The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1901, Page 11, Image 11

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When Children
1 When their eyes are not straight
2 When they cannot distinctly
sec the blackboard
3 When reading if they squint
hold the book sideways or too close
4 When they tire easily of reading
or studying
All sure signs thnt RTeat benefit will
be derived from wenriny glasses
Satisfaction guaranteed
G f 01 PflQUAHDT
Df of Ophthalmology
nflly fn a4U Mt C
Var1 Bast U P Depot Phone 35
The Best Paint Made
Will cover 300 square feet two coats
Contains pure lead and oil Shown by
chemical test there is no paint on the
market equal to its durability and cover
ing capacity We can vouch for this as
we have handled the Monarch Paint for
twelve years If you think of painting
your house let us figure with you Wo
can savo you money
Remember our large stock of Wall
Paper cheaper than ever
Kiesail Drifg Bo
At Johnsons Furniture Store
3000 Chamber Suits
Selling for 3 i 00
1200 Dining Tables
Selling for 900
200 Jardinieres
Selling at half price
1200 Iron Beds
Selling for 900
Solid Oak Dining Chairs
Selling for 90 cents
12000 Sewing Machines
Selling for 1500
200 Oak Center Tables
Selling for 1 10
Many fine pieces of Furniture Book
Oases Ohina Closets Rockers etc etc
nt much less than actual value finest
stock in the city to pick from We
must have room for another big stock
coming Secure bargains this week at
Johnsons Fgrxiture Store
The Wettther
Conditions of the weather Be recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a m to
Maximum temperature 44
M inimum temperature 28
Average 30
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month 63
Snowfall 00
Total snowfall for month 200
Barometer 2954
Forecast for Nebraska Probably rain
or snow tonight and Saturday
The Eveu Dozen club is meeting with
Mrs Jack Koenigsiin this afternoon
The Womans club will meet with
Mrs Sbarpless on Monday afternoon
There will be no Christian Science
church services at the Odd Fellows hall
next Sunday
S F Dunn has recently purchased a
fine new piano which has recently been
installed in bis home on South Fourth
Dr Ella P Summer haa been ap 1
pointed coroner of Franklin county and
is believed to bo tho only woman cor
oner in tho M at o
Tho Y M O L is tho rocipiont of n
flno combination crolnrd board tho gift
of tho manufacturer 13 L Cntwin of
South Bend Indiana
Work has commenced on tho now
laundry building which Ib being built
on South Third street and will bo oc
cupied by Mr Cravens steam laundry
whon completed
Miolmel Sigh of Madison had his leg
crushed just abovo tho nnklo Tuesday
aftornoou Ho waB on his way to town
with a load of grain whon ho clipped
uudor tho wngou tho wheels passing
over his limb
Norfolk lodge No 0V1 B P O Elks
will meet in Odd Follows hall tonight
at 8 oclock for tho initiation of candi
dates It iB expected that a largo class
for tho work wil bo present and mem
bers should not fail to bo present
A special to tho Bee from Madison
says Suit has been begun in tho dis
trict court by tho Sugar City Cereal
mills against tho Americau Beet Sugar
company to restrain it from damming
the North Fork or compol it to construct
a dam so that it will not bo an injury to
tho plaintiffs reflorvolr N
Mrs Helen Hamilton who assisted in
J D Sturgeons concerts has been
awarded a judgement in ti o courts at
Hartington against tho Woodmon nc
cidentjissociatiou for 30234 for the
death of her husband Dr Hamilton
Tho association claimed ho died of
Brights disease and not by accident as
Mrs E II Tracy received a telegram
yesterday announcing tho death of her
friend boBt known hero as Mrs W W
Lillio at her home in Kansas which
occured at 10 20 yesterday morning
Tho dispatch was from a sister of the
deceased Mr Lillio died hero several
years ago and his wife has since made
her home in Kansas where elio was
married about a year ago
Tho first days of vacation have
inspired youthful breasts with an am
bition to win glory nnd renown upon
the baso ball diamond and yesterday
the first game of the soason was played
between a club headed by Joseph Parker
and another under tho direction of Peter
Stafford The score ran up nt a rate
somewhat surprising to the thermom
eter which was not in high spiritB at all
and Joseph Parkers team worsted their
opponents to tho tune of 24 to 20
Saturday is the last day of the special
sale of Majestic ranges at the Moore
Choice celery at Glissmaus
Dr Barnes the optician specialist of
Denver will be at the Pacific hotel Sat
urday April 0 Remember the date
Fins oysters and celery at Karos
Lost A K P charm marked 94
Pleate return to News office
John Glynn of Foster was over here
Friday on business
Maas Haman received a whole car
load of cane seed Saturday
Arthur Conrad of Hader was over
here on business Wednesday
Ed Warnke is going west on Owen
ONiells ranch as foreman
Constable J H Couley of Norfolk was
up here Friday on official duty
Adolph Bredehoeft has rented
Hogrefes farm laud south of Aovtu
Jacob Sheets of Meadow Grove was
down here Tuesday visiting friends
Herman Eucker and family drove to
Lindsay Saturday to visit his parents
Peter Busse from near Norfolk was
up here Tuesday and bought a splendid
horse of P A Callen
Peter Neuwork was very Bick last
week with grip and Grant Johnson was
running his dray line
Henry Bahre went to Antelope county
near Elgin Tuesday where he hasented
a farm of Henry Massman
K J Niles bought James Clarks four
acres of ground near the creamery last
week and is going to build there
Joseph Zobner bought two acres of
ground in west Battle Creek this week
through O H Maas Consideration
W G Smith sold his dwelling to F
J Hale and Walt Pugh Saturday Mr
Smith is going to move to the Pacific
Chas T Haman and Fred Brechler
went up to Inman Sunday and on the
way home Mr Haman visited his parents
near Clearwater
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday and
there will be 13 children 10 girls and 3
boys confirmed in the Lutheran chnroh
by Rer J Hoffman
Dr Daniel has rented the Battle Creek
hotel and will take charge of it the first
of April Mr Best is going to travel
with his wife whose health is very
poorly He has rented his livery barn
to Zoe Cox
Sam Schneider bought the north east
corner of Main and third streets Wed
nesday of F J Hale now occupied by
George Zimmerman for 1500 Mr
Zimmermau is going to move his stock
into tho bank store
Choice veal at Glissmans
Sturgeon is the piano man
i if mi miiiniirr mi in iiwipiw
Mrs 13 W Bates is visiting friends
in Omaha
Mrs Dr Person was iu tho city yes
terday from Stanton
John Barnes loft today for a fow days
visit with Fremont ami Omaha friends
Mr and Mis L R Craig and son
Leo of Pierce are visitors in Norfolk to
A W Tweed principal of tho New
castle schools is attending tho associa
Mrs Dr Pringln and littlo daughter
of Piorco were guest of Mrs W 11
Blnkemau part of this week
Mrs Bertha Pilger went to Pilger yes
terday to attend a party given by Mrs
Kim Barnes returned to his university
studies at Lincoln today after a fow
days visit at homo
O L Hyde departed today for
Dubuqno Iowa where ho will visit his
brother B L Hydo who holds tho posi
tion of city ticket and passenger agent
with the Illinois Central
Miss Amy Row and Miss Martha
larvis of Oakdaleaud MisB Rena Turner
and MiBsJAlico 14ith of Columbus are
visiting Mrs 11 A Rowo on South
Eighth htreet and attonding the teachers
Seeds in bulk at McCoys Hour and
foodstoro Phono 121
Farm and olty loans
Good farms to trade for town property
G R Skilkk
Fresh halibut at GliRsraanH
Quite a m mborhavo taken advantage
of tho special sale at Mooros hardware
and obtained a fine set of cooking
utensils as n premium with a Majestic
Buy your garden tools rakes hoes
and spades at tho Mooro hardware
New boarding house corner Philip
avenue and Fifth street RoomB newly
furnished Everything first class
Hardiugscreameiy butter at Gliss
runeral of John II llrown
The large attendance at the funeral of
the late John II Brown held yesterday
morning from the Church of the Sacred
Heart attested to the esteem in which
he was held by his railway associates
and fellow citizens
The friends assembled at the family
home on South Third street and from
there proceeded to the church an escort
being formed by members of tho order
of Locomotive Engineers A O U W
and other lodges
At the church there were very im
presbive services and Father Walsh gave
a splendid eulogy to the memory of tho
deceased The singing was appropriate
and was led by Miss Nelle Gerecke
After the services the body was es
corted to the depot and taken east on
the F E M V pnsseuger Mr and
Mrs A J Ryel and Mr and -Mrs P
Stafford accompanied Mrs Brown and
children to Wisconsin where interment
will take place
The floral offerings were very beauti
fnl and were contributed largely by
orders to which he belonged
The obsequies were attended by all
the trainmen making headquarters hero
who were not prevented by their duties
or other reasons Besides there were a
number of railroad men in attendance
from points both east and west Among
these was W B Alton master mechanic
at Long Pine and Mr Cody chief clerk
in Master Mechanic Teals office at Mis
souri Valley Mrs Dan Findley of Mis
souri Valley was also present
Smoked whitefish at Glissmans
There will be a Bpecial meeting of
Beulah chapter No 40 O E S at Ma
sonic ball this evening By order of the
worthy matron
Beginning April 1 my meat market
will be closed about 00 days during my
absence Herman Naecjle
Whitefish and catfish at Karos
Dressed chickens tnd turkeys at
Buy your flour at McCoys The best
assortment in the city Phone 121
Houses for sale
T E Odiobnk
Stock taken to pasture during the
coming season Enquire of W H
Boyd or at The News office
We make loans on real estate at
lowest ratB Elkhorn Building and
Savings association T E Odiorne Sen
Buy your seeds at McCoys flour and
feed store All new woods and cheaper
than ever
Opening March 29 at Dnrlands
DrFrank Salter Diseases of children
Oladlola liulbi
This handsome flower deserves the
highest consideration not only on ac
count of its easy culture rapid increase
and gorgeous bloom but also for its
beauty in bouquets in water the spikes
will keep for ten days
Red yellow pink striped and white
mixed Each 5 cents Dozen 40 cents
Art McCoy
9100 Kewurd JIOO
The readers of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least one
dreaded disease that Bcience has been
able to cure in all its stages and that is
catarrh Hulls Catarrh Ctiro is tlio
only positive cum now known to tlio
medical fraternity Catarrh lieiug a
constitutional disenfe requires a con
stitutional treatment Halls Catanh
Cure is taken internally acting direYtly
upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system thereby destroying the
foundation of tho disease and giving
tho patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in
doing its woik Tho proprietors have
so much faith in its curaMvo powers
that they off one hundred dollars for any
case that it fails to euro Send for list
of testimonials
Address F 1 CliRNrY V Co To
ledo O
Sold by druggist 7fr
Halls Family Pills are tho best
Six lots in Tlio Heights 80 each
S L Uahdnkii
Farm land and city property for wilo
by G R Seller
March 30
luiH just received
a lot of
Easter Jlovelties
Candy Eggs
Rabbits etc
and iuviteB your
Easter Lilies
House Plants i
well be on Fiilo Monday and
plenty of cut flowers for Easter i
Sunday Jeavooruers early
men nn EACH I 22 lots well locnt
uUUU ed at tho unction iu this
city for sale at 0 00 each A SNAP
tin Of FER ACRE SO acres of
OWUUU first class HAY LAND
within two miles of Norfolk at f 1000
per acre
I U MENT A good business proper
ty on Main strpet between 4th and fitb
streets at a price that will pay 10 per
cent on the investment
Norfolk fluditoriam
The Yoimk Cluiriicter Comedian
and liia
Big Comedy Company
In tho Rural Fnrco Comedy
Kutlrely lie urittcn Now Dialogue
Now Hltuutlirls Now Not eltlee
Now Scenic mid Mechanical KfTecte
Fnrco Comedy I
A Strong and Efficient Comedy Company
Threshing Machine Scene
For Si nml hie Country Hit ml Pantile
For tlio Funniofct Street Parade over teen
Heeerved Seale now oa eale at Leonards
Drug Htore
WMBitViiBwrrwiomBMaithiWMl in it- - jftf iVi Bm VllnWjilliiiliiKliri irv1iiiillSf1friB llilllii
Wo wnnt you to eonio In ANY DAY THIS WEEK and pre tho Majcstlo
in operation have a Majestio biscuit and a mip of delicious coffee and seo tho
proof of claims Hindu for Majestic Ranges by a man direct from tho factory
with every Majmstle UiiUgo sold during this weoli a set of ware madn of
heavy copper nickeled steel and enamel wall woMh 7 Ml Olio complete
set aliMolntely fiee with each Majestic Range sold this weeli only
Majestic Ituiigea are made in evwry size and every stylo to fit every con
dition ami every purse We want you to eotae in and see tho range at work
glad to show it lo you whether 3011 intend to buy or not
Domestic I Wcrinv I Standard I
Sewing Machines
Domestic s Standard i
Also a full line of Baby Carriages
Hoffman Smith
The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn
C B DURLAND Secretary
Get What You Ask for at
ALL OK DEJIS are filled promptly ami with care
Our goods are KIKKT CLASft in every particular
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give yon the Best Value
for Your JVLoncy
South hide Main St between lid and idl Telephone 11
O A IjUIKAHT Piikh1ivt
UHA8 H HltlUOK Vick Ikkhident
V 11 JOHNHON CVhiiiku
lKO IASKWALK Ahht Valines
The Citizens National Bank
Capital 50000 Surplus 5000
liny ami n II hxcIihukii on thin count rj ami nil pnrtu of Btiroiiu Iatm Loan
Director am Anmih W II Iomnkon Ciiah S Hiimxji C W Hhaahmi O M
Swank A Luikamt T F Mkmninoku L Hichiiionh
announces a special display of Pattern Hats Bonnets
and Millinery Novelties on
Wednesday Thursday
Friday and Saturday
March 27 to 30
The trimmed designs will embrace many Genuine X
X French Patterns together with a superb collection of 1
I Miss Kerkows desiuns
A cordial invitation is extended to the public to
visit these Special Exhibitions of Headgear
Open Evenings on the
Dates of the Display