspected tho Ellen
headquarters and sovoral othor lodgo
rooms with a view to obtaining ideas
for tho finishing and furnishing of head
quartprs hero They proposo to Incor
porate all tho host ideas nnd mnko this
ouo of tho finest headquarters in tho
lit at o Mrs Brooks accompanied her
husband nnd they returned to their homo
In Uiwllu Mills today
Invitations have boon Issuod by Mr
and Mrs Benjamin T Hinds of Rooky
Ford Col to tho marriago of thoir
niece Miss Olidn May Smith to Mr
losoph Gerald Morrow which will tako
placo Wodnosdny morning April 17 at
10 oclock Thoy will como to Norfolk
on thoir wedding trip aud visit at tho
homo of tho grooms parents Mr and
Mrs Morrows SJSth annivorsary is on tho
same ditto as that But for tho marriago
of their son Tho prospective groom
has a rospousibo position iu tho sugar
factory at Rocky Ford whore thoy will
resldo Thoy will bo at homo to thoir
friends after May 8
At a mooting of Mathowson post No
10 G A It hold last evening it was
decided to ask tho business men and
citizons of Norfolk to moot with thorn
at tho G A R hall tomorrow evening
nt 8 oclnok to discuss tho quostiou of
submitting a proposition to tho district
rounion committee which meets at
Plainviow on tho 10th inviting tho an
nual north Nebraska rounion to be hold
hero This reunion will bo hold some
tlmo during July aud anuinbor of towns
aro after it If Norfolk wants tho meet
ing members of tho post will mako a
proposition to tho eonunittoo Norfolk
could undoubtedly profitably entortnin
this ovontbut whether thnt is the senti
ment or not thoro should bo a good nt
tondnuco at tho meeting tomorrow
A inml Thing
Gorman Syrup is tho special prcscrip
tiou of Dr A Boscheo a colobroted
German Physician aud is acknowledged
to bo ono of tho most fortuuato discover
its in Modioino It quickly cures
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
tho severest uaturo romoving n j it doeB
tho canso of tho affection and leaving the
narta in a utroni and healthy condition
It is not an oxpurimontnl mediciuo but
has stood tho test of years giving satis
faction in every case which its rapidly
inoroafiiug sale every season confirms
Two million bottles sold annually Bot
oboes Gorman Syrup was introduced iu
tho Unites States iu 1808 aud is now
sold in ovory town and village in tho
civilized world Threo doses will relieve
auy ordinary cough Price Tf cts Get
Greous Prize Almanac Asa K Loon
For SO days from this dnto will
give one 7 doublo roll room of paper
with ovory 500 purchase at Im
mnns Wall Paper Store
lie Gut the nun
Several yours ago Colonel Tack China
visited iVxnti He brought with him
a negro vnlct Sam This negro had
been n slave In the Clilim family be
fore tho war begun In the states and
idolized his young master One night
whllo in Houston the darky camo to
Chluu and said
Musta Jack Ismj golu out In cullud
society heah tonight an Id like to bor
row hit ivory handled six shooter of
yours to take along
Why you black rascal returned
tho colonel some of these Houston
coons will take that gun away from
you and break It over your head
The darky straightened up Llko his
master he was n man of unquestioned
nerve and there was n peculiar glitter
In his eye ns he said
Mnssa Jack you let me hnb dnt gun
an If I dont show up heah wld hit in
do mitwnln you can go down to do
morguo nn throw down do sheet an
say Lnwd dont ho look nacherl
Colonel Chlnns body servnnt was
that night armed lu a manner thnt en
titled him to move In tho best circles
of Afro Amerlcau society In Houston
Dallas News
A Hint
Did you seo that story about tho
man who got a needle in his arm
while trying to kiss a girl ho asked
No she replied and then she add
ed fervently but thank heaven 1
never learned to sew Chicago Post
Tho late Dr Campbell niack of Glas
gow eminent ns a physician nnd clin
ical lecturer was fond of saying that
medicine is no more an exact science
thuu millinery
Oriental physicians have practiced
vaccination for more than 1000 years
wtf1 ii rvigs t i 3
Ily t 1 W MiriintU0lilhnhnololM
Ignorance excuses no one is nn
nxiom of the law and It has its origin iu
tho fact thnt violntlons of natures lawB
nro invariably punished by tho offoots
which follow
Fow know tho capacity of dofeotlvo
eyes to disturb the equilibrium of tho
nervous system and it is tho purpose of
thoso eyo talks to glvo information in
n simple practical manner in tho hoo
thnt general good may como of it
Tho eyes aro at onco dolicato nnd
tongh delicate bocntiKo of tho function
they porform tough ns to Btruoturo
delicate as to tho attention they rcquiro
tough ns to tho endurance they exhibit
under tho mal trcittmout thoy receivo
from both thoir posMSHSors and thoso
who claim to bo compotont oyo doctors
First lot it bo understood that only in
tho rarest cases aro drugs needed for
oyo troubles nnd If administered when
not needed thoy do harm
Second it should bo known that of
forty throopairsof nerves supplying tho
entlro body four aud ouo third pairs go
to tho eyes thtiB giving thorn ouo touth
of nil tho capacity to make trouble or
couduco to comfort
Third good vision 1b nbFolntoly no
proof that oyes nro good Many ronderB
of this nrticlo can seo porfectly but thoy
snllor from norvouB 111b of ono kind or
auothor nnd nover think thoir oyes nro
tho canso of it all yot thoy nro and if
yon will follow thoso pnpers tho fact
will bo placed loforo you so certainly
that you will bo interested ovon if you
aro not ouo of tho aflllcted
Ily V W Mnnimirdt Ophthalmologist
In pursnnnco of our plan outlined iu
Talks No 1 wo beg to call attention
to tho following cut which shows how
rays of light should focus in tho normal
oyo This rofors to distance only
With such oyes tho individual will novor
need glasses except for reading nnd not
for that purpo o until betwoon forty
and fifty years of age whon tho ncrvo
supply to tho muscles opornting tho
crystalino Ions becomes too weak to ac
complish its duty
Tho glasses prescribed at first do a
part of tho work and the nerves do tho
rest and as tho weakness increases tho
glassos aro increased in power until
finally tho glass does all tho work after
whioh timo no change of louses Is ro
quirod In selecting lenses for Btioh
casos tho strongest which give comfort
able visiou for tho greatest distance
from tho face work is over hold will bo
the correct ones A common fault
among thot o who fitted themselves has
always been that thoy chose tho weak
est thoy could uso thns getting tho
least possible benefit from them
Everyone should have their oyes ex
amined onco by n competent ophthal
mologist and if tho eyes nro found like
tho ouo described above all that will
over bo necessary is tho exeroise of
judgment in tho selection of lenses for
roudingor other near work and tho
proper frame which will hold tho lenses
in placo so t ero will bo no damage to
tho eyes from lack of harmony botween
tho centers of tho Icuecs nnd those of
tho eycB Many un otherwise good
piece of work dono by an opthalmolo
gist has been a failure from this cauo
By C F W Marciuardt OphtlialmoIoRist
Tho snbjoct of this talk Is Hypermo
tropia or Hyperopia for short
It will bo observed that tho focusing
power of this oyo is not great enough to
cause tho point to bo at the retina nud
ns tho light can pass no further thoro is
formed at the retina whioh is n sensi
tized lining at tho back of tho eyo con
nected with tho brain a circle of dif
fused light As this would not permit
moro than very imperfect vision and as
tho muscles of accommodation which
operato the crystalino lens can be
brought into play thus increasing tho
power of tuo combination and improv
ing vision by mnking tho points form at
tho retina it isdouo but at such a sacri
fice of nervous energy that tho supply
becomes exhausted aud there being
nothing left for the other parts of the
body disturbances begin which will
nover subside until tho cause is discov
ered nnd removed Medicines mny give
temporary relief by deadening the powers
of Beusation whioh naturally exist as
long as life aud reasonable health are
present but tho drugs most people use
for headaches aud othor acute ills with
puin are so poisonous that few physi
cians euro to administer them nud none
would if the laws made them responsi
ble for tho results Coal tar prepara
tions morphine etc are what we refer
to Glasses which will make unneces
sary the strum upou tho nerves are the
only hope of poVsous with this defect
Aud the gliiKeeB must bo worn constantly
because they correct a deformity uud do
not euro any moro thnn a woodon kg
would cause a now leg to grow
ThlB dofect is tho most difficult to
correct of nil eyo faults for two reasons
First tho conditions present cnuBo an
Involuntary notion of tho nervos which
affect tho muscles nnd the functional
result bo that only ono thoroughly
skilled nnd working upon systematic
mothods is able to find tho total amount
of error
Second tho inconvonipneo caused at
first by tho correcting glasses ninkes tho
pntlont rebellious unless his enso is ex
plained thoroughly to him which nil
competent operators aro ublo to do in
such slmplolnngnngo that no Ho could
b concealed nor could tho individual
fail to understand
Ily C K W Mitniuardt OphthalmoloKlet
Tho cut presonted herewith shows tho
focusing point of tho myopic oyo to bo
away in front of tho retlra
It will bo seon 111 reference to nil of
tho illustrations used thus fur in thoso
Talks that tho rays are parallel to
ouch other as they striko the eyo This
is beoatiBO all rays from objects ut a dis
tanco of twenty feet or moro aro prao
tlcallj parnllol whon they enter tho
small aperture known as tho pupil but
if thoy omnnato from some point near
by they aro perceptibly divergent aud
of courso would reqniro n moro power
ful lens system to bring them to a focus
at tho samo distauco boyond tho lens
that tho parallol rays aro focused
Iu tho cnscB described in Talks No
2 and i tho oyes being adapted for dis
tant objects tho first without nnd tho
second by exercising tho power of ac
commodation must both uso tho power
on tho divergent rays from near objects
or olso uso lenses Iu tho case of tho
myopic however thero is nn excess of
powor in his Ions system houco there
is a certain point within comparatively
a few inches of his fnco whero objects
may bo placed and tho divergent rajs
will then bo returned to a focus at tho
retina If tho object bo brought nearer
thou this point ho too will havo to uso
his mechanism of accommodation nnd
objects placed further away than that
point aro nover seen clearly because
thoy aro out of his range This effect is
commonly known as near sightedness
Persons so nttected are usually freo from
headaches and tho other ills induced by
hyperopia because of tho abBeuco of the
domand for uervo force
Eut it is sometimes a matter of gravo
concern when it dovolopes in children
and if not cared for properly may in
crease in amount by reason of a swell
of tho vitreous humor which fills the
main cavity aud destroys vision This
is not told to scaro anyone but becnuto
it is a simplo fact that all should know
In timo to prevents the possibility of ir
reparablo damage nud nlmost if not total
To bo coutinnod
The MyMery of lndy Uyron
W E Henley writes vigorously of
Lady Byron In The Pall Mall Maga
zine In the end they were married
by special license u year and a fort
night after the wedding Lady Byron
left her husband never to return to
him nnd the grent heart of tho public
rose to tho occasion A brldo repudiat
ing her groom A young mother flee
ing the embrace of her firstborns fa
ther Obviously she young Innocent
high principled nbove all virtuous
was tho victim By specifying nothing
nnd so suggesting tho unspeakable she
enptured tho general Imagination and
set It working to her solo ndvantage
Ho is completely lost in the opinion
of tho world and I look upon him
ns given up to every worthless excess
for the rest of his life thus Miss
Godfrey to her friend Thomas Moore
and condemning on hearsay nnd in ad
vance tho poor soul did but follow her
ladyships suggested lead
She had but to refrain from speak
ing indeed nnd one of the strongest
bravest spirits of our century was ex
pelled his country And none know
why she did It nor how And why sho
did it remains a mystery even till this
A Deslruble Dentil
Children get queer associations of
Idens in their heads at times A little
lnd on Capitol hill has a playmate of
his own nge In the sou of a poor neigh
bor Tho son of toll visited his richer
friend the other day wearing a gor
geous red tie Tho son of wealth eyed
the tie enviously for nwhlle and then
asked Benny where ho got It
My mnmma dyed It for mo for a
blrthdny preseut lisped Benny
After Benny went home Rex played
listlessly about for a time and then
leaned on his mothers knee thought
fully studying the pictures In tho fire
Mnmma ho said finally Bennys
Uo was awful pretty wasnt it
Yes dear
Mamma wont you kill me a tie like
Bennys when I get a birthday
Washington Star
Idle bnl Witty
no was nn Idle Irish boy but he had
tho Celtic wit Ho had shipped on
board of a man-of-war where he an
noyed tho boatswain by his laziness
Seeing him on tho maintop ono morn
ing gazing idly out to sea the boat
swain called out to him
Come down out of that ye rnshcal
Come down out of thnt and Olll glvo
ye u dozen whacks wid mo rope
Faith sorr replied the boy 01
wouldnt come if ye offered me two
dozen Harpers Young People
Cash Offered for Perfect Fields
of the Root
Farmer of Xulirnnkn and town llavo n
Cliiinco nt Two CIhmhi Content In Under
tlio Auflilre of tlio OriiiiRn ludd
llinner of Clilmjjo
jThrongh tho Orange Judd Farmer of
Chicago growers of sugar boots in Ne
braska 111 a to havo an opportunity to win
some handsome cash prizes Bosldos a
class of prizes open to all growers in the
country Nebraska and Iown farmers
will bo permitted to ontor for prizes ag
gregating riS in valuo growors in these
states alone being eligible to compote
Tho plnn as outlined iu a circular is us
OlitBS I Open to growors of sugar
beets throughout tho Uuitcd States
Object For tho record or statomont
that shows most cloarly aud accurately
tho methods pursued in growing one
acre of sugar boots and tho results ob
tained irrespective of what tho result
may be
Cash Prizes in Class I First prize
250 second 150 third 100 fourth
75 flvo of 50 each ton of 23 each
fifty of 10 each fifty of 5 each mak
ing a total of 110 prizes nmonntiug to
Class II Open to growers of boots in
certain states and for certain beet sugar
Object For tho crop of sugar beots
growu ou ono ncro that contains tho
greatest quantity of sugar and thnt is
grown in tho states named and sold to
cortnin factories therein irrespective of
tho character of the report submitted
Nebraska and Iowa Farmers in
theso states who grow beets for the
sugar factories at Grand Island Nob
Norfolk Nob nud Ames Nob are
eligible to compete for tho 24 cash prizes
aggregating 525 in vnluo as follows
First prize 100 second prize 75
two prizes of 50 each five prizes of
25 each ton pri7es of 10 each
flvo prizes of 5 each Should
tho season be favorable it is possible
that the prizo money will bo greater
iu amount Growors for tho xVmes
factory must raise not less than threo
acres but one acre of whatever the
ainoant raised will do for tho contest
In order to enter tho contest it is only
necessary to send 50 cents to Orange
Judd Farmer Chicago 111 for a copy
of the contestants manual uud blanks
for reports This mauual is now in
press and will give all further informa
tion desired It will bo sent freo to
anyone who forwards 1 for n years
subscription to Orange Judd Farinor
either a new subscriber or a renewal
Until tho manual is obtained contest
ants iu class I should keep a memoran
dum of the timo nnd expenses inourred
on the contest ncro entering up this
data in tho manual when it comes to
hand It is not necessary in class I to
havo the contest aero surveyed by a
sworn surveyor
To compete iu class II it is not essential
to make out a report of methods or ex
penses although it is desirable to do so
Tho contest acre should be staked out as
nearly correct as possible before the
beets are planted or before they are
three inches high but tho contest acre
must be exactly defined by an of
ficial surveyor just before it is har
vosted thus thero will bo no question
but that each lot of beots competing
iu class II will come from ouo measured
acre of -13560 square feot In clnss II
at least eight inches should be allowed
for boundaries within tho acre limit iu
other words the outside rows or ends
of rows should not como nearer than
eight inches of tho boundaries of the
contest aero Tho factory test of sugar
coutout aud factory weight of beets
will be basis of awarding prizes Pro
vision is made mtko manual for inspec
tion of tho contest acres at harvest so
that only beets grown therefrom shall
bo weighed or tested
No lludcr Ior Him
There Is a wealthy but very hnrd
hended citizen of Detroit who has no
hesitancy In telling this story on him
If theres nnythlng on earth grinds
me it Is to plungo Into tho social swim
Id far rather plungo into tin ico cold
bath One of these here steel pen coats
makes mo want to go out and hide In
Hie hayloft and a standln collnr puts
mo Into n grouch for a week after Ive
worn It
But you know how women nre
Theyll stand right by you when livln
a up hill work skimp hustle and save
but once they get money they want a
show for It and tho bigger the show
tho better Things sorter como my way
In pine nnd I cleaned up a neat little
pile I Just grinned at carriages
horses n coachman a lot of servants a
snookln round the house receptions
theater parties and all that sort of
But wlxn they rung in n genuine
butler on me I had a warm conversa
tion with mamma and the girls It
didnt do a ntlto of good They talked
me clean off my feet nnd the butler
came I could have got nway passably
with the president of tho United States
but that fellow stiff backed high head
ed looking superlorllke and never
smllln less It was to stab you riled
mo awful One day while slttin iu the
library I heard him tell ono of the
maids he was goln to resign What
for nhe naked The Inst Indy ns
cnlled vtook mo for tho bnrborlau
thats mo
For yenrs I dealt with raftsmen nnd
lumbermen I paid his bill for six
weeks In tho hospital nnd his wnges
too Wo keep no butler Detroit Free
Clinrlotlc Ilronte Not Fluttered
An Interesting nnecdoto of Chnrlotto
Bronte Is recnlled by Mrs Humphry
Ward In her biographical Introduction
to Vilette In 1851 the authoress
having refused repented Invltntloiis to
London on the ground that hnvlng
done no work she deserved no trent
finally consented to pny a short visit
to the family of her friend nnd pub
lisher Mr George Smith
Thnckeruy was at this time nt tho
height of his popularity in Loudon and
Miss Bronte arrived In tlmo to henr
his second lecture on the Kugllsh hu
When it was over Thackeray who
had recognized the timid little womnn
sitting by Mrs Smith camo down
from tho plntform nnd slinking hands
with Miss Bronte asked her how she
liked it There nro few persons who
would not have been llattcred by such
an attention but Miss Bronte on tho
contrary was nlmost offended by It
nnd when she Introduces a similar In
cident In Vllctto she comments ou
the restlessness nnd the lack of do
slrablo self control ou the part of the
A Tonic Ncetllemi
Mrs nohmboddle John dear while
youre down town I wish youd justcnll
and pay the milliner 17 the bill Is
but If you glvo her 10
Mr llohmboddle Id rather settle It
lu full
Mrs llohmboddle Well but I want
you to bring me six yards of that love
ly stuff from Mntchems Ill got you
the pnttcrn and thnt will take the
other 7 Then Ill just mnko a mem
orandum of the trimmings that will be
about 3 more and If you love mo you
know the kind of gloves I want Youve
bought them often enough Now dear
boy you wont forget
Mr llohmboddle No Ill remember
and by tho way Ill take my tonic bot
tle along and get it renewed Ive felt
quite run down of late
Mrs Hohmboddie Your tonic Why
that costs 150 It seems Just like
throwing money in tho street to pay
for medicine Dont you think you
could get along without it Judge
The Valet IIIh Opportunity
The Comto do Brienne talking of tha
violence of some masters toward their
servants said that on ono occasion
having corrected his valet for some
grave derellctlou of duty ho had for
gotten the matter when tho next morn
lug -while shaving him the man sud
denly held the razor to his throat say
lug Whose turn is It today M lo
A mol toujours continue was the
calm reply
He finished shaving me and wo
were mutually pleased with ench oth
er but relations became somewhat
strained after such an Incident and
the comto gave him 100 louls and bis
dismissal Never beat your servants
young men he concluded your lives
are at their mercy nnd you would find
It hard as I did to owe It to one of
them Cornblll Magazine
Why He Doubted Her
Belinda says her photograph was
taken when she wasnt looking but I
dont believe It
Why dont you
She has her head on one side nnd
her eyes rolled up Indianapolis
Jins Snrcnmii
Mr Snarley 1 never was ono thnt
wanted to get something for nothing
Mrs Snarley Well that is nbout
what happened when you married me
Never bear more than one kind of
trouble nt a time Some people bear
three kinds all they hnve had all they
havo now and all they expect to have
In good condition she is sweet and lovable
and sings lifes song on a Joyful harmonious
string Out of order or unstrung there la
discordance and unhapplness Just as there
Is one key note to all music so there Is one key
note to health A woman might as well try
to fly without wings as to feel well and look
well while the organs that make her a woman
are weak or diseased She must be healthy
Inside or she cant be healthy outside There
are thousands of women suffering silently all
over the country Mistaken modesty urges
their silence While there Is nothing moro
admirable than a modest woman health la
of the first importance Every other con
sideration should give way before it Brad
fields Female Regulator Is a medicine foi
women sills It is
estway tocureleu
corrhea falling of
Ihe womb nervous
ness headache
backache and gen
eral weakness You
will be astonished
at the result es
pecially if you have
been experiment
ing with other so
called remedies
We are not asking
you to try an uncer
tainty Bradflelds
Regulator has made
happy thousands of
women What it
has done for others
It can do for you
Sold In drug stores
for 1 a bottle
A fre llltistrntp
book will le sent
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