U 8 TIUHV liWIIIIMIIIN Splendid Interest Taken in the Meetings WINNERS IN THE CONTEST MftrtliiRtnit Oft IlrM In Ornlcirloul liiiiilitm In Prrtlntiintnry unit fldlniyler In tlio lliiiiioroiiH OlanA NnrfnlU Jttnt Mnt In Stroud In tlm lliimitriiiM Olit Tho flfleonth minimi Houston of tho North Nohnultn ToncliorH association was called to order iu tlio Auditorium yoatordny nftornnon nlont 2 oolook with President II K Wolfo of South Onmlm presiding ltov S P Shnrplosa of thin city in vokod tho Dlvino blessing on tlio ntuooU ntlon Snporintondont F F Toal of tlio Nor folk hoHpltal for tho insano addrcsHod tho tcnohorn on Heredity A pnpor on tho Early Homo Llfo of Ohlldron prepared by Mrs Wolfo of South Oninha wttH road by Mrs Soy uiour of this oity Miss Edith Stocking of Wayno fot lowed with ii pnpor on tho InlluuucoH of tho First SoIioqI yours Mrs A D Pratt of this olty hud pre pared n pnpor on Soolal Kuviroumont wliioh wiiB rend by Mrs W G Hnkor J L Laird of Fromont addrusnod tho association iu regard to tho Inlluoiico of Snporlntoudont Toaohor and Uoord of Kduontion on Pupils This completed tho morning sossiou and tho association adjourned about I oclock until ovoulug whou tho members attended the declamatory ooutest Declamatory toutont There was a largo attendance at tho declamatory coutOBt hold iu tho Audi torinm last evening and tho receipts from tho outortalnmout wore ovor 180 tho largest over roooivod iu tho history of the declamatory association tho of floors of which woro highly gratillod at tho interobt shown by tho people or Nor folk Tho contestants woro woll drilled and all gavo uvldouco of a untural ability in handling their linos that went to make tho entertainment pleasing to thoso attending In tho oratorical class there wore but two contestants and first honors were givou to Elmer Robinson of Htirtiugtou whoso soloction was Toussalnt IOuverture Sarah Krasno of Fuller ton whoso subjoot was Tho Unknown Speaker was givou Bocond prize Iu tho dramatio olass there woro seven penkors John Nowmarkor of Goluni bun who gave Tho Drunkards Last Appeal was successful in oarryiug off tho first honors It was auuouuoed from tho stage that Tho Honor of the Woods as spoken by Ghas M Letter of South Omaha had won second place and Loon Andrews of Fromont who re cited Contost of tho Areua was given third place Tho constitution of the association provides howevor that two second prizes should bo givou and It was docidod that both tho South Omaha and Fromont coutostaut should bo givou second honors In tho humorous class Lydin Shultz of Schuyler who told about A Girls Contest Over a Telephouo won first placo nud Nellio Handloy of this city was givuu second honors for her doliui ation of Mo nud Jimmy The judges of tho contost woro Miss Walloco of Pioroe Q A Tow no of Lin coln and A MoMurray of North Bend O I Kelly of Lincoln acted aa roforoo A business meoting of tho declamatory association was hold in the parlors of tho Oxuard hotol yosterday afternoon Several amendments to tho constitution wore made nud tho following ofiicera woro ohosou for tlo ensuing your J Laird of Fremont prosidout H E Funk Fnllortou vioo president E B Sherman Schuyler Beoretary trooaurer Mornlnc Sevatou Tho toaohors convouod iu session again this morning with a largo number attending A splendid iuterost was shown in tho proceedings of tho associ ation as wns tho case yestorday after noon In fact many oro convinced that thus far the session has boon tho most interesting overbold iu tho associations history Excellent papers woro read and wero animatoly dlsoussed The morning session which oommouced at 9 oclock was devoted to reading A MoMurray of North Bond addressed tho meeting on Reading in tho Grades Aims and Methods Tho dlsoussion was led by A It Daughorty of Hum pnroy A paper concerning A course iu Reading for the Last Throe Yoarsof thaGrammer Grades was presontod and reud by E B Sherman of Schuyler and discussed by Miss Valley Qarlinger of this city The School Library and How to Use It was a paper by Miss Amy Brnner of West Point Vocal Expression in Reading was presented by O S Wartmau of Hartlng ton E P Wilson of Popca addressed the association on The Professional Read ingof the Teaoher Keceptlon to CouteaUnU The reooptiou tendered visiting con testants by the Senior olaaa of tho Nor folk High school at the home of Miss Lizzie Sharpless yesterday aftoruoon from S to 5 was a very enjoyable event liio iiiuu wo splint iu MHinu oonvoma tinn and llntoning to musio by tho gram nphonn The rooms woro tastefully doo orated and In tho dining room tho colorfl of tho olnan scarlet nud whlto predominated tho oandlos being shaded with tho sanio colors Dainty refresh monts woro sorvod A souvonir of tho iiccafllon In class colors bearing tho In scription Compliments of tho Norfolk High school Senior olass March 157 lt0l was prosontod oaoh guest The mouthers of tho class aro doiorving much credit for tho succosiful manner In which this rocoptlon was conducted making the visiting contestants fcol wolromo A SUDDEN SUMMONS KngliinorJoliii II Ilrovrn Itle cf ltoiirt Knit urn Soon After Midnight John If Brown who has for years boon In tho omploy of tho F E M V company ns onginoer dlod suddenly of heart falluro at his homo on South Third stroot nt ISI0 this morning Mrs Browns attention was attracted by his heavy breathing and divining that all was not right sho summouod a physician by tolophono but he dlod a fow mrmonts afterward beforo tho physioiau could arrive Tho funoral will bo hold tomorrow morning at 10 oclock in tho Out hollo ohuroh and tho rcmaiuB will bo tnken to Wisoouiiln for lutormont Tho docoosod was Vi yoars of ago nud law mado Norfolk his homo sinco 1831 during most of which timo ho has mado his rogular trips out of hero Ho Ioavos a wife and flvo children to mourn his loss and thoy havo tho slncore sympathy of a largo number of frlouds Mr Brown was a mombor of Norfolk lodgo No 07 A O U W In which ho carried a bonoiloiary cortificato of 3000 Tho doooasod was also a mombor of tho Brotherhood of Locomotive Engl uoors and baa for soiuo timo hold tho position of ohlef engineer In tho Nor folk division of that order Ho was llkowiBo chairmau of tho board of adjustment and has boon instru mental iu Bottling many diaputos which havo arisen between mombors of that organization and thoir omployera Ho carriod a llfo policy of 1500 in the brotherhood Mombors of this order will nttond tho funeral Ho was held iu high estoom by all his railway assoolatos and his death will leavo a void iu thoir ranks hard to till while tho formerly cheerful homo will bo eushroudod with gloom for many days to come He had a lovelyhomo with beautiful surroundings and his timo when not on tho raid waB put in there Ho was planning for his llower garden and othor spring work shortly beforo tho death summons came Mr Brown came iu from his regular ruu Monday night and expected to go ont again this morning but death inter vouod He has been troaoled with his heart for sovoral yoars past and while not In capacitated never know wheu the droaded summons might come His home was in Michigan beforo coming hero and iu that state a large portion of his life was passed Funeral of Mm Ittchnrda Rev If E Ryder of tho First Baptist church conducted the funeral services over tho remains of Mrs D Riohards at tho family residence in South Norfolk this morning Musio was furniuhod by Mr Ryder and tho Baptist choir and a goodly numbor of friends of tho do ooasod attended tho services Tho re mains wero escorted to the depot and will bo taken to Canton Ohio for inter ment Knthoriuo Whitney Richards was born in Canton Stark county Ohio Ootober 18 1842 On December 14 1803 she was marriod to Mr Riohards Thoy moved to Milford Neb in November 1887 whore thoy resided until Novomber 1819 Sho departed this life on the morn ing of March 25 1101 She leaves a husband and three sous to mourn her loss Tho sons arer O B Richards of Oklahoma F B Riohards of La Harpe Kansas and Riley B Richards of Craw ford this state Card of Tliuuks Wo wish to oxtoud our heartfelt thanks to tho many kind friends who so kindly assisted us during the sick ness and death of oar beloved wife and mother also to tho Sir Knights and Ladles of the Maccabees who assisted in the last sad rites and ceremonies D RlCUAKDS AND SONS Or Interest to Gardener Vioka Gardon and Floral Guide for 1001 is a masterpiece of the printers art and will bo aoutfroo to all customers of 1809 and 1900 and to others who request it It is issued by James Vioka Sous of Rochester N Y successors of their father who atartod in the soed business iu 1849 The firm has been always nni form and reliable and persons contem plating the planting of a flower and vegetable gardon will do well to consult them The Guide always handsome is this year prettier than ever and is as its name indicates a reliable guide to gardeners and farmore The beautiful lithographed covers enclose a compre hensive catalogue of staple seeds aud uoveltiea and is illustrated with baud- some half tone plotures of flowers of vegetables produoed from the seeds propagated by the firm It is a work that cannot be appreciated without be ing soen and is so easily acquired that no one should be without it It will assist in making plana for the spring and THENOKFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MARCH 20 IM summor gardon work Address at 01100 Tamos Vicks Soils Rochester N Y Tho cntaloguois freo if you mention this paper aud toll what you grow most Cut this ndvortlsomout out nud Bond it with your rcquost for a catalogue If you mention this paper you will rocolvo a paokago of lower soeds froo CHANGES IN CITY TICKET A Number of Candidate Havo Declined to Hun unit Other Wrrn Named The timo iu which committees aro allowed to change tho names of candi dates on tho city ticket oxpirod last night and this is tho last day iu wliioh ohanges will be pormlssiblo injauy mauuor Until tonight alterations may bejmado by potltion but It Is not likely that any will bo mado A numbor of changes havo takou placo sinco tho conventions Besides tho withdrawal of the polico judgo tiokot II O Truman democratic uom iuco for olty clork deolluod tojrun and tho name of Otto Zuolow was substi tuted P F Bell has recently doollnod tho republican nomination for oity treas urer nud tho natno of W II Dexter wns put 011 in his stead Tho republi can caudidato for councilman in tho First ward E J Schorreggo refused tho honors and W A Hotnlobon was chosen to fill tho vacancy For council man In tho Third ward for tho short term F E Hardy republican with drew from tho race aud J J Olomeuts was named for tho position On tho school tiokot G A Luiknrt democrat dooliued to make the race for a membor of tho board of education aud tho uamo of Dr A JJJenr was put on to fill thorocauoy Ballots for the eloctlou are being priutod and samples will be in tho hands of City Clerk MoFarland hyt this oveulug MADISON Mrs Sam Friedman is seriously ill with pleurisy Willis MoBrido has added a neat porch to his residouco Mr and Mrs W Whitla drove to Nor folk Saturday afternoon Sorvlcos each oveuiug this week nt tho Prosbyterinu church Geo Richardson nud wife visitod rel atives near Battle Creek over Sunday Attoruoy E F Gray of Fremont at tended to business In district court WeduoBdny Mrs John S Robinson nud daughter Adnliuo Mrs T F Memmlnger aud children Martha and Charlos and Mrs Wm Parkinson were shopping in Nor folk Saturday In the case of Stato vs Wright tho ovidouco was all in by noon Wednesday the attorneys making their arguments during the afternoon and the case given to the jury at 6 oclock Jirah O Adams ago 31 and Minnie D Sohweun age 30 both of Norfolk were granted a permit to become hus band and wife Monday and Tuesday John O Scalph ago 21 and Vivian Morgau age 20 both of Humphrey ob tained a similar permit As Mr and Mrs Phil Bauch were leaving the church Monday evening after services Mrs Bauch acoidently slipped and foil breaking her limb just above tho auklo Sho was carried home and Dr Long summoned who reduced the fracture aud now sho is getting along as well as could be expeoted District court convened Monday and at once proceeded to the trial of case of State vs Wright the third of the Nor folk stock yards cases Monday and until 10 a m Tuesday was spent in se curing a jury The jurors are John Bart man Otto Beltz Geo Chittenden Charles Elloy Jacob Gross Joseph Kolar John Knapp Fred Liudse John Reigle Fred Soherluke John Voboril and Charles Wells Ilainuioud Louisiana Alt Ideal Health aud Winter Iteftort The passenger department of the Illi nois Central Railroad company has just issued a new edition of Hammond Louisiana as a Winter Resort a beau tiful illustrated folder showing a few of tho wintor attractions in aud about Hammond copies of which will be mailed free on application to the under signed For thoso in good or moderate circum stance no point in the south offers such inducements The climate is unsur passed The artesan water excellent Society almost entirely northern and the hotel and boarding house accomoda tions far superior to any town of ita size in the north and at moderate rates J F Mkruy Asst Gen Pass Agt 111 Gent RR Dnbuque Iowa Letter LUt List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postoulco March 25 1901 O L Anderson W II Clarke C O Coughlan John Dowdy Nora Ham mond Mose Horner Mrs Ella Johnson E E Mockett J S Morris If Roakea T H Slattery Fred Teidke Fred J Weber Wm Wheedon James F White If not called for in 30 days will be sent to the dead letter oftice Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised P F Spkechkr P M Jell O The New Densert pleases all the family Four flavors Lemon orange raspberry and straw berry At your grocers 10 cents Try it today KOYAL NAMES A HOODOO On of thr ftronjicM SnpcritUlorm of the KtiKllflh Vnrr One of the very strongest and most Ineffaceable of all superstitions In tho royal navy n superstition that Is al most ns strong today ns over It was Is that vessels bearing the names of roy al pcrHoungcs are doomed to 111 luck and strange as It tuny seem there Is an undeniable historic basis for this feeling Home of tho most terrible disasters ever known in connection with our na vy have concerned war vessels with royal nninrs Two vessels called the Uoynl James came to disastrous ends One of them exploded nud somo 800 officers nud senmen perished The oth er ship so named was actually carried out of the mouth of the Thames by the Dutch Admiral do Iluyter under clr cumstniicus disgraceful to thoso Jn charge of the craft Then there Is the forever memorable disaster to the Uoynl George an un lucky ship previously that turned over and sank In sight of crowds nt Spit head over 1000 souls among whom were 300 women being sacrificed And second only to tills hideous disaster Is that which afterward befell the Royal Charlotte which after a career of much vicissitude wns consumed by fire off Leghorn over 800 of tho very flower of the navy perishing with her When In 1803 the Victoria a new vessel nnd the very triumph of modern Invention so far as naval architecture went wns rammed and snuk nt once In sight of the whole lleet and when hundreds of lives were lost there was not n snllor however matter of fact he might be who did not remember the dire fate of the royally named craft These Instnuces nre only the greater ones A score of smaller ones are reel ed off by every royal navy man Tlt BIts A Piece of 1ure Inclc The discovery of the famous Trojan mine In Calaveras county Cal Is curi ous ns an illustration of pure luck and doubtless has heartened many a dis couraged miner Iu January 1805 Henry Becker a German nud John L Trimmer n Connecticut man two poor ragged discouraged miulug prospect ors went Into the mountains of Cala veras county to cut onk wood for fuel Iliey expected to make something llko f30 or 40 each per mouth durlug the winter by tho sale of the wood They made their home In nn old abaudoncd miners cabin A heavy fall of snow bad covered the ground to the depth of two or more feet One day the two men built a great bonfire of brush The heat melted the snow nnd left an area of hot earth Becker determined to make an oven out of the hot ground aud securing a haunch of deer meat he began the digging of a hole In which to bake It At tho depth of two feet he came upon a bed of rock He hnd been a prospector too long to resist tbe temp tation of examining the rock and ac cordingly before placing the meat In tho hole he broke off a piece of the rock Then after the venison was burled and roasted he examined the broken bit of rock carefully by the light of his cabin candle To his very great aston ishment It proved to be what miners call live rock assaying 000 to the toa For several months Becker and Trim mer kept their great flud a secret In tho meantime gathering information concerning the dip angle and length and breadth of their new discovered ledge Within a year from Its discov ery this mine had made Becker and Trimmer rich Philadelphia Times Tbe Sharks Month N doubt tho sharks mouth Is placed so much beneath tho projecting muz ale under which also tho nostrils He that It may serve Its proper purpose In tbe best way In all records of tbe habits of tbe fish we are told that It can and does bite out large chunks of flesh from tho dead bodies of whales and even from living victims of its at tacks and It la easily seen that If Its mouth was like that of other fishes the necessary leverage would be lacking A further reason seems to be that the shark by this peculiar position of Its mouth Is compelled to turn upon Its back to strike and Is thus able to de liver lta onset from below with more deadly effect This formidable strength of jaw Is backed up by a most terrible array of teeth of which in some species there aro aa many as six rows all around Each tooth is saw edged and pointed and some of the largest are as much as two Inches In breadth at the base These lie flat against the Jaws and can be raised by separate muscles at will so that as the shark darts upon Ita prey they spring on end as a cats claws are stuck out from Its pawa This arrangement will not allow any thing once bolted to return so that a sharks mouth la a veritable death trap Cincinnati Enquirer Millions In Car Fares On Manhattan Island 70000 la spent every dny In street car fares That Is a tremendous sum to be accumulated In 5 cent pieces day In and day out But its only a smull Item in the dally life of this great town No towu la tbo world presents such a problem lu street railway transportation Here la an Island a few score rods wide and miles long with hundreds of thousands of people living on one end of it and having business to do every day at the other end of It Tens of thousands of workers go down town In the early hours of the morning and go back with a rush that swampsnll the roads In the late afternoon Crosstown roads there nre all the way up and down the island but they serve only aa feed ers for tho north aud south trunk lines But 70000 a day Is a lot of money to be spent In 5 cent car fares That is 500000 a week and in a year It la J more than 25000000 New York Sun WANTED 2IUI0I Pods 2Lyi5 POULTRY at the old Poultry House NORFOLK Cash Prices as follows HENS AND PULLETS - cts per lb SPRING STAGS - cts per lb OLD ROOSTERS 3 cts per lb DUCKS AND GEESE - SA cts per lb TURKEYS SI cts per lb PIGEONS 60 cts per doz Prices hold good including April 13 ARMOUR CO Per W A HEMLEBEIN Manager YOU MUST NOT FORGET That we are coastautly growing iu the art of mak iug Fine Photos aud our products will always be fouud to embrace the most ARTISTIC IDEAS aud Newest style iu Cards and Finish We also carry a flue line of Moldings suitable for all kinds of framing I 7VY mACY Railroad and Business Directory o o o z u R R TIME TABLE Fremont Elkhorn Mo Valley EAST DEPART Omaha Paasongor 605 am Chicago Expreae 1240 pm EAST ABBIVE Chicago Express 730d m Oninlia Passenger r 1240 pm WEST DXPABT Black Hills express 740pm Verdigro Passenger 1240 p m Verdigro Accommodation 9 00 am WEST ABBIVE Black Hills Expross 1220 pm Vordigro Passenger 605am Verdi era Accommodation 7 20 p m The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives and departs from Junction depot The Omaha and Verdigre trains arrive and depart from city depot H U Matbau Agent Union Pacific SOUTH DEPART Columbus Accommodation 630 p m Omaha Denver and Pacific Coast 1100 a m NORTH ABBIVE Columbus Ace mmodation 1030p m Omaha Jeenver and Pacific coast 9110 pm Connects at Norfolk with F E M V going west and north and with tho C Bt P M A O for points north and east F W Jcnxman Agont Chicago St Paul Minneapolis Omaha BAST DCFABT Sionx City and Omaha Passenger 630 am Sioux CltyPassonger 100 pm WEST ABBIVE Sioux City Passengor 1035am Siocx City and Omaha Passenger 7 30 p m Connects at Norfolk with V E M V going west and north and with the U P for points south F W Joneman Agent Daily except Sunday C S HAYES Fine Watch Repairing MISS MARY SHELLY DRESSMAKER Over Baum Bros Store Spenser Ovltnn ooots and oes Repairing Neatly Done JBHERMANN Contraetop and Builder 1 1 7 Fourth Street JV1 E SPAULDINQ Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avenue INSKEEPS MILLINERY Cheapest and Best Norfolk Avenue d WEDWARDS All Wore Guaranteed ICor Braasch ave and 4th St The Norfolk Hopseshoetf Time is Money T E qtUICK TRAINS ARE VIA THE UNION PACIFIC Missouri River to Salt Lake City TEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Hissourl River to San Francisco FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Missouri River to Portland FIFTEEN HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER LINE Buffet Smoking aud Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasant Reading Rooms Double Drawing Room Palace Sleepers Cars Meals a la Carte Pintaoh Light For full information call on or address F W JUNEMAN Agent TRY THE Daily News Job Department FOR FINE COMMERCIAL PRINTING 1 Tk1 h y