The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, March 29, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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P L Tracy is in tlio city ifrom Win
S S Mngutipon is in town from Chap
II Thompson is n city visitor from
P A Harrison ofNiobrnrn is one of
3Sorf oiks guests
Mrs Urnntcn nnil lunula Bruntoii of
INollgh nro in Norfolk
1 11 Mnylard vn n visitor to tho
county sent ycHtordiiy
C 13 Burnhnm was Norfolk visitor
jestorday from Tildon
Miss Mnttio MoNish wentto Onuilia
todny to upend n week
Frod Mnnson head cook at tho Pacific
lotol Jb ill with tho grip
Knginocr K II Jacobs 1b removing
liis family to Oakdolo today
MIbb Mlnuio Miller of Wnkollulil 1h nt
tending tho touchers mooting
F J Hnlo of Bnttlo Orook nt tended
to business yesterday in Norfolk
Senator W V Allen wah over from
aindlnou grooting his Norfolk frionds
M D Tylor wont to Onkdnlo on tho
early train to look after legal business
M G Bloy returned yesterday from a
short visit with friends at Plainviow
Mm W 11 Buttorllold and Miss
Buttot field loft yesterday noon for Chi
Dr P H Salter returned thiH morn
ing from u profession al visit to Wluuo
James Hamilton of Sioux City is hero
on business nud greeting old acquaint
T P Monnniugor and Carl T Seoley
-wore Norfolk visitors yeBterday from
MIbb Dossio Douol of Meadow Grovo
is visiting MIbb Dora King nud attend
ing tho association
Mrs N J Davis and Mm M P
Suitor will go to Omaha tomorrow for a
visit of n week or ten days with friends
Mrs E A Bullock will roturn this
livening from her visit with relatives
tuid friends at Harlan and Walnut
Mrs Charles Brindloy of Columbus
will bo tho guost of Mrs W S Fox dur
ing tho session of tho teachers associa
Mrs Benjamin and grandohildren do
parted this morning for Colorado
whoro thoy will innko thoir future
H K Wolf of South Omaha ouo of
tho oillcors of the association and an en
thusiastic mombor is hero to nttoml tho
County Superintendent E A Lund
burg of Wayjio was with tho advance
guard of toaohers coming to attend tho
County Superintendent C W Cruin
is at tho hoad of a delegation of Mudi
sou toaohers who came over this morn
ing to attend tho association
J O Adams and Miss Miunio
Schwonn were married on Monday by
Hev H E Rydor and will make thoir
homo on South Fourth street
Miss Meok and Miss Bachelor teachers
in tho Pullerton schools will bo tho
guests of Miss Auuio McBrido whilo tho
teachers association is in session
A Burpriso party wns glvon on Miss
Mabel Rouso last evening It was at
tended by a largo number of young
people nud a very pleasant evening was
Alias Anna Killeu has resigned her
position in O P Michaels photogrnph
gallery and has accepted a situation in
Columbus She expects to leave for
that place in about 10 days
Allon Palmer a former Norfolk boy
was married last week in South Omaha
to Miss Genevieve Ellick and will livo
in Omaha Mr Palmer is a young at
torney with bright prospects before bim
Displays of Easter goods and spring
liat form the attractive features in
Norfolk display windows at the present
time A number of windows are very
Hoffman Rollins who own a largo
ranch nearNeligh evidently find alfalfa
n profitable crop They will plant aoo
acres to the crop this season when they
will have 1100 acres of tho new forage
Rudy MarquardtB position in St Joe
is with a firm of wholesale jewelers
He writes that since his arrival there he
lias been nnder the weather and troubled
with a sore throat but hopes to bo nil
right in a short time
K A Priestly and son Charles with
their families expect to movo from
Pierce to Norfolk about April 1 The
elder Mr Priesty has advertised a solo
of his personal property to be held tho
latter part of this month
Revival meetings are now being held
in the Free Methodist church at the
Junction every evening at 7 80 Rev
P D Christie an evangelist of Alma
JNebr and Rev F J Atkinson the
pastor have charge of the services A
cordial invitation is extended to all
J W Wada and wife were in the city
yesterday on their way home to Oreigh
ton from an extended visit to Colorado
where they had gone hoping for benefit
to Mrs Wadas health The lady has
consumption and the climate of the state
fc i 3
was found of no avail In staying its
ravages so they are returning homo
Complaints are made that tho taking
of mall from tho boxes at tho poMoIllco
Ht 111 cmitlnuoHnnd It looks susplclouBly
llko It was being inndo a business
Patrons should bo careful to look their
boxes as it is tho ones on which tho
combination Ih open that are disturbed
Yesterday was tho birthday of Miss
Mario Bloy who dorks in tho Fair Rtoro
and last evening a do7ou young lady
friends surprised her nt tho homo of her
sister Mrs F O Wobor on South
Fourth street Nice refreshments wore
served and gifts wero prosontod Tho
evening was spout in a jolly mannor
and tho uninvited guests departed wish
ing Miss Bloy many happy roturns
At tho regular meeting of Norfolk
lodgoNo t7 A O U W hold last
evening the following delegates wero
chosen to represent tho local lodgo at
tho coming scshsIoii of tho grand lodgo
which moots in Nebraska City May 14
H L Spauldlug W N Huso nud John
Quick alternates W R Hoffman F
W Koorbor and II P Fronland After
selootlng delegates n candidate wan re
ceived into membership
Yostorday being tho birthday of Mrs
Prank Cunnuings the lady was treated
to n surprise party planned and executed
by a number of her friends and neigh
bors Tho ovotiing was pleasantly
piiRsod with gnmos mnsio tho guessing
of conundrums etc nud nicely ronndod
out by tho serving of dninty refresh
ments Tho gnovts departed nt a Into
hour with wishes for mnny happy ro
turns of tho day cxtonded to tho hostess
Tub Nkwh wnB mistaken in tho state
ment that Mrs Mathowion gnvo nu
afternoon yesterday Sho ontertniuod
tho following old tlmo friends of Mr
and Mrs Darius Mathowson at n 0
oclock dinner Mr and Mrs N A
Rainbolt Judgo nud Mrs I Powors
Mr and Mrs 0 B Durland Dr and
Mrs II J Colo nud Mr and Mrs
DarinH Mathuwson Mr and Mrs
Mathowson will leave for their home in
Wakefield today
Forinnr Norfolk fllrl Married
Tho Tribune of tho 8tli published at
Fullorton California contains tho fol
lowing nunouueomontof tho ninrriagoof
Alico daughter of Mr and Mrs A J
Weber formerly of this city William
G Dixon and MisB Alico Wober were
marriod Sunday afternoon at tho homo of
tho brides parouts on South Spadrn
avonno Tho coromony was performod
by Rev Coultas in tho prosonco of rel
atives and a few friends A sploudid
sproad was partaken of by tho party
after which tho couplo wns escorted to
Anahoim whoro thoy took tho ovoniug
overland train for tho east At tho de
pot in Fullorton tho train was mot by
a largo party of friends of tho brido nnd
groom who took ivlvantago of tho brief
stop to extend congratulations Mr
Dixon hns boon prouuuont iu tho social
life of Fullorton for many years and his
genial mannor has mndo him a general
favorito Tho brido iB equally popular
and Is esteemed by a wido circle of
Mr nud Mrs Dixon go toDonver nnd
will also visit the groomB relatives dur
ing their absence Thoy expeot to bo
gone two mouths
A loud Thing
Gorman Syrup is tho special prescrip
tion of Dr A Boschee a celebrated
German Physioianandls acknowledged
to bo one of tho most fortunate discover
ies in Medioino It quickly cures
Coughs Colds nnd all Lung troubles of
tho severest nature removing as it does
tho cause of tho affection and leaving tho
parts In t strong and healthy condition
It is not an experimental medicine but
has1 stood the test of years giving satis
faction in every case whioh its rapidly
increasing sale every season confirms
Two million bottles Bold annually Bos
oheos Gorman Syrup wns introduced in
the Unites States in 1818 and is now
Bold in every town and village in the
civilised world Three doses will relieve
auy ordinary cough Prioe 75 cts Got
ureeus Prize Almanac Asa K Loon-
Ireferi the Crop
The editoris oncomore under the reg
ular annual obligation to our kind pa
ternal government nt Washington for a
nice little package of bean seed While
we appreciate very highly this renewed
evidence of Undo Sams exceeding kind
ness we are very Borry to confess that
we shall be unable to niako any use of
the seed on account of the scratching
proclivities of an old roan hen that our
wifopersists in keeping about the place
If Uncle Sam has auy more seeds to pre
sent to us will he please plant them
around Washington somowhere and
Bhlp us tho crop prepaid in tho fall
Cillaway Courier
The Norfolk Nurrv
Sells seed potatoes pure Early Ohio
Six Weeks Early Triumph and Earlv
Peach Blows Also ash box elders
elm aud maple 8 to 13 feet high
Cherry apple plum trees and small
fruit plants forest trees seedlinca ro
bushes flowering shrubs and evergreens
Call on or address E D Hnmmond
Norfolk Nebraska
For 110 days from this date will
give one 7 double roll room of paper
with every 500 purchase at Tru
mans Wall Paper Store
New boardincr house rnmpr PMiin
avenuonnd Fifth nt rant Rnnnn uatrlr
furnished Everything firtt class
Win A Mouroo is in tho city from
August Paul wont to Emerson this
noon on business
E E Crno of Tildon had business In
Norfolk yesterday
Mr and Mrn Jnmos II Brown aud
son are iu tho city from Omaha
Mrs W Ei Powers And son Robort
of Piorco wero city visitors this morning
Chnrlcs Wilson tho Atkinson drug
gist was iu tho city on business yester
Tho control Nobrnhka Poachers nsso
cintion will moot in Konruny April it 4
nud ft
Fred Sidlor has recoived a flno now
drny for his lino from tho manufac
Tho nssossors of Johnson county havo
decided to tax property at ono sixth Its
aotnnl valuo
Mrs Win Gorooko returned to her
homo In Stnnton at noon after a weeks
visit with Norfolk friends
Sheriff LoBoy 1b in tho city from Mad
ison to pco that tho sohool maams do
not fraoturo tho state laws
William Strong a sheep man living
six miles south of Gordon lost 100 head
of his animalB in tho recout blizzard
B W Jonas is today moving his
tailor shop to tho Chosuoy building al
most across tho street from his old loca
Missos Eloiso Rohn nnd Florouco
Cramer of Columbus camo up to attend
tho contest and will visit with Miss
Graco Sponr n fow days
Mrs Ranch wife of county Clerk
Phil Bauch broko her ankle Monday
night by slipping on tho Presbyterinn
church stops iu Madison and falling
Robert Pitt a carpenter and an old
timo resident of Oroightonwns Instantly
killed in tho roller mills nt that placo
Tuesday morning by being caught by
tho main Bhnft whilo repairing a grnin
Mrs Mary E Davenport has Issued
iuvitntiouH to tho marriage of her
daughter Elizabeth and Arthur P Pil
gor whioh will tako placo at 8 oclock
in tho ovoniug of April 10 Tho an
nouueomout is mado that tho young
couplo will bo at homo in Madison af tor
May 1
F L Culver is moving his family to
Lincoln having recently purchased a
residence property thoro Ho left last
night with a carload of household goods
and Mrs Culvor loft for tho capital city
ou the noon train today Mr and Mrs
Culver loavo many frionds in Norfolk
who regret thoir removal bat will wish
them muoh prosperity in thoir now homo
Herman Naegle will leave about the
first of April for a visit to his old homo
in Germany expecting to bo nbsont
about two months Ho goes mainly for
tho purpose of sooing his mother who is
not iu vory good health Ho hns not
Been her for 22 years having been away
from tho Fathorlaud that length of
timo His moat market will bo closod
during his nbseuco
Tho Columbus Tolegram gives notico
that after the first of May next tho sub
scription price of that publication will
bo 150 per year payable in udvance
Many of tho weekly publications are ad
vancing to this price nnd it iB tho sensi
ble thing to do A paper is certainly
worth that prico When it is given at
less than 150 it usually iB cheap in
appearance as well as in prioe A dol
lar publication is not appreciated by the
public usually
A company of 00 Norfolk ladles was
pleasantly entertained by Mrs A Bear
at her dollghtful home on Norfolk ave
nue and Ninth street yesterday after
noon A guessing contest in which
answers were fouud in tho nainos of
poets afforded amasomeut during a por
tion of tho time Mrs N A Rainbolt
was the most successful in naming tho
correct answers At 5 oclock the guests
wero seated at small tables and wero
served with delicious refreshments
Ileal Ktitate Transfer
The following are the transfers of
real estate in Madison county for the
week ending March 21 1001 as re
ported by D J Koenigstein official ab
State of Nebraska to P J ONeill
deed so of nw 30 24U 2G0
D S Lee to E A Cruin nod lots 5
0 7 WardB add suburban lots to Nor
folk and ejv of neX and e of se4 24-
John W Warriok to Chas N Hutch-
ins wd part lot 2 block 0 Meadow
Grove fi50 110
P V Lewis to R G Harvey wd lots
23 and 6 block S Lewis add to Meadow
Grove 075
John H Crook to R G Harvy wd lot
5 block Si Lewis add to Meadow Grove
John Broeker to Julius Kirchbaumwd
Iot2blook4 Pasewalk6 add to Norfolk
1000 700
Gunder Thompson to Gulik Pederson
lot 0 block 10 R R add to Newman
Archie Robinson to Gust A Peterson
wd port of outlot 0 R It add to New
man Grove
Beruard Grant to W H Bucholz lot
4 block 1 Pilgers add to Norfolk
John Zoeckler to W II Butterfield
wd nw of ue of ne and ne of nw 10-24-1
P J Halo to Tamos L Dunn wd part
of block 1 Mendow Grovo 500
Herman Frkko to M P Meisingcr
wd w of noj D 22 2 2500
Pioneer Town Slto Co to Fred J
Mochwdssjof lot 4 block 11 R R
add to Newman Grovo 50
Eillo May Long to Alico M Reed int
in nwJ4 17-22-2 500
Christian Simonflon to John Simonson
wd part no of no 3-21-4 75
W A Emory to Fnnny Emma Emory
wd lot 14 block 1 Mnthowsons 2nd
odd to Norfolk 500
Goorgo J Johnson to TFMemminger
wd nvrK of uwjcf 321 1 M0
P II L Willis pros to Steven F
Young wd lot 21 block l Union Ceme
tery 10
Panuiu Z Maxwoll to Hornian Hog
rofo wd lots 0 and 10 block 82 Pioneer
Town Site Co 2nd ndd to Battle Creek
Hormnn Hogrofo to Martin L Thom
son lots 7 aud 8 block 25 Battle Creek
Matilda Proeco to Martin L Thomson
o of lot 2 block 11 Battle Creek 50
Mnry A McDonald to Alice Askiuo wd
lot 1 block 7 Western T L Co 1st udd
to Norfolk Junction 200
Frederick W Richardson to Albert B
Richardson wd s of sw and ne of sw
and part of sw 28-21-2 200
J A Willoy to W 11 Emgo wd lots
15 and 10 block 1 Pasowalks 2nd add to
Norfolk 1400
Lizzio Fueslor to John Freythaler wd
lots 2 nnd i block 1 Dedermuus ndd to
Norfolk 100
Hum Into WnMioiit Nt nr tJtlm New York
mill Ih Kiilinirrid
lit lea N Y March 2S A train on
the Delaware Lackawanna and West
ern ran Into a washout three miles
south of Norwich last night The
railroad embankment had disappeared
leaving tho track and the tram and
rails sank Into a hole eight foot deep
The passengers escaped with only n
general wetting Tho train stands
In tho water reaching nearly to the
top of tho windows
At Sherburne the Chenango river
wns higher than it Iintl been since 1804
nnd the wrecking train sent out from
this city ran into n culvert that had
been washed out William Yakoy tho
fireman was badly scalded but will
recover The engine and two cars
left the track and arc submerged
The caboose was not derailed and the
workmen escaped Two large cul
verts and considerable track Is washed
ti way nt Sherburne nnd It will be
several days after the water subsides
before repairs can be made
M t Inrobs anil Wife Tnhcn Into Cnntody
t Ouiutii Simpocted of Complicity
In Cuduliy Case
Omnha March 28 At n late hour
last night at Ojmwn In upon the re
quest of Sheriff Power of Omaha one
M L Jacobs nnd his wife were ar
rested by tho authorities there and tiro
being held to nwult the arrival of Oma
ha officers with requisition papers from
uutuiiiur uiuinill III J HlCOin u UCSO
papers will be sought today
Sheriff Power himself declares thnt
ho Is not acquainted with the real
cause for the nrrest of Jncobs nnd his
wife but that ho Is Informed that they
llrn Tl lintrwl fni itrk 1 Ili nvlm
Cudnhy Jr son of the millionaire
pneker E A Cudnhy on Dec 20 Inst
The nrrest wiis made at the request
of James Gladwin a private detec
Rnmored Lease of Itiirllngtoo
New York March 28 The Evcnlns
Post says Burlington nnd Northern
Puelfic shares were strong and nctive
on the revival of reports that there
would Tjo a lease of the Burlington by
tho Northern Pacific and Great North-
em railways No official
lion or ineso reports could be obtained
nnd Important stock hohllm interests
In the Burlington deny having informa
tion thnt nny offer had been made for
the Burlington It was also said thnt
neither the Great Northern nor North
ern Pacific directors have considered
such a lease or terms for taking over
the Burlington
MJneri Get a Italic
Mnsslilon O March 28 The miners
and operators in conference here
renched an ngrecment yesterday
whereby the new scale goes into effect
April 1 The operntors gained some
alterations In the working rules but
nil changes representing dollars nnd
cents nre In the miners favor The
most important nro nn ndvnnce of 2
cents a car for slack the reduction
of 10 cents per keg In the price of
powder nnd a reduction of 10 cents
per ton in the price of house coal
Wheat Crop1 it Threatened
Austin Tex March 28 Colonel Jo
seph Gunter of Sherman says the en
tire wheat and oat crop of northern
Texas is threatened -with destruction
He has hadreports from different sec
tions throughout the wheat belt and
they are all to tho effect that the fly
post is killing the wheat nnd oats
Texas last year produced 20000000
bushels of wheat This year the aver
age of wheat is slightly less than last
year while tho acreage of oats lb
slightly Inerensed
A TenilnlneTrolt
Mrs noo They 6ay that Mrs
Bwiftsmhh Is greatly troubled with in
Mr Hoon Yes I understand that
she discovered the fact a week or so
ago uint nor nusuanu ioikb in nis
sleep aud she hasnt slept a wink since
for fear of missing something Har
pers Bazar
Travelers Are Snowbound In
Western Nebraska
Union Incinr llurllncton and Klkhnrn
Jtoadu Itlorkril With Snovr llllzinril In
Colormlo ntul WyomingGreat Damage
to Stock Intercut Frnroil
Lincoln March 2V Reports from Al
liance aud Ogalalla this morning Indi
cate that the Union Pacific nnd Bur
lington main lines nre blocked with
snow Throe passenger trains nre held
nt Ogalalla and drifts west of there
have not been raised after hard work
with snow plows The Burlington
lino to the northwest Is tied up west
nnd east of Alliance and nll trains nro
held The storm In western Ncbrnskn
Is the worst In years nnd will cnuse
great damage to stock Interests Snow
Is reported from four to 12 inches deep
with n strong wind blowing Eastern
Nebraska Is drenched with rain Re
ports from Long line Neb show that
tho Elkhoru rond Is blocked nnd all
trains nro tied up
Denver March 25 A storm hns pre
vailed all over the state of Colorado
In some places reaching the propor
tions of n bllzznrd Snow hns fallen
to n depth of from three to ten Inches
The storm continues with severity on
the mountains blocking rnllronds nnd
traffic generally Already cattlemen
have suffered losses and fears nre cn
tertnlned that the loss will be greatly
increased before the storm is ended
All trains from tho enst are delayed
In western Knnsas Regular trains
on tho Colorado nnd Southern between
here nnd Lendville hnve been aban
doned as tho cuts are filled with snow
On the western slope tho fall of snow
has been heaviest In some plnees It Is
ten Inches on tho level nnd much
deeper on tho mountains Reports
come from Lnmnr Colo that the
storm Is driving the cattle along with
It nnd undoubtedly mnny will die from
exposure Reports from tho vicinity
of Casper Wy show similar weather
conditions there
KUlnnpliiK Delay Ilvceptlon
Cedar Falls In March 25 A kid
naping interfered with a reception
tendered Saturday night by the men
of the Orlo society of the state nor
mal school to the women of the Clio
society When George Cleveland
president of the Orlos left his home
for the hall he was seized by four
members of other societies blind
folded placed In a carriage nnd driven
out of town whore ho was held cap
tive until after 10 oclock He had In
his possession the keys to the recep
tion room nnd the guests were unable
to gain admittance until one of tho
young men got in through a window
and unfastened the door
Negot iatluK for Southern 1aclOc Line
Tacoma Wash March 20 It is cur
rently reported here and Is generally
believed in railroad circles that the
Northern Pacific Is negotiating for the
purchase of the Southern Pacific line
from Portland to San Francisco It is
said the purchase of that portion of
the line within the state of Oregon
is assured It is known that a repre
sentative of the Northern Pacific has
been over the entire line within a few
days on a tour of Inspection nnd much
depends on the report he will make
to the lmard of directors Negotiations
hnve been hanging fire for more thnn
n year and the matter has been kept
very quiet
New Cnn Combine lteady for limine s
New York March 25 The new cnn
consolldntlon will go into prnetlcnl op
erution todny the work of taking over
and paying for the constituent prop
erties having been completed on Satur
day The various plants will from
now on bo operated for the American
Can company Pending the transfer
of the properties quotations on enns
were witiuirawn it Is now Intimated
thnt tho new price list will show a
substantial advance nnd It is nlso re
ported thnt the Amerlcnn Tin Plate
compnny is nbout to make nn advance
in tin plate prices
Funeral of Harry Fuller
Pierre S D March 25 The remains
of Hurry Fuller son of Chief Justice
Fuller were brought In yesterdny on a
special train nnd the funeral was held
at tho residence The young man
died Saturday morning in Minneapolis
of nppendicltls nnd this is the third
death In the family within a year
Death of Judge llartholcmew
Bismarck N D Mnrch 25 Judge
Joseph M Bnrtholeraew for ten years
justice of tho supreme court of this
state dropped dead yesterdny Judge
Bartholomew was recognized ns nn
able lawyer nnd Jurist nnd wns one of
xne nest public spenkers In tho state
He leaves a wife nnd one dnughter
Colorado Strike Ended
Florence Colo March 25 The strike
of coal miners of the Fremont county
district hns been ended by an agree
ment satisfactory to both sides and
work will be resumed April 1 About
1500 men are affected
Storm In Illack HUU
Dendwood S D March 25 Two
feet of snow has fallen In the last 24
hours and will be of inestimable valuo
to the cattle ranges and mining Inter
ests The storm reaches all parts of
the Black Dills
Philadelphia Bnltlmore and Wash
ington are red brick citleB red brick
being the predominating building ma
terial In Washington the sameness Is
relieved by the granite public buildings
and marble business structures
French llncr Ii oenn Hut tercel by
Wind anil Warn
New York March 27 Battered by
fierce seas and tossed about by ter
rific gales the French line steamer ha
Gascogne arrived from Havre 48 hours
oveitlue Tho liner left Havre on
March 10 nud until March 20 had fine
weather On the morning of the 21st
the wind came up from the northwest
and the gales lasted through the fol
lowing three dnys nnd several times
the steamer was obliged to glvo wny
nnd run before the fury of tho blnst
Great seas broke over the starboard
side with enormous force the lifeboats
on the upper deck wero wrenched
from the davits and smnshed tho
davits being brut double Two of
the life rafts were lifted bodily from
the upper deck nnd dropped down upon
the upper structure smashing sky
lights and ventilators The rafts were
stove in many places and dnmnged
beyond repair Fortunntely none of
the passengers wero hurt
Great Northern Freight Itccomei Stalled
In CaKciidc One of the Crew Dead
Ilve Overcome by Gun
Seattle March 27 The first serious
nccldeut In the new Great Northern
tunnel which was opened for traffic
about three months ago took place
yesterday nnd resulted In the death of
Engineer W W Bindley from suffo
cation from the poisonous gases in the
tunnel His fireman Joe W Smith
was overcome but recovered Five
other trainmen were overcome but re
covered soon after getting In the open
The train which wns enstbound be
came stalled In tho middle of the tun
nel The fumes of the engine filled the
plnce nnd the men wero forced to
leave the train nnd lie on the floor of
the tunnel for safety
When the train failed to nppear nt
the far end of tho tunnel tho watch
ers thoro feared that something hnd
happened and started in with n relief
engine The body of tho dend engineer
was found fnce down in n ditch nt the
side of the track The other men were
found on tho track The rescuers hnd
a hard time getting to the scene on ac
count of smoke and gas
All the men rescued were taken to
the hospital at Everitt and are nearly
Belief In Corner U Shaken
Chicago March 27 Belief that a
corner in May corn is belngoperated
was somewhat shaken yesterday by
the action of that market tho price
for May keeping within a range of
about c with trading restricted
Among the more optimistic bulls there
was some talk of 50 cent corn during
the morning but traders popularly be
lieved to be most heavily interested
in tho alleged corner wero good sellers
at times George II Phillips who
Is credited with engineering the deal
denied that any corner had been
Dead otter Cnrloa
In postoffice transactions the Inck ct
Ingenuity nnd even of ordinary com
mon sense is astonishing The curios
of the dead letter office Include envel
opes legibly cross mnrked Iteturn It
not delivered or If not cnlled for In
five dnys return to sender without a
word of further specifications Others
bear nnmes without topographical
dntu Hermann Kemper painter and
decorator successor to Ritchie Bros
Co Worklngmen foreigners especial
ly often seem to credit mnil clerks
with the gift of geographical clairvoy
ance Jan Jansen nt the miners
bonrdlng house or perhnps stops nt
Mrs Baumgnrtens place no town to
hint about the state or county of the
mining camp Please deliver ns soon
as possible some such letters are
marked and seem often to have been
plastered with an extra stamp in the
hope of inducing the carrier to give the
matter his earliest attention Cincin
nati Enquirer i t
After He Comes
he has a hard enough time Every
thing that the expectant mother
can do to help her child she should
do One of the greatest blessings
she can give him is health but to
do this shemust have health her
self She should use every means
to improve her physical condition
She should by all means supply
herself with
It will take her
through the crisis
iBfl A -- I t
im n olilKy v
f J m V
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