The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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Lincoln Mnroh -8 Spoolal to Tun Nhws Govornor Diutrioli and J If
Millard wero oloototl United States senators from Nebraska by tho logislaturo on
tho fifty fourth and last joint ballot today Govornor Dietrich is olootod for tho
short term aud Mr Millard for tho long term This roBult was brought about
through tho withdrawal of Thompson lu favor of Dlotrich aud of Rosownter in
favor of Millard
After an inolTootual oauous hiHt ulght whloh contlnuod until 1 oclock this
morning tho republican mombors adjourned to moot at 8 oclock this morning
very much discouraged at tho prospect that tho legislature would bo obliged to
adjourn today with tho doadlock unbroken Tho republicans wore slow in g t
ting togothor In caucus this morning thoro bolng but scant outlook that anything
could bo douo as tho autii still stood firman their determination not to vote for
Thompson Sovoral inollootaal ballots were taken durlug which tlmo tho votlrg
was spasmodlo Orounso on ono ballot receiving as high aa lit votos About tho
tlmo that Orounsofl gain had boguu to frighten thoso who did not wantto boo
ins buccoss Thompson appoarod boforo tho caucus aud in a short addross thanked
1in mnm hers who had so lovallv roinaluod with him Thou ho announced his
lard of Omaha and upon auother ballot bolng taken Ulotrioh and Millard wero
doclarod tho oauous nominees This rosnlc was reached at about 10 I0
Whou tho joint sosslou convened at noon an iiumonso throng crowded repre
sentative hall to seo tho oloctlon of two senators Tho autia joined with tho
caucnB mouibors and Diotrioh and Millard each received 70 votos tho full number
of republicans in attendance Tho fusionists continued to vote for Alien giving
him 58 while W II Thompson roooivod i3 and G M Hitohcook 8 Nooessary
for a oholco CO
There is groat rojoiciug iu LiuooIn over tho broakiug of tho deadlock aud
evory republican is happy that tho legislature will not adjourn without an elec
tion while thoOfuslouists cannot help but show that they are disappointed Tho
Boloctiou of Diotrioh aud Millard it is boliovod will restore harmor y to tho pnrty
in Nebraska particularly iih tho two leading candidates withdrew in their favor
This is tho last legislative day of tho session but it is not probable that tho
linsinoss will bo tluished boforo Saturday Interest in tho session has now ceased
It Looked us Though the HesHlon Would
Adjourn Without Kleotliig
Lincoln March US An unavailing
conference of Republicans of the legis
lature and an otiually futile effort to
bold n caucus under a now call marked
tho closing struggle In the Nebraska
senatorial canvass Indication are
that tho doadlock will outlast Uio ses
sion the Inst legislative day of which
Is today and that Nebraska for two
years will be unrepresented in the up
per house of concress barring of
course the possibility of an extra ses
slon of the legislature which remote
Tho day and night has been marked
by vain nppeuls to the ten Republic
ans who are holding out against I 10
Thompson to erase their opposition
and enter the cnuous or glvo hint their
votes In joint convention Counter
propositions come from tho anti
Thompson men to the majority mem
tiers to nbandon Thompson and take
up any other two Republicans In tho
tnte but It was likewise without re
sult These propositions failing so
far ns tho short term vacancy Is con
cerned attention was directed toward
solving tho long term riddle but It
proved even more complicated
At 8 oclock under a call for a con
ference on the long term 45 members
assembled in the senate chamber to
discuss the situation A proposition
to ballot for live hours when tho joint
convention should meet at noon to
dny was decided adversely and with
out making progress in any way tho
conference adjourned tho membera go
ing to the Llndell hotel where tho old
caucus for the long term again assem
bled Balloting with practically no
change from the previous nlghta con
tinued until 1 oclock this morning
when adjournment was taken until 8
a m Pressure both local and from
New York and Washington was being
brought to bear to Induce some of tho
candidates to withdraw but without
In tho joint convcntelon Wednes
day Arends left Thompson for a new
candidate In Paul Jessen whom ho
Introduced by explanation of vote
With flallogly absent this reduced D
B Thompson to 57 Rosewater
gained Spencer and Oleson while
Stclnmeyer went to Baldrlge and John
son to Melklejohn Huldrige also re
ceived the vote of Van IJosklrk from
Melklejohn Wenzl transferred from
the votes of Kvans Oleson Steele and
Whlttnore besides A rends Totals
Currle 7
All effort was
I v limn
7 Thompson D I
Elected Senators by the Legislature of Nebraska at Lin
coln on the Last Joint Ballot
Thompson Withdraws in Favor of Dietrich nd Rocewater
1 4MstfsWb4 4ssv
Makes Millard A Happy Termination of a Long i
and Desperate Struggle
41 Thompson W II 0
made to take a sec-
ond ballot but produced only a squab
ble of conflicting motions uud llnul
adjournment without action
8tntn to Itepay Its Loan
Lincoln March US Among the bills
passed by the senate yesterday was the
house roll appropriating funds for the
reimbursement of thoso persons who
loaned money to the state for tho pur
pose of bringing the members of the
First Nebraska home from San Fran
cisco The total amount is 30370 of
which 20000 goes to D E Thompson
Stats Normal School to Punish Parties
Who Tricked Student
Des Moines March US President
Seerley of tho State Normal school at
Cedar Falls has announced that the
kidnapers of Georgo Cleveland If
caught will be expelled from tho
school and the matter be given to the
county attorney for prosecution Mr
Cleveland was kidnaped by four fel
low students of tho school while on
his way to a banquet Ho was presi
dent of the Ohio society which was en
tertaining another society Mrs Cleve
land mother of the young man was
Just recovering from a severe illness
and the worry on account of tho Inci
dent was serious with her President
Seerley has announced that no such
proceedings will bo tolerated lu the
Smallpox Proclamation at lies Molnei
Des Moines March 28 Mayor
Ilartenbower has Issued a proclama
tion requesting that all public schools
theaters and churches aud other places
of public assembly be closed on ac
count of the prevalence of smallpox
Several new cases were discovered It
Is conservatively estimated that there
are at least 200 cases In Des Moines
now All the cases are In mild form
aud no deaths have occurred
Father aud Daughter Murdered
Now Orleaus March 2S Tho dead
bodies of John Fuvalona and his
daughter Annie were discovered In
their homo hero yesterday Both hall
been murdered by burglars last night
The burglars ransacked the premises
Currio to Crouuse Jessen received and escaped without detection
Gen Funstons Daring Enter
prise Proves Successful
Filipino Chief is rlnulljr Itun to Karth In
Isabella Vickshurs
With Prisoner mill lilt Captor Aboard
Arrlro t Manila This Morning
Manila March 23 General Fred
crick FhiihIoiih daring project for the
capture or Agulnaldo In IiIh hiding
place In the province of Isabella Island
of I iixoii lias proved completely suc
cessful Agnlnnhlo was captured lliero
011 Marcli 2l The United States gun
bout Vlckshurg Commander K B Har
ry with ieiieral Funston and Agulti
uldo aboard arrived here tills morn
Agulmildo and his entire start were
captured In the country near Cnslgur
nn Koino miles from Huler on tho
northeast coast icncrnl Fuunton em
ployed a clever ruse to reach Agulnnl
do Some months ugo letters were cap
tured by American troops showing be-
yond perailventitre that the Insurgent
leader was hiding In the northwestern
part of the Island General Funstou
Immediately conceived his bold plan to
capture him and this received General
MacArthurs approval Two weeks ago
withdrawal from tho contest anil ivHKou ins irteuus to cast tnotr oauots tor uov n10 Hturtetl from Manila with Major
ornor Diotrioh Hosowator then withdrew from tho raco in favor of J II Mi
Harris Captain Newton Lieutenants
Admire and Mitchell six American
soldiers and n number of native scouts
General Funston and his party land
ed as near as possible to the place
where Agulmildo was in hiding with
native scouts and passed themselves
oil as Insurgents who having captured
General Funston and other Americans
were conveying them to Agulmildo
When tho supposed prisoners were
brought by their alleged captors before
Agulmildo they suddenly appeared In
their true character seized the Filipino
chief and made their way to the coast
The adventure was a desperate one as
treachery was always possible and
General Funston had no absolute
means of knowing how many men
Agulmildo had with him
What to Ho Done With Illin
Washington March 28 The capture
of Agulnaldo is a source of great sat
isfaction to the president and his ad
visers Coming so soon after the sur
renders reported by General Mac Ar
thur of prominent Filipino ofllccrs and
the successful establishment of civil
government by the Tuft commission
they feel that tho end of the rebel
lious warfare In the Islands Is near
nt hand With the expected collapse
of further opposition which It Is confi
dently believed will follow the hope
is expressed that It will not be neces
sary to maintain such a large standing
army lu the Islands as is uow contem
The disposition of Agulnaldo now
that he has been captured will be nn
Interesting event Tho probability of
his capture at any time lias boon kept
in view and his future has been a
matter of formal discussion here It
Is not believed however that any
definite lino of action was over deter
mined on The attitude of the govern
ment for a long time past has been
one of comparative Indifference to
Agulnaldos capture It having boon
determined to crush the rebellion
without regard to his whereabouts
Ills recent activity In directing the
course of operations against the Amer
ican forces probably brought about
the recent change In this altitude As
the leader of an Insurrection against
the United States government
nldo may be tried and executed a lessor
punishment tneted to him by executive
clemency or complete ninnesty ex
tended While the question of punish
ment rests with the military authori
ties It Is believed the president will
make tho matter ono for determination
primarily by the authorities hero
llryau Hears the News
Lincoln March 28 W J Bryan
was notified by telephone of the news
of General Fuustons capture and
evinced his interest in the report but
no great surprise Ho was told that
hero could bo no reasonable doubt as
to the authenticity of tho cablegram
but positively declined to express an
opinion until ho was more fully In
formed and personally satisfied that
there had been no mistake Mr Bryan
of late has been giving less attention
to the Philippines question and though
bis Interest has not ceased he has paid
more attention to domestic problems
Drill Safe lu lllverslde Hank
Cedar Rapids la March 28 The
savlugs bank at Riverside was broken
Into Inst night Tho burglars drilled
through the steel doors of the vault
but the Inner safe resisted their efforts
They secured only a small sum of
money rrom tne casu nnawer and es
caped on a handcar towurd Iowa City
There is no clue
Short or Money nnd itcrolt In Arabia As
slstrd by Kiicmlcs at Home
London March 28 Advices re
ceived here from Constantinople are
to the effect that affairs are rapidly
reaching a dangerous pass there Turk
ish finances are In confusion All gov
ernment salaries are from six to eight
months In arrears Upward of 1000
000 Turkish pounds are due for war
material while the military expendi
ture Is dally Increasing lu order to
cope with the rebellion In the province
of Yemen lu southern Arablu and the
possible rising In Macedonia
There Is no doubt that the Otto
man troops received a severe check at
the hands of the Arab Insurgents who
In a manifesto denouncing the sultan
proclaimed his brother Mohammed
Reshad Fffendl to be sultan with tho
title of Mohammed V Tim young
Turks party have adhered to the Arab
Ian proclamation nnd the open enmity
to Abdul Miuiild the sultan has spread
to the palace and tho sultans advisers
l7et Hey Is said to be preparing for
tllght The patrols of Constantinople
have been doubled Mohammedans
and Christians are arrested hourly
and large numbers are dally shipped
to Asia Minor
The tension between Bulgarians and
Mussulmans In Macedonia Is extreme
It Is reported that another band of
marauders has crossed Bulgaria Into
Cruiser New Vork Is Ordered From Tan
gier to to Uu Col
lected by Diplomacy
Washington March 28 Secretary
Long yohteidny cabled an order to Ad
miral Rogers on board the cruiser New
York at Tangier to proceed at once
with that vessel to Manila This
Is an abandonment of the plan to
have the New York convey United
States Consul General Gumniere from
Tangier to Mnzngun In the attempt to
collect American claims It Is the
purpose of the state department to en
deavor to adjust these claims nnd
other Issues against Morocco without
any show of force and by ordinary
practice of diplomacy
It Is said that the United States con
sul general who had conceived that
obstacles were purposely placed in
tho way of his necess to the court has
received assurances that the actual
reason for the departure of the court
from Morocco was to pay a long duo
visit to another section of the country
It nlso was promised that the court
would return within n month or six
weeks nnd would receive Mr Gum
mere probably at Mazagan thus ob
viating the necessity on his part for
an overland journey to the capital In
this view of the case and the New
York being badly needed In the east
to take the place of the Newark ns a
flagship It was decided to let the
vessel proceed at once on Its voyage
Mr Gum mere probably will now
enter Into fresh communication with
the Moorish government to secure
another appointment for a meeting
Gnlcsburg Authorities Frustrate Attempt
to Lynch Negro Murderer
Galesburg Ills March 28 An at
tempt was made here last night to
lynch Ed Jackson the negro desperado
who is charged with murdering
Charles B Rowe a Chicago Burling
ton and Qulncy engineer Sheriff Mat
thews and a force of armed men
guarded the jail against the mob
which was composed of several hun
dred men nnd a few women The prls
oner was hurried out of jull secretly
and sent to Monmouth for protection
In order to sntlsfy the mob a commit
tee of their own choice searched the
jail and could not find the prisoner
When this became known the mob
hung mound the jail for some time
and then dispersed
Dam Ureak Floods Village
Grand Rapids Mich March 28
Two dams on Dixon creek a tributary
to Flat river went out releasing a
big volume of water and flooding the
city of Beldlng Tho released flood
poured through Flat river Into the
Grand nnd Is being felt In this city
now and the river Is ngnin rising nt
the rate of an Inch an hour The
dam on the Huron river at Ypsllnntl
went out Inst night causing damage of
15000 to tho Ypsllantl Paper com
pany which will have to shut down for
four months
Merles to Play With Chlrago
Chicago March 2S Sundow Mer
tes outfielder und general utility mun
of the Chicago National League team
yesterday signed a contract to piny
second base the coming season with
the American League team The
amount of Mertes salary was not an
nounced but ns his signing of an Amer
ican Lenguo contract wns tho finis of
one of the hottest struggles that has
yet taken place between magnates of
the rival leagues for tho services of
a player it is believed to be large
Record ItreakiufcT Hide
Chicago March LS With a ride
through Iowa and Illinois that estab
lished a new record for passenger
el from Council Bluffs to Chicago the
Chicago Commercial club last night
brought Its 8000 miles pleasure jour
ney through the Pacific coast states
to a close Ten hours was the time
that was taken lu hauling the six
heavy coaches the 4SS miles of the
Knox Will Accept
Pittsburg March 28 P O Knox
left for Washington In nnswer to sum
mons from President McKInley It is
understood Mr Knox will be tendered
the position of attorney ganeral by the
president and the belief Is general that
If the portfolio Is offered he will see
his way to accept It
Passenger and Freight Collide
at Little Rapids Wis
FiiRlneer Killed and Seven Persons Injured-Passenger
Train Was doing t
Full Speed When tho Collision Occurred
Moth Knglnes Completely Wrecked
Deperc Wis March 28 A bad col
lision between a passenger train nna u
freight train occurred on the Chicago
and Northwestern railroad at Little
Rapids live miles south of Dopere
yesterday resulting In the killing of
Harry A Jones Green Bay Wis
engineer of the passenger train nnd
the Injuring of seven other persons
The Injured lohn Donnellan tire
man of freight serious M L Peter
son express messenger Milwaukee
serious Conductor Ralph Izand left
shoulder dislocated and head severely
cut Albeit Schoettle brakeinan Dan
Gibson Fond du Lac Daisy Rogers
Appleton Mrs Ilauch Sheboygan
The wreck was caused by un open
switch The northbound passenger
duo at 210 crashed Into a heavy
freight standing on a sidetrack The
passenger train does not stop at that
station and was going at nearly full
speed when the collision occurred
Both engines were completely wrecked
Tho passenger engine falling on Its
side crushed out the life of Engineer
Jones Fireman Donnellan of Hie
freight escaped death by jumping The
baggage and smoking cars were thrown
sideways oir the track the front end
of the baggage car being wrecked
Most of the injured were taken to St
Vincents hospital at Green Bay
Superintendent Mobbed by Sympathizers
or Milking Mill Girl
Wllkesbnrre March 28 A mob of
sympathizers with the striking girls
of the Bratnford silk mills set upon
Superintendent Spears and hli assist
ant last evening and for u time it
looked as though there would be blood
shed The superintendent was on his
way to this city when a crowd of
breaker boys met him and with mud
nnd stones fired volley after volley
yelling and jeering When the city
lino was reached the mob numbered
about r0 many men uud women
joining It
Spears and his companion entered
a traction car and the mob surround
ing It demanded that they be ejected
The conductor first refused and tlio
windows of the car were sinnshed
Later the two men were ordered to
get off tho car The appearance of
the superintendent wns the signal for
another outbreak The police sur
rounded the men and while the rio
progressed Spears fell senseless with
a deep gash in his jnw inflicted by a
stone thrown by a member of the mob
The officers then drew their revolvers
and succeeded in dispersing the crowd
They too were assaulted but not seri
ously injured
lrlucetou Delmtcis Win
New Haven Conn March 28
Princeton won the annual debate with
Yale lust night The decision of the
judges wns rendered unanimously
The subject was Resolved That n
system of subsidies other than trans
port mail subsidies should be adopted
by tho United States to encourage
ship building and ocean carrying
trade Yale supported the affirma
Compressed Air Cylinder Krplodrs
New York March 28 The com
pressed air cylinder In a Car of the
Metropolitan Street Railway com
panys Twenty eighth and Twenty
ninth street branch burst with a
tremendous report yosterdny The
bottom nnd sides of the car were torn
out nnd windows In ninny nearby
stores nnd houses were broken One
man wns slightly hurt
Report Great Loss of Stock
Denver March 28 Thousands of
dead cnttle sheep and horses strew
the plains of western Nebraska and
eastern Colorado as a result of the
blizzard Incoming passengers over
the Burlington nnd Union Pacific sny
that In every gully nro seen the enr
easses of the animals and that the
bodies are scattered over tho plains In
every direction
Cashier Gets Five Years
Denver March 2S U M Hender
son former cashier of tho First Na
tional bank of Greeley Colo who
pleaded guilty in the United States
district court to n charge of having
embezzled 27000 from tho bnnk has
been sentenced by Judge Ilallett to
five years imprisonment In the Leav
enworth Kan penitentiary
Floods In New York
Now York March 28 From many
parts of the state comes news of dam
ago by flood Tho waters of rivers
and the smaller tributary streams are
reported as overflowing their banks
causing widespread inundntlonu which
threnten to destroy much property if
not bringing nbout losses of life
Captalu and Two Sailors Drowned 1
Fayal Azores March 28 The Brit
ish steamer King Bleddyn which
lalled from Now York on March 10
for Hull put into this port yesterday
with decks swept boats and bridge
gone nnd with other damage Cap
tain Liley und two members of the
vessels crew were drowned
Woman Appoluted Coroner
Bloouiington Neb March 23 The
county board yesterday npiwlnted Dr
Ella P Sumner coroner of this county
She Is bolleved to bo the only woman
to hold this position lu the Btate
Conditions Under Whlrh United States Can
Have Danish West Indies
London March 28 The Dally News
publishes the following dispatch from
Its Copenhagen correspondent
I am enabled to state on the very
best authority that Denmark has ca
bled to the United States the following
conditions for the sale of the Danish
West Indies
First Four million dollars to bo
nld by the United Stales to Denmark
Second The population to decide by
vote whether to remain Danish or to
be transferred to the United States
Third If the vote Is favorable to
the United States then the Inhabitants
to become not only American subjects
but citizens
KotiuT Products of the Island to
be admitted to the United Stutes free
of duty
It Is said here that Washington wilt
not readily accept the third and fourth
llrltlsli Government Olllclally Objects to
Secret Treaties In China Directed
Against Russia
Washington March 28 The British
government bus protested against
Chinas milking a convention with any
power touching territorial or flnanclals
until the troubles In thut country are
concluded The fact of the British
protest was made known here for
the llrst time by a dispatch from ono
of the foreign offices of Europe It
says that the protest was made
through Sir Earnest Satow the British
minister at Peking
Although the Russian agreement Is
not specillcally referred to it Is said
to be clear that the British action Is
directed against the Russian agree
ment Tho language appears to bo
similar to that used by Secretary
Hay In the American protest The
effect of the British action Is to place
the United States Japan and Great
Britain In fornnil opposition to tho
signing of a convention by China with
any power pending the settlement of
the Chinese troublg The course of
Great Britain is the more significant
from the fact that that government
nnd Germany have a written alliance
relnting to Chinese affairs
The concurrence of the protests prob
ably explains why the Mnnchurlnn
agreement has not been signed There
was something of a stir In diplomatic
quarters over the report coming from
olilciul sources that the United States
wns considering the advisability of
addressing Russia directly on the sub
Kitchener Describes Capture of the Boer
Convoy at Leeuwfoutctu
London March 2S A dispatch from
Kitchener to the war office dated Pre
toria March 27 says
Our casualties In General Babingtons ac
tlon were two killed and seven wounded
The Boers lost S2 dead aud 30 wounded
As their pursuit wns rapid many Boers cas
ualties are HUely The operations of March
2t drove the enemy north from their po
Bltlotis nt Kaffirs Kraal On March l7 the
ptiiMlIt was continued by mounted men
only The enemys Kiiaid was dilvon In
by a combined movement on both tlanks
Their convoy was then sighted at teeuw
fonteln The Greys New Zealimlers and
Bushmen pushed on The enemy attempted
to take up a position but the Greys and
other tinops rode down nil opposition and
Kae him no chance The convoy was ridden
Into und the enemys retirement became
a rout The pursuit was continued until the
horses were exhausted
Proprietor of Wrecked Chicago Laundry
Held to the Grand Jury
Chicago March 28 The coroners
jury which has been investigating tbo
boiler explosion at the Doremus laun
dry 4o8 West Madison street March
11 In which eight lives were lost re
turned a verdict last evening holding
Ahram F Doremus to await the action
of the grand jury
Mr Doremus was arrested on a mit
timus nnd taken to the criminal court
building to give bull The jury also
recommended that the grand jury in
vestigate how It happened that City
Boiler Inspector Schlnck and his prede
cessor failed to have the boiler regis
tered on their books so that It would
bo regularly tested
Russians Honor American Dead
Peking March 28 The bodies of six
American marines who were killed
during the siege of tho legations and
burled in the Russian legation were
removed yesterday for shipment to tho
United States In addition to tiio
American troops in Peking the Mo
nocacy sent a detachment of marines
to bo present nt the disinterment The
courtesy of the Russians deeply moved
all tho Americans Two Russian com
panies participated in all tho cere
monies Tho Russians guarded tho
disinterred bodies all night and ren
dered nil the Russian military honors
to the dead
The new Germnn lonn of 300000000
marks will bo offered April 3
John Walsh n lieutenant In tho
Houston lire department was killed
Wednesday by Mattio Graham daugh
ter of a police officer
An Incendiary fire at Attleboro Falls
Mass Wednesday destroyed property
of the value of 00000 Several fac
tories wero burned not
The Rogers Locomotive works sit
uated at Paterson N J have been
sold by the receivers to a New York
syndlcato of capitalists
Governor Davis of Arkansas Wednes
day signed the drastic unti gaiublliig
bill passed by the legislature und it
went into immediate effect
Tho American Christian Educational
society was organized by tho National
Congress of Disciples nt Lexington
Ky Branch societies will be organ-
izeu iu an ciu lsuau churches