r kN m T y I lie hi Eighteen Bodies Recovered i From Wrecked Buildings PHOPERTY LOSS IS 350000 Terrific Storm Cut a rath 110 Fret Wlito Through the Southern Sectlom of the CityScores of Injured iteinoved to Fatally Hurt Birmingham Aln March 25 Short ly before 10 oclock yesterday morn ing a fearful tornado swept over the southern part of this city The num ber of killed Is estimated ut 25 of whom live are white The destruction of property is placed at 500000 Five hundred building were wrecked Eighteen bodies have been recovered and scores of Injured have been re moved to the hospitals Among the dead are Dr G C Chap man of the 11 rm of Tally Chapman who conduct a private lnllrinury In this city and the wife and Infant child of Robert 1 Lowe chairman of the Democratic state executive commit tee Following Is the list of Identltled dead and fatally Injured The dead Dr Q C Chapman Mrs Robert J Lowe Infant child of Mrs Lowe J Alexander little daughter of B B Hudson F Myro collector Union Mutual association of Mobile Carrie Hudson Maggie Blevins Carrie Henry Lizzie Glen cook for B B Hudson unknown carpenter Fatally Injured Mrs B II Thomas Mrs W II Thomas Mrs D D Mc Laughlin Mrs T Ferguson Mrs Mylum Carrie Ellin colored The etorm struck the city in the ex treme southwestern corner and plowed Its way eustward leaving a path 150 feet wide through the entire southern section extending from Green Springs on the west to Avondule on the east and continued its course until its fury was spent in the mountains beyond Irondule a small town six miles east of the city The morning dawned cloudy and sul try and grew more threatening as the day advanced Clouds began to gather and shortly after 0 oclock sharp light ning flashed from the southwest The air became heavy and stilling The Telocity of the wind suddenly began to Increase and out of the overcast sky the dreaded funnel shaped cloud made Its appearance Hugging close to the earth it came down upon the city The altitude of the cyclone was not more than 73 feet The negro shanties and cottages in the lowlands were the prin cipal sufferers The larger residences on the higher grounds suffered but slightly The large trees on the hill side of the St Vincents hospital were torn up by the roots and large masses of stone twisted out of the ground and broken and scattered over the drive ways leading to the Institution From Eighth to Tenth streets the tornado bounded like a rubber ball and when it again descended it struck a two story house occupied by Joseph Busenhelhner and almost razed It to the ground The 11-year-old daughter of John Krunsey was caught under the debris and severely injured A house occupied by Taylor Hansen nearby was unroofed and three small negro bouses near there were demolished Onward the wind sped in Its fury de molishing trees and fences until it reached Eleventh street where a house owned by John Hayes was levelled to the ground Skimming close to the arth the storm swept through a small pine grove tearing trees up by the roots and hurling them through the air like arrows Strikes Negro Settlement Beyond the grove the storm cloud swooped down upon a negro settle ment and the cabins were crushed not one being left in its pathway Carrie EHm a negro woman was burled be neath the debris but most of the ne groes escaped with slight Injuries and after the storm had passed gathered around the wreckage apparently thankful that they escaped with their lives Eastward the storm swept cutting Its way through another strip of woods striking the Second Presbyterian church at Avenue II and Fifteenth street demolishing the structure Tho pews were piled on top of the debris a small oak table which was used lu the rostrum being deposited on the top most point of the wreckage East of tho church directly in the tornados path was another negro settlement and much havoc was wrought among the shacks several of which were swept away A number of small houses were levelled between Sixteenth and Sev enteenth streets Alley H between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets a small house occupied by negroes was demolished and Green Curry a negro woman was caught beneath the tim ber and sustained serious injuries Three other houses were blown down nearby The storm then struck the more thickly settled residence portion of the city and Its work of destruc tion increased A cottage occupied by Fred Schaef fer at 814 South Eighteenth street and a small frame building a few doors north occupied by L n Stewart were badly damaged Almost a clean sweep was made of the district lying between Eighteenth and Twentieth streets and Avenue II and I two blocks Here the Bceno Is one of complete demo lition Tho frame cottages wero re duced to flattened piles of debris every tree large or small was either crushed down or uprooted A row of small cottages fronting east upon Nineteenth street between Avenues II and I were flattened out The occupants had no warning and were unable to escape from their bouses and were rescued by workers after the storm RUSSIA MODIFIES TREATY lu lUtuin or Coiirvlnn Demand That Chlnnte Hlgu It liiiiuetllatrlr London March UO A dispatch from Peking avers that the Uusslan govern ment lias consented to a number of modifications In the Mauchurlau con vention the principal ones being that Klu Chow and Port Arthur shall not bo unnoxed but shall he leased from the Chinese government as hereto fore Kussln will not Insist upon there being a Russian resident at Moukden the Chinese army will be permlted to maintain order lu Manchuria prior to the completion of the Mauchurlau railway which whlls lu course of construction will not necessarily re tin Ire the protection of Russian troops Russia will forego Its demand that mining and railway concessions In Mongolia Turkestan and KaHhgarla shall be granted to none but Russian subjects Russia stipulates however that none hut Clilnose and Russians shall ge allowed to undertake such enterprises In consequence of theso concessions the Russian government asks for an early signature of the convention CYCLONE IN MICHIGAN Severe Storm Sweep AcroM Knlninaroo CountyMany llulldlug Wrecked ami Wires Laid Low Two Fatalities Knlamazoo Mich March 25 A cy clone struck the town of Pavilion a small village about -5 miles south east of Kalamazoo which wrecked a llllinlier rtt limiMivt Iltiniiitlni tri turn - - I down telegraph poles and did much other damage Tho home of Noah Tripp was rolled over for a distance of live rods and Mrs Tripp wus completely burled un der it She was found lying under tho stove and had sustained Injuries which may result fatally The house caught fire and was completely de stroyed Scotts township reports one killed Damage was done at small stations nearby Nearly every build ing In the path of the storm was wrecked Orchards were destroyed and fences are down everywhere At Indian lake the wind formed a water spout In crossing that body of water and a large district on the east shore was inundated MEET DEATH IN EXPLOSION Dozen Miners Carried Out Fatally Hurt From Shaft of limning Mine Conuellsville Pa March JO The first mine explosion to occur in the New Klondike region of Fayette coun ty happened yesterday One man was killed instantly live will die and ten ure burned und crushed so terribly that It is doubtful if they will recover As a result of the explosion the mine Is on tire The cause of the explosion was an accumulation of gas lu the heading of the Gates mine one of the new mines opened up this winter by the American Steel and Wire compuny The injured Robert Nelson mine foreman terribly burned skull blown open and brain exposed will die Gibson Gilmore burned not expected to live David Ramsey of Adelaide burned and crushed not expected to recover James Wilson of Ollphant burned and crushed no hope for his recovery James Murphy of New Salem probably fatally burned HEAVY LIVE STOCKLOSSES Storm lias Abated Though Trains Are Still Snow Stalled In Western Nebraska Lincoln March 26 Reports from western and northwestern Nebraska towns tell of heavy losses of stock as a result of the storm At Ogalalla wagon roads wero blocked by snow but within a radius of eight miles on tho small ranches 100 cattle are re ported dead Trains on the Union Pa cific are all late in that district and 6ome are still blocked with snow drifts on the track 20 feet deep Around Cul bertson on the Burlington there are stock losses as well as at Chadron further north Burlington trains from the north and northwest are delayed Train Illowu On the Track Columbus Ga March 20 A mixed train was blown off the Central of Georgia railroad tracks one mile cast of Bucna Vista by a tornado The train consisted of an engine baggage car two coaches and 12 freight cars and was going 15 miles an hour when struck by the wind The engine was lifted from the track the tender was turned over the baggage car and two coaches and three freight cars wero thrown on their sides Tho rest of the train remained on the track No oue was seriously Injured Two Killed In Texas Galveston March 20 At Double Bay a hamlet 30 miles north of Gal veston a storm assumed cyclonic pro portions Mrs Fish and 7-year-old girl daughter of Richard Measle were killed Three persons wers Injured Throe houses which withstood the September storm collapsed Tornado In Ohio Sandusky O March 20 A tornado passed over the western part of Erie county last evening The principal sufferer was the settlement of Mus tacu where several roofs wero blown from houses and trees were blown down No one was Injured so far as known Refuses New Zealauds Itequest Loudon March 25 The United States government says the Welling ton correspondent of the Dally Ex press has refused New Zealands re quest to reopen the question of jwrmlt ting British steamers to trade be tween Honolulu and San Francisco Fire Destroys Flour Mills Prairie City Ia March 25 The J P Turner flour mills erected in 1808 were destroyed by lire yesterday The loss is 12000 insurance 54000 IIS 1 I Result In Numerous Changes In Political Control OTTUMWA DEMOCRATS WIN General Wearer Elected Mayor of Collat lndlanola and Crouton Vote Franchise to Kleotrin Ilues Independent ltepuh lloan Choseu Mayor of Marslialltown Des Moines March 110 Municipal elections wore held lu Iowa yester day Most of the larger cities are un der special charters and will not hold elections until April Tho elections held yesterday showed numerous changes In political control ns party lines were not sharply drawn Gen eral 1 It Weaver ex congressman and one time Greenback candidate for president was chosen mayor of Col fax on the CltUens ticket The Demo crats elected their entire ticket lu Ot tumwa after a heated campaign Os kaloosa went Republican electing V A Ray mayor Jones Independent Republican was elected mayor of Marsluilltowu defeating Sears Rep and Getz Dem The vote wus very large lndlanola voted n franchise to an Interurban electric company to con nect with Des Moines and Wlnterset and Creston voted franchises to a com pany to connect Wlnterset and Creston Results in other towns Perry J F Wilson Citizens elected mayor Valley Junction Democrats elected most of ticket Wlnterset John Mc Andrew Dem elected mayor Ana uiosn J A Tackier Rep elected mayor Marlon F M Plumb Rep elected mayor Toledo Republicans elected ticket COLOMBIAN REBELS ACTIVE ltoToliition Shows No Slgu of Kudliig In the Near Future Kingston lamalca March 20 The British mall steamer Para from Colon brings reports of renewed activity on the part of the rebels In the vicinity of Panama The hands of tiie govern ment are full In their efforts to keep the rebellion down Passengers by the steamer Para say that the revolution shows no signs of ending in the near future Business Is carried on in Colon and Panama with the greatest dllil culty and the enormous prices of food stuffs Is causing general suffering The liberals are expecting large rein forcements from the Costa Ilicau sym pathizers Confirm Itemnral of Itrown Washington March 20 The state department has receiver from Mr Al len our minister nt Seoul Korea dis patches continuing the cable report of the removal of McCleavy Brown tho director general of Korean customs As this action of the emperor under taken at the behest of Russia goes far to wipe out the Integrity of Korea according to the estimate of the offi cials here it will not be allowed to pass without a remonstrance on our Dart for the otllclals are convinced that Russian domination of Korea would mean the extinguishment of American interests in that quarter and these in recent years have become Important After Ilunnas Holdings Cleveland March 20 It became known here yesterday that J P Mor gan is negotiating with Senator Han na for the trasfer to the United States Steel corporation of Mr Hannas Inter est In the American Shipbuilding com pany The understanding Is also that John D Rockefeller who owned one tenth of the stock of the shipbuilding company transferred Ids Interest and that the effort now Is to gain control of Mr Hannas holdings which are said to be equal to those of Mr Rocke feller Mr Hnuna was the largest in dividual stockholder In the American Shipbuilding company Fatally Shot by Drunken Woman Memphis Teun March 20 A W Hogin senior member of the firm of A W Hogin Co one of the most prominent brokerage Arms In the south was shot by Dprrls Noble on Beale street lust night The ball entered Hoglns abdomen and the wound Is thought to be fatal The woman was liquor mad and was being accused of drunkenness by Hogin Dorris Noble Is a well known character In Memphis and at one time slashed a woman al most fatally She was arrested Mother and Child Fatally Ilurned Chicago March 20 Mrs Albert Fredley while holding her ten-months-old baby In her arms attempted to start a lire in the kitchen stove yes terday by using kerosene An explo sion resulted the burning oil almost completely covering Mrs Fredley and her child Before neighbors could ex tinguish the blaze both Mrs Fredey and her baby bad been so badly burned that It Is probable they will die Reducing- Wheat A create Sioux Falls S D March from all parts of the agricul tural portion of the state Indicate that the acreage sown lu wheat this sea son will be materially less than that of last year Tho rapid development of tho creamery Industry has had a great deal to do with the steady reduc tion of the acreage devoted to wheat and considerable land formerly devot ed to It is being planted In corn Oregon Man to Ito Consul Washington March 20 The follow ing presidential appointments were an nounced yesterday State Georgo F Baldwin of Ohio to bo consul of the United States at Nurembourg Bavaria Henry B Miller of Oregon to bo con sul of the United States at Nlu Chwung China lyHjfciVsU THE NORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MARCH 29 UK1 FARMERS FIGHT COMBINE Organize Slock Company and Will Hun Itetalor of Their Own Kansas City March 20 The farmers of central Kansas are organizing against what they call ihu grain com blue Just now the center of work ing opposition to thn so called grain combine Is at Solomon but farmers around Abilene Sallmi and McPher boii are getting ready to Join At Solomon III fanners hnvo organ l7ed a stock company and will run an elevator of their own At Hallnii a similar scheme Is on foot though the company Is not ready like the oue at Solomon to Incorporate and actually go Into business A P Collins vice president of thn company In explaining Its purpose wattl Solomon Is a big shipping point with three railroads and on each railroad there Is one grain buyer Our company Includes most of the large wheat growers or the neighborhood and our plan Is to have an elevator of our own employ a man to run It and have him pay always a fair market price for the wheat DELARET DEFEATED Hour SnOVr Hrcvy loi In a llntlln With llablugtons Form llrltlsh Cup turn 140 1rlsoners London March 2ll The war allien has received the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener dated Pretoria March 25 Bublngtons force Includ ing Sheklelons column attacked Do hirey 1500 strong southwest of Veil tcrsdorp and having defeated him followed him rapidly with the result that the Boer rear guard was driven lu und their convoy captured Includ ing the gnus captured at Vaals Rank Our troops displayed great gallantry and dash They captured two lfi pounder guns one pompom sir Max ims 120 pounds of big ammunition 15000 rounds of small ammunition 110 rifles fill wagons and 21 carts besides taking MO prisoners Our losses wero slight Many Boers were killed or wounded The olllclal casualty list Issued last evening Indicates a renewal of active operations since the failure of the ne gotiations between Lord Kitchener and General Bothu At llartebeestlonleln March 22 and Sl two olllccrs were killed and three wounded and four men killed and 20 wounded There also seems to have been heavy lighting at a place near Gredgeilacht March 18 Tho Pretoria correspondent of the Standard says It Is obvious soma months must pass before Boer resist ance can Jie crushed Ihllllps Again Corn Klnr Chicago March 20 George II Phillips Is once more king of the corn pit and his reign promises to be a hard one for the shorts Under the dicta tion of tho young speculator the cereal yesterday sold to 42424 for May delivery a gain of c over the pre vious session and tho highest price touched this season The demand was sulllclent to cary the market up in the face of heavy realizing sales by longs A feature of the present campaign Is that the country Is heavily represented on the long side of tho market and will profit by the advance Phillips holdings alone are estimated to be in the millions Recedes Threatening Letter Nashville Term March 25 Kid napers and dynamiters is tho signa ture to a letter received by Joseph Schneider that unless he placed 300 lu a certain spot in Cumberland park by Saturday afternoon one of his children would be kidnaped or his house blown up by dynamite No harm has yet come to the Schneider home although the demands were not complied with The police are at work on the case Hirs ITerrnn Secures Dlvorrn Des Moines March 21 The Grlnnell nerald mnkes the statement that Mrs Ilerron has secured at Algonn la a divorce from her husband Professor George D Ilerron the well known lecturer on the ground of desertion Is Appointed Washington March 20 The presi dent has appointed ex Representative W A Rodenburg of Illinois a mem ber of the civil service commission to succeed the late Mark S Brewer and E I Allen of Auburn N Y com missioner of patents to succeed Com missioner Duel resigned Ohio Hank Robbed Columbus 0 March 20 A tele phone message from Somerset received at the police station early this morn ing stated that six men had ridden into the city and blown the safe in the lo cal bank and secured 15000 In money and a large amount of bonds The rob bers escaped llrltlsh Soldiers Murdered Tien Tsln March 26 In au affray last evening two members of tho Welsh Fuslleer regiment and a mem ber of the Victorian contingent who wens1 acting as policemen were tabred and bayonettcd It is alleged that Germans were tho principal cul prits TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS A Northern Pacific engineering force Is surveying a route from Winnipeg to Bemedjl Geueral Georgo W Cook of Denver Is dangerously 111 of catarrh of the stomach In New York The Chlcugo and Aton railroad will on April 1 take control of the Qulncy Carrollfon and St Louis railroad Tho Robertson Raft company of Portland Or In tho near future will build a mammoth raft containing al most 10000000 feet of logs which will be towed across the Pacific ocean to Oriental points 1 SALZERS SEEDS M wen WILL MAKE YOU RICH This Is a daring U lament butgal niliwdibeu1 It out avsrjr time O feats teorn on earth 111 positively roTOiuuonixaoora Knvug Bllllon DollnrCraaa uiratflat marvel of lbs aico 12tonof har Deracre Fin crop lz wmIu after lowlcis What Is It CUloOeUlj rei 100 stamps M ttfc NOTICE w ouU klf t4 Ulz 10 Jilo BmIU Mb thcAIOi ffeg hiM Dr A Rim BrlC7t7J6ulAlti4cVVortllOl0iul Hi dohnASalurS40UCrow vie mtt TRY aitl SWtMl LEI NO CHANCE SLIP To make a Fortune The Opportunity may not Come Your Way Again Twentieth Century Parmer Offers n Number of Mnanlflocnt Prizes to those who will net ns Agents 1ST PRIZE 1000 CASH 2D PRIZE 500 CASH And 30 Other Cnah Prizes ranging from 500 to 25 TUB TWENTIETH OHNTU IIY FARMER la published by Tb Bco Publishing Company of Omaha nnd la an agricultural and fam ily mngazlno of unusnal merit There aro department for eYery member of tho family special Articled by men of known reputation and Illustrations will bo a prominent feature Wrlto for samplo copy and ask for particulars concerning th prlrcn T1IH TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and this paper will be sent to you one year for TWO DOLLARS WwK iPr A Dual Role I FASTEST TRAINS AND SHORTEST LINE Business Men and others recognize the im portance of this combination by selecting the - - 111I0H PACIFIC for flESTERH POIflTS MISSOURI RIVER 5 HJSSSmS S l iekor y Portland 15 MISSOURI RIVER m Ml IP Vf jBr jj iiir MK t Him THE NEWS FOR UP-TO-DATE PRINTING h wk For 14 Cents W cull tbt foUoFlOJ rut M1 BKlc IklBIBI4YmUg 1 llrUiraUaHlM U 1 rrlU 8J 1 laHtMUnMCuutifbHi 10 t tlltitrdta INmiI i I IDr UmiUk 1 1 ULllrhlltlliiiM U BrUUut TUwr 6t4 u Worth 100 rrucJiu abort IS pokt rr boiiIUm IU atU foa tit lofttbfr viia ar grti lUuutul Sxi Ctulot UUIni 1 twl fUUcra lllllloa Dollar Grata Alt Vbole Oaloa Heed tlOc IV Tecilfcff alih ttaiulio trlltt Itblti ml rum Md spoa rtcalpl tlit aal thtcaotlea Whea aoot joa pilot Hlir 8m4i jo will oir at wiiLati JOHN ASAUCI Sttl CO UCrataaww other line Salt Lake 238 City m g 01 IlJU To San Francisco 310 f 0Ulu Portland 54 For time tables and full information call on F W JUNEMAN Agent I Edisons Phonograph Bettor than a Pinno Organ or Muslo Box for It nines and talks ni well at plays and dont cost ns much 1 1 reproduces tho music of any instrument band or orchestra tclla stories und si tics the old familiar hymns ns well us tho popular songs It isalways ready fioo that Mr Edisons Blgnuturo is on every machine Cata logues or all dealers or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO 135 Fifth Ave New VorV - He MIhkpiI rt Even a painful disease mny afford Its possessor some crumbs of comfort M B after having been afflicted for 10 or 12 years with chronic rheuma tism was persuaded to try the me dicinal baths at a fumeus health re sort and as the result of two months treatment he ciimo home cured Your husband looks like a new man snld a neighbor conversing with Airs B about It afterward He must ho one of the happlcBt of human bo lugs after all his years of Buffering Well I dont know she replied He hnsnt anything to talk about aow -Youths Companion The chamois Is usually Identified with Switzerland but tho animal Is less common there than In any other country which It inhabits Austria is the real home of the chamois where they arc most plentiful W Koenigsteins Pliarmacy Corner 5th and Main Sts NORFOLK 3STEB 1 vivivlisrk t A 900 GX YEARLY to Christian man or woman to look after our growing business in this and adjoining counties to act as manager and correspondent work can bo done at your homo Enoloso self -addressed stamped envelope for particulars to H A Sherman General Manager Corcoran Build ing opposite United States Treas ury Washington D O lG P4fr Illinois Bentral R R ANNOUNCEMENT FOR WnSTTIBIR TOTJEISTS Tho Illinois Mitral daairoa to call attention to tlio unoxcollml sorricii that In olTnrod by its linoa to tho south for tho gojaon of lMKMJQU c ALI FORN I VIA NEW ORLEANS A Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cmrs FROM Personally conduct CHICAGO ed ituns through to Ioa AiikoIob and Stn Krancifeco via Now Orlnans In connection EVERY withthoSouthnrnPn WEDNESDAY clc onv tliicao JSrioVjiiJo on tho lontrnla fast MORNING Now Orloans Bio clal connection also mndo by this train vrltU daily trains out of Now OrloaiiB or tho Iaciflo oast Tho Limit 1 from Chicago ovory otou lug connects on Mnuilaya and Thursdays at Now Orloans aftor Docembor 18 1SW with tu SUNSET LIMITED of the Southern Pacific Riving special through sorrico to Bau Francisco LORI D VIA NASHVILLE AND ATLANTA THROUGH SERVICE FROM ST LCUIS A Double daily serv ice is maintained out of St Louis via tha Illinois Ceutral and connecting lines to NaBhvllloChattunoo u and Atlanta thro slnooiiii nnr to Jack sonvillo Florida being carried ou tho DIXIE FLYER leaving St Louis every ov onlntr This train as well as tho Day Kinross leaving St Louis la tho mornlug are both solid trains to Nashville having through coaches and sleoniug cars run ning tlirough Martin Tonn aud tho N C fc St L Ry Connection via this liuo for all iirlnot iml points in the Southeast Buch as Charleston Wilmington AiWin and Savannah aud for all points lu Florida TWO S0UD FAST VESTIBULE TRAINS Dally from Chicago to Memphis aud Now Or loaus HOMESEKKERS EXCURSIONS to certain points In tho South on tho linos ot the Illinois Ceutral aud Y M V railroads will be run ou the first and third Tuesday ot oach month dur lug tho wintor season Full particulars concerning all of the alma can bo had of agents of the Illinois Ceutral or by uddromiutf A II lluusou G P A v Calcutta