The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Wed lilto to keep yon hero always
lair lady and gallnnt gotit
Blxbys thought that thero is noth
log nwcctor than n pohoolmanm unless
it might bo two t ehooniaauiB Is perti
nent hero
If at times yon arc inclined to tlonbt
that spring Is hero tnlto down your al
manac tnrn to tho placo whero it Bays
romothing about tho vcrnnl equinox
read and believe
Tho Ohndron Journal advertises a
morry gorouud social by thoY M
O A Wo hnduot learned that tho or
ganisation permit Ud drinking at Itfl
nodal fuhctlohs
Thoso senators are not yet eliOMiti and
tho cud of tho legislative soslon 1h in
Might An agrcomont would bo a beam
tiful thing to wind up with if It cannot
bo sooner accomplished
Tho World Herald want advertise
ments continuo to show an active de
mand for male help and that paper
in consistently refraining from editorials
denying that proRHrity is in ovidonce
Onois confronted no frequently by tho
expression HuRninn polico rocontly
that ho is forced to tho conviction that
tho polico forcb muHt bo improving and
that tho Blow moving tired cop Ib a
creature of tho pnbt
Altgold 1b supporting tho republican
candidate for mayor of Chicago Tudgo
Haneoy It would Room an though the
republicans of tho Windy City would
linve put up strong barriers to koop him
from breaking in to their ranks
Tho Minnesota legislature does not
propose to allow men and kids to drivo
nails into their own coQlus unless they
are willing to pay for tho privilege It
has mndo tho smoking of a oigarotto u
mlsdemoanor punishable by a 50 flno
Au Omaha department storo ad says
Dout bo misled by tho so called fac
tory to consumer advertisement To
which Tub News feoliugly adds dont
bo misled by tho glittoriug advortlBO
jiicnts of tho Omaha department storoB
Try tho homo merchnnt flrht
Joorgo Merriman of Omaha wont
orusiy and hired a Bmall army of rron to
clean huow off tho Btroets paying them
with worthless checks and purchasing
shovels for thorn in tho same manner
Othor cities will undoubtedly onvy
Omaha tho possession of a man with
that sort of insanity
It is claimed that tho castor beon
plant is extremely distasteful to tho
mosquito and othor insects and that
they soon vacate a placo whero tho
plants oro grown This may prove it
solution of a very prououueed nuisance
and tho mosquito and mosquito joke
may in timo become but a memory
Tho World Horuld gleefully exclaims
Tho republican legislature is rapidly
sealing tho doom of republicanism in the
state of Nobraska Many republicans
candidly admit that it looks that way
but whilo there is lifo there is hopo and
the legislature may yet accomplish ro
snltB with which evou tho f usionists may
oiot find fault
The internal troubles of the czar aro
likely to prove more serious than any
thing ho has oncounterod in China or
elsewhere The unpopular actions of
the police aro being met with demon
strations of disapproval on every baud
and it is likely that the Muscovite em
pire will soon bo in the throes of a dis
astrous rebellion
Mary Wotowawietz of Chicago at
tempted suicide by drinking 11 cents
worth of carbolio acid recently because
her name proved more of a burden than
she thought she could carry Mary is
not to much to be blamed but the young
man who might have ohangea it for her
should not dodge his share of the re
sponsibility for her impulsive action
The Minnesota state senate has passed
a bill prohibiting the marriage of insane
-epileptic and idlotio and
persons requir
ing medical certificates of all applicants
lor marriage licenses If properly ap
plied suoh a law would undoubtedly be
Tery beneucialto coming generations
and other states may follow Minnesotas
lead in creating laws of this character
The revisod city ticket is now before
the voters and they should hasten to de
termine what candidates they will eup
port as election is ouly a week from to
morrow In making a selection it
would be well to take into consideration
the fact that the republican ticket is
first class in every particular and if no
decision oan be reached juet put a cross
after the candidates of that party and
rest assured that no mistake has been
Co not plant all foreBt trees this
spring bnt give some attention to fruit
The apple the pear plums and cherries
all do fairly well in this climate Then
you might find it profitable to plant
Mme gooseberries currants raspberries
blackberries strawberries and rhubarb
juid asparagus The time is coming
whon IlioMi dolloncioi will bo plentiful
but It can bo hurried along by ovoryono
doing their Hharo With an abnndnnco
of fruit Nebraska will havo additional
ojHi unity to Wd for public favor
Tho ONoIll Frontier says that J J
Schweitzer of Joy was the victim of an
assnult yesterday morning which camo
near resulting fatally They Rhould
change tho name of tho place It hoohib
to bo notorious that places named Joy
1eivco Brotherly Lovo Charity etc
are the Roenesof morotrooblo than those
bearing names loss suggoHlvo of tran
inlllty mid good fellowship A person
expects discord there just as muoh as ho
uxpocts to look in vain for a troo at a
place boarlng tho name of Walnut Grovo
oor Mnplollill
Sonic pop papors are spreading tho ro
port that tho Argo starch work of Ne
braska Olty havo joined tho trust and
been closed down thus lriakliig tho wis
tlom of Smyth and Bryan in fighting
tho trust apparent Tho Nobrnska City
News comes forward with tho informa
tion that tho Btaroh workH are not closed
down and havo been in constant opera
tion This rumor of tho fuslonists
would answer very well for a campaign
Ho but what roason they can advocato
for springing it nt this soason of tho
year is not known unless it is nu en
deavor to add to tho renown of Smyth
and Bryan as trust smashers
Tho World Horald is positive that
thoro uro many republicans in Nebraska
possessing tho character and qualifica
tions osBoutial to tho high ofTlco of sena
tor It is a pleasure to hear tho World
Herald say so Ono who has read tho
papor in tho past would bo led to b liovo
that thoro nro no republicans in tho state
qualified to moke rospeotablo road over
seors lot nlono United Stateo senators
Tho World Herald should Bpoclfy who
they nro It is noticed that no ono men
tioned for tho position is worthy tho
oholco of tho World Horald unlosB it
might mean tho discomfiture of tho re
publicans Tho qualified ropublioau in
tho papors estimation is always the
other follow
Whosoovor heard of a person aBking a
city department store for credit and
who would bo foolish enough to believe
that thoy could got crodlt oven if they
aBked it And yet homo morchants
who havo geuorouBly carried a cus
tomer when ho was in a hard pinch un
doubtedly havo many on their books
who sond tholr cash to a department
store whon in uood of goods and allow
tholr accomodating homo merchant to
hold tho saok Ib thiB generous
Would yon appreoiato it if you were
thus treated Assuredly not Then
why not observo tho golden rulo and
sp nd your cash at home thus paving
tho way for future favors from tho home
merchant He needs cash in his busi
ness and tho town is not the loser whon
the moueyis kept iu circulation at
Direct r General of tho Posts Cotter
man of tho Philippines reports that
there is considerable pilfering of tho
mails and urges the necessity of imprints
on tho wax Boals of the mail sacks Ho
says Many sacks of mail ore carried on
steamors doing a local traffic throughout
tho islands but which are not undor
government control Tho crowB of those
steamors aro comprised wholly of natives
or Spaniards und the timo has not ar
rived when these people can be trusted
to any extent This seems to be tho
general opinion of persons who have
visited the islands Many of the natives
and Spaniards aro of a treacherous
thieving disposition and not to be
trusted With independent govern
ment they would undoubtedly prove a
disgrace to the civilized world and the
United States would be universally con
demned for allowing them to assert
their own sweet will
J 0 Perry of the United States ma
rine hospital service and chief quaran
tine officer of the Philippine islands es
timates that there are 20000 lepers on
tho archipelago One of the duties of
Uncle Sams servants whioh will un
doubtedly receive prompt attention will
be to prevent the spread of the disease
and finally stamp it out Tho wonder
ful sanitary work that has been accom
plished In Cuba is iu evidence of what
can bo accomplished in the way of
stamping out disease and preventing
death when the work is undertaken in
teutgeutly and systematically The
ileatliB in Havana for 1000 were 4000
less than the average for the preceding
10 years The rate was only 2460 while
iuo iuwusi in mo preceaing ten years
was IJOGG iu 1893 When the sanitation
of Manila and other places in the Philip
pine islands is completed danger from
leprosy will not only be gTeatly lessened
but tho general health of the peoplo will
be improved
llepublican Ticket
H A Pasowalk the republican candi
date for mayor is one of the pro
gressive German business men of the
city He has large property interests
pays a large percentage of taxes and Kb
been identified with Norfolks develop
ment Bince it was a mere village He
has proven himself to bo honest and
trustworthy in his dealings generous
as to publio demands friendly in his
social intercourse aud enterprising in
private and publio matters He is cap
able of filling the office creditably will
glvo an oconomlo administration and will
ndjudicato matters coming boforo him
oflicinlly with fairnoss and candor Ho
will make a modol mayor and Rhould bo
S H MoFarland tho republican can
didate for olty clork has sorved ono
term in tho position with oxccllout
Ratisfaction Ho attonds to his duties
promptly and thoroughly aud can bo
found at any timo during business hours
Sam is a man whom ovoryono likes to
claim as a friend and ho has lots of
them many of whom havo boon acquired
during his years encumbouoy of tho
ofllco Ho attends to his duties with
tho evident conviction that ho is thoro
as a servant of tho pnbllo and tho loaBt
citizen Is given courteous troatmont at
his hands Ho uovor shirks a duty and
Is at all times roliablo and trustworthy
His administration of tho clerks oflloo
doserJvoB endorsement aud ho will got it
without a doubt
Tho republican caudidato for city
treasurer W II Doxtor requires scant
introduction Everybody kuowsDook
autl thoro aro fow who know him bnt ob
a friend Hois nn old timo resident
well known in Norfolk business circles
for years mid nlways iu a generous
honcBtwny His ability 1b undoubted
and ho will unquestionably receive
liberal support at tho hands of tho voters
W 11 Lowo for city engineer 1b
without opposition Ho is tho only
qualified civil engineer in tho city and
by virtuo of that fact is entitled to tho
ofllco Wero thiB not enough his good
fellowship and long residence would be
ample inducement for support
The republican nominees for membera
of tho board of education 13 O Mount
aud Fred Hollingsworth oro clean
capable men They havo shown thorn
solves as public spirited whon occasion
domauds and will carefully economic
ally and thoroughly look after tho needs
of tho Norfolk school district Their
selection should be a matter of course
Wm Homlebon August Eiosau 0 0
Oow J J Oloments and A G Heck
man candidates for members of the city
council are well known to tho voters of
their respective wards and aro entitled
to thoir hearty support They are
gentlemen who will look aftor the citys
affairs qb though thoy wore their own
and will favor an economical business
like administration Thore is not ono
of them but who should bo elected
Welcome to The Teachers
On behalf of tho peoplo of Norfolk
The News extends to tho teachers of
northoost Nebraska a cordial welcomo to
tho oity May your stay bo productive
of much ploasnro and may you acquire
information that will bo beneficial in
your work and holpf ul to the schools
over which you preside
As hero assembled your organization
gives indication of a large and intelli
gent membership yet it is but a small
proportion of a vast army of workers
similarly engaged in this our literate
and progressive conutry You and your
co workers aro exerting intelligent en
deavors to make this great publig school
system of America tho grandest institu
tion for learning in the world and if
the peoplo can in anyway assist you in
approaching an ideal it is their privilege
and duty to do so
Your pathway is not entirely strewn
with roses In teaching the obstreper
ous youth that which he should know
you have a task which few aro compe
tent to handle and few there are to envy
you your wore xnerorore wnon you
assemble for tho exchange of ideas and
to enjoy whatever entertainment may
be provided for your pleasure none can
but hope that when you leave you will
feol that your time has been well spent
and that your visit to Norfolk has been
pleasant and profitable
The News hopes that this visit will
result in now and valuable acquaint
ances between yon and the citizens of
Norfolk and that yon will cherish a
happy recollection of your visit for
many days
You ore workers in a system of publio
education that is a wonder and example
to the world No country provides for
its boys and girls a more generous and
thorough course of instruction in the
rudiments of knowledge than tho United
States of America
The system 1b not only thorough but
it is within the reach of all High or
low rich or poor are blessed with its
advontanges In view of the work that
is being done by you has been done by
your predecessors aud will be continued
by your successors it is little wouder
that the people of the United States are
attaining an intellectual development
that is at once their pride and the
worlds envy Nor is it a wonder that
the country is approaching a commercial
Bnpremaoy and political power that
astonishes the world
This system in whioh yon are factors
was first vaguely conceived of by Plato
and has been developing through cent
uries in whioh such men as Groote
Luther Sturm Comenius Milton Jaco
tot Spencer McGuffey and Franklin
performed their part These early edu
cators would be happily surprised could
they know how perfect the educational
system had become at this modern date
and that with other advancements of
rod would undoubtedly commend pro
sent methods could bo behold tho result
but in his tlmo a person who would
havo suggested modern educational
ideas would bo looked upon as a most
visionary being
Tho peoplo may not fully appreciate
tho advantages of your progression at all
times but results will testify to tho wis
dom of tho courso pursued In your
prosont association it is to bo desired
timt great steps for the advancement of
tho work in Nebraska may bo taken
Mcantimo that you may enjoy your
visit aud appreciate thoso efforts which
havo boon mado toward your entertain
ment is tho siucoro wish of Tun Nnws
May you depart with an irrepressiblo
longing to come again
rulloe Ksonrt Her OfT the Ground of the
Soldiers Home at Learenworth
Kansaa City March 25 After an
eventful day at Leavenworth Ivan
Mrs Carrie Nutlon arrived here last
evening and left Immediately for St
Louis on route for Cincinnati where
she In booked to deliver half a dozen
lectures It was believed she would
make an attempt nt joint smashing
at Leavenworth but two policemen
remained with her all the time she
wur In that city She wanted to make
a speech In the Leavenworth opera
house but the house was locked
gainst her She then attempted to
speak on tho public square but the of
ficers stopped her Later she went to
the southern part of the city and ad
dressed an nudlenco of 500 people on
a vncant lot
She visited the national soldiers
home at Fort Leavenworth and began
abusing Governor Rowland for allow
ing a canteen to bo run on the grounds
After listening to her a short time
the governor called a captain of po
lico and hud her escorted off the
grounds and placed on n car for the
city Along the route from Leaven
worth to Kansas City sho made reur
platform speeches nt every stop
Squadron Sails for KoreaFeeling
Country 1k Uneasy and Intensely
Anti ltusalan
London March 25 A Japanese
squadron Admiral Tsubhim command
ing left Nagasaki Saturday for
Korea says tho Yokohama corre
spondent of the Dally Mail The gen
eral opinion here Is that the situation
is sorious Urgent Instructions have
been Issued by the minister of war
General Katsoura to the commanders
of forts to attend a conference In Toklo
to consider questions of home de
fense The war rumors are causing a
fall In prices on the various bourses
The feeling of tho country Is uneasy
and intensely antl RuBslun but the
cabinet shows no indication of its pol
Philippines Com m Union Sails for the Sulu
Group of Islands
Manila March 25 The municipal
code provides that those in rebellion
after April 1 shall be ineligible hence
forth to vote and hold office
Upon the report of General Trias
who is winding up the romnants of the
insurrection the Philippines commis
sion has extended the date to May 1
The Philippines commission has
sailed from llollo to Jolo to make a
three days visit and to endeavor to
come to an amicable understanding
with the sultan regarding various
measures There will be no legisla
tion According to treaty the sultans
government controls tho Sulu group
Great Lire Stock Company Formed at
Kansas City by Large Traders
Kansas City March 25 At a meet
ing held here Saturday night 15 of
the most extensive live stock dealers
In the country organized a land aud
cattle company with 2000000 capi
tal Judge Henry W Scott of WaI
street New York Is financiering the
The company has nn option on
014000 acres of land south of Pan
handle City Tex and will place 50
000 bead of cattle on the range Gen
eral offices of the company will be In
Kansas City
Preferred Death to Arrest
Slonx Fulls S D March 25 The
federal authorities here have been
notified of another tragedy on the
Pine Ridge Indian reservation Indian
policemen sent from the agency sur
rounded William Day who murdered
Louis Cottier Rather than submit
to arrest he shot and killed himself
The motive for the killing of Cottier
Is unknown
Dan Creedon knocked out Billy
Stift in the fifth round at Hot Springs
Ark Friday
Deputy Sheriff Tom Johnson who
was shot by the Red Rock O T out
laws died Friday at Perry O T
J W Kingsley leading man of the
Jules Grau Opera company died at
St Joseph hospital In Denver Friday
of pneumonia after a weeks illness
An unknown uegro on his way to
trial in Halifax county Va on the
charge of barn burning was taken by
a mob from the constable aud shot to
By the explosion of sing at the Car
negie Steel companys plant at Home
civilization it is at a high ebb with the steml Friday seven men were seriously
prospects for constant improvement uu
til it shall be perfect or as nearly so as it
is possible to approach
The ancient pedagogue who drilled
the three Its into his pupils largely
through the influence of a pliable birch
Flro Friday completely wiped out
the piano establishment of William
Itohltlng Sons at Milwaukee and
wrought further destruction to adjoin
ing property entailing n loss close on
to 300000 covered by insurance
II iff Bli
Many Workmen Killed In En
counter With Cossacks
rollce Discover Another riot to Assassin
ate Nicholas IlStudents at St Peters
burg- Draw Lots for the Job and It Falls
I to Son of n Prominent General
London March 25 The Dally Mall
publishes the following from Its St
Petersburg correspondent Yester
day 500 workmen from the Obuchower
metal works parnded on tho Novskol
prospokt On the way thither they
demolished the state brandy booths
Eight hundred Cossacks with drawn
words met the workmen and a san
guinary encounter ensued The num
ber of killed and wounded however
is kept quiet
The polico have discovered a plot
ngalubt tho life of the czar It ap
pears that n group of students drew
lots and that the fatal choice fell to
the son of a prominent general This
student told his father and the latter
Informed the czar Imploring him to
leave St Petersburg
The St Petersburg correspondent of
the Dally Express says In the last
encounter at Narva gate 300 workmen
are reported to have been killed or
wounded by the Cossacks
Czar Holds Sleeting or Ministers
St Petersburg March 25 The polit
ical situation is so serious that Em
peror Nicholas held a meeting of the
ministers yesterday to consider the
state of public affairs Threatening
letters linve been received by Lieuten
ant General Kouropatkln minister of
war M Mouravieff minister of Jus
tice and M Siplagnlne minister of the
ltenewed demonstrations on a great
scale are expected today It Is report
ed that Prince Vlazeinsky has been
disgraced for petitioning the czar to
consider the grievances of the students
Lagowsky the provincial official who
Inst Friday attempted to assassinate
Privy Councillor Poblcilonestzeff pro
curator general of the holy synod Is a
disciple of Count Leo Tolstoi and be
has asserted that the act was one of
revenge for the excommunication of
Tolstoi According to a special dis
patch to the Rossia the governor gen
eral of Kieff General Gragomleroff
has published a riot ordinance similar
to that pubished by General Klejgels
In St Petersburg and declaring that
the military will be called out unless
the ordinance Is strictly obeyed
Marseilles Strikers Deceived
Farls March 25 A special to Lc
Gaulois summarizing tho Interview
with M Gcllaud president of the Mar
seilles chamber of commerce who has
conferred in Tnris with M Mlllerand
minister of commerce asserts that the
employers have not accepted the arbi
tration of the minister of commerce
but Mayor Flaisserles and the Social
ist deputies have deceived the strikers
In order to obtain calm The corre
spondent predicts serious trouble when
the strikers learn the truth
WurtemberK Premier Commits Suicide
Berlin March 25 A dispatch to the
Local Anzeiger from Stuttgart an
nounces that Baron Schott von Schot
tenstein the Wurtemberg premier
whose sudden withdrawal from the
cabinet owing to his being Implicated
in a pending trial created a sensation
has committed suicide In Ulm
Waldersee as Arbitrator
London March 25 According to
the St Petersburg correspondent of the
Times wiring Saturday Count Lams
dorf the Russian minister of foreign
affairs has agreed with Great Britain
to submit the Tien Tsln railway dis
pute to the arbitration and settlement
of Count von Waldersee
Burglars Maks m IMch Haul
New York March 25 A daring
burglary which occurred lust evening
was made public The residence en
tered was that of Dr Nathan E Drill
on West Seventy sixth street and the
thieves secured jewelry said to be
worth about 12000
Karpovich Gets Lire Sentence
St Petersburg March 25 Karpo
vich the assassin of M Bogollepoff
Russian minister of public instruc
tion has been sentenced to hard labor
for life He will be Imprisoned in the
Bchleuscheldburg fortress on an lsV
and in the Neva
Great Britain Makes Protest
Yokohama March 25 Advices from
Seoul announce that the Korean gov
ernment has dismissed from office Mr
McLeavy Brown director general of
Korean customs and that Great Brit
ain is protesting against his dismissal
Plague Continues to Spread
Cape Town March 25 The bubonic
plague continues to spread here There
is an nveragc of six fresh cases official
ly reported daily Most of the victims
are colored persons
Kruger to Visit United States
London March 25 The Geneva cor
respondent of the Daily Mail says it is
reported thero that Mr Kruger if his
health permits will visit the United
States next month
Severe Fighting In Transvaal
Cape Town March 25 Severe fight
ing occurred Friday March 22 be
tween the British and Boers nt Harte
beestfonteln east of Klerksdorp
Murdered by Chinese Brigands
Tien Tsln March 25 Rev Stone
house of the London Missionary
ciety has been murdered by brlgandi
14 miles east of Tien Tain
Miiilntcrs Unable to Agree Upon Plan for
Guarding Ihe Legation
PbViij March 20 The foreign tnln
Mors seem utterly unable to agree as
to the best method of policing the lega
tion quarter The proposition most
favored by the majority and most com
plained of by tho minority Is one pro
ldlng that men of the regular armies
shall be detailed for the service un
der one officer connected with tho al
lies United States Special Commis
sioner Rockhlll Is one who objects to
this plan as Is also the British min
ister Ernest Satow who Buys timt
though an International force Is desir
able It would be better that the po
lice detail should bo composed of sol
diers who are not liable to be called
away when they arc most useful It Is
also undesirable he thinks thnt the
commandant should be an officer ac
tively connected with the army while
the Intention to make each legation
practically an armed camp Is a great
mistake and Is liable to cause friction
and It would be better far to make a
general International district
Tho ministers are seriously consider
ing tho advisability of asking their
governments to reconsider tho decision
In favor of big legation guards as lia
ble not only to keep the court from re
turning to Peking but also as a con
tinual source of danger In the dealings
with the Chinese as It would be Im
possible to keep the guards entirely
within the legation qunrter which
condition Prince Chlng and LI Hung
Chang insist upon saying that other
wise It would be impossible to guaran
tee order especially when the Chinese
troops shall have returned to Peking
Black Itivcr and Tributaries Out of Their
Banks Many Places Under Water
Damage at Milwaukee
Milwaukee March 20 The heavy
rains and the thaw throughout Wiscon
sin for the past three days have
caused high water in many places
Sheboygan Oshkosh Fond du Lac
Saukville and this city are having the
worst experience
Tho Hood in the Menominee river val
ley in this city is higher than for years
past and several factories are unable
to operate Plggsvllle a Milwaukee
suburb Is under water nud the streets
and yards of the town nre iuunduted
At Wauwatosa the river Is threat
eningly high At Black River Falls
the Black river Is on a rampage It
rose about eight feet yesterday The
Ice Is going out and damage to prop
erty will be heavy unless the wuters
Oshkosh reports tho lowlands all
covered with water and on the road be
tween there and Ncennh the Interur
ban railway track In many places Is
a foot or two under water
At LaCrosse dynamite was used to
break up the gorge in the LaCrosse
river within the city limits which had
threatened to carry away the bridge
between the north and south sides
A 00 foot dam In the Root river at
Iloknh Minn was washed away
That little river is now on one of the
worst rampages in its history and
farmers are threatened with serious
damage The Mississippi and Black
rivers have overflowed all the lowlands
In the vicinity
The dnm on the East Twin river In
the village of MIshicott near Mani
towoc suddenly gave way yesterday
and It is estimated that the midden
overflow of water did damage to the
amount of 15000 Houses were com
pletely turned around The water is
Ave feet deep on the main street of
the village The village of Saukville
has been cut in two by the flood and
the railway station can be reached
from either side There Is much ex
citement there and Tort Washington
was appealed to for help Families
are leaving their homes All night
thore were parties of men rowing
about In the only two boots tho place
possesses with lanterns and torches
searching for unfortunates who might
have beon caught In their homes or
near the village
Lorin Blodgett an eminent statis
tician died in Philadelphia Sunday
aged 79
Turkey has addressed to Bulgaria n
demand for the dissolution of the Mac
edonian committee
Willam J Dormln one of the organ
izers In 1883 of the Catholic Order of
Foresters died in Chicago Sunday
after nn Illness of two weeks
Secretary Hoy has paid to the Span
ish minister 100000 for three Phil
ippine islands not Included in the
A Toledo police judge says drunk
enness in a disease not a crime and
dismisses all plain drunks that come
before him
General Funston with a half dozen
Intrepid followers has plunged into
the forests of Luzon in tho hope of
capturing Agulnaldo
Physicians of Denver and other cit
les have organized to found a
colony where consumptives of
limited means may secure the best
Tho Chicago board of trade and tlo
Western Union Telegraph company
have settled their differences over
grain quotations The board estab
lishes its proprietary right in the
figures aud receives 30000 a year
The kaiser has angered his subjects
by asserting disrespect for tho consti
tuted authorities Is growing In Ger
many Papers retort by asking if
auch be the ease which they deny
whether he himself is not to blame
for It His text is recent attack upon
him at Bremen by irresponsible epl
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