The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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V v v a m t LV
v re
cwrTiunirr 1P01 nr wnATitrnnr citrwNitr Ann amck Munno
iixutfriiATioNH nr li a oouita
to haul nnd heave with those uiuI t
him or ever to dip his sword hand In
tho tar bucket If need bo
Ho turned round sharply when ho
hoard my nnme John Topp Is It I
must ask your pardon for not recogniz
ing you In tho serpents mouth Inst
night You were a little bettor dressed
I think last tlmowo hnd tho pleasure
of meeting so my oversight Is perhnpj
excusable Well Don John my feel
ings on tho pajnt differ from yours
Take earo Don Miguel Wo Imvo n
superabundance of work people said
I slgnltlcant y
Ho shrugged his shoulders ITnng
me If you have a miud ho said con
Or we may follow your own device
nnd mnko yau fast to a post down on
tho strainl yonder at low tide
You may drown me seuor drown
me by Inches If you please for lnm to
thnt extent In your power but I shall
not bo your obedient servant
Oh ho ho laughed tho old man
who had Just como up to look alter his
charge Ah ha Stubborn and stiff
necked ns I was It does the old mnna
heart good to see such a lusty fellow
Let mo consider now What should
be the discipline Something novel
and telling nnd appropriate and hu
morous too If possible Why Isnt tho
potbellied little racker here Dear
me at another tlmo such a piece of
pleasantry would bo on my lps In a
moment Oh ho I haro It We will
roast you In your metal shell like some
great crab most Illustrious Seuor Com
mandant Youro rather lean so muy
bo will bo n trifle charred In tho proc
ess but tho devil who will eat tho
dish Is not overulco In his feeding and
will forgive the cooks for forgetting to
Tho Spaniard uttered no verbal reply
but shrugged his shoulders and gayo a
encoring snillo which snowed no de
parture from his previous resolve
By Woathorby Chcsnoy and Alick Munro
- - - x - - r y v f
Tlie men looked nt ono another niui
cxclmiiRotl tbelr tliotigblfi In luilf wills
pern iinil Willie Tiolmllon after Iiiiiik
In In tlio wind for i nilnnlo or ho rnp
piil lili hook npaliiBt III foriIioud n ml
cnino forward iih tliolr HpokeHtiinil
Wo Imlnt nltogothir In lovu vl Kill
joys Canlaln Ireland hiiIiI Ik nor
with nny oIIut ship Units driven wl
nlnvcN onrs Yon see slaves Ih npl to
brenk out when youre IlKlitliiK tliolr
frliiulH nn requires a lot o victual mi
attention An this compniiy IjcIiik hiiII
ora all nn not soldier marlneiM llktfl
best to inanouvor In hatllo under can
vas nn In fact bucks one round hIiIp to
three Iomr ones any day
And I am with you there WUHe I
did not mean that wo should put IIiohh
prisoner dons on a galleys hank and
lot them taste the hitters of their own
prescription No no leave oared craft
to nations of land soldiers The wIiuIh
nro tlu ministers of the 10nillshmnu
and sails aro the wand with which ho
rulca them Jlvo mo a handy crnft
nnd Ill warrant to keep the weather
Ciuiro of an enemy without cuinberliiK
tho wnlst with tllthy slaves and telling
off pood IlKhtliiR men to ftiuinl thoin
The BpiinlmdH here shall be far luckier
than they deserve They shall work
for ua as shipwrights laborers and
ehorc servants and when our ship Is
built and wo aro Utted for tho cruise
well Klvo them a holiday to dlsposo of
their bodies as they like If wo return
to relit or for any other purpose and
llml them hero well wo can enslave
them again nnd mako them useful If
wo return no more again well And If
wo come unri 11 ml that they have escap
cd still well for they will thou be off
our hands
lloro ho paused nnd at onco there
aroso a strong hinged shout of nnpro
Jmtlon In which nil Joined with the ex
ception of the old man who remained
moodily silent Tho men were do
lighted with the plan nnd eager to be
gin tho work of shipbuilding They
swore to follow Captain Ireland to
tho end nnd promised death to tho ilrst
man who should disobey him Then
they rated John Topp as his lleuleu
nut Wlllio Trehallou as boutswalu and
Jnn Pcngony gunner after which re
membering tho old man nnd thinking
iio might work mischief unless ho was
humored they nnmed him captain of
gunrd over tho prisoners nnd promised
to haul him n bombnrd ashore with
which he could belch language Into tho
envc In ense of a rovolt
And nt this ho regained his spirits
Instnntly nnd with a horrid torrent of
Oh ho ho nnd All ha hnl as
sured ub that before tho month was a
week older ho would have occasion to
shoot for that already llko an Andes
condor ho could scent tho steam of
Spaulsh slaughter from afar
Meanwhile Alec had the Ave Span
ish officers brought boforo him armor
cd but unnrmed nnd told them what
wo hnd decided to do with them Most
of them received tho verdict quietly
enough Handy legged little Dpn Sun
cho shrugged his shoulders nnd say
ing that It was tho fortuuo of war hop
ed that we would set our tasks llglt
ly In view of a posslblo turning of tho
tables some time In the future Tho
sallow fneed comtnandnut however
refused absolutely to soil his hands for
nny mans pleasure nnd sot his snarl
ing yellow tooth with tho air of a uiiin
who Intends to keep to his word
Why seuor said I John Topp
counts himself ns big a gcntlemnu as
you nny day nnd yet holds It no nhamo
Then Alec spoke
Jan Pcngony and Job Trehallon slip
off Don Miguels Iron shirt and bare his
hack Now trice lilm up to tho lower
bough of that tree No not by tho neck
I dont want hint hanged Fasten his
Don Miguels face showed Its Ural ex
pression of uneasiness
Seuor Captain he said floRglng to
death Is a felons dentil nnd I have
done nothing to deserve that disgrace
If you will not hold me to ransom nt
least kill mo by sword ropo or bullet
nnd let mo die like a soldier and a gen
Hut 1 have no Intention of killing
you Honor replied Alec with n courtly
bow Here you men go nnd bring
tho rest of the prisoners from tho envo
to witness tho Hogging I inn not going
to have yo i whipped to death Don
Miguel though the old man here Is
-V v lST
- v -
Wo will ronut tott in your metal shell
Itching to do it I can sec No I am
simply going to give you threescore
lashes today on tho bare back and
threescore more on every succeeding
day that you refuse to work You may
get tired of your stubbornness In time
and meanwhile the example will be
good No old man dont hurry Walt
for the audience
Ton thousand times would I prefer
death cried the Spaniard with a ven
omous oath
You aro not offered a choice seuor
You refuse to kill me 7
Ah then I surreuder Your punish
ment la more degrading than your task
I accept tho lesser Indignity
So I thought you would said
Alec Here gunner appoint this man
to a gang and give him a task suitable
to his streugth
To lis coutiuaoil uoxt Kiiilay
ChlrnRO fli uin mid Irorlciloin
ChliiiKo Stnrcli S Speculative Interest
on lIiiiiiko viuh iikiiIii focusttt on corn to
day and tho iiiurltt after tstalilliliii u
new liluli reeonl for May closed o over
yesteiday Oilier uiiu keu were dull
wlieut cIosIiik uucliiiiigcd outs a hIiuiIo
up mid provisions depressed Clod
lug ptlces
Wlieut Miirvb 74iu May 75T70c
July 7UVic
Com March 41Ve May 42e July 43e
Ontt March Jc May ile
IorU -March lo May IZAVi July
Lnnl Marcli tSrJVii May fSOJft Sept
ItllM March 70Jlj May JTOUVi Sept
CbhIi quotations No J red wheat 74B
Wye No i red wheat 71KrToyte No 3
xpiltif wheat tllKf7r4e No 1 hard wheat
TiyfiSv No 3 hard wheat 71S7icj No
corn fJe No a corn No a oats
Ltlc No 2 white oats JSVuJViC No 3
white oats fJSje
Chlrijc Ilvo Stock
ChlniRO March JS Cattle Kccelpts 10
000 Htcera ateady to utroui butchers
stock Hlrouu active cholco feeders active
shade higher good to prime steers t05S
003 poor to medium 37Vi4t0 stockers
and feeders JMMJlS cows J70H I0
heifers 27nffMiO eminent J20O5WlX
hulls 2ti W calves l0ilfi73 Texas
fed steers StOotfffiiM Texas Rrnss steers
KUOfMOO Texas hull- 27W373 Hor
Receipts today 20000 tomorrow 18000
left over 3r00 stroiiR active Rood demand
Rood clearance inUed and butchers r85
CKl10 Rood to choice heavy D00CTtll2W
roiiRli heavy jrt8rinij light iHiii0
bulk of sales rOViii0ri Sheep Receipts
10000 sheep and Limbs steady to strong
top riti good to choice wethers JtSOfj
503 j fair to choice mixed JIWV7M00 west
ern sheep 180503 yearlings 48078
513 native lambs 18352343 western
limbs 31310343
KuaA City Ilvo Stork
Kansas City March 23 Cattle Receipts
4300 natives 130 Tcxuns 50 calves best
Meer steady Mockers and feeders easy
llRht cows nnd heifers steady others slow
tuitlvo beef steers 100333 stockers and
feeders 4230323 fed westerns t35Q
610 Texas mid Indian steers 4138490
cows 325t430 hejfers 37MfT4a i can
ners eWVQ31S bulls 323Q4tlO calves
4501050 Hogs ltecelpts 15000 Iiors
strong pigs 5c lower top sales 005 bulk
of sales 380T1W heavy V0OfflO5
mixed packers llRht 5f0J
587V4 pigs 40041150 Sheep Receipts
oOOO steady western lambs 315Ci323
western wethers l5OjQO0 western year
lings 75510 ewes l23S4CQ cutis
South Omaha Ilvo Stock
South Omaha March 2S C4ttle Re
ceipts 3tV00 blow steady native beef
steers 4004540 western steers 3756
450 Texas steers 30Ott400 cows and
heifers 34Oi440 canners 175fT323
stockers nnd feeders 3233171 calves
300700 bulls stags etc 2738423
Hors Receipts 0100 5o higher closed
weak heavy 5tKfi507yi mixed 587Vya
BW light 583Si500 pigs 5003580
bulk of sales 5 S7VdTfl2ij
7800 steady yearlings 400SrtOOi
fair wethers 423iiiVJ3 W75423
common aud stock bueep 380300 lawt
UIM 1 A irtwiiftH7lfc iti V-
NIrUI Wn Hnr Tnrror
I would cough nonrly all night long
wrltcn Mrs Ohafl Applcgato of Alex
andria I lid and could hardly got any
flloop T had consumption ao bad tlmt
If I walked a block 1 would cough
frightfully nnd spit blood but when all
other uiodioinofl failed throo 100
bottlofl of Dr KiiiRs Now Discovery
wholly cured mo and I gain oil 08
Ioui ds Its absolutely Ruarantood to
euro oongliB colds la grlppo bronohitiH
and all throat and lung troubloa Price
fit contfl aud 1 00 Trial bottles frco at
tho Kicflau Drug Co
When You let n llnmliinlin
dont wasto a mlnuto hut go to your
druggist and get a box of KrauaoH Head
acho Cnpsulca Thoy will provont pain
oven though your skull woro craclcod
They aro harmless too Hoad tho guar
antee Price 25o Sold by Ooo 11
A Horrible Oiitbrruli
Of largo sores on tny littlodaughterH
head developed into a cano of scald heiul
writoa O D Tsblll of Morgan town
Tonn but Huoklouti Arnica Salve
completely cured her Its a guaranteed
euro for oczoma tottor salt rhoum
pimples soros nlcors and pllos Only 25
contfl at tho Kiesnu Drng Go
Nerves lilke n Ilittlrou
A woman who suffored for threo
years from norvous prostration says two
bottles of Liohtys Colory Nerve Com
pound ofTcotcd a cotnploto cure She
hardly knows today whether she has
norvos or not as sho novor feels thorn
It is oortainly a wonderful romody
Sold by Goo li Ohristoph
A Ititil Onnililiiattnn
A bnd oold in bad weather Weeks
Tablets will break
up tho combination by breaking up tho
had oold whilo you sloop No Cure No
Pay 25 couts Kiosau Drug Co Sole
Strikes ii Klrh Find
I was troubled for sovoial years with
chronic iudigostiou and nervous de
bility writes F J Greou of Lancaster
N II no remedy helped me until I
began using Electric Bitters which did
mo moro good than all the medicines I
ever usod Thoy havo also kept my
wife in excellent health for years Sho
says Klootrio Bitters aro just splendid
for fomalo troubles that they aro a
graud tonic aud iuvigorator for weak
run down women No other medicine
can tako its placo in our family Try
them Only 50 cents Satisfaction
guarautoed by tho Kiosau Drug Co
How to Cure Cold
Dont go to bod Dont stop work
Dont tako a Turkish bath and render
yourself liable to an attack of pneu
monia Krausos Oold Cure in convtn
iout capsule form will cure you in 21
hours They are pleasant to take and
cause no ringing in your head or other
disagrooable sensations Price 25 cents
Sold by Goo B Ohristoph
Poor things unheard of unused thoy
died upon tho field of dishonor We re
fer to substitutes for the genuine Rooky
Mountain Tea made by the Madison
Medicine Co 55o
Geo B CimiSTOPir
A Good Thine
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boscheo a celebratod Ger
man Phrsiolan and is acknowledged to
bo one of tho most fortunate discov
eries in Mediciues It nuiokly cures
Coughs Colds and all Lung troubles of
the soverest nature removing as it does
tho cause of the affection and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy- con
dition It is not an experimental medi
cine but has stood the test of years
giving satisfaction iu every case which
Its rapidly increasing Bale ovory season
confirms Two million bottles sold an
nually Bosohees German Syrup was
introduced iu the Uuited Statos in 1803
aud is now sold in every town and vil
lage in tho civilized world Three doses
will relieve any ordinary cough Price
75 eta Got Greons Prize Almauao
Kiesau Drug Co
Nasal Catarrh quiokly yields to treat
ment by lilys Cream Balm which is agree
ably nromatic It is roceived through tho
nostrils cloausos and hoals tho whole sur
fnco ovor which it diffuses itsolf Druggists
Boll tho COo sizo Trial size by mail 10
couts Test it and you are sure to coutinuo
tho treatment
To accommodate those who aro partial
to tho uko of atomizers iu applying liquids
iuto tho nasal passages for catarrhal trou
bles tho proprietors prepare Cream Balm in
liquid form which will bo known as Elys
Liquftl Cream Bnhn Price including tho
spraying tubo is 75 couts Druggists or by
mail Tho liquid form embodies tho med
icinal properties of tho solid proparatiou
Itll as Cert it I n us Death anil Taxes
that Roctol tho great pile remedy will
cure the piles A pile pipo free with
each package Wo sell it on positive
wrltteu guarantee No Cure No Pay
EOo Samples free Kiosau Drug Co
Remarkable Cures for ItheuiiiutUm
Vindicator Itatherfordtou N O
Tho Editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber
lains Pain Balm twice with the most
remarkable results in each case First
with rheumatism in the shoulder from
whioh he suffered oxcruolating pain for
ten days whioh was relieved with two
applications of Pain Balm rubbing the
parts afllioted and realiziug instant bene
fit and entire relief in a veryjshort time
Second iu rheumatism iu thigh joint
almost prostrating him with severe pain
which waB relieved by two applications
rubbing with the linimoutou retiring at
night and getting up freo from pain
For solo by Kie9au Drug Co
In some cases the external signs of Contagion Blood Poison are so slight that the
victim U firmly within the grasp of the monster before the true nature of the disease
is known In other cases the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the
swollen glands mucus Hatches in the month sores on scnln ulcers on tonmic sore
throat cuiptious on skin Conner colored sulotciies nnd fnllitnr hair and evebrows
lenve no room for doubt as these are nil unmistakable signs of Contagious lllood Poison
Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood Poison These poisonous min
erals never yet made a complete and permanent cure of Contacious Blood Poison They drive the disense
Rocky Monntatu Tea made by the Mad
ison Medicine Co 35u
Geo B Ciiristopii
Mrs G E VanDeuson of Kilbourn
Wis was afflicted with stomooh trouble
and constipation for a long time She
says I have tried many preparations
but uono have douo mo tho good that
Chamberlains Stomaoh nnd Liver Tab
lets have These tablets are for sale at
the Kiesau Drug Co Price 25 cents
Samples free
Application for Saloon Liquor Llceimn
Mutter of application of William G
Berner for a liquor license
Notice is hereby given that William
G Berner did on the 27thday of March
1901 filo his application to the mayor
and oity council of the city of Norfolk
Nebraska for license to sell malt spirit
uous aud vinous liquors at Norfolk Ne
braska from the 1st day of May 1901
to the SOth day of April 1902 nt 224
Norfolk avenue in First ward of said
If there iB no objection remonstrance
or protest filed within two weeks from
VtiJ I H WmJmb
AttoruejB at Law
DRc s Parker
Mast Block
J D Darnes
M D Tyler
Norfolk Neb
Homeopathic Physician andfSnrgeon
OOice Citizens National Bank Building
Telephone 101
Sanitarium and Residence Main and 13th St
Telephone 9
Norfolk - Nebraska
Office ovor Citizens National Dank Resldenet
oue block north of Congregational church
Norfolk Nebraska
A r j
In all Its stages there
should be cleanliness
Elys Cream Balm
clean cs soothes nnd heals
the diseased membrane
It cures catarrh and drives
away a cold la the head
from un
Not cures
back into the system cover it tip for n while but it breaks out again in worse form These powerful minerals produce mercurial
rheumatism and the most offensive sores and ulcers causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off Moroury and
potash mnko wrooks not ouros nnd those who have been dosed with these drugs are never after free from aches and pait
8 S S acts in an entirely different manner being a purely vegetable remedy it forces the poison out of the system and
instead of tearing clown builds up and invigorates the general health S S S ts the only antidote for this specific virus aud
therefore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison No matter in what stage or how hopeless the case may appear even
though pronounced incurable by the doctors S S S can be relied upon to make a rapid permanent cure S S S is not a
new untried remedy an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it a sure and unfading cur for this disease It is the
only purely vegetable blood medicine known
Mr II I Myerj too Mulberry fit Newark N J say M I was afflicted with a terrible blood dUease which was In ipoU at first but afterward
spread all over my body 1 hese soon broke out Into sore and It Is easy to Imagine the sufTerltte 1 endured Before 1 became convinced that the
doctors coutd do me no Rood I had ipent n hundred dollar which was really thrown away I then
tried various patent medicine but they did not reach the disease When I had finished my first
bottle of 8 S S 1 was greatly Improved and was delighted with the result The large red splotches
on tny clteit began to grow paler nnd smaller and before long disappeared entirely I regained my
lol weight became stronger and my appetite Improved Twas soon entirely well and my skin as
dear as n piece of glass
Send for our Home Treatment Book which contains valuable information about
this disease with complete directions for self treatment Our medical department is
in charge of physicians who have made a life time study of blood diseases Dont
hesitate to write for attv information or ndviee wnnteil We timke no chnrp e wlint
ever for this AH correspondence is lirld in the most sarrcd confidence THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA
Onoil Advlco
Tho niofct miserable boings In tho
world nro those suffering from Dys
pepsia and LivorComplalnt Moro than
sovonty flvo per cent of tho peoplo iu
tho UultodStatos aro afllictodwlth theso
two diseases and thoir effects snob as
Sour Stomach Siok Headacho Habitual
Costlvenoss Palpitation of tho Heart
Heart burn Waterbrash Gnawing and
Burning Pains nt tho Pit of tho Stomach
Yellow Skin Ooatod Tongue and
groeablo Taste iu tho Mouth Coming
up of Food aftor Eating Low Spirits etc
Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 couts Two
dosos will roliove you Try it Got
Groous Prize Aluiamo Kiesau Drug
Whon you want a physic that is mild
and gentle easy to take and pleasant in
effect use Chamberlains Stomach and
Livor Tablets Price 25 cents Samples
free Every box guaranteed For sale
by tho Kiesau Drug Co
Headache often results from a disor
dered condition of the stomach and con
stipation of tho bowels A dose or two
of Ohamborlaius Stomach aud Livor
Tablets will correct theso disorders and
euro tho headacho Sold by the Kiosau
Drug Co
A flood Cough nleillcluo for Children
I havo no hesitancy in recommending
Chamberlains Cough Remedy says
F P Moran a well known and popular
bakor of Petersburg Va We have
given it to our children wheu troubled
with bad coughs also whooping cough
and it has always given perfect satisfac
tion It was recommended to me by a
druggist as the best cough medicine for
ohildron as it contains no opium or other
harmful drug Sold by Kiesau Drug
Its Free If It Falls to Cure
lleotol the great pile cure A pile pipe
freo with each package We sell it
under a positive written guarantee No
Cure No Pay 50 cents Samples free
Kiesau Drug Co
Kruuses Cold Cure
for colds in tho hoad chest throat or
any portion of the body breaks up a
cold iu 24 hours without interruption
to work Will provont colds if taken
wheu first symptoms appear Price 2oc
Sold by Geo B Ohristoph
A Widows Love Allulr
Receives a setback if she has offen
sive breath through constipation bil
iousness or stomach trouble but Dr
Kings New Lifo Pills always oure those
troubles clean the system sweeten the
breath banish headache best iu the
world tor liver kidneys and bowels
Only 25 cents at the Kiesau Drug Co
To Cure a Cnld While You Sleep
Take Weeks Tab
lets We will cheerfully refund the
purchase prloe if it fails to oure Price
25 cents Kiesau Drug Co
An Honest Medicine Tor Grippe
Georgo W Waitt of South Gardiner
Me says I have had tho worst
cough cold chills and grip and havo
taken lots of trash of no account but
profit to the vender Chamberlains
Cough Romody is tho only thing that
has douo any good whatever I have
usod one bottlo of it aud tho chills cold
and grip hav6 nil left me I cougiatulate
tho manufacturers of an honest medi
cine For salo by Kiesau Drug Co
Taken this month keeps you well nil
summer Greatest spring tonio known
tho 27th day of March 1001 tho said
license will be granted
S R McFarland
City Clerk
Not Ire of School Election
Notico is hereby given thnt nt tho an
nual election to bo held iu Norfolk Ne
braska on Tursday tho 2nd day of
April 1101 there will be two persons
chosen as mombers of the board of edu
cation of the school district of tho city
of Norfolk Nebraska at which election
tho polling places iu tho various wards
will bo tho same as for tho city elec
First ward at oity hall
Second ward at Anton Bucholz resi
Third ward at Third ward hose house
Fourth ward nt Junction hose house
All resident voters of the district out
side the various oity words shall vote at
the city hnll polling place
Polls shall remain open nt each of said
pollluc places from 1 oclock in the fore
noon until 7 oclock in the evening of
said day
Dated Norfolk Nebraska March 7
Attest W M RonERTSof
S R McFahland Mayor
City Clerk
Notice of City Election
Notiro is hereby given to the qualified
electors of tho city of Norfolk Nebraska
that the annual election of said city
will bo held iu the different wards on
Tuesday the 2nd day of April 1001
for the purpose of electing one mayor
one clerk one treasurer one city engi
neer one police judge ono councilman
from the First ward one councilman
from the Second ward one councilman
from the Third ward for the two years
term oue councilman from the Third
ward for a one year term one council
man from the Fourth ward
The polling places in the different
wards shall bo as follows
First ward at city hall
Second ward at Anton Bucholz resi
Third ward at Third ward hose house
Fourth ward at Junction hose house
Polls shall remain open at each of the
said polling places from 0 oclock in the
forenoon to 7 oclock in the evening of
said day
Dated Norfolk Neb -March 7 1901
Attest W M Robertson
S R McFarland Mayor
City Clerk
SherllW Siile
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a venditioni exponas isbued by Chr
Schavland clerk of tho of tho district
court of Madison couuty Nebraska
upon a decree of foreclosure rendered in
the district court of Madison couuty
Nebraska on the ninth day of April
1000 in favor of T C Cannon as plaintiff
and against John E Oluey Charlotte
E Olnoy Charles E Olney et al as
defendants for the sum of two thousand
thirty one dollars and 40 cents
203140 with interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per ceut per annum from
April 91000 and costs taxed at two hun
dred and eighty two dollars and seventy
three oents 282 73 and accruing costs
I will offer the following described
real estate heretofore appraised under
and by virtue of an order or Bale to wlt
Lots fifteen 15 and sixteen 1G in
block six 0 of the town of Norfolk
Nebraska for sale to the highest bidder
for cash in hand on the 10th day of April
1901 at the hour of 1 oclock p m of
said day in front of the east door of
the court house in Mndison Nebraska
that being the building wherein the
last term of court was held when and
where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned
Dated this 8th day of March 1901
Geo W Losey
Sheriff of said Couuty
Ofllco ovor Loouards Drug Storo
Norfolk Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker
Up stnlrs in Cotton block over Unnuis stora1
First class work gunrnutood
Attorneys at Law
Rooms 10 11 aud 12 Mastblock
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
Rooms 1 and 2 Robertson Block
Norfolk Nebr
Undertakers and Enibalniera
Soesions BIk Norfolk Ave3
Norfolk - - - Nebraska
THE 4mffJK
wi fjy
Creutn Balm Is placed Into tho nostrils spreads
dver the membrane and is abeorbed Relief is Im
mediate and a cure follows It Is not drying does
not produce sneezing Largo Size 60 cents at Drug
gists or by mail Trial Size 10 cents by mail
ELY BROTHERS 50 Warren Street New Ysrk
Rebinding Old Books
and Magazines
Next Deans Paint Store 5th St
Made a
Well Man
A of Me
produces the above results In 30 days It acts
powerfully and quickly Cures when all others fall
Young men will regain their lost manhood and oM
men will recover their youthful vigor by using
BEVIVO It quickly and Buroly restores Nerroua
noss Lost Vitality Impotency Nightly Emlsatou
LoBt Power Failing Memory Wasting Diseases and
aU effect of aeU abuso or excess and Indiscretion
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not only cures by starting at the seat of disease but
Uagreat nerve tonlo and blood builder bring
ing back the pink slow to palo cbeeka and re
storing tha nro of youth It wards off Insanity
and Consumption Insist on having BEVIVO no
other It can be carried in vest pocket By mall
100 per package or six or mBJOO with m posi
tive written guarantee to cur or reload
the money Book and advlso free Address
For sale iu Norfolk Nebraska by
Geo B Ohristoph druggist
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never sold
In bulk Accent no uhtl
loooTiDii tute Ask your druggist
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OFEveny physicuu
fOftiMttoi nr niuruAUAA
For Sale by Go ce B ChristoDh