A I M SB Conflicting Reports of Action on Manchurian Proposal OBJECTS TO MANY POINTS Correspondent Who Announce ejection of Treaty Claim Vino That Capital May lie Iteiuoved Irom IVkliiK Mliiltrrt Not to Meet Until Committee ItepurU London March 27 The Shanghai correspondent of the Times wiring Yesterday says 1 am Informed on the best authority that the Chinese court has Instructed Ll Huns Chang to Inform the ministers of the powers that China has refused to sign the Manchurian convention nntl has nut I lied all viceroys to the same effect It Is further assorted that the court seri ously contemplates a removal of the capital from Peking London March 27 The Itoutcr Tele graph company has received the follow ing dispatch Peking March 20 The report that China rejects the Manchurian con vention Is not time She objects to uinny points under discussion China objected to the prohibition of the Im portation of arms and ammunition into Manchuria and to the provision forbidding China to construct her own railways without Russias consent She also takes exception to relinquish ing autonomy in Chin Chow Chinn does not desire to grant a concession which would be likely to prove an em Largo to other powers I Kruger 1 OptimlHtlr London March 27 The Amsterdam correspondent of the Dally Mall wires the substance of an interview with Mr Kruger whom he found in a most optimistic frame of mind General Bublugtons victory over Gen eral Delarey had been Mr Kruger thought magnified in the reports He thought the Magaliesberg range and Rustenburg were again in the posses ion of the Boers continues the cor respondent and the old guerrilla game will continue until England Is forced to make peace overtures Wants Damage From Uncle Sum Vancouver B C March 27 Charles Spencer an Englishman has come here to present a claim for damages against the United States government for live months Imprisonment in a dungeon lit Malata without civil or military trial and without a charge being made against him He says he served in the First Tennessee regiment and with the hospital corps of the First Colorado While temporarily separated from his corps he says he was arrested and thrown into an unhealthy Spanish prison I Tfo Free Coinage In India London March 27 The India secre tary Lord George Hamilton in the house of commons said the govern ment had no intention of again consid ring proposals for the free coinage of silver in India The coinage last year was 1G crorcs nearly as much As the highest free coinage year 1S77 78 Gerald Balfour president of the hoard of trade declared that no steps had been taken to call an international bimetallic conference Krugern Mission to Aineriea Tnris March 27 Le Rappel gives epaee this morning to the following remarkable communication from Am sterdam Mr Kruger will sail for the United States next week on the Invitation of the America Pro Boer committee to give lectures The com mittee expects to collect 50000000 find to form a volunteer flotilln with which to transport men and ammuni tion to the Transvaal IJoero Capture Colonial London March 27 The Cape Town correspondent of the Daily Express re ports the capture by 100 Boers of 330 colonials In a rocky defile near Rich mond last Thursday He asserts that the colonials lost 13 men before they surrendered adding that they were all liberated after having been stripped of their accoutrements Until Committee Kepnrti Tekjng March 27 The foreign min isters will not meet again until the committee is ready to report on Chinas resources The committee Is still hearing merchants bankers nnd others on the subject The Australian con tingent will sail for home today A Japanese regiment Is also starting for Japan Great Trotten to Itace Is Chicago Chicago March 27 The Tribune oys that the grent trotting race be tween Cresceus Boralma and Charley Herr will be held over the Washington Tark track in this city Negotiations have been In progress for some time nnd it is now snld that the race Is prac tically assumed for Chicago Cblneie Not Made Fubllc Washington March 27 The state department yesterday made public a note sent to the Chinese minister Feb J9 warning the Chinese govern ment against entering into private ter ritorial or financial arrangements with out the full knowledge of all the powers I General French Operation Vryheid March 27 General French with Dartnels and Poultneys columns arrived here yesterday having killed wounded or captured 1200 Boers no has also taken several cannon 1000 rifles 1800 wagons and 225000 head of horses cattle and sheep Dewet Again In Orange River Colour London March 27 It Is reported from Bloomfonteln that General Dewet Is again In Orange River Colony RETURN TO OLD TACTICS Kitchener roller In South Afrlea VnlU to Aehlote Hmilltn Hoped For London March 27 The Pretoria and Bloemfouteln correspondents of the Times send long dispatches admit ting that Lord Kitcheners policy audi speratloiiB have failed to achieve the results hoped for and pointing out I that the British public must he pre pared for a return to the policy of oc 1 copying districts and studding the country with military posts as tlio only means of effecting complete paci fication This process the correspond ents say will occupy much time and i necessitate n constant supply of fresh troops The strain on both olllcers nnd men has been and will be enor mous and arrangements must he made to send fresh troops to the front In or der to enable the troops to be sent homo Unless this Is done says the ad vices to the Times there Is a prospect of the war lasting for year There Is no use renewing peace negotiations Nothing approaching terms as the word 1 understood would he politic with the Boers I ON VERGE OF COLLAPSE Trouble nt Home mill In the Fur 1ant Ale lrovlng Too Much for theCar of KiiHsln London March 27 A dispatch from St Petersburg to Renters Telegram says that in consonance with what Is believed to be the cnrs expressed wish the minister of the Interior has published instructions for the au thorities of the towns and provinces recommending preventive measures against disturbances as being more effective than severe repression after disturbances have broken out The Birmingham Post which Is closely In touch with Joseph Cham berlain says news received invhlgh ijunrtcrs In London indicates that the czar Is In a very nervous state owing to the condition of the political horizon It Is said Hint he fears the result of the policy of his ministers In the far east while the student troubles and threats against his life of which there aro more than have been published have completely unnerved his majesty His medical advisers have strongly counseled a yachting cruise but the czar has refused to follow their ad vice Those behind the scenes in Russia take a very grave view of the present agitation and think it is the beginning of more serious trouble Minn Under Cnr Fnlnre London March 27 A dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph company from Paris states on highest authority that a mine has been discovered beneath the palace of Emperor Nicholas at Tznrskoo Selo 17 miles south of St Petersburg Several notabilities the dispatch further says are implicated in the plot against his majesty The Russian press was not permitted to mention the affair BAR DEBENTURE COMPANIES Supreme Court of Ohio Tiiken Decided Stand Against Tliem Columbus O March 27 The su preme court yesterday dealt a death blow to the so called debenture busi ness in Ohio In quo warranto pro ceedings brought by the attorney gen eral against the Interstate Investment company of Cincinnati the court en tered Judgment of ouster The de cision is based upon the findings of the court that the methods employed by the debenture companies are those of a lottery that they are fraudu lent contrary to public policy and un lawful Five of the six judges concur In the Judgment and the sixth Judge Shauck does not dissent JeflrleK and ltuhllu 11 ay Fight New York March 27 The lournnl Rays lames 1 Jeffries and Gus Rub lln have about completed arrangements to light for the chnmplonshlp of the world in San Francisco In fact they nre practically matched They have been offered a date Inly 1 by T T Groom manager and matchmaker of the National Sporting club of San Francisco The only hitcii Is on the Question of the fighters share of the receipts KJoeri for Wild Weit Show New York March 27 Among the passenger who arrived on the steamer Vaderland from Southampton wns Jules Keene of Buffalo Bills Wild West show who brings with him 37 persons Including Lieutenant Van derloo and 11 Boers of Dewets scouts 14 of Colonel Baden Powells scouts and nine Cossacks TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS The Chlcogo Times Herald on Thurs day morning will become the Record Herald The Buffalo Pan American exposi tion stamps will be placed on sale at postotllces throughout the country on May 1 next Mrs Nation called on Mayor Fleisch maun of Cincinnati at the city ball Tuesday and scolded him for operating a distillery there S B Patterson postmnster at Haljs Mo was given a two years sentence I nthe penitentiary Tuesday for being short In his money order accounts Buck MCMakin a trotting horse trainer was shot and killed Tuesday at the home of his father-in-law Thompson Smith In New Albany Ind The navy department has entered on an entirely new policy by designating a first class battleship the Indiana for the service of the cadets nt the United States naval academy Editor E L Bautzer of the Watch man a newspaper published nt Clay ton Mo has challenged S J Harris editor of tho Argus a rival publication to mortal combat according to the French code ISorge CrniuiM tl Ciirile fl Illiihhnw 11 i i ii i mi inrn ik vmm a illHIIl Little Hope of Break In Ne braska Deadlock OAUOUS IS INEFFECTUAL Adjourn at Mldulht SutuVel to Tall ot Clmlruinti Coiiiiuunleiillnn From Holt era Left UniiiiweteilTo Tliiinipioot Knell UeuelteAt Vote In Joint llallnt Lincoln March 27--Fifty-throe Re publican members of the leglslatuie last night went Into what Is believed to be the last senatorial caucus held on tlio long term vacancy From 8 oclock until midnight balloting was steadily maintained without a nomina tion There was a falling off In the vote for Edward Roscwater anil n gain for George Meiklcjohn the last ballot resulting Roscwater 27 Molklo John 20 Currle 7 Baldrlge I Dur ing the balloting a communication was received from the nine men who re fused to enter the caucus In sub stance the bolters offered to abide by the decision of the caucus IT It would undo the work of a week ago and nom inate any two men eliminating the name of D K Thompson There were other propositions which weie not dis closed The caucus adjourned shortly before midnight subject to call of the chair man The communication of the bolt ers was left unanswered after a mo tion to denounce them and their ad visers as traitors to the party had been tabled The prospect Is regarded as unfavor able to any sort of an agi cement or the election of either senator before the expiration of the legislatures ses sion at midnight Thursday night Dur ing the day a number of conferences were hold the most Interesting being that in Governor Dietrichs office be tween the caucus bolters the governor and a number of parly leaders for the purpose of Inducing the bolters to Join the majority Only three absentees marked yester days Joint ballot for United States senator D E Thompson Repub lican and W II Thompson fuslouist each received 59 votes Roscwater stopped at 2 Crlssey Lowe and Spencer who had gone to Meiklcjohn in caucus staying with the latter who thus went up to 27 with the aid of the antls Tlio nntis for the South Platte centered completely on Ilinshaw giv ing him 11 llinshaw and Meiklcjohn sent in communications recording themselves in favor of direct popular election of senators The ballot was uninterrupted Totals Allen rrMelllfioin 27 -- I I mi Ml irwmiinrTMMriii wumttiil in THENORFOLK NEWS FRIDAY MARCH 20 1001 Ito ewnter Thompson T r i Tlinmimoii W U ISO TO BE NO RE DISTRICTING Senator Young Hill for Thin JurpuKc I Defeated In the Senate Lincoln March 27 There will be uo congressional rcdistricting in Ne braska this year Senator Youngs bill for this purpose being defeated upon its final passage In the senate yesterday by a vote of 17 to li The Republicans voting with the fusionistH were Allen of Furnas McCargar or Saline and Newell of Cass Efforts were made to have one of the gentle men change his vote which would have carried the bill but without avail The senate passed the house bill pro viding for n library commission and traveling libraries and a number or other bills of lesser importance An effort to have tho Ollis bill which reduces freight rates 10 per cent en grossed for third reading failed and the bill was placed on general file which uractlcally mean Its death The house adopted a resolution by Evans of Lincoln county Instructing the attorney general to Investigate the charges against former Secretary of State Porter regarding his con nection with the State Brand and Marks commission Golden Itule Meeting New York March 27 A public meet ing under the auspices of the Baron and Bnroness tie Ilirsch association was held last night In Calvary Bap tist church this city The attendance was very large tho bad weather not withstanding General Thomas L James presided The object of the association Is to erect a monument to the Hlrschs nnd ellminnte racial prej udice nnd religious intolerance Many Hebrews as well ns Chinese were present Get Together Club Dinner New York March 27 The Get To gether club dined last night in the con cert hall of Madison Square Garden Five hundred members attended The subject discussed wns Industrial Bet terment and Movements for Improving the Conditions of the Employed W Bayard Cutting of the executive com mute of the New York chamber of commerce presided Elliott to He Attorney Washington March 27 Tho prcsl dent yesterday made the following ap ments James D Elliot of South Da kota to bo attorney of the United States for the district of South Da kota Pliny L Soper of Indian Terri tory to ho attorney of the United States court of the Northern district of Indian Territory Kllli Anti Cigarette Hill St Paul March 27 After having passed both houses Senator Ilalver sons anti cigarette bill was yesterday killed after the senate hud actually agreed to a minor amendment made to the bill by the house The bill pro vided heavy fine or Imprisonment for the manufacture or sale of cigarettes DEWEY IS GUEST OF HONOR ltevlct Mllllnrv mid Naxnt Tourimiitrnt at MuiIIkou kiUire liirdeu Now York March 27 Admiral Dow fcy was the guest of honor and the reviewing olllecr at the military and naval tuurmiiiicut at Madison Kiputro Garden last night The military pro grain opened wit li a review of detach incuts of the regulars navy National Guards and naval militia commanded by Captain Charles Luscomb Then mine the West Point detachment un der Captain Sands They gave an ex hibition of rough riding and hurdling At the conclusion of the maneuvers Admiral Dewey summoned Captain Sands and congratulated him amid npplause To the tune of Strike Up the Band Here Coinoi the Sailor the Jaekles of the I lint ford were ushered In and the crowd applauded for several minutes The Hartford boys went through a bat talion drill after which the Brooklyn troopers nave a music ride The land ing party drill and the battle air by the lMrst battalion naval lullltla fol lowed The entertaliiiiient came to a close with artillery drill and peg driv ing by the Fourth field battery U S A During Hie maneuvers of the West Point detachment Private Thomas Cuittly was badly Injured DEATH LIST IS 17 Thlitj lhr Il moti Injured by Southern Cjrlom Mime llelug HiiImiI to Tiile for the Dent Hutu Birmingham Ala March 27 Umlei the liai nuiiiloiis working of the slato militia and tho local police force mud order has come out of the chaos fol lowing the fatal storm wide swept por tions of this city A careful revision of the dentil list places the total mini her of dead in lllrmlngham and vicin ity at 17 Thirty live persons were more or less seriously hurt but their number In being augmented by the addition of tunny names of persons who were slightly bruised in their marvelous es cape from death Sarah Brown a negro woman died from fright Mrs II II Thomas and W P Dick inson who are at St Vincents bos pital are in a precarious condition J Alexander the merchant reported killed yesterday was only severely in jured He crawled out or the ruins immediately after the storm and man aged to reach home In the ruins a body very much disfigured was found and it wns thought to be his but It wns ascertained that the dead man Is J C Ciiiumno a German who was In the store making purchases when the cyclone struck The relief fund is growing with as tonishing rapidity over 1000 having already been received Mayor Dion nen authorizes the statement that the sufferers are not in need of outside contributions The property loss is placed at fiOO 000 AGED COUPLE ASSAULTED Mr ami Mr Dlneen In tally Heateu by Unknown Men Near Iort Dodge Fort Dodge Ia March 27 Mr and Mrs Edwin Dlneen an aged couple liv ing a few miles from this city are ly ing at the point of death as tlie result of an assault made upon them by two unknown men last evening Mr Dlneen answered a knock at the door and on opening it was thrown down and clubbed on the head Mrs Dlneen went to her husbands rescue and was struck in the face and badly beaten Nothing was taken from the house so It Is thought the assault was prompted by a secret enemy The victims are more than SO years old The surround ing count 17 Is being scoured for the assailants Itallroad Medical Department Dcs Moines March 27 A unique de partment in railroad work has been Inaugurated by the Illinois Central eompnny which has organized what Is ailed a hog medical staff consist ing of 13 veterinarians whose busi ness It Is to visit those sections of the country nlong tho line of the Il linois Central where hog cholera pre vails and to provide the fanners with a medicine which Is nlmost a sure cure of the disease It Is claimed that they have been very successful and have demonstrated their ability to cure more than 00 per cent of the cases on which the medicine Is used The company gets its reward In the Increased busi ness In hauling the live hogs to market Double Ifeader Derailed St Paul March 27 A double header freight train of the Wisconsin Central Jumped the track at the Mis slBslppi street bridge yesterday and live men were badly Injured Tom Calvin engineer badly scalded and crushed Emll Probst fireman scalded and crushed S A Woodbury Henry Doll nnd Thomas La Plant Both engines nnd many of the cars were totally wrecked and the loss Is heavy New liuiebal League Formed Fort Wayne Ind March 27 Tho In terstate Busebull league was dis solved yesterday and a new organiza tion to be called the Western associa tion was formed It was announced that the new association would bo pro tected by the National league Fran chises were awarded to Louisville In dianapolis Toledo Grand Rapids Dny ton Iort Wayne Marlon and Colum bus Milwaukee Will llulld to Helena Bowdle S D March 27 A full corps of engineers and surveyors went west to Evarts yesterday This fact Is believed fully to Justify the reports In railroad circles that the Mil waukee and St Paul will build to Helena Mou this season work to begin at once or as soon as the sur veying work In completed 1 IK ISA 11 United States Cruiser to Collect Moroccan Bill CONSUL GUMM HUES MISSION Amerliiin IinlniKnj Itiirtieil by Witrlilp tiny He Able to Hi lug Hilton to 1 1 In Brunei--Will Plowed to Capital II Court Doe Not Meet Him Half Wit Tangier March 27 The United Slates nrniniod cruiser New York which Is to coiiwy the American cm j bussy to Mnzagiin In loiiiiccllnn with the settlement ol the Lulled Stales claims against Moioito lias iiirhctl hcic Washington March 27 -Upon being ail vised by the navy department that the New York had arrived at Tangier the state department Immediately sent a cablegram to Consul General Gum mere diiectliig him to board the New York at once and go forw lit it on his upcelnl mission Something Is hit to Mr Guiuuieres discretion as to the execution or the details ami it Is for btin to say whether he will be satisfied If the sultan and court meet him half way to Mazagan or whether he will proceed according to the original pro gram directly to Morocco lily It probably will make no difference In principle provide the necessary ex planations are afforded for the treat ment our consul has received and pro vision be made for settling the claims These are not very large In the aggre gate probably 110000 will cover them Mil or less than half an Indemnity that was summarily collected by Germany a short time ago on a precisely similar class or claims But It can be stated that If the court does not appear at Miraigan by the third week In April then Consul General Guiinncre will go to Morocco City Deiirdruu CtiiifeNNea Diamond Itnliliery Kansas City March 27 -William A DeardrulT a clerk was arrested yes terday charged with stealing ilO0 worth of diamond rings from his em ployers Edwards ic Sloan wholesale Jewelers Later when confronted with the rings which had been round hidden in the basement or the firms building DeardrulT broke down and confessed Deardriiff also confessed to having sent Mr Edwards the senior member of the firm n letter threaten ing to kidnap the Jewelers son ir he did not Immediately produce f 1000 In gold rand HUer Ilouing High Grand Itnplds Mich March 27 Grand river has passed the high water mark and reached the danger limit here It Is 12Vj feet above its normal level Basements of factories busi ness houses and residences are Hooded A dozen large factories on the west bank of the stream are Idle because tho water has reached their lire and many men are Idle A number or houses ami factories are completely surrounded by water and boats are used to go to and from them Killed Sloekimui mid llnrneil llody Buffalo Wy March 27 Charles E HuUilmugh and Eiieluntoii who were arrested two weeks ago on the charge r having murdered Arapahoe Brown a wealthy stockman have confessed It Is said they shot and killed Brown on Jan 2 last and burucd ids body In a gulch on Powder river above Ar vada The object of the crime was rob ben Ilolllliiiugh was Interested with Brown In a herd or horses on a raueli near Amidu Ronton is only 18 years of age Peiiibi leii May Not King Again San FrniiciMo March 27 Mine Sembrich may never sing In public again Her physicians have advised I the famous operatic soprano to can cel her engagements and to retire to her home In Dresden for a rest She leaves today for Europe Manager Graff has disbanded the company und the entire organization will return to New York Her voice is said to have been overtaxed Int rick Hearing ii Itegnn New York March 27 Albert T Pat rick the lawyer who is accused of mur dering William Marsh Rice the aged Texas millionaire last September wns given n preliminary hearing before Judge Jerome yesterday The charge against Patrick Is based on affidavits made by Charles F Jones a valet In the employ of the late millionaire at the time of his death MourUb Trnoui Itout Trlbemnen Gibraltar March 27 News has been received from Marakesh of n greni fight between Sub tribesmen ami Moor ish troops The tribesmen had be sieged the governor In his castle but they were routed Other tribes nre now Joining th Sus tribesmen and the Riiltan of Morocco is mobilizing his army Neuring au Agreement Mnsslllon O March 27 At the close of yesterdays session of the con ference of miners and operators the conferees were Hearing an agree ment only the price of powder and house coal being In dispute it Is toe lloved n settlement will be reached today To DUcum Evolution Theory Lexington Ky March 27 The nn tionnl pngress of the Disciples of Christ met here yesterday Delegates from nil over the United States are present Among the subjects to be discussed will be the evolution theory Will Offer Attorney OeneraWhlp Washington March 27 The presi dent has sent forP O Knox the Pitts burg attorney He Is expected here Thursday when the attorney general hip will be offered him t TIM MM T TW linnffl jum tuttt nirimijrjiTw 3 IOWA RAILROADS ASSESSED Kewlii Millie InnreiKo of Over it Mil lion DullarK Dcs Moines March 2 -By unnnl nioiiH vole the slate executive coun cil Saturday fixed the assessment of ItMut railroad properly at I70S2 lit nil Increase of 107i0Ht Of the Increase the Northwestern bears about -120000 tlio Hock rslauds new lines about 215000 tho Great Western about 70000 the Milwaukee About ifiltOOO while the decreases am fiom the assessments on the Union Pacific ami the Oiunlin and St Louts The Northwestern main Hue in tn ct eased from 11250 to 11500 a mile making II 500 higher than any oilier line except the Q and 250 higher than It The Great Western main line Is raised MI0 a mile rroin 5500 to Jtiooo Other mile reriitlugs were Insignificant The Increases were hugely on the new mileage CUBA READY Id YIELD Altitude of the leoiln Now hiiualug and lliidliiilii Are llliely to Aoeept III Iliitt Amendment Havana March 25 The action of the Republican party In Santiago In en dorsing the lintt amendment and In structing Senilis Gomez ami Ferrer or the Santiago delegation to the constitu tional convent ion to vote tor the amendment together with the letter of I he mayor of tieiifuegos advising ac ceptance wcie Incidents oT the weeit Jiiht passed that have tended to clear up the political atmosphere until now tlieie aie few who do not expect the convention to approve the amendment The visit r American congressmen bad an excellent effect as in no In stance have the radicals received any encouragement In the notion that IT action is delayed until the next con gress there might be n cluiugu In tlio demands or the Culled Slates Already I lie radicals are taking their cue from the conservatives and point ing out that commercial Interests de mand rccogilMon There Is a possibil ity of uniting the convention along this line The plat form of the conserv atives calls for a reduction of American Import duties on tobacco and sugar and approves any scheme of relations which the United States government sees lit to Impose In fact the situa tion Is leading to a point where com mercial Inleresls will be the chief ques tion under discussion at the next ses sion of the convention and It Is mil unlikely 11 in I a resolution will be adopted asking for a reciprocal treaty HANNA WILL NOT SELL OUT Denies Thut Morgan i to Absorb lliit IlllcrexU New York March 25 Senator Ilan na in rl veil in this city last night and went to the Waldorf Aslorla lie was accompanied liy his daughter Rulli He said lie would remain In New York for two or tlnee days on purely private business Asked as to lie truth ol a story current that he and J lier pont Morgan had come to New York to settle dctaHs of a transaction by which the Morgan Interests were to take over the lake and ore Interests of M A llaiina V Co or Cleveland the senator said that there was no truth the story lie said lie fact that he and Mr Morgan were on the hiimt train was only a coincidence Mr Hanun denied that he came here to take part in conferences between Gov ernor Odell ami Senator Piatt Aiiieileiiii Trait Society Washington March 25 -The Wash ington annual meeting of the American Tract society was held yesterday In the GuiitoiiToinpIo Memorial church the Rev M Asa Fiske pastor presid ing The Rev Judsou Swift field sec retary of New York presented a brief report or the societys work General O O Howard delivered an earnest ad dress setting forth the object and needs of the society He gave from his own experience a somewhat detailed account of the tract societys work In the army emphasizing how much good It accomplished during the recent Spanish war Ilornemen Will fiet All They Alk Louisville March 25 Hiram J Scoggln president of the Horsemens Protective association received a tele gram from S W Fowler the turf con gress man at Cincinnati In which Fowler stated thnt the members of the turf congress would meet shortly lit Cincinnati to consider any suggestions In reason that might be offered by the Horsemens Protective association Tl horsemen are In favor of annulling two or three rules nnd in his telegram Fowler assured Mr Scoggln that tl horse owners will get all they ask from the turf congress Triangular Ileld Meet Grlnnell la March 25 The ath letic management of the different schools concerned hnve completed ar rangements for a trlangulnr Held meet to be held between Grlnnell Drake and Ames on May 11 This Is the first of a series of meets of this character which will be held alternate ly In Ames Dcs Moines and Grlnnell Aurierion Mulcted for 910000 Fort Dodge In March 25 A verdict cf the Jury in the breneh of promise suit of Mrs Sophia Oleson vs John Anderson is against tho defendnnt for the amount of tho suit 10000 The rnse has been on trial for the past three days Both of the principals are well known fiulilde or Uarald Uanien Atlantic la March 25 Harald Hansen a prominent business man of this city committed suicide last night shooting himself through the head dying instantly His friends think that he has been unbalanced in mind and therelii in the cause of his rash act